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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:22 pm

August 3788
Barmenia Joins Khaganate

Military parade in Varistad

The theocratic Felinist monarchy was overthrown by pro-Jelbic forces led by the Jelbic nationalist Nation and Justice Party as a result of a peaceful revolution. Barmenia had been plagued by civil war between the Felinist monarchy and the Ahmadi rebels controlling Kathuristan, and with the rise of the Khaganate and the union of all other Jelbic nations under Khagan Laurens-Wrntukai, the Mede monarchy was left isolated and unable to maintain its stronghold over Barmenia. The power vacuum was soon filled by the Nation & Justice Party, a moderate Ahmadist and Jelbic nationalist movement, calling for the elimination of what they see as corrupt Felinist rule in the nation. Days after the overthrow of the Mede dynasty and the founding of the Shahdom of Barmenia, the Nation & Justice Party initiated the process of joining the Empire of the Jelbic Peoples, a move that was warmly received by the Khagan. The party's leader, Jusuv Hacisrmko, was appointed by the Khagan as the Yabek (Viceroy) of Barmenia.

Jusuv Hacisrmko, the new Yabek of the Shahdom of Barmenia

Although the Kathuristan rebels had surrendered to the central government after a blockade of the island, there remained much resentment from the Ahmadis of Barmenia against the Medes and their Crusader forces, which resentment is one of the main causes of the pro-Jelbic party's quick rise to power. In an effort to unify the country under the banner of Temrkaid unity, the new government outlawed Felinism, Ahmadi heresies, and a number of other religions seen as enemy of pan-Jelbicism. With nearly 40% of the nation professing belief in Felinism, this new act is unlikely to be received favourably by the population; however, the same law also granted the other established faiths of Barmenia the status of "recognized religions", granting them a large number of privileges. As most Felinists actually practice their faith in syncretism with the other main religions in Barmenia, it is possible that all but the most diehard cat-worshippers (currently estimated to be around 13% of the population) will be willing to abandon their faith in exchange for security, especially since Felinism was discredited due to its being seen as an obstacle to Jelbic unity.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:37 pm

July 3792
Defelinization of Barmenia

Destroyed cat temple in Kathura

In the four years since the pan-Jelbic revolution took power in Barmenia and brought the region into the Khaganate, the local government of the Shahdom has been conducting a thorough policy of de-Felinization in an attempt to completely eliminate the religion from Barmenia. After the feline faith was banned as an unrecognized "cult" in 3789, the government proceeded to remove the protected status granted to cats and other felines under the old laws of Felinist Barmenia. Consequently, most Felinists, at least those syncretically practicing their faith, returned to the mainstream Barmenian religions. Only the most die-hard orthodox Felinists refuse to abandon their errant and perverted ways, and are now subject to heavy penalties from the government. Several clashes between governmental forces and radical Felinists have led to the destruction of a number of cat temples, while the other places of worship were converted into mosques and churches.

The ban on Felinist syncretism has led to a significant resurgence of the Barmenian Apostolic Church. One of the oldest Hosian Churches in Majatra and the second oldest Eastern Patriarchal denomination, the Apostolic Church has replaced the Selucian Patriarchal Church as the largest Hosian group in Barmenia. Ahmadism too is once again on the rise. Since the days of the great Temrkai and his conversion to the Ahmadi faith, Ahmadism has been closely associated with the pan-Jelbic cause in Barmenia, and now the majority of Barmenian population follows Prophet Ahmad, the great ancient hero of the Jelbic peoples.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:37 am

May 3793
Deal with Mujaheddin

Akimék Cahdkai in Varistad

In order to increase the size of the Barmenian armed forces in the context of the Majatran arms race, and to put an end to Barmenia's religious problems, the Shahdom formed an alliance with the radical Ahmadi Mujaheddin in Barmenia. The ruling Nation & Justice Party has been pandering to the Ahmadi population in Barmenia ever since it came to power, including by banning the Felinist religion, but relations between radical Ahmadis and the government remain tense. The former are dissatisfied with the secular nature of the Shahdom, calling for the implementation of Nmus (Shariah) and the death penalty for all Felinists and polytheists, while the government is weary of the militant nature of the Mujaheddin and fears that granting them too many concessions may strain relations with the rest of the Khaganate. As a compromise with the Mujaheddin, the Shahdom decided to recognize Jihadist militias and integrate them within the Barmenian armed forces as irregular units, under heavy governmental regulation. Some fear that this new recognition is going a step too far, and that radical Ahmadis, emboldened by this decision, may easily press for a more thorough implementation of their views.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:57 pm

December 3794
Rise of Mujaheddin


After the strategic alliance between the Shahdom and the Ahmadi Mujaheddin, the latter greatly increased in power and influence. No longer hiding from the government, the Mujaheddin are beginning to have disproportionate influence over Barmenian policy, and in spite of their heavy regulation by the government, they are acting more and more independently. In some rural areas outside government control Ahmadis have begun implementing Nmus (Shariah), and clashes between Ahmadi radicals and the Apostolic Army in Majatra, the Hosian militant group of the Apostolic Church of the East, are a daily occurrence in Arakhim and Kathuristan. Sources within the government are already critical of the alliance with the Mujaheddin, fearing that the rise in their power may destabilize Barmenia and draw the Khaganate's ire, while the recent designation of Barmenia as a state sponsor of terrorism by Zardugal greatly increased the already high tensions between the two Majatran powers.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:34 pm

February 3796
Barmenia's Bloody Divorce with the Mujaheddin

Mujaheddin killed by the Shahdom's forces

Barmenia's troubled alliance with the Ahmadi Mujaheddin was much shorter than anyone would have anticipated. After a tense but close relationship between the Shahdom and the Jihadists that included the official recognition of the latter and the government's turning a blind eye to the implementation of Nmus in several rural areas, the relationship was officially and violently ended by the Shahdom. After a law banning all non-governmental armed forces and introducing the death penalty for terrorism, the government initiated a thorough and violent assault on all Mujaheddin-affiliated areas, attempting to completely wipe out the group from Barmenia. The violent crackdown led to the death of tens of thousands of Barmenians, not all of them members of the Mujaheddin, and including many women and children. The assault on Mujahid militias was accompanied by the closing down of many Midrashas (Madrasas) suspected of harboring Jihadist ideas. Sources claim that this radical policy shift is a result of orders from above, although Khaganate officials deny greenlighting the recent massacre.

The heavy-handed assault on the militias was sharply criticized by sources within the government, including the Wazír of Cultural and Religious Affairs Abdlmecid Alísrmko Shakír. The killing of tens of thousands of citizens risks turning the Mujaheddin into martyrs and may result in a more violent and more organized backlash against the government.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:57 pm

July 3796
Jihadist Uprising


The abrupt and violent government crackdown on the Ahmadi Cahdkai (Mujaheddin) in Barmenia, a move widely criticized at the time, has determined the Jihadists to take arms against the Shahdom. Following the massacre of thousands of Barmenian civilians during the Shahdom's attempt to eliminate radical Ahmadi militias, the radical Cahdkai decided to repay the government in kind. Taking advantage of their access to advanced weaponry, consequence of their brief collaboration with the government, the Mujaheddin launched a large-scale uprising against the Shahdom of Barmenia and the Khaganate as a whole. With the loosening of the Shahdom's grip on the nation, Barmenia is slowly disintegrating into chaos, as Apostolic and Felinist militias clash with the Cahdkai throughout the nation.

August 3798
Yabek Dismissed

As Jusuv Hacisrmko Sryca has proved himself incapable of governing the Shahdom of Barmenia, allowing the sectarian crisis to escalate to the point of widespread violence due to his heavy-handed crackdown on the Cahdkai, he was dismissed by the Khagan. The new Yabek nominated by the Khagan, Slejman Suadjasrlsrmko Kush, is considered a capable politician and a good administrator. Kush enjoys close relations to all of Barmenia's religious communities; a former Ahmadi-Felinist, he converted to pure Ahmadism following the ban on the Felinist religion, allowing him to represent the large number of Barmenians who recently had to change their faith. Kush's government may attempt to deal with the Cahdkai crisis by establishing closer relations with the other religions in the Shahdom. There are even rumors that the persecution of Felinists may be brought to an end under the new government.

Slejman Suadjasrlsrmko Kush, Barmenia's new Yabek
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:20 pm

January 3801
Implementation of Nmus

Bhtjar Mhmetsrmko Tuzmhamek, the new Jezshfet (Chief Qadi) of Barmenia

In an effort to reduce the sectarian conflict plaguing Barmenia that has reached new heights after the violent crackdown on Ahmadi militias, the Shahdom decided to officially implement Nmus (religious law) as the standard for personal status law, moving away from the Selucian-inspired civil law system that was in place in Barmenia since the earliest Felinist times. Recognized religious groups are now granted the power to exercise authority over matters pertaining to personal status, such as marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance. The Queranzari, Abadi, Hosian, Yeudi, and Osean confessions now have state-appointed, government-subsidized clerical courts that administer family and personal status law. This new law is an attempt at curbing the popularity of the Cahdkai; one of their key requirements was the implementation of Ahmadi Nmus throughout the nation, leading to violent opposition from the other religious communities in Barmenia. As the Nmus of all recognized religions is now implemented, under strict government control, it is hoped that this measure will both promote harmony between the various Barmenian religions, and reduce the influence of religious radicals of all denominations.

Additionally, the Shahdom amended its harsh religious policy that was implemented when Felinism was made illegal. The legal persecution of Felinists and other religious groups has been reduced, and no denomination is now illegal. Instead, the Kush government amended the legislation on government-issued identification documents, making the inclusion of each citizen's religious affiliation mandatory, and making it impossible for adherents to other faiths to have their religion officially declared. This in practice means that Barmenians who are not Ahmadis, Hosians, Yeudis, or Oseans, cannot be issued personal documents, and thus cannot be employed, open bank accounts, or vote; in other words, those not adhering to the recognized religions have the option of either lying about their faith, or practically becoming non-citizens. This new move is an attempt of the government to obtain the favour of the disenfranchised Felinists without actually legalizing their faith.

With these new regulations the Shahdom hopes to restore religious harmony in Barmenia. For better or for worse, the old Felinist regime, while hated and resented by all non-Felinists, at least had the ability to retain the unity of the country. The end of minority rule, while greeted cheerfully by pan-Jelbicists and the Khaganate, seems to have brought upon a new age of instability and violent inter-communal conflict. It is now the job of the Kush government to regain the unity of the country and guarantee Barmenia's position within the Khaganate and the Majatran world.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:44 pm

January 3804
Peace Agreement at Ur Bahra


Representatives of the Shahdom government and leaders of the main religious militias in Barmenia met in the Kathuran city of Ur Bahra to bring an end to the sectarian hostilities that had been raging in the country since 3796, under patronage of the Yabek of Barmenia Slejman Suadjasrlsrmko Kush. The parties present at the Ur Bahra negotiations all agreed to end fighting each other in exchange for substantial guarantees from the government. The Ur Bahra Agreement stipulates that Barmenia is to be governed under a system of confessionalism, whereby all recognized religious communities are to be proportionally represented at the central level according to their respective demographic weight. As per the Agreement, Parliamentary seats are divided by the religious affiliation of the candidates, granting little more than half to the Israi Ahmadis who are now the largest religious group in the Shahdom. Additionally, the Yabek is from now on to be an Israi, the Grand Wizier an Apostolic Hosian, and the military and civil service posts are similarly distributed according to demographics. Apart from the confessionalization of Barmenia, the government also agreed with the Jihadists to petition for the Khagan to place a Kamék, a member of Prophet Ahmad's clan, as the Yabek of Barmenia.

These concessions and negotiations seem to have put an end to the sectarian strife plaguing the country. Most religious militias were pleased by the guaranteed representation granted to their respective communities and the earlier recognition of their Nmus and judicial autonomy. The only Jihadist group that refused to participate in the Agreement is the radical Ahmadist group Ám'ádék Grm ("Army of Ahmad"), who control significant territory in Uthena and Arakhim and have access to plentiful resources. But overall, peace now reigns over Barmenia. Having served his country well Slejman Suadjasrlsrmko Kush has agreed to step down as Yabek once a Kamék replacement is nominated, and the Shahdom can now focus on building its military might in preparation for the upcoming Majatran conflicts, as per its obligations as member of the Khaganate.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:35 pm

September 3804
Kamék Appointed as Yabek


As a result of negotiations between the Shahdom and the religious militias, the Ahmadi Cahdkai agreed to lay down their weapons under condition that a member of Prophet Ahmad's clan Kamék is installed as the Yabek (Viceroy) of Barmenia. Yabek Slejman Suadjasrlsrmko Kush, architect of the Ur Bahra agreement that put an end to Barmenia's sectarian strife, agreed to step down as the Khagan's representative in the Shahdom provided the Exalted One name a Kamék as his personal Viceroy. Khagan Laurens-Wrntukai agreed to name Abdlmecid Ám'ádsrmko Kamék as the new Yabek of Barmenia, finally ending the religious civil war in the Khanate's Barmenian dominion. Former Yabek Kush was granted the title Békékbék (Bek of Beks/Beylerbey) and the position of Wazír of Cultural and Religious Affairs by the new Yabek in recognition of his role in returning unity to Barmenia. Now the Barmenian Shahdom can focus all its efforts on submitting in body and soul to the Khagan of the Jelbic peoples. Barmenian fighters of all faiths shall fight proudly alongside their Jelbic brothers in the Greatest Horde, just as their forefathers fought and died for the great Termkai.
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Re: Brme Lofrkns (Barmenian Independent)

Postby Polites » Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:46 pm

August 3811
Caliphate Proclaimed
Barmenia Betrays Khaganate


In the midst of the successful Jelbic invasion of Zardugal, the Barmenian province of the Khaganate, one of the most loyal subjects of the Empire, secceeded from the Khaganate. Following negotiations between the Shahdom and the remaining Jihadist militias, Abdlmecid Ám'ádsrmko Kamék was proclaimed Caliph of all Ahmadism, renouncing his submission to the Hosian Khagan and declaring war on the Khaganate. This unexpected event seems to have however been planned for years. With most of the Israi armed forces remaining in Barmenia under the pretext of fighting Jihadist guerrillas, Abdlmecid certainly has the means to enforce his claim to the till now defunct Caliphate. The religious minorities in Barmenia seem to be content with this turn of events, after the leaders of the recognized Barmenian religions were promised an even wider degree of autonomy than that granted under the Ur Bahra Agreement, provided they accept the supremacy of the Ahmadis. With most non-Israi troops far away from Barmenia, they hardly had any choice, particularly with the gradual demographic increase in the number of Ahmadis.

Now the young Caliphate finds itself at war with the other Jelbic nations, breaking the geographic continuity of the Khaganate and forcing the Empire to fight a two-front war just as it was to enjoy its moment of triumph against the Zards. The future of the new Ahmadi theocracy is nonetheless far from certain, as the Khaganate, though exhausted after years of total war, is still vastly superior in numbers and military potential, and the besieged Zardic Federation can only put off its impending doom for so long. Barmenia will almost certainly face a two-pronged invasion that may quickly put an end to Adlmecid's Ahmadist project.
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