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Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:07 pm
by Liukupukki
The Khan's New Pet

The Khan of Bianjie, Fanggon Hala-i Nikan has bred the first ever hybrid between a Lion and a Tiger. The King Tiger, named 'Khan Cat' is the Khan's new pet, and can be seen from windows of the Khan's Palace.

The King Tiger, with his trainer

The King Tiger is the largest feline ever recorded, weighing 468kg. The almost half a ton weighing animal is one of the most magnificent animals, and the Khan has said that the government can produce King Tigers for sale, a cross breed only possible in Bianjie, as the Bianjie Tigers live only in the wilderness of Bianjie.

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:25 pm
by Liukupukki

Third Prince Yu Bai Li visits Bianjie

Recently, the Third Prince Yu Bai Li, from the imperial family of Yingdala visited Bianjie for his 'Dovani Tour'. The Third Prince was welcomed with open arms, even by Khan Fanggon Hala-i Nikan, who is known for his policy of baing against Yingdala, and even trying to remove the Yingdalan language from within Bianjie.

The Royal Family understands the hatred towards the Yingdalans and wished Bianjie a future independent from Yingdala, or any other western nations.

After the third prince's visit and ceremonial dinner with the Khan, they stayed at the Šun&Sun Beach Resort in Namu jai šun for two days, furthering relations with the son of the Khan, Fanggon Hala-i Banai.

The Third Prince visiting the Šun&Sun Resort with Fanggon Hala-i Banai who did not want to appear in photos.

May 28th 4911

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:40 am
by Liukupukki

Club BAF wins the Bianjie Cup championship

The Club BAF (Club Bianjie Armed Forces) has won its first national tournament. The team has received many upgrades as more people are trained to become part of the armed forces, and reinforcing Club BAF while doing that. Already many of Bianjie's best athletes are competing in Club BAF to represent the Bianjien Armed Forces. The superstar Balu Hala-i Hon, the best striker in all of Bianjie League, originally from the Gemun Khans, scoring a whopping 27 goals has been the clubs pride and the biggest reason for their victory.

Club BAF celebrating their championship victory

BAF gets all the best players, it's not fair, all they have to do is draft the best athletes, and they can win every championship. The BAF is just a joke, we would beat them if they played fair
Says the manager of Gemun Khans, who has lost 3 of their bet players to Club BAF

The manager of Club BAF has yet to give a statement on the accusations of the Gemun Khans' manager.

April 2nd 4913


Use Sambi writer arrested for terrorism

After the government has found out about secret anti-governmental activity and potentially something to do with terrorist groups, an unnamed writer of Use Sambi has been arrested, after recently published article about the Bianjie Armed Forces' football team. It is impossible that the arrest has anything to do with government censorship, since Use Sambi is independent from the government and not at all censored. The official statement is that the writer of the article was arrested due to alignment with terrorist groups and anti-governmental activity.

April 3rd 4913

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:20 pm
by Liukupukki


A Kunikata-speaking metal band called GIRLMETAL has been selected to represent Bianjie for FOMAT. The music of them is certainly unique, and unheard of in the Terra, apart from Bianjie, where the music streaming service Uculembi is available.

Members of GIRLMETAL in a photoshoot

GIRLMETAL is a metal band originally from Ambagašan, recently moved into Namu jai Šun. They quickly rose to fame after performing in the resort a few times. Their music was well received in Bianjie.

GIRLMETAL will be travelling to FOMAT XVII to Lourenne, and perform their song Chocolate.

You can listen to the song on Uculembi here:

Oct 1st 4915

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:55 pm
by Liukupukki

Khan Fanggon Hala-i Nikan visits Midway,
passed a legislation to open travel between Midway and Bianjie

The government of Bianjie has been dismissing midway for long, after the Yingdalan base in Midway, but the Khan was seen boarding his private jet to Midway to a meeting with Midwayan representativesm, which came out as a surprise to most of the citizens of Bianjie, and even many of government employees.

Khan Fanggon Hala-i Nikan arranged a meeting with representatives from Midway, and after an hour long discussion, the Khan departed back to Bianjie without saying a word to the press.
After the jet's landing in Gemun, and arrival of the Khan into his Palace, Khan Fanggon started a live broadcast on national television.

Greetings citizens of Bianjie! It is I, your saviour Khan Fanggon Hala-i Nikan here and I have an important annoucement.
We have finally established contact to our neighbours in Midway. Although they have done wrong in the past, I want to look past that, and start cooperation with our neighbors.
After discussing it with the government of Midway, we have come to an agreement: The border between Bianjie and Midway shall be open for free civilian travel, and a few small approved Bianjien companies are allowed to operate in Midway, near the border with Bianjie. This is the first step to friendship with Midway, and we hope to further this even more in the future. Thank you, good night!

The Midway border is now opened and somewhat even encouraged for civilian travel, and a few Bianjien government approved businesses are allowed to operate outside Bianjie's soil.

Oct 20th 4915

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:29 am
by Zanz

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:02 pm
by Liukupukki

Fanggism expands to Midway

Following the opened borders to Midway, in the last half a year around 12 thousand Bianjien migrants have moved into Midway into small towns near the Bianjie-Midway border. Many of these migrants actively travel between the border, probably to visit their families and friends.

The Independent Bianjien company Hala under the supervision of The People's Committee along few other select businesses has now been operating for 3 months along the Midway border to provide jobs and services for the population.

The sudden mass migration of people across the border has created problems for the religious people residing in Midway, mainly believers of the Church of Fanggon, which is not recognized or even known about in Midway. Katan Hala-i Saito, a citizen of Midway who migrated from Bianjie following the opening of the borders, and a member of the Church of Fanggon in Bianjie, has started up a political party by the name of Sukuinushi no kodomo-tachi (救い主の子供たち), or The Saviour's Children in Luthorian, with funding by the company Hala. Many of the citizens originated from Bianjie have caught interest in the party and membership is already on the rise. The party seeks promotion and spreading of the Church of Fanggon and promotes the rights of the Fanggists.

The Church of Fanggon has expressed their openness to spreading to neighboring countries in hopes of enlightening more people about the Saviour.

March 22nd 4916

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:02 pm
by Liukupukki

The last member of the Chi-Tin clan found and arrested peacefully

The last member of the Chi-Tin clan, a family who were deeply involved with the Gemun gang was found on the streets of Gemun.

Chi-Tin Hala-i Ging, who has been involved with organized crime in Gemun, has been found by an officer of the Gemun Police Force. The arresting officer claims he was found sleeping on a bench, and arrested peacefully.

Paramedics checking the condition of the arrested criminal

Oct 8th 4916

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:52 am
by Liukupukki

Bianjien Government announces plans for a ambitious academy

The government of Bianjie has been quiet for a few months, but today they came out with an ambitious plan for an academy for students from all countries to attend. The academy would focus on cultural development, and production of arts and literature like books, music, paintings and all kind of forms of art.

Bianjie's ambitious plans would include that the Muduri University for Academical Talents in Arts,( or MUATA for short.) would be completely non-profit and would work mostly on the collaboration for education cause, so that everyone who wishes to teach people, can do so, without doing it for profit. The plans for MUATA include that education is completely free or very affordable, but qualifications are strict and only those with good potential can be allowed inside. The MUATA would include a campus for students that are from foreign nations and free meals for the people with financial issues provided they conscript to the local commune of Muduria for work.

Many of Bianjie's best artists, scholars and cultural influencers, like popular musician Hirota, have been conscripted for work to MUATA when it's construction is complete (estimates say March 4924).

Muduri University for Academical Talents in Arts has already started up its website, which allows people to already submit their applications for qualifying tests. Those who come to the qualifying tests are compensated a portion of their flight tickets, and the train to Muduria Gurun is free for all nationals, as well as students coming to the University.

MUATA will be funded mainly from the surplus money of Bianjie, but it should not be costly due to the employees not working for profit. The Government of Bianjie would also not lose much funds due to the collaboration with the Commune of Muduri Gurun employing many of the future students for free food portions.

Nov 8th 4922

Re: Bianjie

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 8:19 pm
by Liukupukki

Muduri University for Academical Talents in Arts gains foreign support

The MUATA plans have been a huge success, gaining many applicants from academics and talented artists to help spread culture and arts across Terra in the next generation as well as many students already signing up for qualifying tests, and now The Muduri University for Academical Talents in Arts has gained foreign funds to help with its construction, mainly from the governments of Aloria and Telamon. The gained funds will be used to improve the facilities and easen the burden on Bianjie's economy from the project.

The project has also gained support from many local businesses in Bianjie. They have also agreed to help with the costs for the construction of the academy, and all Bianjien schools will draft students with potential into the new academy.

Mar 21st 4923