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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:28 am

Rodsh'yadam Oborony Brif - Rodshyadam Defense Brief
Defense, security and intelligence news from Trigunia
Prime Minister confirms deployment to Jakania to fight the Ahmadi State alongside Deltaria.
December 5540

Divonaya-RU and Divonaya-2 prepared to be deployed to Jakania for the special military operation.

The Bashnya, Rodshyadam - Prime Minister Erik Charkov confirmed that the Trigunian Armed Forces, alongside their Deltarian brothers and sisters, would be deploying to Jakania to assist the legitimate Jakanian government in its fight against the Ahmadi State in Jakania (ASJ/ASiJ) and the radical Ahmadi group known as Jamaat. The Prime Minister confirmed that the 75th Alazinder Kozak Air Assault Regiment, currently stationed in Deltaria would be taking the fight directly to the Ahmadi State in Jakania; they would be joined by elements of the Southern Military District which is responsible for deployments to Majatra and Seleya. This marks the first foreign foray for the Trigunian government and is a massive undertaking since the Vascanian Crisis, but a marked moment for the Trigunian Armed Forces and the Trigunian state in defending those against radical Ahmadism. The special military operation, dubbed "White Eagle", will commence immediately and the 75th Alazinder Kozak Air Assault Regiment will deploy what it can with its current resources while the Rodshyadam and a supporting cast of vessels is rushed down south to Deltaria to provide assistance. Commander of the Southern Military District, Admiral Yukhym Kuzmych Bozhko, will oversee the special military operation, which will include several battalion tactical groups from across the units assigned to the Southern Military District as well as naval assets and air assets which will be moved into the region forthwith. These units from the Trigunian Ground Forces and Trigunian Aerospace Forces will be joined by the 102nd Guards Naval Infantry Brigade, and the 1st Marine Special Reconnaissance Detachment and the 1st Naval Special Purpose Detachment. The deployment will be the largest for the Trigunian Armed Forces in several decades and be a tremendous opportunity for the Trigunian Armed Forces and the Trigunian state to flex their muscles across the globe for the first time in centuries, giving Trigunia a unique opportunity to show serious expeditionary capabilities supported by the continued development of a military alliance with Deltaria.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:58 am

Rodsh'yadam Oborony Brif | Rodshyadam Defense Brief
Defense, security and intelligence news from Trigunia.
Combat operations begin in Jakania.
January, 5541

VDV soldiers conducting a patrol in northern Jakania.

Northern Jakania, Ahmadi State - Admiral Yukhym Bozhko confirmed that the first elements of the 75th Alazinder Kozak Air Assault Regiment had para-dropped into northern Jakania, several miles from the border of Jakania-Deltaria and had begun to establish control over several smaller towns and villages north of Mehmediya. This would be the first major operation conducted outside of Trigunia and in a training environment for the Trigunian Armed Forces in several centuries, according to press officers of the Southern Military District, the Trigunian airborne troops engaged in several skirmishes with local militias aligned with the Ahmadi State in Jakania, resulting in several casualties on both sides. Originally dispatched in December, 5540 the main bulk of the Trigunian Armed Forces from the Southern Military District is expected to arrive off the coast of Jakania in February, 5541 and be combat operational. Admiral Bozhko, who arrived in Deltaria shortly after the announcement of combat operations, has worked closely with his Deltarian counter-parts to establish basic lines of communication and develop a plan of attack to assist Jakania restore their functional government. The primary goal is the recapture of Mesul and the re-establishment of a single, unified government in Jakania.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Drax » Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:28 pm

Deltaria and Trigunia Attack Jamaat

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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:25 pm

Rodsh'yadam Oborony Brif | Rodshyadam Defense Brief
Defense, security and intelligence news from Trigunia.
Trigunia authorizes more deployments to Jakania.
March, 5541

Elements of the Trigunian Ground Forces, 5th Army, 33rd Tank Brigade engage in combat in northern Jakania.

Jakania - Underneath the watchful leadership of Admiral Yukhym Bozhko, the commanding officer of the Southern Military District, the arrival of several battalion tactical groups in Deltaria as well as other assets in the White Ocean south of Jakania has proven to be instrumental in the success of Trigunian forces pushing towards Mahmediya. Press officers from the Southern Military District have reported that the Trigunian forces have faced "moderate" resistance from Jamaat and the wider Ahmadi State in Jakania, largely consisting of what Trigunian officials call "tribal militias" and makeshift formations of the former Jakanian Ground Forces that have joined the Ahmadi State movement. In the White Ocean, off the coast of Jakania, the Rodshyadam has begun conducting surgical strikes along the coast, focused mainly on SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses) operations, which target enemy air defense facilities, outposts and the like. In the opening hours of the first SEAD operations, conducted by the 907th Naval Aviation Regiment based aboard the Rodshyadam, the Southern Military District's Headquarters and Command Brigade reported several dozen strikes had results in positive destruction of enemy assets, this coincided with the beginning of drone-based operations along the southern coast of Jakania. Admiral Bozhko noted that more advanced drone operations would begin in northern Jakania in the area of operations of the 75th, those operations would be setup in the coming weeks.

Operations in northern Jakania have been bogged down as elements of the former Jakanian Ground Forces loyal to the Ahmadi State have deployed armor formations and the first tank battle, located near the city of Bakapasa in northern Jakania. The Southern Military District's 5th Army, 33rd Tank Brigade engaged in heavy fighting with the rogue formation of the Jakanian Ground Forces. The engagement, which occurred over the course of three days, resulted in a strategic victory for the Trigunian military but inflicted a number of casualties on the Trigunian armored formations and supporting units. The lack of air superiority hampered the Trigunian armored formations ability to operate and close air support provided by Jakanian attack helicopters proved to be a deadly counter to the Trigunian T-90 main battle tanks, it took the Trigunian military a full day before they were able to introduce significant air defense formations into the region and were able to hamper the Ahmadi State's ability to deploy air assets to the region; this coincided with the arrival of the first Divonaya-RU and Divonaya-2 drones to the region which began providing surgical strikes against enemy formations.

According to sources close to the Ministry of Defense, there are potential plans for an amphibious assault on southern Jakania, and potentially the former capital of Mesul by Trigunian Naval Infantry and the same source close to The Bashnya noted that the Trigunian Ministry of Defense and General Staff have authorized the full deployment of the Trigunian Naval Infantry, both the 5th Guards Naval Infantry Division and the other formations, such as the 810th, the 11th and 19th Naval Infantry Brigades. Additional Trigunian assets have also been dispatched including the aging, but still operational conventionally powered aircraft carrier the Petrovgrad, a Yegorovich-class aircraft carrier, from the White Ocean Fleet's 1st Missile Ship Division. The dispatching of elements from the White Ocean Fleet will provide guided missile cruisers operating in the Majatran Sea the ability to conduct cruise missile strikes and provide air assets to the combat in Northern Jakania.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:22 pm

Rodsh'yadam Oborony Brif - Rodshyadam Defense Brief
Defense, security and intelligence news from Trigunia
Progress in the Civil War in Jakania as Mesul captured.
November, 5542

Elements of the Trigunian Naval Infantry conducting patrols in Mesul following the capture of the city in late August, 5542

Jakania - Combat operations in Jakania were planned to begin hastily in December 5540 with the rapid deployment of the 75th Alazinder Kozak Air Assault Regiment but were delayed due to logistical planning, which had been training in Deltaria, to Jakania to combat the growing Ahmadi State in Jakania and potentially contain the spread of radical Ahmadism once again to southeastern Majatra. As the conflict in Jakania developed, an outbreak of radical Ahmadi's seized portions of Solentia and despite Solentian objections to support, they welcomed Deltarian support via the MSCO and silently accepted an arms deal from Trigunia through the proper channels. As the operation began, dubbed "Operation Desert Sentinel", the Trigunian Armed Forces deployed a significant number of resources to the operation and it would be a major undertaking for the entire Trigunian Armed Forces which had undergone a large-scale reform and transformation over the past several decades and would be the first deployment outside of Trigunia in combat operations in centuries.

Official combat operations began in January, 5541 with with a joint Deltarian-Trigunian force pushing south in northern Jakania towards Mehmediya, a strategic city located close to the Jakanian-Deltarian border and would grant both Trigunia and the Deltarians the ability to began claiming swathes of land; as the push towards Mehmediya was on-going, the Trigunians were rushing more forces towards Majatra, both in the Majatran Sea and the White Ocean to the south. Initially conducted by the 75th Alazinder, they were quickly reinforced with additional resources that had been pushed in earnest towards Jakania. By March of 5541, the Trigunian forces had been able to conduct limited combat operations and were waiting for the logistical setup to begin large-scale operations and by the end of the month, they were able to begin such operations. On March 27th, the 907th Naval Aviation Regiment based aboard the Rodshyadam began conducting surgical strikes in both southern Jakania near Mesul and in the north near Mehmediye. Elements of the 5th Army, 33rd Tank Brigade pushed into northern Jakania driving a spearhead towards Mehmediye, they engaged heavily with former loyal elements of the Jakanian Ground Forces and were able to remove a major roadblock to the city; the support of the Trigunian Aerospace Forces as well as the first en masse deployment of the Divonaya-RU and Divonaya-2 drones hammered Ahmadi State forces.

In April, 5541 the Southern Military District's commanding officer, and overall operational leader of Operation Desert Sentinel, Admiral Yukhym Bozhko, announced that both the Southern Military District's 5th and 6th armies would be deployed to Jakania. The succeeding buildup occurred over the spring, 5541 and culminated with a massive offensive launched in June, 5541 in which the Trigunian 5th Army and Deltarian forces captured territories around Mehmediye, pushing past and capturing Dari Akim, and cutting off the Ahmadi State in northern Jakania from each other. A joint offensive lead by the 6th Army was later conducted with formations from the Nilakan Democracy and Turjakistan, effectively splitting the territory. Elements of the 94th Motor Rifle Brigade engaged in heavy fighting and were able to liberate several major cities, including a prisoner of war base where members of the Jakanian Armed Forces were being held.

Trigunian officials urged for a broader effort to make peace with the various factions, and in November, 5541 the so-called "Broad Front" was established between the nascent factions of the former Jakanian state and Trigunia launched offensive operations to liberate Dokuz and Mesul. Elements of the Trigunian Naval Infantry, notably the 5th Guards Naval Infantry Division began plotting landings around southern Jakania, near Mesul and the other formations, such as the 810th, the 11th and 19th Naval Infantry Brigades landed near Imir to assist the People's Communities with a push into Bureniye in March, 5542. The operations in northern Jakania culminated in May, 5542 as Mehmediye and Rinasi were liberated by the 5th and 6th Army alongside Deltarian forces respectively.

The liberation of Dokuz was carefully planned, and in September, 5542 several leaders of the Ahmadi State were captured prior to the liberation of Dokuz by Trigunian and Deltarian special forces. Trigunia amassed elements of both the 5th and 6th armies and the naval infantry alongside Deltarian forces, in the 11th hour, small elements of the Kundrati Armed Forces arrived as the siege for the city began. The fighting in Dokuz continues as elements of the Jamaat continue to hold out against the liberating forces.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Drax » Wed Sep 11, 2024 6:50 pm

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:18 pm

Trigunian News Agency
Trigunia launches new atomic energy projects.
February 5546

Novy Olvar, VrosnokMinister of Science and Technology Dr. Kostya Valentinovna Ozerova confirmed that TriAtom, the Trigunian State Atomic Energy Corporation, would be contracting with several private corporations to rebuild 7 nuclear power plants located throughout Trigunia. According to the report issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MNT), 1 will be located in Radin, 1 in Brakav, 2 in Nizmennosti, 2 in Lesnov and 2 in Vrosnok as an effort to rebuild the domestic energy infrastructure in Trigunia and reduce domestic dependence on oil and natural gas. The Minister spoke from the Hero of Trigunia K. F. Makarov (Korney Fyodorovich Makarov) Atomic Research Facility located in Novy Olvar, Vrosnok the epicenter of Trigunian nuclear research and spoke about the growing need for clean energy and its impact on the wider environment throughout Trigunia and Keris. Trigunia currently operators 10 reactors, this will bring it to 17 in total and according to Dr. Ozerova, the Trigunian government will construct another 10 reactors between 5548 and 5550 in cooperation with public and private sector stakeholders. The original plan was destined for 5540 but was delayed according to sources close to the Trigunian government and the outbreak of tensions in Majatra prompted a further delay according to officials from TriAtom. The construction and operation will be handled through TriAtom and the Ministry of Science and Technology and several private corporations which are largely lead by former members of TriAtom that have experience in the operation and construction of nuclear power plants. The TriAtom/MNT plan expects that by 5600 approximately 25% of all power generated within Trigunia will be handled by nuclear power.

This drive towards more nuclear power has prompted a significant investment, both private and public, into the mining of uranium in Trigunia of which there is plenty. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, the Trigunian government has a "Tier III" supply of uranium that despite its long history with nuclear power and nuclear weapons remains a potent resource for the Trigunian energy sector to draw on.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Mon Sep 16, 2024 8:36 pm

Kayzerburg Biznes
Kaiserburg Business

Economic Development Minister in Narikaton and Darnussia for economic visit.
Mid-day edition | February 5546

Minister of Economic Development Vitomir Sapozhnikov arrived in Redstad, Narikaton and Darnussia to discuss a number of economic opportunities that were discovered during high-level meetings at the 5544 Kaliburg Trade Exposition between Trigunian and Narikaton and Darnussian officials. A significant working group was developed to begin economic cooperation with Narikaton and Darnussia in a number of fields, including the opening of a new Artanian financial hub for the ever-expanding Trigunian financial sector. "This is a significant opportunity for us in Artania and the revival of Redstad is a tremendous opportunity for us." One of the key members of the working group, its First Deputy Chairman, Johann Müller (a Hulstro-Trigunian), has brought together an expansive group of Trigunian financiers that will develop a plan for a large-scale financial hub for Trigunian interests in Artania. "While we have considerable trade and economic cooperation with the Luthorian government in Fort William, we welcome the expansion to Redstad and we welcome the revival of its storied past once again." The public-private working group includes a number of Trigunian national champions, such as Neftkompbank (a subsidary of Neftkomp) and the Green Sea Development Bank will be apart of the visit as well a number of Trigunia's information technology sector representatives as means to assist in the redevelopment of the city and ties between the two nations.

While the cooperation will be primarily economic, Rodshyadam State University in cooperation with the National Chamber of Commerce is expected to work with the Narikaton and Darnussian government to come up with a plan to develop an economics institute in Redstad according to sources close to the Ministry of Economic Cooperation. The multi-billion Rabol investment into Narikaton and Darnussia is a gamble for the Trigunian government but one that they believe is worth to the risk, especially since Trigunia's natural sectors such as oil and natural gas, remain high-risk, high-reward. Several of the members of the Tower and Factory Initiative will also be attending the visit to Redstad and could also be a major contributor outside of the primary areas of cooperation between Trigunian and Narikaton and Darnussian officials.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Sat Sep 21, 2024 2:58 am

Rech Nardoda
Speech of the People is a daily newspaper in Trigunia that provides breaking news and political analysis.
MVD implements drivers ed requirement for Trigunian drivers.
April 5548

A common occurrence on Trigunian roadways.

Rodshyadam, Radin - Officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs' Directorate of Licensing has confirmed that the ministry has implemented new procedures for acquiring a Trigunian drivers license, the most notable being the requirement of a drivers education course that will be offered by local Ministry of Internal Affairs offices throughout the country. The announcement comes at a time when 5547 was the deadliest year on the roads for Trigunians with approximately 3,347 Trigunians dying in car accidents and another 92,312 receiving "serious or critical" level injuries according data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The requirements provide that those applying for a drivers license must either do the local course through the the Ministry of Internal Affairs or can engage in private lessons in which they will have utilized a certified instructor by the Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate of Licensing. The government of Trigunia through the Ministry of Construction and Transport has invested considerably into the Trigunian motorways and expressways over the past several decades, making major improvements and and working with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to develop effective traffic enforcement on the roadways. M1, running from Rodshyadam along the southern coast of Radin and Nizmennosti, and connecting Rodshyadam and Zarvosopol, is one such roadway that has been significantly expanded with the addition of new signage, modern LED lighting as well as the development of cafe areas where motorist can get food, lodging and gas. Many of these facilities also include sub-stations of local Main Office for Traffic Safety, the traffic/highway police in Trigunia.
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