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Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:23 am
by Darvian
Zardic World Report
X Edition

Foreign Minister Kostandian Breaks his Silence!

In a sweeping tour-de-force press briefing early this afternoon, Foreign Minister Kostandian finally broke his silence. Members of the government have been demanding as much as they reasonably could, that their parties Chairman and the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs address the press on a range of issues. This is the first press briefing given by Mr. Kostandian, all of the other Foreign Ministry briefings have been conducted by staffers and Deputy-Spokesman on behalf of the F.R.P. This marks the first time in decades that the most senior figure in the F.R.P. and now government has spoken out on his own. If today's press briefing is to be an indicator of the manner in which Foreign Minister Kostandian will be conducting himself from here on out, it is for certain to be a lively time for Terra.

It would indeed appear that Mr. Kostandian's reputation is well merited. Within his rather brief press conference he commented on more issues than most of the press could keep up with. The Foreign Minister addressed items ranging from the situation in Gaduridos and the situation between Pontesi and Lodamun. As well, the Foreign Minister weighed in on comments directly related to domestic and international items ranging from the nations of Lodamun, Luthori, Rutania and Hobrazia. On top of this the International Monarchist League, Global Peacekeeping Organization and NATO were also brought up in the Foreign Ministers remarks. In the interests of full disclosure, here is a full uncensored transcript from the briefing.

Zardic F.M. H. L. Kostandian IV

ZWP Transcript of F.M. Kostandian's Press Briefing, 4/11/2776

FM. H.L.K: "Ladies and Gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends; good afternoon and thank you for coming. I've a few opening remarks to make and then I will take your questions.

First and foremost some light needs shined upon the situation in Gaduridos. The Foreign Office despite the lunatic ravings of some of the media outlets here and abroad have been painfully monitoring the situation. Indeed, I am aware of the positions of the governments of Lodamun, Pontesi and have ample reports from inside of Gaduridos that give the Foreign Ministry a fairly clear picture of what is going on.

The major problem is actually obtaining credible information on the ground in Gaduridos. The domestic political situation is delicate to be generous about it. The apparent two factions that have drawn lines within Gaduridos show no signs of backing down on their rhetoric or either's agendas. On the question of agendas this is what I'd like to address specifically. It's clear that the citizens of Gaduridos have been under several cruel and repressive regimes in the past. This is a crime and a great shame in and of itself especially when you consider the international organizations who have been and one still is embedded by law within Gaduridos.

I am naturally referring to both NATO and the GPO Peacekeeping Troops. While Gaduridos is not currently in the NATO sphere of influence it once was and during this time cruel and repressive regimes existed and NATO cannot be absolved of allowing their inaction to be justified. Indeed, the Government of Zardugal and Lodamun have great working relations, diplomatic and economic ties and I am by no means pointing them out to cause further controversy. The finger of blame can fly equally to the Global Peacekeeping Organization who has made no public comment on the situation whatsoever, and who currently Gaduridos recognizes and endorses the GPO's Peace Troop Treaty. I would ask where is the leadership of the GPO? Surely they've taken note of one of their allies and it's plight.

Though perhaps I am being too critical of the G.P.O. and it's lack of a stance on all of these tidings. The General-Consul of Zardugal and I spoke this morning on the various legality issues within Gaduridos and it is the opinion of the General-Consul and the Zardic Supreme Court that the current standing Pontesian Protectorate of Gaduridos Treaty in effect nullifies the treaty with the G.P.O. as Pontesi proper isn't a member of the G.P.O, and therefore under legal precedent neither would it's protectorate.

Furthermore the General-Consul has pointed out that Pontesi is a member of the International Monarchist League and again, the Pontesian Protectorate of Gaduridos Treaty establishes the monarchy within Gaduridos. The Government of Zardugal would like to know where the members of the I.M.L. have been as well in respect to the situation in Gaduridos?

All of these are questions the citizens of Gaduridos must decide for themselves. Indeed, Pontesi assumed control of Gaduridos per a mutually agreed upon set of conditions and the Government of Zardugal while not liking the precedent does in fact, respect the legal authority of the treaty. With that said and accepted by this government; we would urge the aforementioned nations and international organizations to make clear where they stand on the issues.

Moving on, another item that needs mentioned and I speak on behalf of the Government of Zardugal on the topic. It has come to our attention that the current situation in Lodamun is delicate as well. There have been reports from many factions of potential civil-unrest, wild accusations being thrown towards President Kynes and his administration. The sort of senseless rhetoric the detractors are using does them no good and makes them look like fools, frankly. The Liberal Party of Lodamun has brought unparalleled economic success to Lodamun and has had a splendid reign as the head of state and government and most cabinet positions by the will of the citizens of the Republic of Lodamun.

The wild accusations made against President Kynes recently in the Republic's newspapers are flatly unacceptable. I would advice Mr. Kynes to take a firm stance against these radicals that have entrenched themselves in Lodamun. We respect civil discourse and political factions of varied opinions. However, it is clear without question that the rally-cry behind the parties in Lodamun is merely one based on shallow rhetoric and using the current government as a huge target. Indeed, this is the oldest political tactics on the books and comes as no surprise to the Federation of Zardugal. The Federation of Zardugal still counts the Kynes administration and Lodamun as a close friend and partner and we will not allow a fellow Republic and freely and popularly elected leader of a nation be mocked, ridiculed and targeted in the manner in which the parties in Lodamun have decided to employ. The Federation of Zardugal stands firm behind our trust in President Kynes and will be monitoring the situation very closely.

The third issue I'd like to make a few comments on is the recent elections in the Holy Luthori Empire. It is widely known that the Luthori government and the Federation of Zardugal are more than just friends or economic partners. Given the reporting coming in from the Luthori Central News Network and private conversations with members of the Government of Luthori I will not mince words. The new political factions that have arrived on the shores of Luthori would be most wise to listen and respect the wisdom and keen insights of The League within Luthori.

As well, the Tories in Luthori ought tread softly with their agenda; Zardugal does not view the recent reports as items to be dismissed or chalked up to the desires of the people of Luthori. The governing coalition of the Constitutional Imperial League and Liberal-Democratic Party of Luthori has been beyond praise. What is evident to any thinking mammal is that the Tories are seeking to impose radical near revolutionary reforms upon the Holy Luthori Empire; something the Federation will not sit idly by and watch.

Before I take questions, I've just a few more comments to make. The Federation of Zardugal would like to again congratulate the First Party of Hobrazia in its recent smashing election victory. The Hobrazian Imperium would have been left into rubble had it not been for the strident and patriotic members of the First Party. I can honestly think of no other person better suited to assume the position as head of state within the Imperium than the noble Michael Neesam.

The recent elections in the Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria is something the Foreign Office has taken note of. First off, I'd like to congratulate the Fascist Authority Party for its majority stake in the legislature. The F.A.P. is considered by the Federation of Zardugal as an ally; their work under the leadership of Chairman Chamberlain, Mr. Max Hansel and the honorable Kristofer Mason is beyond praise. We thank all the members of the F.A.P. for their continued friendship. I hate to end my comments about Hulstria with the unfortunate news that the National Parties foreign affairs expert, Mr. Westmoreland has announced his resignation due to health concerns. The Zardic Federation wishes him and his family all the best.

So let me open it up for questions, I'll start with you, Tiffany."


Q: Thank you, Sir. In light of your comments on civil unrest within Gaduridos, would it be fair to say that Zardugal is not taking any actions in respect to Gaduridos?

A: No, that would not be fair to say. Next question.

Q: But, Sir-a followup?

A: Well Jennifer you asked me a rather simple question and I gave you an answer. Next time sharpen up your questions. I've got to move on. Uhh, go ahead Gavin.

Q: Thank you very much for the opportunity, Sir. Switching gears, there have been reports surfacing that indicate that the latest cabinet reshuffle was a deliberate attempt to consolidate the power of both your party and Director of State Bruce Kent's Realist Party. It was reported in the Zardic World Report that over 75% of the current members of the Government extending all the way down to the Directorate are directly affiliated with the Axis Alliance. With all respect Sir, even you are the Head Advisor to the Axis. Do you not think this is compromising our nation's ability to act independently of an Axis agenda?

A: Oh Gavin, you know how these silly stories get started. There is a small but extremely vocal minority of citizens here in the Federation who primarily are the worthless remnants of the terrorist group Confederacy of Social Darwinists and Saiserists. I wouldn't piss on the aforementioned groups if they were on fire. . .

**silence across the room**

A: Well, I don't mince my words-get used to it. Now, this rubbish idea that the Federation of Zardugal is just a puppet for the Axis is nothing but the work of fantasy. Indeed, Zardugal is tied closely with the Axis and will continue to be. The Axis has done more for this nation alongside the F.R.P. than well, just go read a history book, ok? Seriously, I'm tired of these crackpot theories. No, my post within the Axis nor Director-General Gould, nor Director of State Kent nor the Defense Minister is 'compromised' in our abilities to function as we, the government, see fit. Alright, John from TerraWire, you're up; where are you?

Q: Right here, Sir. I'd like to echo the sentiments expressed so far, we really appreciate you taking time to do this briefing yourself. It's known and accepted that the Federal-Republicans under your tenure have gone through enormous lengths to put spokespeople in here with the press versus allowing us the change to question directly yourself, Mr. Kent or Mr. Gould. As acting Chairman of the F.R.P. and Foreign Minister would you be willing to pledge to the nation that you will encourage more members of the government to speak directly versus using an aide?

A: Excellent question. It is my honor to be here today, I have no need to apologize for the decisions and policies employed thus far by the government nor the F.R.P. or the Realist Party. Though, I've quite enjoyed our little chat today and I will accept your pledge and do what is within my power to ensure a new era of transparency is ushered in. Alright, one more question…alright, Katie from Z.W.P.

Q: Thank you very much, SIr. From sources I've gathered who have gone on the record, it is said that you and Director-General Gould are not seeing eye-to-eye. With your recent and sudden movement into public-office you'd have to be naïve to believe you were not up to something. Are you going to be the next candidate for the Federal-Republicans to replace Director-General Gould?

A: Well, that’s certainly a direct question. Director-General Gould is an honorable and very intelligent man; I have nothing but respect for him and he is a close friend. I know some people think I'm calling all the shots within the party; this is just silly. Indeed, I am the Chairman of the F.R.P. and I have no intentions of stepping down from the post. As such I am aware that there are certain back-benchers within the Directorate who are not satisfied with Director-General Gould. To them I simply say, he has my endorsement and they ought do the same. It would not be appropriate for me to go into any further details about internal party questions at this venue. Thank you all for your time, I will make a point of doing this more often. Good Day.

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:10 am
by bucsfan47
Zardic World Report
XI Edition

Director of State Kent to Step Away

Bruce Kent overlooking his estate in Battle Creek

Belgae,Endirahad(ZWR)- Today is truly a sad day for The Federation of Zardugal, the long time Director of State Bruce Kent will be stepping away from his political career. In an address to The National Directorate Kent had this to say:

Ladies and Gentlemen of The Federation,

Today I am not looking for votes. I am, instead, giving a vote of thanks. I am thanking my colleagues, my staff, my family and indeed my friends for all they have done for me in my political career. Any thing I achieved I achieved because of their hard work, their support and their understanding. The things I didn't achieve were, of course, entirely due to the vagaries of politics!

I have served the people of Zardugal my entire life and this is what I am most proud of. I have been the head of The Realist party for nearly half a century, and Director of State for nearly Forty years. My colleagues and I have established the party as a major player in the politics of the Federation. Through our work with the Federal Republican Party we have ensured that the Federation is safe domestically and shall be a powerful player internationally. The times ahead are vital and accordingly I would not abandon my dear people, I leave you in the hands of a good man.

This man is Edward Morgan. Rest assured you will learn more about him in the future. I will be watching though, and if things get out of hand, count on my voice being heard ha ha.

Politics is my past. My interest is in the future. After all, as the old saying goes I am going to spend the rest of my life there.

So it seems that a staple of the political scene in the Federation will be retiring. Now the question is who is this Edward Morgan, and how will this effect the Realist Party and the Federation as a whole. More to come from The Zardic World Report soon.

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:41 am
by bucsfan47
Zardic World Report
XII Edition

Mysterious Edward Morgan Revealed

Edward Morgan seen at a Realist Party rally 4 years ago

Belgae, Endirahad (ZWR) - In the last edition of The Zardic World Report we revealed that long time Director of State and Realist Party leader Bruce Kent was stepping down. Shockingly it was also revealed that Kent would be replaced by at the time then unknown Edward Morgan. This set off thousands of rumors about who exactly this man was. Well of course the Zardic World Report is here to present you with the facts.

Edward Morgan is currently 60 years old.Born right here in Belgae, He has worked within the Realist Party for 20 years now, though we were not able to ascertain exactly WHAT his role was, though it is clear that he held some influence. Morgan has been married 3 times and has been with his current wife (Lauren) for 5 years. Morgan has no children. It also is apparent the Bruce Kent trusted him very much, an anonymous source within the Realist Party said that "Morgan and Kent worked closely together on important legislation and foreign deals, but worked to make sure that no connection was made between the two."

During the time that our investigators were working on this report Morgan's people actually came to us and offered to sit down on the telephone and do an interview. We were able to ask him a few questions and get a feel for what he was really all about. the following is the conversation that took place.

Q: Mr.Morgan we have been quite busy lately, trying to figure out WHO you are and WHY Kent chose you as his replacement, when there seemed to be so many other viable candidates, like Thomas McCrater or Reyna Calderon. So tell us WHO are you and WHY were you chosen?

A: Well I am a simple man and I dont mince my words. Who am I? Im the man who is going to help advance the Federation to levels that it has never seen before. Im the man that will take the Realist Party into the future and make it stuff of legend. You ask Why did Bruce choose me? He chose me because he knows that im the only man that could fill his shoes, im here to make sure that we continue to make progress. You can expect some shake ups to happen within the party. Nobodies job is safe. Everyone will have to show me that they have earned the right to be called a Realist.

Q: We have it from a source within your party that Bruce Kent did not want you two to be connected publicly, and it seems that all was going according to plan, So why name you his successor and make all that work for nothing?

A: Like i said, He knew that im the only man that could fill his shoes, now its my time to lead the party. Next Question.

Q: So what will the relationship be between the Realists and Federal Republicans?

A: I see no reason why the status quo would change, the two parties have worked well for a long time and it would be a shame to throw away all the years of cooperation and goodwill.

Q: And how about the ZLP and NMP?

A: We all know the situation domestically is pretty stable. We all work well together, We are truely a united Federation, we have squabbles every now and then, but that is healthy. I look forward to continuing and expanding on our working relationships with all current and future parties that appear in the Federation.

Q: How do you feel about the current cabinet?

A: Im obviously the chair of the cabinet, though the composition is left up to the Director General and their ministers respective parties as to who they will seat in each position. I have not met with all the ministers as of yet, though rest assured I will be doing so soon. I will make sure to have a meeting with the Finance minister, have you seen the latest budget?

Q:That we have, so What is your stance on the Pontesian Situation?

A: Well right now I see alot of huffing and puffing from many nations. Baltusians, Trigunyians, Lodamese and many others. I see no reason to reveal my position at the moment. Nations are tipping their unsteady hands. Ill wait until the right time and ensure that i show a strong fist.

Q: How do you feel about the accusations that the Axis and The Federation are indeed one entity?

A: It is no secret that Zardugal and The Axis are closely tied, We play a key part in the leadership of the Axis, i see no problem with this. Our citizens have come to realize that the Axis is the best thing for The Federation, they have protected us and we have protected it. No doubt about that. Tell anyone who has a problem with that to come see me at my office and we can have a vigorous discussion about the whole thing.

In our brief talk with Edward Morgan we learned alot, it seems that he has alot of ideas and that he is not afraid to express them. We undoubtedly will hear more from him in the future.

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:11 am
by Darvian
Zardic World Report
XIII Edition

Government Responds to News of Director of State Kent's Resignation

Director-General Gould Comments on Director of State Kent's Announcement

Director-General Gould was aware of Mr. Kent's intentions before his announcement to the Directorate, as did Foreign Minister H. L. Kostandian IV. Both men were absent from the speech given by Director of State Kent within the Directorate as they prepared their official remarks. Immediately after Director of State Kent delivered the news, both D.G. Gould and F.M. Kostandian IV were making their way to the medias offices within the Directorate. Normally, briefings and announcements come from the various government press rooms. Only recently did Directors decide to allow the media a specific space within the Directorate's hallowed halls. Z.W.P. in full disclosure has several full-time staffers and editors within the Directorate's Media Offices.

Most of the journalists had gone to the foray of the Directorate in anticipation of fellow Directors comments from the Federal-Republicans, National-Modernists, Zardic-Liberal Party and the Realist Party's Directors. Very few members of the press were in the media offices when Director-General Gould and F.M. and Chairman of the F.R.P. H. L. Kostandian walked in unannounced. In a scene befitting a movie, everyone immediately had a moment of shock and quickly pulled their jars up and stood up quickly. F.M. Kostandian broke the ice.

"Well, what is there 8 of you? No wonder I can't get a good book review in the Unkassan Times." F. M. Kostandian quipped. "Now, we didn't mean to alarm anyone. We've both got some remarks to make in response to the obvious. We'll give you a moment to get to your computers or pens or whatever you lot use these days." F.M. Kostandian indeed allowed a moment to pass while he spoke with Director-General Gould whom had thus far remained as ever expressionless."Alright, Director-General Sir, you're up." F.M. gave the Director-General a nudge.

"Yes, well I thank all of you for doing this. I'll let Mr. Kostandian put the music to our thanks. To the matter at hand. As it is, Director of State Kent has announced his resignation and regrettably I've accepted it. Mr. Kent has been a force to be reckoned with domestically and his duties as both Director of State as well as Chair of the Realist Party and his work, effort and achievements in both is beyond any words I can conjure up.

Zardugal will recover of course, as we always have. Though it is men like Bruce Kent that remind us that stable, rationale leadership must always prevail over that of the extremists or idealists of either side of the political spectrum. Mr. Kent has been more than just this Federations Director of State he has served us proudly as the U.N.T. Ambassador. He served my wise predecessor Director-General Rothchild with distinction as well. It was their relationship that lead to Mr. Kent becoming more than a mere colleague but, a true friend of mine.

On behalf of the Government of Zardugal, effective immediately I will be awarding Mr. Kent with the highest-civilian honor one can receive within the Federation; the Zardic Medal of Liberty. As well, on behalf of the Government and citizens of Zardugal we wish Mr. Kent and Mrs. Kent and their son Wayne all of the best. The Kent family is and shall always remain friends of the Federation of Zardugal."

F.M. Kostandian: "Naturally, everything Director-General Gould has said is on the mark. Mr. Kent is one of a kind and his role in government will be sorely missed. I am very unlucky in having only worked with him for a relatively short-period of time in our official capacities as representatives of the executive branch of the government of the Federation. Today though is not a day to be greedy or mournful of the loss of such a wonderful and intelligent leader. As Mr. Kent said in his speech, his interests lie in the future. Quite an admirable remark on his behalf, if I may say.

Naturally as Chairman of the F.R.P. and a friend of Mr. Kent we've worked together in many other capacities over the years as we will continue to in the future. If Mr. Kent thought resigning would keep me away from him or his darling wife Sofia he was gravely mistaken!" *laugh* "The entire Kent brood as the Director-General just said, are friends of the Federation and will be forever. I will say I am happy to see Mr. Kent leave purely for himself and his family. His tireless dedication to his duties and to this Federation have taken enormous sacrifices on his personal life, as it often does with all servants of the public. I am pleased to know that Mr. Kent will now be able to enjoy a less stressful life with his loved ones."

It was with that having been said both gentlemen again thanked the skeleton-crew in the media offices of the Directorate and they vanished as quickly as they had appeared. Everyone in the room was admittedly still a bit stunned at the rapid response from the Director-General and Foreign Minister Kostandian IV. Though, it is this writer and I'm pleased to say paper that soundly endorses the comments made by both Director-General Gould and F.M. Kostandian IV. The editorial board and staff at Zardic World Report wish the Kent family all of the best in their futures and thank Director of State Kent for the sacrifices he made to make Zardugal a better place.

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:48 pm
by bucsfan47
Zardic World Report
XIV Edition

Defense Minister Calderon meets with Admiral of "Southern Fleet"

A pregnant Defense Minister Calderon and Admiral Moorlast walking through the courtyard of the defense ministry.

Aug 2778, Belgae,Endirahad (ZWR)- Today the Federations Defense Minister Reyna Calderon met with the commanding Admiral of The Southern Fleet. Minister Calderon when questioned about the meeting said that "Its routine" and that there was nothing to be alarmed about. Though our military and political analysts are saying that the meeting was anything but "routine". There is no doubt that the topic of the meeting was the current situation in Gaduridos.

"The current administration has not given a clear comment on where they stand on the issue, but it is obvious that they must make a choice soon, some nations have declared war, others are mobilizing, and yet we are sitting around still debating the thing. If we are going to act, it must be soon." says ZWR Analyst Gerald Lee.

For those of you wondering Minister Calderon is seven months pregnant, she has expressed that she will remain as defense minsiter throughout her pregnancy though she admits that she may lean on the Deputy Defense Minster more than usual.

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:20 am
by Darvian
Zardic World Report
XV Edition

Public Address from Director-General Gould

12, December 2778

In a televised address carried across every major network within the Federation of Zardugal and across some satellite networks which broadcast internationally the Director-General of Zardugal took to the air in an announcement that was being touted as a 'major event.'

"Good Evening, I've asked for this time to speak to the citizens of the Federation to address a few issues that matter to each and every one of us. I have had the honor to serve this nation first and still as an enlisted member of the Zardic Armed Forces and now for nearly the last quarter of a century I've served my nation as your Director-General. The unshakable spirit of the Zardic people has been my constant source of motivation in my solemn duties as Director-General and your continued trust, support and care for both me and my family cannot possibly be expressed with just a modest thank you.

I have spoken with Chairman Kostandian and the Executives of the Federal-Republican Party about this, and they have accepted my resignation which shall commence upon the next election. Furthermore it is my great honor to announce that my dear friend, colleague and one this Federations wisest and sharpest minds shall be the next candidate for the post of Director-General, Mr. H. Leighton Kostandian IV.I have utmost confidence in Mr. Kostandian and he has both my endorsement and the endorsement of the Federal-Republicans. We all wish him the best of luck in his continuing role as Foreign Minister and possibly this Federations next Director-General."

Director-General Gould Out? Kostandian In?

"In my remaining time as Director-General I will continue to perform to my utmost and not waiver or falter. I will not lie, I do very much look forward to my retirement however, I would not be able to do so peacefully knowing I neglected my duties as both the Director-General of Zardugal and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Accordingly, it is my duty to inform the citizens of Zardugal that effective immediately I will be taking a number of measures in accordance with the advice and consent I have received from the Security Council.

Many of you have likely read and seen on television the looming specter of hostilities internationally revolving around Gaduridos. There is much truth in these reports. Later today the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister and Defense will be holding briefings to release further information. With what information I have received by numerous of this Federations departments and organizations is simply too much for me to take no action. Per the powers granted to me by this government in the M.R.A. and the W.P.A, effectively immediately the Zardic Armed Forces shall stand at DEFCON 3, REDCON 2 and FPCON Bravo. The Security Council has already been informed of my decision and has begun to take the appropriate measures.

As my wife constantly reminds me, the military gibberish I speak as she would say, is incoherent to most. I've come to understand this and while the increased readiness levels and their fancy names might sound menacing it couldn't be anything further from the truth. The increased levels come from valid concerns the government has in respect to namely the situation involving Gaduridos however, there are other reasons I have taken these actions. As said, later the Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs shall be releasing further information and fielding questions from the media. The measures I have taken should not alarm anyone in the least; the Z.A.F. has recently been conducting largely publicized exercises on our own and with allies. This is nothing more than a further step in our continued determination to ensure Terra remains a secure place. Thank you all for your time."

In typical fashion, what now appears to be the incumbent Director-General Gould has been direct and to the point. We at Z.W.P. will have full coverage of the briefings to be held by the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs to fully inform everyone of all the details revolving around D.G. Gould's rather stunning actions of the increases in military readiness operation. It is also unknown at this time why the D.G. mentioned the W.P.A. (War Powers Act) when nothing that we heard in his speech required even a mention of the W.P.A. Even with the increased levels of readiness of the Z.A.F. the Federation is not at war and the D.G. made no mention of direct or indirect action in his address. We will do our best to seek an answer or clarification on this point.

In the other major announcement, it is clear the Chairman of the F.R.P. and the recently appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs H. L. Kostandian IV will be the next Director-General. There isn't much doubt that he will win handily given the continued political hegemony of the F.R.P. within Zardugal. Though this is clearly a striking and stunning decision. Mr. Kostandian may be an intelligent man but, it is widely known his temper and rather undiplomatic ways have not been received entirely well by some nations across Terra.

All of this coupled with the news that Director of State Kent was to leave office and a hard-liner in the Realist Party was to become the next Director of State, again a total farce to assume the Realist Party wouldn't get their man at the table given the Realist's and F.R.P's nearly inseparable relations on the executive levels of government. With all of this and given Mr. Kostandian's decision to come out in a less than subtle way recently from the shadows of the inner party politics of the F.R.P. leaves all of us here at Z.W.P. asking one question. Who is really running the Federation?

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:00 am
by Darvian
Zardic World Report
XVI Edition

Kostandian's Conquest!
17, May 2779

Newly Elected Director-General H. L. Kostandian IV

It was all but a foregone conclusion that the elections would be handily won by Mr. Kostandian IV of the Federal-Republicans but, what wasn't expected was the record-breaking voter turnout. Over 80% of those eligible to vote showed up to let their voices be heard. Both the Realist Party and Zardugal Liberty Party endorsed Director-General Kostandian IV and Mr. Kostandian was up against a candidate from the Communist Party of Zardugal. Mr. Ted Cumberland received only 0.06% of the vote while Director-General Kostandian took in a stunning 99.83%. It is clear that the citizens of the Zardic Federation were more than eager to see the Kostandian name directly in the seat of power.

Former Director-General Gould having announced his retirement and support of his long-time colleague H. L. Kostandian remains the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Z.A.F. Reports from TerraWire News indicate that there have been large scale military activity in Migrants Pass; some reports estimate that there is up to 2 full naval battle fleets. Though reports from Beiteynu and eyewitness say that among the ships spotted off the coast were vessels clearly not marked. This would all seem to complete the missing pieces of the puzzle as to Director-General Gould's televised speech whereupon he invoked the War Powers Act without giving an explanation. Z.W.P. has been denied access to information concerning all military matters; no members of the government have thus far been inclined to talk to any member of the media.

All of the strange things that have taken place within the Federation has caused a lot of concern in various circles. Professor Lewis Hammond at Belgae University whose expertise is in both the cultural and political realms of the Zardic people. We asked Professor Hammond about the staging turn-out in voters compared to the usual 30-40% especially in light of all the clear corporatist authoritarian styles of the Federal-Republicans. "It isn't a surprise to me now, why the media doesn't get it does surprise me. The F.R.P. has been a functional political organization starting formally about two centuries ago. In that time as a party they've maintained near total control of the government for now 137 years. The F.R.P. is the oldest party in the nation and the party born from the fire of the Great Zardic Struggle. People do not have as bad as memories as you might think. The scars of our bloody history and the role the Federal-Republicans have always played is an image and legacy that is quite formidable."

The Federal-Republicans have long be slightly center of right on most social issues, tending to opt for devolved government wherever and whenever possible as a result the F.R.P. is the most federalist leaning party within the Federation. Both The Realist Party and the F.R.P. are unashamedly pro-business to the point of corporatism on the part of the F.R.P. and some say recently the privately-owned security firm B.L.S. which is owned by classified members known to have contacts with primarily the Realist Party but as well the F.R.P. and Director-General himself. This long established entrenchment of values has enabled the F.R.P. to maintain consistent support throughout the nation for most of its tenure. While often suffering in the Directorate elections the F.R.P. the party never fails to produce some would say, stunning candidates for the post of Head of State and it is well known the old guards of the Federal-Republicans focus heavily on party cooperation domestically to ensure a continued stable political environment.

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:52 am
by bucsfan47
Zardic World Report
Edition XVII

Zardic Engineers Enigmatic Entrance

December 2787-- The peaceful transition of lands on Dovani held by Talmoria to The Federation of Zardugal went off amazingly well. The 11th Army Group and XVIII Airborne Corps were intially dispatched to the areas to ensure that they were secure. Then came the Army Corp of engineers, their goal is to improve the current infrastructure in place and bring it up to Federation standards to ensure that these new colonies would become a blessing instead of a burden. The forces were greeted with happiness and their was a new found hope and optimism in the air. We caught up to General Wagner of the 11th Army group and he had the following statement to release.

The landings here at Liberty Bay went off without a hitch. We are proud of our men and women in uniform who executed the operation. We are equally proud of our new citizens who have done the utmost respect for us and have been fully cooperating with everybody involved. These are an excellent people and let me be the first to say "Welcome from The Federation of Zardugal".

We've acquired 7 new colonies and so far situation reports from all 7 have been the same as experienced here. Just a few nomenclature issues that the higher-ups want me to release by the way. Here are maps of the regions, they have been updated with proper names for each province. So for example right now we are in "The Federated Colony of Libanthum."

Well folks I've got to get back to work.

General Wagner with the locals

Our ZWR reporters in the region were able to catch up to some of the citizens celebrating, we asked one man what he thought of the Engineers. "They are great people, just like ourselves. They are our brothers and sisters now. We cant way to interact more with them. I've already booked a flight to Belgae to see what the homeland is like." He said.

Celebration Parade in Libanthum

We caught up with another woman in the celebrations and asked her about her impressions. "Well before they arrived I was concerned honestly. I had been raised with the mindset that Dovani was for Dovanians, but now that I think about it and I have met these wonderful people I am able to see how much of a crock that notion is. We are all Terran brother and sisters. It was probably concocted by the monarchs of other nations on Dovani to keep power and to keep out those who are stronger than them, but now I'm a Zardic Citizen and I couldn't be happier."

The engineers have been hard at work since their arrival. Repairing damaged roads, telephone lines, pipes. You name it and they have probably been renovating or rebuilding it. Renovations will probably take years. One of the goals of the engineers is also to train natives on how to repair and maintain all the work that the engineers are doing so that they become self-sufficient.

All signs indicate that the transition has and will continue to go down smoothly. The Federated Colonies are set to become and integral part of the Federation of Zardugal. Mutual cooperation and prosperity are predicted by both sides and there is no reason to see why those predictions would not come true.

Young child greeting an engineer

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:02 am
by Darvian
Zardic World Report
XVIII Edition

Exclusive One on One Interview With Director-General Kostandian
9th, June 2782

Director-General Kostandian and Matt Reynolds of Z.W.R.

By: Matt Reynolds,
Editor at Large for Z.W.R.

Today I had the honor to sit down with our nations Director-General in his first one-on-one interview since winning the election. There have been many questions circulating in Belgae since the second victory of H. L. Kostandian in snap-elections to fill the vacant seats in the Directorate left by the National Modernist Party.

MR: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with me today, I can assure you everyone at ZWR appreciates it.

HL: No, the pleasure is all mine; think nothing of it.

MR: Again thank you, Sir. Will Zardugal be changing its position on the situation in Gaduridos in light of the defeat of the Pontesians and the establishment of a new government under the Farmers Party?

HL: I'm afraid not. The conflict in Gaduridos has indeed been a travesty to watch unfold. It's truly a shame that the citizens of Gaduridos we're supposedly being represented by a rag-tag group of brigands in the revolt against the Pontesians. The Federation will not recognize the legitimacy of what I perceive to be a terrorist regime and at worse an inept crew of gang-bangers running the state of Gaduridos.

MR: Do you not find it odd that Baltusia did most of the fighting for the Dusty Knights as well as the G.P.O?

HL: The only thing that surprises me there is that Mr. Aristocrat was dumb enough to put his chips on such imbeciles. The Baltusian government had no business being in Gaduridos and their actions reflect horribly upon them for the criminal undertakings they not only allowed but helped facilitate. And speaking of the supposed new government of Gaduridos, isn't it funny that they put out a plea for international aid and as of yet, no offers? See, the international community see's these scum for what they are. They lead this quote unquote revolution only to what? To find themselves begging the international community for money to help re-build! This was why the Pontesians were originally invited into the nation!

MR: Moving on, the word is Mr. Aristocrat of Kafuristan and Secretary-General of the G.P.O. is going to be coming to Zardugal for talks with you, any truth to that?

HL: Yes. I believe John will be coming. Kafuristan and Zardugal have long had standing business relations and it's vital to both of our nations that we keep diplomatic lines of communications open.

MR: As Head Advisor to the Axis, can you not see why this is being viewed as some as a potentially Terra-shaking event?

HL: Well, I don't buy into that, but I can see where the implications could be read as much more significant than they are. Listen, it's nothing new my party and this nation has close ties with the Axis, this is undeniable. I am the Head Advisor to the Chairman and this doesn't preclude me at all to any level in what I do in the capacity as Director-General. Indeed, often the Axis' agenda is mutually aligned with ours internationally however, we live in a free-market society and I can't decide who our business deal with nor do I intend to.

MR: Well is it not fair to inquire as to the nature of the business deals going on with Kafuristan when it is no secret that your partner is Adriana McNamara the head and CEO of Majatra's largest defense firm and only uranium production company on Terra?

HL: I suppose it is fair to ask about such things though, I wasn't aware that Zardic World Report was interested in my domestic life.

MR: With all due respect Director-General Kostandian, that isn't answering the question and if the person your sharing a bed with every night is CEO of the largest defense firm in Majatra and the only weapons-grade uranium sellers on the market, I do believe it is quite fair to ask such questions and to expect clear answers from our nation's leader.

HL: I've been in many interviews before and this is without doubt the most memorable. Listen, Adriana and I have long been partners and this has been well known in Zardugal. You are taking an interest now to try to dig up some dirt and tie the government to some deal made by a private corporation as some means to suggest our policies are being carried out by corporations. And really, do you think the subjects of arms-proliferation and the uranium industry makes for sweet pillow talk?

MR: Reports have been coming in that the Federation of Zardugal is in private negotiations with the Talmorians over a possible land deal? Is this at all timed to coincide with the Luthorian Empire's invasion?

HL: Well, I wouldn't call it an invasion so much as a liberation. Though no, this is just a coincidence. The opportunity presented itself through the hard efforts and initiative of Foreign Minister Balfour and I'm pleased with what I've heard so far. I can't comment on this further as the ink is still drying.

MR: Well, if Zardugal is poised to gain its first ever colonial holdings is this not a major deal?

HL: Well, you tell me. I have no intention of backing down on the ambitions of the citizens of the Federation. What we've got going on in Zardugal is something we ought to strive to export and promote in as many places as possible.

MR: Switching gears a bit, what is your formal response to the recent treaties negotiated out by Director of State Morgan regarding naval base operations with Keymon and the rather lucrative business contract for B.L.S?

HL: Well it ought be clear where I stand. I didn't oppose the treaties. My formal response to the first part of your question is that the arrangements secured by my colleague Mr. Morgan is a resounding success for Zardugal strategically. We've long respected the neutrality of Keymon and will continue to do so. The arrangements made provide the Z.A.F. with a permanent base of operations in a vital choke-point for international commerce and will only continue to ensure our nations foreign policy is implemented effectively and ensuring Keymon is guaranteed certain guarantees of protection under the treaties in question.

As far as any "lucrative business deals" that were implemented all I have to say is these were worked out by the delegations of both the governments of Keymon and Zardugal. B.L.S. wouldn't be involved if it wasn't asked to be. That said, any formal response from me on this isn't required. I'd advise you to talk directly to either the public relations department of B.L.S. or try to contact Dr. J. Fox.

MR: I see your secretary is worried about the time, so I'll make this my final question. Word is you've kept up giving two lectures a week at Belgae University. How is it you manage this while also being the head of state?

HL: Well, honestly it's something I really look forward to through the week. As you know I was tenured at Zardic Imperial and 2-3 hour lectures a week allows me to stay in touch with the best and brightest of a generation much younger than myself and gives them I suppose, quite a unique opportunity. Though I will admit I never got quite the crowds at Z.I.U. as I have been at Belgae University.

MR: Thank you again Director-General Kostandian.

HL: It's been real, take care.

Re: Zardic World Report

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:35 am
by bucsfan47
Zardic World Report
Edition XIX

Headlines from Across The Federation

November 2791

Black Leopard Security Involved in Shootout at First Federation Bank


November 5, 2791---- Today at First Federation Bank corporate offices in Northeastern Belgae shots rang out as 3 masked gunmen entered the lobby and opened fire. Security on scene was able to phone Black Leopard Security before the gunmen could round up all the hostages. BLS arrived on scene within 10 minutes and set up a perimeter. A negotiator approached the building to make contact and the gunmen opened fire, immediately the rest of the team stormed the buidling and returned fire. The Three gunmen were eliminated, thier identites have not been released, though it has been confirmed that they were of Beitynese decent. 2 hostages and 1 BLS team member were injured during the firefight, all are in stable condition at local hospitals.

Federation Boxer Larry Wright Victorious


November 17, 2791---- Larry Wright executed a domineering performance in his fight at Kostandian Bay Casino against former champion Kirk Corso. Wright came out strong in the early rounds winning the first 3 rounds 30-27, the fight did ended with a TKO knockout in the 5th Round when Wright delivered a skull crushing right cross that put Corso flatly on his back and knocked the veteran fighter unconscious. After the fight Wright said the following " Corso was a great opponent, but im The Champion of the world now, and I plan on keeping this belt around my waist till i retire. Post Fight speculation puts the young Jacory Marve as the next challenger for the belt, but for now Wright says he plans to celebrate his win and then get back in the gym in a few weeks.

New Art Museum opens in Unkassa


November 28, 2791---- A new privately funded Art Museum has opened up in the Federal State of Unkassa, the first exhibit will feature ancient art pieces from early Zardic history. Tickets are 10 Zar for Adults, 7 Zar for Students/Military/Seniors and Kids Get in free. Museum Director Irvin Lazzaro says that there will also be an art festival hosted by the new Museum in the coming weeks. So keep an ear out expert and layman alike.