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Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:11 am
by Mbites

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2024 1:36 pm
by Rogue

President Altansarnai

President Altansarnai faces growing oppossition from own party
8th of december, 5478

Baatrynsentii: PAP President Jargal Altansarnai is facing growing oppossition from his own party as Mönkhdevshilism is on the rise within its ranks again. Altansarnai, having been president for nearly 4 years now, was elected as a mainly Straußist politician. For over the 40 years the country has been continiously ruled by Straußism and its followers, resulting in center-right governments led under the PAP without failure. The current coalition government of PAP, Democratic Party, New Verham Progressive Party and the Ostland National Bloc has resulted in yet another one of those governments this time under Altansarnai. Altansarnai was elected party leader six years ago as President Otgonbayar announced that he would not run for reelection due to health concerns. Otgonbayar was somewhat out of the ordinary as president, being the first president in decades to give ear to Left-Mönkhdevshilist supporters within the party, enacting several left-wing social policies unthinkable under previous presidents. Altansarnai was seen as a more traditional Straußist, clinging more to liberal conservative values and continuing to support devolution. But the damage had been done, with the ideo of "Neo-Mönkhdevshilism" gaining traction within the party. As Altansarnai attempted to gain a foothold as the nations leader he was starting to be undermined by the growing Mönkhdevshilist wing.

Now, as the president is having trouble keeping his fragile coalition government in place, he is becoming more fragile by the day within his own party. Leader of the Mönkhdevshilist-Bloc faction within the party, Chuluun Sarnai, is starting to put pressure on the president, hinting at potentially running for party leader in the next party congress organized to be held in four months time. The Mönkhdevshilist-Bloc is a alliance of several streams of Mönkhdevshilism which united under Sarnai two years ago in a attempt to overcome Straußism and regain key positions within the party for Mönkhdevshilist thought. Now, as Altansarnai indicates he seeks a second term as President, it is Sarnai and this alliance within the party that could cut him off from gaining a second term, something not seen since the adoption of the new constitution decades ago.

The National Voice is a nationwide newspaper in New Verham focussing mainly on political and domestic news

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2024 10:14 am
by Rogue

OVFP Sweeps to power within Südländ
Landheim, New Verham
9th November 5478

In Südländ the Ostlandischer-Verhamischer Fortschrittliche Partei (OVFP) has swept the local elections in the Landtag of Südländ on a platform of ending the current regency and returning the sub-national republic. The victory is notable, as in the last 30 years Südländ has been exclusively ruled by the conservative and monarchist establishment, which managed to adopt the subnational monarchy 28 years ago. But after 20 years of rule Dietrich Friedrich Eduard Lutz von Hohenlohe perished and with him a problem arose. He left no heir, and his closest relative, his nephew, refused to take up the throne. This left Südländ in a volatile state, as its head was cut off. The conservative government of the OVSP announced it would seek a solution, appointing a regent to oversee the search for a successor. But nearly two years later no successor has been found. As the search raged on, elections were on the horizon, with most parties alligning themselves with the OVSP and seeking a continuation of the status quo. The OVFP, under the leadership of Ewald Ludger Rehberg, traditionally also supported the status quo. In this election however, the party was the only one to take up a stance against it, announcing that it would support a return to the republican system as a way to "end the paralyzation of our government."

This meant that those tired of the status quo, seeking an end to the monarchy or simply oppossed to the ruling OVSP flocked to the OVFP in a attempt to bring about real change. This ultimately resulted in the OVFP coming just two seats short of a overall majority in this election, with Rehberg celebrating the first ever electoral win of his party and the end to OVSP reign. But this did not end the political intrigue, as the result forced the OVFP to look for allies. A journey that would not be easy as the OVSP had rallied nearly every party around its electoral campaign. Seeing the electoral victory of the OVFP and the change that could be brought about however, it would be the Grünlinksbund under Aslo Sieger Hammerstein that broke out off the OVSP condon sanitaire and entered negotiations with the OVFP. The Grünlinksbund, with its four seats, would bring the OVFP in power. After two month long negotiations the two parties announced a coalition government and Ewald Ludger Rehberg was subsequently sworn in as Chancellor.

The news of a republican victory in the election was welcomed by the national government, which had always been uneasy about a monarchy within New Verham's borders. But it is unclear whether a republican victory will mean the actual end to the monarchy, as the slim majority of the new coalition will make it a hard race towards abolition. It will be up to Rehberg and his government to find a way through the labyrint and lead his country in a different direction, after decades under OVSP rule.

Medeeutas (Newswire; stylized as Medeeutas.) is a breaking news outlet available on both radio and television, with dispatches throughout Dovani.

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2024 10:45 am
by Rogue

Supreme Congress announces constitutional reform committee in attempt to adopt provincial lists
November 16th, 5478

Lawmakers of the PAP-DP-NVPP-ONB coalition have passed a motion to create a constitutional reform committee, specifically tasked with exploring the possibility for the adoption of provincial lists. These provincial lists would, if adopted, replace the national list currently in place for national elections. It would mean that per province, a select number of MSC's would be elected in a proportional election, localized on the provincial level. Each province would seperately adopt the 9% treshold currently in place for the national list election. This way, parties with strong regional support can still get into Congress while elections in general would be more localized. The committee will also be tasked with overseeing the potential abolition of the office of Prime Minister, with primarily PAP MSC's arguing for this change in an effort to bolster the presidential office.

Oppossition parties, most notably the Socialist Party and United Liberal Party, have argued against a committee, citing that the current electoral system allows for more uniformity in government and a distribution of power, rather then a consolidation of power within the presidency. Proponents argue that the changes would make congressional elections fairer while at the same time strengthening the executive, thus making government more effective. The changes are also expected to bolster regional parties, with parties such as the Ostland National Bloc and Vanukean People's Party being clear proponents of the proposed changes as it would likely increase their representation in the Supreme Congress.

The committee will be discussing and reviewing the proposed changes in the coming months, with a report expected at the beginning of summer 5479.

in the moment is a Luthorian language, short-form news website specializing in rapid-fire coverage, with a focus on Dovani. Reporting on affairs throughout the continent, it has dispatches in several countries.

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2024 2:00 pm
by Rogue

A meeting of the party executive during the congress

Sarnai elected leader of PAP, Altansarnai to run as independent
10th of January, 5478

Baatrynsentii: Leader of the Mönkhdevshilist-Bloc within the PAP, Chuluun Sarnai, has been elected leader of the PAP in a extremely narrow vote at the annual party congress. With 50.29% of the vote against President Altansarnai his 49.71% the leader of the Mönkhdevshilists managed to recapture party leadership for the founding ideology of the party for the first time in 50 years. This party congress marked the highest turnout of party members in a decade, with nearly 50.340 members attending. It was held at the "Great People's Palace" (Ardyn Ikh Ordon) in the capital of Baatrynsentii with the venue, usually used for sport events, being completely filled to the brim with party members. In several exclusive sessions, different committees within the party discussed its policy platform and proposed changes to it on several occasions. The party executive also had intense discussions, primarily on the general direction of the party. But the most anticipated moment at the congress was the candidacy of Chuluun Sarnai, who had put himself forward as candidate for party leader following continued pressure on President Altansarnai to move to the left. Sarnai, who had worked to gain enough momentum for this move for nearly two years, finally saw a opportunity, challenging the president for leadership. The PAP constitution states that if a challenger gets the backing of at least 10% of those attending, a leadership election is held.

After the required treshold was met, Sarnai and Altansarnai held speeches for those attending, explaining why they should become the party its nominee and leader. Voting then commenced, with tension felt throughout the Ardyn Ikh Ordon. After three hours of counting the votes the results were announced, granting Sarnai the victory. Altansarnai was seen leaving the palace shortly after before, just two hours after the congress concluded, announcing that he would leave the PAP and would run as a independent candidate for the presidency.

The move by the president shocked and angered PAP leadership, which was quick to announce it would have all PAP ministers resign in protest and would no longer work with the president to achieve his agenda. But the move creates a hard dillema for the party, with Altansarnai a openly Straußist politician, likely to compete with Sarnai, a Mönkhdevshilist politician, for the highest office in the country. This creates the potential for a rift in the vote for the PAP, potentially allowing other parties to overcome both candidates. Sarnai responded with a cool and relaxed tone, stating that he believes "in the power of our party" and is ready to "provide a positive vision for New Verham." With elections just months away, a very unusual race is expected in what normally is a stable and predictable New Verhamese political landscape.

The National Voice is a nationwide newspaper in New Verham focussing mainly on political and domestic news

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2024 8:16 pm
by Rogue

BREAKING: Sarnai elected president as PAP expands presence in Supreme Congress
Baatrynsentiim, New Verham
29th February 5479

Chuluun Sarnai has been elected President following a unusual election that saw the PAP candidate be pitted against former PAP leader/member Jargal Altansarnai. Altansarnai announced his run as a independent candidate a month ago, just a month before the election, pitting the two against one another. The election saw the PAP expand its share of seats in the Supreme Congress as Altansarnai did not run under a party, with most of his voters inclined to support the PAP in the legislative race. This meant that the PAP expanded from 113 seats to 145, 40 seats short of an overall majority. Suprisingly, the PAP managed to win most seats from parties that this time failed to meet the electoral treshold, namely from the big-tent "Democratic Unity" party which only won 8.2% of the vote and thus failed to win any seats in congress. The poor performance by coalition partners such as the United Liberal Party and the New Verham Progressive Party also made sure that the PAP won 32 seats compared to last election. Meanwhile the power struggle for second place continued, with both the Socialist Party and Democratic Party making gains compared to before and the socialists overtaking the AN as the second party in the country. They won 69 seats, compared to the AN its 61 seats. The minority parties, the Ostlander National Bloc and Vanukean People's Party, also gained seats this election largely due to the demise of both the DU and AKHN. Despite not meeting the electoral treshold, these parties gained representation thanks to the country its minority representation laws, allowing them to gain seats due to large minority support in specific regions.

In the presidential race, Sarnai benefitted from endorsements by the Democratic Party and the United Liberal Party while president Altansarnai didnt gain any establishment support. The socialists ran their own candidate, Muge Oldaghar, who came in third in front of Sander Clous (VVP) and Waldemar Ekhart Buchner (ONB). Despite the support of other parties Sarnai only garnered 35.21% of the vote against Altansarnai his 32.99%. This still made it a close election but one where the PAP once again edged out a victory. Sarnai thanked his supporters, announcing a "new era" for New Verham and a "return to our founding principles", a likely reference to the expected return to Mönkhdevshilism under the new administration.

Despite the PAP its win it will need to forge a new coalition government. While traditionally under Straußist politicians the Democratic Party was the go to coalition partner, it is widely expected that Sarnai is to approach the socialist party to form a two party coalition, one that will push for left-leaning policies that could see a return to partial state capitalism as well as the reintroduction of social welfare programs that the Mönkhdevshilist era was known for. If this is the case, it will be the first time in decades that New Verham will see a left-leaning government take shape. It is unclear what former president Altansarnai will do now, with some Straußist members of the PAP hoping he might launch his own party as the PAP seems to be on course for Mönkhdevshilism in the coming years. He has yet to make any announcement pertaining his future.

The congressional elections, with the PAP coming out on top

The presidential election, with Sarnai being the first Mönkhdevshilist president to be elected in decades

Medeeutas (Newswire; stylized as Medeeutas.) is a breaking news outlet available on both radio and television, with dispatches throughout Dovani.

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2024 7:56 pm
by Rogue

SVMC to embark on major revitalization of urban centers
August 8th, 5479

Shine Vyerkhem Muj Corporats (New Verham State Corporation) or simply known as SVMC has announced the "GAZAR Project" or "GROUND Project" in Luthorian, seeking to revitalize major urban centers in the country. The plan, announced by SVMC chairman Gur Dargan, is set to cost the national government nearly 40 billion in the coming 10 years and will not only include the SVMC but also a variety of private and state owned companies besides it. According to Dargan, who was appointed just two months ago by the national government, the project will seek to "elevate our urban infrastructure to modern standards, allowing our bussinesses and industries to flourish in return." The SVMC is one of the last remaining fully state owned companies in New Verham, making it the perfect vehicle for the new PAP-SN center-left government to create a plan guided by the state. While a large portion of the funding for the project will come directly from the treasury of the state a part of it will be privately financed. The Federal Credit Union of Baatrynsentii has pledged nearly 4 billion to the project, with a variety of municipal and provincial governments also likely to participate.

Under the project the SVMC will largely be tasked with reimagining infrastructure in the major cities. The ultimate goal will be creating better layouts, increasing connectivity between different forms of transport and incorporating more diverse landscapes, with a emphasize on the incorporation of nature and green initiatives. Small to medium sized bussinesses should also gain a more prominent role in the most popular urban centers of the country, primarily in the capital of Baatrynsentiim and the Ostlander city of Landheim. This will all be done in close coordination with municipal and provincial governments, who will be the layer of government most closely involved in the project. While the SVMC will be the guiding factor on the execution of the project the Ministry of Industry, Infrastructure and Public Works will be largely responsible for maintaining oversight on the project as a whole. As part of the connectivity theme of the project, the Ministry of Industry, Infrastructure and Public Works announced that as part of the GAZAR Project a new inter-provincial highway is to be constructed, stretching all the way from Landheim to Baatrynsentiim and with the end destination of the coastal city of Baatkhir. The new highway, to be named the I22, is expected by the Ministry to become the "lifeline" of the entire project. It will allow the to be revitalized urban centers to be directly connected to one another while at the same time shortening the travel time between the north-west and the south-east of the country. The highway is expected to cost a estimated 12 billion in total, at least 1/4th of the total project budget.

According to Minister Suke Khorihilemunaisi the project also takes into account costs for the expansion of all incorporated urban centers, taking into account the latest demographic data to estimate how much these centers will grow. The Ministry will be responsible for distribution of the funds but due to the nature of the years long project the SVMC is to receive a estimated 80% of all the to be allocated funds. This fact alone makes the GAZAR Project one of the first largely state guided programs since the presidency of Negtgegch Mönkhdevshil, alligning with the new government its Neo-Mönkhdevshilist tendencies.

The proposed I22 highway

in the moment is a Luthorian language, short-form news website specializing in rapid-fire coverage, with a focus on Dovani. Reporting on affairs throughout the continent, it has dispatches in several countries.

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2024 8:17 pm
by Rogue

The committee during a session

Congressional Committee on State Reform publishes findings and recommendations
30th of August, 5478

Baatrynsentii: The Khashi Committee, named after its chairman MSC Tuge Khashi, has published its findings and recommendations concerning both electoral reforms as well as the possible abolishment of the office of prime minister. The committee was installed by the previous government with a clear goal in mind, create a more representative congress while at the same time streamlining the executive. The questions asked to the committee were: "Is it feasible to adopt provincial-lists for congressional elections, as oppossed to a national list" as well as "could the office of prime minister be merged into the office of president?" On both questions, the committee unanimously answered yes. In a 140 page document Khashi outlined the considerations of the committee, which had carefully weighed the different pro's and con's of both proposals. In the end, they all agreed that the changes brought forward for consideration were valid and could be implemented without disrupting the "stability and integrity of the state."

The committee also took into account objections from oppossition parties, investigating the possibility that the removal of the office of prime minister could result in a consolidation of power within the presidency. The committee however concluded that the merger of these two positions "would not pose a significant danger to the balance of power within the New Verhamese state" and that "the adoption of a provincial-list system, combined with the already extensive authority of the Supreme Congress, would mitigate any negative effects of merging these two offices together." Khashi presented the findings of the committee to the President of the Supreme Congress, Altan Holuikhan, who announced that the report will be debated within the chamber of congress in three months time. It is likely that the ruling PAP-SN coalition will work with the oppossition, namely the Democratic Party and the United Liberal Party, in drafting a formal constitutional ammendment that would implement both a provincial-list for congressional elections as well as a merger of the PM and Presidential offices. The minority parties, ONB and VVP, are likely to support such a proposal as well, which would grant it the necessary votes to pass into law.

The National Voice is a nationwide newspaper in New Verham focussing mainly on political and domestic news

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 3:26 pm
by Rogue

Defense reforms pass following announced cut in spending
5th of July, 5480
Baatrynsentii, National Capital District

The State Act on Security and Defense (SASD) has passed the Supreme Congress in a vote supported by the entire government coalition as well as the United Liberal Party lawmakers. The vote was important, as recently the Ministry of National Defense announced a 500 million cut into the defense budget, lowering the budget from 2% of national GDP to just 1.6%. The reasoning behind the cut was clear, as the PAP-SN government seeks to focus more on the economy and domestic policies this term. But a underlying reason also took part in the decision, as Minister of National Defense Bruno Auerswald came into office with a brand new vision for the military, one more focussed towards a small but ready military and less focussed on numbers and expansion. The State Act on Security and Defense was created to be the foundation on which a "new" military could be build. The reforms firstly outline a rebrand of the different branches, with the overall armed forces to be named the Verhamese National Security Forces (VNSF) while the other branches maintain their names. The Home Guard, previously serving under the Ground Forces, is seperated and becomes its own branch, in charge of border control, Military police duties and regulating the national airspace and waters. The army is to be reduced from the current 100.000 men to a estimated 50.000. Similar reductions can be seen for the navy and airforce, with the navy to reduce its ground personel and the air force to close at least two air bases, keeping the last two in the country open. The army is then divided into 10 brigades, all to be specialized in either mechanized, armoured or light-infantry combat.

The Home Guard, while losing some of its funding, will be gaining additional capabilities in the form of patrol boats and several aircraft as it takes over the duty of patrolling and defending national airspace and waters from both Air Force and navy. Unneeded military equipment is also to be sold on the open market, with a significant reduction in ships, vehicles, mechanical equipment and heavy weapons expected. While Minister Auerswald has stated in his defense of the reforms that the reduction in size will be compensated by better equipment and more efficient organization, experts doubt the truth in those promises. Expert in military affairs at the University of Baatrynsentii, Prof. Tabur Sanchir, indicated that the sheer size of the budget cuts, combined with the reforms, will make the VNSF "less capable, less prepared and less effective." He believes that these reforms will undermine New Verham's national security in the long run. President Sarnai has supported the reforms, indicating his desire that a cut in the defense budget and reduction in the size of the VNSF will "help our country reprioritize and focus on our economic and social challenges moving forward."

The Evening Post is a nightly newspaper focussing on defense, national security and foreign policy issues.

Re: New Verham

PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2024 3:46 pm
by Rogue

Constitutional ammendment narrowly passes as ULP and NVPP vote against
Baatrynsentiim, New Verham
29th July 5480

The constitutional ammendment on adopting provincial lists for congressional elections and merging the office of PM and President has narrowly passed the Supreme Congress today. Initially it was widely expected that all parties would vote in favor. After two hours of debate, it became increasingly clear that both ULP and NVPP would vote against instead. The Democratic Party, the largest oppossition party, then requested a suspension of the session for an hour. Heavy negotiations took place behind the scenes, before the Democrats decided to vote in favor, allowing the ammendment to pass. While no further details were released by any party, it is widely believed that the Democratic Party has gained concessions on the economy, in return for passing the ammendment. Shortly after the session of congress was ended the Ministry of Commerce and Trade released a statement cancelling planned regulations for the financial sector and announcing a reevaluation of the ministry its stance towards finance and commerce regulations. The Ministry of Finance released a similar statement, indicating that the Democratic Party has somewhat influenced the left-leaning economic policies of the coalition.

The ammendment foresees in the adoption of provincial electoral lists, with each province to gain a seperate 9% treshold and elect their candidates on their own lists. The amount of candidates on a provincial list is determined by its population. If a party wins 10% of the vote in province x but fails to pass the 9% treshold nationally it will still elect members to congress as the local treshold is now the only one applied. This is seen as a way for congress to become more representative and allow for greater minority representation. The office of Prime Minister is subsequently merged into the office of President, with a largely ceremonial office of Vice President having been created in the ammendment to replace the president in case of death, a inability to exercise his duties or by a unanimous vote in the Grand Council of State. The VP will be appointed by the President upon his or her election. All duties formerly granted to the office of Prime Minister will now be granted to the President. These ammendments were a proposal of the previous coalition but a great wish of primarily the PAP, which sees it as a way to give in to demands for further democratization while at the same time maintaining the integrity and stability of the state.

Former chairman of the Congressional Committee on State Reform, MSC Tuge Khashi, was happy with the end result, noting to reporters that "all the recommendations of the committee were put into this final proposal and have now passed, which shows the importance of our work."

Medeeutas (Newswire; stylized as Medeeutas.) is a breaking news outlet available on both radio and television, with dispatches throughout Dovani.