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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:01 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central new network of Temania
June 11th 4460
Royalist People's Party (RPP) wins Temanian elections! Likely to transform Temania in a monarchy
With the Royalist People's Party winning the elections from the current ruling party the Socialist Party of Temania they are likely to push through a monarchy

For term after term the Socialist Party of Temania won elections in the country. However, for the first time in decades the Royalist People's Party has won a major landslide with more then 2/3rds of the seats. This came after the SPT failed to actively respond to the growing crisis in Noumonde.

The RPP is now in the privileged position to pass constitutional reform and will likely push for a monarchy in Temania. Some rumours have already emerged of possible candidates for the position of monarch, however the biggest possibility is likely the exiled House of Lavièra to take the throne.
Their current leader, Baldassarre Lavièra, is currently 41 years old and has already showed signs of being willing to take a possible Temanian throne.

The new RPP government has already made the first steps for economic and constitutional reform alike, according to sources within the party they expect to pass a reform for the institution of a monarchy fairly soon.

Baldassare and his Wife during a rare appearance at the house of their exile in Narikaton
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:53 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central new network of Temania
July 20th 4463
RPP Installs an Emperor!
Emperor Baldassare given absolute power, the RPP changed the constitution and gave the new Emperor absolute rule

A Historic day for Temania. The RPP has worked for years to establish a new monarchy in Temania. While at first many thought they would go for a modern constitutional monarchy they have proved everyone wrong. This morning Emperor Baldassare I of the House of Lavièra was coronated in the Temanian capital.

According to the new constitution Temania is now officially a Absolute Monarchy with the Emperor gaining absolute rule through decrees as well as getting the power to appoint the cabinet and lead the army.
The current parliament was abolished and replaced by the Imperial Senate consisting out of 154 members all appointed by the RPP party, this Senate will have the task of ratifying laws created by the Emperor but cant actually make laws itself. The RPP is now the only legal party in the country and works on behalf of the Emperor.

The name of the country has also been changed to the official title of "Empire of Temania"
Human Rights groups have already condemned this move to a practical dictatorship and reports are reaching international media of thousands of Temanians protesting on the streets of the country during the coronation of Baldassare.
Some news outlets are reporting violent police crackdowns on the protesters and hundreds have presumably been arrested.

How this situation will develop is unknown at the moment.

Emperor Baldassare I (right) during his coronation by RPP politicians
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:59 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central new network of Temania
June 10th 4466
Emperor Baldassare issues edicts on the economy, military and media
New Edicts and reforms are aimed at creating a "transparant and prosperous society for all Temanians

As Emperor Baldassare enters his 3rd year in office he is continuing his policy of massive reforms. His puppet party the RPP has approved several reforms that open up the Temanian economy to foreign investment but also strengthen its national industries by cutting regulations and ensuring private investors cannot get a majority share in Temanian companies.
The Emperor himself issued several edicts to protect the rights of free press in the country creating several safeguards to protect media independence. The army is also being reformed, the Emperor has given the directive to the ministry of defense to increase the amount of carreer soldiers to around 350.000 active soldiers.

The Emperor is also looking for a new international partner to help and reform his army.
All these changes have had a positive effect on the image of the new Emperor. while in the first year of his reign he had brutally suppressed the demonstrations against his rule he has now allowed small scale demonstrations. But the people seem content, with transparant reforms and a growing economy it seems Emperor Baldassare is gaining favourability among his subjects.

Emperor Baldassare talking to the press during the reveal of one of his new Edicts
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:51 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central new network of Temania
December 15th 4466
Imperial Military starts major drills with new equipment
The Emperor watches while over 30.000 Temanian soldiers train in large scale exercises

The Emperor watched while thousands of soldiers with their new equipment and their support equipment in the form of mortars and tanks participated in a massive training exercise called "Operation Lightning Strike" the goal of this training exercise was to quickly and effectively deploy the Temanian Armed Forces and take out several strategic objectives placed by High Command as part of the exercise.

The exercise was mostly centered around the Temanian ground forces but the small Temanian airforce also had a small role in offering virtual air support.
First 3 divisions of infantry where tasked with mobilizing and deploying in a timespan of just 5 hours. The small airforce was tasked with providing aircover and strategic bombardments on enemy positions.
Once the main defenses of the opponent were neutralized the 1st "Hidden Shadow" infantry division stormed the weakened defenses and effectively destroyed all remaining opposition.

The "Hidden Shadow" Infantry division during the exercises that lasted more then 2 days

After the exercise Emperor Baldassare gave a rousing speech calling on the effectiveness of his army and making a pledge to further modernize it.
He also expressed his desire to increase the size of the Imperial Airforce from the current 20 fighter jets and several transport craft to an approximate 40 fighter jets and an additional 4 attack helicopters.

The Temanian economy is also doing very well. Following several bussiness friendly reforms and the creation of new infrastructure the economy is growing with more then 5% a year already and it is expected to grow even faster. Unemployment is at a all time low with only 2.2% of the population unemployed.

We will keep an eye on the developing situation.

Emperor Baldassare attending the military parade in the capital after the end of the Lightning Strike exercises
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:16 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central new network of Temania
December 19th 4476
Temanian economy at all time high, army exercises near Noumonde border
As the Temanian economy hits an alltime high its improved army is now testing new equipment in training exercises close to the Noumonde border

The Emperor had worked for over a decade to achieve what he has achieved now. Early this morning the Temanian stock market reported an all time high in the stock value of Temanian companies and the Temanian GDP is now at around 150 billion LOD, the highest it has ever been.The major cities in the Empire have seen enormous growth over the past years. With the liberal reforms of Emperor Baldassare which privatized large parts of the economy and gave for example the media the right to freely publish news the Temanian economy skyrocketted with over 8% growth during the past year. Thanks to this growth the imperial government was able to expand and modernize its armed forces.

In the last 6 years the Temanian Imperial Forces have purchased 30 new fighter jets, 200 new tanks and new infantry equipment for their soldiers. Even though the new vehicles for the army where not new models they still make a welcome addition to the Temanian Imperial Forces.
In order to try his new arsenal the Emperor had asked his generals to prepare new army drills near the Noumonde border. Why the emperor wanted the drills to take place there is unknown but the drills themselves were a great spectacle.

Tanks rolled down the grassfield rapidly followed by waves of infantry and aircover from the new fighter planes of the airforce. In total the drills took a week to complete and the Emperor was visibly happy with the peformance of his modernized army.

International observers were however concerned. The exercises took place just 10 miles from Noumonde and a sizeable force was massed at the border in order to fascilitate the drills.
While the office of the Emperor has publicly stated that Temania has no intention of invading its neighbours many in Noumonde are getting anxious by the buildup of troops at their border.

Despite this fear Temania is still growing its economy with 6% a year and its cities are expanding rapidly with new neighborhoods and shopping districts stamping out of the ground in a fast pace.

Noumonde authorities have not yet responded to the Temanian drills

Emperor Baldassare inspecting the Royal Guard before drills commence
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Aquinas » Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:29 am

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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Aquinas » Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:41 am

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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:20 am

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central new network of Temania
January 21st 4489
Emperor Baldassare announces his abdication within the next 4 years, son Baldassare II shall take over
The emperor after more then 2 decades of ruling Temania has announced his abdication within the next 4 years, giving the mantle to his son Baldassare II

After more then 20 years of ruling Temanian emperor Baldassare will abdicate in the next 4 years. The emperor announced this during his annual speech to the people in which he also introduced his first son as heir to the throne.
In his reign Baldassare has accomplished many things previously unimaginable in Temania, he fixed the economy and brought unemployment to an alltime low of 3%. in addition to this he had made huge leaps technologically and has started efforts to transform the temanian capital in a true capital of investments. He also modernized the army and expanded it to proportions never seen before in the short temanian history.

Now his son will take the mantle of leadership. The 38 year old Baldassare Laviéra (Baldassare II) is commenly described as a charismatic leader and an excellent diplomat. However he does have anger issues according to close relatives and particularly during wargames he is overly agressive.

The new Emperor will take his office within 4 years on a undisclosed date. Current Emperor Baldassare I will likely retire to his summer palace on the coast and stay there until the end of his life. Many citizens of Temania have already visited the current imperial palace in the capital to pay their respects to the Emperor that pushed them into the modern age.

Heir to the thrown and upcoming Emperor Baldassare II with his wife Alexandra
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 26, 2018 12:20 pm

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central news network of Temania
January 11th 4491
Emperor Baldassare II ascends the Temanian throne
As the new Emperor assumes the Temanian throne he already issues several decrees to reform the nation

3 years after the first Emperor of Temania, Emperor Baldassare, announced his abdication in favour of his son the day has come for Baldassare II to take the Temanian throne. In his adress to the nation after the official coronation Baldassare II pledged his dedication to continuing his fathers modernization program and grant "more individual freedom to the people of Temania"

immediately after the official coronation and the speech that followed Baldassare II issued several royal decrees that were aimed at reforming several parts of society. The first decree called the "Equal rights to Individual Freedom Decree" or ERIFD basically freed the media from government regulation and established several provisions in the constitution to protect the freedom of the media and freedom of expression for the people.

The second decree concerned the Temanian armed forces. Just like his father before him Baldassare II is looking for ways to strengthen the armed forces. In this second decree called "State Institutional and Defense Decree" or SIDD Baldassare ordered the ministry of defense to expand the number of active soldiers to around 420.000 men. In addition to this the new Emperor also put an order to further mechanize and modernize the armed forces in the decree which will likely lead to even further strengthening of the armed forces.

While Baldassare II issued even more edicts to ensure the freedom of the press and people he has made it clear that no elections will be held

My father made it absolutely clear that the people of Temania have only benefitted from the monarchy as their sole executive body, i intend to continue this tradition and serve the people of Temania faithfully without making electoral promises that no one can uphold

Said Baldassare II
several smaller economic decrees and edicts where also drafted and issued to tweak the Temanian economy and create a free market in which all Temanians could have succes. The result of these new economic policies remain to be seen.

Emperor Baldassare II on the balcony of the Imperial Palace after the coronation
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Rogue » Mon Nov 26, 2018 12:41 pm

Temania Central
The Temania Central is the Central news network of Temania
January 16th 4491
Emperor Baldassare II calls upon the WC to hand over administrative control of Whale Island to Temania
seeing whale island as a integral part of Temania Emperor Baldassare II has requested the WC to hand over administrative control of the island to the Temanian authorities

After the new Emperor ascended to the Temanian throne he, just like his father, was determined to further modernize and strengthen Temania.
Days after his coronation and first edicts and decrees getting into affect Temania Central has learned that the Emperor ordered his Foreign Ministry to send a formal request to the WC to hand over administrative control of Whale Island to the Temanian authorities citing "the close proximity and shared history" as a valid reason for the intergration of Whale Island into Temania.

Currently Whale Island is under WC control and administration, the island lays directly in between some important naval trade routes and has been booming in recent years as a large producer of fish and a strategic island for a possible naval base.

The request made by the Emperor has seen some criticism from Noumonde as well as several other nations since they themselves see Whale Island as extremelly important to their own position.

The WC has not yet responded to the request made by the Emperor

Whale Island on the left currently under WC administration
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