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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Dec 22, 2020 5:40 am

Wasafiri Plans Cross-Continental Tour, Releases New Album
February 4865
Cover of Wasafiri's Safari Dovani Album

Returning from an acclaimed performance at the seventh Festival of Musical Arts in Terra, the Dova-Jam group Wasafiri was met with the same love and adoration as their predecessors who played at the international festival, and with it the same increase in popularity and musical demand. This nation-wide rise in popularity proved to make the months following their performance at FOMAT much busier, with the Public Information Ministry commissioning the band for several concerts in west Liore (a part of the country not often played in by Wasafiri), which managed to bring in thousands of urban viewers. In addition to showing Wasafiri's coming to stardom from not-too-long ago humble roots, the wide success of a Dova-Jam group is showing a shift of Liore's musical taste away from the more cosmopolitan and "modern" pop and kapuka songs originating from urban music clubs to a more traditional and folkish sound coming from the rural villages. That is not to say kapuka music or its artists are beginning to wane in popularity or that the west coast's famous music clubs are beginning to go out of business (quite contrarily eight of Liore's top ten music artists are classidied as kapuka artists), but what must be said is that those who used to only listen to artists like Najina are starting to open themselves up to the sounds of those like Wasafiri.

After a successful few months at home that culminated in the release of their second album Safari Dovani (the title track of which can be heard here) this month, Wasafiri is preparing once again to go abroad to share their talent internationally. The band will be touring the entire continent of Dovani (or in other words, going on Safari in Dovani) to perform the songs on their new album in several major performances and many more smaller ones. The primary performance locations of the tour are in east Dovani and the Kitembo nations of the continent, however the band will be travelling the entire continent and will perform at impromptu locations as they go, to audiences big and small. Wasafiri is planning on visiting every nation on the Dovani mainland, though in many the group is not planning any large pre-planned concerts and will instead stick with their smaller impromptu performances. The intracontinental tour will begin later this year in July and will continue on for several months.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:00 pm

Chui Afolayan Suffers Stroke, Politburo Chooses Replacement; Jamii Candidates Sidelined
October 4865
General Secretary Afolayan (right) Ceremoniously Awards Tribal Chief Arable Land in Last Public Appearance Before his Stroke

The People's Front General Secretary Chui Afolayan suffered a stroke last night and has been hospitalized after being rushed to the Jarha Departmental Hospital from his home outside of the city. Though Afolayan is in stable condition, the severity of the stroke he suffered combined with the extended time period it took for him to be put in hospital care has reportedly damaged his health irreparably and he teeters on the brink of a coma. Though doctors are confident that Afolayan will survive the episode and slowly recover over time, it is highly unlikely that he will be able to lead even after his recovery, and as such the People's Front Politburo called a special assembly to analyze and discuss the situation at hand and to nominate a new official to replace Afolayan as General Secretary of the Party. The result of this emergency assembly was the rushing through of the election of Zain Achebi to General Secretary. A Metzist hardliner, Achebi's election comes both at the dismay of and without the input of many Jamii Party members of the Politburo who weren't given the time to travel to Yamabiro from further parts of the country. With elections fast approaching next January, the rushed election of Zain Achebi further outlines the fundamental cracks between various aspects of the People's Front (which historically was a patchwork amalgamation of numerous leftist and centrist political organizations) and the apparent alienation of the Jamii Party could have drastic affects upon the outcome of the elections.

The tragedy of Chui Afolayan's stroke has plunged the nation into grief, and while behind the curtains of the People's Front important power plays are no doubt being made, many in the political sphere have sent words of encouragement and consolation to Afolayan and his family, including the President and Premier and the leaders of the National Movement and Free Liore parties. Nationwide, a week of morning has been declared and non-essential workers have been given a day off of work. Having served as General Secretary for twenty-three years (twelve of which he acted as the de facto sole chief executive), Afolayan saw Liore through a generally peaceful and prosperous time, helping the nation both move towards constitutional reform and democratization and seeing Liore become a significant power in regional and global politics. Now that his tenure has come to an abrupt end, many hope for Afolayan to make a speedy recovery and live out the same fate as his national hero grandfather: peaceful retirement.

November 4865
Elections are only two months away, and it seems newly-elected General Secretary Zain Achebi is planning on bringing the People's Front further into the domination of the Metzist Workers' Power Party and go back on the reforms made during the tenure of Chui Afolayan. Proclaiming "industrialization, solidarity, and collectivization" to be the new focus of a "more purely socialist" People's Front, Achebi and the Politburo Standing Council have renounced the Party's commitment to environmentalism, plurality, and liberal socialism that came to define the Afolayan era. To enforce this change in policy, Achebi has changed the Party's list of candidates for numerous (primarily eastern and Jamii) seats to more hard-lining and loyalist members of the MWPP. How this will effect the coming elections can only be guessed, but some reputable political analysts have called Achebi's attack on the Jamii Party a terrible folly, and to back this up, numerous officials from the Jamii Party have denounced the People's Front leadership and have broken away from the party to endorse other candidates (both independent and party-affiliated), and some have even formed a new Harambee Party dedicated to Jamii socialism.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Dec 24, 2020 5:18 am

Election Analysis
January 4866

Election Map by People's Assembly District

People's Assembly Results
National Movement - 151 (+23) / 50.34%
People's Front - 76 (-61) / 25.33%
Free Liore - 31 (+10) / 10.33%
Harambee - 29 (+29) / 9.67%
Independent - 13 (-1) / 4.33%

Presidential Results
Round I
Thimba Hami - 81.26%
Asafa Egwu - 17.33%
Other - 1.41%

In a shocking, though to some expected, turn of events, the People's Front suffered a devastating defeat in this months elections, having lost nearly half of their seats in the People's Assembly and losing the Presidential election by over sixty points. It goes without saying that this crushing loss is due primarily to the brashness of the People's Front's General Secretary Zain Achebi and his targeting of members of the Jamii Party, which alienated a vast amount of PF officials and a large portion of its voting base. While most of the PF's losses occurred in rural areas, the party did manage to hold onto its dominance on Liore's urban centers, even managing to make gains in some areas (e.g. Yamabiro). All of the three other major parties saw significant gains in these elections, with Free Liore reclaiming long-lost seats and Harambee rural strongholds throughout the nation, however none more than the National Movement could claim victory. Flipping a net twenty-three seats into its column, the NM propelled itself to a narrow majority in the People's Assembly (it's first time being the largest force in the legislature). Perhaps most importantly, the NM managed to break major PF strongholds (e.g. Juuyada, Mwibonde, Yrasema) with the help of Harambee and made inroads with local voters who four years ago voted overwhelmingly against the NM. Expectedly, incumbent President Thimba Hami was once again able to win the Presidential election in a larger landslide than in the last election, walking away with a formidable 81.26% on the first round of voting, up nearly twenty percentage points from 4862. Throughout his tenure, President Hami has proven to be a popular and unifying figure among all sides of Liori politics, so it is no surprise that in these times of division among the PF that disaffected voters would chose overwhelmingly to support Hami.

For the first time in its life in recent politics, the National Movement will have the prerogative of forming a government rather than the People's Front. Already names have been floated for a number of Ministers, but party officials have only confirmed that their pick for Premier will be Chuma Ayim, a former Representative from Minaraha, and Ayim has recently stated his interest in supporting a government of national unity between all major parties and a certain few independents. Such a government would have its work cut out for it on the domestic level given the massive shift in the political scene that has occurred over the past few months, but more importantly on the international scene. Earlier this month, Deltaria effectively declared war on Vascania after years of ever-rising tensions boiling over. Fearing alienating one of its two most important partners, Liore has remained quiet on the Rapa Pile situation (which many commentators have called a mistake), however with the powder barrel erupting into flames it has arguably become impossible for Liore to remain silent on the matter, and it will doubtless be one of the top issues to be addressed by the incoming government.
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Re: Liore

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Dec 28, 2020 11:35 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Dec 29, 2020 2:10 am

Foreign Policy Review
President Hami Issues 'Darobi Declaration' January 4868
President Thimba Hami Gives Speech in Darobi Dedicating Liore to Kitembo Sovereignty

While addressing a crowd at a meeting of leaders and members of the International Kitembo Advocacy Association, a Liore-based non-governmental organization dedicated to the protection of Kitembo minorities and the promotion and preservation of Kitembo culture and languages, that was being held in Darobi, President Thimba Hami issued a firm statement not only to the attendees, but to all of Terra. In the statement which has since been labeled as the "Darobi Declaration," President Hami made vocal Liore's commitment to the defense of the Kitembo world and of Kitembo states against international interference, and effectively put the weight of Liori might and influence up as a formidable guarantor of the independence and sovereignty of Kitembo nations (President Hami named Kurageri, Istapali, and Suyu Llaqta as "Kitembo nations," despite the latter two having relatively diverse populations in addition to their large Kitembo communities). Many commentators have also noted that the Declaration is and attempt to assert Liore as the leader of the Kitembo world and primary patron of Kitembo culture in addition to its guarantor.

President Thimba Hami's Darobi Declaration
Friends and comrades, we have seen in this world a great deal of hostility to national sovereignty and to the people of the East, particularly the Kitembo people, let us not forget when people as high as Security Council Representatives slander us as "uncultured" and "uneducated." That with the unfortunate resurgence of imperialism, economic and political, in the world does not bode well for our people and our rich and beautiful culture. Though we must always be vigilant in these times, we must not be afraid and must continue to show the strength and dedication of the Kitembo people. We are strong, and we are comrades no matter where in the world we are. As such, I can assure the distinguished members of the IKAA that Liore will always be committed to the Kitembo people and to Kitembo nations. If the Kitembo nations of Kurageri, Istapali, or Suyu Llaqta have had any reason to fear infringements upon their sovereignty by international villains, then let that fear be destroyed by the knowledge that Liore will always be committed to their freedom and sovereignty, and we are willing to do all in our power to defend the integrity of the Kitembo nation. Let this be an assurance to the Kitembo nations, but also a warning to the cultures of Terra: do not dip your tendrils where they do not belong.

National Response to the Rapa Pile War January 4868

Liore's response to the Rapa Pile War has no doubt been a tough one to formulate, with both belligerents in the conflict being close partners of Liore. However, the government was forced to take a stance on the conflict mere hundreds of miles south of Liore, opting to tow the line and denounce both sides for their part in the degradation of the situation. In the Security Council, Liori Representative Neema Oyenusi proposed a resolution condemning and sanctioning Deltaria and Vascania and calling for a sanctioning of the two nations until the end of the war. For this, Liore received backlash from both belligerents, most notably Deltaria which threatened to cut off economic aid to Liore and whose World Congress Representative implied "cowardice and appeasement" fueled Liore's and many other nations' stances on the conflict. Despite the backlash, the government has since maintained its stance on the conflict being a conflict of "empires clashing over spheres of influence," and has implemented relatively minor sanctions on Deltaria and Vascania. Since the outbreak of the war at sea, the Liori Navy has also been dispatched to defend commercial shipping through vital overseas routes, a mission that has thankfully been relatively uneventful and peaceful for Liori sailors. More recently, Liore has also opened its borders to civilian asylum seekers from Rapa Pile, many of whom have taken the dangerous overseas journey by small boat to Kurageri, from where thousands have been directed to Liori camps.

Liori Delegation Visits Ntoto, Signs Friendship Agreements February 4868

This month, President Thimba Hami and Foreign Minister Jumaane Okoye headed a Liori delegation visiting the Democratic Republic of Ntoto, a west-Dovani nation fresh out of isolation after having recently undergone a military coup and modernization reforms. While in Ntoto, the Liori delegation met with their Ntotan counterparts to discuss matters of diplomatic and economic cooperation. The main product of this summit was a declaration of friendship and alliance between Liore and Ntoto, coming with it a mutual defense agreement and the opening of doors for further military cooperation between the two nations. The summit has also resulted in a technology sharing agreement between Liore and Ntoto, and the opening of Liori and Ntotan markets to one another, allowing for cooperation in scientific and economic development. Upon returning to Liore, President Hami commented on the deal as a "milestone in Liori-Ntotan relations" and as a "blueprint for further Liori outreach to our Dovanian neighbors." In addition to the agreements made at the summit, Liore will be adding Ntoto to its international investment program (taking the sole responsibility for Ntotan investment due to Vascania being "preoccupied"). This will funnel a substantial amount of funds into the Ntotan economy through economic and infrastructure grants given to the Ntotan government and direct portfolio investment into Ntotan companies by the Liori government and private entities.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:18 am

Domestic Politics
People's Assembly Votes to Decouple Party and State September 4868
Liori Representatives Cast their Constitutional Amendment Vote to Strip People's Front of its Powers

In a 228-3-69 (a constitutional supermajority under Liori law), the People's Assembly voted today to officially revoke the powers and privileges of the People's Front party bestowed upon it in the Constitution of 4772, ending ninety-six years of Liore's de facto one-party system and restoring equality to all political parties in Liore. Among others, The so-called 'Socialism with Democracy Act' (SDA) strips the People's Front Politburo of its powers to veto and pass legislation and to approve political candidates and impeach sitting officials. The SDA also forbids the militarization of political parties, and as such has nationalized the People's Revolutionary Vanguard (which before now has been a private force under the direct authority of the People's Front), effectively combining it with the Liori National People's Army though it will nominally be rebranded as the Liori Vanguard, a separate an elite force of the Liori military.

The SDA was passed on broadly partisan lines, with all 224 non-PF Representatives voting for the reforms and only seven PF Reps not voting against (four in favor and three abstentions). The Act's passage was met with great praise and euphoria among the non-PF political class, who see it as a liberation of their ideals and rights from an entrenched elite class fixated on their interpretations of socialism. Many members of the Harambee Party in particular were relieved to see the end of the People's Front's domineering position in Liori politics, with many members of Harambee being former Jamii Party members of the broad-leftist PF coalition who faced alienation by the Metzist Worker's Power Party. Among the general public however, the opinion on the reforms is more nuanced, with many Lioris (especially older Lioris) having lived most of their lives through prosperous one party rules while younger Lioris (who grew up in the heyday of the National Movement and pluralist politics) supporting the reforms and the further democratization of Liore.

The rumblings of annoyance from within the People's Front have largely been impotent, with a majority of Party members accepting the passage of the SDA and only a few hardliners calling for intervention to save the PF's dominance. However, though surely only a few Party members support the reforms, members of the Politburo voted to (symbolically) accepts their passage and to also oust General Secretary Zain Achebi who has himself denounced the SDA and threatened intervention to prevent it from taking effect. Justifying the 'coup' against Achebi and his Standing Council, the new General Secretary Asafa Egwu (the PF's Presidential candidate in the previous election) stated that Achebi's "tunnel vision and fixation on orthodox Metzist-Leonidist doctrine... is responsible for the fall of the People's Front in recent years and will only destroy the Party further." Though the PF seems to be on the way out, socialism in Liore definitely is not, with polls indicating that a majority of Liori voters support a leftist political doctrine and with the leading officials of every major party (including the most laissez-faire of the liberal reformists within Free Liore) supporting socialism. President Thimba Hami best exemplifies this fact in his comment on the passage of the SDA, "though Liore has rejected the rule of her largest socialist party in favor of pluralism and true democracy, the Socialist State remains and the Liori socialist project continues onwards."

President Hami Announces he Will not Seek Reelection October 4868

President Thimba Hami confirmed today that he would not be seeking reelection in 4870, ending what will be a sixteen-year reign as President of the Socialist State. Being first elected in 4854 after beating the incumbent People's Front President Kheri Bello, Hami has been a historic President with a historic tenure, leading Liore to greater heights through trying times. In an administration championing regionalism and self-sufficiency, Hami's Presidency saw Liore seek closer relations with her Dovanian and Far-Eastern neighbors while challenging Western influence in the 'Third World', being characterized primarily by his policy of rapprochement with Vascania and investment program in neighboring nations, as well as renewed Liori participation in the World Congress. However, the most significant jewel in Hami's foreign policy crown is no doubt his Darobi Declaration, which asserted Liore's commitment to the independence and sovereignty of Kitembo nations. The National Movement's chosen successor to President Hami is expected by many to be Premier Annan Balewa, another popular figure within the NM who is, policy-wise, a carbon-copy of President Hami, with the main differences between the two being Balewa's more militaristic dedication to military development and more radical commitment to Pan-Dovanism. Though Hami's retirement will definitely result in a drop in support for the NM in the Presidential election, election analysts are confident that a Balewa candidacy could win narrowly win on the first election round, but if not an easy victory can be secured on the second round.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:36 am

Domestic Politics
Election Analysis January 4870

Election Map by People's Assembly District

People's Assembly Results
National Movement - 129 (-22) / 43.00%
People's Front - 75 (-1) / 25.00%
Harambee - 49 (+20) / 16.33%
Free Liore - 38 (+7) / 12.67%
Independent - 9 (-4) / 3.00%

Presidential Results
Round I
Annan Balewa - 42.12%
Asafa Egwu - 28.33%
Imamu Ohakim - 15.92%
Asani Ayim - 11.41%
Other - 2.22%

Round II
Annan Balewa - 54.23%
Asafa Egwu - 45.77%

In many ways, the 4870 elections have resulted in a status quo, and offers a clear portrait of the new normal of Liori politics. As Harambee has had four more years to assert itself as the best Jamii socialism alternative to the now tiny and irrelevant member organization of the People's Front, it was able to net itself an additional twenty seats this month (primarily at the expense of the National Movement) and solidify its strongholds in rural Liore, with areas previously firmly in the People's Front column now having completely abandoned the party to come out for Harambee (e.g. Yrasema, Mwibonde, western Minaraha). For the PF and Free Liore, this election cycle saw no game-changing seat gains, however the National Movement lost a net sum of twenty-two seats in the People's Assembly, completely undoing its gains in the legislature from 4866. In the race for the Presidency, the NM once again claimed the position, with Premier Annan Balewa winning by eight points on the second round. Balewa's primary opponent in the race was PF General Secretary Asafa Egwu, who ran as the PF's candidate in 4866 though losing to President Thimba Hami in an embarrassing 81% landslide for the incumbent. A close adherent to the Hami political doctrine, Balewa's Presidency will likely see further continuation of Liore's sixteen-year status quo, with small but notable policy shifts further towards military development and Dovanian regionalism.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:29 am

Foreign Policy Review
Oyenusi Heads Delegation to Avienne-les-Baines September 4860
Ex-Liori World Congress Representative Neema Oyenusi to Lead Liori Delegation to Deltaria/Vascania Peace Conference

The conflict in Rapa Pile looks to finally be at an end, having cost hundreds of thousands of lives and estimated billions in damages structures and property on the archipelago. As a result, there seems to have been no winner in the conflict, not Deltaria whose forces stagnated in the theater of war and have seized complete power in the homeland, not Vascania who failed to prevent the decimation of their armed forces and of the popularity of their sitting government, and most of all not the Pilese, who lost thousands of their civilians and their homeland to the war. Fortunately, the end of bloodshed is on the horizon, with the reigning governments in Cahtice and Kamalata having agreed to a ceasefire on the archipelago and to attend a peace conference being held in Avienne-les-Baines, Lourenne. Being moderated primarily by the Lourennais/Canrillaise hosts, a number of other delegations will also be attending the peace conference to serve as neutral voices in the diplomatic process, including from the World Congress and from Liore. Being invited for her neutral but vocal stance on the Rapa Pile War and diplomatic position in the region, the Liori delegation will be headed former World Congress Representative Neema Oyenusi, a now retired but widely respected diplomat who will be joined representatives from within the Foreign Affairs Ministry, including stand-ins for the ambassadors in Cahtice and Kamalata.

Oyenusi commented on his hopes for the outcome of the conference, stating:
Liore stands for peace and anti-imperialism in the eastern hemisphere, so above all I expect us not to fail in preventing a resumption of conflict in Rapa Pile and a complete withdrawal of forces from the islands. That is above all else, but we will also work diligently to ensure the will of the Pilese people is heard through a second, more transparent referendum on their people's place status in the world, and we also want to see deals made to push funds into the islands to rebuild what was destroyed in the war. We hope Deltaria and Vascania will recognize their responsibility to give the Pilese people their much needed reparations, but if need be we'll look to secure funds from elsewhere, and either way Liore is certainly willing to assist our comrades to the south through their reconstruction process.
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Re: Liore

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:23 am

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:38 am

Cultural Highlights
Dova-Jam Group Kijiji to go to Deltaria July 4873
Widely Popular Men's Choir Turned Dova-Jam Stars Kijiji Will Represent Liore at FOMAT VIII

Following a good first outing for Dova-Jam on the international level in FOMAT VII, Liore voted once again to send a group of the new hit genre to represent the nation at the Festival of the Musical Arts in Terra. For this iteration of the festival, Liori voters gave their support to Kijiji, giving the hit vocalist band over sixty percent of the vote, beating out several other Kapuka and Dova-Jam artists. Originating from the rural (and relatively poor) Department of Juuyada, Kijiji started made their musical debut as a men's choir for their home village where they began performing in Jaea, a local dialect of Kitembi that gave their melodic lyrics a distinct sound setting them apart from other hit Liori bands. Kijiji came to prominence in recent years after accepting a contract from the Public Information Ministry to perform their songs for free in nationally open concerts, an attempt no doubt to further promote distinctly-Liori and traditional music and support Kitembo culture. Kijiji will be performing a song called Tofauti Lakini Sawa at FOMAT VIII, a song that has not yet been released but has been commented on by members of the band as a song "dedicated to the diverse peoples of Terra, and their diverse backgrounds" and with the overarching message that "no matter how much money you have or what language you speak and despite all our differences, all people are equal and have the same worth."
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