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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Wed May 20, 2020 8:29 pm

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
January 4759

New industries arise in St Martin

Guns produced by anarchists in the new factories for small guns.

Over the past months, the communes had seen incredible development in all domains, as well considerable progress in becoming important economic centers of Lodamun. Despite their stance against commerce, the trades intensified, leading to intense economic activity and new import of resources into the cities. With the new elections keeping the status-quo and the safety of the communes, the good progress is expected to continue as the local committees laid out plans for further development. Meanwhile an influx of tourists, immigrants and yes, capital! in the established communes. The better living conditions and the glaring prosperity had attracted many people willing to move in from various reasons, from political to economical. The tourist industry saw major increase as well, with better affordable prices leading to many tourists flocking in to see the pristine beaches of Lodamun. Most of them tho are for now Lodamese, but influx of foreigners is looked forward to.

The military strategists and the committees had started programs to stack up resources for any eventuality, including civil wars which would devolve into embargoes. The supplies being stacked up are bullets, various guns, canned food, water, medicine, clothes, various materials used for industrial activity and prime resources. These are to be deposited and be used as an emergency fund in case of embargoes or sanctions. The militias had also smuggled from the Lodamese military various anti-air gun vehicles and mountable heavy guns as well light armored vehicles and military-graded fire weapons alongside equipment. This had led to rumors and panic in some, raising the question, how was this possible? Some speculate that the syndicalists had infiltrated successfully into the military.

While the militias are gaining strength and popularity, even getting calls to intervene in worse off places, the new division, the Leftist Front is created in Providence, in order to spread influence and to aid the locals, giving out food, water, clothing and medicine to the locals. Their called saviors in their regions and praised for their presence, leading to variety of crimes against the upper class and the system, causing some civil unrest that was quickly secured by the police to avoid escalation.

On the other side, the Saint Martin economy is rousing to the top, with new production of small riffles and firing guns, as well SMGs and pistols. These new factories were open few months ago after some military strategists and experts defected to help the anarchist committees in building up new production lines of Lodamese guns, even if a bit outdated, their at military-graded level and inspired after older foreign models alongside tweaks and upgrades. The new production lines will chum guns for the Communes and arm the people and the organized militias protecting the area. Other industries that saw development were tourism, food industry, transport and internet. With the production of buses and other public transports in Orean, following cooperation resulted in new public systems of transportation of Lodamese people freely by the communes across the Northern parts, tho despite small, these programs are expected to grow, as international trade is bringing huge revenue to these cities. The food industry saw similar growth with that one from Orean, resulting in economic growth with new groceries, stores and bakeries. The smuggle of foreign technology as well with the creation of a connected grid to the satellites of Istalia for internet connection led to foundation of several important servers built by experts rented by the anarchists, with this offering a better more modern world to Lodamese citizens for free. The local committees plan on offering laptops and other gadgets for free as well in the coming future.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu May 21, 2020 5:15 pm

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
June 4759

Documentary over Oreanese Commune

People checking news regarding the actions of the committees, HQ of Central anarchist committee of Orean.

Important journalists formed research team for a documentary over the lives of the people in the Commune of Orean. They went in Orean to see with their eyes how people live in communal rule.

The situation in Lodamun had a very unique development over the course of several years, the political turmoil and instability made it's presence in the feeble and incoherent 4th Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun, resulting in a mass syndicalist movement as a harsh revolutionary reaction against the hostile environment of Lodamun and the lacking of a proper moderate leftist party. Having enough with authoritarian or exploitative liberal governments and with the instability and oppression created by the feudalists and nationalists, the people of Orean and St Martin profited of the opportunity given by the unstable government of Lodamun and started forming own militias and organizations, growing over time, as the lack of reaction from the Lodamese government came clear when massive protests were ignored for years by the rigid Liberals, who showed lack of communication and care for the lower classes. The new grassroots movements quickly grew and emerged as a new strong power in the local areas where it activated, finalizing with the liberation of Orean and St Martin, knew as capitalist paradises and large economic disparities between people, with workers having to taste syndicalism in small doses through organization and non-official committees acting in the local primaries. The new regime as well with intellectualism rising in Orean gave people the taste of freedom and real change. Idealistic and extremists views like anarchism developed in the minds of the common Oreanese, who seeing the weakness and lack of reaction from the central authorities about the mass protests happening in the city, people armed up and had showed their defiant stance against the government. Several months after these incidents, proper local anarchist committees were formed alongside better and more coherent militias with better guns, equipment and training, allowing a full liberation of the city. Seeing the lack of army and police, as well with the Cabinet ignoring the glaring issues as well some relative support from feudalists and nationalists, the anarchist groups rebelled, taking power and establishing new regime under which people live now for some years.

Though how do they live, and if they like it. Our journalists had went in Orean and expected extensive checks at the "borders" with Lodamun, but none of the right wing propaganda pushed by the liberals, the borders were defended indeed, and well prepped for a possible war of independence, but there were just brief checks before we got permission to wonder inside the commune. Walking on the streets the lack of cars was astonishing to us, as a major city always is recognized as well by the interminable traffic and amount of car noises and pollution, but surprisingly the anarchist streets were depleted of cars, only utilitarian, public and military vehicles could be seen using the streets, people being able to crosswalk at most of points and feel free to walk on the road. People seem nice and calm, with a romantic and idealistic atmosphere, people celebrating and enjoying lives in the new system. Some people are to be seen checking news put in front of one of the anarchist committee headquarters, people being able to enter in after small check ups and being disarmed temporarily. The committees are made up of nice people, emphatic, smart and brave revolutionaries, holding talks with them about the communes, showing how their plan succeeded and what their future moves. One of them expressed how people "have hope since the syndicalists took control, how since the new rule people felt more opened and less stressed about what tomorrow will bring. The food is distributed equally among people after they work hard for Orean. If there are any sad incidents or issues, like illnesses, disabilities, misfortune, anything ,our comrades will help them up and the committees will distribute them new rations to make up for the harder times for them." He also said "We are more altruistic and opened to help each other, realizing of our own difficulties and problems, seeking a communal solution to aid our comrades and not just seek profits. The system we lived before sought only profit at the expense of lower classes, pushing them in further misery and poverty."

Finalizing our talk we had walked down the city center and we had seen many militiamen, but that behaved nice despite their brutal appearance, one of them offering us a free ride on their armored car. The ride was in the city center, where new shops, businesses and industries are blossoming after the commerce with the outside attracted revenue. The trade is happening with the help of the International Lodamese Dollar (ILD) used as a replacement of the LOD. The new capital gained by the commune through trading and tourism, is used then to help the community, through better and larger social programs as well other expenses, all targeted at the people and their welfare. The local commercial centers are not everything, the cultural industrial center, now flourishing and filled with anarchist flags, symbols and songs singed by the people is giving a vibrant and euphoric feeling living in Orean. People are very opened to talk and go to work with smiles on faces, as such we proceeded to enter a flat with the permission of the owner, Milosevic. He is the owner of a flat in the city center as well a worker in the car industry, proud father of two kids with his wife Anita. He started then talking of his past and how in the new regime he had lived better of than before, and despite some hardships and lack of luxuries we are all used to, their family had better living conditions and that the anarchist committees are making real change through their vigorous well planned economic projects and actions resulting in modernization and improvement of living conditions. While talking with him we observed the rooms, simplistic and pleasant, without luxuries or extravaganza that exists in consumerist capitalist societies. The kitchen has everything needed for proper cooking and storage of food, the bathroom is clean and working, as well the home has electricity and television. The couple loves to sit on their sofa watching movies and documentaries, as well news of what is going in Lodamun and the commune. Leaving the Milosevic family behind, we headed to local parades and contests.

To end the adventures of our journalists, they had the opportunity to join local debates and meetings of the commissars in charge of the commune, various anarchist intellectuals, trade unionists, activists and economic and political experts discussing what the next move of the commune shall be. We asked them what do they think of a possible war. The committee answered a war is not implausible, as such preparations for one are always better than lack of them. Following this, we retrieved back safely to our headquarters without much troubles, another militiaman offering us a free ride with his comrades telling various interesting stories on our way back.

The documentary we did comprised important aspects about the lives of these people and showed a completely different world, showing the discrepancies between the rest of Lodamun and these communes directed by the committees, whose constant hard and passionate work had given results to be proud of. The new way people behave with each others, the fervor, the new mentalities and the promising future for everyone are uniting these people to achieve amazing things in a short span of time. We are truly amazed and hope we will be able to register their society even more as part of our group project.
-Remus Cernea for The Freedom Times

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby LibertyParty » Fri May 22, 2020 3:21 am

Former President and Prime Minister Both Retire
September 3, 4759


Former President Peter Marušić and former Prime Minister Anthony Perić both announced today that they would be retiring from politics today. This announcement comes after the elections in which the Liberty Party lost both the presidency as well as multiple seats in the Presidium. In their joint statement, they expressed their gratitude for the people of Lodamun and their concerns about the future.

"It is apparent to the both of us that Lodamun is headed in a different direction today than it was when we created the party 28 years ago. We have both worked our hardest for the people of Lodamun and for the unity of this nation. Yet today Lodamun faces a new challenge, one that a new generation must rise up face and defend our civil and economic liberties. This scourge of syndicalism is not sustainable, and history will show our views and our struggle in this ideological conflict to be righteous and true. It has been an honor to serve you all, and I know that the Liberty Party will always strive to expand both civil and economic freedoms for all the people of Lodamun."

The retired politicians announced they would be travelling across the world, which many analysts have deemed a cover for rallying international support for what may come become a civil war.

In other news, the Liberty Party held it's internal election for party leadership. It was a hotly contested election, with Dominic Darić and Tomislav Brekalo running as the main candidates. Barlo was running on a more moderate platform, seeking to peacefully bring the anarchists back into the country and proposing concessionary reforms to ease tensions across the nation. Brekalo, however, responded by running on a more reactionary platform, believing that a more capitalistic and more firm views are necessary to prove the ideology of syndicalism as faulty and misguided. In the end, Tomislav Brekalo, running as the more far-right capitalist wing of the party, won with 58.2% of the votes, stunning many as the Liberty Party is now seemingly headed for a far-right agenda.

The political upstart Brekalo is only 31 years old, and won the party election with a large portion of the youth vote, as the 63 year old Darić was seen as simply a watered-down replacement of Marušić, who simply represented the fading status-quo.

After winning the party election, Brekalo left some remarks for the media to ponder;

"This victory for capitalists in Lodamun is much needed after this last decade of anarcho-communism from the NSU. They have simply been feeding off the success of capitalism, and without it their so-called 'revolution' would have gone up in flames as a complete failure. With my leadership, the Liberty Party will once again show the people of Lodamun why capitalism, and capitalism alone, will bring them true freedoms and everlasting prosperity. We will do whatever it takes to restore our capitalistic society, and we will ensure that the blight of syndicalism is removed from our nation ".
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat May 23, 2020 8:59 pm

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
June 4760

International Front created,
anarchist internationale holds meeting in Orean

Important congress held, international aid approved.

With June 4760, the anarchists had called for an important congress inside the syndicalist international group called International Anarchist Organization for Liberation in order to discuss glaring issues in the modern world and how anarchism will relate to these problems. The convention was held on 12 June in Orean, the newly fledgling anarchist commune city. The talks revolved around how to deal with surging monarchist and authoritarian regimes alike as well on how to operate. The most debated issue was the legitimacy of terrorism, which was successfully clarified as illegitimate way of posing politics after many intensive and exhausting talks in the Congress.

Meanwhile, the convention brought the funding of the anarchist communes in Lodamun. The Syndicalist Union of Free Workers (Lodamun) alongside Syndicalist Union for Free Lodamun and many other anarchist trade unions had lobbied for such help, basing their request on international aid of revolutionary movements. The IaOL found it hard to agree with this, because it meant aiding a war and illicit movement in the eyes of other governments. Though, after discussions and proposals, the committee decided that aid will be sent, but only as workers, medicine, food and other basic supplies. Later that day, around 20 000 workers were proposed to dispatch to Lodamun and arrive later this day. These people are expected to be used by the anarchists in various economic domains and helping the locals with supplies, trade and transporting They will be departing to Lodamun without guns as well, being thoroughly checked for such possessions.

The International Front was thus formerly created, being a program of the Syndicalist Internationale, with the clear objective of helping Lodamese movements. This new program will be well funded and provide many resources the Lodamese anarchists needed to better operate in the region. The anarchists gathered at the congress are having important resources at hand representing a collective might when its forces are united for one project.

Meanwhile the Lodamese militias had held joined military training of larger scale in Andalay province. People had gathered and grouped performing various enduring races, practicing shooting and enveloping tactics as well guerrilla strategies. The new training ended in success, with better discipline and coordination, as well it was held with newer and better equipment and arsenal. The upcoming days are expected to continue in similar manner.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby DauxusofNimrod » Mon May 25, 2020 2:40 pm

Attempted assassination of Prince-President ends in a gunfight and mass casualties
23rd of June, 4761

This morning reports of a mass shooting in Northern Lodamun started to flow thought the country. According to the first accounts the convoy of Serene Augustness Demetrius I Dauxus, the Now-Elected-Prince-President-of-the-Lodamese arriving to Providence was hit in the city’s southern district by numerous armed militants whose allegiance is yet unknown. Princely Guard was quick to answer to the first bullets and first reports confirm a number of casualities as a result of the ensuing firefight. The condition of Prince-President is yet unknown.

[fifteen minutes later]

New bystander reports describe the terrorist militants as „clearly syndicalist“ in apprearance.

[twenty-three minutes later]

First-hand information recounts Guardsmen firing automatic weapons indiscriminately into the amassed crowds. It is very probable that the casualties from that alone reach into tens and tens. The condition of Prince-President *could* be dire as the Guardsmen were seen carrying His body back southwards.

[three hours and seven minutes later]

Providencial medical authorities have now confirmed at least 67 presumed civilians dead from the firefight in addition to „over ten“ armed militants „probably connected to the attack“. Many more are injured, some in critical condition. The likely casualties on part of the Princely convoy were removed from the site of the attack by the now-vanished Guard themselves.

[a day and a half later]

New reports from the (unsurprisingly rare) eyewitnesses that were close enough to the convoy to see the events unfolding in detail but far or lucky enough to not die at the hands of the Guardsmen describe the attack beginning with a single militant wearing olive green uniform and a side cap that in modern Lodamun is widely seen as a symbol of syndicalism charging out of the crowd with a handgun and hitting His Serene Augustness at least once before getting hacked to death by, among others, 75-year old Prince himself.

Artist's rendering of the event as no photographs exist.

Convoy was next hit with submachinegun and other small arms fire from multiple directions. According to some unconfirmed reports the shooters were using the larger civilian crowd as cover. Regardless of the truth of those tactics being used by attacker’s side, what is confirmed is the Princely Guard then opening brutally accurate fire in a 360 degree arc everywhere around them, apparently guided by what can only be described „a clear intention of eliminating all living beings around them regardless of their species“.
Then, when everything around them stopped moving or had run off, they quickly packed up and left the city, some say singing. Their current location is still totally unknown but they are presumed moving back to Kregon and EAPP-controlled areas of the country.
Last edited by DauxusofNimrod on Tue May 26, 2020 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby DauxusofNimrod » Tue May 26, 2020 9:45 am

President of Lodamun dead, wave of violence hits Kregon
4th of October, 4761

News of an attack on Prince-President’s life spread fast and retaliatory violence followed. Attacks on non-Paganic and known left-sympathizing (in South „left-sympathizing“ usually meant anyone left of EAPP, often the Northern bourgeois’ liberals were considered *more* left-winged than communists because of their more pronounced economic internationalism) were spiking all over South and local authorities rarely moved to put a stop to them.

Meanwhile, after two whole days of silence, the (mostly) surviving Princely Guard convoy contacted the Southern authorities from a train station 50 kilometers south of Providence. Their message was simple: His Serene Augustness had died, they had burned down two villages in retaliation (This later proved to be true, two known syndicalist-aligned villages South of Providence were wiped from the map. Historians later analyzing the events like to point out how much more impressive (or inhumane) it made their marching speed) and now were going to capture a train and ride it all the way south. They then captured a train, torched the station and started their journey south.

In contrast to the further mayham unleashed by the news of the assasination attempt being successful, life in Daro stood seemingly still. With EAPP in charge, many of the Northern born or –aligned bureaucrats or other functionaries from back in the day, that were still living in the city now refused to leave their homes, fearing (with good reason) vengeful, violent crowds. Then heads of important families and eminent shamanlords started to appear in the capital and by the end of the fifth day after the attack, a new head of the Princely dynasty was elected.

The new Princely claimant was uncharacteristically moderate in context of Southern politics, a known supporter of reconsiliation with the rest of Lodamun named Kasimir. That, however, is where most considered his „moderate“ views to stop. There weren’t, as some less insightful foreign commentators apparently declared, any one hope for „a general return to calmness“ in the South. Anti-natalism, hatred of motor vehicles, slavery and all the rest would still rule the day.


His Serene Augustness Kasimir-Draculk I Dauxus, the eight Prince-President of the Lodamese

The new Serene Augustness had seemingly learned from the mistakes of the previous Prince-Presidents and decided to quickly crown himself in Daro, thus dragging the once-almost-pseudo-republican title of Prince-President on the level of „First Citizen“ or „First Among Equals“ further down the path towards more tangible, real monarchism. His next step was to call for the „continuation of the fight through powerstructures already in place in Daro and Providence, possibly exclusively through parliamentary means“ which, although short of an outright recognition of the Northern government and Presidium in Providence, was broadly seen as large step towards a peaceful resolution to the Dual Power crisis.

After that step it seemed probable that the Princely council had chosen a more moderate candidate as a successor to the last Prince expressly to avoid a further escalation of the conflict. In any case, the government in Providence was quickly dissolved as Prime Minister Dismas XXI Marcellus-Grönewald-Dauxus, once a real candidate to the Princely throne, was ordered back to Daro. Although the Southern Camarilla was surprisingly benevolent in their answers to the assassination, the coalition with syndicalists could not survive such an incident, even if the Union itself was not behind the killing themselves, as they claimed. As the hundreds of people lynched during the first week since the assasination attempt so expressively showed, Kregonese are a vengeful people and one that would need a good few years to soften back up.

By now, EAPP and its Southern allies were already preparing for the the next elections with a new Prince-President, His Serene Augustness the Quickly Crowned Kasimir-Draculk I Dauxus at their head. Time would show if he could live up to his murdered predecessor and become a President of both Lodamuns that for now stood as divided as ever. He would, however, probably not venture North for at least a few decades.


...Meanwhile news have arrived of a speeding transport train believed to be occupied by the Princely Guard unit shooting itself through every single station on its way South. It has, by now, crossed the Andalayan-Norstavan border, leaving behind it a series of half-destroyed train stations and tens of dead officers and militiamen attempting to stop them aswell as many civilians that happened to get caught up in the crossfire.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue May 26, 2020 10:55 am

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
November 4761

Providence regions plunge into chaos, Roy Rohm denies implications

Militiamen from foreign country (Left) and from Lodamun (Right)

The result of the political assassination had stirred the international and national anarchist committees alike, over an unprecedented terrorist attack over the president of Lodamun, "prince"-president Dauxus. The attack resulted in his death, many wondering what happened. The commander of the militia organized in Providence, Roy Rohm, leader of Red Front and spiritual guide for many left wingers across Lodamun had held a speech in front of his balcony in an anarchist friendly region of Providence. He stated that this attack was spontaneous and uncontrolled. He claims he had no involvement in the assassination of the leader of EaPP. Tho with the news of several burnt villages alongside mass attacks on leftist population in Kregon he called to arms the working class of Lodamun, to form unions and paramilitary organizations to uphold collective freedom and prosperity.

Later that day an emergency meeting with the international anarchist was held in Orean, with Oscar Gayoso, Roy Rohm, Ottar Bell, Isaac Osborne and Jacob Patel being present at the meeting. The committee asked for explanation over recent events that might discredit the anarchist movement and the recognition of United Communes of Orean and Saint Martin. The SUFL, SUFW and RF had showed that the attacks were sporadic and uncontrolled and that nothing could had been done against them at that very moment. Despite some still thinking it is a conspiracy and it was all planned, the committee had not sanctioned the anarchists of Lodamun, furthermore, an active class war was given green light, militias being allowed to take direct action against those who are deemed reactionary and regressive.

Meanwhile, the International Front had been fully formed, with men and women volunteering to join the militia and upholding military training. The anarchist committees had approved such action and new recruiters had arrived, receiving military training and equipment. These men also helped the locals in improving the economy by working in factories, workers owned companies and more. The new groups are expected to be fully operational in the coming months.

Strife was seen across Providence and villages after the attack of the feudalists, leading to mass exodus from these affected regions to the anarchist controlled areas. Since the law permits most of the business to be workers-controlled, many factories were closed as workers refused to work, demanding the expel of feudalists from the government. The officials had resigned in sign of protest and are refusing to acknowledge the existence of EaPP as a valid party.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue May 26, 2020 12:13 pm

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
November 4761

Backlash against feudalists degenerates

Many people of Providence had taken direct action by arming and rallying openly against feudalists and reactionaries
Executions of locals deemed as class traitors are becoming more frequent with the new active stance of the militias
Pagan temple being vandalized by rebel forces

The Kregonese incidents were not overlooked alongside the massacre of citizens. Masses of people stirred by SUFW and other unions, and with the help of militias and the committees had wreck havoc across country as they went on the streets again to protest again lack of proper labor laws, capitalist policies and the illegality of EaPP and PNG, deemed authoritarian and reactionary. This led to nation wide protests consisting of tens of thousands of protesters, alongside with the spike in support for SUFL. In cities across coastal regions like Rapula, Golavia or Andalay workers took arms and rallied on the streets, leading to many crimes, chaos and destruction. With the agreement for an active class war permitted by the international councils of anarchists, the people had armed themselves and caused problems and violence.

Violence against right wingers (be them capitalists, reactionaries, nationalists, fascists, monarchists etc) had risen up by more than 100%, leading to destroyed cars, vandalized shops and other headquarters of major companies, closing in of factories through interminable workers strikes and as of massacres and political oppression.

In many parts, especially anarchist dominated, be it in the villages or in the cities, people reported public executions via firing squads and aggression against those deemed to be against the social revolution. These attacks did not stopped here and degenerated further, leading to massacres and profanation of churches, temples and religious buildings by gangs of anarchists, especially in villages, were militias organized themselves in liberating village after village, resulting in bloody battles and persecution of locals, who are terrorized by the increasing violent and repulsive nature of anarchist militias, who had grew fed up with the upper class and government, especially after the government is to be formed of PNG and EaPP, parties considered illegitimate and authoritarian.

Violent clashes with police units were also frequent, leading to injuries and deaths on both sides, as chaos engulfed most of major cities of Lodamun. Hate against paganism had spike, with hateful messages addressed to them and as well with the anarchist public political agenda containing "anti-paganism" and other anti-religion stances, led to priests, shamans and other religious leaders of various organizations and communities fearing their lives as political repression from the leftist movements drastically increased in response to Kregonese genocides against leftist politicians and local leaders.

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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby LibertyParty » Tue May 26, 2020 5:53 pm

As Chaos Reigns in Lodamun, Capitalists Fund Militias to Protect Citizens and Industry
December 20, 4761


As the political violence in Lodamun escalates, capitalist-led paramilitaries have suddenly been forming across the southern parts of Andalay and in some areas of Norstavan and Golavia. These groups are thought to be funded directly by the Liberty Party, yet no formal link has been established between these groups. They have stated their main goal to be prevent the spread of syndicalism and to create a stable region for people who have been removed from their homes due to the scourge of syndicalism.

These groups have largely formed in Andalwood and the southern part of Providence, in the hopes of creating a buffer zone to stop the expansion of the anarchists. While these groups are still new and untrained, they have a surprising amount of money and capital to spend in such a short amount of time. There are murmurs that a foreign government has been funding them through the Liberty Party, yet only time will tell if these untrained militias will be enough of a match for the anarchists. For now, they have been setting up barricades in certain Providence neighborhoods, and while their headquarters seems to be in Andalwood, their strength only seems to number a few thousand for now, yet every day more and more join the cause in what is seen as a last stand against communism in Andalay.

As one masked militiaman was heard saying, "The government doesn't care about us or our fight against syndicalism. It is up to us to keep our lives and our fate alive. Better dead than red!"
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby robmark0000 » Wed May 27, 2020 12:27 pm

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