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Re: Solentian News

Postby Antani Sfini » Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:23 pm

Coalition is now "Solentian People's Party". Ryan Obem it's leader

Image"Today, in front of you all, many totally let the union of friendship of three historical parties of Solentia and together we begin a new path. FHE, IP and INF, the three forces that formed the training" Coalition for the Future ", now melt their names and join the great new moderate party "Solentian People's party."

With these words Ryan Obem, leader of the new political formation "Solentian People's Party" (SPP) has inaugurated the convention constitutive in which the three ex-formations of FHE, IP and INF dissolve their bodies governing and join in the new moderate project.

"We are proud of our past, our present and greatly pleased with the confidence in the future," he continued OBEM "our friends and allies now become our brothers in the common house of the moderates. IP and INF have been able to make that risky and difficult step than other political forces of our current political landscape did not have the courage to perform, with results that are now evident to everyone. We have moderates forced like FIP and NUR that many years ago started to make a policy of extreme left to come against us, perverting their parties and their history. The courage to walk together now have a concrete result: our name, our symbol and our voices. "

Obem then left the floor to Faustino Montgomery, former leader of INF: "I'm happy. Today we move into our house, after years of work. "

Image Big applause for the senator for life, Carla Verolo: "Today we choose a path traced by our past and ahead into the future. We are the history of this country, defend our roots and we support our people".

Finally, Obem said: "It is an important day. I am happy to be the President of all of you, I hope you will help me. Together with you, my friends, I will argue three things: family, freedom and Christian roots. This is our manifesto, that the world knows it. "

The festivities were prolonged for several hours. From now on Solent has a new political formation.
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"Catholics for Solentia", the new organization of the SPP

Postby Antani Sfini » Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:01 pm


Image"Catholics for Solentia", this is the name of the new internal organization of the SPP.
Be led by Senators Nerx and Montgomery (in the photo from the right): "Today is a new organization inside the SPP. After working for years to organize the" Future for Solentia", today a new idea takes shape in "Catholics for Solentia".

This new organization is waiting its own national convention and by the time the senators set up as a group within the party, supported by all its members. "We believe that "Catholics for Solentia" is an opportunity to reunite the Catholic forces of our country in a single organization to discuss the urgent problems of our country. We also have a great past behind us: the "Xzarin Catholic Party," which has made ​​the history of our country. We believe in the project proposed by them and we want to propose it for our present".

Many critical people think that this organization was established for the discontent of the Catholics of the SPP after the presentation of the bill on the war in Likatonia.

At present it is estimated that this organization is a 40% of the SPP.
Montgomery & Nerx
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Primary of the SPP

Postby Antani Sfini » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:56 am

Demetreo Nerx is the new leader of the SPP

Today is an important day for the SPP. After a long period of charismatic leadership, OBEM decided to take a step back and leave the presidency of the party of the SPP. "I am very satisfied with my office. We have built a solid party, open and innovative. I am happy to leave here after four terms as President of the Republic."

After Obem's public lecture, began the counting of the primaries. Candidates Demetreo Nerx ("Catholics for Solentia"), Kate's House ("SPP-Rome") and Jack Shepard ("In the center of Solentian") have expressed their intentions, praising the work of his predecessor OBEM. These were the results:

voters 11547358
Nerx: 6466520 votes, equal to 56%
Shepard: 4618943 votes, equal to 40%
House: 461894 votes, equal to 4%

Image Demetreo Nerx is then the new leader of the SPP. "Thank you all, friends. I am moved. From now on we write together a new history of our Party and our nation. Together we report Solentia to be a country fair, democratic and international players. I believe in this dream of justice: you?"

Today's vote marks the handover between two souls of the SPP: the liberal-conservative "credits" and the Catholic-Democratic "Catholics for Solent." The "CFS", led by Nerx, now lead the party.
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Solentian News

Postby Antani Sfini » Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:24 pm


nerx cabinet.jpg
nerx cabinet.jpg (11.31 KiB) Viewed 2574 times
HALION - In an official press conference, the new Senate Demetreo Nerx Warden presented the new Cabinet: "Good evening to all. I am pleased to present to all the team who will rule Solentia from now: Ministers are all solid, reliable and youth.

The great work done in recent months by the "Coalition for the Future" (SPP, LUC, FRPP, UNF) had a confirmed victory in the elections and the great friendship that distinguishes us. We thank the President Murran for having legitimized this Cabinet.

This will be an executive of reforms, for the good of our country. For 50 years Solentia lived in the status quo and in the recession. Today we find a dramatic and complex situation, inherited from our predecessors, but we are sure to raise our fate and enhance productivity of our country.

We know that the way will be difficult: there are serious situations, waste and injustice that have been endorsed by previous governments. We want to change course: Justice, lower taxes for all and social assistance. These are the watchwords of our mandate.

We believe in Solentia. We believe in our great and beautiful society. We thank the voters who have given credence to our project and we tell them: you will not regret. We start the work".
Last edited by Antani Sfini on Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:22 pm

S O L E N T I A N . T I M E S | T H E . D A I L Y . E D I T I O N
NATIONAL: HEADLINES ~ Protests in Capital over Higher Education Changes
April 3179

The Union-led protest has strong links with the Unionist Party.

HALION – Thousands of students, lecturers and teachers have gathered in Halion today to march against the Coalition Government's proposals for changes to the Higher Education system. Marching from Downtown right up onto Capitol Hill, the march is organised by Students' Union groups a& Teaching Unions from accross Solentia.

The Government's plans include proposals to cut funding for higher education places to families classified as "middle-income". Only some students will be eligable for funding under new laws under debate on the Senate floor. The University of Halion Students' Union President, Liam Warren, said that the Government wanted to create a "class-based system that provokes disunity and a split in our society". They are backed by Unionist Party Senators, some of whom attended the protest and marched alongside the Students.

In Senate, the Unionist party has been an adovcate of the "Save Our Schools" campaign being organised by the Byrne Foundation, an educational charity with ancient links to the Unionist leadership. The Byrne Foundation paid for many of the resources being used by the Unions.

Also on the Government's plans are proposals for heavier regulation of the private Universities. These are also strongly opposed by Students' Union groups who claim that the change will be "determintal to quality teaching and education". They say that a freer Higher Education system in the private Universities helps to keep national standards high.

Unionist Leader Matheus Kennedy was not at the protest but did release a statement saying that he "stood strongly with Solentia's students from inside the Senate" and that he would "be on-call at anytime to help them fight for their cause."
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The Unionists of Solentia [Inactive]
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Antani Sfini » Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:58 pm

The primaries elect Kate House as the new secretary of the SPP

After the recent resignation of the leader Demetreo Nerx, the SPP announced the primaries. Compete in the primaries Senator Kate House, the former minister Zerd Maliah and the young Augustine Cook.

Also submitted their applications Faustino Montgomery, Ron Malion, Jack Shepard and Brian Gregory, but withdrew from competition because of the disappointing election results. Greg Fertido has abandoned the race in protest due to the failure to call for presidential debates.

There were at least 2 million voters in the primaries of the SPP. The region where voting was far more is Tesuhen, stronghold of the Popular.

"I want to thank - said Kate House - all the people who are voting in the primaries. I know that there is a lot of good people that you are going to the polls to cast their vote. It's a great celebration of democracy, regardless of who are voting".

Zerd Maliah is excited because of the morning: "This figure demonstrates the desire for change of our citizens."

For Augustine Cook primaries "have awakened our people and strengthened the belief that we are decisive. In all democratic countries are parties to discuss, in transparency, their future and their own leaders, democracy must prevail in the parties' .

The results of the ballots arrive late in the night, but "the political fact is clear," Kate House is "the new secretary of the SPP." So Demetreo Nerx opens the press conference at the national party to pass the baton. Kate Haouse received the 54% of votes.

"I phoned her - said Nerx - and I gave this act of recognition". Nerx stressed that it was not right "for the party, waiting for you to see if there are two percentage points more 'or less: the political and since' the choice of our voters and 'the House to elect as our Kate Secretary ".

"I will continue to serve my party as a senator and in a way that will look more useful". Nerx said in a press conference where he announced the victory of Kate House in the primaries. "This is not an evening of disappointment but an evening of celebration for all the party cause the winner is the SPP."

Nerx said himself "proud" of having "delivered reinforced the party with this primaries".

Kate House.jpg
Kate House.jpg (17.2 KiB) Viewed 2535 times
Kate House has arrived at the site of the SPP few minutes later. Waiting of her, on the second floor of the SPP, Zerd Maliah and Augustine Cook that have shaken his hand just out of the elevator. Kate House then was directed to the office of Nerx.
These are the first words of Kate House as secretary of the party: "If there is to do some effort to help workers, families and small businesses, a great collective effort, we are ready," she said. "We threw away many year. Now we must put money in the people's pocket that are impoverishing. We must go directly to small businesses to give them a breath and put in his hand the future investments".
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Zanz » Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:30 pm

Voice of Solentia
"The news Solentia wants!"
October 3217

Op-Ed: Solentia's near foreign policy suicide
by Dr. Andrew Harrison, Professor Emeritus of International Studies, National University of Halion; Founder and CEO of Solentian Institute for Majatran Peace

Almost a year ago, the Solentian Senate very nearly ratified the Majatran Union international treaty ( ... lid=332445). The ratification was proposed by what appeared to be a well meaning United Liberal Caucus who touted the bill as one which would "boost [Solentia's] economy with international money, [...] allow [...] money to flow freely across borders, [and] be a strong [military] deterrent and [...] be a force of international good."

The bill received no dissenting votes or opinions and failed to pass the 2/3rds margin necessary by only a scant 17 votes.

Solentia could not have dodged a more vital bullet by failing to join the MU.

The polarization of Majatran nations toward either the Majatran Union or the Anti-Majatran Union is a tragedy which has occurred, unsurprisingly, relatively unnoticed in the sleepy Federal Republic. Each side waxes bellicose, waging a war of words which with each day draws inevitably closer to a war of violence. Sanctions imposed on the MU by the Anti-MU allow MU-based shipping to be arbitrarily searched, arrests to be made, and key resources to be embargoed ( ... atyid=2059). Worryingly, nations such as Zardugal, which has a history of peacefulness in Majatran affairs, and Cobura, which is normally relatively silent on the international stage, have either signed on or look likely to sign on to work in tandem with nations such as Davostan and Deltaria, whose commitments to human rights have been suspect in the past.

Embroiling the Federal Republic in outside affairs has always been a controversial issue in domestic politics, and Solentia has a history of neutrality which ought to be respected by Solentia's new-guard. Had the ratification of the MU passed in Senate, or were it to be proposed again and allowed to pass, Solentia would be closer now to a state of war than it has been in hundreds, if not thousands of years. The MU Treaty, Section on Foreign Relations, Article 5 states that "An attack on any member state of the Majatran Union shall be considered an attack on all nations, and armed forces among all member states signed to this treaty shall come to that member state's defense under the Command of the Allied Commander." The ULC's argument that ratification would serve as a deterrent to would-be aggressors against Solentia is unfounded and incorrect. In fact, the MU would far more likely draw isolated Solentia into its international wars. A far BETTER policy of deterrence is to remain uninvolved in warmongering international organizations.

As a final thought, it is the opinion of the author that the presence and comment of the Beiteynese Foreign Affairs Ministry in the Solentian Senate chamber, expressing their disappointment in Solentian parties for choosing to abstain on Solentian legislation is inappropriate and out of line. The Federal Independent Party, the Libertarian Party, and the Unionist Party very truly have guaranteed the lives of thousands of Solentian soldiers by their abstention on the ratification vote; if the Beiteynese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is disappointed in that guarantee, then the Beiteynese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not one which should be influencing Solentian politics in any manner, and ought not to be in such a position of power in world politics, either.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Zanz » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:34 pm

Voice of Solentia
"The news Solentia wants!"
May 3218

Conservative Party of Solentia return "imminent"

Dr. Andrew Harrison spoke before a large crowd in Halion, Tuesday.

HALION, ORAME - The Federal Republic's capital has electrified by the announcement of the filing of formal papers for the refounding of one of Solentia's oldest political parties, the Conservative Party of Solentia. Dr. Andrew Harrison, recently popularized after an op-ed in the Voice of Solentia, stated that he had filed paperwork with over 500,000 signatures supporting the recreation of the party.

Depending on the swiftness of the approval, Solentia could have another party within the month.

Rumors place the party under a governing coalition of the Moderate Conservatives, the Solentians for Peace in Majatra, and the Worker's Defense League, which together control roughly 50-55% of CPS support. The Moderates are traditional hallmarks of CPS faction politics, the WDL is a leftist faction, and the SPM is a new faction, Dr. Harrison's own, which advocates neutrality as the traditional Solentian foreign policy. Experts predict that Damien Rice (MC) will serve as Assistant Party Chairman under Dr. Harrison, Jack Hawthorne (MC) will serve as Senatorial Lead once the CPS has gained seats in the legislative body, and Aaron Miles (WDL) will assist him.

With a somewhat internationalist administration empowered in Halion currently, it is believed Dr. Harrison's CPS will take the floor in advocating for traditional Solentian neutrality. Experts also predict that Solentian heritage may be a key component of the CPS' revival, given the relative youth of many of Solentia's active parties.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Zanz » Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:05 am

Voice of Solentia
"The news Solentia wants!"
December 3220

Conservative Party of Solentia condemns government's "back-door politics"

HALION, ORAME - Dr. Andrew Harrison, Chairman of the Conservative Party of Solentia, has pledged his party's support to the candidate of the Federal Independent Party in July's forthcoming Supreme Presidential election.

The announcement comes as a result of CPS disagreement with the politicking of Solentia's current government coalition, comprised of Supreme President Dillon Hamilton's Progressionist Solentian Caucus Party, the United Liberal Caucus, and the United National Front.

Several pieces of legislation key to the government were opposed by the CPS and several other opposition parties but either passed or look set to pass in the Senate due to coalition loyalties within the government. Harrison accused the Supreme President and his government of polarizing the debate by refusing to negotiate with opposition parties.

Harrison's endorsement of the FIP come following comments from the CPS' Senatorial Lead, Jack Hawthorne, in response to a demanded 'coalition vote' on the treatment of illegal immigrants living in the Federal Republic:

Jack Hawthorne, CPS Senatorial Lead, speaking to the Solentian Senate wrote:"Mr. Senate Warden,

The CPS condemns the abhorrent loyalty of the ULC to coalition over nation. We have provided and clarified our manifold arguments against the current legislation, and have issued our ultimatum. It is clear that the PSCP and the ULC cannot be trusted to put good governance over maintenance of their own power and thus cannot be trusted. The CPS shall naturally not forget this injustice which borders on treason.

I implore all other parties to cast a symbolic 'nay' vote in the face of PSCP/ULC back-door politics, and yield the floor."

Jack Hawthorne

No government officials have yet responded to either Senator Hawthorne's accusation of "back-door politics" or to Chairman Harrison's endorsement of the FIP on behalf of his party. It is unsure whether the CPS' endorsement of the FIP will be enough to break the current government's coalition, but it is a symbolic act of separation between the opposition and the government, certain to raise feathers in the capital.
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Re: Solentian News

Postby Zanz » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:30 am

Voice of Solentia
"The news Solentia wants!"
July 3221

Conservative Party of Solentia will "swing to the right," says Harrison

HALION, ORAME - Following an embarrassingly poor showing in this month's election following loud anti-government rhetoric, the Conservative Party of Solentia "must swing to the right," stated party chairman Andrew Harrison. "Our party is, traditionally, one of individual freedom," he told a disappointed crowd in Halion after the poll results were announced. "Solentia's voters want to see that party again."

The election saw poor strategy on the part of the CPS administration, according to experts. Endorsement of Federal Independent Party Supreme Presidential candidate Brian Fasclione created a trilateral run for Supreme President which Progressionist Solentian Caucus Party incumbent Dillon Hamilton won easily in the first round with the backing of a resurgent United Liberal Caucus. Fasclione never really stood a chance, competing with the two most powerful contenders in modern Solentian politics, and many CPS supporters felt their votes were wasted in endorsing the FIP.

Not to be dismayed, Harrison deftly placed most of the blame for the poor election decision on the Commission of Five, the CPS' executive board. Three of the five members of that committee were quickly replaced as Harrison crafted a new coalition of factions, and the chairman retained his power over the party for the time being.

Harrison's Solentians for Peace in Majatra faction was not unscathed, however: it lost 6% of voter confidence since the party's refounding. The Libertarian Congress became the most powerful faction in the party, and a coalition of that faction, the Free Market Conservatives, Harrison's SPM, and the Moderate Conservatives has been negotiated. The leftist Worker's Defense League faction fell out of favor. Interestingly, the second largest gain in loyalty was achieved by the Taylorian Conservatives, which is typically a fringe faction based on the politics of controversial 25th century CPS Supreme President Julia Taylor, who was renowned for her militarism and far right politics. Thus far the TC faction has not been approached for membership in a party coalition, say sources.
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