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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:50 pm

Yingdala and Kizenia and New Endralon Increase Overall Ties with a State Visit

Yingdalan and Kizenian and New Endralonian businessmen sign an agreement to increase mutual investment and trade (OOC Source: Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China)

Keris has become the new hotbed of Yingdalan trade. With the recent liberalization of Trigunia and its re-commitment to the Zoo Alliance, goods and services are flowing very heavily between the Kerisian continent and the sub-continent of Yingdala. Yingdala's recent trade agreements with Egelion and Kizenia and New Endralon have also helped expand and diversify trading opportunities. However, more recently, His Majesty the Son of Heaven's state visit to Kizenia and New Endralon has led to a boom in trade and deepening of the bilateral relationship.

Kizenia and New Endralon was well prepared ahead of Son of Heaven Yu Gong's arrival in Portesti. The country had been preparing for months to welcome Yingdala's head of state with great fanfare. Upon arrival, His Majesty and the Yingdalan delegation were greeted with thunderous applause from Kizenians, Kuzakis, and New Endralonians, along with a ceremonial honor guard led by President Nicolae Ivanescu. After conducting a ceremonial review, the two leaders traveled to the heart of Portesti to engage in a series of meetings on mutual cooperation. The fanfare and warm welcome for the Yingdalan delegation was everywhere in the capital.

Safe to say, the Kizenian and New Endralonian fervor for Yingdala worked. The two countries had a successful round of meetings. These were divided into economic and defense discussions. On the economic front, the two countries signed a number of letters of intent to increase bilateral investment in key sectors. They also pledged to continue removing barriers to allow trade to flow freely. A customs union-type arrangement was also discussed, although details are scant. If ever created, a customs union would greatly enhance their respective economies. Kizenia and New Endralon also broached the subject of a defense agreement. Although many positive steps were made on this front, like the customs union idea, more meetings would need to take place.

All in all, the Son of Heaven's state visit to Kizenia and New Endralon was billed as a success. Not only did the two countries get to know one another better, but real gains for both sides were made. It is expected that economic relations between the two countries will continue to develop and be even more mutually beneficial.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 08, 2020 5:38 pm

Tian'an Responds to Alleged Cyberattack with Diplomacy and Self-Strengthening

Yingdala's Cyber Soldiers (OOC Source: The Diplomat)

A glitch in the system. This is what the Yingdalan government is saying caused the recent power outage in Tian'an. Pronouncements that Tian'an is squarely blaming a foreign country, let alone Deltaria, are unfounded. Yingdala's grid and Internet are secure, not to mention its place in Terra. However, this does not mean Tian'an is complacent. Rather, the Yingdalan government has announced that it will pump billions into its infrastructure, including security measures, and strengthen itself in case there are any attacks in the future.

Fixing problems and preventing them in the future is a key aspect of government and Tian'an is making good on its inherent promise to the people. In response to the power outage, the Ministry of Works has pledged to invest 100 billion INS in companies developing and deploying smart grid technologies and advanced cybersecurity techniques. The first round of investment will begin immediately with a 25 billion infusion.

More advanced smart grids will not only deliver energy more efficiently, but will be able to quarantine, so to speak, if there is an issue. Thus the power grid will become more decentralized, allowing other parts of the grid to provide continuous power by making up for the loss of a section. Obviously, enhanced smart grids will receive immense benefits from advanced cybersecurity. By deploying stronger cybersecurity software and engineers with knowledge of advanced, specialized techniques, the Yingdalan energy grid will be able to prevent and mitigate the effects of any cyberattack. But these investments will also have military implications.

Although Tian'an promised to invest 100 billion INS in private companies, many of the cybersecurity firms on the receiving end of these investments will more than likely be selling their products to the Yingdalan Armed Forces. Already, the Yingdalan Armed Forces have a small, yet extremely nimble cybersecurity unit. It is expected that this unit will imminently be scaled up and receive access to more resources. These efforts will no doubt enable the cybersecurity unit to expand its membership and swiftly commence attacks and counterattacks of its own, after doing their utmost to enact defensive measures of course.

When asked if Yingdala thought that Deltaria could be behind the power outage, not a glitch in the grid, a spokesman for the Ministry of Works denied knowledge of that theory and deferred the question to the Ministry of Rites and Education. So far, questions to the Ministry of Rites and Education have gone unanswered. This should not be surprising to anyone with an understanding of Yingdalan diplomacy.

If Tian'an believes Deltaria committed a cyberattack, they would not admit it. Instead, the Ministry of Rites and Culture would work behind closed doors to address the issue, preferring not to escalate the situation. This could very well be what is going on, given the leak of a possible accusation. However, the day after the outage, the Ministry of War announced that the Zoo Alliance would be conducting an anti-piracy mission in the international waters of Majatra within days. As far as we know, these exercises were not previously scheduled.

Regardless of the situation, Yingdala will continue to improve itself and be prepared for any contingency.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 09, 2020 4:36 pm

Y-Connect Launches First of Many YingNet Satellites

Concept of how YingNet will operate (OOC Source: Satellite Today)

The recent focus on domestic cybersecurity, with support from the government, has spurred investment and advances in the high tech sector. Unsurprisingly, a number of companies have emerged to capitalize on the government's support and mission to defend Yingdala's cyberspace. One such corporation is Y-Connect, which just launched its first satellite for its YingNet project, a Yingdala-only "internet" (more of an intranet) that could be used in case of emergencies, or to provide low-cost internet access across the country.

Speaking at the conclusion of the launch, Y-Connect CEO Hong Bin said that, "This launch is the first of many. We plan to finalize YingNet over the next few years, which will not just secure Yingdala's internet sovereignty, but also allow all Yingdalans to be connected if they choose." The YingNet project is said to be a priority for the Yingdalan government.

YingNet, or the Yingdala Internet, will be satellite based internet. Satellite internet, although inferior to cables, allows access from anywhere, from the remotest village to the highest mountain. Further, satellite internet is less susceptible to natural interference, save for clouds, and is more secure from man-made accidents. The greater accessibility and security will allow continuous operation, helping businesses and individuals to meet their needs.

More so, YingNet will be insulated from outsiders. Primarily, it will be a fail-safe for if the regular Internet fails, or is breached by bad actors. Eventually, once complete, all critical Yingdalan infrastructure and government systems will use YingNet for communications. This will significantly reduce the chance of cyberattacks and cyber espionage, with insider threats being the primary actors in such cases.

Though many years away, YingNet and Y-Connect have great promise. It takes a measure of ingenuity to conceive of a nationwide intranet that can be successful. All of this points to the dynamism and freedom within the Yingdalan market.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby LC73 » Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:38 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:30 pm

Ministry of War Announces That Yingdala Has Secured the First Island Chain

Construction of the joint defense base in Kanjor (OOC Source: Wall Street Journal)

In a miraculous feat that has never occurred in Yingdala's long history, the Ministry of War has announced that the Grand Union has secured alliances and joint defense bases in all of the countries making up the so-called "First Island Chain" that surrounds Yingdala. Already, Terra has known about Tian'an's alliances with Vorona, Gaduridos, and Rildanor. With the completion of an alliance with Kanjor, as both countries are ratifying the agreement, Yingdala will be able to effectively defend choke points that are critical to free and open trade, not to mention it will make it even more difficult for foreign invaders to get near the Yingdalan homeland.

Strategists and economists throughout Yingdala have claimed that this achievement will make Yingdala stronger at defending itself and its allies, as well as create a greater sense of stability and predictability in trade, thereby encouraging more companies to consider international trade. However, although Yingdala has effectively secured its trade to the littoral states of Majatra, West Dovani, Seleya, and Keris - or the Eastern Hemisphere - the Second (Dolgavia, Telemon, Keymon, Badara, and Cildania) and Third Island Chains (Selucia, Davostan, Darnussia and Narikaton, and Beluzia) could still be dominated by a foreign adversary to deny Yingdalan trade to the Western Hemisphere.

Experts it deem it unlikely that Yingdala would deepen its relationships with Second and Third Island Chain countries, outside of Dolgavia, out of respect. It is believed that Tian'an feels the Jelbic Khaganate should secure the Second and Third Island Chain countries in Majatra, while Dorvik secures the Second and Third Island Chain countries in Artania and Macon. Historically, both nations have held spheres of influence in those regions and everyone knows that Yingdala tends to defer to history.

Although the First Island Chain has been secured, this does not mean that a "Grand Oceanic Wall" exists between Yingdala and the rest of Terra. At each joint defense base is a small, but significant, contingent of Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel and equipment. These groups are Yingdala's first line of defense and would allow the Grand Union to better prepare itself for invasion.

Another step Yingdala is taking is to assist Kalistan with the development of its navy. Bound by a friendship treaty, Yingdala has sought to fill the void left by Lourenne to help Kalistan secure its sovereignty. Though never a "strong" traditional navy in conventional thinking, Kalistan has historically made excellent and clever use of fast attack ships. These boats have been known to cause serious damage to larger, but slower, fleets. Clearly, Tian'an sees a stronger Kaliburg leading to a stronger Yingdalan defense.

In any event, the Ministry's announcement is a major milestone. Yingdalans everywhere should be proud that their government has invested so much to defend them from harm.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 15, 2020 10:15 pm

Intellectual Property Reform Sparks Competition Frenzy

Intellectual property is a barrier to innovation (OOC Source: Seed World)

The Grand Assembly, after much internal deliberation, finally passed monumental intellectual property reform, effectively ending the existence of the practice in Yingdala. While companies headquartered elsewhere will be allowed to hold onto their intellectual property, they will have to begin abiding by Yingdalan laws in ten years. After this grace period, all products and services sold in the Grand Union will not be subject to intellectual property restrictions. Already, Yingdala has seen a boom in the rise of small businesses, eager to compete with larger corporations.

According to the wu wei system of economics, the government should not regulate the economy outside of moral issues in order to allow the people to create profit for themselves. In very strict interpretations of capitalist theory, this also holds true, including the view that intellectual property stifles competition and forces consumers to pay higher prices for inefficient goods and services. With the absence of intellectual property laws, small businesses and entrepreneurs can immediately improve upon already established goods and services, lower prices for consumers, and provide consumers with better products and services.

Many of the small businesses that have arisen have focused a great deal on technology. Code is something that can easily be tweaked and improved at an almost continuous rate. With rapid and regular improvements, Yingdalan technology can advance at warp speed. Faster technological advancements have major implications for the gamut of Yingdalan industries, especially defense, energy, agriculture, among other security sectors. Moreover, with a lack of intellectual property laws, especially in the coding and cyber fields, constant advancements provide an extra layer of security. There is simply too much information flowing that would allow hackers to achieve their goals in an effective manner.

Some find the elimination of intellectual property concerning, primarily questioning the quest for innovation without intellectual property. However, this argument falls flat. Companies must constantly innovate and improve - become more effective and efficient - in order to survive. Yingdalan companies must take the leap intellectual curiosity requires. While this may lead to failure for some, it can lead to immense success for others.

Regardless of the critiques, the Yingdalan people will benefit. With lower prices and more choices, the Yingdalan family will be more secure and happier. Perhaps the Tian'an has begun a global revolution toward truly open markets. Time will only tell.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:54 pm

Grand Union Conducts First Successful Anti-Satellite Test

Image believed to be showing Yingdala's anti-satellite missile (OOC Source: Defense World)

Deep in the mountains of Jiaozhi, the Ministry of War and the Armed Forces of Yingdala made a breakthrough. After hundreds of computer modelling tests, the country was read to launch its first anti-satellite missile. It took years to get here, hundreds of individual man hours of research, and significant government funding. Nonwithstanding the sweat, blood, and tears of all involved in the project, the test was a resounding success - paving the way for enhanced Yingdalan defense against possible enemies.

Led by the Army, Yingdala's anti-satellite program is still quite young. Anti-satellite weaponry is highly experimental, even with a successful test. It will require years of further research and testing to prove a valuable and deployable asset in the field. But, this successful test is just the beginning.

Launching the anti-satellite missile in the mountains of Jiaozhi posed numerous advantages to the program. Primarily, it provided a high-altitude vantage point that brought the target (a malfunctioning communications satellite) closer to the projectile. Secondly, and equally important, it was a secure and discreet location, minimizing the risk of espionage. Both factors had to be considered, given that the announcement of a successful test could have major geopolitical implications.

The types of implications resulting from the successful test are legion. An effective anti-satellite weaponry program threatens communication and navigation systems, spy satellites, and research facilities. Losing space-based assets could blind a nation and make it largely inoperable in times of war. But these implications are not simply war based, but environmental.

As with Yingdala's anti-satellite test, successful anti-satellite weapons are expected to create a greater environmental burden. Destruction of satellites, while ultimately safer to do in orbit than attempting a "controlled crash", creates an immense amount of space debris. This debris creates thousands - sometimes millions - of mini-satellites that can threaten the existence of other satellites in orbit, as well as prevent new satellites from being launched. It is an obvious questions nations will have to wrestle with.

Although the Grand Union's anti-satellite test could be reasonable expected given its advancing military capabilities, analysts read it as a direct response to Deltaria. Many believe Tian'an is sending a message that Deltarian space-based assets would be at risk during war. Other scholars seem to also believe that Yingdala is demonstrating a need for a comprehensive ban on the militarization of space. Whatever the reason, Yingdala will be able to defend itself against aggression.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:31 pm

Ageing Son of Heaven Launches Purge of Communists, Seizes Full Control of State

Yingdalan police forces surround Communist Party offices (OOC Source: South China Morning Post)

His Majesty the Son of Heaven, upon the introduction of the "The First of Many Changes" (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=631095) introduced by the Communist Party, ordered the Yingdalan security services to enforce the constitutional Nature of the Yingdalan Government (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=622825) and Oath of Allegiance (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=623481), as the Communist bill proposed to eliminate the monarchy, a clear violation of both constitutional acts.

Yingdalan security personnel have secured critical government buildings, including the Grand Assembly and its associated offices. Security services have yet to arrest members of the Communist Party pushing for an end the monarchy and violators of the Oath of Allegiance, preferring to offer mercy if they repent and vow to uphold the institution critical to Yingdala's identity and culture. While leniency is the preferred option for His Majesty, groups of protestors in support of the monarchy are urging high treason charges against the Communists, which would mean the death penalty.

One must understand that the Communists were recently elected to a majority in the Grand Assembly. During their existence prior to taking power, they had not taken a position on the monarchy, thereby complying with the law. Their victory was largely a result of the Jien Party created economic downturn due to their extreme wu wei economic policies. Things had gone to far. Investment declined and a recession hit. Any opposition party would have secured victory in elections. Although not ideal, the Communists did not seem to want to change Yingdala's vital character, despite wanting to use Luthoran as the exclusive mode of international communication. However, their proposals to eliminate the monarchy went to far.

Now Yingdala is in an internal bind. With a recession in progress and a security and bureaucratic apparatus loyal to the Son of Heaven, will the Communists surrender and repent, or will they refuse and be disbanded? No matter what, the rule of law must prevail.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:06 pm

Son of Heaven Displays Mercy by Congratulating the Formation of the Leftist Coalition

In a moment of virtue that is characteristically Yingdalan, the Communist Party has reformed itself to the Leftist Coalition. Since their reformation, they have introduced two bill that, while certainly not pleasing to the Jien Party, are clearly supportive of the monarchy. Given this development, the Son of Heaven has urged all security services to stand down and return to their posts. As a further sign of good faith, His Majesty sent a personal letter to the leader of the Leftist Coalition congratulating them on their win in the most recent elections and their clear devotion to Yingdala's character and traditions.

Once again, Yingdala can have the harmony needed for the Great Unity.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:16 pm

Ageing Son of Heaven Announces Greater Role in Government

Son of Heaven announces reforms to the Imperial Court

The Far Left Disturbance, the name being given by historians to the Communist Party/Leftist Coalition's rise and fall in Yingdalan politics, made a noticeable impression on Jienists, traditionalists, and the Court. Even more now than ever before has the Yu Clan recommitted itself to Jienism and the traditional Yingdalan ways. While the Leftists eventually relented in their crusade for radical change, His Majesty the Son of Heaven, old though he may be, in his wisdom has announced that, per the Jienist Classical Works, is compelled to take on larger role in Yingdalan government affairs, bringing the Grand Union closer to its historical monarchical form.

First and foremost, and an area that has always been under the control of the Son of Heaven, is reforms to the Court. His Majesty has mandated that all references to the Court must be styled as "Imperial Court". By adding "Imperial", the Court's prestige is raised and made even more important. Moreover, when the Cabinet meets, which always occurs on the grounds of the Heavenly Palace, the Son of Heaven, or his representative, must always preside and have the final say in Cabinet affairs. Eunuchs will also be reintroduced to manage the personal affairs of the Son of Heaven and other members of the Imperial Clan. The official style for the Son of Heaven will also revert to "Imperial Majesty", thereby raising prestige and reflecting the law.

Second, Jienist rituals will be practiced at all levels of society, but especially by the government. While the government is already heavily ritualistic, rituals performed by the Son of Heaven and high officials will be made accessible to the public, including through the media, in order to better ingrain virtue in the hearts of the people. This will mean formality over informality outside of the home and an overall greater role for Jienism in society.

Third, although already defacto in place, the Son of Heaven will be made the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, now the Imperial Armed Forces. He will also be head of the Grand Council of Military Secrets, the Grand Union's national security advisory body, with full authority over international affairs.

Finally, the Imperial Court will directly sponsor a number of campaigns and efforts to boost the country's loyalty to the monarchy and Jienism. These efforts will be visible in education, the media, government policy, and civil society action. His Majesty intends to mobilize all of society to rally around the Dragon Throne and the House of Yu.

At this time, these reforms, drastic though they may seem to outsiders, will direct the people's heart and set them on the proper path. They will not need to worry about the economic woes of the country, but rather grasp tightly to what makes Yingdala Yingdala. Long live the Son of Heaven!
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