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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun May 31, 2020 3:10 pm

Crown Prince Yu Gong Promoted to Senior Captain in Navy, Commands the HMS Li (Huachong-class Destroyer) in Night Naval Exercises

HMS Li at port in Baltusia

His Royal and Imperial Highness Crown Prince Yu Gong, who also has a doctorate in Jienism from the National University and passed the capital exam, was recently promoted to Senior Captain from Captain in the Yingdalan Navy. The promotion, based on merit, indicates that the Crown Prince intends to make a career of the navy until he is told otherwise. With his promotion, Crown Prince Yu Gong was granted command of the lead Huachong-class destroyer, HMS Li - both named after his father and the Jienist value of propriety. His first act as a senior captain and commanding officer was to partake in the most recent naval exercises in Yingdalan territorial waters.

The exercises - named Black Water - took place in the middle of the night for a week straight. The drills trained the Yingdalan Navy to operate its newest equipment - the Huachong-class destroyer, the Qingyu-class submarine, and anti-ship and air missiles - under the cover of darkness. Although surprise attacks have largely been eliminated due to satellite imagery and other forms of tracking, night battle can never be ruled out.

Black Water forced the Yingdalan Navy to practice defending against hard to see targets and relying primarily on technology. Live ammunition was also used, giving the exercises a greater sense of reality. Additionally, the flotilla of Yingdalan Naval vessels tested their ability to defend against and attack moving targets within territorial waters.

After the exercises had completed, Crown Prince Yu Gong sailed the HMS Li to the joint-Yingdalan-Baltusian base in Baltusia, from which he would also make port calls in Gaduridos, Aldegar, and Rildanor. These port calls demonstrate Yingdala's commitment to its allies and freedom of navigation for all.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Mon Jun 01, 2020 7:49 pm

Long Feng Pictures' Dragon Warriors Released to Critical and Financial Acclaim

Poster for Dragon Warriors, Yingdala's Latest Blockbuster

Last Friday's release of the summer action flick, Dragon Warriors, has proven to be both a box office and critical success, demonstrating Yingdalan prowess in mass media and popular culture production.

Released by Long Feng Pictures, produced in part by the Invest in Yingdala program, Dragon Warriors tells the tale of Yingdalan humanitarian mission gone awry in North Seleya (country not specified). After attempting to mediate a civil war by exhausting all forms of diplomacy, Tian'an has no choice but send a small flotilla of Yingdalan naval vessels guarding transportation ships to rescue Yingdalan citizens and any other potential refugees in the country due to the increased violence. However, an "imperialist power" attacks the Yingdalan humanitarian mission for no reason other than a perceived sense of authority and entitlement, forcing Yingdalan servicemen and women ashore to lead Yingdalan citizens and refugees to a safe haven elsewhere to await further assistance from the Grand Union.

While traversing the civil war ridden North Seleyan country, the Yingdalan force faces multiple attacks from the imperialist power, as well as other groups claiming to fight for "freedom and liberty". The attacking forces discard all forms of courtesy, resorting to barbarism to inflict the most damage possible. However, due to their intelligence, high quality training, equipment, and benevolence, the Yingdalan soldiers are able to subdue their attackers easily and with minimal casualties, while saving the people.

In the end, the Yingdalans and other refugees manage to find safe haven in a friendly country where they can wait for Yingdalan ships to carry them home - and some to their new home. Leaders from the friendly Seleyan country, as well as civilians fleeing violence in the civil war ridden North Seleyan country, praise the Yingdalan soldiers for their actions, thanking them for the virtue. The leading Yingdalan soldier bows to the two different groups, telling them that Yingdala will always stand ready to assist those in need and work toward true sovereignty and justice for all.

Critics praised the film for its cinematography, score, and use of traditional Yingdalan values. They noted that, although used, violence was not glorified, rather looked down upon as tool only to be used as a last resort. Peace and sovereignty were the major themes and would be recognized and valued by all people in Terra.

The average Yingdalan also loved the film. It quickly become the number one hit, spurring rumors of an eventual sequel. Certainly, it would make financial sense.

But more importantly, Dragon Warriors highlights Yingdala's media abilities. It can create high quality films appealing to a variety of audiences with an ability to conduct effective marketing campaigns through traditional mass media, social media, and word of mouth. Yingdala will become a major popular cultural hub in Terra - providing the people with wholesome entertainment and Yingdala with a major source of income.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:27 am

Yingdala Scores Major World Congress Success with Its Proposed Guiding Principles

Tian'an's last act as representing Yingdala in the World Congress Security Council was to propose a binding Security Council resolution providing the World Congress and its bodies a set of values to guide its actions into the future. Despite putting the draft resolution up for debate, only Istalia and Dorvik provided comments, although no explicit edits. Both nations were largely in favor of the spirit of the resolution, but expressed some concerns as to how it might restrict Security Council action. Yingdala's ambassador to the World Congress must have allayed their concerns, as the resolution, deemed the Guiding Principles of the World Congress, were passed by the Security Council with no opposition at the last moment of the previous session. Yingdala was the only country to vote in favor. By creating and voting for the Guiding Principles, Yingdala has demonstrated its unwavering commitment to peace and sovereignty in Terra, as well as influencing the actions of the World Congress for years to come.

In essence, the Guiding Principles are amendments to the World Congress Charter. They outline how the World Congress and its member states should function in international affairs. Above all, it places the sovereignty of the nation-state front and center, while calling for all nations to maintain a status of non-aggression and harmony. It could be said to be the most important resolution passed so far by the World Congress.

Analysts argue that the document reflects Yingdala's own foreign policy and views of international relations. They further argue that, since these principles are now international law, Yingdala has been able to legitimately influence every nation in Terra. Furthermore, these analysts contend that should the Security Council vote to eliminate the Guiding Principles, it could lead to other nations seeing the Security Council as not interested in the sovereignty of nations, but only in imposing their will on others.

Critics may think that the Guiding Principles are too weak, in that they mandate the World Congress cannot intervene in the affairs of nations that are considered to be part of their domestic jurisdiction. However, the Security Council can act when international peace and security are at stake. Internal crises that threaten international peace and security, of course, an area where the Security Council could legitimately act. That is of no question. However, giving the Guiding Principles' emphasis on state sovereignty, any actions would limit the influence of the Security Council on neo-imperialist activities.

Now, the Guiding Principles face their first test with Likatonia. Will the Security Council uphold the Guiding Principles? Will the General Assembly concur with them? We are about to find out.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:47 pm

Yingdala Expands Trade and Defense Ties with Regional Neighbors While Working to Bring Peace to North Seleya

Minister Wen speaks with his Voronan counterpart

Yingdala has been busy of late with its foreign policy. It has expanded its activities in both Dovani and Seleya to resounding success so far and all without the need to use any force. With just words, Yingdala is helping to keep Terra peaceful and stable

As its neighbors Vorona and Talmoria regained active political parties, Yingdala must have been among the first to reach out seeking warmer ties. Highlighting their shared status as Dovanian nations, as well as historical relations with Talmoria, the governments of both Vorona and Talmoria were eager to join Yingdala in improving relationships. All of the countries agreed to joint free trade, cooperation, and defense pacts. These treaties will further integrate South Dovani and the entirety of the Southern Hemisphere, spurring economic growth and increasing trade. Additionally, they promote peace and understanding between the nations, while also establishing joint defense bases in Vorona and Talmoria, allowing Yingdala to better assist with the defense needs of both countries.

In conjunction with Tian'an consolidating Yingdala's friendly and defensive stance in Dovani, the government has also engaged North Seleya diplomatically - bilaterally and through the World Congress. Regarding the situation between Likatonia and Zardugal, Yingdala successfully promoted an informal resolution calling for action against Likatonia while also affirming Security Council Resolution 88: Guiding principles of the World Congress. The informal resolution was supported by Lourenne, Dolgavia, Telemon, Jakania, and Valruzia - a representation of nearly every continent in Terra. Yingdala's informal resolution is believed to have spurred Likatonia to action and reverse its position vis a vis Zardugal and recomply with international law. This had been a rousing success for diplomacy.

Building off of this success, Yingdala has sought to engage in diplomatic efforts in Lodamun. Based on conversations Minister of Rites and Education Wen Jun had with his counterparts, the future looks promising. All parties have demonstrated a degree of interested and have been nothing but friendly. However, there are other parties in Terra that may be seeking to use the Lodamese domestic issue for their own gain - violating the very international law these parties sought to defend.

These parties would argue that violations of rights, but all sides have committed such violations. Instead of funding and supporting violence, diplomacy is sorely needed. Watch for Tian'an to, yet again, develop another peaceful resolution and demonstrate its utter lack of imperialist will.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:21 pm

Tian'an Prides Self on No Debt, Calls for Peace and Diplomacy in Lodamun

Compared to some nations, Yingdala is a rarity. The government has been able to achieve its goals with smart spending, low taxes, and no debt. In fact, it has been compiling a large surplus for decades, staving off fears of a debt crisis.

Before the Jien Party returned to Yingdala, Tian'an had maintained a policy of "little to no debt". Even under the military dictatorship, Yingdala maintained a 100 billion INS plus surplus. Today, that policy continues. And it reflects core Jien Party policy.

When they were previously in power, the Jien Party endeavored to always have a surplus. While constant spending and borrowing could drive up GDP, such growth is unsustainable and will lead to an eventual debt crisis. Although perhaps under the Jien Party policy GDP does not grow at extremely high rates, it is sustainable. Furthermore, it allows the government to dip into its sizeable reserve of surplus funds in times of economic crisis get Yingdala through.

And a crisis could be upon us soon. The alarmingly high debt of certain ambitious countries, the foreign adventures of imperialist powers with no thought for the interests of others, among other uncertainties have brought worries to Tian'an. Privately, the Prime Minister directly names these nations and call their actions shameful and disrespectful to the nations of Terra.

The civil issue in Lodamun is quite worrying, given the LOD being the currency in which all Terran currencies are compared. Minister of Rites and Education Wen Jun has made strides attempting to privately urge all sides to come to the table and discuss their issues. So far, the Government of Lodamun and the Syndicalists seem willing. Only silence from the "Republic of Lodamun".

Minister Wen issued an official statement saying:
The Grand Union of Yingdala formally calls upon all parties in Lodamun engaged in conflict to please cease their disputes, if only temporarily, and discuss their issues diplomatically. Yingdala is willing to serve as a neutral third party and facilitate talks. We call upon everyone to abide by World Congress Security Council Resolution 88 - the Guiding principles of the World Congress - to help ensure a Terra where are all sovereign and all can live together in peace.

Furthermore, we call upon all nations in Terra to work toward diplomacy instead of supporting conflict. There are those who wish to use the internal issues in Lodamun for their own gains. We must all seek to support the wishes of the Lodamese people. Yingdala stands by their side and are ready to provide support if asked.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:17 pm

Yingdalan Armed Forces Conduct Massive Defensive Drills as Phase Three of Soaring Dragon Implemented

Yingdalan shore guns practice defense of the homeland

Unprecedented in recent history, Tian'an initiated the largest military exercise in the past 50 years in Northwestern Yingdala. Named "Tiger Mountain", the primarily army/special forces exercises were aimed at defending the Yingdalan homeland from an invasion from a northern power.

Tiger Mountain, conducted over the course of a month, consisted of multiple phases, which corresponded with the phases of a hypothetical invasion. First, the Armed Forces jointly operated in a coastal defense scenario, where shore guns fired on mock targets, air craft engaged in mock battles over territory and territorial waters, and naval ships attempting to interdict targets. Stage two consisted of the Yingdalan Army, Air Force, and Special Forces engaging in combat to prevent an enemy from establishing a beachhead. Phase three was a mock traditional battle, where the Armed Forces practiced going head to head with a stronger force on Yingdalan soil. Stage three consisted of urban warfare practice under heavy bombing conditions - which would likely form the bulk of any invasion of Yingdala. Finally, in phase four, the Armed Forces practiced pushing the enemy combatants back and repelling the invasion. Additionally with each phase, special forces units practiced missions behind enemy lines, critical activities to any defensive scenario of the Grand Union.

One stage absent from the exercises were the "punitive expedition operations". In this stage, Yingdala would initiate a massive counterattack to "punish" the invaders by reforming their government into one more virtuous and benevolent - thereby preventing future warmongering. Government and military officials likely found such drills distasteful for the international community and damaging to Yingdala's image of a purely defensive conscious nation. In fact, with Yingdala's recent diplomatic victories in the World Congress - from the Guiding Principles, to diplomatically pressuring Likatonia, to helping bring about peace talks in Lodamun - one could say words from Tian'an, thus the Son of Heaven, are more powerful than any weapon.

Asked by reporters why, despite Yingdala's diplomatic success, the government felt Tiger Mountain necessary, Grand Protector Quan Xiang said:
My office and the Ministry of War, at the behest of the Grand Preceptor and the Prime Minister, have been going through the archives of our country and analyzing historical documents of other countries, to figure out where the Armed Forces need to focus. Based on our analysis, Yingdala's greatest country-to-country threat comes from an invasion from a northern country. We won't say which country that is, but in the past, they had planned to invade the Grand Union, take advantage of its weakness, and destroy us. In this plan, there was no reason or interest in the invading country's actions other than to destroy another nation. Can you believe it? A country would be willing to eliminate another country just so they could never rise, or only slowly rise, again? Yingdala prides itself on taking the high moral ground, but it is not naive. Immorality and a lack of benevolence plagues Terra. We see it on a daily basis. We can only do what we can to minimize it. Tiger Mountain is a major step in that direction for the sake of the Yingdalan people and the people of Terra.

Grand Protector Quan's rationale clearly resonates with the government. Just a few years ago the Grand Assembly reauthorized the Soaring Dragon program to invest another 1.5 trillion INS in Yingdala's military modernization over 10 years. As time has gone by, Yingdala has been able to innovate and create new weapons, strategies, and trainings at a faster pace. It is believed the Grand Union will reach full military modernization by 4785. With this modernization come rumors of a secret nuclear weapons program - helped along by Yingdala's ever growing civilian nuclear energy program. It is believed that Yingdala can never truly be safe until it retakes its seat as a nuclear great power.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:46 pm

Yingdalan Urban Infrastructure Renewal and Revitalization Completed

Kaizhou revitalized

It has been quite some time since the Grand Union of Yingdala's infrastructure could be considered among the most advanced in Terra. But after many a decade, with some delays, the entirety of Yingdala's infrastructure renewal and revitalization program has finally finished. This renewal, like the renewal of Yingdala itself, will bring numerous social and economic benefits to the Yingdalan people.

Like the island nation's non-urban infrastructure, Yingdalan cities' roads, including pedestrian walkways, have been refurbished or rebuilt. Potholes have been filled, lanes have been smoothed and widened, sufficient green lighting has been installed, and so much more. Restoration of Yingdala's urban roadways will reduce congestion (thereby reducing the chance of accidents, thus lowering public health costs and reducing insurance premiums), increase the speed of transit (allowing commuters to spend less time traveling and more time doing the things they love, increasing happiness and thus productivity), and make urban deliveries more efficient (reducing costs for all and making the urban economy more efficient).

In addition to urban roadways and pedestrian walkways, bike lanes and separate bus lanes have been added to every city. These separate lanes will encourage citizens to use public transportation or green transpiration (ie their bike) to travel around cities. This encouragement will have environmental and economic knock on effects, reducing emissions, making urban environments cleaner and healthier, reducing healthcare costs (due to lower emissions), and speed up bus transportation.

Urban trains and subways have also been a major focus, with these lines being extended to suburban areas. These lines, like the revamped roadways and other new lanes, will make commuting more efficient and environmentally friendly, thus improving the economy. Even more so, the line extensions will allow people from the cities and suburbs more job opportunities and economic efficiency (by providing more real estate options for businesses). Not to mention, the train and subway lines have been modernized to be more comfortable, safer, and faster for users.

Now that Yingdala's infrastructure has been completely restored, the Ministry of Public Works will focus on ensuring infrastructure is up to date and efficient. We cannot allow Yingdala to fall behind, or all of the people will suffer.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:30 pm

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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:08 pm

Yingdalan Space Agency Announces Public-Private Partnership to Launch Communications Satellite

Concept of a Yingdalan rocket launch

At a press conference yesterday in the State of Anle, the Director of the Yingdalan Space Agency (YSA), flanked by officials from the Ministry of War, Ministry of Works, and executives of Da Tian Incorporated, announced the formation of a public-private partnership, with support from the Invest in Yingdala and Soaring Dragon programs - both part of the Strengthening the Nation campaign - to launch a new communications satellite in three years. The announcement of the launch is exciting news, as it revamps Yingdala's long dormant space program, as well as provides an opportunity to better broadcast Yingdalan culture across Terra.

Director Ming Xing relayed how His Majesty the Son of Heaven wrote to the YSA after a dream he had in which he saw a yellow dragon flying high into the sky, only to become larger and more visible the higher it climbed. His Majesty claimed that this was a sign from God for Yingdala to do more with space so that the people of Terra could benefit. Thus, the public-private partnership concept was formed: Yingdala would launch a communications satellite so that its cultural products could reach every nation in Terra.

Working with the YSA is Da Tian ("Great Space") Inc. Originally founded by astronomers and engineering professors at the University of Kaizhou, Da Tian was transformed into an entrepreneurial space technology behemoth from an outlet for experimentation. Under the terms of the public-private partnership, Da Tian and YSA will jointly develop the rocket to launch a communications satellite - developed by Da Tian, but owned by the Wenhua Group - into medium Terra orbit. Much of the rocketry will be based on the Yingdalan missile program, thereby speeding development.

The YSA has noted that with the creation of a new rocket, Yingdala's space program will enter a period of renewal. Director Ming stated that the Yingdalan government has said it plans to refocus efforts on space, lamenting its neglect over the decades. With this renewed support, Yingdalan aerospace companies have become increasingly interested, ultimately desiring lucrative government contracts.

With a new focus on space, Yingdala will be able to advance its scientific knowledge, create thousands of high paying jobs across multiple sectors, and give back to the whole of Terra. And certainly, one cannot forget about the defense implications. More advanced rockets that can fly higher means rockets - or missiles - that can fly farther. Additionally, with more experience, Yingdala can launch multiple civil-military fusion communications and navigation satellites that will benefit the whole nation.

The Grand Union's star in the space race is bright. Like the yellow dragon in the Son of Heaven's dream, Yingdala will only rise higher and become more visible to all.
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Re: Indralan Consortium of Journalists

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:31 pm

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