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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:18 am

Slayback Steps Down as SlayCorp CEO

Slayback Speaks to The New CEO of SlayCorp

Fort Bartlet, Vahama- Upon his recent election to the First Chancellorship, there have been questions as to whether or not First Chancellor Zachariah Slayback will maintain his position as SlayCorp CEO and President, those questions were answered today when he announced that he would no longer maintain that position.

"I don't like to mix business with politics, hah. I believe it would be in the best interest for the nation and SlayCorp for me to no longer head SlayCorp, and allow somebody else to take over, and that somebody else is Johann Van Hermann. Mr. Van Hermann will be a great replacement for my area."

Dr. Slayback went onto address fears over the newly opened Atlas Hospital in Ft. Bartlet that were expressed on TPR recently.

"I understand fears that we will be putting people out of a job or that our machines will be 'beating up grandma' but those are simply untrue statements. Our hospital creation has actually created jobs, such as mainframe monitors and our recently created 'ethical balance monitors' who monitor what decisions a machine makes when faced with a normally difficult moral decision. Also, these new hospitals will not be used to replace our current human run hospitals, we hope that they can be an alternative, or even create mixed hospitals like some environments in Vanuku currently. But overall, I am thankful for the international interest in the project."
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:37 am

OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER of the Liberale Democratisch Partij of Vanuku
Issue 01

LDP set to challenge NKP in 2811

After many years of planning, the dreams of Dr Nicolaas Vandermark and Mrs Marien Wendell have come into fruition with the Liberale Democratisch Partij being granted official registration for the 2811 federal elections. The Party was formed with the intention of holding the current Government - which has been made up of one single party for almost a decade - to account and to bring back democracy to the nation.

The policies of the LDP are not greatly different to the New Capitalist Party, so there will be no major challenge to the capitalist, libertarian regime which has swept through Vanuku. The Party has wasted no time, however, in proposing their official platform to the Assembly of the Republic. The first bills to come out of the new Party proposed the banning of religion in any schools, the legalisation of polygamy and bestiality and the privatisation and de-regulation of the forestry industry.

The most major proposal to have come, though, was titled as the Education Revolution of 2809 and included articles abolishing all forms of Government-run education right from pre-school through to higher education. It proposes to eliminate Government funding and all subsidies for education, even for low-income families. It is as yet unknown what the reaction of the NKP will be, but it is likely the public will be divided on the issue.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby zakmac12 » Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:55 am

NKP Chairman and Founder Willem DeVries Retires at Age 90

De Vries In An Interview in 2804

Manawar, Sovesta, Vanuku- Willem DeVries, the father of the Great Peaceful Revolution and the original founder of the NKP, at that time the NCP, has retired at age 90. DeVries announced his retirement upon the news that the NKP was "excited" to work with the LDP in reshaping the nation.

"I too am excited to see another party finally taking charge around here, even if some of their ideas may be a tad,... dangerous. But this is just too much for an old man to take, and thus, I'm offering my papers of retirement to the party. I'm confident First Chancellor Slayback and Vice-Chairman Baird will carry the party forward confidently into these years of change ahead of us."

When asked what he'd be doing now that he is retired, DeVries answered, "I'm mostly going to just retire to my apartment in Manawar, appreciate the skyline, and possibly open up a university, the nation doesn't have a single one, most students must leave the nation to get a degree. Yes, I'll open a University."

First Chancellor Slayback offered this statement at DeVries' retirement:

Willem DeVries is a man for all of us to envy and appreciate, his actions in the party will not be forgotten. I too share the same feelings of hope in the coming years, but it will be a different hope without Mr. DeVries at my side. Carry on great sir.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:15 am

OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER of the Liberale Democratisch Partij of Vanuku
Issue 02 - November 2814

LDP rise to the top

Tratsburg, BOMOSTOS - After holding unilateral control of the Assemblage van de Republiek for almost a decade, the Nieuwe Kapitalistische Partij were put under pressure by the formation of the Liberale Democratisch Partij in July 2808. The first multi-party elections of the century saw the new LDP win control of Government with 108 seats, however a deal made between the two parties saw a joint Cabinet split evenly. It took just three years for the formerly dominant NKP to win back power, at the June 2814 elections. This new government lasted only five months, however, before an early election had to be called. Internal fighting and instability within the NKP led to them withdrawing from the Assembly and not contesting the November 2814 elections.

The result of the election was clear cut from the beginning - as the LDP was the only candidate. Dr Nicolaas Vandermark led the Party to a complete dominance of Vanuku politics and became the Eerste Kanselier, whilst twelve LDP members have been appointed into the cabinet.

Seperation of Powers

The first move of the new unilateral Government was to propose the Accountability and Fair Democracy Act of 2814. The most significant part of this constitutional ammendment is the creation of a new Office even more powerful than that of the Eerse Kanselier. At present, the Eerste Kanselier adopts the role of both Head of Government and Head of State. He is responsible for representing our nation at home and abroad, whilst also Chairing the cabinet and representing his electorate in the Assemblage van de Republiek. As of June next year, this role will be split into two positions. The Eerste Kanselier will remain a member of the Assembly and will continue to Chair the cabinet as the official Head of Government. It is likely that the Liberale Democratisch Partij will appoint the party's Vice President Marien Wendell to this position. Current Eerste Kanselier Vandermark will assume the role of Opperste President, the official Head of State.

"Democracy is about holding the Government to account. In a state where one Party exists without opposition, it must do all it can to ensure that its members do not abuse and take advantage of their unique position. It is based on this principle that the New Government is pushing through these reforms. Rather than placing all power in the hands of one person, it shall be divided into two seperate offices each with their own checks and balances," said Eerste Kanselier Vandermark at a rally today.

In a move which has angered democratic activists across the nation, the Accountability and Fair Democracy Act of 2814 will also place a limit on the number of bills a party can propose to the Assembly.

Ratification of the Axis Treaty

From the beginning of their existence, the Liberale Democratisch Partij pushed for ratification of the Axis Agreement Treaty and the Axis Military Treaty. Today, Eerste Kanselier Vandermark announced that the ratification was underway and that by June 2815 Vanuku will formally be a part of the Axis community.

"The Axis always has been and always will be the greatest, smartest and safest way of ensuring our national interests will be protected and fulfilled to our highest potential. Our ratification of the Axis treaties places us in great stead, allowing us to develop ties with some of the strongest and wealthiest nations on Terra - particularly our neighbours at the Federation of Zardugal and the Commonwealth of Barmenia, as well as the Holy Luthori Empire and Greater Mordusian Empire. The focus of our Foreign Minister Mattjis Sleeper for the coming months will be to develop closer relations with all these nations and others."
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:30 pm

OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER of the Liberale Democratisch Partij of Vanuku
Issue 03 - April 2830

Election Backfire for Jelbeks

Their entry to Vanukese politics two hundred years ago was shortlived - contesting three elections between 2617 and 2623 before dissolving. More than two centuries later, the Jelbek Knstatak Prta has returned to forefront of Vanuku politics in a bizarre style.

Their return was celebrated by many Vanuku citizens and in November of 2829 the party won a landslide electoral victory. With over 90% of the vote going their way, the Jelbeks won 174 of the 200 seats in the Assembly. However, a mistake in their election enrollment led to the Liberale Democratisch Partij's Nicolaas Vandermark running uncontested for the position of Opperste President.

In protest of this, the Jelbeks proposed an early election and in January of 2830 the new party lost just six seats to finish with a total of 168. Again, though, an error in enrollment allowed then-incumbent Opperste President Vandermark to run uncontested and win another term.

In the meantime, the Jelbeks used their position in the Assemblage van de Republiek to propose a series of reformation bills which would see the traditional terminology and language adopted in all forms of Vanuku government modified to Jelbanian. They then proposed the withdrawal of several treaties, including the Comprehensive Gay Rights Treaty, the Global Emancipation Treaty and, curiously, the International Boxing Organisation. Immediately Liberale Democratisch Partij Vice President Marien Wendell condemned these moves and announced that the LDP would oppose them wholeheartedly.

Another of the Jelbek's policies was to limit the power for proposing a cabinet to just the Head of State. Before moving that, or any of their other reform bills, to vote the Jelbek's proposed a third election in 4 months with the hope of winning not only a two-third majority in the Assemblage, but also the position of Opperste President.

With the Jelbek Knstatak Prta actually running a Presidential candidate this time around, the Liberale Democratisch Partij needed a miracle in order to defend the true heritage and culture of their nation.

Enter the Communistische Partij van Vanuku.

Led by Cornelius Theodorus, the Communistische Partij arose just prior to the February 2830 elections and claimed a significant number of seats - 83. The Jelbeks on the other hand were limited to just 69, whilst the LDP made a slight improvement jumping by 16 to 48. Theodorus also became the first non-LDP Opperste President in the office's history.

Immediately following the election result, LDP Vice President Marien Wendell announced that the Party is proposing a joint cabinet between the two Vanuku Nationalist parties, the LDP and the CPV. The proposal would see the LDP gain control of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Finance and Defence while the rest would be given to the CVP. They are awaiting a response from Opperste President Theodorus.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:05 am

OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER of the Liberale Democratisch Partij of Vanuku
Issue 04 - May 2835

Vandermark resigns from politics


Two years ago the members of the Liberale Democratisch Partij celebrated their twenty fifth anniversary in Vanukese politics. It was a bittersweet celebration, however, as the Party had just suffered its fourth consecutive electoral defeat. With nine months to go until the next elections, the Party's members met at the Bomostos Town Hall yesterday for the LDP National Conference to officially launch their election campaign.

The first topic at hand was the position of Party President and as such the Chair of the Conference called for nominations to challenge current Party President and former Opperste President Nicolaas Vandermark. Minister for Finance Rutger Westerveldt and former Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Claudios Hogarth both nominated themselves as candidates for the position. These two were to become the only members in contention for the position, after Vandermark shocked the crowd by withdrawing his candidacy.

After spending 27 years as the President van de LDP and 15 of those as Opperste President van vanuku, I feel I have achieved all that I can. I made a promise to the senior Party members only a week ago that if a deserving candidate presented himself, I would withdraw my candidacy and allow the Party to take a new course. Today I am honouring that promise and wish both Westerveldt and Hogarth the best of luck for the vote.

When pressed, Vandermark refused to endorse either of the two candidates although he did suggest that Westerveldt had more experience than his opponent. It seemed that many in the conference took that statement as enough of an endorsement as Westerveldt eased through to a clear victory ahead of Hogarth.

Today, Westerveldt attended his first press conference as Party President and announced his successor as Minister for Finance of The Eerste Republiek Vanuku.

2814 to 2829 were the LDP's most proud and successful years. I have been chosen by my colleagues to bring the Party back to the forefront of politics and back to the success we once enjoyed. As such, I stand before you today as the new President van de LDP and as the new candidate to become the Opperste President van Vanuku. My first task has been to appoint a Vice President and a replacement for my former role as Minister for Finance. After a busy 24 hours, the decision has finally been made. The LDP's long-standing representative within the Axis Agreement Organisation, Commander Thomas Bell, will be promoted to Vice President and will maintain his duties to the Axis. I'm also happy to announce that former Party Vice President Marien Wendell has agreed to replace myself as Minister of Finance for Vanuku.

Question Time with Axis Commander Thomas Bell

Commander of the Axis and newly appointed LDP Vice President Thomas Bell was also present at the press conference and was the centre of several questions from the media.

Morning Sun Herald's Ferdinand Wim questioned the Commander on the present health of the Axis, with a particular emphasis on the recent withdrawals of several member states.

Good evening Mr Wim and thankyou for your question. It is understandable that some may be questioning the state of the Axis considering the organisation has lost several members over the recent years. Central Macon, Cobura and Mordusia were all key members of the organisation and it is important that we do all within our power to bring them back. It is also of a particular importance that we ensure our remaining members who have gone through recent changes in government remain committed to our organisation.

Despite recent developments, however, the Axis is still in a very strong position and remains as the largest and most powerful military organisation in Terra. The Axis Agreement has seventeen ratifiers, whilst the Axis Military Treaty has a significant eleven member states. I don't think there is anyone out there who could deny the power that the Axis holds.

The Vanuku Post's Frank Lowie continued with the Axis theme, querying whether or not the Axis had plans for another multi-national military exercise and if Vanuku would, again, participate in it.

The most recent military exercise from the Axis was by far the most successful yet and there was very little not to like about it. It proved that this organisation has the strength to defend any of our member nations should they ever come under attack.

Whether or not there is another military exercise in the future is as yet undecided. The Axis Leadership Council has, instead, been discussing ways to improve the ability of the organisation to act, in the case of war, as fast and as accurately as possible. As such, the military exercises may soon enough be replaced with a more permanent method of training and developing the combined militaries and paramilities of member states and parties. As soon as this eventuates the Axis will undeniably be the most powerful, fundamental and indespensible way to guarantee national security and consequently nations like Cobura and Mordusia would not have had the reason to leave our organisation.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Jay (LDP) » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:29 am

The Vanuku Independent News Network presents...
A brief history of the Eerste Republiek Vanuku:- 2796 to 2861
August 21, 2861. By Tania Mesick.

Sixty-five years ago the supporters of Democracy in Vanuku, united under the dream of a libertarian capitalist society, successfully defeated the monarchy and established a true working democratic government. For sixty-five years, that democratic system saw the nation jump back and forth between the extremes of libertarian capitalism and a new-found desire for fanatical communism. Now, ironically it seems the return of the threat of monarchism has coincided with the reuniting of all supports of democracy under the dream of a free libertarian capitalist nation.

2796 - August 2796 marked the end of the reign of first Eternal Lord of Vanuku, Sir Charles III and ultimately the end of imperialism in Vanuku. In its place became the Eerste Republiek Vanuku, a liberal democracy lead by Karl Schlaback, and later Zachariah Slayback, of the Nieuwe Kapitalistiche Partij (New Capitalist Party) who led the nation unilaterally from the dissolution of the Eternal Lord's party, New Democracy, in 2799 until the arrival of the Liberale Democratisch Partij (Liberal Democratic Party) in 2808.

2808 - The Liberal Democrats, led by Dr Nicolaas Vandermark, represented a more fanatically libertarian policy platform compared to the already liberal policies implemented by the NKP government. The LDP were successful right from their very first election contest in 2811 when they were granted 54% of the seats in the Assemblage van de Republiek. It would take another three years before LDP leader Dr Vandermark would become Opperste President, a position he then held for sixteen consecutive years thanks to a lack of opposition resulting from the NKPs closure.

During the Vandermark years, the people of Vanuku considered themselves to be living in the most libertarian and free of states much to the distaste of the minority religious, conservative community. Policies such as the legalisation of polygamy and bestiality caused controversy, but were generally accepted amongst a population pleased with the elimination of all income taxation and general sales tax.

Aside from domestic reform, the Liberale Democratische Partij was also credited with improving the international standing of the nation and establishing strong diplomatic ties with several key nations. Ratification of the Axis Agreement and The Axis Military Treaty allowed for political and military friendship between Vanuku and nations including neighbor Zardugal, the Holy Luthori Empire and Rutania.

2829 - A decade and a half of unilateral rule, combined with dissent amongst certain minority groups resulted in the creation of the Communistische Parij van Vanuku (Communist Party of Vanuku) led by Cornelius Theodorus. The Communistische Partij enjoyed instant success and in 2830 dethroned the once untouchable Opperste President Vandermark. From 2830 to 2836, reform after reform led to the government take-over of all key industries and all citizen's homes. Income tax was raised from ZERO to one hundred per cent. The economic system was thrown into chaos and the currency collapsed. Not even a short-lived return to power for the Liberal Democrats between 2837 and 2842 could save the economy from the Communist destruction.

Cornelius Theodorus took charge again from 2842 until 2857 and maintained the communist rule.

During these years, the Communistische Partij van Vanuku maintained a coalition cabinet with their opposition Liberale Democratische Partij. However, the Liberal Democrats were allowed very little say in public policy and their actions as cabinet members were often ignored.

The foreign policy of Vanuku under the Communist reign switched from diplomatic discussions with allied-Axis nations to negotiations with rogue governments including that of Malivia and more recently Alduria.

2855 - The creation of the Vanuku Nationalist Party, a second socialist-leaning opposition party, resulted in the Liberale Democratische Partij re-affirming their commitment to their libertarian capitalist agenda. Their "LDP Policy Awareness Proposal" was submitted to vote in the Assemblage van de Republiek and drew sharp criticism from supporters of the left-leaning parties. It seems, however, that the voters of Vanuku were satisfied with the proposed policies which included the privatisation of the education and health systems as well as the media. In the 2827 elections, Rutger Westerveldt deposed Opperste President Cornelius Theodorus and simultaneously took control of the Assemblage van de Republiek.

After nearly two decades of communism, the Liberal Democrats have successfully reverted the status of Vanuku back to a true libertarian capitalist society and Opperste President Westerveldt intends to re-commit the nation to its allies and the Axis organisation.

2861, today - Reports across the media are suggesting that the Communistische Partij van Vanuku is nearing collapse. Having been a strong party in government, it appears as if the communists may have imploded in on themselves in opposition. At the same time, another new party has announced their intentions to contend the 2863 elections. The "Old Democracy" party is led by a descendant of the aforementioned Sir Charles III and intends to revert Vanuku back to its monarchist state under Sir Charles IV.

The battle between the Liberal Democrats and the Vahaman monarchy has been ressurected.

The difference this time around, however, is that the Liberale Democratische Partij have declared their intentions to form a coalition cabinet with the Old Democracy party following the 2683 elections. It seems that the maintenance of a capitalist society is more important to the party than the potential threat of a revert back to a monarchist style government.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Opakidabar » Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:44 pm

Power Vacuum Filled by Green Socialists
Marion van Halden elected Opperste President

Fort Bartlet, Vahama After dissolution of Liberal Democratic Party new political force Vanuku Green Socialists Party (Vanuku Socialisten Groene Partij) called for early elections. With the record low turnout party was elected to Republican Assembly and 54 years old philosophy doctor Marion van Halden was elected as President.
Arjen Witt (36), entrepreneur, philanthropist and adventurer, took the role of First Chancellor (Eerste Kanselier). In the press conference First Chancellor stated that he would work for the benefit of Vanuku people "...and Vanuku people only". He shared the vision of green Vanuku with people having high quality of life and social standards. Witt also called the priority ministries of the new cabinet - Foreign Affairs would be dealt by Peter Borschinsky (diplomat working in various Majatran nations), Environment and Tourism by Philip Stroom (Head of Green Energy Council), Health and Social Services by Almaz Muhamedov (former Deputy Head of Labour Union Organization) and General Hans Peter Villeneuve would take care of Defense.
In the following briefing top minister were present. Peter Borschinsky stressed the importance of Majatran cooperation and he would propose Organization of Majatran States (OMS) Treaty to be ratified as soon as possible. Philip Stroom would set ecology standards of Terran benchmark and Almaz Muhamedov was very enthusiastic about welfare reforms. General Hans Peter Villeneuve would detail new defense strategy for Vanuku.
Cabinet is ready to work and we are ready to report, Mikael van Domberg, Homlinstag Times.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Opakidabar » Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:07 pm

New Defense Doctrine
Villeneuve Presents New Defense Doctrine to the Assembly

Fort Bartlet, Vahama Important and historical change happened earlier today in Vanuku when Minister of Defense rose and said: "Vanuku soldiers under Vanuku flags!". This simple sentence contains the very answer of Vanuku new policy - from now on Vanuku army shall not be part of or under command of foreign officers. It marks a change in political thinking of Vanuku. The previous defense motto - "Axis shall take care of our defense" has changed and more independence gained.
The Republican Assembly voted unanimously to withdraw from The Axis Military Treaty.
"Our withdrawal is not an act of aggression towards Axis," explained Hans Peter Villeneuve, "we still have signed the Axis Agreement Treaty and we highly value the Non-Aggression Pact with our Axis partners. Our withdrawal is an act of independence, an act that would let us lead our own boys and fight for and only for those goals that we feel are worth fighting for - the freedom, the respect for sovereignty , the interests of Vanuku".
New Strategy prescribes more involvement into pan-Majatran organizations and partnership with Terran democratic alliances. Internally it calls for every man's duty to serve their term in army and every person's right to bear arms.
Seems like more to come and I will keep you updated, Hans Wirsma, Homlinstag Times.
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Re: Vanuku Post Gazette (VPG)

Postby Opakidabar » Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:08 pm

Chancellor de Witt supports Mordussia
"Sovereignty and Freedom are values of Vanuku"

Fort Bartlet, Vahama The Chancellor de Witt in his public speech addressed the conflict in Mordussia:
"The whole Terra is looking at the spectacle in Mordussia where a freedom loving nation tries to exercise its rights to self govern. We have heard a lot of demagogy coming from Luthori and Aldurian Monarchy: "No, you are not my slave, its just you should call me your Master and if you refuse to I would beat you with a large stick". We believe that nation has every right to self govern. Sovereignty and Freedom are values of Vanuku. We call every nation that shares same values to accept Mordussia's call for freedom and show that Terra is united against barbaric practices of stone age."
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