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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:00 am

Tvarivich Pledges Aid to Beitenyu and Yishelem

William Tvarivich Speaks at Conference

At the "Mordusian Summit for a Better Terra," Alliance Res Publica Party Chairman William Tvarivich announced his intentions to give aid to those affected by the Luthori-Beitenya conflict over colonial dominance. Breaking his general stance of speaking about foreign policy issues in vague overtures, Mr. Tvarivich came down clearly opposed to the previous conflict.

"What are union partners in Luthori engaged in was absolutely unacceptable. I believe in the tenets of a just war, which involves proportional response. The former Emperor's war was waged in a manner that is absolutely abhorrent and contrary to the Scriptures. I believe it is the least we can to pay our penance for the small part Mordusia played in this scheme."

Tvarivich took his pledge a step further and offered a concrete amount of 10 Billion MRD to the beleaguered people's of the Beitenyuese Republic and Yishelem. He also issued a statement to the Emperor Henry I stating that "I hope His Majesty will review the large volume of documentation on the tenets of a truly Just War and apply them for all future conflicts.

William Tvarivich plans on heading up a conference at the beginning of next year on this issue. The conference entitled "Biblical Justice and War," will seek to defend and promote the concept Mr. Tvarivich refers to as 'Just War.'
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:54 pm

Alliance Res Publica Makes Final Push

Peter Vinecci stumps for Alliance Res Publica

With just days before the election, Alliance Res Publica is calling out all the stops to get voters to the polls - and to get those voters to vote for the ARP. With wealthy entrepreneur Peter Vinecci, leader of ARP's Capitalistic Imperium, spending tens of millions personally on voter drives and campaign literature, some observers expect this to be the most expensive campaign in Mordusia's history.

ARP Chairman, William Tvarivich, has continued his confident statements that his party "will have victory, in terms of 44 or even more seats." Mr. Tvarivich has been speaking of the "People's Supermajority" in the Imperial Diet. He urges everyone to the polls. Stating, "we need two thirds of those seats to get all our work done." ARP's large agenda includes several important constitutional reforms that will needs two-thirds of the Imperial Diet to pass. The ARP's tenuous relationship with the Ceasarion League has led many to wonder how much can get done through compromise between these two parties, who have budged on few issues.

When asked if his party was being engaged in hyper-partisanship, William Tvarivich simply replied "we are engaging in the people's work, no more, no less."

Regardless of the outcome, this election is extremely important for Mordusia, considering the absence of some of Mordusia's longest serving parties. The political uncertainty about the future of Mordusia is high, with voters expressing cautious optimism about a coming stability. Political scientists are keeping close watch on overall voter turnout to see what holds for future elections in Mordusian politics.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:37 pm

Dismal Turnout yields Close Results

Following rigorous efforts by Alliance Res Publica and the Ceasarion League, the elections in the Imperial Dominion of Mordusia were yet another disappointing show of turnout. Only 16.07% of voters turned out to vote in what some hoped would be a great show for democracy within the country.

Political observers blame the recent instability of the country, along with the ineffectiveness of the new parties to communicate clearly to the Mordusian people. Alliance Res Publica pushed ahead a slim margin of 39 seats in the 75 seat Imperial Diet, but this is far from the two-thirds necessary to amend the Constitution on their own. Concerned political scientists within the nation are raising serious issues with the legitimacy of the new regime, and question whether it can be effective in achieving the wide goals the ARP established in the coming term.

Alliance Res Publica and presumed next Prime Minister of Mordusia William Tvarivich seemed distraught after his close victory on election night. "There is a long road ahead to establish trust and confidence in the Imperial Diet. I will do all within my power to achieve real, lasting results for the Mordusian people."

Already unhappy members of Alliance Res Publica point to the inability of leader Tvarivich to get people excited. Noted Res Publica faction leader Hildegard Rosenburg has refused to comment on the campaign and could be seen storming out of ARP's Election HQ. Regardless, ARP has already sat down in the Imperial Diet to get its agenda started.

Imperial Diet convenes, ARP starts partisan dominance

Imperial Diet in Rechtenburg, Talasor

Following an absolutely abysmal turnout at the polls, Alliance Res Publica's representatives to the Imperial Diet immediately began the task of fulfilling their litany of campaign promises.

The Cabinet proposed by the ARP puts the party in control of all ministries, signaling an era of partisanship to begin the term. William Tvarivich is listed as the Party's nominee for Prime Minister, along with Hildegard Rosenburg serving as Minister of Justice. Other notable additions are Cardinal Streitem of the Holy Coptic Church of Mordusia as Minister of Finance. Peter Vinecci is mysteriously not receiving a seat in the Cabinet Coalition, but his son, Girard Vinecci, will serve as Minister of Defense.

The ARP Manifesto Bill, which proposes a series of diverse changes to Mordusian law, includes controversial religious reforms aimed at changing the state-religion. The Mordusian Church is currently linked with the Terran Catholic Churches in Luthori and Alduria; however, the Bill before the Imperial Diet would make several changes to this. Firstly, the Church would change to the Holy Coptic Church of Mordusia, under Pope Petre Flavinof in Clann, Mordusia. It will also change the law to make membership voluntary, though it was questionable whether the current law was aggressively enforced.

The Coptic Church, which began its momentum within Mordusia in 2600s, now claims over 95 million adherents within Mordusia, making some surveys question whether it may have more adherents than the Terran Catholic Church within the country.

Along with this reform, the ARP has proposed a taxation overhaul which Cardinal Streitem calls a "break from the policy of serfdom." This refers to the current income tax code that taxes the poorest Mordusians at 60% and barely taxes the wealthy at all. The new income tax brackets will look as follows.

Bracket Tax Estimated Revenue
> 5,000 MRD 5% 66,528,000,000 MRD
> 10,000 MRD 10% 266,112,000,000 MRD
> 20,000 MRD 15% 1,984,803,000,000 MRD
Total 2,317,443,000,000 MRD

As well, this will increase revenues from the income tax, which previous only brought in about 1 Trillion MRD. Therefore, the ARP has proceeded to update the budget, with massive increases to spending on defense, around another 600 Billion MRD. As well, the ARP is following through on pledges to support major increases in the Foreign Aid budget, along with small increases to spending on Education, to strengthen the nation's higher education facilities.

Sources within the Capitalistic Imperium arm of the ARP are, apparently, in outrage over the new budget proposals, and some believe that the progressive tax bracket is bad on principal. However, the party has united in public, even supporting Mr. Tvarivich, who is largely blamed for the recent failure of voter turnout.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:15 pm

Mordusian Naval Vessel Seized by the Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay!

Prime Minister William Tvarivich (ARP) at gathering in Rechtenburg

The Mordus Daily has confirmed reports that the navy of the Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fortheringhay has indeed seized the HMS Grace, claiming the Global Emancipation Treaty as binding legal precedent for their actions. The Prime Minister is set to speak on this issue.

In the Imperial Dominion of Mordusia, Slavery, as defined by the Global Emancipation Treaty, is only granted to the government for those who have committed the highest crimes. These are currently set as the rape of a minor, murder of multiple victims, and acts of terrorism.

We go now live to Prime Minister William Tvarivich's Press Conference.
Citizens of Mordusia,

I come to you this evening to react to the act of aggression shown to us today by the military of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay's Imperial East Terra Company, who are acting under an obligation they perceive under the Global Emancipation Treaty. Let me make this point very clear, Mordusia does not nor will it ever participate in the slave trade. We do not enslave the innocent. We do not enslave anyone based on their economic status, race, ethnicity, or other factors.

This act undermines the very concept of national sovereignty, and I ask that our vessel and all aboard be returned immediately to the Imperial Dominion. Our forces and weapons are mobilized and prepared to get our captured naval soldiers who are currently imprisoned by their captors.

The leaders of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay have obviously over-stepped the bounds of this treaty to attempt to attack Mordusia. They should know that those aboard the ship would be executed in several countries around the globe, and we see this a more fitting way for those who have committed the ultimate crimes to pay penance to Almighty God and the righteous leaders he has empowered with the sword of justice.

Regardless, it is the sovereign right of Mordusia to choose to do as it pleases. Chief Factor Barnes, you are holding our troops in your custody, which is an act of war. You have stolen our vessel full of able-bodied laborers who were journeying to serve in our colonies to help those people with essential project. I would further like to remind the Chief Factor of the Union Mordusia holds with Luthori and Alduria, his actions do not just affect his relations with one country.

Chief Factor Barnes, you have 12 hours to return our troops* lest we take further action on this matter. Our naval fleet is prepared to do all it takes to return the HMS Grace and all who were onboard back to their country. We pray for their safe return and wisdom on your part. We are not selling or owning man for profit, as you seem to have characterized the situation. We are requiring that those who have forfeited the right to their lives are paying penance for their crimes in a tangible way to those they have harmed. Your Kingdom applies the death penalty to capital crimes, and we see this as no different.

The Imperial Dominion of Mordusia will not be pushed around by rogue nations. May God bless Mordusia!

OOC: *We'll keep the 12 hours as actual time. This will occur in August 2874 at this moment.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:37 am

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Justice Respond, Issue Legal Statement

Foreign Minister Pram Inos hosts press conference

Mordusian officials are in uproar following the response from Gaduridos and Fotheringhay calling PM Tvarivich a "thug" and refusing to return the naval soldiers of Mordusia.

We go now to Foreign Affairs Minister Pram Inos, who is joined by the Justice Minister Hildegard Rosenburg.

Thank you all for coming at short notice. I would like to make a few statements to the leadership of the Loyal Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay, and then I will yield time to Minister Rosenburg, who will go over some of the details of what the legal side of this is, and what our next options will be as a nation.

First, let me respond to any assertions that Mordusia is participating in some commercial slave trade. This is absolutely false. All claims are slanderous against the Government of the Imperial Dominion. It is not in the spirit of diplomacy to make such accusations, especially considering there is no proof to substantiate their claims. Every person aboard that ship is one who has been tried and duly convicted of a narrow set of capital crimes. These crimes would warrant the death penalty in the Loyal Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay. They are just as prisoners in a labor camp. However, it is not for Gaduridos and Fotheringhay to determine what our reasoning should or should not be.

The next issue I'd like to mention is the current existence of the treaty between Mordusia and Gaduridos. Since the Kingdom seems to be a firm proponent and adherent of international law, I am sure their leaders will change their actions at discovering that, under the Mordusian-Gaduri Peace Agreement, they have agreed to not violate the Sovereignty of Mordusia in her domestic policies, unless it be by peaceful means. Seizing a ship of the naval fleet is not peaceful.

If Gaduridos and Fotheringhay would have pursued a peaceful course of action, they would have simply requested the vessel leave without any further questions asked. Mistakes happen often at sea, and the Imperial Dominion of Mordusia meant no aggression in our error. If Gaduridos and Fotheringhay has any eveidence to the contrary, we encourage them to present it - for it would be the first any of us in the Government would have heard of it.

And finally, we would like to make a clear point to the international community. It was the Loyal Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay that seized our ship without provocation. Under the terms of our ratification of the Axis Agreement, along with our Union with Luthori and Alduria, we would like to make it clear that we did not make the act of initial aggression. I urge the leaders to re-consider peace. Their intentions are clear, but they have been mistaken. It is incomprehensible to me that this nation has not only taken our dear soldiers but now proceeds to question the good name of Mordusia, by making claims that we engage in some abhorrent slave trade.

But I can speak no more. This is an issue that affects all Mordusians and has broken the trust and good faith we have felt towards those we considered friends in Gaduridos and Fotheringhay - I appeal to you to change this course of action. I will now yield to our Minister of Justice, Hildegard Rosenburg.

Justice Minister Hildegard Rosenburg

Thank you, Minister Inos. This is a trying time for all of us. I would like to say firstly that my son, Captain Rosenburg is aboard that ship. If anything happens to him, Sir Thomas, I will hold you and your Government personally responsible. I am going to make this case very clear to you. Mordusia is not a nation of thugs, nor are we a country bent on benefiting of the enslaving of innocent peoples. Nor is my son some slave driver!

Now, to move along to the legal side of this. You are not aware of what goes on in Mordusia, and, if you are, I am sure our intelligence community would be very interested to know that you are ever so intimately aware of our legal and judicial system that you can refute our claims when we tell you that the slave trade has been abolished. But, let me read to you directly from our legal code.

And I quote,"the slave trade is illegal, but slavery is legal as a punishment." This punishment is to the Government, not to any individual or corporation. They may not be transferred in ownership, they may not be sold as profit. They are life-time, imprisoned laborers to the Imperial Dominion. You have attached a stigma to the definition and extrapolated it to suit your needs.

I would like to futhermore point out and ensure that each and every prisoner aboard that ship was duly convicted in the Courts of Mordusia by a jury of their peers, with the right to appeal that decision.

Another legal matter for Gaduridos and Fortheringhay is the fact that, according to their own legislative procedures, this treaty has not yet been formally ratified by the Kingdom. Is it the policy of the Kingdom to jump from treaty to treaty so quickly, without even achieving formal ratification first?

And now, I will list the number of next steps Mordusia will be taking. After a meeting with our Union partners, we will have more to say; however, the Imperial Dominion of Mordusia can guarantee that the longer our soldiers and everyone aboard the HMS Grace are not returned, the worse this will get. At this point, we can resolve this diplomatically without any harm done to either side.

Our next step will proceed with a cessation of trade with the Loyal Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay, this will include our Union partners Alduria and Luthori. This may also cause us to use the Axis Agreement partnership to seek further economic retribution from our other allies.

After this will begin the issues with naval and maritime territory. Seeing as how our current budget for military spending In GADs is around 7.6 Trillion, we believe our naval superiority with our coalition partners may provide the necessary assets to return the HMS Grace and all onboard back to Mordusia.

We will not discuss other considerations at this time and await the response from the Executive Cabinet. We will not be taking questions at this time.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:10 am

Imperial Court Issues Statement

***From Imperial Court of Luthori, Alduria and Mordusia***

While we agree with the fact that this is a terrible situation it is no cause for alarm. We are confident that this is one big misunderstanding and that the situation can be done peacefully.

May we remind both sides that the IML code forbids wars on Monarchs without just cause. Not to mention the fact that the two nations are linked by blood and family. The Emperor Henry is the Uncle of Empress Sophia.

We urge both governments of this little dispute to sit down before we ourselves have to get involved along with the Imperial Court of Pontesi.

We are allies and friends; there is no need for such strong outcries. Let us sit down and find the truth of these issues and not threaten war.

Emperor Henry I of Mordusia & II of Alduria & Luthori, &ec.
Co-Chancellor of the International Monarchist League
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:38 pm

Deadline Passes, Prime Minister releases statement

With reports swirling that the HMS Grace and all onboard are set to be returned to Mordusia within the next 24 hours, Government officials are scrambling to ensure that the return is done thoroughly. PM Tvarivich has issued a statement requesting to speak on live videolink with the Captain of the HMS Grace to get confirmation of their treatment by their captors.

The statement is as follows:
"The Government of Mordusia thanks the Holy Luthori Empire and others for their support in our plight. We will yield to the calls by the Imperial Court for diplomatic speak; however, I cannot make it clear enough the outrage within my nation over how this was handled. We do not consider it normal policy to capture and board ships from nation's united by blood and pacts of friendship.

As Prime Minister, I humbly request that the Chief Factor or some other official to set up a Video Call with the Captain of the HMS Grace to confirm their claims of the treatment of all those onboard the HMS Grace. I believe this is an essential confidence building step in this time of crisis. May God grant us all wisdom, and may He protect our crew."
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:44 am

PM William Tvarivich Press Conference

As we continue to follow the developing situation involving the HMS Grace, we promise to bring you breaking news as it happens. We go now live to the Prime Minister's Press Conference, following his release of a toned-down statement earlier today. The Mordus Daily has been told that Prime Minister Tvarivich has urged all members of the Cabinet to fast and pray, and he personally led prayer in front of the Imperial Diet, reportedly calling for "the Almighty Father, who protects those of the faith, to return our people to their homeland."

PM William Tvarivich

My fellow Mordusians, leaders of the world, I come before you to speak briefly on the situation at hand. My Government and I have been doing our earnest to continue on the path for diplomacy and peace in this situation. We acknowledge the mistake of our naval officers on the HMS Grace, including Captain Rosenburg. However, we believe it has been made clear that no aggression was meant by the incident, and we believe that the Loyal Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay has gone too far in their response. We believe it is disproportional to the situation at hand. It violates the right to sovereignty that Gaduridos is obligated to protect under international law that they willingly ratified in their nation.

Earlier today, I submitted a reasonable request to speak with Captain Rosenburg via Video Call; however, this was denied to me. We were transmitted a video showing the Captain reading today's newspaper, but this is not enough to confirm their reports of the treatment of our soldiers. For diplomacy to work, there must be greater confidence-building measures. Gaduridos has denied us a basic right, if their intentions are only to seek for information.

Sir Thomas, leader of the Loyal Kingdom of Gaduridos and Fotheringhay, I ask you to consider if you were in my shoes. Would you accept no contact with your own soldiers on your own vessel as enough? Especially between two nations who are under a Friendship Pact? I believe that my nation's reactions to this point are, at the very least, understandable. If you are going to hold our crewman any longer, than I urge you to make Mordusians more comfortable. A simple video showing that it is indeed today and some members are in ok physical condition tells us very little. What of their physical condition? What of their non-visible health? We know nothing of this, and you should consider the concerned families and parents locked in this conflict. As concerned parents, they need more confidence that their sons are being treated properly. Simple assurances are simply not enough, with all due respect.

To those in Mordusia, my Government is working tirelessly to see the end of this conflict. Our Union partners in Luthori have made it clear they are on our side, and we thank them for their words of support. To prevent future interventions, I pledge that we will increase funding to our naval capacity by 200 Billion MRD. As you may know, we have increased our Foreign Aid budget eight-fold, along with an already passed 600 Billion MRD increase to our military. I promise you that, regardless of the outcome of this situation, every Mordusian vessel on the seas will be armed with the weaponry capable of defending it while at sea. More will come from our scientists and development later, but this is something we will review to make sure it cannot happen again - for any reason.

I will not make threats at this time, for diplomacy's sake. I would ask for a public response from the leader of the Loyal Kingdom, at the very least, so we can both be clear where the nation's stand on each of these issues.

I ask every Mordusian family to think of our lost crew tonight. Please pray for them, for their families. I have personally phoned each of them, and I feel the pain they are going through. This is not an easy time for any of us, but it is hardest for the mother longing for the safe return of her son. Or the young daughter, waiting for her daddy to come home. My Government has declared a fast before the Imperial Diet, and we pray that Almighty God will guard our soldiers and guide us all with wisdom. Thank you, may God bless you all, may God bless Mordusia.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:25 am

Confidence in Prime Minister Tvarivich?

Peter Vinecci, leader of ARP's Capitalistic Imperium

With a perceived failure thus far in resolving the crisis involving the seizure of the HMS Grace, some are already calling for a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister William Tvarivich, Chairman of Alliance Res Publica. Sources inside the party are pointing to the recent manifesto, tax increases, and increased spending on foreign aid and the military as reasons that the Capitalistic Imperium are quite unhappy with current party progress.

The Capitalistic Imperium(CI), led by Peter Vinecci, have only received two seats in the ARP-dominated Cabinet, the Ministries of Defense and Food/Agriculture(which is currently unfunded whatsoever). The CI has acted as the powerbroker of the party, keeping the peace between the other two factions; however, Peter Vinecci was overlooked for any Cabinet post and the CI's fiscally responsible arm has become more obstinant in achieving the economic agenda of PM Tvarivich.

Added that the CI is extremely aggressive and has advocated moving the nation to DEFCON 1 and sources suggest that Girard Vinecci introduced a plan before the National Security Council to arm the nation's nuclear arsenal. These sources also suggest that the CI will be meeting to determine whether or not they will pull their support from Mr. Tvarivich. Peter Vinecci is chief negotiator who brought Alliance Res Publica back together from the three fractured coalition parties.

Mr. Tvarivich's recently efforts at keeping a diplomatic tone have hurt him in his own party. A recent poll shows that only 27% of those registered ARP voters support the PM's efforts in retrieving the HMS Grace, while nearly 42% disapprove. Whether the Prime Minister can weather this political crisis remains to be seen.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:24 am

Alliance Res Publica to Call for Early Elections!

Following hopes that the absence of the Ceasarion League in responding to the current crisis, the ARP has announced it will call for early elections. The ARP is most likely pursuing this action due to falling support for the Prime Minister William Tvarivich, and the need for more seats in the Imperial Diet to achieve their proposed Constitutional Reforms.

The spokesmen for the party stated that "we believe now is as good a time as any to go back to the people for their approval or disapproval of the current parties in power. Elections are all about taking it back to where it belongs, the people. In this time of national crisis, the people need to know that the government they elected is the one handling the situation. Ensuring that this Government will get the re-approval stamp from the people will embolden the PM's efforts abroad. A narrow victory is unacceptable."

We'll keep you posted, as the motion is cleared to pass, putting elections to occur immediately. The PM's office has said that he will not be campaigning, but he will remain focused on the matter at hand. Rather, the ARP will be running several ads across the nation and sending CI leader Peter Vinecci out as chief campaigner. No word from the Ceasarion League on this motion.
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