
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:49 pm



     New research confirms long theory: Yeudi's are Jelbic
     6 August 5532

     A contemporary depiction of Jelbic warriors around the time of the migrations and religious conversions within modern day Beiteynu.

Earlier this week dr. Znzr Rnofryské of the University of Wiel, Wrnuke's most prestigious academic institution, published his latest research paper named 'The Jelbic hypothesis of Yeudish ancestry'. Since then the thesis has gone viral on many platforms, completely dominating Jelbic social media channels. In a global sense the paper has received attention too, specifically in Beiteynu where both supporters and critics of the theory have taken their fights to social media. The controversial subject has been written about before but never in such detail as by dr. Rnofryské. The esteemed anthropologist and historian has taken several old theories and combined them with extensive historical research to come to his final conclusion about the origin of the Yeudi culture and ancestry. The research paper argues that all modern descendants of the Yeudi culture, which is most people living in modern day Beiteynu, are descended from an obscure tribe of Jelbics that travelled to the far north-western edge of Majatra during the Great Migrations. This theory has been long propagated by pan-Jelbic nationalists and has often been considered obscure or outdated but the publishing of the recent by dr. Rnofryské has revitalised it. Prominent Jelbic academics have all shared their support for the theory, though in Beiteynu it seems more critically received for now.

The hypothesis of dr. Rnofryské's research paper explains that the current Yeudi population of Beiteynu are descended from Jelbic migratory hordes moving into that territory. An obscure Jelbic tribe that was long considered lost to history has been declared as the 'great ancestor' to the Yeudi culture. This Jelbic tribe has been labeled as the Jud'r by dr. Rnofryské, he describes them as a multi-ethnic conglomerate of Jelbic peoples. "The Jud'r tribe as not just Jelbics, it consisted of primarily Jelbics but also Majatran peoples merged into it. This flexibility in culture allowed them to migrate further than their ethnic brothers." The thesis argues that the Jud'r tribe were formed by off splits of the greater Jelbic horselords in Majatra and migrated towards the North far before the other tribes did. By mingling with local ethnicities a new Jelbic tribe was formed from these 'exiles' that established itself and adopted the Yeudism faith. The thesis does not deny the origin of Yeudism, but instead builds upon it. The extensive paper claims that the strength of the Yeudism faith was only fortified by the dedication of the Jud'r Jelbics once they occupied Bira, which is modern day Yishalem. When other Jelbic tribes arrived during the later migrations they were often said to have come to an "understanding" with the "Yeudi locals". It is now believed that this means that the Jelbic horselords found their kinsmen that had converted to Yeudism and decided to leave them alone, abandoning a long-standing theory that the Jelbic leaders struck a deal with Yeudish priests based on tribute and respect for the ancient Yeudish God.

Critics have called the theory a "foundation for Jelbic supremacism", "anti-Yeudish propaganda" and "a source for enabling pan-Jelbicism". A spokesperson of the University of Wiel has denied these allegations. "The research of dr. Zanzr Rnofryské is widely respected within our university and, as with every published piece, has been scrutinised by his academic peers. We find the allegations from ill-meaning anti-Jelbics to be both disturbing and offensive." The author of the paper was called by Krsyiji Sagmot'l and was even willing to make comments based on the allegations: "Whenever a breakthrough in academics is made you will have those that will deny it. Sometimes out of a sincere academic position of criticism, but also at times based on spite. Recently we have seen a lot of racial prejudice against our Jelbic culture, personally I feel that greatly influences the criticism my research has been given." Dr. Rnofryské further announced that he will tour throughout the Jelbosphere to present his new paper and its findings. Outside the Jelbosphere only one Beiteynuese venue has booked him. The venue is linked to Prince Bunjamín Banmek-Sntazed, the 18 year old cousin of King Kezkai V. The Prince is a follower of the Yeudish faith and a descendant of Prince Pawl Banmek-Sntazed who married a scion of an influential Beiteynuese family. Prince Bunjamín was recently named the Archduke of Banstill and returned to Wrnuke only last week, the new title makes him the primary heir of the Kingdom.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of it.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:43 pm


     Prefect presents Heijtrié Jojetjogad plan to reinvigorate Wrnuke
     21 March 5533

     Hldjezesti Dorfluzke-Mardoh berates a fellow member of parliament during the central debate session about the annual budget.

The Prefect of Wrnuke, Hldjezesti Dorfluzke-Mardoh, has at last prestened his often-discussed Heijtrié Jojetjogad plan to the Grand Council. Ever since taking up the mantle as the new head of government of the Kingdom of Wrnuke the Prefect and the cabinet have been hard at work to make the election promises of the SAG movement into something tangible. Heijtrié Jojetjogad, or Long Game, is a personal theory by Prefect Dorfluzke-Mardoh on how to run the Kingdom by boosting its economy, military, standard of living, and presence on the global stage. Dorfluzke-Mardoh, a minor nobleman from Merlkaitak, grew up with modest means but always firmly believed in Wrnuke's monarchy and ancient Jelbic roots. After a short career in academics he was picked up by the RSB, Wrnuke's intelligence agency. For two decades he worked for various departments within this organisation before eventually resigning his position to focus on writing down his experiences and ideas for a renewed Wrnuke. The book, which was titled and coined the Heijtrié Jojetjogad slogan, became a moderate hit and was used by Dorfluzke-Mardoh as a leap into politics. With several other prominent figures from the government and society the New Constitution Movement (SAG).

While the book broadly explained the need for investments in Wrnuke to raise the economy back up and make the Kingdom the powerhouse it once was, it often lacked detail. For this reason a team of economics has been busy tinkering with the national budget to make this happen. During the debate session on this new proposal tensions rose high, as several parts of the budget were deemed 'classified', no doubt a habit the Prefect learned at the RSB. The Ministry of Defence's budget was completely shut off from public view, with Minister Pshamazrk announcing several investments and a "deal" of sorts. The minister refused to give any further details. The budget will see several public services reduced, though the Prefect insisted this is a "necessary evil" to "free up finances". One of the greatest benefactors of these freed finances is the national oil industry under Petrovan, who have received a significant government investment to ramp up production. The Prefect also stated that there will be a large push for more trade and special arrangements to benefit Wrnuke. "The Vamaj Network is still intact and Wrnuke remains a member, we will put in a greater effort to make this benefit our own economy" was his response to inquiries about it.

After the annual budget session a further private session was held in the Council. The entire meeting was deemed highly classified and an insider has revealed a 'secret' section of the Long Game was revealed here to the representatives. "Economic and military prowess is not all that makes a powerful nation, the Prefect perfectly understands this concept and is a firm believer in projection and soft power. With his history in the RSB one can expect a certain covert element as well here, it is part of the Jelbic tradition to never disregard any tool." No details were revealed but it is expected that Wrnuke under the new Prefect will attempt to place itself amongst the top nations of the world, whether this ambitious plan will succeed is yet to be seen.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of it.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Sat Aug 24, 2024 11:58 am


     Government, Central Bank and industry giants reach investment deal
     1 June 5534

     Prefect Hldjezesti Dorfluzke-Mardoh with TemrKnsékbeid's CEO Wrné Shanyshkly after announcing new government subsidies.

With recent growth and renewed confidence in Wrnuke's economy the government has taken the next step in trying to cement further growth. For a year now top officials from the Ministries of Finance & Economy and Trade & Industry, with strict instructions from the Prefect, have been attempting to cement a deal between three parties: the government, the Central Bank and the largest companies of the Kingdom. The Central Bank operates as its own authority within the Jelbic monarchy and has far-reaching powers and financial reserves. This independence has always assured a rather stable currency but when a deal is to be made for extra loans and subsidies the Central Bank can be a stubborn opponent for a generous Finance Minister. The last party, the industrial giants, were the most eager for this deal yet internal competition caused significant delays while deciding upon the amounts to be handed out.

Nonetheless, after just twelve months a deal has been signed by all parties involved. With the initial speedbumps a new layered approach to negotiations was suggested by the Prefect, wherein the industry first formed a unified bloc and divided the percentages amongst themselves, after that the government prepared their case for loans to be granted and then in the final phase the government and industrial front negotiated with the Central Bank. This renewed approach, implemented four months ago, proved to be sufficient to finally get everyone facing the same direction. The Central Bank's director, dr. Hedwk Amrun, personally approved the deal and signed off on it. The thrifty economist was the last mountain to tackle and her approval of the proposal hopefully will cast away any last doubts about the plan. With the government loaning money from the Central Bank the industrial giants are now facing massive subsidies to expand both domestically and abroad. With the deal signed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been sent to re-establish lost relations across the globe for new business deals.

Wrné Shanyshkly of the mining giant TemrKnsékbeid has already pledged to revitalise their foreign operations: "We have many mines across the world, with operations in Cildania, Mordusia and Jelbe counting amongst our largest projects. TK will now seek to also expand our domestic operations with the extra finances we have been granted, as well as strengthening our foreign operations." The mining corporation was amongst the largest receivers of government grants, with CEO Shanyshkly emerging as one of the faces to represent the many companies. Other industrial giants that have received grants are Petrovan, the largest petroleum company in the Jelbosphere, TBTK Krp, a financial conglomerate with ties to several influential families in Wrnuke, BismarckPaulus-Majatra, the Majatran department of Dorvik's conglomerate BP, Jadjohydwasfabrk Hafndam, a defense contractor that produces heavy weapons, naval ships and satellites, Lofrsko, the largest metal foundry in Wrnuke, and tech giant SkroTek, one of the few producers of microchips in Majatra.

The leading economist of Krsyiji Sagmot'l, Lazr Vrkz, states you can see a clear trend in the companies targeted: "At first glance this may look at only an attempt to strengthen the local economy, to simply cause economic growth and therefore more jobs, wealth, all that. But once you study the different projects several of these companies are working on you will notice that some of these industrial giants have already signed contracts with each other, and in turn with the government. This is a prelude to a massive rearmament program, Wrnuke is gearing up to rise once again." This analysis seems to fall in line with a recent visit of the Archduke of Banstill to Jelbe, where Archduke Bunjamín met several leading Beks and other nobles as well as government officials sworn to the Nubajrka clan. A unification of the Jelbosphere is a long-lasting dream of the current Prefect, and clear steps are being taken to make it happen.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of it.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:16 pm


     TBTK Krp invests globally on behalf of Wrnuke
     8 March 5536

     A supervisor oversees the new gas pipeline near the harbour of Fort Leopold, where the new Dorvish gas is processed by Petrovan.

For the past year the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been attempting to rekindle ties across the globe. Minister Anzlék-Zahr has now confirmed that the Kingdom of Wrnuke has rekindled their active ties with Beiteynu, Narikaton & Darnussia, Medina, Jelbe, and Dorvik. When asked about relations with the Kingdom of Lourenne the press was met with a dismissive answer, Anzlék-Zahr stated that Lourenne was not on the list of priorities for the Jelbic diplomatic corps. A joint statement was then made that the Central Bank had allocated further financial funds for the controversial TBTK Krp conglomerate. The giant of industry was long shrouded in mystery, partially due to its never-ending funds and mysterious ownership. This has recently been revealed to be the government of Wrnuke. New papers were drafted that made the cabinet the majority shareholder. This has solved the mystery of the corporation's finances, with some stating that TBTK was used as a way to funnel money from the government to the private sector. The government will now utilise this corporation to invest globally on behalf of the Kingdom, the board of the company is entirely independent and has agreed with this course of action. The diplomatic corps lays the foundations and then TBTK Krp does the business side of the affairs. With recent developments Prefect Dorfluzke-Mardoh spoke about a "monumental success". The ageing monarch of the nation, King Kezkai V, has given TBTK Krp the royal seal. This honour is usually reserved for companies that deliver their products to the court but can also be used as an honour for companies that do great work for Wrnuke. This gives TBTK the right to use 'Konzsrlji' in front of their name, the Wrnukaék word for 'royal'.

On behalf of the Kingdom of Wrnuke TBTK Krp has now invested in several nations. A controversial deal was made with the nation of Medina, where the President was recently declared the 'most heterosexual man alive' by the national research institute. In the democratic republic the investors, on behalf of Wrnuke, bought a majority share in the Quami Chikna Karne Wala Planet, or the National Lubrication Factory Plant. The nation of Medina is one of the leading producers of industrial lubrication products and with the Jelbic investment this profitable industry can now expand even further. On a similar note TBTK sent more money towards Jelbe. The current H'án was educated in Wrnuke and is known as an admirer of the largest Jelbic nation. The investment conglomerate has sent funds several ways in Jelbe, mostly towards the mining industry and towards companies that deal with foreign labour. Seasonal workers from Jelbe are a big part of the economy in the southern parts of Wrnuke, where the Jelbic brothers are valued for their work ethics and lower wages. In Narikaton & Darnussia TBTK Krp set up a local office in Red Stad. This industrial project is attempting to create a centre of industry in Artania, with many foreign companies being attracted to invest. Significant funds were pledged to reserve seats for companies from Wrnuke, who will act as franchisees from the land currently being bought by TBTK Krp. A statement by the conglomerate revealed that Wrnuke's interest in Red Stad is mostly in arms manufacturing, steel refinery and international trade through shipping. The latter was followed up on in Beiteynu where TBTK became the primary shareholder of the Hofesh Shipping Company. Recently Beiteynu has started to lose control of their immense shipping industry, it seems that Wrnuke is now also jumping in that gap. Other bought companies are the Ashalon Bank, victims of a massive robbery a few decades ago, and the South Bank Koalit. These investment have given Wrnuke's TBTK a hefty leverage in Beiteynu's financial and shipping sectors. Last but not least a deal has been struck with the Kingdom of Dorvik. The NtV (Naturschätze technische Verwaltungsgesellschaft), Dorvik's government-owned oil and gas company, signed a lucrative deal with Petrovan. The deal made it so that Petrovan's shipping operations will import Dorvish natural gas into Wrnuke. The port in Fort Leopold was adjusted to take these shipments and refine them into household gas to be used for stoves and heating. Petrovan also received a special contract to conduct fracking on Dorvik's coast, an expertise they gained on Wrnuke's coastline. The oil production profits will be shared between Dorvik and Wrnuke.

All in all the initial investments done two years prior have significantly boosted Wrnuke's economy. The largest conglomerate of the nation has now invested in several other nations, further enlarging the reach of the Jelbic economy. The economic rise has been met positively by Wrnuke's economists who state they have a confidence in this growth. Professor Jebr Z'lakhar of the University of Wiel states that for now the "numbers will only go up" but presses the government to invest wisely: "Too much uncontrolled growth will inevitably lead to disaster, curtail it and assign essential investments." A spokesperson of the Ministry of Trade & Economy has confirmed they are cooperating with the finest economic minds to assure further controlled growth. The economic boom has further decreased unemployment in the Kingdom of Wrnuke, creating a further dependence on seasonal workers from Jelbe. The friendly relations between King Kezkai and the good H'án are a blessing for the Jelbic nations right now. Experts state that without this cooperation between the Jelbic brothers the growth would not be possible. The Prefect has pledged better wages and working conditions for workers from Jelbe after several complaints arised in recent years.

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of it.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:43 pm


     Large scale exercise marks return to Jelbic military cooperation
     21 January 5537

     Soldiers of the 9th Brigade "Grak Mouzij" during the combined military exercise Vrn Mrjogad 37 showcasing newly acquired winter gear.

The Kingdom of Wrnuke's Land and Air Forces have conducted a large scale exercise in combination with elements from the Great Horde of the Khanate of Jelbe. The exercise was the first in many decades for the Kingdom's forces, while small scale exercises never stopped the tradition of an annual national exercise with global partners has long been lost to the largest Jelbic state. However Minister Pshamazrk outlined his personal ambitions to bring it back after allocating additional funding to the King Temrkai Think Tank, Wrnuke's oldest strategic institute. The think tank broadly agreed with the minster's plan to bring back large scale exercises with a report emphasizing the importance of testing the readiness of the armed forces when it comes to large scale military operations. Generals within the ranks often refer to Wrnuke's army as a 'sleeping lion', an organisation with great potential but limited reach. The efforts in the past few years, with a larger budget and massive equipment purchases, are all aimed at waking up the lion. Several years back a secret tender was put out, with a deal being reached with several companies in Narikaton & Darnussia. The details of this deal are now made public after it was confirmed that Wrnuke's TBTK Krp invested heavily in the Red Stad project. Large batches of small arms were purchased from Mauser and Schmitt, after it became clear domestic production could not keep up with the demand of the army. The army also showcased new mortars, anti-tank weapons, and other modern heavy weaponry from Narikan used by infantry units. Several brigades are now outfitted entirely with small arms from the dual republic, a first in the Kingdom's history as a preference has always been put to domestic material.

The exercise itself, named Vrn Mrjogad 37 (Green Protection 5337), focused on winter operations. January brought rare snowstorms to the more higher regions of Wrnuke, the mountainous terrain together with the snow made for the perfect 'battlegrounds'. A large part of the exercise was showcasing the new restructuring the army has gone through, where divisions have been downgraded to brigades as many other armed forces did eons ago. Jelbic traditionalism must sometimes bow down to the positivity of the new idea. While some brigades retain their same size as in their divisional status, like the mechanised and armoured units, most infantry units have been significantly reduced in size to make them more mobile on the modern battlefield. Several old traditions have been honoured in the new names of the brigades with references to ancient rulers, former military and political leaders and other Jelbic brothers. As a guest the Kingdom hosted several units from Jelbe, who actively participated in the exercise. General Wertmo, the overseer of the exercise, was immensely pleased with his brotherly guests: "No man can fight as well as a Jelbic, but no Jelbic can fight as well as the Jelbékai. They are the hardest workers you can ever imagine. Their gear is often outdated but their stamina is something else, you could load our units in trucks but they'd force march to the rendezvous in the same time." On the fourth day the exercise was even briefly visited by Archduke Bunjamín, who personally inspected several units. The Archduke has done both military service in Wrnuke as an officer cadet and in Beiteynu as a career officer for several years and is known as a fervent supporter of the armed forces.

The Minister of Defence announced that this large scale exercise, which will occur annually but in differing seasons, is only the beginning of the revived armed forces of the Kingdom. "We have many plans, first we wish to wake up that proverbial lion, sharpen his claws, give him that roar back. After that we must look at how to expand, a priority of the current government is to restore Wrnuke's capability to project our forces globally. Our nation has an ancient tradition of being a protector of sovereignty of nations, for the past decades we have fallen short on that and it is the belief of myself, and the Prefect too, that we should pick up our responsibility and make this happen," said Minister Grzoziklune Pshamazrk. The Ministry of Defence has refused to release full details on the ambitions of the Kingdom, it is however known that the Prefect is hammering for a return of a carrier fleet. Wrnuke's carriers were once the staple of its global projection. For now however the nation boasts a humble surface fleet and a large section of long-range submarines. Rumours are that several of these submarines have the capability to launch nuclear missiles, though it is the official position of the Kingdom of Wrnuke to not comment on whether it has a nuclear arsenal. For now however the exercise has ended and the Prefect himself, in a recent press conference, seemed elated at the results: "We have shown the world the Jelbosphere is back, thank you to our brothers in Jelbe, thank you to our proud warriors on the ground and to our fighting eagles in the sky."

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of it.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby Kubrick » Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:37 pm



     Police and RSB carry out mass arrests in massive sting operation
     30 July 5545

     Ryk Sekrts Bro agents, Wrnuke's intelligence agency, of a special arrest unit apprehend a suspected foreign agent in Banstill.

The many changes in government have not always been good for the Kingdom of Wrnuke. Nowadays the memories of the old Lahm regimes and the subsequent Junta coup are a distant memory for elder citizens. But the legacy of these regimes has left certain scars in society, not societal or economical as by all measurements the standard of living is excellent in these modern days. Unemployment is low, inflation is slow, and happiness indexes score high for the Wrnukaék. Below this flourishing surface however lays bare a deeper weakness, one that has long bothered the brightest minds of the RSB. Ten years ago Prefect Dorfluzke-Mardoh had a clear mission for the highest office of the Ryk Sekrts Bro: remove any foreign and anti-Jelbic element from the nation. Due to the decades of bad recordkeeping, instability and different allegiances on the global scale the domestic security of Wrnuke had become a cauldron. While most details remain classified a censored report released by the RSB speaks of active agents from "most sovereign states with global projection capabilities". An interesting discovery was several 'rogue' Yeudish cells who did not directly answer to Beiteynu but rather to other networks with their own interests. The existence of such cells within the Kingdom brought great worry to the cabinet and as such a special operation was set up.

The sting operation was focused on establishing several RSB cells pretending to be foreign agents, traitors, domestic terrorists, people with access to desired goods like weapons and explosives, and as compromised figures in government agencies. The idea was to place traps all over the nation and hope for the best. It is also rumoured vast investments were made in establishing greater intelligence networks across the globe, in the hopes of discovering more about the intentions, identities and locations of such agents. Initially results were disappointing but the RSB persisted in its operation, always managing to pry away funds from the ministries. The fact the government in Wrnuke managed to remain the same, mostly due to the lack of contested elections, gave the project long-term longevity. Today, which is twelve years after the project began, mass arrests were carried around across the Kingdom. The RSB and Minister of Justice refused to release full details. They did confirm 82 arrests and a list of nationalities was released. The list contains most stronger nations across the globe, the majority of the arrested individuals were identified as having Beiteynuese passports - but are thought to have no allegiance to the government of Beiteynu. To make a statement two nationalities on the list were in a bold font: Lourenne and Luthori. Recently social media in Wrnuke has been filled with posts critical of these two nations, decrying their perceived imperialism. It is suspected the RSB is partially behind this movement, tying into an age old tradition about sovereignty and sticking to "one's own continent". The arrested suspects will face trial and be either imprisoned in Wrnuke or deported to their nation of origin.


     Eight Gems exhibition closes as Minister Dojan announces acquisition of a fourth Gem
     2 September 5545

     The heavily guarded arrival of a mysterious fourth Eight Gem at the Museum of National History in Wrnuke's capital city of Wiel.

It has been 69 years since the Museum of National History started its exhibit about Beiteynu, where it showcased three of the Eight Gems to the general public. Now however Minister Dojan has announced, on behalf of the directors, that the exhibit will close. This was unrelated to visitor numbers as the exhibit was still the most popular in the museum. Ever since it began it has become a large tourist attraction for Beiteynuese citizens and other people with Yeudish heritage. The Eight Gems play a monumental part in the origin story of the Yeudish people and the beginning of its monarchy. Even the Archduke Bunjamín has been noted to visit the gems at times, to both study them and pay his respects. In comments to the press the Archduke, who adheres to the Yeudish faith and lived in Beiteynu, stated that it is the duty of any Yeudi that has the opportunity to observe the gems and to feel that connection with their ancestors and faith. The exhibit was originally intended to be temporary, with the ambition being to focus on a different Majatran nation every few years. With the popularity of the Beiteynu exhibit it was made permanent and no other exhibition ever reached the same popularity amongst tourists. Now that story has ended, but the Museum of National History has stated they want to show the gems to the public again in the future.

The reason for the exhibit to be closed was clarified upon by Minister of Culture Husn-Mhmet Dojan in a press conference today: "I am honoured to share with all of you that the Kingdom of Wrnuke has acquired a fourth Eight Gem, which right now is being moved to the Museum of National History for further examination and research." The acquisition came as a great surprise as usually art and relic purchase processes are announced in advance, the minister explained that the sensitivity of the relic being an Eight Gem made him act with secrecy. Right now there are no certified Eight Gems across the world, and half of them were believed to be lost. Wrnuke's three gems have split origins, two of them were a gift from the monarch of Lourenne to the military junta as a gesture of goodwill. These gems are generally accepted as legitimate but have not been certified. The third was an anonymous donation to the King of Wrnuke, though stories circulate the donation was done by a Cildanian man. This gem was also not certified. The fourth gem has unknown origins and the Ministry of Culture refused to comment on it. Instead Minister Dojan stated that he has been in contact with his Beiteynuese counterpart to send their inspectors over: "There is only one nation more excited about the Eight Gems than us and that is the great Kingdom of Beiteynu, I am most confident they will send their finest researchers and most knowledgeable experts to certify our four Eight Gems."

     Krsyiji Sagmot'l (United Media) is the national news agency of Wrnuke, it is decidedly pro-government but can at times be critical of it.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:00 pm

BREAKING NEWS: YBI arrests 17 individuals in multinational manhunt
February 5546
The Terran Times
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Re: Vanuku

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:45 pm

Naval defence contracts skyrocket in West Majatra and N&D
February 5546
The Terran Times
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