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Re: Lodamun

Postby Bobbo255 » Mon Aug 12, 2024 12:48 pm

President Albert Bradley Proposes Bill to Expand National Congress Seats

Fort William, Lodamun — President Albert Bradley has introduced the Congressional Representation Enhancement Act, a significant piece of legislation aimed at increasing the number of seats in the National Congress from 365 to 464. The proposal is designed to ensure that the legislative body accurately reflects the growing population of Lodamun, which now stands at approximately 99.5 million.

The bill is grounded in the cube root rule, a well-regarded principle in political science that suggests the number of seats in a legislature should be roughly the cube root of the population. For Lodamun, this calculation points to an optimal size of 464 seats, making the current 365-seat Congress under-representative of the nation’s citizens.

A Move Towards Greater Representation
In a statement accompanying the bill’s introduction, President Bradley emphasized the importance of proportional representation in a thriving democracy. “As our population grows, so too must our commitment to ensuring that every citizen’s voice is heard and represented in the halls of power,” Bradley said. “This bill is about maintaining the integrity of our democracy by adapting our institutions to meet the needs of the people.”

The proposed increase in congressional seats is seen as a way to address the challenges posed by a larger and more diverse population. By expanding the National Congress to 464 seats, the bill aims to ensure that each region and community in Lodamun has adequate representation, thereby enhancing the responsiveness and effectiveness of the legislative process.

Balancing Representation and Efficiency
One of the key arguments for the bill is that it will strike a balance between representation and efficiency. With more seats, the National Congress can more accurately reflect the diverse interests of the Lodamese population while still remaining a manageable and effective legislative body. The expansion is expected to improve the quality of debate and decision-making by bringing more perspectives into the legislative process.

Supporters of the bill argue that the increase in seats will lead to more equitable representation across the country. As it stands, some regions are underrepresented in Congress due to population growth outpacing the current distribution of seats. By adopting the cube root rule, the proposed expansion will address this imbalance and ensure that all citizens have a fair and proportional voice in the governance of the nation.

Next Steps and Political Reactions
The Congressional Representation Enhancement Act has already sparked significant discussion in political circles. Many lawmakers have expressed support for the bill, seeing it as a necessary step to modernize Lodamun’s political institutions. However, some critics have raised concerns about the potential cost and logistical challenges of expanding Congress by nearly 100 seats.

Despite these concerns, the bill is expected to gain traction in the National Congress, where it will undergo debate and scrutiny in the coming weeks. President Bradley has called on lawmakers to consider the long-term benefits of the expansion, urging them to prioritize the principles of democracy and representation as they deliberate on the bill.

A Vision for the Future
President Bradley’s proposal is part of a broader vision to adapt Lodamun’s democratic institutions to the realities of a growing and evolving society. By increasing the number of seats in the National Congress, the bill aims to strengthen the foundation of Lodamun’s democracy, ensuring that it remains robust and capable of serving the people in the years to come.

As the nation looks to the future, the Congressional Representation Enhancement Act represents a bold step towards a more inclusive and representative government—one that is better equipped to address the challenges and opportunities of a dynamic and diverse population.
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Re: Lodamun

Postby Bobbo255 » Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:37 pm

Another Landslide LPA Victory Ushers in a New Prime Minister of Lodamun

Deputy Leader Scarlett Cummings elected Leader of the LPA and, subsequently, Prime Minister.

Incredible scenes again at LPA HQ as the party wins every seat in the National Congress.

President Albert Bradley called a snap election following the passing of two pieces of constitutional reform - an increase in seats in the Congress and a separation of executive power with the formation of a Prime Minister as Head of Government.

It is customary in the LPA for the leader of the party to be the candidate for Head of Government. As a result, President Albert Bradley resigned and was replaced by Deputy Leader and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Scarlett Cummings after a closely fought leadership election. She will now become Prime Minister.

Minister of Health and Social Services, Ethan Stephens will become Deputy Leader after finishing second in the leadership election. He will also become Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Cummings Government.

Details of the leadership election are as follows:

Round 1:
• Scarlett Cummings: 90 votes
• Mike Hopkins: 60 votes
• Cara Small: 50 votes
• Ethan Stephens: 45 votes
• Matt Copeland: 36 votes
Matt Copeland is eliminated.

Round 2:
• Scarlett Cummings: 95 votes
• Mike Hopkins: 70 votes
• Cara Small: 55 votes
• Ethan Stephens: 61 votes
Cara Small is eliminated.

Round 3:
• Scarlett Cummings: 110 votes
• Mike Hopkins: 80 votes
• Ethan Stephens: 91 votes
Mike Hopkins is eliminated.

Round 4:
• Scarlett Cummings: 151 votes
• Ethan Stephens: 130 votes

Scarlett Cummings is elected leader of the LPA and subsequently, Prime Minister of Lodamun.

In her victory speech, Prime Minister-elect Scarlett Cummings praised President Bradley and thanked the voters for giving the LPA an even stronger mandate.

“We have heard the people of Lodamun loud and clear. There is a clear desire for constitutional change following our withdrawal from the Commonwealth. Now is the time for Lodamun to rediscover our pride in independence as a sovereign nation. My Government will seek to bring Lodamun forward into a new beginning whilst also respecting our past and traditions - something which we feel has been lost in the LPA’s absence.”

President Bradley addressed the nation as a now LPA-aligned independent serving as a more ceremonial Head of State.

“My fellow citizens of Lodamun. Now is the time for us to embrace the incredible opportunity before us to reclaim our Lodamese traditions. Let us not forget our past as we progress into an exciting future. I thank you for re-electing me as your President.”
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Re: Lodamun

Postby ReformedEndralon » Thu Aug 15, 2024 2:53 pm

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Re: Lodamun

Postby imperialpearl » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:36 am


As one of the first companies to expand outside of Lodamun’s borders, Digital Instruments has been seen as a trailblazer in many regards. Its investment into semiconductor assembly in Gaduridos, through its subsidiary FEM, had been used as both a catalyst for other companies to begin expanding outward and also a yardstick through which the Lodamese Government can determine whether the companies it had spent billions to incubate where indeed prepared to operate in the global market. As the company continues to expand to new heights, it has announced that its planned expansion into Kundrati was underway after a site for a fabrication facility had been selected. Located near Arratiak, Jildrath, the planned facility forms part of DI’s wider plans to build out a supply chain on the Artanian continent which would be primarily anchored by major facilities in Luthori. The company noted that in the absence of competitive semiconductor firms on the continent, DI was poised to dominate the microchip scene in Artania. “There is little investment in encouraging firms on the continent to become involved in this sector by various national governments. Manufacturing has never been the strong suit of Artania’s economies. Much of their focus has been on services ranging from consultancy to finance/insurance. There is an opportunity to be had in planting new roots in Artania,” said DI COO Peter Robinson. “When companies like ours expand into these markets it is primarily on the back of our abilities to do so. There is very little incentive in these nations.” DI’s decision to establish a fabrication facility in Kundrati came as the result of consideration for the future of its value chain on the Artanian continent. Analysts have noted that it is extremely important that companies which deal in the manufacturing/fabrication of important subsystems, such as semiconductors/microchips, establish themselves in nations with a clear track record of internal stability. “It would be irrational for any company to want to establish such a facility in a known for uncertainty and domestic instability. Kundrati was an obvious choice owing to its long-standing, stable government,” said Colt Hughes, a journalist with Technology Illustrated.

Digital Instrument’s investment into the Arratiak facility is set to cost the firm around 3.5 billion LOD. At this price tag, the company notes that such an investment ultimately falls in line with its broader ambitions for the continent. It noted that with planned investments into a fabrication and research facility in Luthori, DI was poised to raise the Artanian continent’s profiles in related to semiconductor manufacturing. “This investment into Kundrati is but one part of a much larger, grander design. As the demand for microchips/semiconductor processors continues to expand, we will continue to position this company to take complete advantage of the fact that we are already established. Once the plant in Arratiak is complete, work will begin on our landmark facility in Luthori,” Davon Schultz, CEO of DI explained. According to Schultz, there was an opportunity to be had for small and medium-sized firms throughout the Artanian continent to partner with Digital Instruments on advanced processors as he noted that the development of a true ecosystem on the continent ultimately hinged on the involvement of other entities. “It would be idiotic for anyone to assume that we could develop a true ecosystem on our own. The nature of an ecosystem is such that its diversity underpins its broader survival. Our investments in Artania are an opportunity for small and medium-sized firms to partner with us and exchange ideas. Although we can establish the infrastructure necessary for this value chain, it ultimately hinges on the participation of all other entities.”
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Re: Lodamun

Postby imperialpearl » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:39 pm


At a press conference held at the offices of the National Investigations Bureau (NIB) in Kensington, NIB Director John Howard confirmed comments by Secretary of Domestic Security Oscar Murray that groups connected to the previous fascist government of Baltusia had fled into Lodamun following the collapse of their regime months prior. It had been previously reported by Secretary Murray that preliminary information from the Baltusian Government and security agencies revealed that numerous individuals connected to that nation’s former fascist regime had reportedly gone missing in Baltusia proper and were believed to have potentially gone into hiding in Lodamun. Here, Secretary Murray stated that the previous administration’s refusal to acknowledge the nation’s precarious security situation let alone acknowledge the situation in Baltusia are but two reasons as to why he believed they [Baltusian fascist elements] found it reasonable to flee to Lodamun of all places. “The inaction of the previous government to recognise that they have seriously dropped the ball on numerous aspects of life in Lodamun as a whole is why they found it reasonable to flee here of all places,” Secretary Murray said during a radio interview weeks prior. Director Howard stated that throughout the Baltusian internal situation, the NIB had maintained constant communication with its Baltusian counterparts, particularly on the names and identities of persons connected to the fascist regime. “Throughout that period we maintained communication with our counterparts in the Baltusian security and intelligence community, as we viewed it necessary to keep up on the identities of the various personalities involved in that situation.” Howard explained. He noted that although it would be broadly unrealistic for the agency to maintain “tabs” on all persons connected to the fascist regime (as such that would require compiling data on potentials hundreds of thousands of persons from Baltusian authorities), it nonetheless maintained detailed dossiers on the regime’s more prominent figures/personalities. Director Howard stated that although it was unlikely that the agency would be able to confirm the identities and locations of all individuals currently in hiding Lodamun, the NIB has nonetheless highlighted South-Eastern Millford as a potential hotspot for persons connected to the former regime.

For the better half of the previous half-century, the NIB and the BFC (Bureau of Firearms and Control) have attempted to uncover leads related to the existence of a secret militia group near the Millford-Baltusian border which had been supplied with potentially high-powered rifles from supporters and traffickers from Baltusia. Although Director Howard did not address claims related to the militia’s existence, he nonetheless recognised that key individuals including Kenneth Wilcox, a former financier and arms dealer for the regime alongside Truman Whitfield and Douglas Mclaughlin (two lieutenants of a former death squad), were being hidden/aided by Lodamese citizens. In the absence of a federal agency specifically tasked to hunt down fugitives and other related suspects, Secretary Murray has designated Wilcox, Whitfield and Mclaughlin as domestic terrorists, therein granting the NIB broad powers to conduct a nationwide manhunt for the individuals and the organised believes to be aiding in their evasion from both Lodamese and Baltusian law enforcement. Director Howard has noted that should the individuals be caught, they’d likely be extradited to Baltusia to be trialled by a Baltusian court. Officials from the Millford State Police and the NIB’s field offices in Millford were present for the press conference. Superintendent of the MSP Fredrick Jones confirmed that the MSP’s Bureau of Criminal Investigations had been cooperating with the NIB’s field office in Millford. “We have long maintained a working relationship with the NIB in Millford and we believe that this situation is no different from the other investigations we’ve worked alongside the NIB with. The BCI continues to cooperate with the NIB as we continue to gather intel and conduct investigations into the whereabouts of these individuals,” Superintendent Jones said. Special Agent-in-Charge Jessica Davis, connected with the NIB’s Domestic Security Branch, is reportedly set to head up a task force comprised of agents from the NIB, BFC, MSP and local law enforcement in search of the individuals.
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Re: Lodamun

Postby imperialpearl » Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:54 am


It should be of no surprise that compared to other territories on the continent, Lodamun has been a long proponent of deficit spending. For the better half of the previous century, the vast majority of the nation’s landmark projects from infrastructure to defence procurement have been largely financed by deficit spending and long-term loan arrangements, which according to the Office of Fiscal Responsibility has ballooned the national debt situation. In its recent report, whilst citing data from the Federal Reserve Bank, the OFR stated that Lodamun’s debt-to-GDP ratio had increased from an extremely manageable 58% to an increasingly concerning 81% in the past century. Saved by above-average growth and investment-grade credit ratings, the Treasury Department has always maintained the confidence of creditors who could have easily swept the rug from under the nation’s food and lowered its credit rating. Despite what some consider “wiggle room” for the new administration to continue spending, noting that it should only become concerned when the nation’s debt to GDP ratio reaches >90%, the OFR has noted that it was time for the federal government to pay some attention to the nation’s debt situation. “Notwithstanding projections of continued growth, it is imperative from the incoming administration to pay some attention to our rising debt situation which has been kicked down the road for far too long,” the OFR report read. On the campaign trail, President Ross was uniquely aware of the situation concerning Lodamun’s debt as one of his key economic advisors was the former Director of the OFR Robert Walsh. Ross in a radio interview dated three days prior to election day, President Ross (then candidate Ross) stated that his administration if it were successful in the election, would seek to change Lodamun’s taxation regime with the aim of reigning in the “exorbitant wealth” which had been accrued by the nation’s capitalist class via an increase in income tax, an increase in corporation tax and the introduction of a tax on profits made in the nation’s most consistent money-making enterprise: petrochemicals.

At a press conference held at Whitehall, Secretary of the Treasury Dr Judith Edgar confirmed that the administration, following numerous discussions with the President’s Economic Advisory Board, had decided on a three-point increase in corporation tax from 30% to 33%. She noted that extraordinary growth in the Lodamese economy had enabled firms to ride the waves of prosperity and thus report record growth, especially in key industries such as finances, semiconductor production and petrochemicals. “What we are proposing here is extremely reasonable given the prosperity firms have enjoyed for the better half of a century,” Dr Edgar explained. According to Dr Edgar, the Lodamese tax system had been largely untouched for the vast majority of the past three (3) centuries, with numerous political administrations including those of the DPL refusing outright to tamper with what some call a “delicate balance.” Beyond this, the administration proposed the elimination of numerous tax breaks for corporate boards including a tax break which has enabled numerous firms to purchase otherwise scarce materials at the behest of the Lodamese Government. Speaking about the proposed income tax increase, Dr Edgar noted that numerous Treasury Secretaries had attempted to amend the tax bracket in order to “even the playing field.” She noted that in the absence of a progressive tax system, people earning <$500,000 per year were largely held responsible for propping up the Lodamese tax system. The new tax brackets, as described by Edgar will likely mirror the experiences in Kalistan, which he notes has heavily influenced the general design of the new tax brackets. Documents citing the preliminary figures point to the fact that persons making in excess of 500,000 per year could see a 41% tax on their income, with persons earning <$10,000 set to be exempt from taxation.

Additionally, an 8% tax on wealth (i.e. a tax on the complete value of assets) is likely to be introduced, which the Treasury Department has noted could bring about some 200 billion LOD in much-needed tax revenue over the next half-century. The proposed petroleum revenue tax, according to Dr Edgar, strikes at the broad prosperity enjoyed by the nation’s petrochemical companies especially those intrinsically involved in the Berkwaki downstream petrochemicals sector. Firms such as North Seleyan Petroleum and Jackson Energy have enjoyed abnormal profits owing to subsidies and the general growth of the sector. President Ross believes that where profits are made as a direct result of subsidies from the Lodamese Government and by virtue of the use of Lodamese land, revenue in excess of which would otherwise be captured by corporation tax should be taxed in itself. “For a sector which has experienced extraordinary growth, the petrochemicals industry has evaded the eye of the LRS (Lodamese Revenue Service), especially as it pertains to profits earned amidst our prosperity. According to Dr Edgar, the federal government would apply a 15% tax on profits earned from on-land crude oil and natural gas. Although the federal government maintains a moratorium/ban on new crude oil and natural gas drilling in western Lodamun, some firms still maintain “hold over assets”, small yet reliably profitable oil fields which fall outside of the ban as they were secured and drilling prior to the ban. A 5% tax on the average profits earned by firms from these wells, according to the Resource Information Bureau could accrue some 80 billion LOD in tax revenue. Dr Edgar noted that the government would nonetheless have to balance its spending priorities noting that although it remains committed to an expansionary fiscal programme, it is nonetheless cognizant of its choice: grow in pursuit of a surplus or cut spending.
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Re: Lodamun

Postby imperialpearl » Mon Sep 16, 2024 10:30 am


Following what has been described as a series of intense rounds of negotiations with Harrington Dynamics, the Defence Procurement Administration (DPA) announced that it was successful in securing the procurement of some 1,000+ M1 Connelly Main Battle Tanks as part of a joint deal to procure main battle tanks for both the Lodamese Army and the Lodamese Commonwealth Guard. The landmark 20 billion LOD procurement order, the largest to date in the history of Lodamese ground forces, is the culmination of a long-postponed programme within the Army Modernisation Programme (AMP). When the AMP was first introduced under the Neilson Administration, it was theorised that both the Lodamese Army and the Lodamese Commonwealth Guard would maintain capable armoured regiments/corps, noting that one of the principles underscoring the Army’s warfighting doctrine was that its armoured regiments, where possible ought to be spearhead against other armoured formations. For the better half of three centuries, the Department of the Army has ignored the question of its armoured contingents, notwithstanding the remarkable transformations other branches had undergone. “Be it a matter of timing or of the fact that during that time it [the DoA] was still determining the full complement of armoured vehicles to be fielded and how they’d ultimately fit into the army’s doctrine, the army had been slow on the draw in procuring these pieces of equipment. This should have been done decades ago,” Toby Stevens, a defence analyst explained. Nonetheless, the announcement of the contract and the large purchase order were welcomed by many within the army itself as well as onlookers. Secretary of the Army Nicholas Stone rebuffed statements that the sudden purchase was related to heightened tensions between Kalistan and Baltusia following the latter’s very own sudden rearmament. Stone noted that the AMP predated not only the incumbent administration in Baltusia but the very party itself. “The Army Modernisation Programme was initiated under the Neilson Administration and thus predates both the incumbent administration in Johnston and many of the political parties in that nation. To suggest that this procurement order was made in response to the recent situation between Baltusia and Kalistan would be to ignore the fact that we [Lodamun] have been on this road for a very long time; we have been making gradual moves in procuring pieces of equipment which we believe will give us the ability to not only defence ourselves but also our interests abroad,” Stone explained.

According to Army Chief of Staff General Aaron Austin, the M1A2 (baseline) will form the cutting edge of Lodamun’s armoured warfighting capabilities. He noted that although within recent history most conflicts had been restricted to low-intensity combat, notwithstanding the Lourenno-Seko War, there was nonetheless a need for the Army to maintain the ability to wage high-intensity conflicts. “This tank ultimately provides us with numerous capabilities beyond our current complement of ageing M1A1s, which have served us valiantly. Principle among the M1A2s advantages are improved firepower, speed, range and armour; all of which are crucial to the Lodamese Army and Commonwealth Guard of the future.” Gen. Austin explained. Amidst the procurement decision, there had been questions as to how specifically will the tanks be deployed. Many have noted that the urban environments, armoured vehicles especially main battle tanks are ultimately useless as they are stunted by their size and immobility in tight urban environments. Some have noted that these main battle tanks, as had been deployed prior to now, will work alongside armoured scouting elements such as the Barker Infantry Fighting Vehicle in engaging enemy armoured formations. Although there have been calls for the Army to adopt a more nimble, light attack role, Gen. Austin has rejected these calls offering that such a structure would ultimately hamstring the nation’s capabilities to wage war effectively against an adversary. With most nations maintaining main battle tanks of their own, the idea of lightly armoured formations is only applicable in certain circumstances. “Everyone has a main battle tank now and thus it is imperative that we [Lodamun] remain on top of our game and therefore maintain our edge. Whilst there is an argument to be made for lighter armoured formations, I nonetheless recognise the importance of the heavy armoured element in warfighting. However, two things can be right at the same time. I should note that the Army Airborne is looking at procuring a new armoured vehicle of its own alongside employing legacy army equipment such as the Stryker MGS as an alternative or workaround to an armoured solution of its own.” Austin explained. According to the DPA, the procurement order, owing to its size could be the longest ever contemplated by the entity as it notes that it would be largely impossible for the Army to expect large amounts of these vehicles over the short or even medium-term. “Economies of scale are such that as we produce more, we become more efficient in how we build them and thus costs go down. This contract has a very long-term focus and we are by no means in a rush, neither should the Army be,” DPA Deputy Director Emmitt Daniels noted.
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Re: Lodamun

Postby imperialpearl » Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:32 am


Having previously suffered under the broad inaction of the previous government, the Department of Defence has ordered a strategic review of Lodamun’s defence capabilities, with the intent of recuperating much of the nation’s capabilities and standing having seen numerous legacy operations slip into inactivity. At a press conference held at the Department of Defence building in Kensington, Secretary of Defence Edward Mears confirmed that under the previous administration, the Lodamese Coast Guard’s “Operation Barracuda” maritime patrols, the Commonwealth Air Guard’s patrols of Lodamese airspace and parts of Northern Seleya, the Lodamese Coast Guard’s long-range maritime drone patrols in the Mad Dog Ocean and parts of the Arctic, alongside the Lodamese Navy’s patrols in the Artanian Sea, had all been paused as he noted that the administration “simply ignored” what had become established doctrine and operations. In a statement broadly lambasting the previous administration, he said: “They won the election and automatically settled for mediocrity. They reserved the progress this nation had made for decades in numerous areas, from the economy to defence, in pursuit of a return to the lacklustre mode of government they had reigned under when they were considered a “relevant party” centuries prior.” According to Secretary Mears, effective immediately the Lodamese Armed Forces would once again commence operations throughout the globe, beginning with Operation Barracuda. He noted that following subsequent meetings with the Commandant of the Lodamese Coast Guard Admiral Alexander Brown, it had been identified that the LCS’ patrols would likely expand to the North Anantonese Sea. Secretary Mears noted that the justification for these patrols largely rests in the fact that for the better half of the previous two centuries, much of the maritime patrols in this particular area had been conducted by the Triton maritime patrol drone, however, he asserts that it was time for Lodamun to establish a clear presence in this area owing to its proximity to Lodamun-proper. He noted that due consideration had been made for the nation’s interactions with the Kalistan Navy, pointing to Lodamun’s adherence to both the 2nd Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord and the Meridian Strait Comprehensive Accord. “These patrols will be compliant with both accords as we have traditionally respected the broad wishes of all nations. As per established doctrine within these patrols, they are largely conducted in international waters and are usually at an arm’s length from disputed/contested/controversial maritime zones.” Secretary Mears explained.

Additionally, he confirmed that the Department of Defence had been liaising with the Luthorian Government on the resumption of operations in the Artanian Sea. Previously, the Lodamese Navy had been conducted maritime patrols via maritime patrol aircraft stationed in Luthori. He noted that although Lodamun’s military installations in Malivia and Aldegar continue, the Lodamese Government was nonetheless interested in discussing a more permanent basing for maritime patrol assets in Luthori to support both the Lodamese Navy and Coast Guard’s operations in the Artanian Sea. “We have long established that our operations throughout the globe have been in support of Lodamun’s prosperity. As was articulated by the then administration of Eric Carver, “the Lodamese Government no longer view the would-be powers of the world as being interested in defending our interests by proxy.” As a result of this major expansion in activity throughout the Lodamese Armed Forces, Secretary Mears confirmed that in the coming fiscal year, the Department of Defence is likely to receive a major boost in budget, as he noted that the previous government had largely road on the waves of prosperity created by the previous DPL administration. “They criticised our party whilst riding hide on the waves of prosperity and progress we had created,” he quipped. He also noted that the Naval Modernisation Programme (NMP) will likely continue, albeit with some minor changes. Here, Secretary Mears confirmed rumours that the Lodamese Navy would likely expand its investment in intelligence systems. It had been rumoured that the Lodamese Navy was interested in expanding its undersea sound surveillance system via a direct partnership with the Kalistani Government, who highlighted the broad success of the current SOSUS network which exists between Lodamun and Dolgava and which has been, for the better of a century, building a library of acoustic signatures for various vessels traversing the Karzon Strait (including civilian and military). Director of the Bureau of Naval Intelligence, Rear Adm. Charles Thomas confirmed that the BNI was in discussion to share much of its acoustic library with Kalistan and other “like-minded nations.”
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