
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:01 am


Northern Voice - July 4853
The Northern Voice is northern Indrala's leading conservative periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


The race begins
Fan Lifen squares off with Lin Xianliang

Already it's apparent that this is a two horse race. Not long after the annoucement of a party leadership election, many Middle Path politicians rose to the ocassion only to be summarily dismissed from the ballot due to lack of support. The party has divided into two political camps that couldn't be further removed from one another. Although no one can confidently name a winner, Fan Lifen seems nervous and Lin Xianliang's populist rhetoric seems to give him an air of confidence undeserving or not. Lin may cut an unconventional figure with a military background and a net worth in the millions thanks to his marriage to Chen Hazhou Wang hieress to the Xiandai Group, but none of that seems to matter to his ardent supporters.

Major news outlets are covering the story waiting to announce a winner as events unfold

Fan Lifen smiles at cameras but has said little of note in this current election. His supporters have ralied around him even if they appear small in number. When asked about future economic and ecological reform, a spokesman for Fan Lifen said the following:

This election is clear. Who are you going to vote for? Fan Lifen with an established record in poltics who wants to make Yingdala a progressive nation on the world stage? Or are you going to vote for a climate denier millionaire racist?

Lin Xianliang, on the other hand, has taken centre stage on the campaign trail having mostly ignored the capital in favour of the north lands and rural south expressing his views to some of the nation's less privileged citizens. When asked for comment, he said the following at a rally in front of an audience:

Fan Lifen, the current establishment, none of them have your best interests at heart. They want to outsource your jobs, they want you to pay more tax and they want to take your freedoms. We are allowing immigrants to come here and take your jobs. We should be building industry here, not the other way around. Together we can make a beautiful future for our nation - Yingdala will rise again under the Patriot.

Lin Xianliang at one of his many rallies

Indeed, it seems his supporters have latched onto some slogans such as "God and Country" and "Yingdala will rise again". If Lin can appeal to those areas of economic deprivation often ignored by mainsteam poltics, he may gain favour with the Middle Path's poorest supporters. Perhaps that is enough to tip the scales.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:33 pm


Northern Voice - November 4853
The Northern Voice is northern Indrala's leading conservative periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


Fan Lifen concedes defeat
Fan Lifen's failure to secure a majority spells significant change for The Middle Path

At times it seemed hotly contested, at others, it seemed as if Fan Lifen had already thrown in the towel. It seems as if this discrepency may have been a major factor in the left-wing's defeat - there was never a clear consensus on what they wanted to deliver. Modern leftists argued for small economic reforms with incentives for "green friendly" businesses. The far-left wanted to push much further, promising a heavily regulated Yingdalan economy with tough tarrifs on those who skirted ecological practices. Neither side found middle ground and it seems as if "The Lotus Group", the Middle Path's left-wing lobby, is heavily fractured.

The outcome of this leadership election seems to have come as little surprise to both the media or the party's supporters

Meanwhile, the "Homeland" group, the Middle Path's right-wing alternative, rallied around their candidate Lin Xianliang with endorsements flooding his way. Popular soundbites of "The Patriot" were made into placards, badges and even bumper stickers as "God and Country" and "Yingdala will rise again" punctuated the lawns of his public supporters. His choice to ignore capital elites and focus on a campaign aimed at Yingdala's north heartland and rural south seems to have struck a chord with the nation's citizens. Promises to get more people in jobs, crack down on immigrant quotas, relax rules on the economy and build industry in Yingdala has been met with positive reception, especially among those who are tired of lack of employment. One supporter in Shu state had the following to say:

This is the man we've been waiting for. He's going to shake-up this country and put it back on the map. The Patriot is who we need in office right now

Lin Xianliang was vocal about his success make a list of promises that he plans to make reality over the coming years in opposition. He has also pledged that he will be in office 4858. A small segment from his victory speech can be found below.

4858 people market in your calendar. It's going to be a great year, a beautiful year. It time we get those bureaucrats out of office. They don't represent you - they're criminals. They take your hard earned wages and what do they do? They flush them into unprofitable exercises that benefits no one but the Tian'nan elite. Watch this space. I'm coming for you National Liberty Party. Yingdala will rise again!

Lin Xianliang's victory marks a major change in The Middle Path's direction moving forward.

So far, Lin Xianliang has proposed a number of changes some that seem more like rhetoric than others. One of his more popular statements, "Drain the paddy", is directed at removing the wealthy elite from positions of power - this is despite the fact that his wife is the current heiress to the major conglomerate the Xindai Group. Among perhaps some of his more practical suggestions, he has pledged to relax gun control laws, reform the economy and remove "green" barriers for business. Some of these may be within his grasp with the Middle Path holding finance and environment and tourism positions in the new cabinet.

Lin Xianliang also plans to reform the party, although how exactly he plans to do that is unclear at present. When asked for further detail, all Lin would say is:

Maybe it's time to do some gardening. Weed out a couple of lotuses.

More on the situation as it develops.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:42 pm

天安新聞網 (Tian'an News Network)
Tian'an News Network is the nations largest 24-hour real-time reliable news source.
Tian'an News Network mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.

12 November 4853
Tian Agriculture Solutions React to NLP's Agriculture Bill
Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun and the NLP proposed a bill in the Grand Assembly to focus agriculture subsidies on crop demand and to change the government's regulation of farm size to allow farms of all shapes and sizes operate in Yingdala without government intervention. Tian Agriculture Solutions CEO joins us for a live analysis of the bill.

Morning news anchor on TNN's morning show

TNN Anchor: Good morning Yingdala and welcome to TNN's Morning Show. I'm your host Ping An. Yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun and the cabinet proposed a bill in the Grand Assembly that is said to tie agricultural subsidies to crop demand. We have with us the CEO of Tian Agriculture Solutions, Bo Chao, to discuss the impact of this legislation on the agriculture industry via phone call. Welcome CEO Bo.

CEO Bo: Glad to be here An.

TNN Anchor: CEO Bo, Tian Agriculture Solutions has not put out a press release stating their stance on the bill in question. In Article one of the bill, it ties agriculture subsidies to crop demand. What impact would that have on farms and agricultural companies like yours?

CEO Bo: Well An, TAS is currently working on a press release that should be out any moment now. It is in my view, however, that article one of the ASFD Act is beneficial to every company in the sector; but, I must say that smaller farms who focus on producing, for example, beans, would be affected if the demand for their crop was once high and now its not. This can affect the stability within these smaller farms because of temporary employment to keep up with demand and the compliance of the subsidies, as well as extra expenses and increased revenue. If this act pass, and I believe it will, then smaller farms will have to be more strategic when it comes to receiving these subsidies if only for a short period of time. Now, larger corporations like TAS can adapt quickly with the flow of the market and subsidies. Farms who focus on rice production won't be as affected either since rice is our top agricultural product produced in Yingdala. Let's not forget though, An, that there's always a adverse, or rather, unintended consequence when it comes to legislation like this so the government and companies must be very careful not abuse their power or the system itself.

TNN Anchor: You mentioned that there would be compliance that companies have to meet in order to receive or maintain the subsidies. Can you explain that to us?

CEO Bo: Certainly. When it comes to doing business with the government, especially when they are handing out "free" money, then you can expect there to be a list of "rules" you can say, that must be followed in order to receive and continue to receive the subsidies. Companies that receive government subsidies but then break a number of rules, it will be harder for them to receive such subsidies in the future because of a lack of trust that the government has with that company. That's why I tell small farms to tread carefully when dealing with these subsidies because I don't want them to fall into the trap.

TNN Anchor: Thank you. Article two of the bill also has an impact on farming, especially when it comes to large farms. Currently, farms that the government consider "too large" are broken up into smaller farms with the land redistributed. What the ASFD does is remove the government from regulating the size of farming altogether. What is your take on this?

CEO Bo: So, first off, I am excited to get this done. The National Liberty Party tried to get this article passed, with a bunch others, a few years ago but it was shot down by The Middle Path party. What we currently have is a system of redistribution, just like wealth redistribution. The current policy is a socialist policy. Its saying that because you have too much land or are too big of a farm, we will take what you worked hard for and give it those who doesn't have the "means" to work as hard. I've hated this policy for a long time and so has TAS. The policy proposed by Prime Minister Fu is what I want for our country. It takes government completely out of the picture when it comes to regulating farm size. Now, farmers who have the means to grow larger can do so without repercussions from the government. This is what I call a re-election win for NLP.

TNN Anchor: Well that's our time today folks. Thank you CEO Bo of Tian Agriculture Solutions for your insight into the ASFD Act of 4853. Thank you all and have a great rest of your morning.


Tian'an News Network is the nations largest 24-hour real-time reliable news source.
Tian'an News Network mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.

18 November 4853
Massive Infrastructure Project Now Underway
The Yingdala Infrastructure Investment Bank has approved 30 infrastructure projects in Tian'an, Han province, Guitan, Jiaozhi province, Jugang, Jiaozhi province, Jinhuang, Anle province, Hazhou, Shu province, totaling in $223.48 billion INS over the next 10 years.

In Yingdala, we do things big. Yes, BIG! The Yingdala Infrastructure Investment Bank, under the oversight and direction of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, has approved 30 infrastructure projects that will begin construction next year. The projects will span over 10 years, costing a whopping total of $223.48 billion INS. These massive projects range from highways, to wind farms, to entertainment facilities, research and more! These projects are in conjunction with the growing population. With these projects, Yingdala is showing that it means to do big things.

Here are a few of the projects:

$110 MILLION INS: Scheduled for completion in September 4856, the YinShu telescope will be one of the world's largest radio telescope. Its dish measures 1,640 feet across.

$176 MILLION INS: Tian'an Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory conducts Yingdala's major scientific projects. It's the country's most expensive research facility.

$200 MILLION: The Shencheng Opera House is one of the three biggest theaters in Yingdala, designed by architect Won Chun-sul.

$6.76 BILLION: Guitan Dam is the fourth tallest dam in the world and currently the second-largest power source for all of Yingdala.

$14 BILLION: The Tian'an-Jugang High-Speed Railway is the world's first alpine high-speed railway that can operate at high latitudes and low temperatures.

$4.5 BILLION: Yusan New City, a planned city to be completed in 4863, will house almost 1 million people
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
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Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:13 pm


Northern Voice - December 4853
The Northern Voice is northern Indrala's leading conservative periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


Lin Xianliang attacks National Liberty Party's plan to ratify Seko-Yingdala treaty
Says it forces Yingdala to accept certain ecological legislature


Today Lin Xianliang, leader of the Middle Path, attacked Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun's plans to proceed with ratification of the Seko-Yingdala Declaration of Friendship. In an interview, Lin Xianliang said:

We have tremendous wealth right under our feet. We should be mining the God given resources that our great nation provides for us. Now I hear the National Liberty Party wants to get in bed with Seko. You know what that means? A bunch of foreigners telling us we can't drill because it's against the treaty. Bunch of bureaucrats.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:40 pm

12 December 4853
Prime Minister Fu Defends Seko-Yingdala Treaty
After attacks from the new leader of the Middle Path over ecological concerns in the Seko-Yingdala Treaty, Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun defends the treaty and reiterates Yingdala's position in international affairs as well as ecological policies.

Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun on the floor of the Grand Assembly this morning.

Tian'an, Han province: Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun is facing attacks from the opposition in the Grand Assembly today as they attack the Seko-Yingdala Declaration of Friendship treaty. The Middle Path leader, Lin Xianliang, expressed great concerns about re-ratifying the treaty saying that "foreigners" would dictate our ecological policies for years to come. Prime Minister Fu responded today on the Grand Assembly floor. Here's what he said:

Mister Speaker, I want to touch a moment on the Seko-Yingdala Declaration of Friendship. The treaty was ratified in 4753, establishing a strong relationship between Seko and Yingdala as well as economic partners. In February of 4849, former Prime Minister Fan Lifen and members of the Middle Path withdrew from the treaty stating in a debate between our two parties, and I quote, "We stand committed to maintaining good relations with Seko. At present, there are some areas on which we seek negotiation..." However, while leading the nation for five years, Prime Minister Fan and TMP did nothing to renegotiate with a longtime friend and partner, leaving our two nations wondering where the relationship will go from there.

Now, the new leader of TMP, Leader Lin Xianliang, attacked the treaty again as we brought it up for re-ratification. His basis for opposing the treaty is, and I quote, "We should be mining the God given resources that our great nation provides for us. Now I hear the National Liberty Party wants to get in bed with Seko. You know what that means? A bunch of foreigners telling us we can't drill because it's against the treaty. Bunch of bureaucrats." If Leader Lin had read the treaty, he would see that the treaty doesn't dictate mining or drilling. He also doesn't understand international politics. We must do everything we can to maintain and grow international relations with every nation willing to do so; and, guess what? Seko is willing to maintain and grow relations with Yingdala.

Earlier today, Imperator Chin Bo Zheng spoke with President-elect of Seko and discussed just that, maintaing and growing the relationship between Seko and Yingdala. One of the agreements was to ratify, again, the Seko-Yingdala Treaty. It is the position of the Imperator that we maintain a strong relationship with Seko as well as other countries. Actually, Imperator Chin has spoken with four countries today, strategically chosen, in order to further relationships with those countries. I am asking Leader Lin and the TMP to please reconsidering their position on the treaty. Prime Minister Fan failed to do anything under his leadership and now TMP is heading down that same path of doing nothing. Please reconsider.

Thank you.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
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Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:44 pm


Northern Voice - January 4854
The Northern Voice is northern Indrala's leading conservative periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


Fu Yu Jun - Lin Xianliang feud continues and the Middle Path rebrands
Meanwhile up and coming star Abe Chinatsu is appointed to Middle Path's senior team

Perhaps unsurpsingly, Lin Xianliang has added more fuel to the fire over his recent feud with Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun. Far from backing down, Lin accused the Prime Minister of being out of touch with the common people, an elitist and a "foreigner lover". When speaking to the press, Lin had this to say:

Fan Lifen and his phoney government are gone. Fu Yu Jun just keeps rehashing old ground. It's okay for him to sit there in his ivory tower and tell us that this won't effect mining or drilling rights, but wake up people it will. Where is the money going to come from when those industries collapse? Seko? They'll take your money and run. We're the people you want in office, we've already started the legislative process of reducing regulation on the economy and getting the state off your guns. We're the party of the people. Look to the Fourth Way if you want things done right instead of a foreigner lover who can't wait to take your job and give it to somebody else.

Lin Xianlang talking to the press.

So what is the Fourth Way that Lin Xianliang has been referring to? Lin, after consulation with the Homeland lobby, has chosen to restructure the party along with a "re-branding" that better suits their appeal to the common voter. From now on, the party will be referred to as "The Fourth Way" - based upon the same political ideology that Lin Xianliang is the founder and main proponent of. When asked for an explanation, he said the following:

Normally in poltics, we're presented with three options. You have the left, the centre and the right. We're offering a fourth way that works for the people rather than the elite upstairs.

From what political analysts can tell, it appears that The Fourth Way ideology is a mixture of nationalism, convervatism and classical liberal values. It is not without its critics. Jia Shan of the Lotus Group, The Fourth Way's seemingly shrinking left-wing lobby, said:

Lin can call it what he wants. In reality, it's just right wing poltics sugar coated for the masses.

Along with a name change, the re-branding has produced a new logo and official party colour. Gone are the regal purples and their associations with the Emperor, instead The Fourth Path uses a "patriotic" yellow - a common fixture on the national flag.

The Fourth Path's logo

In other news, The Fourth Way welcomes Abe Chinatsu onto the senior political team. Although she doesn't hold a cabinet position as of yet, Abe is seen as a rising star in the party and perhaps even one day a successor to the leadership.

Rising star Abe Chinatsu

Abe Chinatsu is ethnically Kunihito, but is a nationalised Indralan citizen who follows Jienism - the largest religion of the nation. Abe was one of the first disciples of Lin Xianliang's Fourth Way ideology and is seen as staunchly right-wing. Interestingly, she is viewed as more of a diplomat than most of her peers in the party and tends to have a more global outlook. Abe has been noted to be an ambitious individual and her ascension through the party ranks seems all but guaranteed.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:01 am

January 4854
Prime Minister Fu and Leader Lin Feud Continues Over the Seko-Yingdala Treaty
Once again, Leader Lin attacks the Seko-Yingdala Declaration of Friendship, a treaty that Imperator Chin Bo Zheng and Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun supports.

Tian'an, Han province: Leader Lin Xianlang is at it again, attacking Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun and Imperator Chin's foreign policies. Just almost a year in, The Middle Path, now know as The Fourth Way, has began launching attack after attack on the Seko-Yingdala Declaration of Friendship. Leader Lin compared the Prime Minister Fu to an "elitist" and "foreigner lover," both contradicting the very essence of who the prime minister is.

Prime Minister Fu, after leaving the Grand Assembly floor, was stopped by a pool of reporters to comment on Leader Lin's recent attacks. With a deep sigh of annoyance and an eye roll, Prime Minister Fu said:

Leader Lin is the least of our worries. What me, Imperator Chin and the NLP want to focus on is the issues affecting this nation. Not too long ago, Imperator Chin's government approved 30 infrastructure projects that total in a cost of $223.48 billion INS, providing jobs to thousands of Yingdalans nationwide, something that the previous administration has failed to do. While Leader Lin is talking about what he's doing right now to "help" the people, he's also fighting against our policies that will directly impact their lives for the better. This treaty with Seko is vital to our two nation's relationship. Leader Lin talked about being a party of the people by getting rid of regulation. Well, my party has been pursuing deregulation since 4848. Right now as we speak, the ASFD is being voted on that will tie agriculture subsidies to market demand and remove the government from regulating farm size, something we proposed a few years back. If the TMP, TFW, or whatever their name is now, want to actually help, then I'll give them an opportunity to work with us. The National Liberty party has worked tirelessly for over five years to bring the best to the Yingdala, to make Yingdala great again. This is only the beginning. From the LP Project to increasing exports while in the minority to the ASFD and 30 infrastructure projects while in the majority, the NLP has proven to Yingdala that we are the party who knows how to get things done. We are doing the best we can to make up for the previous administration who failed to do anything for five years.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
Posts: 252
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Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:12 am


Northern Voice - January 4854
The Northern Voice is northern Indrala's leading conservative periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


The Hive Corperation is announced
The Hive Corperation will be jointly funded between The Fourth Way and tbe Xindai Group

The Hive Corperations insignia

The Fourth Party has announced the creation of the Hive Corperation - a joint venture between The Fourth Way and the Xindai Group. The Hive Cooperation will mostly focus on biomedical research mapping viruses and their pathogens with the hope of producing research towards future medical interventions. Lin Xianliang has hailed this as the start of a major boom for research in Yingala and a significant boost towards income for industry. The venture hopes to employ millions of Yingdalans in the field of research among other ventures.

A Hive Corperation scientist begins work on what one day could yield a vaccine for a number of ailments

The Xindai Group pledges to fund all biomedical reseach as the majority share owner of the company at 70%. The practical milititary applications of any research will be passed on by the Xindai Group to The Fourth Way which as a 30% share holder will be responsible for the Hive Corperation's parliamentary division. Lin Xianliang has pointed out that this will create further employment for the nation's citizens in the armed forces and argues that the Hive Corperation's paramilitary division can be used in international peace keeping divisions.
Last edited by bihikone on Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby bihikone » Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:19 pm


Northern Voice - June 4854
The Northern Voice is northern Indrala's leading conservative periodical, reporting on politics, culture and economics


Senior politician Abe Chinatsu hopes to score minor political victory
The "Homeland" Group has put pressure on the rising star

After a defeat in parliament, it looks as if the Hive Corperation's paramilitary division known simply as "Hive", may be at risk of dissolvement before it truly began. The Homeland Group, The Fourth Path's powerful and influential right wing lobby, has lobbied Abe Chinatsu to resolve the problem with diplomatic tact. Leader Lin Xianliang has been mysteriously quiet concerning recent events and some have speculated has been told to remain silent in fear of Lin excacerbating the situation with vitriolic comments.

The Homeland Group exerts considerable influence over The Fourth Path.

As part of a deal to appease the ruling party, the National Liberty Party, Abe Chinatsu has proposed the following:

On behalf of the Fourth Way, we propose to the congress that the Hive Corperation Pararmilitary Division's ownership be represented as follows:

The state will retain a 80% share in the company and therefore will be the majority holder. Whenver the establishment changes, those shares will pass onto them.

Considering the financial acumen that The Fourth Way has invested in this group, we would like to retain a 15% share. The remaining 05% will be given to the Xindai Group in the interest of transparency and risk diversification.

(Hive Corperation's biomedical research division is the sole responsibility of Xindai Group and therefore not a part of these negotiations).

Another part of the proposal is that Hive's paramilitary ensignia would be changed to reflect their allegiance to the state:

Abe Chinatsu's deal hopes to establish that the Hive paramilitary operates on behalf of the state

Only time will tell if Abe Chinatsu can score a victory for The Fourth Path and secure the favour of The Homeland Group. To secure victory, the National Liberty Party would have to either vote in favour of the proposal or simply abstain. The Yingdalan political scene watches in interest as they await the final decision.
Last edited by bihikone on Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:13 pm

Re: Yingdala

Postby jrandle8 » Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:06 pm

20 November 4854
Imperator Chin Bo Zheng to Welcome the Rildanor Delegation for an Official Working Visit
In a year long campaign promising to regain influence on the international stage and rekindle relationships with foreign countries, Imperator Chin's office announced earlier today that the Imperator has invited Rildanor's President, François Xing, and his delegation to Yindala Da Tong for an official working visit.

President François Xing and Vice President Elio Chapman of Rildanor

Tian'an, Han province: People are calling it as they see it, a campaign promise kept by Imperator Chin Bo Zheng. Since he announced his candidacy for Imperator in 4852, then Minister Chin said that he plans to rekindle "neglected" relationships with foreign friends and regain international influence through the World Congress. Just a year into office, Imperator Chin is already achieving his biggest goal: international partnerships.

Today, the Secretary-General of the Office of the Imperator announced that after months of planning between the Presidential Office of the Trudeauist Republic of Rildanor and the Office of the Imperator of Yindala Da Tong, there will be an "Official Working Visit" between the two countries beginning on the 4th of December this year. The schedule was released and is shown below:

Day 1:
Flight-line ceremony - 11:00
Gun salute at the Ministry of Defense - 12:00
Presidential Palace Arrival Ceremony - 14:00
Invitation to stay at the Presidential Guest Palace - 14:45
Helicopter Tour of the Yingdalan Capitol - 16:00
Dinner at the Presidential Palace - 18:30
End of Day

Day 2:
Breakfast Meeting with Imperator Chin - 10:00
Meeting with the Yingdala Trade Commission - 12:00
Luncheon at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - 14:00
Meeting with the Department of Legal and Treaty Affairs - 16:00
Presidential Palace Ball - 18:00
End of Day

Day 3:
Treaty Signing Ceremony - 12:00
Live Speech at the Presidential Palace - 14:00
Gun salute at the Ministry of Defense - 15:00
Departure Ceremony

We'll have more for you when the ceremonies begin.

4 December 4854
Imperator Chin Bo Zheng Welcomes President François Xing and the Rildanor Trudeauist Republic Delegation to Yingdala
After months of planning and conversations between the two governments to reaffirm relations, President François Xing and the Rildanor Trudeauist Republic Delegation arrives in Tian'an for an "Official Working Visit" that will focus on friendship and partnership between République Trudeauiste de Rildanor and Yindala Da Tong.

Tian'an, Han province:At approximately 10:30, the Rildanor delegation landed at the Yingdalan International Airport presidential wing. The Rildanor delegation, consisting of Foreign Affairs Minister Lilian Loup, National Conventionist Mickaël Verhoeve and other staff, exited the plane before the flight-ceremony began for the President and Vice President of Rildanor.

The flight-line ceremony began promptly on schedule as you see President Xing, First Lady Lafayette-Xing, Vice President Chapman and Second Lady Deschamps walk down from the plane waving at the large crowd. A motorcade was provided to them by the Yingdalan government where they will be used by the president, first lady and delegation until they depart on the 6th.

Flight-line ceremony for President Xing and Vice President Chapman, as well as the First and Second Lady of Rildanor

A slight change was made to the schedule as Imperator Chin Bo Zheng of Yingdala wanted to participate in the gun salute. The delegation departed the airport in the motorcade, but instead of heading to the Ministry of Defense, they headed to the Yingdalan Presidential Palace where they will participate in the gun salute ceremony where 19 gunshots will be shot in honor of the friendship of both nations and the continuing partnership between the people of Yingdala and Rildanor.

Yingdala rolled out the red carpet for President Xing on Thursday, treating him to an elaborate welcome ceremony on the plaza outside the Great Hall of Yingdala before the leaders turned to their private talks. Xing looked on approvingly as a Yingdalan honour guard played the national anthems of both countries, cannons boomed and soldiers marched. He clapped and smiled as children waving Yingdala and Rildanor flags and flowers screamed and jumped wildly.

Yingdalan soldiers march on the red carpet in the plaza of the Great Hall of Yingdala before Imperator Chin and President Xing.

Following the inspection, the leaders enter the Great Hall of Yingdala while the military band played a Yingdalan folk song. Upon entering the hall, President Xing was rewarded with the Imperial Friendship Medal, presented to him by the honour guard. Imperator Chin took the medal and placed it around the neck of President Xing saying:

With this medal, I, Chin Bo Zheng, Imperator of Yindala Da Tong, bestow upon you and the Trudeauist Republic of Rildanor, the Imperial friendship between our two great nations. May our nations forever flourish in partnership and friendship until the end of the age.

The leaders shook hands and took pictures. After the taking of pictures, Imperator Chin turned back to President Xing and said:

President Xing, I invite you, First Lady Noëlle Lafayette-Xing, Vice President Elio Chapman, Second Lady Nikita Deschamps, and the Rildanor delegation to be my guest here in the Presidential Guest Palace. You will arrive there by helicopter after your tour of the Yingdalan capital.

Honour guard presenting the Imperial Friendship Medal to President Xing

After the invitation was granted to President Xing and accepted, Imperator Chin and his team departed back to the offices of the palace. President Xing and his delegation was escorted to the helicopters on the opposite plaza of the Great Hall of Yingdala where they await for a tour of Tian'an.

Helicopter tour of Tian'an, Han province

The helicopter tour ended at the Presidential Guest Palace where President Xing and his delegation spent a few hours preparing for dinner at the Presidential Palace. The day was long and the festivities grand, but the leaders ate and conversed at the dinner for hours until the day ended.

Dinner with Imperator Chin and President Xing at the Presidential Palace

5 December 4854
The Work Begins: Two Leaders, One Goal
Two leaders kicked off a wonderful day of festivities yesterday but now is ready for business as the two leader's teams negotiate on trade agreements, contracts and more.

President Xing meeting with the Yingdala Department of Legal and Treaty Affairs at the Foreign Affairs Ministry

Tian'an, Han province: A long day of festivities are followed by the real work as the two leader's teams prepare to spend a majority of the day in meetings negotiating contracts and treaties between Yingdala and Rildanor as well as national corporations from both countries. The day began with a breakfast meeting between the world leaders. Those in attendance at the meeting were the two leaders, the Yingdalan prime minister, the the vice president of Rildanor, the foreign affairs ministers of both countries, the national conventionist of Rildanor, the foreign affairs minister of Yingdala, and the director of the Yingdala Trade Commission.

Imperator Chin Bo Zheng at the breakfast meeting with President Xing and Vice President Chapman

The day grew longer for President Xing as he attended a meeting with the Yingdala Trade Commission. At the meeting, increasing exports to Rildanor, and vice versa, was deeply discussed as the two teams poured over countless pages of contracts, products and more. An agreement was met at the meeting over a majority of the proposals, however, some proposals fell through the crack. The Director of the Yingdala Trade Commission mentioned the Agricultural Subsidies and Farm Deregulation Act, now law in Yingdala. Here's what he said to the Rildanor delegation:

Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun and the majority party proposed and passed a law that will have a significant impact on the nation's economy. The ASFD Act increased subsidies and deregulated regulated farm size, which in turn will result in a higher productions of key products such as rice. Imperator Chin, while he was Minister of Trade and Industry two years ago, introduced a plan to increase rice exports. Now that the ASFD is passed, the plan can now be fulfilled.

The director was in fact trying to receive an approval to increase rice exports for the next 10 years to Rildanor. Rice is the largest agricultural product produced by Yingdala, accounting for nearly 20% of agricultural exports. An agreement was met to increase Yingdalan exports of rice to Rildanor by 2.5 million metric units.

At the same time, Vice President Chapman attended the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luncheon along with Rildanor Foreign Affairs Minister Lilian Loup. The meeting was also attended by Yingdala Foreign Affairs Minister Qing Kun Ah and World Congress Representative Chen Qing Fu. The meeting was focused around increasing relations between the two countries and how aid can be given to each of the countries. Another focus on the agenda at the luncheon was a long time campaign promise of Imperator Chin's: to get Yingdala a seat on the Security Council of the World Congress. Again, an agreement was met and Yingdala gained the support of Rildanor to serve on the Security Council. Vice President Elio Chapman said in a brief message to the press:

Yingdala and Rildanor will be more than connected after this meeting, I am very sure that this will bring new things to our nations.

Lunch meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Rildanor to the left, Yingdala to the right.

The day ended with a Presidential Ball at the Presidential Palace. Both delegations, including guest who were invited, danced elegantly; the men in black and white, while the women wore their red, blue, yellow or whatever colored dress they had available. Imperator Chin described today as a "success" for both Yingdala and Rildanor. Lilian Loup stated to the press while at the ball:

The gala was of massive importance for our nations, this would be the resumption of the great relationship between Yingala and Rildanor.


6 December 4854
The End to a Successful Visit
After almost a full day of non-stop meetings, negotiates and trade talks, President Xing and Imperator Chin's reams are both now ready to implement greatness.

President Xing at a live broadcast discussion with Imperator Chin at the Yingdalan Presidential Palace

Tian'an, Han province: Three days is never too long...well, that is if you're not apart of making history. Executive Assistant to the Imperator said that these three days took a toll on both teams due to non-stop work, only being able to receive three hours of sleep a night in order to keep the world moving and making history.

On day three, the final day, is when all of the hard work pays off for the two nations as President Xing and Imperator Chin sign trade agreements, treaties and shake hands to affirm the deals made. President Xing, in addition to the signing, gave a speech at the palace in front of the members of the Grand Assembly, ministers of ministries, Prime Minister Fu Yu Jun, and state leaders. Here's a look at part of what he said:

Dear attendees,

I would like to thank the government of Yingdala for receiving me at this gala. Rildanor and Yingdala have been nations that have had a very good relationship for a long time, however this relationship was not very well maintained for a long time. However, now with the new Imperator, this relationship will be like the one our two nations had in the times of Tymoshenko and Bao.

I would like to thank the Imperator for having taken this initiative, here we promise that this relationship will continue for many years to come, I am very optimistic about this relationship, which would promote the creation of the Yingdalan-Rildanorian League, a diplomatic and cultural space for our nations. Without further ado, I will let the gala continue, thank you very much for listening.

After the speech, the Rildanor delegation boarded their plane and went home. The first official visit in Yingdala under Imperator Chin was described by all media outlets as a success for Yingdala and a success for the world.
民族自由黨 (Yu Imperial Union) in Yingdala & House of Yu Clan (Inactive)
民族自由黨 (United Nationalist Federation) in Dankuk (Active)
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