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Re: KI: "Sekowan boy-band impresses a Yingdalan audience"

Postby Wu Han » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:18 pm

The Kaizhou Inquirer was once northern Yingdala's leading periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics
4 November 4468 (OOC: POST-DATED)
Sekowan boy-band impresses a Yingdalan audience
11PM emphasizes sense of filial piety, in addition to their undeniable charms, in vying for Yingdalan hearts
11PM seated next to Chen Xiaoli, host of Hey Xiaoli!

KAIZHOU, Jiaozhi Province: Appearing on JBC's Hey Xiaoli! music and talk show, Sekowan "boy-band" 11PM made their first television debut in Yingdala, and won over countless fans in the process.

The pop music group was formed through a reality competition show held by Seko's state-funded media company SHK, though the show was based upon another program first broadcast in Yingdala — Create 108. Like its predecessor, the SHK show allowed for international contestants, including sole Yingdalan member of 11PM, Yan Bo, who had place 7th in the overall competition. A language student at Seko's Nago National University, Yan decided to try out for the competition on the suggestion of his classmates.

During the course of the interview, Chen Xiaoli questioned each of the boys about their backgrounds and their experiences throughout the competition. While many members were able to respond in Yingdalan, to varying degrees of fluency, Yan often had to interject in his role as unofficial interpreter. Nonetheless, each member responded enthusiastically when asked about their time in Yingdala and their opinion regarding Kaizhou, long the pop-culture powerhouse of the nation.

"I wish we could extend our schedule by another week or two... or three," said Tanji Masaki, the oldest member of the group. "We don't have enough time to eat all the delicious food here!"

Another member, Atsumi Jun, is the son of notable Sekowan National Assemblyman Atsumi Tadakatsu, one of the chief negotiators of the Takeda Tea Accord, a trade agreement between Yingdala and Seko. Accordingly, Atsumi was asked about his father and comments he made in a recent interview, during which the Assemblyman stated that he didn't want to "interfere" in his son's affairs.

"I have to be honest, I was actually very hurt when I read that comment," said Atsumi Jun with a sullen expression. "I am who I am because my father loved me. If there was anyone who has the right to meddle in my life, it's him. I hope he will continue to teach me so that I can become a better son to him now and in my next life."

The younger Atsumi's response was met with audible approval from the audience, old and young alike, in a country which has always placed a premium on filial piety. Later on, the group performed their debut single, with the audience now largely composed of emphatic and energetic supporters. The impressionable pop-dance single and the group's undeniable cohesion and stage presence while dancing drew in millions of viewers nationwide.

11PM will be performing at the Kaizhou Expo Centre from 6-8 November, and at Indrala University's winter music festival on 10 November.

The Kaizhou Inquirer is owned by the Kaizhou Inquirer Media Group.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jamescfm » Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:45 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:22 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:33 pm

Yingdala Submits FOMAT Entry - Seeks to Highlight Traditional and Contemporary Yingdalan Culture

Lin Zhelan performs Flower Dream at a concert in Tian'an (OOC Source: Asiaone)

The Grand Union of Yingdala has successfully complete voting for its first ever entry to the Festival of Musical Arts in Terra (FOMAT). After a very contentious competition, the people of Yingdala have selected the song, "Flower Dream", by Lin Zhelan, to represent Yingdala at FOMAT.

Flower Dream has been one of the most popular songs in Yingdala this year. It is the theme song to Yingdala's top film of the year, Trouble in the Palace, a story about poor rulership and the necessity for Jienist values. Flower Dream highlights this point, touching on the pain children feel when their is strain in the family and how a harmonious family is the basis for good in the world. This can be especially true for royal families. It is even rumored that the Yingdalan Royal Family voted for Flower Dream, desiring to promote its family-friendly message.

But beyond values, Flower Dream is an excellent example of contemporary and traditional Yingdalan music. Although it uses contemporary instruments and vocals, the song is more like a poem set to music, which is typical for traditional Yingdalan hymns. Traditional instruments like flutes and zithers are used throughout. More so, Flower Dream demonstrates the harmony between contemporary and traditional Yingdala.

Music is said to be the greatest example of peace and harmony in Jienism. For music cannot simply be "played". There are notes, harmonies, rhythms, and beats that must be played at the right time. As a result, one can hear beautiful sounds that allows one to reflect on the discipline and order required to play music, and be at peace.

Although many do not expect Flower Dream to win in any capacity, Yingdalans have hope that the people of Terra will be able to share in the joys of Yingdalan culture.

Flower Dream
(OOC Source: YouTube)
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:02 pm

Grand Unions Wants to Put EDO to Use, Holds Expo in Kaizhou

HELP Expo building in Kaizhou (OOC Source: Encylopedia Britannica

After many years of billions of INS sitting in investment accounts and growing, the Government of Yingdala has endeavored to make good on its pledge to the developing Eastern Hemisphere and put its Eastern Development Organization (EDO) funds to use. In order to better facilitate grants and low interest loans, Tian'an has planned a grand exhibition in Kaizhou.

The Honest Engagement Leads to Prosperity Exhibition, or HELP Expo, will highlight leading Yingdalan companies, non-profit organizations, experts, and government officials who can best assist nations in the Eastern Hemisphere develop their economies. Officials in Tian'an believe that Yingdala must engage in two-way communication with the nations of the East. It is could to conduct direct outreach, but it is equally good to invite other countries to Yingdala to witness for themselves the power of development.

"We have an excellent story to tell," says Jiang Bo, the executive director of Yingdala Aid. Ms. Jiang goes on to say, "Decades ago, Yingdala was a backwater. However, through native ingenuity and technical advice from others, we were able to develop ourselves and strengthen our nation. Today, we are among the most prosperous in Terra. We wish for the Eastern Hemisphere to attain such a level."

Experts agree that Yingdala is uniquely poised to assist, however, Tian'an must continue to hammer down on their sovereignty message. One leading think tanker said, "The East is not naturally inclined to take Yingdala's help. We were their overlords for hundreds of years as the largest colonial empire in Terran history. We controlled more land than Hulstria and Gao-Soto, Luthori, and Zardugal. That is saying something. Tian'an must use its work within EDO to make up for imperialism and colonialism to help ensure that every nation in the Eastern Hemisphere is sovereign. That will assure economic prosperity for all."

Indeed, economic prosperity is yet another reason for Yingdala's actions. It has the capital necessary to help the nations of the Eastern Hemisphere advance on their own terms. Plus given Tian'an's "no strings attached" approach, it allows foreign governments to make the best decisions for their country and people. Moreover, if the Eastern Hemsiphere could adequately develop, trade and investment would increase with Yingdala by billions, perhaps trillions, of INS. The Grand Union can better itself, both economically and defensively, through a strong East.

Hopefully, the nations of the Eastern Hemisphere will be willing to send delegations to Kaizhou, the most advanced and modern city in Yingdala, to see the wonders of Yingdala's development, and make the deals necessary to further their countries' prosperity.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 18, 2020 6:40 pm

Yingdala Conducts Naval Exercises in South Ocean and Freedom of Navigation Operations in Northern Hemisphere

Black Tortoise fleet ships sail in international waters around Seleya (OOC Source: CIMSEC)

A growing trend in Yingdalan foreign policy is emerging. Tian'an has been actively engaging nations in the Northern Hemsiphere, particularly Keris, and the West and South, particularly Seleya. Furthermore, the Grand Union has sought to strengthen ties with nations in the East by offering development assistance. This has created a plethora of interests beneficial to the Yingdalan economy, including an effective restoration of the Jade Route. As such, Yingdala relies upon an open commons for trade for all, necessitating a demonstration of Yingdala's resolve to defend itself; hence naval exercises in the South Ocean and a freedom of navigation operation around Seleya. Both exercises took place in international waters and took all measures to avoid other vessels and maintain safety.

The South Ocean exercises coincided with the creation of the South Ocean Fleet, which will be moored in the State of Han and have responsibility for the entire Southern Ocean. This does not mean the fleet will constantly be on patrol or violate the sovereignty of other nations touching the South Ocean. Rather, the new fleet seeks to make the Yingdalan Navy more effective at defending Yingdala's sovereignty.

Overall, the exercises were deemed a success. They focused on three important areas, all largely linked to trade: anti-submarine warfare, anti-piracy/contraband measures, and interdiction. Though considered, live rounds were not used during the exercises. The South Ocean fleet conducted both on and "off-ship" operations, using helicopters and testing submarine capabilities. Of the three training categories, anti-submarine warfare and interdiction were given the most focus, with leading naval officers preferring to demonstrate strength in these two areas as a deterrent to piracy. It is also rumored that Tian'an wants to make these exercises a yearly event and include allies Vorona, Talmoria, Baltusia, Gaduridos, Rildanor, and Aldegar in the process. The exercises could also alternate between Seleyan/Dovani allies and Zoo Alliance allies, demonstrating that these nations want free and open seas so that all can prosper and enjoy sovereignty.

Free and open seas are obviously extremely important to Yingdala's economy. Although it has a vibrant domestic economy, it is still reliant upon trade. Disruption to trade routes would seriously slow Yingdala's economic growth and reduce prosperity. To hammer this point home, His Imperial and Royal Highness Crown Prince-Regent Yu Gong ordered the Black Tortoise Fleet to circumnavigate Seleya, remaining in international waters, as a freedom of navigation exercises. This peaceful expedition will show Terra that the Yingdalan Navy will protect its shipping against pirates and other nefarious actions who might want to disrupt trade, in addition to the right of all nations to operate in international waters.

The Black Tortoise Fleet's freedom of navigation mission was followed by a statement from the Ministry of War, "encourag[ing] all nations to exercise their right to use international waters for trade and other peaceful pursuits."

Perhaps its is the South and the East that are more stable than the North...
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jul 18, 2020 8:20 pm

Ying Han Proclaims! TDI Stands for Tyrannical Despots Incorporated

Can you believe it? Can you believe that the so-called "Terran Democracy Index" - TDI for short - gave the Grand Union of Yingdala a "hybrid regime" rating (as if that was a bad thing)? They made it all red to look bad: "Oooh, Yingdala is a red nation. Be scared! They are the devil!" But do you know what TDI really stands for? Tyrannical Despots Incorporated.

Yeah, those idiots at TDI are probably some Western educated hotshots from Hutori or Luthori who saw a documentary on Seko tea culture and thought, "Yeah, I am a specialist in Gao-Showa values now. I am going to go tell them what to do!" What pieces of work. They think they can barge around Terra telling us how to be? Guess what - Yingdala is a "hybrid" regime. We blend the best of the East and the West, the North and the South, to do the best job for our people. We can't help it if others are not as good as us. Why would we won't to be like the disgusting Kazulians, Hutorians, and Istalians that endorse incest? These countries are saying that it is okay for moms and dads to have relations with their children! Are you kidding me!? They should be promoted as paragons of Terran society? Come on!

Tyrannical Despots Incorporated is more interested in spewing their nonsense to make everyone the same as an Artanian nation. They will impose their will on others, probably through a World Congress "peacekeeping" mission, which would probably end up creating a war instead of peace, and engage in neo-imperialism. We have seen this game. It plays out in the "Northern Council" - bet you all forgot that you originally had to ask Yingdala to create the first one - among other nefarious organizations. They are all hypocrites.

Our magnanimous and benevolent Son of Heaven can invite Tyrannical Despots International in to observe our elections, but we all know they won't be satisfied. We should just kick them out and tell it like it is. We are Yingdala and we are not going to change for anyone.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 19, 2020 11:35 am

Yingdala Pens New Trade Deals, Desires Free Trade with Rest of Keris, Seleya, and Dovani

Yingdalan trade negotiators meet with Lodamese officials to finalize trade deal (OOC Source: Al Jazeera)

An Eastern trading bloc is forming, centered on Yingdala. After years of diplomacy, efforts are starting to bear fruit. Tian'an has provisionally agreed to a number of trade deals with Kizenia and New Endralon and Lodamun, and has opened negotiations with Egelion, Dolgavia, Likatonia, and Alduria. These deals, once ratified, will boost their respective economies and further diversify sources of Yingdalan exports and imports. Officials, of course, very much desire free trade with the rest of the Eastern Hemisphere.

Like previous trade agreements, the new deals with Kizenia and New Endralon and Lodamun follow a typical format. This creates consistency and predictability, allowing businesses to easily adapt and take advantage of the situation. Further, the agreements will bring Yingdala closer to both nations, establishing a positive foundation for future relations, should the parties agree to expand them in the future. Another feature of these deals are the cooperative exchanges on education. Such exchanges are near and dear to Yingdala's heart and form the basis for their soft power diplomacy. Many believe that if the peoples of other countries can get to know and understand Yingdalans and Yingdala, relations will then always be peaceful.

Beyond Kizenia and New Endralon and Lodamun, Yingdala is pursuing similar deals with Egelion, Dolgavia, Likatonia, and Alduria. It is highly likely that these trade deals will be successful, further opening another four countries to Yingdalan goods and services, as well as cultural diplomacy. These benefits, as always, are vice versa. Nations will be able to maximize their access to Yingdala, creating closer ties and interdependence that will reduce the likelihood of conflict.

Tian'an has also contacted the rest of the nations in Seleya, including Saridan and Valruzia. Kanjor and Tukarali have been contacted in the past, although it is unlikely that they will respond to new overtures. Kalistan and Yingdala have already agreed in principle to restore the Fraternal Affinity Community Agreement. Thus, the potential for an effective Eastern Hemisphere bloc of trading nations is very possible. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

If Yingdala were able to pull off its trading ambitions, economic development and cultural interaction across the Eastern Hemisphere would explode with benefits for all. It could also help the Eastern Development Organization focus its efforts on the post-colonial world, the region it was designed to help. Unfortunately, it is expected that Kazulia will refrain from joining such a group of nations, as they have rarely ever responded to Yingdalan diplomacy. Regardless, Tian'an and the people of the Grand Union are willing to light the fire for the dream of a common destiny for the East. May Heaven bless it!
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 19, 2020 3:40 pm

Yingdalan Cultural Diplomacy Reaches New Heights with Yingdalan Academies and Rildanor State Visit

A Yingdalan Academy holds a language and culture class for children (OOC Source: University of Maryland)

Since the program began, the Agreement to Establish Yingdalan Academies has been ratified by 20% of Terra's non-colonial nations. According to these agreements, the Yingdalan Academies will serve as language centers and hubs for Yingdalan culture. Already, millions of Terrans have been trained in the Yingdalan language, expanding business opportunities for their respective nations, while even more have been exposed to the core of Yingdalan art, music, philosophy, and history. These successes will no doubt lead to increased efforts to encourage all nations to ratify the Agreement to Establish Yingdalan Academies.

With increased ratification, the nations of Terra will be able to better learn about who the Yingdalan people are. For example, Lin Zhelan, the fifth place winner and Yingdala's entry to FOMAT, will be touring currently existing Yingdalan Academies. People all over the world will have a chance to listen to a mix of contemporary and traditional Yingdalan music, which best exemplifies what Yingdala is today. Moreover, the Yingdalan Academy Program is planning (tentative) exhibits on the likely World Congress Human Rights Declaration. These exhibitions will no doubt demonstrate Yingdala's critical role in promoting human rights globally, as well as show how Yingdalan values are represented as human rights. We are told that the title of the exhibit will be, "Universal Values are Yingdalan Values."

Beyond the Yingdalan Academies, Tian'an has arranged a number of cultural exchange programs across the globe. Perhaps most recently is the cultural association between Rildanor and Yingdala. Building upon their already close relationship, the Government of Rildanor proposed greater cultural ties with the Grand Union. To inaugurate the deepening of cultural ties, the former Queen of Rildanor (when she was reigning as Queen) conducted a state visit to Yingdala, where she met with the Crown Prince-Regent and other Yingdalan cultural leaders. The Rildanorian delegation was able to try out Yingdalan calligraphy, playing the Yingdalan flute, and witnessed a number of events including a Yingdalan opera and even a traditional wedding ceremony.

All in all, cultural diplomacy is at the heart of Yingdala's foreign policy. By understanding Yingdala, Terra can be at peace.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:11 pm

Heavenly Chariot Collapses, New Son of Heaven Ascends the Dragon Throne

Son of Heaven Yu Gong points to loyal ministers during his enthronement speech (OOC Source: 365j)

The Heavenly Chariot has collapsed and now Yu Li is the Emperor of the Great Journey. The founder of modern Yingdala, the restorer of our culture and traditions, now ascends to Heaven in a chariot led by yellow dragons. There, He will rest with his ancestors, the gods and goddesses, and Shangdi, the Highest God. The Emperor of the Great Journey was buried in a mausoleum in the Royal Family Tombs outside of Tian'an. In attendance were members of the Royal Clan and the Court. All traditional rites were followed, carried out by the new Son of Heaven, Yu Gong. A new chapter for Yingdala will now begin.

Upon arriving at the Heavenly Palace, His Majesty Son of Heaven Yu Gong made his enthronement oath at the coronation ceremony, which was kept closed to the public:
I, Gong, just a single man in Terra, follow in the footsteps of my ancestors who were just and led the people to wealth. They did not seek to punish the people, but treated them as their children with sincerity and impartiality. They became glorious in the sight of Heaven. Their officers were like tigers and their ministers virtuous. They helped to maintain and uphold the House of Yu, and thus Yingdala. Their high morals and abilities were blessed by Heaven. It is through this Heavenly Mandate that we rule, rule for the sake of the people. I ask all of you to help me uphold the royal house and Yingdala so that our people may benefit.

The Emperor of the Great Journey set the foundation for Yingdala's renewal. I will follow his path and carry out his wishes to restore Yingdala to its true place in Terra and to ensure its traditions are restored across the board. We will continue modernizing out military, advancing our economy, and promote our culture. We will not rest until the people are secure in virtue. To do this, after the three year mourning period, Yingdala will engage in ambitious political reforms that will lead Yingdala into the future.

His Majesty is certainly nothing like his father. While the Emperor of the Great Journey was content to allow His ministers and the Grand Assembly to govern the nation, the Son of Heaven is far more willing to engage in His role. It is likely that, while Yingdala will continue to have a constitution, the Grand Union will allow its monarch to have real executive authority. Yingdala will likely return to its past of powerful monarchs, a trend that appears to be gaining steam across Terra.

To further cement Yingdala's eventual changes, for the first time in thousands of years, the Son of Heaven held a military parade to commemorate his enthronement. Such a parade coinciding with an enthronement ceremony has not taken place since the days of ancient Yingdala, before the unification. These displays were demonstrations of the monarchs power and the loyalty of the military, deterring any possible usurpers. Today, this parade has a different meaning.

Yingdala's most advanced weapons and troops were on display. Fly overs brought constant joy to crowds as aircraft released fireworks, while even a naval parade took place in Yingdala's South Ocean territorial waters. Indeed, deterrence was still part of this parade, only instead of domestic deterrence, the parade was a warning to other countries that Yingdala will defend itself if attacked and will not bend to the likely criticism of Yingdala's changes.

Terra will now witness a truly traditional Yingdala.
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