
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 12:41 am


6 January 4851
Yingdala to Increase Rice, Vehicle Exports
Yingdala's Ministry of Trade and Industry releases plan to increase rice and vehicle exports.

Export port in the Han Province.

TIAN'AN, Han Province: Minister of Trade and Industry, Chin Bo Zheng, and the Yingdala Trade Commission (YTC) released a plan early afternoon to increase rice and vehicle exports.

After years of stagnant exports, Minister Chin and the YTC released a plan to gradually increase exports to other countries, first starting with rice and vehicles. Yingdala is Terra's largest producer of rice, producing 29% of the world's rice production. Seeing an opportunity to grow this industry and to increase trade to both developed and underdeveloped countries, the YTC is planning to exploit the opportunity. Over a period of three years, Yingdala will increase rice exports by 50 million metric tons per year, totaling in an increase of 150 million metric tons.

Yingdala is also has the world's largest automobile industry and the YTC is looking at growing the world's dependence on the Yingdalan automobile industry. The commission released a plan to increase vehicle exports to 1.2 million vehicles per year for the next three years, totaling in 3.6 million vehicles being exported to countries around the world.

Minister Chin, following the YTC export plan reveal, stated in a quick question by one of the reporters:

We are entering a new age in Yingdala. With the help of the Yingdala Trade Commission and members of my team, we will grow the Yingdalan economy to become number one in the world. This is only the beginning. Within the next three years, after to 4853 election, the National Liberty Party will gain a majority in the Grand Assembly and take over the most important offices in the government. When that time comes, we will be hitting the ground running to increase our global influence. As for now, we are progressing at a slow pace but we are very optimistic that it will continue to help the Yingdalan people and bless His Imperial and Royal Majesty.

The Yingdala Trade Commission is also set to begin increasing exports of broadcasting equipment, computers, office machine parts, integrated circuits, and telephones in September of 4853. Stay tuned for more information.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:19 pm


2 April 4851
A New and Improved Nuclear Power Plant
LP Project is now complete and a new nuclear power plant is operational in Yingdala.

LP Nuclear Plant in Liangjiang, Shu.

LIANGJIANG, Shu Province: The Liangjiang Plant Project is now complete. After less than two years of construction and billions of INS, the nuclear power plant is now operational and hiring more than 2,000 Yingdalans.


15 May 4851
Grand Assembly Opposition Leader Resigns, Concerns Health
The Grand Assembly Opposition Leader, Qing Kun Ah, resigns after he receives diagnosis.

Leader Qing Kun Ah of the National Liberty Party (NLP)

TIAN'AN, Han Province: On the floor of the Grand Assembly, Opposition Leader Qing Kun Ah announced that he is resigning from the post and will not seek re-election to the Grand Assembly. Here's his floor speech:

Mr. Speaker, Prime Minister Fan, and Members of the Grand Assembly,

I stood before you three years ago when the National Liberty Party was first formed and gained 94 seats in the assembly; I stood before you as the leader of the opposition party ready to cross the aisle and work with the majority party. We have, so far, been in step with each other and the bipartisanship has never been better. For the past three years, I have had the ability to achieve a few things on my long to-do list; some that were passed, others that failed. We slowly began the process of phasing out the essential tax and increasing other taxes in order to increase investments, consumption and our GDP. We decreased regulation in industry pollution so that industry can invest more in their employees and the expansion of their company. We changed some election laws so that smaller regions receive and equal voice in the government as those of the larger regions. We even restructured the government so that its more efficient than ever before. We did these things, not as a way to gain power and not on our own, but we did these things so that Yingdalans everywhere can see a government that works for them; we did these things with the help of the majority party.

Two months ago, I received word from my physician that I have stage four lung cancer. Its too late to stop it from spreading and its too late to cure me from it. I was given one year to live, and with this one year of life that I have left, I want to spend it with my family. Therefore, in front of all members of the Grand Assembly and the citizens of Yindala Da Tong, I humbly announce my resignation as a member of the Grand Assembly. I already spoke to the National Liberty Party Chairman, Chen Qing Fu, and he thanked me for my service and wished me a blessed future.

I enjoyed my time here, being apart of the process of making Yingdala into a beacon of hope and protection. Being a member of the Yingdalan government was always a dream of mine and I got to live my dream for the last three years. Though short, I do not regret joining the National Liberty Party and I do not regret being a member of this body. We have accomplished so much and I am forever thankful for the support that everyone has given to me. Now, it is time for a new beginning for the NLP in Yingdalan politics as the next leader takes our party in a new direction, a more conservative direction.

Thank you to everyone here. May the heavens bles Yingdala and His Imperial and Royal Majesty Yu Xi Gu.

With Leader Qing leaving the government, the leadership election to fill his seat is now underway. Members of the NLP are beginning to campaign for this seat hoping to become the next party leader who will potentially receive the post of Prime Minister if the party is in the majority.


23 May 4851
A New, Young and Charismatic Leader of the NLP
Assemblyman Kang Sin-Jae will succeed Leader Qing Kun Ah as Opposition Leader.


TIAN'AN, Han Province: After days of debates and back-door deals, the National Liberty Party Grand Assembly members have reached an agreement and voted in Assemblyman Kang Sin-Jae to succeed Leader Qing Kun Ah as the Grand Assembly leader for the NLP. Leader-Elect Kang delivered an address on the floor of the Grand Assembly. Here's his speech:

Mr. Speaker, Prime Minister Fan, and Members of the Grand Assembly,

There's a new sheriff in town! *laughter* I stand before you all as Leader-Elect for the NLP and I am proud to receive the support and confidence of those in my party. To outgoing Leader Qing who could not be here, I thank you for your service. I have to work 100 times harder just to fill an inch of your shoes. What you have accomplished as a leader, especially as an opposition leader, is incredible. From deregulation to planning to rebuild our economy through lower taxes to creating jobs through the LP Project to working with Minister Chin on increasing trade exports; I have to carry on your legacy.

There are many issues we face. Our country is losing its grip on international politics, our cultural exports are slowing and our economy is dwindling. We have a government that is inactive and unwilling to do the things that must be done. As Leader of the Opposition in the Grand Assembly, you can trust that we will tackle these issues head on and we will not ever stop until Yingdala is seen as a superpower, a force to be reckoned with, an economic powerhouse. This is what Yingdala is. For that, we need to continue to lower the essential tax and encourage domestic and foreign investment. We need to invest more in our infrastructure, in schools and medicine. We need to continue to grow our military and expand our military bases worldwide.

This is only the beginning. Let us march forward into a new age, a new Yingdala. May the heavens bless Yingdala and His Imperial and Royal Majesty Yu Xi Gu.

Leader-Elect Kang Sin-Jae will take office on 1 July 4851.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:17 pm


26 June 4851
A Different Path
Yingdala to become the first monarchical republic in the history of the world.

His Imperial and Royal Majesty, Emperor Yu Xi Gu addresses the nation.

TIAN'AN, Han Province: In an unseen turn of events, His Imperial and Royal Majesty announced that Yingdala will now have an elected Head of State who is the sole political representative of the Emperor. Here is Emperor Yu's address:

After consulation with the Prime Minister, Fan Lifen, our gracious Emperor has expressed his wishes to travel the globe as an international beacon of radiance. His excellence, Yu Xi Gu, wishes to spread the mandate of Heaven to other nations, to raise awareness of Yingdala and to spread charity wherever he goes. As a young Emperor this is understandable and certainly admirable.

Until such time as the Emperor should grace our shores, the Son of Heaven has expressed his wish to have someone relay his desires in governance. His humble yet magnificent request is that it be a high noble man of Yingdalan birth who follows our state's religion.

Therefore, in the interest of scrutiny, The Middle Path proposes that all parties can nominate a "Regent" in his Royal Majesty's stead. The elected figure must swear an undying oath of loyalty to the Emperor and must accept the title: 王國的第一個聖人-天子於熙谷的僕人 (First sage of the kingdom - servant of Emperor Yu Xi Gu, Son of Heaven.

It grieves us to see our majestic light leave us, but we understand his Imperial Majesty is bound for greatness. We would be traitors to object to his benevolence.

The Grand Assembly is now in the process of changing the constitution, making it an easy change with 100% support from both political parties. Details about the duties and responsibilities of the future President and Prime Minister is currently being discussed between Prime Minister Fan and Leader Kang and members of both parties.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
Posts: 252
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Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:01 pm


The Kaizhou Inquirer - December 4851
The Kaizhou Inquirer is northern Indrala's leading periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


The first of many - Chonglin throws his hat in the ring for the position of Imperator
The Middle Path has issued a cautious reply

Chonglin Haiwan Liang, a member of the prestigious Haiwan Liang family is known as one of Yingdala's richer citizens.

KAIZHOU, Jiaozhi -- Chonglin Haiwan Liang of the Haiwan Liang Clan (梁) has spoken publicly of he desire to stand for the position of Imperator. Although this may seem somewhat premature, whispers in parliament suggest that the constitutional change will indeed become law. Chonglin's wealth is hardly a secret in Yingdala, his company's apartment blocks dot the horizon of many of the nation's cities yet only make-up a small part of his property portfolio. Political analysts are now speculating on his agenda commenting that he would be a controversial choice for any political party's nomination.

Chonglin's narrative is that he is perhaps one of the most prominent figures in the nobility and has been known for his charitable donations to religious institutions. His critics, however, point out that few of these donations made it into the hands of the poor who arguably need it the most. Several of his companies have come under close scrutiny - apartment blocks built using materials that skirt safety regulations, apartments often inhabited by the nation's most poor. At present, Chonglin has chosen not to comment but a representative on his behalf argues that:

"Yingdala is a capitalist nation and in the spirit of the free market Chonglin Haiwan Liang provides affordable services that our less fortunate citizens benefit from the most."

Chonglin has expressed his interest in securing a nomination from The Middle Path citing his commitment to international representation for Yingdala. So far, The Middle Path has chosen to ignore speculation, but has issued the following:

ImageThe Middle Path chooses not to comment on conjecture, but instead chooses to focus on facts. The individual in question, Chonglin Haiwan Liang, has approached us concerning a potential nomination for the position of Imperator. Talks are ongoing, but more common ground will need to be found especially in reference to the economy.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 2:19 am


1 July 4852
NLP Imperator Primary Election Kicks Off
The National Liberty Party has officially kicked off its primary election season.

TIAN'AN, Han Province: The 4853 Election Year Primary has finally began for the National Liberty Party. After the government reform that both parties supported, the head of state position is now an elected Imperator. This has become the most anticipated race for the head of state in over 500 years! Candidates looking to receive the NLP's nomination for Imperator is growing fast with already 21 candidates announcing their bid for the nomination.

NLP Chairman Chen Qing Fu is gearing up for his first official campaign since the party was founded in 4848, three months before the election that year. Chairman Chen said that he is "hopeful" and "optimistic" about this year's election and that Yingdala can expect a "competent government under the leadership of the National Liberty Party." As the party prepares for the upcoming election, there's an increase of temporary staff members, increased budgets and a number of political activist throughout every province and city in Yingdala.

Those seeking the Imperator nomination from the NLP are working hard to gain the support of all 2,435 delegates. The candidate who makes it to 1,218 first will win the nomination. The NLP will hold all primary elections on the same day in January 4853 and the nominee will be revealed at the NLP Convention 4852. So far, we have the polls of the most favored candidates:

Chin Bo Zheng: 23%
Wei Li Zedong: 17%
Zedong Kun Qiu: 13%
Wu Lei Xinyi: 11%
All Others: 21%
Undecided: 15%

The top Imperator candidate for the NLP is the current Minister of Trade and Industry. Ever since he was appointed to serve as Minister in 4848, Minister Chin took action to combat our economic decline by creating the LP Project that constructed the new LP Nuclear Power Plant that employs more than 1,500 Yingdalans. He also issued a ministerial directive to increase rice and automobile exports to foreign nations, increasing foreign investment in Yingdala. With his work in the last four years, he is the strongest candidate that the National Liberty Party can offer the voters. It would be wise for NLP voters to vote for Minister Chin if they seek to win. However, Minister Chin does face a seasoned politician who has accomplished more in Yingdala and is well established in Yingdalan politics.

Ambassador and current Asssemblyman Wei Li Zedong has been in Yingdalan politics since 4805 when he became Mayor of Han at the mere age of 21 years old. Since then, he has worked with many political parties and National Councils, even serving as Minister of Finance, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, and Deputy Prime Minister. His expertise in politics will go a long way, however, he is currently the oldest candidate at the age of 68. His age won't stop him from becoming a big challenge for Minister Chin as they battle out, among others, for the nomination.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:03 pm

Tian'an News Network is the nations largest 24-hour real-time reliable news source.
Tian'an News Network mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.

29 November 4852
The Race for NLP's Nomination for Imperator Heats Up
The race for the National Liberty Party's nomination for Imperator heats up as candidates drop out and endorse the two leading candidates, Minister Chin and Assemblyman Wei, as they battle it out for the top spot in the party and the nation.

Tian'an, Han: As candidates drop out left and right due to massive drops in the polls, the party is now focused on the two top contestants for the Imperator nomination, Minister Chin Bo Zheng and Asemblyman Wei Li Zedong. The polls continue to change as support for the two candidates continue to place the candidates ahead of each other and not by much. Recent polls indicate that Assemblyman Wei is in the lead with 52% support while Minister Chin is trailing behind at 48%.

The candidates received endorsements from the other candidates who decided to drop out. Minister Chin received 10 endorsements from the former candidates while Assemblyman Wei received 9. NLP Chairman, Chen Qing Fu, and the party's Grand Assembly Leader, Kang Sin-Jae, both stated that they will not endorse any candidates until one of them receives the nomination at the convention in just two months. With the party's top leaders out of sight in the primary process, both candidates are campaigning hard to gain ground in this race.

Minister Chin has begun to campaign in the Province of Shu where he led a joint ministerial construction project that brought thousands of jobs to the rural areas that were beginning to go under due to a lack of economic activity. He is holding five campaign rallies a day in each city and town in Shu in a matter of one week. His campaign is focused mainly on economic growth and even standing firm on pushing the nation's strength beyond the border and into the international scene. Not too long, Minister Chin released a plan with the Yingdala Trade Commission to increase exports of cultural products to every third-world country and economically and militarily poor/weak country in order to begin the process of increasing the nation's international influence. Minister Chin told supporters at his rallies that he worked on these plans with former Leader Qing Kun Ah, Minister Guo Chang Heng, former Assemblyman and current Leader Kang Sin-Jae, and other experts back in 4848 when he was appointed minister. He is likely to have the support of the free market capitalist wing of the party as well as the right-wing fanatics.

Assemblyman Wei is actively campaigning in the Province of Han. Wei is campaigning on a promise to work on Yingdala First proposals like reforming education, healthcare, welfare and other initiatives before he focus on expanding the country's economy. While he is a capitalist, Wei said that capitalism is nothing if the people are not educated, healthy and financially smart. Assemblyman Wei also campaigned on his past record as Ambassador and Mayor. He even stated that his opponent lacks experience and knowledge when it comes governing an entire nation, citing the fact Minister Chin has never held an elected office and only began in politics in 4848 when he was appointed to lead the Trade and Industry Ministry. Wei is likely to receive the support of the party's moderate wing and economic progressives in the party.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:07 am

Tian'an News Network is the nations largest 24-hour real-time reliable news source.
Tian'an News Network mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.

3 January 4853
4853 Primary Election Night
The National Liberty Party holds its first convention in all five provinces of Yingdala for every race including the Grand Assembly and that of the Imperator.


TNN Anchor: "Good evening and welcome to the 4853 NLP Primary Election live coverage. I'm your host Jin Hui Xiang. Tonight I have with me the Deputy Chairman of the National Liberty Party, Lin Yin Wei, and former NLP Leader in the Grand Assembly, Qing Kun Ah. Good evening gentlemen! I'll first go to you Leader Qing. You resigned from office last spring due to health issues. I hope you're doing better. I want to hear your thoughts on tonight's election and who you think will come out on top in the race for Imperator.

Leader Qing: Thank you for having me Anchor Jin! Its good to be back in politics even if I'm not an elected official. As you stated, I did resign from office due to health concerns, however, my health has turned to the best and we can expect a full recovery in the next year or so if I follow doctors orders. You see here, we have over 1,500 candidates for the Grand Assembly, 10 for Governor, and now 2 candidates for Imperator. Just seeing those numbers keeps me optimistic that the National Liberty Party is gaining support from all areas of the country, increasing participation in our party and so on. While I won't make an educated guess about the winner of the Imperator nomination, I will say that both candidates put up a fight to not only draw support for themselves, but also, to draw support from The Middle Path and swing voters to our party. I'm enjoying this and I look forward to the results tomorrow night at the convention.

TNN Anchor: Glad to see you doing well. I also heard you are joining the campaign field after the convention to help the Imperator nominee and other NLP candidates across the entire country.

Leader Qing: Yes I will be campaigning for every candidate in the race, especially for the Imperator. This was planned back in 4850 when I met with Chairman Chen and Deputy Chairman Lin and our political savvy employees where we drafted a plan to actively and aggressively campaign in every city in every province. Look Jin, we have built the world's largest and most energized campaign in the history of Terra. As I keep saying, I am very optimistic about this election and I can't wait to see the NLP lead this nation into a prosperous future.

TNN Anchor: Thank you Leader Qing. Deputy Chairman Lin, you've said before that this is a new process for the NLP. What's new about the process?

Deputy Chairman Lin: Well thank you Jin for having me on your show. I'm glad to be here in the studio with my friend, Leader Qing. We have known each other for over 30 years and even graduated from the same university at the same time. I'm glad he's doing well. You know he invited me to his funeral but I guess he called it off laughter. But the National Liberty Party's Executive Committee, together with political experts, have put together a new system to the NLP. This is our first every primary election since forming in 4848 so that's why everything is new to us.

To elect our Imperator nomination, we implemented a delegate system. These delegates are chosen at the province level, each province receiving 487 delegates. Each delegate must vote for the candidate which received the majority vote within their voting region, 487 regions in each province altogether. I believe this system is fair and adds a little more entertainment to the entire process. We won't know who has the nomination until tomorrow night at the convention. Tonight, however, we will be receiving delegate votes from the Anle, Min and Jiaozhi provinces as soon as votes are counted. Actually, you should be receiving those numbers shortly. The first candidate to reach 1,218 will win the nomination.

But all-in-all Jin, this election year has been interesting to watch and participate in. As Leader Qing said earlier, we have seen a high participation rate. We have over 13,000 volunteers nationwide working tirelessly to elect an NLP majority this June.

TNN Anchor: Thank you both for joining me here on Election Night coverage. Stay tuned and we will bring you live coverage of the NLP convention. Thank you and good night.


TNN Anchor: Welcome back to TNN's coverage of the 4853 NLP Primary Election Night. We are beginning to receive delegate counts for the Imperator's race and we have already received winners for the Grand Assembly nomination.

For Imperator, in the province of Anle, Assemblyman Wei received 52% of the vote giving him 253 delegates for the nomination, while Minister Chin received 48% and is given 234 delegates.

In the province of Min, Assemblyman Wei received 54% of the vote giving him 263 delegates Minster Chin's 224 delegates.

In the province of Jiaozhi, Minister Chin leads with 51% of the vote giving him 248 delegates to Assemblyman Wei's 239 delegates.

So far, Assemblyman Wei is in the lead with a total of 755 delegates with Minister Chin trailing behind with a total delegate count of 706.

Party leaders and supporters are now left with the question of who will be the party's nominee. I'm Jin with TNN signing off.

3 January 4853
The NLP Convention: "The Pride of Yingdala," Minister Chin Nominated
The National Liberty Party holds its first convention after being founded in 4848, and Minister of Trade and Industry Chin Bo Zheng won the NLP nomination for Imperator.

Supports at the NLP convention held outside as they wait for Nominee Chin to deliver his victory speech.

Liangjiang, Shu: The votes are in and Minister Chin comes out on top receiving the National Liberty Party's nomination for Imperator, winning a total of 1,218 delegates, a close race indeed. Here are the results:

Minister Chin Bo Zheng
Anle: 234 (48%)
Min: 224 (46%)
Jiaozhi: 248 (51%)
Shu: 297 (62%)
Han: 234 (48%)

Total Delegates: 1,237 (51.54%)

Assemblyman Wei Li Zedong
Anle: 253(52%)
Min: 263 (54%)
Jiaozhi:239 (49%)
Shu: 185 (38%)
Han: 253 (52%)

Total Delegates: 1,193 (49.7%)

Minister Chin took the stage to accept the party's nomination for Imperator. Let's look at his speech:

*cheers* Thank you! Thank you! I want to thank my family and friends who supported me wholeheartedly. I want to thank the thousands of volunteers who sacrificed their time and effort for this this campaign. They have worked tirelessly to deliver a victory not only to me but to every Yingdalan here and abroad. I want to thank the millions who voted for me and the millions who did not. I ran not for me but for each and every one of you who are sick and tired of living in a country that's stagnant, where the education is the same for everyone, where competition is no longer accepted but participation is praised.

Yingdala is on the verge of shaping into a nation that is not respected by many anymore. Our culture ran rampant throughout the world as we exported our tv shows and movies, music and dancing. Our economy controlled the very fabric of Terra where nations and regions had no choice but to do business with Yingdala. Our education far outweighed those of the elite education in the most developed countries, bringing with it the pride and joy of a nation that will never be on its knees. However, over hundreds of years, that all has changed.

The current administration that I am apart of under the leadership of Prime Minister Fan Lifen, has failed to appoint a representative to the World Congress. He has failed to negotiate trade deals that could benefit our people. He has failed to even work with any nation on anything. Under Prime Minister Fan's leadership and that of The Middle Path party, we have seen the decline of our economy, of our jobs, of our value; and what did the Prime Minister do? Nothing. He never once lifted a finger to revitalize failing communities. He never once lifted a finger to revitalize broken schools. He never once lifted a finger to bring us jobs or sound solutions to any of our issues. Day in and day out I have sent recommendation after recommendation to our Prime Minster in order to get the government working for you, yet, he turned a blind eye. Well, I can say to you all right here, right now, that I will turn a blind eye to a do-nothing government. As I stand here, I say to you directly Prime Minister Fan *looks directly into the camera*, I hereby resign as Minister of Trade and Industry. *cheers erupt*

As Minister of Trade and Industry for the last four years, I have worked directly with members of my party and those of society to get the ball moving on rebuilding our nation. It started with the LP Project where we constructed a 30 gigawatt nuclear power plant right here in Liangjiang that provided this community with thousands of jobs. There's more in store for all of Yingdala when I take office in June. I've worked with the Yingdala Trade Commission to increase our exports of rice and automobiles and in two weeks, we will be exporting millions of cultural products to other nations. I introduced a proposal to former Leader Qing Kun Ah a few years ago to tackle the economic issue and one of the proposals was reducing the essential tax rate from 10% to 0% over the next five years. Already, we have seen an increase in consumer spending; we have seen an increase in investments. This is what drives our economy, this is what drives Yingdala.

This is only the beginning. We have much work to do in so little time. From failing schools to failing infrastructure, we must rebuild from the ground up. We must build a nation of hope, dreams and wonder. We must build a nation that is loved and respected by every nation. We must build a nation that protects the old and the helpless. We must build a nation that protects life, liberty and property. We must build a nation where all receive equal opportunities to pursuit happiness, regardless of race, sex or creed.

This nation, our nation is on a path to redemption and I am leading us on that path. In a land whose population is above any other nations; in a land whose economy far outweighs any other nation, we must protect it at all costs. That is why I accept the National Liberty Party's nomination for Imperator of the State of Yingdala. Its time that we turn the tides from against us to working on behalf of us. Have faith in me and in the liberty party when we take the mantle of power in the coming months. Our party's motto is this: "We are the guiding light to a dark and desolate world." Let me be that guiding light for Yingdala and for the world. The State of Yingdala, our pride.

Thank you and may the heavens bless Yingdala and His Imperial and Royal Majesty Emperor Yu Xi Gu.

民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
Posts: 252
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:22 pm

天安新聞網 (Tian'an News Network)
Tian'an News Network is the nations largest 24-hour real-time reliable news source.
Tian'an News Network mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.

3 June 4853
Minister Chin Becomes New Head of State, NLP Wins a Majority
Former Trade and Industry Minister, Chin Bo Zheng, and the National Liberty Party sweeps The Middle Path in election 4853 by a whopping 70% supporting the party, winning the Imperator's election and gaining a supermajority in the Grand Assembly.

Imperator Chin Bo Zheng (center), Prime Minister appointee Fu Yu Jun (left), and Assemblyman Wei (right) at election day victory party.

Tian'an, Han: After over a year of campaigning and millions of INS spent, the National Liberty Party has swept election year 4853 with 70% of public support. This shows that the country is ready for the change that then candidate Chin promised during the campaign season. Now that he has the mantle, the world is watching what he might do over the next five years.

The National Liberty Party, led by Chairman Chen Qing Fu, have won 515 assembly seats, 4 governor races and the Imperator race, placing the NLP in power for the next five years in Yingdala. Before introducing the Imperator-elect, Chairman Chen said in his speech at the NLP's victory party that Yingdala is "ready for the NLP to be a guiding light in this dark and desolate world." Imperator Chin and other speakers at the victory party spoke the same message of being a "guiding light" for Yingdala. Former Grand Assembly Opposition Leader, Qing Kun Ah, spoke of how reassuring this election was and how smoothly the process went and is looking forward to the next five years of NLP rule. Leader Qing also stated that he was offered a position on the cabinet now that his health is better.

The day after the victory party, Imperator-elect went to visit the Emperor and was asked to form a cabinet in his name. At a press conference after the meeting, Imperator-elect Chin, followed by thirteen other individuals, proposed a bipartisan cabinet. A few of those include Assemblyman Fu Yu Jun for Prime Minister, former Imperator candidate Assemblyman Wei Li Zedong for Internal Affairs Minister, and former Leader Qing Kun Ah for Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Assemblyman Fu, Prime Minister appointee, was announced the candidate for Prime Minister after Prime Minister-hopeful, Leader Kang Sin-Jae, was found dead after the victory party at his residence in Han. He died from a heart attack.

The Imperator-elect is expected to take office on the 1st of July this year.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
Posts: 252
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2019 11:31 pm

Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:45 pm


The Kaizhou Inquirer - June 4853
The Kaizhou Inquirer is northern Indrala's leading periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


Fan Lifen faces revolt over leadership
The Middle Path condedes defeat


To say that the recent election was bad news for the Middle Path would be an understatement. The party lost to the opposition in all states with the exception of their Jiaozhi's heartland. Yet even in Jiaozhi the picture was bleak with a small margin of success. Already Pan Lifen is beset by angry backbenchers demanding to know how the party plans to bridge such a deficit in support. One Middle Path politician had the following to say:

This is bad. To go from such a majority to the current situation means we need to reassess. We obviously are out of touch with the people.

Another politician added:

Fan Lifen needs to take responsibility for this and resign as leader. We can't move on under their regime.

At the moment, Fan Lifen is clinging onto their left-wing supporters as a life line, but it seems that the net may already be closing around them. The more right-wing elements of the party are pushing forward with renewed vigor, they say their actions are justified by recent events. Some point to the Middle Path's stance on the environment and the economy as two areas where the Middle Path lost the most. It seems as if they may have found a saviour in previously disgraced member of the cabinet Lin Xianliang. Lin was responsible for attempts to push forward more right-wing policies through parliament and was effectively shunned for it. Now, Lin is greeted with open arms by the right, who see him as the change the party sorely needs. A vocal critic of global warming, tough on minorities and a supporter of laissez faire economics, Lin would be a significant departure from Fan Lifen's "green" economic model which endorsed a regulated economy with environmentally-friendly incentives.

Lin Xianliang addressing his supporters

So far, Lin Xianliang has failed to make any comment, but a supporter of his had this to say:

Lin Xianliang is a family man, a patriot and statesman. He'll steer this ship through troubled waters and see the Middle Path in power once again.

Some supporters both in poltics and outside of it have already begun to adopt his slogan of "God and country" and refer to him under his moniker "The Patriot". The situation is advancing at a rapid rate and who knows how quickly party elections could be announced. One thing is for certain, it seems as if the political landscape of Yingdala is changing once again.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:04 am

天安新聞網 (Tian'an News Network)
Tian'an News Network is the nations largest 24-hour real-time reliable news source.
Tian'an News Network mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.

20 July 4853
Imperator Chin Appoints NLP Chairman, Chen Qing Fu, As Yingdala's Representative to the World Congress
After years of not being represented on the World Congress, newly-elected Imperator, Chin Bo Zheng, appointed his party's chairman to represent Yindala Da Tong on the World Congress, a first in over 100 years.

Chairman Chen Qing Fu participating in a discussion with foreign leaders about trade exports in 4851.

Tian'an, Han: After consulting with Prime Minister Fu and Foreign Affairs Minister Qing, Imperator Chin appointed long-time friend and current party chairman, Chen Qing Fu, to the World Congress. This is the first appointment after over 100 years of Yingdala not being represented on the World Congress. Imperator Chin and the National Liberty Party campaigned on strengthening international relations during their year-long campaign. We are witnessing promises made, promises kept by the Imperator.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
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