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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:58 pm

Dragon Warriors 2 to Continued Acclaim as It Highlights Yingdala's Worldview

Dragon Warriors 2: Hidden Dragon poster

Long Feng pictures released its latest iteration of the Dragon Warriors series, Dragon Warriors 2: Hidden Dragon. Unsurprisingly, the film was a major hit at the summer box office, quickly reaching domestic blockbuster status in a single week. Critics also appreciated the film, again noting the anti-war theme, but would have preferred "a little less propaganda", as one critic put it. Opening in theatres worldwide soon, the movie demonstrates the vitality of Yingdala's burgeoning film industry and willingness to show the world Yingdala's values.

Like the first Dragon Warriors, Dragon Warriors 2 is an action film, although this time it veers more along the lines of a war movie. It begins with the sinking of a Yingdalan naval vessel in international waters between Seleya and Dovani. While Yingdalan authorities race to discover who or what caused the ship's destruction, many Yingdalan ports are struck and destroyed by missile attacks. Thousands of soldiers parachute down from the skies, commencing sneak-attack raids and engaging in acts of total war.

Still unsure of their enemy, the Yingdalan Armed Forces, led by their Royal Family, begin mobilizing to counter the unknown threat. Attempting to pacify the country, the Armed Forces discover that the enemy troops belong to the northern nation of Korlonia (yes, a fictional country). Having captured some troops, the Yingdalan authorities question the reasoning for the unprovoked attacks. The captured Korlonian soldiers, disgusted by how some of their fellow soldiers acted in their attacks, reveal that Korlonia does not want to see a "returned Yingdala" that fights against imperialism and upholds sovereignty.

From there, we find that Korlon's formal invasion has begun. Korlonian soldiers terrorize the Yingdalan people and attempt to impose their values upon them, eliminating anyone who disagrees or puts up resistance, all in the name of "human rights and democracy". Of course, through their will and confidence in who they are, the Yingdalan troops push back the Korlonian forces on land and by sea. Once finished, the Yingdalan Armed Forces engage in a counter-expedition, landing in Korlonia. Only unlike the Korlonians, the Yingdalans refuse to engage in total war, completely avoiding civilians and civilian areas, with a strict mandate to only to defend if attacked.

Upon reaching the Korlonian capital Skeranburgh, the Yingdalan Army reaches the Government Palace. After a short siege, the Yingdalans capture the Korlonian leadership and replace them with virtuous Korlonian citizens respectful of the sovereignty and cultures of all nations. The film ends with a great peace and budding friendship between the two countries, each vowing to defend the rights of all peoples' choice to live as they please.

Although trite at times, Dragon Warriors 2 has a powerful anti-war message emphasizing respect for the people and the sovereignty of nations. A purely private production, the film is a reflection of the beliefs of all Yingdalans. All we want is peace.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:50 pm

Ministry of War Receives Final Delivery in 100 Unit Order of Huachong Fighters, Orders 50 More

Huachong fighters on a tarmac (OOC Source: Indian Defense Analysis)

The initial 100-unit order of Huachong fighters from Gaofei Aerospace has finally been completed. After an extended timeline to reduce the risk of cost overruns, Gaofei has finally delivered the last Huachong. These fighters will help the Yingdalan Armed Forces maintain air superiority over the Grand Union's sovereign territory and help Tian'an defend its allies. Upon arrival of the last Huachong, the Ministry of War immediately ordered 50 more and discussed possible "further developments" on the "future of defensive aircraft" with the company.

The Ministry's order comes at a time when the Grand Assembly is voting on continuing the Strengthening the Nation campaign - which would provide additional funds for the Ministry of War to develop and purchase more advanced military hardware. Despite visible progress, the Armed Forces must continue advancing as much as it can to better defend the Grand Union.

According to Ministry officials, the new Huachong fighters will be deployed domestically. There are no plans - yet - to station any of the aircraft in one of Yingdala's many joint-defense bases with its allies. However, there are talks that an export model will be produced. Sources say that there has been some foreign interest in Yingdala's defense industry, which would certainly prove fruitful for the Grand Union's economic growth. Further, officials indicate that they are "more than happy to assist nations in defending their sovereignty from interventionist nations."

What can be said for sure is that as Yingdala's defense industry continues innovating - thanks to low taxes, minimal regulations, and government support - they will provide numerous boons for the Grand Union's defensive and economic success.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jun 20, 2020 11:25 am

Taiyang Energy Opens First Solar Farm as It Diversifies Energy Portfolio

Taiyang Energy's solar farm in Jiaozhi State (OOC Source: South China Morning Post

Taiyang Energy, the green energy company that has built multiple nuclear power plants across Yingdala, has opened its first solar farm in Yingdala. Located in northern Jiaozhi (closer to the equator) where sunlight can be maximized, the solar panels will provide green, renewable energy to hundreds of thousands of people living in northern Yingdala. The burgeoning solar industry, coupled with Yingdala's domestic battery designers, will help shape a new avenue for Yingdala's economy.

Many are probably wondering why Taiyang has decided to branch off into other green energy technologies. The most likely factor is costs. Nuclear power plants, although providers of immense amounts of energy at reasonable prices, are costly to maintain without government support. Although Tian'an is happy to support companies like Taiyang Energy as a matter of national security, profit still remains king for the corporation. But the road to get here was not easy.

Solar farms require a good environment to "plant" the panels. The soil must hold up well, nature should be regularly calm, and of course sunlight should be plentiful. Finding such conditions is difficult enough. Throw in the fact that land must either be purchased or leased adds on to the difficulty. However, given Yingdala's land laws that limit the amount of land one person can own, competitive options for leasing are readily available - making solar farms more cost effective.

Taiyang was obviously able to find the right spot for its solar farm. Made up of a few thousand panels, the farm is spread out across around 300 acres in a traditional grid format. Utilizing the power of the sun, the Taiyang farm "pumps" solar power directly to consumers. Excess power is stored in Shangdian-made dachi batteries where it can either be sold or stockpiled (more often sold).

Much of Taiyang's model comes from the Lourennais experience. An engineer said, "We have watched Lourenne's green technology companies over the years, looking for best practices that might be applicable to Yingdala. They are the standard, so of course we look up to them. However, it is time for Yingdala's domestic industry to get in the game."

Still early, Taiyang's venture looks as if it will meet success. With the support of the government and the people, there is little standing in Taiyang's way. Hopefully, by succeeding domestically, they will be able to succeed abroad.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Rogue » Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:06 am

The Fungist
March 4773
Radical Faction leader Xie Fu

Tian'an: A new political force has emerged in Yingdala. The Radical Faction, led by former teacher Xie Fu, has launched as a faction within Yingdalan politics. The new faction follows a, until now, unknown ideological stream named "Fungism" (OOC: Mohism). This stream is more liberal then the ruling Jienist faction and firmly believes in a meritocracy and a liberal democracy based on traditional values. It is a weird mix between tradition and modernity according to political analysts. Xie Fu, leader of the faction, says he wants to, "Bring a fresh breath of air to the Yingdalan political landscape and introduce a modern and traditional form of leadership to the people". He himself is a firm Fungist, believing in the Fungism school of thought. The Radical Faction expects not to win many seats in the next election, instead focussing on local organization and spreading its ideas accross the nation. These ideas include the introduction of a broader abortion law, legalization of both cannabis and tobacco and encouraging prayer in schools.

Xie Fu has announced that in order to celebrate the foundation of the faction he will embark on a "Listening Tour" where he will listen to people accross the nation and spread the ideals of Fungism. The ideas gathered from these meetings will likely be used in the Factions platform.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:49 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:32 pm

Ministry of Rites and Education Launch New Global Initiative: Yingdalan Culture Academies

Each Yingdalan Culture Academy will emulate traditional Yingdalan academic architecture (OOC Source: TTNotes.com)

The Ministry of Rites and Education has announced that it will launch a new global initiative called the Yingdalan Culture Academies. This concept, still under development, will serve to education the peoples of Terra about Yingdala's culture and help engender greater greater understanding between the peoples of Terra and the people of Yingdala.

It is very likely that, in the future, the Yingdalan Culture Academies will be a feature of of most bilateral treaties Yingdala signs. However, it is also likely that the Ministry will separately promote the concept to every nation in Terra with the hopes that the Academies be in the capital of every country.

Each Academy will provide a number of services. First and foremost, they will teach interested individuals the Yingdalan language. Yingdalan is notoriously difficult to learn with its written characters and tonal language, not to mention Classical Yingdalan. Language knowledge is the first step in being able to understand a people better and open up multiple lines of communication. Second, the Academies will teach courses on Yingdalan history and culture. Subjects could range from ancient history to cuisine, painting, music, and more. Third, the Academies will provide a resource for individuals merely interested in Yingdala or travel to the Grand Union. They will provide pamphlets and brochures on "Yingdalan basics" to assist travelers and others. Fourth, they will host cultural events - like Yingdalan operas, traditional orchestras, art exhibits, film festivals, and others - to better bring Yingdala directly to the Terran peoples. Finally, the Academies will endeavor to assist the academic community of Terra in better studying Terra.

Once the pilot phase has been completed, the Ministry hopes that Yingdalan Culture Academies will expand beyond the capitals of Terra to schools and universities in every city. Furthermore, the Academies will likely add a people-to-people component, organizing visits, meetings, and other exchanges between Yingdalans and other Terran peoples.

His Majesty the Son of Heaven hope that all people will be able to learn one thing about Yingdala. It is our duty to make it a reality.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:51 am

Economic Development Under Son of Heaven Reaches New Heights, Calls for Redeployment of Eastern Development Organization

Elements of international development (OOC Source: International Studies Association)

After over 40 years, a full four decades, Yingdala has undergone a rapid transformation. Its industries have advanced from basic manufacturing with a large agriculture sector, to a booming and diversified economy focused on knowledge production, services, and high technology, along with the equally important agriculture and manufacturing sectors. All of this is thanks to His Majesty the Son of Heaven and his empowerment of the Yingdalan government to set the proper conditions for development.

The conditions established by His Majesty's government are multifold. Lower taxes encourages businesses to reinvest in their operations and create jobs. Fewer regulations allow companies to maximize their profits, which also helps create more jobs, reduces costs, and benefits consumers through lower prices. Perhaps most importantly, the government's heavy focus on education, ensuing all students have great foundations in the sciences, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics - all components of a good Jienist education - create a pool of highly skilled workers to fill jobs businesses create. Furthermore, these policies encourage foreign direct investment in Yingdala, compounding the positive economic impact of domestic firms.

More direct government policies and cultural factors are also helpful. The government is still investing hundreds of billions of INS in burgeoning Yingdalan companies, recognizing the importance of seed capital for innovation. And Yingdala's native culture of educational excellence, social mobility, and diligence have created a vibrant economy where people work for the collective economic interest, because that is in the individual's best interest.

Yingdala's high levels of economic development has seen new calls for the resumption of an old initiative: the Eastern Development Organization or EDO. Created centuries ago, EDO was designed to effectively serve as a way for Yingdala to repent for the sins of its colonial past, as well as help develop vibrant economies to the benefit of all. Of course, more healthy and advanced economies in the Eastern Hemisphere would benefit Yingdala directly. However, the Ministry of Rites and Education have noted that EDO would have to be a purely multilateral endeavor.

"EDO, if it is resurrected, should be led by the nations in the Eastern Hemisphere. There are many different forms of economic development, and these forms should be tailored to each country's conditions and sovereign right to choose. Only then can development be sustainable and long-lasting to the benefit of all.," said an official from the Ministry of Rites and Education.

Like the Yingdalan Culture Academies, EDO could very well become part of Yingdala's basic negotiating position, hoping to include support in every treaty it signs.

If all of Terra can grow, like Yingdala, all people will benefit.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Lucipher » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:30 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:03 pm

Ministry of War Announces Nuclear Program

Concept for a mobile nuclear ballistic missile (OOC Source: GlobalNews)

Over the past few decades, Terra has undergone a period of instability. Much of this instability has been confined to the "civilized, Western" nations of Terra. Civil wars, civil unrest, invasions, and more have been more common than usual West of Dovani. Many of these incidents have drawn foreign intervention, each party seeking to stake a claim to further their "interests" whether those "interests" are real, or simply about a hollow image. Yingdala will never be put in that situation. That is why the Ministry of War has announced its burgeoning nuclear program - to secure Yingdala's sovereignty perpetually.

Built upon a past history of nuclear weapons, but primarily on recent nuclear energy and other weapons developments, Yingdala's nuclear program has just started. Currently, the Ministry is conducting computer modelling of the program, effectively creating multiple virtual tests of various types of nuclear weapons. These span from the more simplistic atomic model to the more sophisticated hydrogen bomb. It is highly likely that Tian'an will forego the "atomic stage" and head straight for hydrogen nuclear weapons.

Much of this testing comes at a time when Yingdala's nuclear submarine program nears its completion. The focus on nuclear power in military hardware has picked up the pace, with the nuclear weapons program endeavoring to catch up. The two nuclear tracks indicate Yingdala's view of nuclear energy being the future power-base of the Yingdalan Armed Forces, both in terms of electrical power and military force.

One of the reasons for the Ministry's public announcement was to be fully transparent with the nations of Terra. Another was to get the Yingdalan public more involved, especially scientists and engineers who could help speed up development.

Although many years away, the nations of Terra cannot discount Yingdala's nuclear program. The Grand Union had the bomb once, it will have it again.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jun 27, 2020 8:20 pm

Education Consulting Groups Begin Opening Offices Globally to Attract Students to Yingdalan Universities

One of Yingdala's many universities from the sky (OOC Source: Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School

A growing industry has recently emerged in Yingdala: education consulting. Though not unique, education consulting is characteristically Yingdalan and Jienist. These companies are now seeking to take advantage of Yingdala's prominent and well-funded colleges and universities to attract students to the Grand Union and make money doing it.

As Yingdala's economy developed, so have its universities. Always well funded, amongst the most supported institutions in Terra, Yingdala's schools are in the top of the class. They rank among the top research institutions in Terra across the board. No longer are they simply schools for the humanities. Most universities and colleges are extremely well-rounded, emphasizing that a good Jienist education is equal parts science and equal parts humanities. For over four decades, STEM programs, along with the arts - thus STEAM - have been the cornerstone of the Yingdalan education system.

Given the Grand Union's education system's high quality, it is no wonder that people throughout Terra would want to attend. However, Yingdalan universities also have high standards for their students. Rigorous entrance exams are mandatory, along with essay requirements. Students outside of Terra must not only be able to pass these benchmarks, but most also know the Yingdalan language. This can be a tough bar for many. Not so much anymore.

The Yingdalan education consulting industry seeks to help students from afar attend Yingdalan colleges, universities, and vocational education programs by guiding them through the application process. These consulting groups, like the Xuewen Company, provide language training, practice tests, and insider application knowledge for Yingdalan educational institutions. Many of these consultancies charge premium prices for nearly "guaranteed" admission to a Yingdalan school.

The rise of this new industry has led to some in the Ministry of Rites and Education to increasing the budget, thereby helping these consulting groups do business. Their rise is yet another indicator of Yingdala's economic advancement and healthy service sector.

If there is one thing the people of Terra can count on, its Yingdala's high quality education institutions. No matter what stage of development or period in history, education will always be a core value of and supported by the Yingdalan people.
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