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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:30 pm
by Axxell
Istalian Edition
Il Presidente Yassen risponde all'opposizione Jelbaniana: "Che risparmino Jelbania da politiche populiste di odio e risentimento!"
Intanto il Presidente ha annunciato l'intenzione di convocare le massime istituzioni Zardiche, Vanukeane ed addirittura Deltariane in una riunione altamente riservata

ROMULA - Dopo Vanuku è l'Istalia a rispondere alle forti critiche sollevate dalla Casa Spencer, quello che viene visto da molti come la recrudescenza dell'antico segmento di popolazione luthoranizzata che dominò Jelbania secoli e secoli or sono sotto l'allora Dinastia Imperiale dei Kennedy e quindi dei Sebastian.

Dopo tanti secoli per molti è stata una sorpresa vedere una famiglia non Jelbica riuscire ad emergere ed ad organizzarsi politicamente ma d'altronde, dicono altri, la guerra civile Jelbaniana di inizio secolo ha scosso terribilmente le antiche élite Jelbiche, ridotte a dominare le zone più interne ed impervie di Jelbania mentre nell'est l'altamente urbanizzata Libera Repubblica sembra essere divenuta il vero cuore politico e sociale della Confederazione permettendo alla ristretta comunità "jelbanien" (in Jelbico: "Jelbénkai", che vuol dire letteralmente "Uomo Straniero"), concentratasi ormai nelle zone più sviluppate del paese, di riuscire a ritrovare spazio nella vita sociale e politica del Paese.

Approfittando proprio di questa ripresa dei Jelbanien, Horace Spencer sembra essere sbarcato in Jelbania come un novello conquistatore straniero pronto ad utilizzare le più populistiche delle tattiche per attirare la simpatia dell'elettorato della Libera Repubblica, la più popolosa delle entità della Confederazione e quella che dunque ha il maggior peso demografico e politico. Tra i declami populistici della Casa Spencer è emerso un particolare astio verso le nazioni straniere, in primis Vanuku e Deltaria, che hanno mantenuto notevole influenza rispettivamente nel nord e nel sud, e quindi l'Istalia accusata di essere responsabile delle condizioni in cui versa il Paese, soprattutto a seguito della crisi economica che ha attanagliato il continente e che ha visto Jelbania soffrirne particolarmente.
La Casa Spencer ha annunciato che, in caso di vittoria elettorale, sarà pronta a mettere in atto espropri e requisizioni nei confronti dei beni appartenenti a nazioni, imprenditori e società estere presenti in Jelbania, minacciando addirittura i lavori forzati per i cittadini stranieri, e quindi ha detto che costringerà l'Istalia a pagare per i supposti danni causati a Jelbania ed alla sua economia.

Il Presidente Yassen, piuttosto duramente, ha risposto alla Casa Spencer semplicemente di cercare altrove i suoi spauracchi e capri espiatori ed ha fortemente criticato le becere dichiarazioni populistiche che gli Spencer stanno diffondendo sul panorama politico Jelbaniano, considerati dal Presidente Yassen come un rischio per la stessa stabilità ritrovata della Confederazione Jelbaniana la quale non ha affatto bisogno di politiche populistiche dominate da odio e risentimento.

Inoltre, il Presidente ha annunciato che a breve inviterà le più alte cariche istituzionali di Zardugal, Vanuku e Deltaria in un incontro riservato durante il quale sicuramente verrà affrontata anche questa nuova situazione emersa in Jelbania. "Anche", poiché sembra che la Casa Spencer non sarà l'argomento centrale di un meeting sul quale Palazzo Quattroregni non si è lasciata sfuggire troppi dettagli se non che si discuterà in primis di sicurezza ed interessi continentali.

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President Yassen replies to the Jelbanian opposition: "Let save Jelbania from populist policies of hatred and resentment!"
Meanwhile, the President announced his intention to convene the Zardic, Vanukean and even Deltarian highest institutions in a highly confidential meeting

ROMULA - After Vanuku it's Istalia that responds to the strong criticism raised by the Spencer House, what is seen by many as the resurgence of the ancient luthoranized jelbanian segment of population that dominated Jelbania centuries and centuries ago under the then Imperial Dynasty of the Kennedys and then of the Sebastians.

After many centuries for many it was a surprise to see a non-Jelbic family succeed in emerging and organizing themselves politically but, moreover, others say, the Jelbanian civil war of the beginning of the century tremendously shocked the ancient Jelbic élites, reduced to dominate the most inland and inaccessible territories in Jelbania while in the east the highly urbanized Free Republic seems to have become the true political and social heart of the Confederation allowing the restricted "jelbanien" community (in Jelbic: "Jelbénkai", which literally means "Foreign Man"), now concentrated in the most developed areas of the country, to be able to find space in the social and political life of the country.

Taking advantage of this recovery of the Jelbanien, Horace Spencer seems to have landed in Jelbania as a new foreign conqueror ready to use the most populist tactics to attract the sympathy of the Free Republic electorate, the most populous of the Confederation entities and therefore the one which has the greatest demographic and political weight. Among the populist declines of the House Spencer has emerged a particular resentment towards foreign nations, above all Vanuku and Deltaria, which have maintained considerable influence respectively in the north and south of the country, and therefore Istalia accused of being responsible for the conditions in which is the Country, especially as a result of the economic crisis that has gripped the continent and that has seen Jelbania particularly suffer.
The House Spencer has announced that, in the event of an election victory, will be ready to put into place expropriations and requisitions against the assets belonging to foreign nations, entrepreneurs and companies present in Jelbania, threatening even the forced labor for foreign citizens, and then he said that he will force Istalia to pay for the alleged damages caused to Jelbania and its economy.

President Yassen, rather harshly, has responded to the House Spencer simply that they have to look elsewhere for his bogeymen and scapegoats and has strongly criticized the pungent populist statements that Spencer are spreading on the Jelbanian political landscape, considered by President Yassen as a risk to the same stability found in the Jelbanian Confederation which does not need populist policies dominated by hatred and resentment.

In addition, the President announced that he will soon invite the highest institutional offices of Zardugal, Vanuku and Deltaria in a private meeting during which certainly this new situation emerged in Jelbania will also be addressed. "Also", since it seems that the Spencer House will not be the central topic of a meeting about which Quattroregni Palace did not let loose too many details, except that it will be discussed primarily security and continental interests.

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:36 pm
by Axxell
Istalian Edition
Villareale blindata per ospitare le potenze Majatrane
Nel cuore della Sarregna la reggia degli antichi Re d'Istalia è stata scelta per ospitare il riservatissimo incontro tra i capi di stato e di governo annunciato pochi mesi fa dal President Yassen

VILLAREALE - L'Ufficio stampa della Presidenza della Repubblica ha stamattina annunciato ufficialmente il luogo che vedrà i vertici delle potenze Majatrane venire accolte dal Presidente Yassen e dal Ministro degli Esteri Riccardo Morelli: la splendida Reggia di Villareale, immersa nella campagna Sarregnola, nel nord della provincia di Eristano, edificata a partire dal 1788 per volere di Arturo Gabriele I, sovrano dell'allora Regno d'Istalia.

Le misure di sicurezza, ha precisato Palazzo Quattroregni, saranno altissime e tutta la Reggia ed il suo immenso parco saranno completamente chiusi al pubblico e posti sotto la sorveglianza di oltre 2000 tra agenti della Gendarmeria Nazionale, della Polizia di Stato e dei servizi d'Intelligence della Repubblica. L'incontro avverrà infatti a porte chiuse ed a nessun nessun giornalista e tantomeno estranei sarà permesso di avvicinarsi alla Reggia.

Nessuna notizia ulteriore invece è stata fornita riguardo i temi che saranno affrontati durante il meeting, ma di certo al centro dei dibattiti vi sarà Jelbania, la crisi economica majatrana, l'Unione delle Nazioni Majatrane e quindi temi legati alla sicurezza ed agli interessi continentali che sembra potrebbero monopolizzare i dibattiti. L'Invito sembra essere sia stato rivolto in primis a Vanuku, Deltaria e Zardugal, anche se il Presidente della Repubblica ha invitato rappresentati dei Governi delle nazioni più in vista del continente. L'invito più recente è stato rivolto a Cildania e nei prossimi giorni si sospetta che anche Beiteynu e Cobura possano essere invitati all'incontro. Dubbi invece riguardo l'accoglienza per Selucia e Jelbania: nel primo caso l'Istalia sembrerebbe volere rispettare anche troppo zelantemente la volontà di neutralità e tendenziale isolazionismo agognati da Auroria mentre riguardo a Jelbania, l'Istalia teme che le imminenti elezioni generali potrebbero vedere la salita al potere di un movimento politico aggressivo e xenofobo all'interno del fragile framework politico della Confederazione, considerata da molti come una instabile soluzione giunta al seguito di un immane shock dal quale però si potrebbero risvegliare vecchi rancori, divisioni e nuovi rischi per la pace continentale.

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Villareale locked down to host the Majatran powers
In the heart of Sarregna the royal palace of the ancient kings of Istalia has been chosen to host the highly confidential meeting between heads of state and government announced a few months ago by President Yassen

VILLAREALE - The Press Office of the Presidency of the Republic officially announced this morning the place that will see the highest officials of the Majatran powers be welcomed by President Yassen and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Riccardo Morelli: the splendid Palace of Villareale, in the heart of the Sarregnan countryside, in the north of province of Eristano, built starting in 1788 by Arturo Gabriele I, ruler of the then Kingdom of Istalia.

The security measures, said Quattroregni Palace, will be very high and the entire Palace and its huge park will be completely closed to the public and placed under the surveillance of over 2000 agents of the National Gendarmerie, the State Police and Intelligence services of the Republic. The meeting will take place behind closed doors and no journalist, let alone strangers, will be allowed to approach the Palace.

No further news was provided about the topics that will be addressed during the meeting, but certainly at the center of the debates will be Jelbania, the majatran economic crisis, the Union of Majatran Nations and therefore issues related to continental security and interests that it seems they could monopolize the debates. The invitation seems to have been addressed primarily to Vanuku, Deltaria and Zardugal, although the President of the Republic has invited representatives of the Governments of the most prominent nations of the continent. The most recent invitation was addressed to Cildania and in the coming days it is suspected that Beiteynu and Cobura also could be invited to the meeting. Doubts instead about the reception for Selucia and Jelbania: in the first case, Istlaia would seem to want to respect too zealously the desire for neutrality and tendential isolationism coveted by Auroria while regarding Jelbania, Istalia fears that the upcoming general elections could see the rise to the power of an aggressive and xenophobic political movement within the fragile political framework of the Confederation, considered by many to be an unstable solution following an immense shock from which, however, old grievances, divisions and new risks for continental peace could be awakened.

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:32 am
by Axxell
Istalian Edition
Istalia propone Mattia Renzo come candidato per le prime elezioni presidenziali dell'Unione delle Nazioni Mjatrane
La vittoria elettorale della Casa Spencer in Jelbania ha spinto il Presidente Yassen a distanziarsi dal candidato Jelbaniano, sostenuto da diverse altre nazioni Majatrane, ed a proporre un proprio candidato: "la nuova maggioranza in Jelbania non può garantire un Governo collaborativo ed aperto a lavorare con le altre nazioni majatrane"

ROMULA - All'indomani delle elezioni generali in Jelbania, la Presidenza della Repubblica conferma che non l'invito alla Conferenza di Villareale non sarà esteso al Governo di Rklemjistad ed inoltre il Presidente Yassen ha fatto cadere qualsiasi possibilità di supporto istaliano per il candidato Jelbaniano alla Presidenza dell'Unione delle Nazioni Majatrane, la cui prima elezione si terrà a breve, per proporre un candidato Istaliano, ovvero l'attuale Primo Ministro Mattia Renzo.

Precentemente, a seguito di un intenso dialogo con il Governo di Cildania, l'Istalia aveva dato la propria disponibilità a sostenere il candidato Jelbaniano, supportato proprio da Cildania e quindi da Vanuku, ma non appena la notizia della vittoria della Casa Spencer alle elezioni Jelbaniane di Agosto è giunta in Istalia, il Presidente ha ritirato prontamente il proprio supporto per avanzare un candidato Istaliano.

A seguito delle elezioni in Jelbania è caduta anche ogni speranza di vedere un rappresentate del Governo Jelbaniano venire invitato alla Conferenza di Villareale, veto avanzato da Yassen a seguito delle tensioni crescenti con quella che era l'opposizione in Jelbania.
Durante la Conferenza sicuramente l'Istalia spingerà affinché anche Cildania e Vanuku cambino idea riguardo il candidato Jelbaniano per creare un nocciolo duro di nazioni convinte della bontà della nuova organizzazione.
Yassen ha già dichiarato che il compito principale del futuro Presidente sarà il passaggio di consegne tra UNM e l'Alleanza Majatrana e per sostenerlo ha annunciato che i partiti Istaliani Alleanza Radicale e Fronte Democratico si sono già accordati per formare un Gruppo Parlamentare nella Grande Assemblea dell'Unione, il "Grand Partito Progressista di Majatra", che non solo sarà una formazione di centro-sinistra aperta a tutti i partiti progressisti e di sinistra del continente, ma anche il maggiore sostenitore in un passaggio di consegne graduale e progressivo tra le due organizzazioni.

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Istalia proposes Mattia Renzo as its candidate for the first Union of Mjatran Nations' Presidential elections
The electoral victory of the Spencer House in Jelbania prompted President Yassen to distance himself from the Jelbanian candidate, supported by several other Majatran nations, and to propose his own candidate: "the new majority in Jelbania can not guarantee a collaborative government open to work with the other majatran nations "

ROMULA - In the aftermath of the general elections in Jelbania, the Presidency of the Republic confirms that the invitation to the Villareale Conference will not be extended to the Government of Rklemjistad and furthermore President Yassen has dropped any possibility of istalian support for the Jelbanian candidate to the presidency of the Union of Majatran Nations, whose first election will be held shortly, to propose an Istalian candidate, namely the current Prime Minister Mattia Renzo.

Previously, following an intense dialogue with the Government of Cildania, Istalia had given its readiness to support the Jelbanian candidate, supported by Cildania and then by Vanuku, but as soon as the news of the victory of the Spencer House in the Jelbanian elections in August arrived in Istalia, the President promptly withdrew his support to advance an Istalian candidate.

Following the elections in Jelbania, all hopes of seeing a representative of the Jelban government to attend the Villareale Conference desappeared, a veto advanced by Yassen following the growing tensions with the at the time opposition in Jelbania.
During the Conference surely Istalia will push so that Cildania and Vanuku change their mind about the Jelbanian candidate to create a hard core of nations convinced of the goodness of the new organization.
Yassen has already stated that the main task of the future President will be the transfer of deliveries between UNM and the Majatran Alliance and to support it announced that the Istalian parties Radical Alliance and Democratic Front have already agreed to form a Parliamentary Group in the Grand Assembly of the Union, the "Grand Progressive Party of Majatra", which will not only be a center-left formation open to all progressive and leftist parties of the continent, but also the major supporter in a gradual and progressive deliveries between the two organizations.

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 11:59 am
by TheUnicorn.

The ULD's council president, Alessandro Armani, wnats the PND and ULD to cooperate in the upcoming elections

The Liberal Democrats are looking forward to the next elections to see how well their current leadership structure will work, without one central figure in the party, with the focus instead shifted to the collective and with the faces of the party coming from activity and actual, non-partisan support, rather than internal struggles within the ULD. People from outside the party's main structures such as Omar Khan or Sonia Ingrao. That will be important before the presidential preelections will start in the ULD, with the candidates ranging from a few members of the very large Quanzari minority in the ULD to the "old guard", such as Fahd al-Assen or Ines Vinecci to the breakout youth sensations, Roberto Volta, former senate whip, the youngest in the party's long history, or Silvia Manfrin, the granddaughter of the late Adriano Manfrin, former deputy chairperson of the party and minister of Infrastructure and Transport. Who knows, maybe even a Vespa-Baldassare will pop up, with Francesca quickly rising in the youth wing's ranks.

Meanwhile, however, Alessandro Armani, president of the party, a former university professor and a respected economist, invited the National Democrats to cooperate with the Liberal Democrats to form a coalition which will be able to be a viable alternative for the left-wing alliance, consisting of the AR, FD and PdA. In his opinion, the parties should choose a common presidential candidate for both rounds.

We must fight back and resist whatever the left wishes to turn our country into. Their overprotective attitude will no harm the "elites", as they surely wish to do, to brew hatred towards them among our citizens, just to get more votes, more power, to win elections and destroy this nation even more. No, they will harm the poor, and they are aware of that; they will make them even poorer and use that, blaming the liberals, the rich, initiating even further hatred. We must fight against prejudices, we must fight against hatred and discrimination. For that, I invite the Nationalists to work with us and defeat the leftists, hopefully once and for all. We may have to have a single candidate in the elections or form an electoral alliance; I don't know, but what I am aware of is that we must work together.

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 2:10 pm
by TheUnicorn.

Roberto Volta, 38, former senator, currently a member of the Chamber of Deputies and the ULD's Parliamentary Deputy Chairperson, was chosen to lead the cabinet

The ULD's council of Secretaries, together with a few members of the political commission (the body which writes the ULD's program) chose Roberto Volta, the Deputy Chairperson, as the party's candidate for Prime Minister. Maybe not that well known, and without much actual political experience, but Volta is seen as an important figure within the party, with a lot of support in the Congress. Choosing him, however, was seen as an upset for Amir al-Iskenderid, another young politician, who, although being a polarizing figure, is probably the most popular figure within the party, with the likes of Marco Pelosi, candidate for minister of Finance and Secretary close behind. The level of al-Iskenderid's support in the Congress is rather unknown, though, so assuming that t isn't actually that high, the decision could be natural. Al-Iskenderid is also younger than Volta and never held any actual post, unlike Volta, who was in the city council in Siracosa which he comes from, which would both be viable reasons.

al-Iskenderid is also more radical, and his stances could scare the ULD's ptential partners away

The ULD's candidates for ministers in the possible future government:

Roberto Volta - Prime Minister
Marco Pelosi - Minister of Finance
Aadil el-Jabour - Minister of Justice
Omar Khan - Minister of Infrastructure & Transport
Sonia Ingrao - Minister of Health & Social Services
Silvia Manfrin - Minister of Science & Technology
Lodovico Garbarino - Minister of Trade & Industry

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:58 am
by Nichola
ANGONA - L'assemblea nazionale del Fronte Democratico ha approvato la mozione presentata da Eusebio Letto che anticipa di un anno lo svolgimento del Congresso nazionale del FD, con quest'anticipo si evita di svolgere il Congresso nello stesso anno delle elezioni.
Il Congresso del 4433 seguirà a quello del 4417 che elesse Augustina Gentile-Silvero, al tempo ci furono 2 schieramenti a sfidarsi per la leadership del Partito: i Liberali ed i Socialisti capeggiati rispettivamente da Augustina Gentile-Silvero ed Eusebio Letto, ora la situazione è cambiata e ad oggi gli schieramenti dichiarati sono i seguenti:
- Renzoiani, questo schieramento è capeggiato da Luigi Turrini ed è lo schieramento che fa riferimento a Mattia Renzo.
- Socialisti, schieramento storico e si ripresenta al Congresso con Eusebio Letto.
- Liberali, altro schieramento storico ma fortemente ridimensionato a causa della creazione della corrente "Renzoiana". Guidati da Augustina Gentile-Silvero.
- Federalisti, nuovo schieramento che fa riferimento a Naomi El-Saledin ed è lo schieramento che vorrebbe trasformare il FD in un partito totalmente federalista.
- Ambientalisti, un'altro nuovo schieramento di cui Lucia Mercalli ne è leader, vorrebbero marcare le politiche a favore dell'ambiente del FD che - secondo Mercalli - Renzo e Gentile-Silvero hanno dimenticato.
L'ultimo sondaggio mostra questo scenario:
- REN: 41%
- SOC: 26%
- LIB: 12%
- AMB: 12%
- FED: 9%
Quindi per la prima volta nella storia del FD potrebbe esserci ricorso al secondo turno per l'elezione di una nuova leadership, per sapere se accadrà occorre aspettare fino al 04/02/4431, data indicata dall'assemblea dem per il Congresso.
ANGONA - The National Assembly of the Democratic Front has approved the motion presented by Eusebio Letto that anticipates a year the National Congress of the FD, with this advance it avoids to hold the Congress in the same year of the elections.
The 4433 Congress will follow that of 4417 that elected Augustina Gentile-Silvero, at the time there were 2 sides to challenge for the leadership of the Party: the Liberals and the Socialists headed by Augustina Gentile-Silvero and Eusebio Letto respectively, now the situation is changed and today the sides declared are the following:
- Renzoiani, this side is headed by Luigi Turrini and is the line that refers to Mattia Renzo.
- Socialists, historical side and will reappear at the Congress with Eusebio Letto.
- Liberals, another historical line but strongly resized due to the creation of the "Renzoian" current. Led by Augustina Gentile-Silvero.
- Federalists, the new line that refers to Naomi El-Saledin and is the line that would transform the FD into a totally federalist party.
- Environmentalists, another new line of which Lucia Mercalli is leader, would like to mark policies in favor of the environment of the FD that - according to Mercalli - Renzo and Gentile-Silvero have forgotten.
The latest survey shows this scenario:
- REN: 41%
- SOC: 26%
- LIB: 12%
- ENV: 12%
- FED: 9%
So for the first time in the history of the FD there could be recourse to the second round for the election of a new leadership, to know if it will happen you have to wait until 04/02/4433, the date indicated by the assembly for the Congress.

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 6:57 pm
by Maxington

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 8:29 am
by Rogue

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 5:43 pm
by Nichola
ANGONA - Il 4 febbraio 4433 si è svolto il Congresso Nazionale del Fronte Democratico per l'elezione della nuova Assemblea del partito e della nuova Direzione di partito.
Ricordiamo i candidati alla carica di Presidente, Luigi Turrini per la fazione Renzoista, Eusebio Letto per i Socialisti, Augustina Gentile-Silvero per i Liberali, Naomi El-Saledin per il movimento Federalista ed infine Lucia Mercalli, leader degli Ambientalisti. I sondaggi hanno previsto la vittoria dei Renzoisti con una percentuale circa che si aggira al 40% non sufficiente però per essere eletto al primo turno. In caso di secondo turno la sfida dovrebbe essere tra Turrini e Letto.
Vediamo i risultati ufficiali:
- Luigi Turrini (REN): 1,897,100 - 37,51% - 80 seggi
- Eusebio Letto (SOC): 1,253,811 - 24,79% - 50 seggi
- Lucia Mercalli (AMB): 777,970 - 15,38% - 24 seggi
- Augustina Gentile-Silvero (LIB): 582,101 - 11,51% - 20 seggi
- Naomi El-Saledin (FED): 546,218 - 10,8% - 26 seggi

Procedono al secondo turno Turrini e Letto essendo i due candidati con il maggior numero di voti, vediamo i risultati del secondo turno:

-Turrini: 2,489,201 - 54,7%
-Letto: 2,061,781 - 45,3%

Turrini viene eletto Presidente del Fronte Democratico mentre Rala El-Sharibb viene eletta Segretario del FD

Il neoeletto Luigi Turrini
Newly elect Luigi Turrini

ANGONA - On 4 February 4433 the National Congress of the Democratic Front took place for the election of the new Assembly of the party and the new Party Direction.
We remember you the candidates for the office of President, Luigi Turrini for the Renzoista faction, Eusebio Read for Socialists, Augustina Gentile-Silvero for the Liberals, Naomi El-Saledin for the Federalist movement and finally Lucia Mercalli, leader of the Environmentalists. The polls have predicted the victory of the Renzoists with a percentage that is about 40% not enough to be elected in the first round. In the event of a second round the challenge should be between Turrini and Letto.
Let's see the official results:
- Luigi Turrini (REN): 1,897,100 - 37.51% - 80 seats
- Eusebio Letto (SOC): 1,253,811 - 24.79% - 50 seats
- Lucia Mercalli (AMB): 777.970 - 15.38% - 24 seats
- Augustina Gentile-Silvero (LIB): 582.101 - 11.51% - 20 seats
- Naomi El-Saledin (FED): 546,218 - 10.8% - 26 seats

Proceed to the second round Turrini and Letto being the two candidates with the most votes, lets' see the results of the second round:

- Turrini: 2,489,201 - 54.7%
- Letto: 2,061,781 - 45.3%

Turrini is elected President of the Democratic Front while Rala El-Sharibb is elected Secretary of the FD.

Re: Corriere d'Istalia

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:22 pm
by 13ShinyTie
The PND tides have changed! Conservative wing reclaims slight victory over opportunists!
Minister of Education and Culture Juliana Vespa-Baldassare (54) is new PND leader!

Alessandro Bencivenni has been fighting until the end but after his final defeat in the presidential race and mediocre parliamentary results, he has stepped down together with his Vice-Leader Bella Azurri, which has sealed the fate of the opportunist wing of the PND for now. The results of working together with the left were incredible at first but soon the friction was unavoidable and the break happened when the left "without the agreement of the people", according to Bencivenni, entered into "slavery" of the Union of Majatra. The Union and consequential actions of the left with a minority government in place, specifically the increase in the VAT for luxury goods, has according to right-wing economists caused the economic crisis which now the ULD led government with its "newfound" yet truly old ally PND and the PdA was tasked by the people to overcome. Currently, the results of hard work are not showing but consultations show that there is indeed a plan for the next legislature which would allow Istalia to fully recover "within five years" according to the Minister of Finance di Nero. The presence of the PND in the Foreign Office has shown itself in the remarkable absence of Istalia in foreign politics as problems at home dominate the agenda.

Following Bencivenni's resignation, one person has stepped up more than anyone: Minister of Education Juliana Vespa-Baldassare. Daughter of the last PND Vespa-Baldassare leader and by far the most popular PND member amongst the people since she was responsible in the left government for vast public school modernizations and now in the right-wing government she despite the economic crisis which has hurt most the lesser funded ministries she is responsible for organizing art galleries and exhibitions in "lesser developed" parts of Istalia, specifically the agricultural Sarregna. Now she has ensured the Conservative wing's return to power, with her as new party leader and first female "Il Duce" in modern party history (the last female leader was ironically the last AI leader Adorinda). She clearly intends to actively work together with the ULD to transform Istalia into the free-market heaven it was before the left came to power, which should allow "for the fastest possible recovery of the left-induced economic crisis". She has stated:
Long enough have we been silent and opportunistic, attempting to please the left in order to stay in power. We have been doing the same to the right but the undeniably positive results were very shortlived. Now we must take action and responsibility for Istalia to recover and come out stronger. If we do that, Istalians will never vote for the soft AR or economically inept FD ever again!

Cecilio Barzetti to become Vice-Leader after the 4434 elections
An alliance with the PdA in the near future "very likely"
With the most likely election of the most active opportunist PND member (despite the collapse of the opportunist wing the conservatives believe his involvement would be beneficial to party unity) as the new Vice-Leader of the National Democrats, an alliance (according to sources close to PND leadership) with the Farmers' party seems "very likely". The two parties have very similar programs with the PND being just slightly more right wing in the economic aspect. This new centre-right bloc would be a severe change to the Istalian political landscape aiming to challenge the FP and ULD (which by itself is large enough to be one bloc). Further integration of the two parties is also on the table of negotiations especially when the very agricultural Cecilio Barzetti takes his chair as deputy leader after the 4434 elections.