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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:47 pm

Prepartions for elections

Today, the Conservative Party annonced his election program. The program, which has been eagerly awaited, is not a revolution. But a continuation of the previous successful course. Mr Berger:" This programm has three key words: Responsibility, freedom and education.We will extend the spending on education but we will also strenthen the freedom and the responsibilty of all our citizens."

The key elements fo the programm are: 1.)Further tax cuts 2.) More investments on education 3.) Etablish of a new law book system 4.) "Back to treatys" agenda 5.)The etablish of a Central Bank and of a Constitutional Court

Mr Berger is presenting his programm
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Amazeroth » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:12 pm

Electoral Preparations

When we approached Theresia Bunyarinda today to ask her about the Gerajan electoral campaign, we found her completely stunned, as she mumbled something like "The elections? Again? Damn!". However, her PR manager, Gregor Garebang Gerebowan, contacted us just an hour later, saying that the Gerajan Welfare Party was doing a "minuteously planned campaign".

The GWP electoral program, sent to us by Gregor Gerebowan, is as follows:

GWP Electoral Program wrote:- Pressing the fact that Geraja is the major Malivian religion, therefor, all of its followers should vote for us.
- Welfare means hardly any work for those who don't want to, making us therefor atractive for those among our citizens that enjoy a work-life-balance leaning closer to the latter.
- Our voters could see that we tried hard to better the country, even if our efforts have been made void by the opposition.
- We will maintain the current system of contributing to welfare.

Note: the following part must not fall into the hands of the press!!!

- We will still give out posts generously to all our major campaigners. This should raise quite a few funds.
- As our opponent has not been a friend of political nominations concerning state officials, most of them are still ours. That should give us an edge when we have to commit electoral frauds of some sorts.
- The Raja is one of us, that should make the religious people vote for us, seeing as we can deny them sacraments and stuff.


The napkin on which the program was written, after one of our reporters unintentionally used it to wipe his mouth.
Eines Tages traf Karl der Große eine alte Frau.
"Guten Tag, alte Frau", sagte Karl der Große.
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:59 pm

Conservatives defeated

The Conservatives of Maliva are out of power.


The figures:

Wohlfahrt: 51,38% of the votes, 51,08% (+2.66%) of the seats./ or in mandates: +16
Con.: 48,62% of the votes, 48,82% (-2.66%) of the seats./ or in mandates: -16

The result of the presidental election was even closer.

Josef Hunter : 50,27% votes: 172,299,352
Gerd Haushertz: 49,73% votes: 170,422,212

Margin: 0,54%
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:12 pm

Restructure the Conservative Party

Malivia's Conservatives restructure their party on issues and personel.


Mr Berger was again elected as Leader of the Party, the result was as follows: (in percent of all party members):

67,4% : Mr Berger
31,5% : Mr Ayhandiank

non valid: 1,1%

So mr Berger did much better than last time in the leadership contest. "I'm proud that we didn't need a second or even a third ballet", he admitted.There was also some changes in the shadow cabinet:

(former)Shadow minister of internal affairs: Mr Karl-Luis Hadenberg New: Williane Böger
(former)Shadow health minister: Hans-Herbert Becker New: William Ayhandiank

Apart form that Mr Berger feeled heavy pressure form the right of the party, to be more conservative. "We brought a new position act into parliament, which makes our positions very clear.We want to be more conservative that is clear.And we are against a government who let refugees in our country without a reason.This people take money form the state and form the hard-working people in this country. We will fight for their interests and not for the interest of the foreigners and refugees like the Socialist government of our country!"
This part of the speech was great for the party right. The spokesman of the right-wing Conservatives said : "With this positions we will win the next election!I'm sure.Let us go back to our roots!"
But many MP's form the middle and the left of the party are very concerned about this swing into the right. "We must also look to the middle and not just to the right of our country. Of course, we representate the right and the middle but with this new programm we will lose gorund, especially in the middle!"

The key points of the programm:

--less taxes
--stronger law and order policy
--more money for police and justice
--more money for family with many kids
--volunteer identity card (later: maybe compulsory)
--The right to have a gun into the constitution
--New passport (with RFID)
--The etablish of a Central Bank
--"Back to treatys" agenda
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:40 pm

Hung parliament

The election result is very confusing.Both main parties haven't a majority.

The result is a as follows (Tournout 60.55%):

Con.: 45,20% Seats: 280
Wohlf.: 43,55% Seats: 268
Beer.: 11,25% Seats: 53


"We make both parties an offer for talking. If we make a great coalition we have to think about:What priorities do we have? In my opinion, we cannot have a government who doesn't have a majority!"
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:42 pm

Elections again

After the new election,there is again no sign that an end to actual government crises is near.

The figures are as follows:

Wohlfahrt: 280 seats (+12)
Con.: 276 seats (-4)
Bear.: 45 seats (-8)

Elected president: Josef Hunter (Wohlf.)

Both main parties are far away form a majority in the house. The Wohlfahrt party is short of 21 seats of an overall majority.After the Conservative Party tried to form a minority government before this election came, it is now clear, that this plans were rejected form the voters.
"We will now sit together with the leaders of the Wohlfahrt Party to find a solution to this problem." said Mr Berger yesterday.
It is also clear, that new elections woul nothing change in terms of the seats, so Mr Johnsson, the CEO of FFN the greats news sender in Malivia.Form the myterious third party nothing was heared.
Mr Berger, critized the party for that but it's obviously his own fear before the Conservative Leadership contest in 3 months.If he can't form a government, he's in real trouble.
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:44 pm

Conservatives in Trouble

After the defeat at the last election, the Conservative Party is in a deep crises.

Today, mr Berger announced a referendum will be held in the next few days in the Party over coalition with the Wohlfahrt Party. Alle members can participate on that.After the referendum was hold, the Leadership election for the Conservatives will also held.
Mr Gährheimer, the new spokesman of the right said:"What our party now needs is not a referendum about a coalition with a socialist party,our party now needs a new manifesto that is more right-wing.It is essential,that our party also must renovate itself, because of the three lost election in a row!I'm not for a new canidate for the presidency and for a new party leader.I will canidate!"
Mr Gährheimer has good chances, because of the bad crises management of mr Berger.Many party memebers are upset, because Mr Berger want to work together iwth the Wohlfahrt Party."We must show responibility to our citizens and to our country,in order to do that, we must work together with the Wohlfahrt Party!"mr Hinterberger the party vice chariman admitted.
The Conservative Party now, is in a deep crises.Mr Berger can only hope, that the majority of members say yes on his coalition with the Wohlfahrt Party.If not, he will face a dangerous opponent on the next leadership contest in 1 week.
"My party fully supports me!And a fair leadership contest can only be in interets of our party!"Mr Berger said.
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:57 pm

Mr Berger out of power

The Conservative Party is not just in a deep crises, it hasn't a leader as well

The result of the leadership contest(turnout: 74,3% of all party members):

1st ballot:

Mr Berger: 47,3%
Mr Gährheim: 34,6%
Mrs Ahyguga: 12,3%
Rest: 5,8%

2nd ballot:

Mr Berger: 43,5%
Mr Gährheim: 56,5% Nomination for Presidency: Mr William Gravehouse
Vice: Mrs Layland Smith

Another very interesting issue, was the coalition with the Wohlfahrt Party:

Yes: 49,3%
No: 50,7%

"We will not go into a coalition with the socialists!And I will lead this party to a party which really deserves the name "Conservative!".so mr Gärheim.
Now, the Conservative Party has decides about the future.This result,will not help to solve the governing crises at the moment.This result is a political landslide and can bring this party at the brink of selfdesturction."We will argue for a party which is open for all the people", said Mr Häussler the spokesman of the party left.
Yet, it is not clear, which side will win, but one thing is pretty clear, the Conservatives have to find a programm which really unite them.
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Amazeroth » Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:11 pm

Welfare Party bored by conservatives?

An investigative report by Jonah Rahyi

Is the Gerajan Welfare Party bored by the power-struggles of the Conservative Party? At first, nobody would even contemplate such a possibility, seeing as the conservatives are the second most power in the nation, and are winning every second election. But could it be, that the GWP just doesn't care? And is it, I may ask, clever, of them, not to care?

To clear this matter, I have made a few phone-calls to Theresia Bunyarinda, current Kanzler of our fair country. Of course she didn't talk to me directly, but her second undersecretary's husband's maid found the time to send me the email adress of her cousin's favourite taxi driver, and he was able to give me just the right answers.

Apparently, the Kanzler isn't even well aware of the crisis the conservatives are facing at the time. Rumor has, that they even don't keep track of the various leaders of the conservatives, and have installed a simple program in their microphones, that adds the right name to their speeches. Furthermore, according to my source, they seem to be more concerned with more or less obviously fake UFO sightings, the escapades of the Luthori crown prince, and what ever the hell it is that is happening in Deltaria Nova - and they actually seem to like what's going on there, but that hasn't been veryfied yet.
That was all that I could read from the email of the taxi driver, and so I went and looked for another source that could tell me about what's going on in the minds of this party.
So I met Mr. Heribert Käuzchenkropf-Überschwang, two-time escapee from the Kunta Mental Asylum, and apparently, so he tells me, long-time confident of Präsident Josef Hunter. Please note that none of the following could be verified, although it seems breathtaking enough to publish it anyway:

Kräuzchenkropf-Überschwang told me, that our Präsident is really the long lost King of old, and has come to us to reunite Malivia under the old Gerajan Maharajat. Josef Hunter plans to reveal this to the public the moment his party has the necessary majority to change the constitution, and will then rule for over hundred years as wise and merciful Rahja Huntahra the Ancient.

Mr. Heribert Kräuzchenkropf-Überschwang

But these were not the only astounding claims Mr. Kräuzchenkropf-Überschwang made this day, he also told me that our Minister of Internal Affairs enjoys torturing victims on a weekly basis, and that there are lizard-people and vampires to be found in our current government, that, in fact, many of its members are well over a thousand years old, that some of them have known and collaborated with the Saiser hundreds of years ago, and that most of them belong to an ancient cult that worships the archdemon of forbidden knowledge, led by an old and hidden duchy somewhere in Dovani.

After these claims, Mr. Kräuzchenkropf-Überschwang's speech became utterly unrealistic, and so I ended my interview with this fascinating case study, and hurried to make this article out of it.
Eines Tages traf Karl der Große eine alte Frau.
"Guten Tag, alte Frau", sagte Karl der Große.
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Re: Geradschanische Wohlfahrtszeitschrift von Malivia

Postby Leonardo222 » Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:31 pm

Conservatives united again

The Conservatives are united again aginst the Wohlfahrt Party, who want to establish a monarchy.

"We are now,a party which is united not just in a programm but also in a single opinion: Never ever should come a monarchy to malivia again!Let us never forget, that a monarchy would destoy everything for which we fought so hard.For Freedom and Democracy,for equal rights, for a scoiety which really deserves the name society.We are the party of the future and not of the past!"
Then mr Gährheimer went on to say, that the Wohlfahrt party is the insturment of some former, and old monarchists.
"We will figth for democracy with evrything we have!The next stop: Majority!"
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