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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby SelucianCrusader » Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:54 am

The Crusader Fellowship has hold it's annual Imperial Tribunal, it's congress. A heated debate swept trough the organization, as national theocratic and national communist anti-business delegates fought for returning to the original fiscally left-wing ultra-rightism of the Crusader Movement, against pro-business believers in state capitalism and semi-confessional national conservatism.

The party platform still mandates the ilegalization of all sexual activities not related to procreation, as well as contraception. However, the left wing of the fellowship, which is fiscally more right wing, succeed in confirming the fellowship's belief in private monopolies in important sectors of the economy, and state capitalism, causing much dismay among the ultra-nationalist and national communist factions of the party, who see the private sector as a tool of “the international conspiracy of yeudio-querazariah bankers”, and affront to national interests. The “left” also succeed in upholding the party's belief in publicly funded, privately owned “welfare corporations”, and their right to freely make profits from their business, as well as the privatization of the military.

Titus Angelus

Long haired former prosecutor Titus Angelus, a member for the “left” was chosen as the new Sigil-Bearer of the Crusader Fellowship, and confirmed as the Fellowship's candidate for the office of Imperator. While the Sigil-Bearer has a carte blanche to hand-pick whatever he wants to the Circle of nine, the party board, internal pressure seem to have forced him to pick Regina Omega Cordelis as his spokesperson on foreign policy. Mrs. Omega Cordelis is a Grand Magistrix of the Eternal Dawn Council, the apocalyptic international religious organization behind the Crusader Movement, and has been a staunch advocate of socialized schools and health care, draconian laws on sexual matters, as well as public floggings and executions. She stirred up some heated debate in the Imperial Tribunal, by writing a motion asking for the legalization of freely shooting illegal immigrants, even wanting to monetary reward anyone who kills an alien with tax money. We can expect the strongly anti-immigration part of the party to be satisfied.

Regina Omega Cordelis

The party platform also, as expected, calls for military action against the illegal entity known as “pontesi”, occupying the continental part of Selucia, and a deepened co-operation with Barmenia. Many of the party members, having returned from exile in Barmenia, are devout felinists as well as Selucian Patriarchalists, and many cays were present to bless the audience during the Tribunal.


Idol picture of Mr. Angelus

In closing the Tribunal, the new Sigil-Bearer delivered a two hours long speech, calling for unity among decent citizens against the “homo mafia” and other “radical elitist groups”:

“When the government not only allows the sick perversions of batty-men, but also forces their own definition of marriage upon society, as a state approval of “love” and not as society’s most fundamental institution, we can expect ordinary decent folks, no matter rich or poor, to be seriously offended. We shall stand for a basic safety for every one, for a sound nationalism instead of class struggle or egoism, and we shall fight this elitism with claw and tooth. We cannot have this kind of discrepancy between the values, customs and norms of the elite and ordinary decent folks.”

He added:

“The homo mafia is a nobility in most of today's developed countries. They are allowed to ignore laws or even common decency, and freely force their experiments upon ordinary folks. In many countries, all must bow down in front of the privilege of indignation of the fagot. But dear friends, brothers and sisters, let us be clear on this: this is not the Selucian way. Now is the time for unity around the values that makes our Empire so awesome, for tommorow, we shall drive those batty-men elitists out of our sacred lands!”
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby SelucianCrusader » Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:51 pm

The Crusaders Fellowship has ”viewpoints” about the "developments" in Gao Soto

With some Crusaders applauding the foundation of a Gao Soto (in a proud tradition dating from the days of the Gaduri Great Power era, Crusade does not recognize “Hulstria” as a legitimate entity) built on the Vanguardian concept of Pure Will, others condemn the paganism of the regime and wishes the Crusade to support the local Archbishop who bravely joined the demonstration at the streets of Klein.

Regina Omega Cordelis

When confronted about the matter, Regina Omega Cordelis, the Fellowship's spokesperson on matters of foreign policy, seemed greatly vague when describing the Crusade's position on the matter:

“We have.. *ahem* viewpoints about these.. developments. We are *ahem* saddened that the matter came to bloodshed. We.. hmm... hope that the different sides in this conflict can be bought to the negotiation table and find a compromise.”

After a few minutes, she manages to express herself in a more straightforward way:

“We do however prefer the current leadership over the previous one. No regime is as bad as one aligned with the evil International Monarchist League, and we revel in this setback for the regime in Luthori. We Crusader's often proudly state that Liberty is always right, and any setback for the IML is a victory for liberty. And even though we condemn this Proletarian School of Dialectical Mysticism as heathenism, we applaud the new Gao-Showan government's allegiance to the noble Brotherhood of Terror and Virtue, a beautiful organization that we too are proud members of.”

Tristan Haart, another high-ranking crusader, expresses annoyance of the Fellowship's ambiguous position on the matter:

“This is simply absurd. We can't put pretty geo-politics over the freedom to worship the One True Faith. We've got to help the protesters in one way or another!”
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby SelucianCrusader » Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:48 pm

The Emperor speaks!

Today the Selucian Imperator finally issued a short statement on the situation in Gishoto, nowaydays known as North Dovani:


"While we applaud the end of Luthori's greatest ally, we cannot condone the violent persecution of the Hosian faith. Compromise is the only thing that can safeguard the right of faithful Hosians and prevent the return of the luthorist monarchy. While I as a member of the Brotherhood, respect a brother's right to his subjects, I also expect him to respect my right to not respect a foreign nation's right to it's "domestic affairs" like some IML-rabble of a leader. Tolerance should be traded for loyalty. All good forces need to work together against the liberal countries of the world."

On another matter, the Senate is experiencing a gridlock, as no government can be founded as long as the Selucian Liberal Party remains the majority party, while still holding a minority of the seats.

"We suspect the KLP:s draconian policies on women in the workplace to have led to this situation, as well as the lack of subsidiarity in the Empire. We shall continue to strive for increased decentralization and combine our love for liberty with traditional values. There is a difference in fighting a group such as homosexuals, who hardly exist in our sacred realm, and a group such as women, who constitute a half of the population." comments party strategist Ignatius Septim.

The Crusaders Fellowship seeks to make the power of proposing a cabinet the sole privilege of the Imperator. As an anti-bureaucratic movement, the Fellowship also seeks to radically reduce the seats in the Senate, and to abolish the position of Head of Government.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:50 pm

KLP wants to solve the Selucian crises in Pontesi

The offical opposition of Selucia, as part of their programm for the next election, wants to finally resolve the situation of Selucians in Pontesi

"We don't want any conflict at all, therefore we urged and will urge many nations to ratifie the Commitee for the liberation of the people of Pontesi ( ... atyid=2182) in order to put pressure on the Pontesi kind of government to finally come back to the negotiation table to find a longlasting and peaceful settlement for Selucians in Pontesi.
But given the fact, that we have made many consessions and gained nothing in return, it seems to me, that putting pressure on the Pontesi kind of government is the right way to achieve same rights for Selucians in Pontesi as ptnek people do enjoy.

As you can see from this paper ( viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5044) we tried to find a comrpomise, but the uncompromising line of the Pontesi kind of government destroyed our hopes."
said Mr Ruprecht Well, leader of the KLP and official leader of the opposition in Selucia.

Meanwhile the KLP, as part of their manifesto also promised a increase of the Selucian military spending and the renovation of the nuclear capacity.


Mr Well laughed because of joke from a Selucian journalist about the Pontesi kind of government.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:23 pm

Government announces referendum on MU

An hour ago the Princeps Senatus announced a referendum on the entry of the MU. The reasons for this dicision were outlined in the short statement given by him, saying that a referendum is necessary to overcome the gridlock in the Senate which is stopping Selucia from entering the MU.
Especially Senators form the government were hostiled towards the plan to join the MU, because of the various negative implications on the immigration laws.
Therefore, the government is now asking the referendum with a simple yes or no question:

"Are you in favour of the governments plan to join the MU,when the necessary laws have been passed?

Yes or no"

The already suggested laws shall include:

1.) Keeping of the NFR
2.) Transition period for the Selucian market
3.)Power to declare war remains within Selucia
4.)A numer of restrictions on Immigration

The governments now hopes to win the majority of people for this plan.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:34 pm

Selucia responds to threats

The Selucian government condemned strongly the threats posed by Deltarian officials in the direction of Selucia. As a result of that Selucia decided to summon the Deltarian ambassedor fo remainding Deltaria that Selucia fully supports the new government in the Protectorate an its actions.
In declaring that, the foreign minister announced that all sanctions by Selucia on the Protectorate will be either lifted or not executed and he also added that any possible actions against the Protectorate will cause reactions by Selucia without delay.
Meanwhile the Caesareae Maiestatis eius, Imperator omnes Seluciae, fidei defensor: Klaus Engerlinger stressed the existence of the common values in the Protctorate and in Selucia in a speech:


"The Protectorate finally decided to enter the way of freedom and prosperity and I welcome this. Our brothers and sisters shall know two things: 1.) The Imperium will always stand open for the people of the same blood and consequently also for the Protectorate 2.)We will protect our brothers and sisters regardless how high thew costs might be.
I also invite the new government to come together to discuss joint military and economic projects but as well as the status of the Selucians in the Protectorate and I pray that this miracle will go on forever."
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:55 pm

Selucia says no to UMN

Selucians rejected the governments plans to enter the UMN in a referendum called by the government.

The result was as follows:

Tournout: 73,12% or 54.666.247

Yes: 41,27% or 22.560.760
No: 58,73% or 32.105.487

The strongest support was achieved in the diocesis of East Shadar a liberal stronghold, meanwhile the conservative voters and regions were heavily devided between yes and no votes. The rifts became mostly visible in the KLP, the party of the Princeps Senatus, but overall the no champaign consisted of right wing KLP members and Mp's, businessmen and other.
Nevertheless it is surprising that their messanges stroke so efficently.
Many observes and the Princpes Senatus himself connected this result with the dreams of many people from the Empire and that they still feel themselves as citizens in an empire and therefore don't accept anything above them.
However the Sentus promised to find at least some way to come together with the UMN[/i]

Campaigners of the No campaign explaining their further steps.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:30 pm

Selucia concerned over Protectorate

In the wake of the brutal attacks on the Feline enrichment in Pontesi, the government is concerned

The government is deeply concerned and stressed the available help for Pontesi in defeating the nationalistic terrorists.
We suggest a joint database between the Protectorate and Selucia,as well as joint police training.
Apart form that, the Pontesi help act will make considerable ressources for the government in the Protectorate available as soon as they wish them, but moreover Selucia is ready to help with policemen, soldiers and secret agents in order to bring those terrorists to court and to protect our brothers and sisters.
Thoses terrorist must know,that we will hunt them as long as necessary.
so the Princeps Senatus in his weekly press conference.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:54 pm

Selucia prepares for Action

After the recent proposed actions against the Selucian minority in Pontesi, the government appeals to the nation to help and prepares itself for war

Yesterday, the government of Selucia has taken control of all non-military airplanes and all Selucian-Pontesi ferries in order to increase mobility and to evacuate Selucian refugees if necessary. As a result of that the commercial air traffic has collapsed, cuasing massive traffic jams on all motorways in Selucia.
Apart form that, the Selucian government already brought the declaration of emergency laws into the Senate in order to act more freely.

"We will not allow a genoice", so the general opinion within the government.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Leonardo222 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:09 pm

New government sets to work
New government openly threatens the Protectorate of Pontesi


The newly elected Princeps Senatus hold his first speech in parliament:
If the continuing racism doesn't end once and for all, and if we can't find a way of negotaiting, Selucia is prepared to act decisivly with its allies all over the world. More and more nations ratifiing the treaty against racism in Pontesi and for fair and equal rights of everyone.
It is now time, that the Pontesi government does not longer shy away from this fact and their international isolation.
I also urge every country in the world, which is a nation of tolerance and democracy to ratifie this treaty ( ... atyid=2422) in order to help the repressed Selucian minority in Pontesi.
I also urge those nations, who are brave enough to help us with arms and supplies and even soldies to finally defeat racism once and for all.
I also refer the international community to the failed negotiations which Selucia led with Pontesi and in which Pontesi has clearly shown no sign of making any compromises in order to solve the situation between Selucia and its Protecorate in the East.
For now, I can assure the Pontesians that time has no yet run out, but for the future i cannot gurantee that my collegues and I will longer sit and watch at this appaling racism against our Selucian brothers and sisters in Pontesi.
( ... lid=378095) And this is the law which cemented the official racism against Selucians.

Thomas Maier, Princeps Senatus.
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