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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:35 pm

Yingdala to Host First Council of Shinekh, Rumored Collective Defense Addendum

Symbol of the Council of Shinekh, a simple figure commonly found in all Jelbo-Tukaric-Gao-Showan civilizations (OOC Source: 588ku.com)

In line with the Son of Heaven's call, Tian'an has announced that Yingdala will host the first meeting of the Council of Shinekh. The meeting will be chaired by His Majesty the Son of Heaven, with invitations extended to the Khagan of the Jelbic Khaghanate, the President of Jakania, the Prefect of Vanuku, and the Forward Soul Person of Jelbe The King of Hanzen, the President of Kimlien, the Chair and Premier of Dranland, the President and Prime Minister of Gao-Soto, the President and Premier of Seko, the President and Prime Minister of Tukarali, the President and Prime Minister of Kizenia and New Endralon, and the President and Chairman of the Council of Magisters of Pontesi have also been invited as observers, with the hope that they will eventually sign onto the Council. It is also rumored that the Empress of Vascania and her prime minister have also been invited as honored guests.

Topics of discussion will include the origins of the Jelbo-Tukaric-Gao-Showan peoples, religion and philosophy, economic development and trade, as well as the possibility of a collective security agreement. It is expected that the group will form a committee to determine just how similar the meta-ethnicity is, as well as avenues to capitalize upon greater unity. Some scholars, controversial at best, may actually make the case that Vascanians are related, or at least a "cousin branch", given their possible honored status at the first Council meeting.

Yingdala is expected to lobby hard for a mutual defense addendum to the Council's original agreement as a means to ensure the survival of their joint culture. It is also quite possible that Tian'an will authorize the transfer of military technology to these countries in order to better facilitate cooperation, especially to Jakania.

No matter the outcome, the first meeting of the Council will demonstrate the member nations' commitment to supporting one another through cultural and economic diplomacy. If a military agreement can be reached, that will only strengthen the power of the Council.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:05 pm

Southside Schoolkids Pretend to be Zoo Animals in Vascanian Sandbox...

The mock aircraft carrier that some believe mimics Dorvish or Deltarian designs (OOC Source: Fox News)

Or at least that is what critics will say about the first set of "Zoo Alliance" exercises that took place in the Empire of Vascania, the "Elephant" of the Zoo Alliance. The Dragon, the Lion, the Wolf, and the Goat - Yingdala, Vanuku, Jelbe, and Jakania - all sent troops from all branches to train in the Vascanian "sandbox". It is well known that Vascania's geography is extremely diverse, creating a sandbox-like element that will allow the Zoo Alliance to train and test themselves in a number of settings, thereby increasing their ability to jointly operate with multiple stressors. Overall, the exercises proved beneficial to the cohesion and ability of the alliance to conduct business, as well as highlighted Vascania's leadership in the alliance.

The exercises first began in a mock urban setting within the Vascanian jungle. Unique though it may be, the fake city allowed the allies to ramp up their urban warfare and counter-terrorism training. Each ally took turns leading efforts, providing officers from each country to take up the opportunity to command large and diverse number of troops. It was also rumored that the alliance partners practiced crowd control and other methods of civil unrest management, the rationale being the threat of "third columns". However, it is equally possible that Yingdala, the Jelbic Khaganate, and Vascania desired to test their efforts at quelling domestic insurrection against their rulers.

Post-urban warfare and counter-insurgency/terrorism training, the alliance practiced conducting bombing runs across uninhabited areas in Vascania. First, the allies practiced their joint coordination abilities by collectively bombing and destroying the mock city in the Vascanian jungle. These efforts allowed the group practice finding and attacking targets in "hidden terrain" - both in terms of attacking the mock city, as well as targets under the cover of foliage and trees (fake foliage and trees in this case). Second, the animal allies practiced destroying logistics routes in the Vascanian desert, an action critical to crippling an attacker. Of course, these bombing practice runs were part of large air force coordinated drills, which largely consisted of practicing formations and dog fighting.

The penultimate drill of the Vascanian exercises focused on live-fire naval coordination. Primarily, the allies focused on three objectives: securing supply lines in open water, protecting a Jelbic Khaganate aircraft carrier (provided by Vanuku), and destroying enemy vessels. Yingdala led the first set of exercises, given their honed skills of protecting international trade routes. These drills emphasized speed and accuracy, as well as the ability to draw fire away from trading vessels. A submarine hunt also formed a pillar of these exercises, as submarines tend to be the primary cause of trade destruction during war. Protecting the aircraft carrier was led by the Jelbic Khaganate, as their experience here far outweighed those of its allies. Conducting this exercise was extremely beneficial to the group, especially considering the cost to produce an aircraft carrier. These tend to be top targets during naval components of war, making practicing defensive maneuvers absolutely necessary.

Finally, led by Vascania, the Zoo Alliance demonstrated their ability to cut off an enemy flotilla. In preparation for this round of the exercises, Vascania had constructed a fake carrier strike group to serve as the Zoo Alliance target. Some of the ships appeared to be identical in design to Dorvish and Deltarian ships - although that was surely an oversight. This round allowed each country to test their firing accuracy, as well as test formations, against enemy targets. The resounding conclusion came when the mock strike group burst into flames. Thankfully, the mock ships were made of bio-materials, making them perfectly safe to destroy in the ocean. Not to mention, any material that remained, particularly if large, could help serve as part of an ocean habitat.

The Vascanian led Zoo Alliance exercises not only allowed all parties to improve their joint coordination and military abilities, but they also served to strengthen the overall alliance. Vascanian hospitality was likely a direct cause in the alliance partners improving their relationship. It seems, at least for Yingdala, Vascania will have a much greater presence in Tian'an.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:38 pm

Pressured by F1 Failures, Xiandai Motors Takes Advantage of Likatonian Investment Opportunity to Establish Joint Venture

Tentative design of the Xiandai concept car (OOC Source: Dodge)

Cultural diplomacy is a Yingdalan hallmark. Failure to advance Yingdalan culture through multiple avenues puts the country at a disadvantage. Formula One racing is one such pathway; and Xiandai's constant failures at these international events have caused them to look both inward, and outward, at improving the company and its products. As such, Xiandai has announced that it will be working with an indigenous Likatonian auto-manufacturer to design and build a new line of sports cars. The new car's exterior design will be created by Likatonia, as well as built there, while Xiandai will design the internal specifications and provide the initial investment. Most importantly, Xiandai is keeping F1 in mind, as the engine of the new sports car will be used to power its F1 entries.

Yingdala and Likatonia have a great deal of good will, having aligned on past diplomatic initiatives and signed a trade agreement - making bilateral investment and economic cooperation far easier. Not to mention, Likatonia provides relatively cost-effective labor for manufacturing. Thus, the Western Seleyan country is a great location for Xiandai to begin a joint-venture (trying to help Likatonia beef up its economy in relation to a rising Valruzia is also a plus).

While the design of the new sports car's exterior will be devolved solely to their Likatonian partners, Xiandai will engineer the motor and internal specifications. It is expected the centuries old car company will go for a mix of speed, handling, and reliability. This would theoretically create a vehicle with well-rounded capabilities. Although it would not be the fastest car by any means, it could have greater stamina with quick bursts of speed, while being able to maneuver along the track with greater success.

Although it may not be the smartest move to base a new car primarily on using its engine for race cars, it certainly shows that Xiandai - and Yingdala - is eager to prove its cultural and intellectual capabilities in Terra.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:06 pm

Prince Yu Wu, Son of Crown Prince Yu Wen, Weds Princess Inoue Noriko of Gao-Soto, Cementing the Yingdala-Gao-Soto Relationship

Prince Yu Wu marries Princess Inoue Noriko at the Heavenly Palace (OOC Source: Juduo)

In a semi-surprising move, His Majesty the Son of Heaven allowed His grandson, Prince Yu Wu, to wed "Princess" Inoue Noriko, great-granddaughter of Inoue Taheiji, the titular Heavenly Sovereign of Gao-Soto (according to strict primogeniture). The wedding was a standard Yingdalan affair with attendance restricted to the bride and groom's respective families. A small banquet was held after the ceremony to commemorate the union, as well as the budding relationship between Yingdala and Gao-Soto.

Though details are scant beyond what the Heavenly Palace released, it is rumored that the Son of Heaven "pressed" for the wedding to happen as soon as possible. It is well known to Yingdalans that Prince Yu Wu is a bit of a playboy military officer and slightly "reckless". He has supposedly gone through a string of girlfriends during his studies at National University. It may be quite possible that Inoue Noriko is already carrying the future Son of Heaven, making a marriage an absolute necessity. Thankfully, Inoue Noriko's background made the match very suitable regardless.

Moreover, the marriage marks a new beginning for Yingdala-Gao-Soto relations. Already the two countries have begun to negotiate a trade and mutual defense agreement, the marriage will only strengthen ties, as well as serve as a rapprochement, especially now that Gao-Soto has removed the shackles of Hulstrian oppression. Hopefully, the relationship between the two newlyweds will continue to be blissful.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:28 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:04 pm

Grand Union Responds to Deltarian Leak

His Majesty the Son of Heaven issued a press release today in response to a leaked memo apparently written by the Deltarian government. While the veracity of the memo is in question, for why would the First Minister of Deltaria allow such a thing to happen, let alone hold such views, Yingdala determined a response was necessary in order to cool the waters.

The Grand Union of Yingdala is a peace loving nation dedicated to the sovereignty of all. This is self evident in our work to create the Guiding Principles of the World Congress and the Declaration of Natural Human Right multilaterally through the World Congress. Bilaterally, we have dedicated ourselves to mutually beneficial trading and cooperative relationships, including on cultural, educational, and development matters, with nations across Terra, from Dovani, to Keris, to Seleya, to Majatra. The Zoo Alliance, among our other mutual defense agreements (with Baltusia, Gaduridos, Rildanor, Aldegar, Saridan, Vorona, and Talmoria), is solely dedicated to mutual defense. Our collective exercises and other defensive efforts have aimed to improving our respective abilities to defend ourselves. Unlike some nations, we do not engage in power projection or other means to forcefully impose ourselves on others. Some of these nations seem to think that we are engaging in a campaign of containment. This is not so.

Yingdala is focused on its own sovereignty and defense, as well as that of its allies. While these countries are geographically diverse, our relationships with them span over a thousand years. We prefer to follow the guidelines of history and conduct ourselves as such. History may not be as kind to some nations as others, but this is clearly Heaven's will. In all matters, including foreign relations, we will defer to Heaven.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:54 pm

Yingdala Increases Terran Defense Ties as New Aircraft Officially Welcomed

The Heilong Bomber (OOC Source: Business Insider)

Once diplomatic enemies, now friends, Yingdala has enhanced its defense relationships with Likatonia and Gao-Soto as of late through investments and a mutual defense pact. Both breakthroughs come at a time when Yingdala has inaugurated new stealth aircraft that will help enhance national security. Furthermore, there are rumors of a state visit to Kizenia and New Endralon in the works that may result in a defense agreement. These developments are demonstrating Yingdala's centrality to Seleya, Keris, and West Dovani.

First, in a surprise move, the Yingdalan government authorized private defense contractors to work with their Likatonian counterparts on a new fighter program in the West Seleyan country. Though the aircraft will be solely for the Likatonian military, Yingdala will fund and design no less than 50% of the fighter and secure rights to a portion of the licensing fees and sales. Already, engineers from top Yingdalan firms like Gaofei and Yingdalan Aerospace, have arrived in Likatonia to present bids to the government. These efforts mark yet another example of growing Likatonian-Yingdalan ties and joint-ventures.

The rapprochement with Gao-Soto is another surprising turn, given the context of Yingdalan-Gao-Soton rivalry over the core of Gao-Showan civilization. Unlike in the past, Tian'an has made a number of overtures to signal its support for a strong Gao-Soto. Clearly, this has born sweet fruits, although Gao-Soto's Kunihitoization has helped, for the two countries' relationship. It is expected that the two pillars of Gao-Showan culture will sign a comprehensive friendship treaty covering trade, economic and cultural cooperation, and defense. Upon ratification, the Gao-Showan nations of Dranland, Seko, Gao-Soto, and Yingdala will have an effective preferential market and uniform cross-cultural cooperation mechanism. Indeed, the Gao-Showan nations of West Dovani have retaken their leadership on the continent.

As for Keris, the budding relationship between Yingdala and Kizenia and New Endralon has been a surprise to say the least. Officials have indicated that the leaders of both countries have hit it off with a possible state visit from the Son of Heaven to the Kerisian nation in the coming months. Should the meeting occur, sources state that a discussion on defense cooperation will be on the agenda. If so, any future mutual defense agreement between the two countries would demonstrate Yingdala's attractiveness as a defense partner devoted to peace and sovereignty.

Of course, all of these engagements come just as the Yingdalan Air Force officially inaugurated two new stealth aircraft: the Wuya (Raven) Fighter and the Heilong (Black Dragon )Bomber. Both aircraft, developed and produced by Gaofei Aerospace, will greatly increase Yingdala's defense capabilities. Stealth fighters and bombers are essential for effective defense operations and bring the element of surprise back into the equation. Orders will likely fulfill Yingdala's total armed forces goals for the air force.

All in all, despite what some countries might think, Yingdala's peaceful and diplomatic approach to international relations is clearly attractive. Shangdi favors our cause.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:33 pm

Tian'an Mulls IP Reform

Some may propose Yingdala go IP free in the future (OOC Source: Open Source Today)

Since the Strengthening the Nation campaign began, Yingdala has largely operated under the wu wei economic model - action without action. The semi-laissez-faire system has worked well, although more deregulation could be done (outside of moral constraints). Which brings us to a supposedly proposed change to Yingdala's intellectual property (IP) system. With a new cabinet likely to be proposed, future ministers are eager to make a name for themselves and figure out how to improve the Grand Union. IP reform may do the trick.

While strong IP laws have been heralded as the source of innovation, many are growing to disagree. In a globalized trading regime, like the one Yingdala has, companies must figure out the best way to compete with other businesses and lead in innovation to survive. Much of this competition effectively requires every company in the same industry to reinvent the wheel of their competitors in order to get ahead due to strict IP regulations. Eliminating IP regulations altogether could resolve the issue.

By eliminating copyrights, trademarks, and other IP laws, industry may be able to innovate more efficiently. Instead of "reinventing" a competitors product or service, companies could directly improve upon a competing product or service and sell it on the market. Others could easily do the same, increasing competition - thus efficiency - and reducing consumer prices. Such practices are akin to academia, where scholars can freely build off of the work of others to generate knowledge or transmit it in new ways. As Yingdalan universities hold great sway over society, many in scholarly circles are pressing for IP law reform.

On the other hand, some are worried that eliminating IP regulations will lead to outright theft of Yingdalan goods, services, and methods. This could even be open "theft", as it would be entirely legal. However, while copying may be legal, this could actually lead to an economic advantage for the Grand Union. Foreign companies will be required to operate under Yingdalan laws and regulations in Yingdala. Thus, Yingdalan companies would be able to freely use the goods and services of foreign companies to quickly innovate. It would be a two-way street.

Although a new government has yet to be inaugurated, it is expected that they will do all they can to help sustain Yingdala's economic growth and prosperity.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby John Cracker » Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:59 pm

Interested in not responding to ridiculous accusations, namely from Jakania, and Lourania, and now Valruzia
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Rogue » Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:05 pm

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