The AlorianThe Alorian is one of Aloria's oldest and most respected Alorian-language online news platforms. Llynn Tower inaugurated May 5550
The Tower of Llynn, also known as the Brecht Tower, the iconic symbol of Aloria's capital city, has finally been officially re-inaugurated in a spectacular ceremony attended by the King, Prime Minister, members of the cabinet, and the executive leadership of Crentol and the capital city of Llynn. The renovation of the Tower was
initiated two centuries ago when Llynn was restored as the nation's capital, but has since been quietly abandoned due to public indifference, if not outright hostility. Derisively called
y dawddgyffur ('the suppository') on account of its perceived inaesthetic appearance, it has during the centuries been largely ignored when its demolition was not actively advocated.
But in recent years the Alorian public has begun to warm up to its presence in Llynn, especially since the restoration of the Battenburgs to the Alorian throne three years ago. The Tower was originally constructed between 1887 and 1889 following the plans of Dorvish architect Gustav Brecht, and it was specifically erected to showcase the benefits of Aloria's membership in the Dundorfian Empire, as a symbol of the industrialization and modernization that it supposedly encouraged. By the time Aloria gained its independence in 1948 following the turbulent collapse of the Dundorfian Empire, the Tower's association with the latter coupled with the economic decline experienced by Aloria and the remainder of North Artania have left it in disrepair and abandonment, in spite of its status as the tallest building in Llynn which it maintains to this day. There have been numerous attempts over the centuries to either restore the Tower or demolish it completely, but none have been successful until now.
Aloria's new embrace of its Dundorfian heritage may have been what ultimately allowed for the Tower to be rehabilitated in the eyes of the public. In rejecting Dradic nationalism and joining pan-Dundorfian international organizations, Aloria has moved away from its past condemnation of all things Dundorfian and has come to appreciate the culture it shares with neighbouring North Artanian nations. Particularly the
Pan-Dundorfian Free Trade Zone Agreement, whose adoption by the Kingdom of Aloria has created a geographically contiguous trading block between Dorvik, Aloria, and Dundorf, has led to an increase in tourism from Dundorfian nations and possibly motivated the restoration of Aloria's most famous Dundorfian landmark. If participation to the inauguration ceremony is any indication, this revitalized monument has the potential to draw substantial numbers of visitors, from the Dundorfian cultural sphere and beyond.