
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby Auditorii » Thu May 04, 2017 1:43 am

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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Thu May 04, 2017 2:02 am

State Council Elections prove expected results
January 2405

Wolfsheim, Ostland - Elections for the State Council resulted in their expected results, those representative of the people of Ostland were truly elected, 43 of the 50 elected seats of the State Council went to the Ostland State Association (Dundorfian: Ostland Staatsverband) which is the party of incoming State President Karsten Stoiber and has been the ruling party for the past several decades. Underneath the leadership of the OSV the people of Ostland have prospered and the shared bond between the Ostlander and Kunikata people has never been stronger. The remainder of the seats 7 of them went to the Southern Ostland Party (Dundorfian: Südöstliche Partei) which represents a majority of landowners and business owners closer to the former owner of Ostland's lands, Hulstria and Gao-Soto. The other 25 seats of the 75 seat State Council are appointed by the State President, the 25 appointed members are independents but many of them closely align with the Ostland State Association and have served Ostland faithfully for many years, most of them are successful businessmen, military and security officers as well as various others who have dedicated themselves to the people of Ostland.

Despite peaceful elections the State Commission for Defense and the State Commission for the Interior maintained heavy presence throughout the country, namely at polls where several dozen Kunikata leftists were arrested for their efforts in an attempt to disrupt the polls. Various other incidents like the one in Ansschlag, were reported in Troein, Dornrau and Landkirchen. In the Southern portion of the country where a vast majority of Ostland's incredibly loyal Kunikata reside, the Koan-Keisatsu (Kunikata: 公安警察 Kōan keisatsu, "Public Police Force") were out in force to ensure the Kunikata's voice was heard and many of them elected representatives of the Southern Ostland Party where they were ecstatic to see their chosen representatives elected to the State Council. Dietmar Schoeler the State Commissioner for Kunihito Welfare stated that the Kunikata had planned several dozen rallies to celebrate the recent elections.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue May 23, 2017 2:49 pm

State President Karsten Stoiber orders crack down on "Separatist" elements
February, 4205

Wolfsheim, Ostland - Despite relative ease throughout the elections process State President Stoiber has ordered a crackdown on what he calls "Separatist" elements through Ostland itself, namely in the southern portion of the country where the Kunihito population is the largest. The State President announced earlier this month that the Ostland State Police alongside the Kunihito-dominated Public Police Force would be raiding due to intelligence received that elements of the Kunihito population were going to attempt to disrupt the post-election regional governments and that some elements were calling for a "...new nation to be formed." The State President spoke out against separatism and how it fractured that safe and secure society that the Ostlander's had and how the Ostlanders and Kunihito people had co-existed and how the recent election had showed that they could cooperate together.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue May 23, 2017 2:52 pm

Scores die in continued Separatist raids
May, 4205

Southern Ostland - Reports have come in from various sources that during one of the scheduled raids of separatist elements that a firefight broke out and scores of separatist terrorist were killed. No official reports have come yet from the State Police or any other government agency but it is believed that reports are saying that nearly 20 were killed when State Police raided a compound believed to have contained members of a separatist group that had militarized itself over the course of several years. These reports are troubling as Ostland has been a bastion of cooperation and peace in the past several decades since independence from Hulstria and Gao-Soto.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue May 23, 2017 3:00 pm

State President Stoiber supportive of International Development and Stability Bank
May, 4215

Wolfsheim, Ostland - State President Stoiber announced today his support for the foundation of the International Development and Stability Bank as he was attending a discussion of Dovani representatives at the World Congress. The State President called on the members of the World Congress to act and to join this new bank as a means to combat the growing trend of "...reckless lending without oversight." that had lead to the crisis of the 4200s that has luckily almost disappeared. The State President welcome the creation of the bank but stated that the new bank should remain wholly independent of the World Congress and that it was not the World Congress's job to regulate but the various nations of the world to regulate themselves.

State President Stoiber also called for the recognition of the International Exchange Commission as the de facto oversight for exchanges throughout the globe alongside the foundation of a new bank.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jul 08, 2017 5:21 am

State President orders District Commanders in place in southern portion of the country
January, 4238

Wolfsheim, Ostland - State President Waldemar Strasburger announced today at a press conference that the Landwehr would be dispatching District Commanders and placing local and regional governments underneath the direct control of the district commanders. Violence has flared in the primarily Kunihito dominated areas of Ostland as rebellious elements of the Kunihito continue to undermine the democratically elected government in Wolfsheim. The State President spoke today with Kunihito community leaders earlier this week and announced several programs to attempt to draw Kunihito people into the fold of Ostland, however these elements have been hampered by small movements of violent criminals who are hellbent on destruction of peace and prosperity in Ostland.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:49 pm

Scores of Kunihito found in unmarked graves
October, 4239

Southern Ostland - The Ostland Human Rights Society, an opposition group in Ostland, has provided pictures to various foreign media outlets apparently showing dozens of Kunihito citizens with bullet woulds in unmarked graves throughout the southern portion of the country. The unmarked graves have around 200+ Kunihito in them by recent counts. When the United Press, a conglomerate of press agencies sharing news, images and stories released the story the Ostland government did not return a statement regarding the specific issue but released a statement which condemned the violence in the southern portion of the country which has been rife with ethnic violence. Despite the relative presence of police and military, the southern portion of Ostland has been a hotbed of tension as ethnic Hulstrians and Kunihito people clash over racial tensions.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jul 25, 2017 6:52 am

State Council re-works constitution, forms Grand Duchy of Ostland
August, 4246

Wolfsheim, Ostland - State President Waldemar Strasburger presided over the final meeting of the democratically elected State Council today as the State Council voted to approve the formation of the Grand Duchy of Ostland. The replacement of the Republic of Ostland, also known as the Ostland Republic or Eastern Republic was formally organized by the formerly exiled nobility of the once great Hulstrian Empire known affectionately as Österreich. The State Council voted unanimously to approve the reorganization of the Republic of Ostland into the Grand Duchy of Ostland where Ludwig Wilhelm von Oberlander-Schwarzhelm was chosen as the new Grand Duke of Ostland. The candidates for Grand Duke were properly vetted and the Oberlander-Schwarzhelm family, an exiled family from Hulstria that first settled back in Ostland following it's independence was given the ascent to become the new rulers of the Grand Duchy. One notable feature of the new constitution is that the Grand Duke is technically elected, the Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Ostland creates a form of Electors Council that can call for the election of a new Grand Duke if they so feel.

The new overhaul of the government changes relatively little in terms of structure but does eliminate and create several new positions. The Grand Duke is represented by the State Chancellor, who reserves the right to veto legislation of the State Council and acts as his representative when the Grand Duke is unavailable. The government will be lead by the State Minister, who is appointed by the Grand Duke. The State Council will be keep its current number at 100 seats with a further 50 being appointed by the Grand Duke, the State Chancellor and the State Minister. The move is widely seen as means to solidify the Dundorfian culture in Ostland, primarily due to the widening disturbances in the south. The Grand Duke addressed the State Council today as they sung the Ostland State Anthem and a parade, organized by the Landwehr was held outside of the State Council building.

The new Grand Duke, titled Ludwig I, made no qualms about crushing any resistance to his policies and noted that continued Kunihito insurrection in the south would be mercilessly crushed.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Jul 25, 2017 7:05 am

State Chancellor breaks silence on Utari Mosir's Kamphon claim
August, 4246

Wolfsheim, Ostland - Settling into his new position former State President Waldemar Strasburger stated that the Utari Mosir's claim to Kamphon was both unnecessary and "...dangerous to regional stability." Ostland, which has just transformed into the Grand Duchy of Ostland has filed an official petition to with the League of Independent Nations, the organization that is similar to the World Congress for former colonial nations. State Chancellor Strasburger was appointed to oversee the transition from the Republic of Ostland to the Grand Duchy of Ostland, some suspect that the State Chancellor will not stay long after the Grand Duke is finished with him. The Grand Duke himself also spoke alongside the new State Chancellor and noted that Cifutingan was an ancestral ally of Ostland and that they would stand side by side with their Dundorfian brethren whenever necessary. The Grand Duke and the State Chancellor were seen standing next to Colonel-General Florian von Mueller-Kleiber, the Chief of the Landwehr General Staff, General Jörg Pfeffer of the Ostland Landwehr, Major General Julian Böhm the Commander of the Sturmabteilung and General-Admiral Vinzenz von Fellgiebel-Riesch of the Ostland Marine. The State Chancellor's speech included promises to Cifutingan that Ostland would be prepared to come to their defense if so required and that Ostland could provide material and economic support as necessary.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby cm9777 » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:54 am

September 4283

New Unknown Disease Spreading

Wolfsheim, Ostland
In a regular check-up, a doctor in Wolfsheim found a new disease that contains a yet to be identified bacteria. It appears to be mostly harmless but must be investigated further,
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