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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby OrangeCrusader » Thu Aug 23, 2018 10:19 am

Election Results

This morning polling stations throughout Istapalia closed their doors as general elections reached their ultimate conclusion. The following parties have joined the national assembly:

The Istochniak National Party - 50 seats
The Socialist Party - 25 seats
The Tokundian Social Democratic Party - 10 seats
The Zergonese Democratic Party - 3

the presidency will be handed over to Kemal Milovanović while the office of Prime Minister shall be handed over to Šacir Radović. A interparty coalition has yet to be formed.
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Istapalian Citizen

Postby Luis1p » Thu Oct 25, 2018 2:51 am

Previous RP with the Zergonese cultural retcon has been labelled as illegitimate. Control of Istapali now belongs to jamescfm

For Reference : viewtopic.php?f=11&p=141624#p141624
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:53 pm

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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Wed Oct 31, 2018 12:18 pm

Istapalian Citizen
Rapprochement With Suyu Llaqta Boosts Government

2nd December 4476

Outgoing President Necaquetzal Hei's government has received a boost in its public approval ratings following the announcement this week that Istapali and Suyu Llaqta have reestablished full diplomatic relations. The news marks the end of an era of hostility which has lasted for several years and which has been prioritised by politicians on both sides of the border, partly closed for several months at the height of the tensions. Although some symptoms of the period still remain, such as import tariffs on certain Llaqta goods which were previously exempt, the ceremonial embrace of President Hei and Llaqta Head of State Chinpukusi Malqui was highlighted by journalists in both countries as a turning point.

Foreign Minister Nenehual Nezah speaking to the press about relations with Suyu Llaqta this week

The change of fortunes for Hei and the Republican Party has come at a crucial point in the build-up to next month's Presidential elections. Over the past year, the party has suffered defeats in key departmental elections with many of its voters deserting the government over stuttering economic growth and rising inflation. Upstart political faction Movement for National Strength have been the main beneficiaries of this change in terms of increased voter share although the Socialist Party achieved the most seats in the departmental legislatures and now lead the majority of regional governments.

Republican Presidential candidate Nenehual Nezah was keen to capitalise on the renewed momentum. As a former Minister for International Trade, he was a key figure in resolving the trade disputes which fuelled the Llaqta dispute in the beginning and in his current role as Foreign Minister he was prominent in negotiations to achieve full rapprochement. On the campaign trail, Nezah has sought to bring foreign affairs to the forefront. Although criticised by his opponents as a method of distracting from the Republican government's domestic failures, his approach has been popular with the public, particularly his proposal to establish an international bloc aimed at neutrality and opposition to collective security arrangements.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Sun Dec 02, 2018 4:49 pm

Controversial New President Sworn In
Traditional parties unite in opposition to Movement for National Strength leader Tizoc Xochipan's radical agenda

Friday 19th April, 4493

Tizoc Xochipan, the leader of the far right political party Movement for National Strength, has been inaugerated as Istapali's next president following a narrow victory in January's elections. Xochipan beat the Socialist Party front runner Eleuia Yoltzin by less than ten thousand votes in the tightest presidential election result in the country's history. His political programme includes the deportation of many non-Istapalian citizens as well as the shutting down of several "foreign interest" media organisations.
Above: Eleuia Yoltzin, defeated presidential candidate and former leader of the Socialist Party, vowed that she would continue to oppose Xochipan's political agenda.

The role of the President in Istapali is complex and may present challenges for Xochipan in terms of enabling him to implement the most radical of his proposals. Although they are the head of state, the President's policy role is limited to the publication of "executive directives" that inform the national legislature about the priorities of the nation's regional leaders. The legislature must then decide whether they wish to pursue these directives but it is free, under the Istapalian constitution, to disregard them entirely.

The situation is complicated further by the lack of legislative power held by the new President's party, the Movement for National Strength. They currently only have 78 of the 600 seats in the Federal People's Congress and the two largest parties, the Socialists and People First, have both made clear that they will block most of Xochipan's directives and this could create a situation of political deadlock.

At the regional level, the leaders of Istapali's three "republics", areas reserved for recognised ethnic minority groups, have indicated that they would utilise their constitutional powers to protect non-Istapalians living within their borders if Xochipan is able to implement his deportation programme. On the other hand, Governor Xoqu Xitlal of the Movement for National Strength said "any attempt to undermine the democratically expressed wishes of the people of Istapali will be harshly punished in November [legislative elections]" when asked what he thought of a Congressional block of the President's directives.
Istapalian Citizen is an independent, broadsheet newspaper, which also operates online versions of its content. Citizen is committed to objective coverage current affairs in Istapali.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:40 pm

President's Party Banned By Electoral Tribunal
Organisation responsible for governing elections and political parties in Istapali outlaws Movement for National Strength

Wednesday 3rd February, 4496

The Federal Electoral Tribunal, the branch of the federal courts responsible for dealing with matters of electoral law, has taken the unexpected decision to outlaw the Movement for National Strength. The far right party, which has been gaining ground in recent legislative and regional elections since their candidate was elected to the presidency in January 4493, was deemed to have broken rules which prevent federally registered political organisations from "advocating for the undermining of democratic institutions".
Above: At a joint press conference, leader of People First Karoline Bott (left) and leader of the Socialist Party Miyaoali Ochipan (right) expressed their support for the verdict

The Tribunal's decision follows a series of remarks by various figures within the party's leadership urging citizens to "take action" against legislators who fail to support the executive directives proposed by President Tizoc Xochipan, the Movement's de facto national leader. At present, the party does not have a significant contingent in the Federal People's Congress and this has frustrated the radical agenda of Xochipan ever since he became President of Istapali.

Although the verdict was issued yesterday, it won't be properly implemented until the beginning of next month. In a split decision, the Tribunal stated that any individual associated with the party would be given a grace period to leave the organisation, after which they would be removed from any federal office they currently hold. While this will apply to the President and the Movement's legislative contingent, it does not apply to regional government which means that the numerous district and departmental officials who are members of the Movement will be able to remain in their roles.

As expected, Xochipan has rejected the decision and immediately issued an executive directive to the Federal Congress to overturn it. The legislature does not have the direct power to overrule decisions made by the Federal Electoral Tribunal but they are free to alter the legislation under which the Movement is being sanctioned. It seems unlikely this will happen, though, with all three of the largest parties indicating they supported the Tribunal's decision.
Istapalian Citizen is an independent, broadsheet newspaper, which also operates online versions of its content. Citizen is committed to objective coverage current affairs in Istapali.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 10, 2018 9:59 pm

Far Right Militants Target Government
Istapali Unity Movement launch series of coordinated series of assassination attempts and terrorist attacks across the country

Thursday 15th March, 4498

Nopaltzin Zalli, leader of the far-right group known as the Istapali Unity Movement (ISTUMO), has declared the 15th March as "Istapali's second independence day" following a series of targeted attacks carried out by the movement. Across a ten hour period, ISTUMO has claimed responsibility for the bombing of the national headquarters of the Socialist Party and the Federal Electoral Tribunal building as well as the assassination of three national government ministers and a state governor.
Above: Armed police patrolling the streets of the capital stop a motorcyclist to check his identity in the wake of the bombing of the Socialist Party headquarters

The coordinated nature of the attacks and their ability to target some of the most secure individuals and locations in the country has led to widespread public alarm. In response, the government has declared a state of national emergency in which the nation's armed forces will be deployed to the streets in major cities and other at-risk locations. Concerns remain however, fuelled by reports that ISTUMO has seized control of various small settlements along the Llaqta border, with the organisation themselves claiming whole cities are under their rule. The poor state of communications in these highly mountainous regions has made information difficult to access.

While the cabinet was quick to condemn the attacks, there was no comment from recently re-elected President Tizoc Xochipan. Although he insists that ISTUMO has no connection to his Party of Istapali and its predecessor, the Movement for National Strength, critics have accused him of normalising ultra-nationalist politics in the country. Xochipan was also attacked for a recent visit to Suyu Llaqta in which he posed for photographs with Head of State Rawa Hualla Allcca, condemned internationally for his regime's strict censorship and forced disappearances.

Even if the government is able to restore order after these attacks, there is growing concern that the momentum is towards far right politics in Istapali. Elections in November are not expected to return the Party of Istapali as the majority but they may be able to overtake the Socialists as the plurality party. The existence of radical regimes in both Liore and Suyu Llaqta has also created an ever-present threat to Istapali's economic and political stability, with both nations having implemented economic policies aimed at diverting trade towards each other and away from Istapali.
Istapalian Citizen is an independent, broadsheet newspaper, which also operates online versions of its content. Citizen is committed to objective coverage current affairs in Istapali.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:25 pm

Reprinted from:
Radical Officers Attempt to Seize Power
Effort to restore national order following election upset and subsequent protest triggers further instability

Tuesday 31st January, 4499

Istapali is on the brink of collapse following the failure of an attempted coup by a group of military officials, aimed at restoring the rule of law in the country after months of protest and violence. The situation across the country is one of chaos, as the government scrambles to retain its authority amid a mixture of terrorism, insurgency and revolt. Since elections last November which left the far-right Party of Istapali six seats short of a majority, central government has been paralysed as other parties struggle to assemble a coherent platform.
Above: Tizoc Xochipan of the Party of Istapali, whose presidency has been associated with a period of sustained instability, protest and radicalism in the country

The military had been called in to deal with violent protests against both the government and the ultra-nationalist opposition in major cities earlier this month. Public resentment on both sides has been exacerbated by the terrorist, guerrilla Istapali Unity Movement (ISTUMO) who have been staging various attacks against high-profile targets from remote bases in the country's northeastern regions. Last week, ISTUMO leader Nopaltzin Zalli announced that the group fully endorsed the Party of Istapali, marking the first formal recognition of any link between the two groups. In response, the party published a statement disavowing and condemning the militants.

The attempted coup d'état was the response of a small group of radical officials who see the installation of a far-right government and a crackdown on protesters as the only way of ensuring the country's stability. Believed to have been spearheaded by Amoxnen Dahlke, the group attempted to take control of the Federal People's Congress building. Government officials were tipped off about the attempt in advance though and were able to have many of the ringleaders apprehended before they were able to implement their plan. In spite of the coup's failure, many members of the armed forces remain frustrated about the state of the country.

President Tizoc Xochipan has now reiterated his call for the legislature to support a cabinet of his party's representatives to prevent, in his words, "the total dissolution of our nation". In addition, the Llaqta and Liori governments have instituted further tightening of border restrictions in an attempt to prevent the spread of violence into their respective countries. Unconfirmed reports claim that the Llaqta regime may even be covertly supporting the ISTUMO militants by transporting cash and firearms across the border.
Istapali Frontline News is a network of journalists collecting information from the heart of the Istapalian civil war in order to provide objective reporting on the situation.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 14, 2018 9:27 pm

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Second Coup Attempt Triggers National Crisis
Government loses control of large swathes of the country but public and police response prevents complete success for generals

Thursday 22nd February, 4499

A second attempted coup d'état in less than a month by the Istapalian military has left the country in a state of national crisis. Despite apprehending an attempted revolt at the end of January, the capture of the city of Citlalt by the guerilla Istapali Unity Movement (ISTUMO) this week has proven to be the catalyst for disaffected members of the Istapalian Army who have now assembled a "transitional government" in an attempt to restore law and order.
Above: A map showing the northern regions of the country currently under the control of the far-right insurgents known as the Istapali Unity Movement (yellow)

ISTUMO had been reportedly in control of settlements throughout the northern regions for several months but the recent seizure of Citlalt, an industrial city of over one hundred thousand people, was received with shock and fear among the general populace. As protest and violence continued in the country's urban centres, a group of generals decided that it was necessary to take immediate action in order to prevent the country falling into anarchy.

General Xilo Malinalmina, who command Istapali's Army, assembled a transitional government involving President Tizoc Xochipan and his ultra-nationalist Party of Istapali. Numerous regional leaders have accepted the legitimacy of the transitional government but the military has failed to take control of some of the urbanised southern parts of the country. In the capital of Montezuma, armed police loyal to the elected government secured many important government buildings while in other cities, armed anti-fascist citizens took to the streets to deter the Army from attempting to move in.

The most violent clashes took place in the central city of Mezxoch, where armed police had been attempting to disperse far-right protesters shortly before Malinalmina made his declaration. After the revolt had been put into motion, the military entered the city's central pedestrian areas and began engaging with the regional police force. Governor Huitzilli Amina has claimed that the police have since been ordered to stand down until the scale of the national crisis can be determined. At present, it is not clear who the government of Istapali is.
Istapali Frontline News is a network of journalists collecting information from the heart of the Istapalian civil war in order to provide objective reporting on the situation.
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Re: Istapalian Citizen

Postby jamescfm » Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:36 pm

Reprinted from:
Tide of War Turning Against Democrats
Agreement signed between radical guerrillas and military loyalists may spell the end for Istapali's elected government

Tuesday 19th September, 4499

Momentum seems to have turned against the democratic forces in the ongoing civil war in Istapali with the capture of the city of Zenling, along the Cifutingani border, by the ultra-nationalist guerrilla Istapali Unity Movement (ISTUMO). The mountainous city had been a crucial stronghold for forces loyal to the elected government led by Tlazohpan Manicoh and the last major settlement they had retained control of in the northwestern section of the country.
Above: Soldiers of the ultra-nationalist Istapali Unity Movement (ISTUMO), which now controls most of northern Istapali and large amounts of territory along the Llaqta border

Over the past two months the conflict ravaging Istapali had reached a relative stalemate, with all three competing forces unable to make territorial gains due to difficult combat conditions and the threat of counterattack. The situation changed last week, though, when leaders of ISTUMO and the military-appointed "transitional government" led by former President of Istapali Tizoc Xochipan agreed to a ceasefire and a provisional power-sharing agreement. As a consequence, both have been able to shift their focus to a push south towards the capital.

Although there appeared to be relative similarity in the ideological background of the two forces from the outside, the destabilising effect of ISTUMO's insurgent campaign had prevented the transitional government from working with them until now. Their position changed, however, as the guerrilla group begin an assault against the important industrial region of Axaya in Istapali's northwest, crucial to ensuring the transitional government is able to properly supply its troops.

Reports from Montezuma suggest that Manicoh's forces have not been discouraged by the fall of Zenling, optimistic that public revolt will prevent this new radical alliance from remaining in control of the region. In spite of this, the democratic forces now face an extremely difficult task if they are to reestablish control of the country. Apparent financial support for the radicals from Dovani's so-called "Axis of Sovereignty"- Liore, Suyu Llaqta and Utari Mosir- has been important in creating a logistical uphill battle and the democrats are now facing a unified enemy.
Istapali Frontline News is a network of journalists collecting information from the heart of the Istapalian civil war in order to provide objective reporting on the situation.
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