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Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:28 pm
by The Wave
Halife Agrees to Retrieve and Give Telamonese Dead Bodies to Telamon

The Halife has sent army officials to collect the deceased from the scene of the incident and has now promised to send the bodies of the deceased Telamonese Marines to Telamon.

The Halife has been criticized for this by many Ahamdi radicals within Talmoria, but has insisted that the bodies be returned anyway.

Declaration of State of Rebellion

This Declaration will now give permission to the Halife to take "all necessary military actions against the Rajasthani rebels."

Airstrikes Authorized in Binduro

The Halife has authorized airstrikes against the RFF in Binduro. The strikes are expected to weaken RFF resistance.

The RFF Pledges Revenge

The RFF has pledged to show no mercy on ahmadis and to "completely defeat the ahamdi pigs." The RFF has pledged to make the ahmadis "pay for the pain they have caused us".

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:59 pm
by The Wave
Halife Warns Telamonese to Stay Out of Talmorian Affairs

The Talmorian conflict has now escalated to a civil war. Halife Okafor has stated that Telamon should "avoid interfering with Talmorian affairs" and "mind their own business".

Halife Reveals That the Talmorian Government is Holding 4 Telamonese Marines

We are holding 4 marines, if you would like for them to survive we will give them to you. On one condition. If Telamon backs off involvement in Talmorain affairs then the Marines will be released. Its a simple trade.

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:39 pm
by The Wave
Halife Calls for Negotiations Between Talmoria and Telamon

The Halife has requested that the Foreign Ministers meet in Telamon. He asked what city and said that "I hope these negotiations will end these tensions".

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:52 am
by The Wave
Telamonese Marines Released

The Marines were released today to a Talmorian pilot who has flown them in a discreet civilian airplane to Telamon. The civilian airplane was used to avoid any acts of Jihad from the ground, and to avoid complications. The government contacted Telamon letting them know the plane was coming. The plane landed, the Marines got out, and then the Talmorian pilot took off again immediately. The pilot did not want take any chances of Telomonese citizens taking their anger out on him.

The Halife has said that in exchange for the release of the Marines Telamon has agreed to negotiate an end to tensions. Barmenia has been seen as a potential location of these talks.

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:44 pm
by The Wave
Halife Shocked By Telamonese Actions

The Halife is shocked that the Telamonese would mark the PAL as terrorists. The Halife also said that "it is clear that Telamon wants to force their culture on us". The Halife also said that "we conducted no acts of terror, and have deeply apologized for the boat attack as that was mishandled. However, we were not the attackers." The Halife, however, did also warn Telamon to not get "to brave and reckless".

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:42 pm
by The Wave
RFF Defeated, Millions of Rajasthani Forced out of Their Homes, Looking for Refuge

March 3897 The RFF Fighters has been defeated by the Talmorian military and the Ahmadi militias. Millions of Rajasthani are afraid to live in the nation, and they are seeking a nation to escape to. The military forced the Rajasthani out of their homes and onto the street. They justified this by marking all Rajasthani as potential terrorists. Ahmadi extremists have rioted over the past few days, attacking the homeless Rajasthani. More than 800 Rajasthani were killed in the riots. Many were stoned to death, some decapitated, and 34 people were burned alive. The Halife has called for an end to the riots, and only 4 hours ago the riots were broken up by the military. The Halife ordered the breakup, and has said that he will "not tolerate any more riots" and that he hopes the Rajasthani find a new home so that peace can finally be achieved.

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:51 pm
by The Wave
RFF Strikes Back Through Murder

Today a member of the Rajasthani Freedom Force shot and killed Minister of Finance Akram Kalu. Kalu was walking to his car from his office yesterday at 6pm. The shooter, RFF fighter Dasa Kurup, was waiting by the car, and as Minister Kalu approached his car, the shooter rose from the shadows and shot him 7 times. The RFF claimed responsibility for the act.

Additionally, the RFF has announced that it's new leader, Raj Bera, is on a quest to destroy the Israist Commonwealth and restore secular government.

Meanwhile, more than 5 million Rajasthani have been formally detained by the government on orders from Minister of Justice Amin Tiwana. The fate of these Rajasthani is unknown, and it is also unknown what will happen to the roughly 25 million Rajasthani that are homeless after being forced to the streets by soldiers. The Talmorian feud between Rajasthani and Ahmadi inhabitants continues to worsen everyday.

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:18 am
by Polites
Asli Nobility Unites
Asli nobles unite against Caliphate

Asli aristocrats in Kajombo City

November 3917 - The radical Ahmadi Caliphate ruling the Israist Commonwealth, established in 3892, was founded as an Ahmadi Asli reaction to centuries of Kalkali (OOC: North Indian) domination and apartheid, putting an end to the discriminatory policy against the native Asli and returning them to prominence in the Dovani nation. The Commonwealth, led by the seven Mori-Kanda-Lolou ("Guardians of the Faith") clans, has implemented a number of theocratic and radically egalitarian reforms, managing to alienate the traditional leadership of the Asli people. Moreover, the never-ending sectarian and ethnic war against the Kalkali as well as the genocide against the former ruling elite of Talmoria has locked the war-torn nation into a costly and unwinnable conflict, causing a widespread loss of order throughout its territory. In reaction, the other Talmorian clans, primarily the Djon-Tan-Nor-Woro ("Carriers of Quiver", i.e. military) and Maghan ("Princely") groups of clans, with support from some of the Nyamakala ("Wielders of Nyama", the creative energy binding everything) clans have banded together with the explicit goal of overthrowing the Caliphate. The newborn Aristocratic Union has found its leader in the most unexpected place. Mohammed Sidibé, a famous Jeli ("Griot"), a hereditary member of the Asli traditional class of bards, playing the role of storytellers, musicians, and poets, has been appointed as the head of the Masaden Jɛkulu (Aristocratic Union). The fact that a member of a Nyamakala clan was chosen as the Union's leader instead of a representative of one of the more prestigious Maghan or Djon-Tan-Nor-Woro is perhaps an attempt to gain some support for reform from the commoners, but it remains equally true that high-ranking and well-known Griots are practically royalty in a culture that values knowledge and music, both threatened by extinction under the Caliphate's radical interpretation of religious morality.

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:04 pm
by Polites
Bard Becomes King
Mohammed Sidibé crowned King of Talmoria

Coronation portrait of King Mohammed

September 3922 - After years of instability, chaos, and outright civil war one player emerged as the victor in the post-Caliphate struggle for power. The Asli nobility, united around the Aristocratic Union and championing a return to traditional Asli values, has taken over the capital city of Tajabad, gaining internal and international recognition as the legitimate successor of the crumbling Israist theocracy. Promising an end to the brutal discrimination against the Kalkali minority, an abolition of the harsh religiously-inspired legislation, and a liberalization of Talmoria's statist and corrupt economy, the nobles seem to have mustered enough popular support to take over the reins of power. Promising a new era of religious freedom, inter-ethnic harmony, and continental integration, the aristocrats proceeded to implement their own vision over Talmoria. And with the crowning of Mohammed Sidibé as King of Talmoria that vision has a face.

Hailing from the Sidibé dynasty of jeli, the new King descends from one of the most prestigious griot clans, with roots going all the way back to Dankaran Sidibé, the jeli of Mohammed Ali Khan I, the medieval Brmek warlord whose conquests in Dovani led to the creation of the Asli Sultanate. The jeli (or jeliw), as the preservers of oral history, are highly respected in Asli society; serving the role of historians, poets, musicians, and praise-singers, the jeli are roughly equivalent to Western bards, but unlike their Artanian counterparts, the jeli have considerable political power, as no figure of authority is without his jeli. It is therefore not surprising, although highly untraditional, that a jeli became King.

For all the celebratory atmosphere surrounding King Mohamed's coronation,Talmorian nobles have much work left to do after their victory against the Caliphate's forces. Israist militias continue to offer armed resistance, the economy is in shambles, and centuries of ethnic conflict have left much resentment and antipathy between the nation's ethnic groups. The new Talmorian government also faces the daunting task of successfully navigating the maize of shifting alliances and competing loyalties that is Dovanian diplomacy, while also attracting the foreign investments needed to rebuild its battered economy. As a monarchy founded on an apeal to traditional pre-colonial political and cultural values, Talmoria's new regime has ideologically positioned itself closest to Indrala, the continent's champion of political traditionalism, but, after Indralan claims of suzerainty over Talmoria, the Kingdom is keen on emphasizing its independence. Talmoria may try to shift her attention to the North and forge close ties with Hulstria and Gao-Soto while adopting Septembrism as a succesful model of inter-ethnic harmony, but the collapse of the Labsburg Empire and the vilification of Septembrism across the continent has left the former Imperial Crownlands unable to project their influence and promote their political model. Or Talmoria may seek its foreign friends outside the continent and forge closer ties with Cobura, the informal leader of the Esinsundu (ooc African) world after the fall of Ibutho's monarchy. Whichever path the Kingdom of Talmoria chooses, it is guaranteed to be fraught with difficulty and will face considerable domestic and international opposition.

Re: Talmorian Press

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 3:29 pm
by Polites
Foreign investment in Talmoria
Talmorian laws attract foreign capital


August 3927 - The political stabilization of Talmoria and the liberalization of its economy, including the elimination of previously strict regulation of foreign investment, have led to a large inflow of foreign capital on the expanding Talmorian market. Vanukuian, Indralan, and Coburan companies in particular have initiated investment in Talmorian infrastructure and defence industries, and the relative lack of regulations combined with a cheap workforce likely to attract more foreign interest, particularly from companies seeking to outsource manufacturing to the underregulated Talmorian market. The liberalization of Talmorian trade and investment laws has not been without criticism. Socialists and Ahmadi radicals decry the fact that liberalization is more to the advantage of the nobility, with their greater access to capital and foreign comnections, as well as the increasing dependence of Talmoria on foreign non-Ahmadi powers. Asli nationalists also complain about the feared loss of independence, in a nation where the majority population has frequently been under discriminatory foreign-backed minority rule.

As part of negotiations on foreign investment Talmoria's aristocratic government has been working hard on establishing reliable allies that would guarantee its stability and independence. Most successful have been negotiations with Cobura, where a soon to be signed cooperation agreement is rumoured to be accompanied by a royal marriage between Cobura's Lord Kharakhte and Musukebba Sidibé, the eldest daughter of the Talmorian King. Ongoing negotiations with Indrala have been less fruitful, with an Indralan offer of resuming a "special" tributary relationship politely rejected by Talmoria. In any case, Talmoria has so far managed to remain on friendly terms with most of her potential backers.

King Mohammed and his two daughters, Musukebba and Isatou