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Re: Istalia

Postby dannypk » Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:18 pm

The Lega Socialista seizes power in Istalia
February 5536

After the last elections, Balena Bianca seemed to have been wanting new ones hoping to get more seats and possibly win the Presidency and, surprisingly, called for early elections again for January 5536. As they happened, however, they made the Lega Socialista get a better position: they won the Presidency again (50.14% votes), and more seats than Balena Bianca (237, a 52.67% of the Parliament). Apparently, Lega Socialista won elections in all the Regions but Trivendito, which remained loyal to Balena Bianca. Soon after this, Balena Bianca disbanded and Lega Socialista claimed all their seats for themselves and began to prepare the Cabinet, which until now had remained with members of the previous government of the PCN.

Calabresi, February 5536

Once the government is fully formed, the LSI will have to figure out what to do next and how Istalia should now be organised. Despite the fact they have defeated bourgeois forces in the Parliament, the bourgeoisie remains powerful in Istalia and plenty of people have still voted for them. Not just that, but they'll also have to deal with the introduction of new people in the party, as well as deal with the demands of the Flandinists in the party, who will, for starters, oppose the establishment of a socialist republic and organisation through a state.
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Re: Istalia

Postby dannypk » Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:30 pm

The Socialist Republic of Istalia is proclaimed
December 5538

Two years and a half after the Lega Socialista seized power in Istalia, after planning and executing several constitutional changes, the Socialist Republic has officially been established in Istalia. Among the constitutional changes made part of the proclamation of the Socialist Republic, the Lega Socialista has included: a name change for the Chamber of Deputies to "Congresso Generale" (General Congress), for the President of the Council of Ministers to "Segretario del Congresso Generale" (Secretary of the General Congress), and for the President of Istalia to "Segretario Generale" (General Secretary); a new flag, and a new official motto that shall represent the purpose of the Lega Socialista - "Per i lavoratori, per la liberazione" (For workers, for liberation).

The lack of an alternative party has introduced plenty of new militants to the Lega, some of which have showed more moderate tendencies that clash with the faction of Calabresi and Nenti. Due to the increasing factionalism in the party, passing new reforms this early on will be difficult. The faction of Calabresi has demanded a gradual approach to reforms, while the Syndicalists of Nenti have been asking for a radical transformation of Istalian society as immediate as possible, organised through the official union of the Lega, the "Unione Socialista dei Lavoratori d'Istalia" (USLI). Meanwhile, some of the new members have sided with the Metzists in having a slower, more gradual approach to reforms, however, disagreeing in aiming for radical reforms. This has allowed, however, the LSI to begin passing some moderate reforms and leave the discussion for a future, as they deem necessary to prove the Istalian proletariat that the LSI has not abandoned the revolution.
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Re: Istalia

Postby dannypk » Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:29 pm

New party appears and the LSI wins elections again
April 5541

In August 5539, after the proclamation of the Socialist Republic, the first Congress was held where several reforms were passed. Among those reforms, several moderate nationalisation policies were included, as well as two military reforms to allow homosexuality openly in the army and abolish mandatory service. That same month, a new party emerged, the "Fronte Anti Radicale", a big tent coalition of liberals, conservatives, Hosian democrats, and nationalists in opposition to the LSI. The FAR began proposing laws that further privatised and liberalised the economy of Istalia, which were effectively voted against by the LSI. One year later, in August 5540, the second Congress was held to pass military reforms, including making the state own all defense industries and turning the army into a police force as well, likely done in reaction to the formation of the FAR.

In April 5541, elections were held with the LSI and FAR competing against each other. Beato Calabresi was elected as Segretario Generale with 53.69% of votes, while the candidate of FAR, Acario Mascolo, received 46.31% of votes. As for the seats in the Congresso Generale, the FAR stole 217 votes from the LSI, but Lega Socialista managed to stay with the largest seats (a total of 233), with 52.99% of votes, in contrast to the FAR's 47.01% of votes. However, the LSI was only able to rule in the Regions of Fidelia and Cisavugli, while the FAR won the Regions of Ferano, Trivendito, and Nicoma. Calabresi held a speech announcing the victory soon afterwards, commenting that "this is clearly a sign of victory for socialism in Istalia - the proletariat is unstoppable and no bourgeois reactionaries will be able to defeat the revolution!"
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Re: Istalia

Postby dannypk » Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:34 am

LSI wins elections for the 6th time: the coming of the second revolution
April 5545

Despite the attempt of the Fronte Anti Radicale to push the socialists out of power, the LSI has continued to win elections, albeit not by much difference. Beato Calabresi has been elected as Segretario Generale with 55.79% of votes, while Acario Mascolo has only gotten a 44.21% of votes. As for seats, the LSI has won 19 new seats, with 55.05% votes, compared to the FAR receiving 44.95% of votes. The LSI got a majority in all the regions except for Nicoma. Following this, around a year later, the FAR disbands, leaving the LSI alone again in the Congresso Generale. This was celebrated as a second revolution, however, this only led to an internal division inside the LSI.

For the most loyal followers of Calabresi, as well as a new democratic socialist faction that has emerged in the last couple years, still small in size, have both seen this outcome as a symbol of the victory of the socialists and the proletariat in overcoming bourgeois and reactionary forces. However, part of the Metzist faction has called out Calabresi and the moderates, arguing that this does not mean a victory, but a sign that we are close to victory, and we must take advantage to seize power absolutely by taking away all political rights and powers to non-proletarian classes and start working on more radical, but gradual, reforms to build up towards socialism. The followers of Calabresi as well as the moderates have answered back saying that radical reforms could bring more issues than solutions, an answer that has only led to more criticism, particularly by Milo Nenti, the representative of the Syndicalists, who has reminded Calabresi and the moderates that in August 5543, a third congress was celebrated in Istalia to vote for radical reforms on international affairs, passing bills such as issuing passports on demand for any reason, allowing everyone to reside permanently in our nation, welcoming any refugee and giving them aid, imposing minimal border controls, and giving moderate aid to nations in need - all of which were passed immediately and were radically different from the previous laws.

As a consequence, Auro Casella (the minister of trade and industry) and Federica Carboni (minister of environment and tourism) have hosted the second congress of the LSI, where they've presented and discussed a new plan of action, that would involve the distribution of guns to the workers, the mass nationalisation of private businesses, the mobilisation of worker militias against reactionary and bourgeois forces, the suppression of political rights for non-proletarian groups, and the organisation of worker councils in businesses and industries, replacing the still ongoing rule of the bourgeoisie. This plan of action laid out by Casella and Carboni has met plenty of loud supporters - particularly from the Metzists in disagreement with Calabresi - and the Syndicalists of Nenti, but also opposition from the smaller in size followers of Calabresi and the moderate socialists. Due to the clear division in this topic, a vote was held, which resulted in a 68% of the congress voting in favour of the plan of action, and a 30% voting against it. As a result, unable to cede and accept this, Calabresi resigned and Auro Casella replaced him. The new plan of action would now be officially in motion, and the coming of a second revolution would be chanted everywhere in Istalia, for some as a sign of victory, for others as a sign of defeat.
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