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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:18 pm


In a short statement, President Siro Sacca outlined the plan of action following the action in Solentia.

We are a peaceful nation, I am a man that doesn't wish anyone anything bad, that is something that stands as the fundaments of my action, for I announce a gesture of peace towards Solentia. They want to make the lives of their citizens more difficult, which I cannot understand. They want to block their border with us. Dumb. I want to show them that that isn't their way. I want to make permanent residence in our glorious nation easier to achieve for the citizens of Solentia, while also letting them stay here longer when they are visiting. This will show the people in power in Solentia that we have neither bad intentions nor any malicious intent. We also hope that that will prove them how narrow-minded that idea was, and why they should designate from it: for their citizens. There is no need to block your citizens from here. We understand that the Solentia as love Istalia and that they want to move here. If you love your citizens, then you will surely allow them to do so, right?
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:06 pm

E' morto stamane dopo essere caduto dalle scale della sua villa
Stamane alle ore 7.15 e'morto l' ex-Presidente del Consiglio Mattia Renzo dopo che è scivolato dalle scale della sua residenza in Florenza. Il fatto è avvenuto quando si era appena svegliato, alle ore 6.40, ed avendo successivamente riportato un trauma cerebrale è deceduto 35 minuti più tardi, vani i soccorsi dell'equipè medica. Renzo aveva 102 anni ed e' stato Presidente del FD dal 4403 al 4418, Deputato della Repubblica dal 4402 al 4444 e Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri dal 4412 al 4432, per ben 19 anni e 8 mesi rendendolo il Presidente più anni in carica. Renzo, inoltre, era ancora membro onorario del Direttorio del FD, il Presidente Mesinna ha così parlato:
Oggi non è solo il FD ad aver perso una figura importante ma credo l'intera Istalia, paese che Renzo ha servito per quasi 40 anni come Parlamentare e per 20 come Presidente, per questo chiediamo 3 giorni di lutto nazionale.

Dalla redazione del Corriere Democratico: Grazie Mattia, riposa in pace

He died this morning after falling from the stairs of his manor
This morning at 7.15 am the former Prime Minister Mattia Renzo died after he slipped down the stairs of his residence in Florenza. The incident occurred when he had just woken up at 6.40 am, and after having reported a brain injury, he died 35 minutes later, the medical aid rescued him but they failed.
Renzo was 102 years old and was President of the FD from 4403 to 4418, Deputy of the Republic from 4402 to 4444 and President of the Council of Ministers from 4412 to 4432, for 19 years and 8 months making him the President most years in office. Furthermore, Renzo was still an honorary member of the FD Directory, President Mesinna spoke as follows:
Today it is not only the FD that has lost an important figure but I believe the whole Istalia, a country that Renzo has served for almost 40 years as a Parliamentary and for 20 as President, for this we ask 3 days of national mourning.

From the editors of the Democratic Courier: Thanks Mattia, rest in peace
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:35 am

Dopo anni di immobilismo politico del FD, Mesinna ha convocato un congresso anticipato per affermare la sua linea politica. I Rinnovatori conquistano la maggioranza ed i Liberali crollano in ultima posizione.
Flavio Mesinna ha scelto di far convolare il FD ad un Congresso anticipato, scelta per far sì che l'Assemblea venga rinnovata e che i suoi delegati "rinnovatori" possano avere la maggioranza. Il motivo è chiaro: l'immobilismo del FD degli ultimi anni dovuto alla frammentazione dell'Assemblea (che delibera la linea politica) ha portato il partito dalle prime posizioni (tra il 16 e il 19%) fino all'ultima posizione con il 4% di voti alle ultime Politiche del 4476, ora Mesinna vuole la maggioranza in Assemblea per far varare la linea politica "rinnovatrice".
Mesinna sembra aver visto lungo, dato che ha vinto le primarie e di conseguenza il Congresso, ma i dati ufficiali li elencheremo dopo, prima riportiamo la dichiarazione di Mesinna a 2 giorni dal voto nel Centro Congressi del FD a Florenza.
Da quando sono Presidente, vengo osteggiato in tutti i modi dall'Assemblea, Liberali e Socialisti si sono alleati per danneggiare la fronda "rinnovatrice" e non permetterle di improntare la politica del FD. Tutto ciò ha causato il crollo del partito in tutte le regioni e l'opposizione interna usa questo fatto contro di noi, questo è un comportamento meschino e spero che gli elettori Democratici possano dire definitamente "STOP" all'eterno dominio di questi 2 schieramenti che hanno danneggiato il Fronte Democratico.

Gli altri concorrenti per la Presidenza sono Anna Carrai (Socialista) e Mohamed Ghedini (Liberale), sono candidati di altissima esperienza politica ma molto impopolari proprio perchè accusati di aver bloccato il FD in questi anni con il loro ostruzionismo.

Ora passiamo ai risultati del Congresso del FD:
- Rinnovatori (Mesinna): 607.367 (62.9%) - 125 seggi in assemblea
- Socialisti (Carrai): 198.371 (20.6%) - 40 seggi in assemblea
- Liberali (Ghedini): 159.582 (16.5%) - 35 seggi in assemblea


After years of FD's political immobility, Mesinna convened an early congress to affirm his political line. The Renewers conquer the majority and the Liberals collapse in last place.
Flavio Mesinna has chosen to convene the FD to an early Congress, choice to make sure that the Assembly is renewed and that its "renewing" delegates can have a majority.
The reason is clear: the immobility of the FD in recent years due to the fragmentation of the Assembly (which select the political line) has led the party from the top positions (between 16 and 19%) to the last position with the 4 % of votes at the last elections of 4476, now Mesinna wants a majority in the Assembly to launch the "renewing" policy line.
Mesinna seems to have make a good choice, since it won the primaries and consequently the Congress, but the official data we will list later, first we report the statement of Mesinna 2 days before the vote in the Congress Center of the FD in Florenza.
Since I am President, I have been opposed in every way by the Assembly, Liberals and Socialists have joined forces to damage the "renewing" frond and not allow it to choice the FD policy. All this has caused the collapse of the party in all the regions and the internal opposition uses this fact against us, this is a petty behavior and I hope that the Democratic voters can definitely say "STOP" to the eternal dominion of these two sides that have damaged the Democratic Front.

The other competitors for the Presidency are Anna Carrai (Socialist) and Mohamed Ghedini (Liberal), they are candidates of very high political experience but very unpopular because they are accused of having blocked the FD in these years with their obstructionism.

Now let's move on to the results of the FD Congress:
- Renewers (Mesinna): 607,367 (62.9%) - 125 seats in the assembly
- Socialists (Carrai): 198.371 (20.6%) - 40 seats in the assembly
- Liberali (Ghedini): 159.582 (16.5%) - 35 seats in the assembly
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby November » Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:04 pm


ROMULA - Following weeks of heated internal discussion and disagreements, prominent AR dissedents Alexandro Faccio and Mariane Vittoriano announced their exit from the AR last night. They will found a new party that will fit their views, based on the principles of right politics, liberalism, nationalism and environmentalism. The split is the result of a long time of criticism from the a small right wing minority of the AR, from which many believe that it's recent swing to the right was not ''right enough''

''We believe that what Istalia needs is a valuable and credible alternative for environmentalist policies. Not combined with leftist ideas, but a liberal party that will fight for its right principles to give a voice to all those right voters with a heart for the environment!'' Faccio spoke. The party has already applied for participation in the nationwide General Elections of 4480. However, recent polls suggest that their support is still too small to conquer a seat in the chamber.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:25 am

Istalian Edition
Masse di Solentiani "assalgono" i checkpoint di frontiera a seguito del "Gesto di Pace" del Presidente Sacca
Il Ministro degli Interni intanto ha già schierato ulteriori forze della Polizia e della Gendarmeria Nazionale lungo i confini per garantire ordine e sicurezza in vista dell'arrivo di tantissimi migranti in cerca della cittadinanza Istaliana
Istalian police overseeing the impressive mass of migrants from Solentia close one of the main border checkpoints

Di sicuro il "Gesto di Pace" proposto dal Presidente Sacca sta già producendo effetti decisamente importanti, sia per Istalia che Solentia: infatti, da giorni impressionanti masse di Solentiani stanno letteralmente dando l'assalto ai checkpoint di frontiera tra le due nazioni, avanzando sia a piedi che su veicoli di vario genere e stipati all'inverosimile.

Alla luce dell'arrivo di così tante persone, il Ministro degli Interni Sandro Rusco ha già dato disposizioni affinché un gran numero di uomini e mezzi della Polizia di Stato e della Gendarmeria Nazionale vengano mobilitati lungo il confine per assicurare ordine e sicurezza e soprattutto per dare man forte alle forze già normalmente schierate ai checkpoint per svolgere le normali funzioni di controllo ai confini. Inoltre, il Ministro Rusco ha anche dichiarato che con un tale numero di migranti in arrivo, saranno a breve schierate anche forze dell'Esercito per approntare dei Campi d'Accoglienza non troppo distanti dal confine che appunto accoglieranno temporaneamente i Solentiani in arrivo.

Solentian refugees bordering the border walls to reach the checkpoints

Il flusso di migranti da Solentia ha in parte sorpreso l'opinione pubblica anche se altri già si aspettavano tali numeri e per questo in molti stanno sollevando dubbi su come e dove piazzare questi nuovi possibili cittadini e su come gestire al meglio l'integrazione. La legislazione Istaliana già prevede misure per supportare l'integrazione dei migranti legali o meno ma i fondi messi a disposizione del Ministero degli interni potrebbero non essere adeguati per far fronte ad un flusso di centinaia e centinaia di persone, se non migliaia, che stanno attraversando ed attraverseranno il confine dei prossimi giorni.

Checkpoint in Trivendito on the border passage near the eastern coast

Per il momento non sembra ci siano state reazioni da parte del Governo Solentiano alle misure disposte dal Presidente della Rpubblica ma l'irrigidirsi delle disposizioni dello Stato d'Emergenza in Solentia stanno contribuendo ad incrementare il numero di migranti in cerca di asilo politico: tra i molti Solentiani in arrivo ve ne sono infatti molti in cerca di protezione dal rischio di persecuzioni politiche, soprattutto sostenitori e membri di partiti provenienti dall'area socialista e quindi oppositori del regime e del Primo Soldato.

On foot, packed in buses or in private vehicles, Solentians near another checkpoint

Le maggiori testate giornalistiche e televisive hanno inviato reporter, cameramen e fotografi in gran numero e che si sono ammassati giusto dietro i checkpoint di frontiera e molti sono stati i Solentiani intervistati dopo aver passato i controlli ed ai quali è stato chiesto soprattutto il perché della loro decisione di raggiungere l'Istalia:

Endrich Mauser, 45 anni:
Ho lasciato tutto alle spalle, casa, auto... ma voto Socialista e come il Presidente Istaliano ha deciso di aprirci le frontiere ho preso moglie e figli e sono corso qui!

Abdul Salhabbad, 31 anni:
Sono fuggito perché in Solentia mi hanno sempre discriminato quei fascisti, a me ed a tutta la famiglia... da noi quei Dundorfiani sono stati soltanto che una piaga per Solentia!

Agatha Coleiro Preca, 42 anni:
Sono una professoressa universitaria... lo ero all'Università di Halion, ma da circa due anni mi avevano licenziata perché sostenevo un movimento di rinascita della "Vera" cultura Solentiana che niente ha a che fare con Luthoriani e Dundorfiani! Dall'Istalia spero di poter andare poi in Cildania e quindi in Kalopia: le due antiche culture sorte in quei paesi sono l'originario background culturale di Solentia!

Federico Liberati, 19 anni:
Ho perso un occhio un anno fa durante degli scontri con la polizia nel nord del paese! I collettivi giovanili sono perseguitati e... ho una sorella con un figlio a carico da mantenere... spero di poter trovare lavoro qui

Nicholaus Kirkner, 59 anni:
Ero membro della First Conservative League, mi sono nascosto fino ad oggi dalle purghe di quel fottuto Primo Soldato. Devo salvare moglie e figli, almeno i due che non hanno arrestato come il più grande... non ho passaporto a causa di quel che è successo a mio figlio, ma... ci hanno accolto a braccia aperte... e dire che ero contro l'immigrazione illegale!

Samantha Gonzi (già Van Botha), 17 anni:
Mio madre è morta dentro un lager perché era omosessuale, l'hanno violentata là dentro e sono nata io. Sono stata cresciuta dalla famiglia di un membro di Destra Unita, ma poi quando hanno abolito i lager ci sono state delle fughe di notizie e... ho saputo la verità: non resterò un minuto di più in Solentia. Cosa farò in Istalia? Non lo so... ma preferirei addirittura vendermi per strada qui in Istalia piuttosto che continuare a vivere in Solentia

Tiziano Adenahuer, 29 anni:
Hanno fondato un nuovo partito social democratico e già l'hanno bandito! Come si può continuare a vivere sotto i militari? Grazie Istalia!

Viktor Bahuer, 71 anni:
Ho vissuto tutta la vita sotto Destra Unita e l'Esercito... voglio un futuro migliore per i miei figli e nipoti

Susanna Sammut, 51 anni:
Mio marito è morto in prigione, era stato arrestato durante le rivolte... mio figlio non può rischiare di subire la stessa sorte... non tornerò più in Solentia

John Camilleri, 36 anni:
Avevo una complesso musicale con degli amici, li hanno arrestati tutti perché le autorità dicevano che suonavamo canzoni che incitavano alla rivolta contro il Primo Soldato... io sono scappato ma gli altri...

Patricia Grixti, 25 anni:
Sono una femminista e sono stanca di vivere sotto il regime patriarcale dei militari e di quei fascisti bigotti! Ma non dimentico chi è rimasto: continuerò a fare attivismo politico in Istalia per il bene dei miei fratelli e sorelle Solentiani

Samara Mifsud, 15 anni:
Mio padre e mia padre sono spariti anni fa... erano membri di una lega communista... mi ha cresciuto mia nonna e... è stata lei a dirmi di correre qui. Lei non poteva, ha 85 anni e non si muove bene... spero di rividerla un giorno

Bruno Von Liebzing, 48 anni:
Da circa dieci anni ho una casa in Silicia, sulla costa, ci passavo le vacanze... già da tempo pensavo di chiudere i miei negozi di abbigliamento in Solentia ed aprirli in Istalia, magari proprio in Silicia, credo che questa sia l'occasione buona per farlo... da quando mio fratello è fuggito in Dolgava sono stato perseguitato e mi hanno bruciato già due negozi... non ce la facevo più!

Chriss Hader, 21 anni:
Ho rischiato di finire in prigione perché qualcuno mi ha sentito insultare il Primo Soldato... e stavo giusto scherzando con degli amici... non è mica un dio in Terra! E poi ci sono militari sempre ed ovunque... non voglio più vivere in quella che sembra una prigione

Hugo Mendelson, 58 anni:
È mia intenzione stabilire un Governo in esilio in Istalia! Io ero membro dei Conservative Nationalists of Solentia e vi dico che da un secolo il Governo Solentiano non ha più alcuna legittimità e non deve essere più riconosciuto! Chiederò anche a diversi ex colleghi di partito di raggiungermi qui da Dolgava dove sono fuggiti! Dobbiamo aiutare gli Istaliani e dimostrare che anche noi amiamo la democrazia!

Carola Deboni, 19 anni:
Stavo per iscrivermi all'università ma... il mio ragazzo è riuscito a trovare lavoro in Istalia poco dopo che è stato approvato il Memurandum tra i due paesi ed ora... voglio solo raggiungerlo e dimenticarmi di quel campo militare che è diventata Solentia

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Huge masses of Solentiani are "assaulting" the border checkpoints following the "Gesture of Peace" by President Sacca
In the meantime, the Minister of the Interior has already deployed additional forces of the Police and National Gendarmerie along the borders to ensure order and security in view of the arrival of many migrants in search of the Istalian citizenship

Certainly the "Gesture of Peace" proposed by President Sacca is already producing very important effects, both for Istalia and Solentia: in fact, for days impressive masses of Solentians are literally giving "assault" to the border checkpoints between the two nations, advancing both on foot and on vehicles of various kinds and crammed to capacity.

In light of the arrival of so many people, the Minister of the Interior Sandro Rusco has already given orders that a large number of men and vehicles of the State Police and National Gendarmerie be mobilized along the border to ensure order and security and above all to help the forces already normally deployed at the checkpoints to carry out the normal border control functions. Moreover, Minister Rusco also said that with such a number of incoming migrants, Army forces will soon be deployed to set up Reception Centres not too far from the border, which will temporarily welcome incoming Solentians.

The flow of migrants from Solentia has in part surprised the public opinion even if others already expected such numbers and for this reason many are raising doubts about how and where to place these new potential citizens and how best to manage integration. The Istalian legislation already provides measures to support the integration of legal as well as illegal migrants but the funds made available to the Ministry of the Interior may not be adequate to cope with a flow of hundreds and hundreds of people, if not thousands, who are going through and who will cross the border in the next days.

For the moment there seems to have been no reaction from the Solentian Government to the measures called by the President of the Republic but the stiffening of the provisions of the State of Emergency in Solentia are contributing to increasing the number of migrants seeking political asylum: among many Solentians on the way there are many in search of protection from the risk of political persecution, especially supporters and members of parties from the socialist area and therefore opponents of the regime and of the First Soldier.

The major newspapers and television broadcastings have sent reporters, cameramen and photographers in large numbers that are crowded right behind the border checkpoints and many were the Solentians interviewed after passing the checks and who were asked above all because of their decision to reach the Istalia:

Endrich Mauser, 45 years old:
I left everything behind, my home, my car... but I vote socialist and as the Istalian President has decided to open the borders I took wife and children and I ran here!

Abdul Salhabbad, 31 years old:
I escaped because in Solentia I have always been discriminated by those fascists, me and my whole family... at home those Dundorfians have been only a plague for Solentia!

Agatha Coleiro Preca, 42 years old:
I am a university professor... I was at the University of Halion, but for about two years I was fired because I supported a movement of rebirth of the "Real" Solentian Culture that has nothing to do with Luthorians and Dundorfians! From Istalia I hope to be able to go to Cildania and then to Kalopia: the two ancient cultures that have sprung up in those countries are the original cultural background of Solentia!

Federico Liberati, 19 years old:
I lost an eye a year ago during clashes with the police in the north of the country! The youth collectives are persecuted and... I have a sister with a child to keep... I hope I can find work here

Nicholaus Kirkner, 59 years:
I was a member of First Conservative League, I've been hiding until this day from the purges of that fucking First Soldier. I have to save my wife and children, at least the two who have not arrested and make desappear like my the firstson... I have no passport due to what happen to my son, but... Istalians are welcoming us with open arms... imagine that I was against illegal immigration!

Samantha Gonzi (formerly Van Botha), 17 years old:
My mother died in a concentration camp because she was homosexual, they raped her in there and I was born. I was raised by the family of a member of the United Right, but then when the camps were abolished there were leaks and... I knew the truth: I will not stay a minute longer in Solentia. What will I do in Istalia? I do not know... but I'd rather sell myself on the street here in Istalia rather than continue living in Solentia

Tiziano Adenahuer, 29 years old:
It was founded a new social democratic party and the authorities have already banned it! How can someone continue to live under the military? Thanks Istalia!

Viktor Bahuer, 71 years old:
I have lived all my life under the United Right and the Army... I want a better future for my children and grandchildren

Susanna Sammut, 51 years old:
My husband died in prison, he was arrested during the riots of some years ago... my son can not risk to suffer the same fate... I will not return to Solentia anymore

John Camilleri, 36 years old:
I had a rock band with some friends, the authorities arrested them all because said we were playing songs that incited the revolt against the First Soldier... I escaped but the others...

Patricia Grixti, 25 years old:
I'm a feminist and I'm tired of living under the patriarchal regime of the military and those bigoted fascists! But I do not forget who remained: I will continue to do political activism in Istalia for the good of my Solentian brothers and sisters

Samara Mifsud, 15 years old:
My father and my mother disappeared years ago... they were members of a communist organization... my grandmother raised me and... she told me to run here. She could not, she is 85 and does not move anymore very well... I hope to see her again one day

Bruno Von Liebzing, 48 years old:
For about ten years I have a house in Silicia, on the coast, I spent there the holidays... for some time I thought to close my clothing stores in Solentia and open them in Istalia, maybe in Silicia, I think this is the good opportunity to do it... since my brother escaped to Dolgava I was persecuted and two shops already was burned... I could not support all this anymore!

Chriss Hader, 21 years old:
I risked ending up in jail because someone heard me insult the First Soldier... and I was just joking with some friends... it's not a god on Terra! And then there are soldiers always and everywhere... I do not want continue to live in what seems like a prison

Hugo Mendelson, 58 years old:
It is my intention to establish a Government in Exile in Istalia! I was a member of Conservative Nationalists of Solentia and I tell you that for a century the Solentian Government has no longer any legitimacy and it must be no more recognized! I will also ask several former party colleagues to join me here from Dolgava where they escaped! We must help the Istalians and show that we too love democracy!

Carola Deboni, 19 years old:
I was about to enroll in university but... my boyfriend was able to find work in Istalia shortly after the Memurandum was approved between the two countries and now... I just want to reach him and forget about that military camp that has become Solentia
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sat Nov 03, 2018 5:39 pm


Sacca has been recently consulting foreign politicians, hoping to convince them to action

After his revolutionary "Gesture of Peace", Siro Sacca has faced both wide criticism and praise, due to the huge wave of Solentian immigrants moving towards the Istalian border. Such criticism was voiced even by members of his own party, but the ULD members of the cabinet still decided to support him, announcing that they'll try to secure a bigger part of the budget for the project. Sacca himself, however, decided to set on a mission to secure allies for Istalia in the mission. Cassella, the minister of Finance, was able to impact the public opinion by saying that "Istalians do not have to worry about their jobs, instead, they should welcome the immigrants with open arms as they can buld them ghettos". The President also announced that "all Solentians will still be welcome, but we'll have to slow you down". He also announced that Solentians will face larger control, but they "won't end with anyone being sent back". In the parliament's corridors, many are speaking of supposed sanctions against Solentia, but, as Sacca announced on multiple occasions, "there is no way that Istalia will join them".
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:11 am


Illegalized Right Wing Paramilitaries rise up all across mainland Istalia!
Minister of Foreign Affairs Luka Di Nero: The friendship with Solentia is over!
New PND Leadership most right wing it has ever been due to migrant crisis!

This special issue of the corriere presents the latest news as so much has come in the past month that a normal issue would simply not fit.

A common sight in Istalia, an illegal paramilitary member “taking security into his own hands”

After the dissolution of paramilitaries, which were introduced and only supported by the PND, there was a slight uproar in the Istalian right wing public which believed that normal police “was not enough”. However, the unrests were small and not worth mentioning initially. Now however, with the swarm of Solentian immigrants, people “feel unsafe” according to one young man. Especially on the border regions in Trivendito and the Nationalist haven Padagna the sightings of illegal paramilitary groups have become much more frequent and the police is unable to deal with them, as once again due to the Solentian situation,there are not enough resources, including human, to deal with internal armed groups. Minister of Defence Anna Verde has said the following:
May I just say: WE TOLD YOU SO. The people will not be happy that paramilitaries are disbanded but now they even have good reason to assemble again. The number of migrants after the President opened borders has shocked us all and for the record, this decision has not been consulted with us. The President and the ULD has acted on their own accord to open borders now it is my duty as Defence Minister to deal with the security lapses. I propose that we issue a situation of national emergency in Padagna and Trivendito inorder to call in the army to not only deal with the influx of migrants safely, but now also with our own citizens which decided to take up arms in now clearly illegal paramilitary groups. The National Democratic Party always supported REGULATED paramilitaries, which these are not.

As of now, no shots were fired but the people are armed with the legal Istalian weapons and are hostile to everyone who does not speak Istalian and obviously the police which tries to arrest them. All of the paramilitaries groups have identified as right wing, with 90% of the “members” voting PND, and what is worse, inside the PND many high up members endorse these groups! To this we will get later as well.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Luka di Nero: A blockade is an act of war! Our patience is over!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the border the Solentian government is shooting at its own citizens which try to cross the border legally and illegally to Istalia. The Solentian government has officially closed the border, isolating Istalia from the Majatran mainland and the AR has already called it a “blockade” which would be an act of war. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Luka di Nero has stated the following as a response:
A blockade is an act of war. No question. However, for now as far as we are aware, travel from Istalia TO Solentia might still be possible so we will not flip that switch just yet. We have fought long and hard for a good relationship with a Solentia and war should be avoided at all costs. HOWEVER, friendship with the Solentian government is impossible as we can not look away from people being shot at the Istalian border, nor can we ignore poisonous gases leaking into our country through the said border. The health of our citizens is at stake here so we have proposed to the President, after long and hard hesitation and thought, to withdraw from the friendship treaty and to consider sanctions. If the first soldier does not get in contact with us soon, then we will go ahead. We will not wait for anything anymore. Our patience is over!

We have given chance after chance to Halion, we even proposed to prevent Dolgavian bases to please them as we understand their concern. But the First Soldier’s words of amnesty and a “civil government” have been just that: words. This is not even a warning, this is a threat. Halion needs to think well and act fast regarding what next, because Istalia will tolerate no more provocation.

In recent months, contact with the Solentian government in Halion has been very sporadic, and was more provocation on both sides than dialogue. Many in the PND still believe that the first soldier is to be reasoned with, and many believe that the nationalists succumbed to liberal pressure to give this final ultimatum to Halion, after all the United Right and PND overlap on many policies. But according to Verde and Di Nero, it does not overlap with the most important part: Democratic.

The almost leader of the PND Niccolo Nachiavelli

The PND has finally held its congress. Usually, the major congress happens every 4 years in between elections but this has been the first one since 4470, 9 years ago as the congresses of 4474 and 4478 were skipped and postponed respectively as 4472 saw the best PND election result in its history, so no congress was deemed necessary and members enjoyed the very flat hierarchy in the absence of a clear leader. There was a system in place which seemingly did not require maintenance and the ex-whip Kassis, Ex-Prime Minister Di Nero and Ex-President Verde worked very well in tandem handling the most important issues at hand and enjoying great popularity without a clear leader or vice leader. However, as the ex in front of all of their respective titles indicates, their automatism has been punished by the voters and despite still gaining over 150 seats, the National Democracts lost the Presidential and Parliamentary elections to the Liberal Democrats, their now senior coalition partners. So the Party called a congress in 4478, and many, including Verde and Di Nero have applied for the leadership race but the congress had to be postponed due to the near emergency national situation which would not allow for a “balanced political decision on the party’s long term future”. Nonetheless, in even greater political heat of October 4479 the congress gathered. The majority of the members wanted a final decision despite the hesitation of the two ministers, Defence and Foreign Affairs respectively, who have been too busy working in that time to think about the leadership election and hence did not have any real campaign. For that and for many things they have been punished.

A coup has almost been accomplished by the charismatic MP Niccolo Nachiavelli from Florenza. He has gone under the radar his whole life, never being in the Young Alternative but being politically active at university, where he studied philosophy. He was voted into his city council as an independent with his stance being representative of the most right wing streams of Florenzan politics. Hence, he never had the popular right wing support the PND had, but he got enough from the fringes. Ultimately, he joined the PND and went onto the national level, where he also easily got voted into the Chamber, but was a back bench MP in the previous legislature. After the 4476 elections however, he noticed the void left by a lack of clear leader, so he began gathering allies and support and by 4479, before the clear favourites Di Nero and Verde realized, he overtook them both in popularity and in individual votes. In the first round of the leadership election, the votes were as follows:
Niccolo Nachiavelli: 41% (MP from Florenza, unaligned wing)
Anna Verde: 30% (Minister of Defence from Palerno, Conservative Wing)
Luka di Nero: 20% (Minister of Foreign Affairs, Conservative Wing)
Giuseppe Bencivenni 9% (Minister of Health, Opportunist Wing)

Only thanks to the voting system, did the radical right Nachiavelli not become the PND Il Duce, because according to the rules of the party, if no candidate gains a majority, a second round of the 2 best performaning candidates ensues and Di Nero endorsed Verde resulting in her close victory:
Niccolo Nachiavelli: 45%
Anna Verde 54%
1% did not vote

What was also surprising, yet the signs were already there before, the opportunist wing clearly collapsed with only about 10% of the party willing to align themselves with more centrist positions of the AR and specifically the PdA. The golden age of PND “centrist” politics is long gone as the party has been dominated by the grass roots conservatives. Now however, there is a fresh wind of an unaligned wing in the party willing to go further to the right. Nachiavelli wanted to close the borders, leave the coalition with the ULD and is the main supporter of the illegal paramilitaries which he endorses and claims them to be “real patriots”, as they “protect us againss the Solentian mass migration”. Socially, his stance is the first of the PND as openly anti-LGBT and breaks the common way that the party always tried to walk of a fine line between traditional values and LGBT tolerance. Economically, Nachiavelli wants to “force people to work”, by supporting the idea of public works but making it a labour intensive job for the unemployed. The first public work would be a wall on the Solentian border.

The platform for Nachiavelli to thrive was ironically provided by the liberal move of opening the border, as the PND is an isolationist party, many felt disappointed with the ULD alliance and wanted change.

Nonetheless, the new leader of the PND is Anna Verde (50), who was the favorite from the start, making her the second female leader of the National Democratic Party of Istalia, carrying the unoffical rank “Il Duce”. The Vice Leader thanks to his endorsement is Luka Di Nero (40), who is related to the Di Nero political dynasty from Romula. The new Whip however, and this was inevitable due to popular demand, is Niccolo Nachiavelli (34). The chamber is about to get much more interesting and expect the party to have some infighting from time to time.

The leader of the conservative inner party wing and the Vice-Whip was chosen to be the current Minister of Education and Culture Mattheo Vespa-Baldassare (60) a common position for a an elder member and especially for a Vespa-Baldassare to take. The leader of the opportunist wing was re-elected Minister Giuseppe Bencivenni (55), who promised that they will seize the opportunity once the right implodes. The freshly baked new Whip remains unaligned with any particular party wing although the vast majority of his followers, which constitute about 40% of the party, are members in the conservative wing and still, at least officially, follow Il Duce Verde who is a conservative. So no wonder Bencivenni talks about the right imploding although he also remarked: “I would not be particularly happy about that as we are all one party and their success is ultimately our success”.

The other, minor, leadership members which become candidates for ministries in the government cabinet include:

Mauricio Spalatti (30) Former footballer from Romula. Currently Minister of Infrastructure and Transport. Funnily enough, agrees with public works to build autostrada.

Dr. Bianca Rotti (29) dr. Of Sociology from Trivendito. Straight out of university into politcs.

Ahmad Kahn (23), Former member of the Young Alternative in Sarregna. Born into an agricultural family but idolized Juliana Vespa-Baldassare for her work done to improve education in his home region so he went to university in Romula to become a teacher.

Flaminia Ricollo (23), distant yet direct descendant of former AI Leader Franco Ricollo. She studied economics in Vanuku thanks to a MA student exchange program. So she got to travel a lot in Western Majatra: Vanuku, Barmenia, Jelbania and Cobura specifically.

Carlo Levi (35), University Professor in Istalian History from Genevia. A unique case of a Nationalist Yeudi.

Marco Vittelo (29), Chemist from Milona who failed to finish his doctorate degree so he decided to rediscover himself in politics. Believes that the PND is the most fitting party because aparently “they are the only ones who disregard feelings when discussing facts”.

James Renno (21), he was named after a Luthorian actor which makes his name weird because he is fully Istalian. His parents were just great fans of Luthorian movies. James himself however prefers Istalian cinematography and is himself a popular podcast host and intends to use his experience in national politics. He has great influence in the party and beyond as his podcast is listened to by thousands monthly.

Giorgio Giovanni (27), a descendant of a very rich Istalian family which potentially is linked to Mafia. He is also related to the Vespa-Baldassare through Luciano Vespa-Baldassare as his wife was Giorgio’s great aunt. Whether this has propelled his career or not is arguable but Giorgio himself is a very humble young man and a very talented musician playing the saxophone. He also is gifted in Polemic as was witnessed in multiple more political radio shows he was a guest speaker in. He also regularly talks to student across the country and organizes musical trips across Terra and funds musical schools for the less fortunate, making his resume more than satisfactory for a leadership position.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby TheUnicorn. » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:10 pm


Prime Minister Lenzo said that his party is ready for anything in the upcoming elections

As the elections are closer and closer, the ULD is bracing for a large decrease, as new polls show ominous results for them, especially in Trivendito and Padagna, where the party is failing to capture even 10% in some municipalities. It appears to be caused by Siro Sacca's political idea, linked to opening the border with Solentia to refugees. Sacca himself, however, has a better result in the polls. It appears as if Lenzo's words can have another, deeper meaning. It could have been a comment regarding the infighting in the ULD, with activists demanding a change in the party's structures. Many suggest turning the ULD into a federation of regional parties, with the local organs of the ULD having more power, with five, equal secretaries elected from every region and without a central figure. Such a change would be grand for the ULD, as it would mean that the party would become the only one in Istalia with joint leadership.

Rosario Pellegrini, former leader of the ULD youth wing talks about the need of an Istalian federation; a strong island and maybe an equal mainland

That is also followed with the rise of new factions and a larger fragmentation, with the emerging federalist, liberal-nationalist wing of the former leader of the young liberals, Rosario Pellegrini, and the renewal of the ideas of Hugo Vespa-Baldassare, with the libertarians rising under the lead of the young and energetic Perla Vespa-Baldassare.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:04 pm

Lucio della Fiamma: "Attenti ai Solentiani, furono loro la causa principale della fine delle altre Repubbliche Istaliane"
Esponente di un'associazione di estrema destra mette in guardia il Paese riguardo i tanti Solentiani arrivati ricordando come da Solentia provenissero i Restaurazionisti Quanzariani

L'arrivo di migliaia e migliaia di Solentiani, il cui numero dovrebbe attestarsi tra gli 8 ed i 10 mila sta sicuramente spaccando l'opinione pubblica in Istalia e sta causando anche tensioni tra i Liberaldemocratici ed i Nazionaldemocratici, partner al Governo.
In Padagna e Trivendito la situazione è piuttosto calda soprattutto a causa dei gruppi paramilitari illegali di estrema destra che stanno dando filo da torcere alle Forze dell'Ordine già ampiamente impegnate lungo i confini per gestire i rifugiati Solentiani. Si temono attacchi sia contro i rifugiati che contro possibili oppositori politici ed associazioni di beneficenza intenti ad assistere chi ce l'ha fatta a passare il confine.

Ma un ulteriore voce si è levata in seno all'estrema destra istaliana, ovvero quella del Presidente dell'Associazione Nazionale Fiamma Bianca, un'associazione di estrema destra dedita alla preservazione della memoria della Leader assoluta d'Istalia durante quasi tutta l'esistenza della Terza Repubblica, ovvero Alessandra della Fiamma, e del partito di cui era leader e che è stato per quasi un secolo l'unico partito egemonico del Paese fino alla caduta della Repubblica a seguito della Terza Restaurazione Quanzariana.
Il Presidente dell'Associazione, Lucio della Fiamma, è un lontano discendente di quella che venne definita "Madre della Patria, Protettrice degli Istaliani" ed addirittura "Beneamato Presidente Eterno", titolo attribuitole dopo la morte quando, fino alla caduta della Repubblica, Alessandra della Fiamma fu formalmente riconfermata costantemente come "Eterno" Capo di Stato mentre un comitato del partito guidava effettivamente il Paese.
Lucio della Fiamma ha rilasciato un'intervista ad un quotidiano locale in Padagna con la quale ha messo in guardia l'Istalia dalla possibile minaccia nell'accogliere tanto facilmente così tanti Solentiani.
Questo un'estratto dell'intervista nel quale della Fiamma delinea la supposta minaccia per il Paese da parte dei Solentiani:

Moltissimi e moltissimi anni sono passati da quando la Quarta Repubblica è stata fondata, è vero, ma ciò non giustifica che dobbiamo dimenticare quanto accaduto non una ma ben 3 volte al nostro caro Paese.
Fino al 35esimo secolo i Solentiani in Istalia hanno rappresentato una minoranza estremamente consistente, per secoli hanno occupato posti di potere, hanno dominato la nostra economia ed hanno messo in pericolo la cultura stessa e l'identità del Paese! I Restaurazionisti Quanzariani sono stati il partito politico d'eccellenza di questa ingombrante minoranza Solentiana, dichiarandosi fieramente come "l'avanguardia per l'avanzamento della cultura Solentiana in Quanzar", e per quasi settecento anni questa organizzazione ha minato le fondamenta stesse della nostra Nazione, con la violenza e con la prepotenza ha conquistato il potere fino a determinare e/o contribuire alla caduta della Prima, della Seconda e della Terza Repubblica Istaliana.
Anche allora i Solentiani fuggivano a causa di un lungo regime totalitario instaurato dai Nunciristi ed anche allora chi guidava Solentia ne aveva minato le fondamenta culturali.
Quindi io vi chiedo: vogliamo di nuovo avere migliaia e migliaia di Solentiani intenzionati a stabilirsi qui con il rischio di voler far rivivere qui la loro cultura? Vogliamo davvero distruggere secoli di sofferenze e di lotte?
Tra il 35esimo ed il 36esimo secolo l'Istalia è riuscita a sbarazzarsi di quella insopportabile minoranza Solentiana, gettando dunque le basi per la lunga sopravvivenza della nostra attuale Repubblica, quindi vi chiedo? Siamo pronti a dimenticare tutto quello subito dai nostri avi a causa dei Solentiani? Siamo pronti a disfare secoli di fatiche? Siamo pronti rischiare di perdere la nostra patria e la nostra stessa identità?

Lucio della Fiamma: "Beware of the Solentians, they were the main cause of the end of the other republics of Istalia"
Exponent of a far-rigth association warns the country about the many Solentians arrived remembering how from Solentia came the Quanzari Restorationists

The arrival of thousands and thousands of Solentians, whose number is expected to be between 8 and 10 thousand is definitely dividing the public opinion in Istalia and is also causing tensions between the Liberal Democrats and the National Democrats, partners in the Government.
In Padagna and Trivendito, the situation is rather hot, especially because of the extreme right-wing paramilitary groups that are giving a hard time to the police forces already widely engaged along the borders to manage the Solentian refugees. Attacks are feared both on refugees and on possible political opponents and charitable associations intent on assisting those who crossed the border.

But another voice has risen from the istalian far-right, the one of the president of the White Flame (Fiamma Bianca) National Association, a far-right association dedicated to the preservation of the memory of the absolute leader of Istalia during almost the whole existence of the Third Republic, namely Alessandra della Fiamma, and of the party of which she was the leader and which was for almost a century the only hegemonic party in the country until the fall of the Republic following the Third Quanzari Restoration.
The president of the Association, Lucio della Fiamma, is a distant descendant of Alessandro della Fiamma, who was at the time called "Mother of the Country, Defendor of the Istalians" and even "Beloved Eternal President", title attributed to her after the death when, until the fall of the Republic, Alessandra della Fiamma was formally reconfirmed constantly as "Eternal" Head of State while a party committee actually led the country.
Lucio della Fiamma gave an interview to a local newspaper in Padagna, with which he warned the Italians about the possible threat to welcome so many Solentians so easily.
This is an extract of the interview in which della Fiamma outlines the supposed threat to the country by part of the Solentians:

Many and many years have passed since the Fourth Republic was founded, it is true, but this does not justify that we must forget what happened not one but three times to our dear country.
Until 35th century the Solentians in Istalia represented an extremely large minority, for centuries they occupied positions of power, they dominated our economy and endangered the culture itself and the identity of the country! The Quanzari Restaurationists have been the outstanding political party of this cumbersome Solentian minority, proudly declaring itself as "the vanguard organization for the advancement of Solentian culture in Quanzar", and for almost seven hundred years this organization has undermined the very foundations of our Nation, with violence and arrogance they conquered power so to determine and/or contribute to the fall of the First, Second and Third Istalian Republic.
At the time too the Solentians fled because of a long totalitarian regime established by the Nuncirists and at the time too those who led Solentia had undermined its cultural foundations.
So I ask you: do we again want to have thousands and thousands of Solentians willing to settle here with the risk of wanting to revive their culture here? Do we really want to destroy centuries of suffering and struggle?
Between 35th and 36th century, Istalia managed to get rid of the unbearable Solentian minority, thus laying the foundations for the long survival of our current Republic, so I ask you: Are we ready to forget all what was suffered by our ancestors because of the Solentians? Are we ready to undo centuries of efforts? Are we ready to risk losing our country and our identity?
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby November » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:39 pm

ROMULA - Adele Corleone, running mate of the AV candidate for president Alexandro Faccio, adressed the press today regarding her statements made in the breakfast tv show il mattino yesterday. In the show, she made some controversial comments about the current refugee crisis at the Solentian-Istalian border and the conflict with Solentia. When asked about what a reasonable solution to the issue would be, she stated: ''These people have no right to stay here at all. It is by the grace of the Istalian government and its citizens that they will find a safe haven here. I mean, we can't possibly take them all in like we're some kind of hotel! We should decide case by case who can contribute to our society and the rest should stay at the border, as long as they don't cause any mayhem''

To the press, she further elucidated her argument. She - and her party the Green Alternative (AV) as well - stated that ''the current influx of migrants is too large to not respond to''.''However, we cannot take in any migrant that wants to go here -its impossible-. Therefore any applicant must be reviewed on a case by case basis to examine whether the applicant can contribute to Istalian society or not. If not, they should be sent back home''. On the question whether this was perhaps a little inhumane for the refugees, she answered: ''Absolutely not. These people made a choice by coming here. Therefore we have the choice to either give them citizenship or send them back to where they come from. And let's not forget that the government always reserves the right to deny any refugee for any reason. ''

The AV would like to see the quick return of the immigration test, that has been abolished in April 4480 with support from the ULD, AR, PSI and FD. This legislative change has made it possible for any Solentian migrant to apply for citizenship and aquire it without any examination whether he or she has any idea about our norms and values at all!

At last, Corleone was asked to give the attending press a voting advice for the upcoming elections, in which she said that ''Its obviously the smartest option to vote AV, but in case we don't make it to the second round of the Presidential elections, there is only one other candidate that also opposes the free influx of migrants - and that is mister Luka di Nero of the PND''.
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