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Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:29 am
by DauxusofNimrod
Racist, sexist, ableist Manifesto published,
Lodamun reinforces ableist oppression with private automobile ban

13th of May, 4729


Demetrius I, the self-titled (and yet uncrowned) Serene Augustness the Prince-President and far more widely accepted Chief of Cisdraconian Badlands, recently unveiled his latest sinister metapolitical accomplishment – a fully fledged and lenghty ideological vision for a future Lodamun under the name of „The Physical Democracy and Modern Princedom“, promoting a sort-of rule of the athletes that limit the voting rights only those Lodamese men who are able to complete a series of difficult and demanding physical tests. His main argument is that this would, in fact, easily group together and empower the very best of the Lodamese society as those who are intellectually superior are have a far steepet tendency to achieve a higher income and thus theoretically better means and more time to keep themselves in peak physical shape. This would, the argument goes, also lead to the already intelligent but weak to balance themselves out in order to reach the shape to qualify for suffrage, thus widely improving the health of the societal elite. Those already in good shape, however, would be encouraged to push harder in their daily labour to reinforce their means to keep themselves fit.

The considerations relating to the genetically weaker and old people are brushed aside with a suggestion that there is no reason „to support the meek against the virile“. It’s quite clear that in the Lodamese throne pretendent’s mind the positive aspects of giving the naturally gifted the exclusive ability to decide on the nation’s future far outweigh the alternatives as its their offspring that would generally also be of the preferred „electoral stock“. Also noteable is the underlying anti-urban and pro-rural undertone as the author subscribes to the popular belief of rural Lodamese being (if not by birth, then through their purer daily labour) generally stockier and more vigorous. „Interestingly the book mentions women only thrice, passingly and in a totally perfunctory tone,“ observed a pre-eminent literary critic native to Andalay. The Chief of Cisdraconia has previously marked his disdain for the idea of female suffrage (and universal male suffrage, for that matter) on numerous occations and even in a few official public comments.

The book has been widely criticized both nationally and internationally for the obviously illiberal views it espouses but has nevertheless sold surprisingly (since illiteracy is usually considered an honourable trait for most societal castes among the supporters of the former EAPP and Princedom) well, although only domestically and in the least surprising regions of Lodamun.


In other news, the briefly lifted private automobile ban was reinstated with even harsher measures in January 4729, following what has been described by some as „an absurdly horrific disaster of an experiment“ of brief, two-year long relegalization. In a recent speech the self-titled Serene Augustness Demetrius I glorified the ban as „a uniquely proud Lodamese trait“ that „decidedly shows our people’s natural superior connection with the nature that surrounds us“ and „makes Lodamun physically wider, longer, larger in every possible way from any comparable countrerpart“ as „the lack of revolting motor extends all Lodamese distances“, making Lodamun, in some ways, „the largest nation on Terra“.
This became possible because the decade-long dual rule in the Nation between the Southern Camarilla with ex-Princely forces and Northern Parliamentarians tilted once more in favour of Old Regime as the assorted People's Deputies of the "democratic resistance" gained the upper hand in the Chamber and managed to seize the de jure executive organ of the Nation, supporting the Lodamese Nationalist forces. It is generally not believed to signal the end to the diarchy as the liberal forces remain firmly in control of the coastline and Chief of Cisdraconian Badlands and primary claimant to the Princely throne hasn't made any meaningful steps towards restoring the Princely rule.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:55 am
by DauxusofNimrod
Southern Opposition refuses to accept election results, forms an alternative government
17th of June, 4732


Following the contentious 4731 elections and the formation of a new government by the former opposition parties, the underground EAPP cells and its various allied organizations and puppet groups decided to set up a continuity government without any of the PNG ministers. It is led by the former Deputy Prime Minister Paulopitrevsk Moncifer-Dauxus and calls itself the Lodamese Transitional Government, although hasn’t thus far mentioned the objective of stated transition. It’s notably the most significant aggressive step by either side of the Lodamese governing diarchy since the surprisingly peaceful disarmament of the oppositionary paramilitary groups [] in July 4730. A number of foreign commentators have expressed fears that any radical steps on the part of the new republican government might lead to outbursts of violence not usually seen outside the most primitive corners of Transkregonia.

The official line of the would-be alternative government seems to evoke the *old*, not yet Princely EAPP with its harsher, darker tones of uncompromising push for serfdom, unapologetic (but, for the sake of convenience, secret) human sacrifice and unfeasible, deeply antinatalist plans for worldwide human extinction. It is yet unclear if this not-so-sudden return to former radicalism and glory days is something that their expanded voter base would agree with. His Serene, yet to be crowned Augustness Demetrius I, however, has thus far fallen short of what seems to be the logical first step of his ambition and lost the first two interim presidential elections. It’s certainly possible that raspy steps towards extremism will not help him in the third ones and resulting disillusionment with democratic means might, some fear, tilt him towards less parliamentary actions, especially since he’s not that fond of universal political representation in the first place, if his public statements are anything to go by.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 12:42 pm
by DauxusofNimrod
Parliamentarians abolish the Republic, receive a counterblow in the polls
8th of September, 4734


The establishment of the pro-Princely so-called „Lodamese Transitional Government“ left a large chunk of the Chamber of People’s Deputies filled with empty seats as a number of Deputies still loyal to His Serene (still uncrowned) Augustness migrated south. Chamber that controlled the de jure government of the nation was now left to its own devices and used the relative freedom to declare the Princely Republic abolished, rename itself the Presidium and restore the Great Democratic Republic. Following elections
[], however, resulted in pro-Princely electoral blocs winning every single region but Andalay which encouraged the Transitional Government to declare, in turn, the establishment of the 4th Great Democratic Republic an „illegal and violent coup“ and organize „people’s marches“ all over the country (of which around half actually resulted in something at least resembling a protest) as an attempt at peaceful demonstration.

However, as EAPP nor its various successor have never had much of a tradition of democratic mass action, the demonstrations and feeble attempts at a general strike (which largely failed because the Princes have never held much sway in large cities or other areas with notable industry) produced little. Although the most immediate dangers to the nascent regime seem to have seem to have outplayed themselves, Daro is still filled with daily rumors of a Princely „march on the capital“ which, some say, seems a far more menacing prospect, should the uncrowned Prince win the next presidential elections. And with a democratic mandate and a palace in Daro, there would then be very likely nothing to stop him from crowning himself and maybe more.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:15 pm
by M13
Logan Vroghin remains Secretary-general
Vroghin quite happy with latest election result
August 5, 4747

Vroghin asked the officials of his party if he should step down as PNG Secretary-general. Today they decided, almost unanimously, that he should stay. Vroghin was pleased with the result of the latest elections and asked his party members to keep up the good work.
"We are a long way from our goal, but we made some progress. We didn't manage to get our man in the saddle, but as for now, Mr. Deneel is no longer Interim President. Eventhough LTG didn't get that position, even with our full support, we might say that we had at least a little hand in the election of the liberal candidate. We hope the Liberal Party will keep that in mind in the future. We hope to continue our work in Cabinet together and we wish to proceed in reshaping this nation."
When asked if he didn't favor the position of Interim President himself, he answered: "I have no longing to hold that position. Our party isn't strong enough to carry the burden of presidency. Therefore I have decided almost two decades ago that we were to support the only person we seem fit for that position. We should never forget that we support Lodamese Nationalism and the people who believe in Nationalism. We are a party for the people, all of the people of Lodamun, but we have a duty towards Nationalists."

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:46 am
by DauxusofNimrod
EAPP politicians decide to take part in the Northern Government, still claim it to be illegitimate
10th of October, 4747


Although in a surprise pre-election move the Liberty Party decided to accept the imbalanced proposal of the Nationalists and end the generation-lasting government with PLUP and Greens, the Princely claimant of former EAPP and its various allied splinters have decided to not disband the Lodamese Transitional Government as most expected. Instead, they have reiterated their belief in Daro government’s illegitimacy and upcoming demise. They, however, still decided to take part in it because were „so cordially invited“ and „saw no real reason not to“.

His Serene Augustness the Eternally Uncrowned Prince-President of the Lodamese, Demetrius I, made quickly known his intentions to not take part in any of the various ceremonies and festivities associated with the fall of the long-time radical-Northern government. Official rationale for it „excessive legitimization of an illegitimate body“ but commentators on both sides have also mentioned that Demetrius I still likely plans to return to Daro only as the elected President and in a triumphal manner.

In a speech given before the departure of the Deputy Prime Minister, His Serene Augustness emphasized that „Lodamun as we know it today, is a corpse. Those sitting in Daro are still rooting for that corpse. Remember, we are rooting for the maggots.“ Although a few critics have warned that Princely claimant’s statements are showing a growing impatience with the democratic process, others have noted that EAPP and allies did just manage to finally push through the Northern Presidium a relatively large "Cultural Revitalization“ program.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:37 pm
by M13
Vroghin receives title of 'Master'
Master would signify Vroghin to be religious leader

February 4, 4748

Word has reached us that erudite Nationalists have come to a consensus that Secretary-general Vroghin in entitled to call himself Master from now on. A team of experts on Lodamese Nationalism believe that Logan Vroghin has meant a tremendous deal for Lodamese Nationalism.
It was Vincent White, Minister of Culture and Education, that arranged a meeting with the experts. They discussed for three days on the future of Lodamese Nationalism. Minister White explains himself: "Lodamese Nationalism was banned from Lodamun on several occasions. It remerged. Thanks to Mr. Vroghin, Nationalism once again has prospects. The plan Mr. Vroghin discussed on national level gives us a future. Lodamese Nationalism doesn't want to be the only recognized religion, it just wants to be recognized. While Nationalism was accepted during the Princely Republic, many followers were frightened to openly express themselves. Logan has decided to support the reinstalling of the Prince with Princely protection of Lodamese Nationalism in return."
Logan Vroghin said he was surprised and honoured to receive this acknowledgement, but he would not step up as religious leader. He would just do his job by protecting Lodamese Nationalism and the rights of all Nationalists.

Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:20 pm
by ChengherRares1
The leading voice of workers and trade unions across Lodamun
August 4752

Labor unions unite under new party forming
the National Syndicalist Union

Trade union members forming own sporadic trade unions before uniting under the NWP and the Syndicate before forming together the NSU

Upon the date of 1 August, workers from the province of Andalay had grew increasingly discontented with the situation in Lodamun, with it's wrecked economy, corruption and hatred. The new workers unions seized several factories and gained popularity among the small towns and Orean city. The new syndicalists united soon with the National Workers Party, while they federated themselves around a bigger confederation of trade unions called The Syndicate. These new parties were ruled by Jacob Patel as representative of The Syndicate, while Erhart Simson ruled over the National Workers Party as Chairman. Oscar Gayoso, important member among trade unionist organizations and far-left anarchists grouped joined the newly established organizations as member of the Free Workers Association. Other labor movements like the Red Front for Human Liberation and Workers Liberation Front followed the suit. In the end, a NWP-Syndicate coalition, or better called NWPS was formed. This new coalition attracted the Syndicalist Union of Free Workers as well, all these unions having own influence in their home regions. Following days from conception the Syndicate reformed itself under the new banner of National Syndicalist Union, starting to further away from the NWP, a more socialist libertarian party, and slowly favor more and more anarchist and syndicalist policies over the libertarian and socialist ones. This followed with the detachment of the NWP from the coalition, while the NSU had picked up the remaining labor movements and unified them under the banner of Syndicalist Union of Free Workers. The remaining NSU formed a strong party that presented itself to the assembly and proposing new laws. The new party promises change and a better Lodamun overall, with great popular support among workers in more developed and coastal regions. The new party as well stated that despite the frivolous attacks from the EaPP, they will not stand down and continue the fight for the working class.


Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 8:56 pm
by ChengherRares1
The leading voice of workers and trade unions across Lodamun
February 4753

Unions had started striking as they realized a
right-wing government was formed

Trade unions are protesting as the new government started passing anti-labor laws and rejecting the petition proposed by the workers in the Parliament.

Following the critical situation with the collapse of the Green Progressive Party of Lodamun, the government called for new elections, the elections of November 4752. These early elections ended with a growth in popularity for the worker-backed NSU, comprised mostly of radical syndicalist trade unions and members. The following days gave way to a new right wing coalition made up of the anarcho frontierist party of lodamum and Liberty Party. The libertarian capitalist coalition had caused even more dissent as the new petition prompted by the workers in the national assembly had been thoroughly rejected by other parties. The unrest grew as the new government proposed elimination of all protection law against abuses by the business owners. The right to not be fired from your workplace, the right to equal treatment when seeking employment and even mass scale privatization of various offsets provoked sporadic protests and incidents, culminating with workers striking all across the more progressive regions of Andalay and Norvastan, where across major cities like Orean, St. Martin, Providence, and West Beach started to strike and protest peacefully against the new laws and government citing that their actions will hurt the labor movements. The worker-backed party National Syndicalist Union is worried of the situation and advises the government to rethink their policies before more direct action is required to persuade the state. The following days will result in continuation of the strikes, workers and labor leaders and representatives say. Some small scale incidents happened across the protests but most of the protests are holding a pacifist stance. Worker and labor leader Pop Maria is telling of the dangers of the right wing policies and how it will impact negatively the common people, saying that "the government first duty is to the people , but when they forget that , they sell their own people to the corporate interests". Her rejection of the recent governance comes upon grounds of economic exploitation and presents herself as anarchist. Despite all these, some cooperation with the new government had been seen on many common issues like freedoms and the abolishing of feudalist like measures and nobility titles. It is yet to be seen how the protests will evolve.


Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 2:13 pm
by ChengherRares1
The leading voice of workers and trade unions across Lodamun
November 4753

Strikes continue as the liberal government ignores
second petition

The protests continue on as the government had ignored the demands of the trade unions.

Since the strikes began the government did not showed any sign of compromising and had pressed the paddle toward raw capitalism and destruction of labor unity. The new reactionary government had passed laws that will allow the corporations to fire people on the spot for any reason, while a plan to cut half of the healthcare programs and couple more social programs is underway. This and alongside the fact that the current government is labeling climate change and repealing pollution laws as an inherent disaster for our nation, as such tens of thousands more people joined the strikes and the protests, including environmentalists as well. The National Union of Workers and Grand Coalition, other two major trade unions joined the cause alongside the National \Workers Party, as the syndicalists had made compromises inside the party with the NWP to make a united workers' front. This resulted in strikes appearing in Rapula as well. Cities like Ellington and Westwood Park had thousands of workers striking against the current government. Couple farmers and people from Daro had protested in front of the government but their numbers were few compared with the major industrial areas and urban centers. The protesters are even furious as the second petition sent to the assembly was completely ignored by the rightist government, which till now only looks to repeal all protective laws against abuses as well cut social spending that helped so many till now. The trade unionists had announced that further anti-labor laws will be resulting in harsher action by the workers, reminding the capitalists governing for corporate interests that their numbers are higher. Some of the workers and people had put on walls anarchist and red flags alongside flaunting their guns in public, but the cases were minor and resulted in no incidents. The protests were peaceful overall, despite incidents since they began. The police is still aware of the situation and is ensuring that nothing gets out of hand. Lodamese pro-labor party, NSU, had again warned the government that their actions should reflect the will of the people, until then, only time will tell how the government will respond.


Re: News from Lodamun

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2020 5:00 pm
by M13
Vroghin found dead in his appartment
PNG Secretary-general possibly murdered, police are silent
December 20, 4753

Port Golavia- Numbness. More cannot be said about how PNG officials looked when reaching their HQ in Port Golavia. Just a few blocks away, the lifeless body of their Secretary-general Logan Vroghin had been discovered earlier today. The police didn't want to give any information but 'the discovery by his secretary round about 9 AM'.

Vroghin was controversial as party leader, but never really had explicit enemies. There is a possibility that Vroghin got murdered, we heared today, but we should await the results of the investigation. It was the party's number two, Hans Swertvager, that informed the press. He stated that the party loses its rock. The party board decided to, as written in the party directives, that Swertvager will replace Vroghin as Secretary-general. He will be acting chief untill the end of the investigation, after which a new election will be held.