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Re: Solentia

Postby Auditorii » Thu Sep 05, 2024 2:49 am

Takhghisi Post
Solentia's leading independent newspaper.
April, 5540 | State Directorate of Security reformed, President pushes to secure Ashker communities loyalty.

Takhghisi - The Minister of State Security Gul Zar Wadeyla confirmed that the President had decreed the reformation of the National Directorate of Security into the State Directorate of Security (Dudmani: Da Dawlat da Amniyat Riyasat; DAR) following the outbreak of tensions in Western Solentia. A report issued by the Ministry of State Security highlighted that several members of the Ashker community had found themselves fighting in Jakania underneath the Jamaat banner, several dozen of them were arrested by the newly reformed DAR following the report being issued. President Ikramullah Yousafzai visited the 5th Corps headquarters, which is the Solentian Liberation Army Ground Force's area of operation in Western Solenita with its headquarters located in Khairman, Fuzargai. The visit coincided with the meeting with several prominent Ashker leaders, seeking to shore up support for the new government in Takhghisi and discuss the re-development of the region. In recent weeks since the end of the former government in Solentia, the People's Jirga has worked heavily towards modernizing the economic systems underneath the guide of what President and General-Secretary Yousafzai call "Ahmadi Communism". Underneath the new system small and medium-sized enterprises are permitted but the commanding heights of the national economy and largely owned and operated by the state or state-owned corporations that operate similar to private businesses. This radical shift has lead to massive decline in unemployment, down from approximately 47% in January, 5536 to 29% in January, 5540.

The nation has transformed since the revolution in April 5537 when Solentian's went to the polls and voted for the Revolutionary Communist Party in the first peaceful transition of power or what Solentian's would call a "normal election", in several decades. The first major change was the development of a state budget which had been zeroed out for several years and the coffers of the state had been raided, something that was met with immediate general strikes and general malaise that washed over the country. The next was the relative peace between the northern Majatrans and the dominant native Dudmani and their ethnic cousins, the Bazgari in central Solentia. The Majatrans in the north, typically Abadi compared the rest of the nations Israist, have often fought for independence within Solentia and have caused several major conflicts between the native Dudmani and their northern neighbors. While the peace has been somewhat stable in northern Solentia, the outbreak of tensions in Western Solentia with the Ashker population has caused significant issues. The Ashker are largely loyal to the government in Takhghisi but a group of them, largely radical Ahmadist, have formed the Ashkistan Ahmadi Party (AAP) which was declared a terrorist organization shortly after the outbreak of the Jakanian Civil War by the Ministry of State Security.

Wadeyla on an unrelated note spoke to a gathered group of local and international reporters and informed them that Khandawar Bahawalanzai, a Cartographic official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been arrested for corruption related charges. It is believed that he taken money from a members of Kalopian organized crime who paid him to alter maps to generate tension between the Kalopian and Solentian governments in a means to further their business interest in southern Kalopia and western Solentia. It was of the first arrests for the newly reformed State Directorate of Security. Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the error and officials from the Ministry of National Defense clarified that the Jakanian-based Jamaat group had a local group within Western Solentia that had reached out to radical Ahmadi elements within the Ashker community in Solentia.
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Re: Solentia

Postby Drax » Thu Sep 05, 2024 8:55 pm

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Re: Solentia

Postby Auditorii » Fri Sep 06, 2024 3:27 pm

Takhghisi Post
Solentia's leading independent newspaper.
January 5541 | Deltarian aide arrives as Solentian begins advance in Western Solentia.

CCTV footage captures the moment a drone strike hits a ASIS position.

Takhghisi - President Ikramullah Yousafzai welcomed the news that Deltaria would be providing Solentia with aid against the developing Ahmadi State in Solentia (ASIS) lead by an Ashker-Solentian offshoot of Jamaat in Western Solentia. The threat against the government in Tahkghisi which has grown significantly following the outbreak of a civil war in Jakania threatens to spread across the continent. President Yousafzai thanked the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization, the Deltarian Defense Ministry and the several military officers such as the Chief of the Federal General Staff for their efforts. "We cannot begin to thank our partners in Deltaria for their assistance to the people of Solentia." The aid, which largely consists of training as well as small arms and man-portable artillery pieces such as mortars and heavy weapons will be a boon to the People's Revolutionary Guard Corps which is engaged in heavy fighting in Western Solentia. The so-called "Ahmadi State in Solentia" announced that it had become a "formal province" of the wider Ahmadi State in Majatra which claims itself to be the successor to the Ahmadi Caliphate which collapsed in 1486 and was briefly restored in the modern era by the Ahmadi State in Majatra, and its offshoot, the Ahmadi State in Kafuristan. The Ahmadi State in Majatra (ASIM) and its several sub-groups have developed a world-wide terror network that expands to several countries around the globe and is actively involved in several nations as a non-state actor, something that has been festering given the weak position of several Majatran majority countries such as Kafuristan, Badara and others. Solentia only recently returned to a functioning government and has since begun a crackdown on radical Ahmadi groups, but the newest one the Ashkistan Ahmadi Party (AAP), which claims that the Western Solentian province of Fuzargai is "Ashkistan" after the Ashker people, has presented a significant issue.

The defense reform in Solentia has been slow but the progress has been made with a formal restoration of three branches of the Solentian Liberation Army and the establishment of several schools designed to provide basic training, another for non-commissioned officers and the restoration of the Military Academy of the Ministry of National Defense which is designed to train all officers and defense officials of the Ministry of National Defense and the Armed Forces of Solentia. The presence of Deltarian instructors will be a massive boon for the SLA and its training, with the new aid including a large-scale component on establishing and maintaining effective command and control. Minister of National Defense Wakdar Tirmizi announced that the nation had signed a number of defense contracts such one with Trigunia for several dozen pieces of military equipment as well as one with the Majatran Organization for Industrialization which will focus on missile and drone production, something that the Ministry of National Defense seeks to adopt heavily to augment its forces.
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Re: Solentia

Postby Drax » Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:35 pm

Deltaria and Trigunia Attack Jamaat

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Re: Solentia

Postby Auditorii » Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:07 am

Takhghisi Post
Solentia's leading independent newspaper.
March 5542 | MOI expands presence in Solentia, President Yousafzai welcomes new Ashker Democratic Autonomous Region.

Takhghisi - Solentian Minister of National Defense has confirmed that the Majatran Organization for Industrialization (MOI) has agreed to open several new factories within Solentia aimed at bolstering the domestic defense industry in Solentia, the first of which includes the development a new unmanned aerial aircraft production facility in southern Solentia and the building of a naval shipyard at the Qubanajar port, which previously served as a major naval port prior to its conversion to a civilian port in Shinata. There is also speculation that in central Solentia, notably southeastern Nukeyeh, the MOI will be developing a new missile research/development and production facility. Solentia also quietly confirmed the purchasing of military equipment from the MOI and Trigunia worth several billion LOD, the deal with Trigunia includes main battle tanks, aircraft, helicopters, IFVs/APCs and other equipment; the MOI deal focuses on the deployment of missile and unmanned aerial aircraft that will be provided to both the People's Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Solentian Liberation Army Ground Forces. According to sources within the PRGC, the newly formed Helem Force, the special forces arm of the PRGC, have deployed a number of MOI Shahid-136 loitering munition UAVs to combat the developing Ahmadi State in Solentia in Western Solentia.

While the fighting continues in Western Solentia, President Ikramullah Yousafzai confirmed that he had formally agreed to recognize the Ashker people and their contributions to Solentian history and agreed that the Ashker Democratic Autonomous Region (ADAR) would be formed in western Solentia, notably in the western regions of Fuzargai encompassing the cities of Gökzar, which wills serve as its capital and its other major Ashker city of Kersoltan. The autonomous region will have large control over its own affairs, including electing its own officials and the Revolutionary Communist Party announced it would form a specific branch in the autonomous region, known as the Communist Party of Ashkistan and would be a localized branch of the wider Revolutionary Communist Party but would elect its own officials and send representatives to the main party. President Yousafzai welcomed Kurbanmurad Dashdemir as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ashkistan and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Ashker Democratic Autonomous Region. The meeting, which took place in the new regional capital of Gökzar, announced that the ADAR would assist in the raising of two brigades comprised largely of Ashker to fight the growing presence of the Ahmadi State in Solentia.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Solentia

Postby Drax » Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:00 pm

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Re: Solentia

Postby Drax » Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:34 pm

Remnant of SSC Stays in Solentia

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Re: Solentia

Postby Auditorii » Sat Sep 14, 2024 5:27 am

Aam Khalk
"The Masses" is the largest Dudmani language publication dedicated to the people of Solentia.
October 5544 |Solentia seizes means of oil/gas production and nationalizes telecom industry.

Takhghisi Solentian officials announced the formation of a new state-owned corporation dedicated to all activities of oil, natural gas and other petroleum related activities. It would be the first major state-owned corporation formed in Solentia since the revolution which ousted the previous government. Solentian officials confirmed that they would be permitting approximately 30% of all oil and natural gas-related activities to be owned by foreign corporations as a means to drive investment into the country, a major first step for the country. The decision came shortly before the 5544 Kaliburg Trade Exposition in which representatives from the Ministry of Commerce, including the Minister of Commerce attended in order to develop new trade ties with countries around the world. The new state-owned corporation, Solentian General Petroleum Corporation (SGPC), will be responsible for all activities related to the exploration and development of oil fields in Western Solentia, which span from the White Ocean to the mountains in northern Solentia. Patman Mousavi, the Minister of Commerce, welcomed the decision by the People's Jirga and welcomed the development of more economic development in Solentia which has struggled in recent centuries but has developed a new, robust economy that has begun operating under what the Ministry of Finance calls "...normal conditions." This also comes at a time when the Ministry of Science and Technology has confirmed that wide-scale nationalization of the nations telecommunications infrastructure and consolidated several dozen corporations and companies in the new SoNTel (Solentian National Telecom) which will be overseen by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

While the economics developments have been plentiful in Solentia, including the formal re-opening of the Tahkghisi Stock Exchange which will be overseen by a joint committee of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce to ensure that "...capitalistic tendencies, which are prevalent in todays world, do not overcome the Banner Revolution that has brought prosperity to the people." (Quoted from a statement from the Ministry of Finance). There are serious restrictions on the re-opened stock exchange, including trading limits and the requirements of small and medium-size enterprises that wish to list on the stock exchange. Several nationalized major corporations will be listed in an attempt to attract investors and provide Comrade Solentian the right to engage with their economy. New enterprise such as Solentian General Petroleum Corporation and SoNTel will be listed and approximately 25% of it will be marketed for the so-called "everyday Solentian" according to the report issued by the joint Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce committee.

President Ikramullah Yousafzai welcomed the presence of Deltarian officials and military officers at a formal state dinner in Tahkghisi where they agreed to a continued presence of Deltaria in Solentia underneath a training role. According to officials from the Ministry of National Defense, the Deltarian support command will be based out of a defunct naval base located on the eastern shores of Solentia in the Orambagh region. The Ministry of National Defense reported that the base, which was previously operated by the Armed Forces of Solentia was discontinued from service due to budgetary constraints. The base, Daskhel Naval Base, will be modernized and expanded to include new training facilities and the like. The President also announced the formation of the Solentian Commando Forces, an elite formation within the Armed Forces of Solentia dedicated to carrying out "special warfare" operations. In addition, the President and the Chairman of the National Commission for the Guidance on Akim and Virtue of the People announced they would be exploring the formation of a new police-like formation dedicated to the protection of Ahmadism and Akim.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Solentia

Postby Auditorii » Mon Sep 16, 2024 5:21 pm

Takhghisi Post
Solentia's leading independent newspaper.
January 5546| Majatran Ba'athist arrested in northern Solentia.

Takhghisi - Director of the State Directorate of Security (DAR) Aimal Tokhi announced the arrest of several prominent Ba'athist in northern Solentia over the weekend. The Ba'athist, which belong to an off-shoot Ba'athist movement known as the Majatran Socialist Ba'ath Party - Mafqud Region. "al Mafqud" is what some Majatran irredentist refer to Solentia as in lieu of al-Sahil meaning "The Lost" or "The Missing" referring to the belief that the lands of Solentia are "lost" to the Majatran people. The arrests took place in the early morning hours and include the arrest of several individuals ties to the Republican Guard from the Kafuri branch of the Ba'athist region which have long operated for Majatran interest in Solentia. The Deputy Regional Secretary, Umair el-Sawaya and the Director of the National Security Bureau of the breakaway party were arrested and charged with treason by the State Directorate of Security. President Ikramullah Yousafzai welcomed the support of the Ba'athist party, the legitimate party he called it, in the Banner Revolution and noted that they have made noteworthy contributions to Solentian society since coming into the fold. He condemned those associated with the breakaway Ba'athist organization as terrorist and traitors to the people and called swiftly for their conviction and their execution. "It is the gravest crime to betray Akim and ones people, that is precisely what these so-called Solentian citizens have done and I call for justice to be swiftly administered." There has been an increase in Majatran-based anti-Dudmani activity since the formation of the Majatran Crown Restorationist political organization that seeks to compete in the April 5549 elections.

Political pundits and observers have noted that the Revolutionary Communist Party has been unable to stomp out opposition due to a weakened economic position, the immediate outbreak of tensions with the Jakanian-based Ahmadi State in Jakania and ethnic tensions that had the potential for a civil war with the Ashker people. Despite the fact that President Yousafzai has managed these crisis, he has been unable to layer the political situation to politically repress his enemies and the presence of the Majatran Crown Restorationist and now the Ahmadi Council for Justice and Virtue, the President and the RCP find themselves facing down elections. Many question if they will be free and fair but nevertheless, they will certainly be some of the only multi-party democratic elections in Solentia for quite sometime. Sources within the RCP have stated that should elections not go in their direction, they might adopt a much more hardline, pro-Ahmadi stance that might endear them to form an alliance with the ACJV, a potential ally in the future of the nation.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Solentia

Postby Auditorii » Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:49 am

Takhghisi Post
Solentia's leading independent newspaper.
February 5548 | BREAKING NEWS: President Yousafzai dies, showdown between Kashani and Sajjadi.

Takhghisi - Wali Sajjadi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party has ascended to the leadership of the RCP following the sudden death of Ikramullah Yousafzai, General Secretary and President of the nascent Democratic Republic of Solentia. Yousafzai, aged 57, was found by members of the Presidential staff in the early morning hours of February 11, 5548 and was rushed to Tahkghisi Central Hospital where it was pronounced he had suffered a heart attack and succumbed to the heart attack. It was unreported that the President and General Secretary had health issues and a recent publication by The Masses cited the Presidential doctor’s report in which he was believed to be in stellar health

Crowds began to gather outside the hospital, many of them carrying flags, banners and images of the late President. They sang songs of victory and many of the rally goers spoke well of the President and his role in Solentian society. A number of religious leaders came to pay their respects, including the controversial Ayatollah Nader Totah, with whom the President shared a cordial relationship with despite religious differences between the Israist President and senior Abadi cleric in northern Solentia. The Ayatollah has been a source of stability between the Majatrans in northern Solentia and the dominant Dudmani population across Solentia.

Immediately the Central Committee was convened following a brief period of mourning, Prime Minister Ghazan Kashani announced he would assume the role of interim President and interim General Secretary, and an “Extraordinary Congress” would be held immediately to elect a new leader for the Revolutionary Communist Party. The Congress was convened on February 21st, after 10 days of mourning and Kashani declared his candidacy to the Congress, little known to him prominent Central Committee member and First Secretary of the Tahkghisi City Party Commitee had secured a significant gathering within the party. Wali and his brother, Bahrawar Sajjadi, who heads the party school in Tahkghisi, had been fermenting a movement aimed at reforming the party and bringing Ahmadism more into the party despite Yousafzai’s push to blend the ideologies together.

The first round of voting saw Sajjadi and Kashani easily beat back any rivals and the second round of voting, a rare occurrence, saw them deadlocked. It was decided that each would be permitted to give a speech before the Congress to address their vision for the party and the nation. Kashani rested largely on the laurels of the late President, promising agrarian reform that the government shelved due to conflict as well as expanding social welfare programs. Sajjadi expressed his desire to ensure that Northern Solentia didn’t continue to be a thorn in the side of the Dudmani, and their Bazgari and Ashker allies. He promised the Bazgari a dedicated autonomous region, similar to the Ashker and promised that Ahmadism would continue to be blended into the everyday lives of the party and the people of Solentia.

The third vote was taken and Sajjadi was elected as the new General Secretary of the party, and he announced his intention to run for the Presidency in the coming elections. Kashani would remain the legally installed interim President and retained a position within both the Politburo and the Central Committee, but was largely relegated to a ceremonial figure as Sajjadi swept the party. Kashani appointed Sajjadi the Chairman of the Revolutionary Council. The Revolutionary Council is a state body that advises the President and carries significant, but unofficial, authority. It is comprised of largely Politburo members and some others.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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