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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:17 am

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
May 4765

Civil war ensues as anarchists are marching into Providence

Militiaman watching as the city is in flames as the anarchists are using artillery barrages to deter capitalist positions

The day of 5 May started with bangs heard in Providence. The police was called in and reported anarchist militias in huge numbers swarming in Providence from all sides. Over 50 000 troops had been seen surrounding the city from all sides.

Earlier with one month, the anarchist committees had held a secret meeting over the drafting of all the available reserves, resulting in a 80 000 army size in total with all the recruitment and aid from abroad or internally, almost half of these being new recruiters and untrained, having no battle experience as well. The new men went through light training over the course of a month being armed with military graded weapons and gear. This and alongside further seizure of military pieces, guns and vehicles continued as anarchists raided several military bases with resounding successes under the Roy Rohm leadership, the anarchist charismatic revolutionary, who is known for his achievements and strong will as well his adherence to anarchist ideals, giving people hope everywhere he goes. The committees had decided is time to start the struggle for liberation of the working classes, issuing a war plan which involved a surprise attack on Providence from all sides as well cutting off the city from the rest of Lodamun.

The troops had started training and preparation plans and exercises, as such on 5 May the syndicalist combatant forces had ensued a siege onto Providence, using artillery bombardments and bombing via the captured planes, as well sending people to clear the way for the tanks and other heavy and well armored vehicles with machine guns and other turrets. The militias focused on surprising capitalist forces still retreating as well capturing strategic points such as broadcasting/communication facilities, commercial centers, bridges, railways and outposts. The overwhelming forces had breached successfully the weak defense lines of the authorities formed of police and some soldiers, who were surprised by the sudden massive flow of men into the capital determined to capture it. The casualties are still not known, as the battle for Providence just began.

The possibility of anarchists capturing Providence, the capital of Lodamun had revitalized and energized variou groups of armed anarchists and angry protesters to form organizations and militias, causing violence and chaos everywhere as people see the possible fall of Providence as a successful anarchist revolution, which increases in popularity by the day despite the last elections. The militias are being hold back for now in Providence, but not for long, as new columns of militants come in the aid of the armed forces of the syndicalists. With the aid from Dundorf to come, and with the spirit for fight and change, the militias are fiercely fighting hard. Is it yet to be seen if Providence will fall into anarchists hands.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:42 am

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
November 4765

Erhart Simson calls for diplomatic talks in Providence,
hosians and other religious minorities given home in Orean

Isaac Osborne calling for Valruzians to stop the assaults upon Lodamunese sovereignty
Hosians and other racial, ethnic and sexual minorities in Orean as an influx of refugees arrives in Orean and Martin

Isaac Osborne in collaboration with Erhart Simson had called for peace in the region and denounced Valruzian infringement of Lodamunese sovereignty in order to profit off Lodamunese struggles in pushing for a certain ideology and party as they two might had secret favorable deals for Valruzia, greatly threatening the independence and stability of Lodamun. The threat of a puppet state of Lodamun ruled by liberals had pushed the anarchists further for protesting and making their voice heard in the General assembly through petitions and representatives. The new committees are looking forward for a peaceful solution as well for ensuring that there is no favoritism in Lodamun for a party or ideology. The anarchist committees had also laid down some demands like recognition of the free territories among other things, in order for the people to lay down their weapons. The committees expect peace talks in Providence and had called on other sides in the civil war to sign a ceasefire while the peace talks are held.

Following the passage of an anti-Hosian bill, the anarchists had opened up the gates to immigrants, be them for political, social, sexual, ethnic, racial or religious reasons, as the ever increasing abusive nature of the Providence government and the authoritarian capitalists who pose a threat to common people, the gates were opened and over 50 000 refugees had arrived in Orean and St Martin as of this month, many of them being here because of religious reasons, avoiding persecution from the southerners and the officials. These people were offered political asylum, with free shelter, food and water as well guards to protect them. Despite the ideological discrepancies and the slight anti religious stances of the syndicalists, they are opened to aid people from unjustified actions and discrimination, giving aid to the locals who are in danger because of the new unjust and disgusting laws that stigmatizes and alienates Hosians and other people who had done nothing wrong.

It is yet to be seen how the appeals of the anarchists to the assembly will change the future of the ongoing civil war. Some anarchist outlets and people had criticized the anarchists for engaging with international bodies as well for calling peace and diplomacy, as anarchists are seen the victors so far, with the capital of Lodamun on the verge of collapse.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:33 pm

* Click on the picture above to read the full story.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 7:20 pm

Information: Player Profile here, Musical Profile here, Political Compass here.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:22 pm

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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby Aquinas » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:38 am

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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:38 pm

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
September 4767

Economic growth, specialists say
The Communes join ODEN

Paper factory in Orean
The naval port in St Martin is finalized after years of construction

The economic situation of the Free Territories had been constantly getting better over the past few years. The region had felt a strong decrease in militarization and tensions, as well possible peace treaties to announce the ending of civil war. These, combined with a strong decentralized planned economy by the local anarchist committees resulted in considerable development of the northern parts of Andalay. The anarchists are proposing new developing projects everyday, with a new bill in the assembly to aid the local rural communities through modernization plans, alongside the Socialist Bill aimed at improving Lodamun overall. The economic plan will include 2 billion ILDs/LODs injected into the rural communities in ensuring access to electricity, water, heat, gas and internet. The programs include renovation and building of new roads as well with a better infrastructure overall. Programs for housing for the poor is also planned for the future, among the collectivization of arable land for strategic growth of food, through maximization of production, via mechanization and a socialist transformation of agricultural activity.

Meanwhile, the Revolutionary Committee announced that the United Communes of Orean and Saint Martin will proceed to join ODEN, the not long ago revived organization from Kalistan in selling drugs. Many anarchists agree or are indifferent, as most of anarcho-syndicalists are very liberal and progressive when coming to social issues like LGBT rights, drugs, prostitution and abortion. The United Communes announced as well as they will ensure to prepare the socialist markets for commerce with other ODEN members and will seek alongside this to tighten economic relations with Kalistan. The economic goods coming from Kalistan had long aided the growing and chumming anarchist economy, which needs supplies such as iron, copper, coal, oil, bauxite, nickel, phosphorus etc to aid the gun industry, the car industry, and so on.

Kalistani band had announced a tour in Orean, preparations starting to prepare the city for the incoming wave of fans and the band. Some hotels as well buildings were redecorated as well prepared to accomodate the influx of people who will come to watch the live concert. The tickets are mostly sold out already, with a lot of local anarchists, especially the youngster being primarily interested in the upcoming live event. This alongside other cultural events are a fresh breath of air for the people who had to live with fear as civil war started.

Alongside all these, the St Martin port construction was officially finished on 4 May 4767, resulting in possibility of acquiring new commercial fleet by the socialists, who had built up or bought a fleet of 20 ships to transport various material goods in containers over the sea. With the calming of waters and with the civil war slowly dying off, commerce had once again grew, sparking an economic boom for Orean and Martin, who are slowly becoming more and more important economic center renowned for cheap costs as well good products, built by the people with care, given the fact that the standards and the regulations are stringent and a comprehensive system of supervision is put in place to ensure best results.

The paper industry had relaunched in Orean as well, with new paper factories being finalized. These new paper factories have equipped 2900mm tissue paper making machines that produce large paper foils of good quality to be sold on the market or be freely distributed or used by the syndicalist public or the government. Other industries, like car manufacturing or textile industry had seen own boosts, with the businesses opening more factories and improving the wages and conditions of the workers, as well creating social projects and programs in order to use the profits to aid the local communities.

The anarchists had, lastly, prepared a new law to create a Lodamese airways company that will occupy itself with establishment of a commercial air fleet designed to improve tourism in Lodamun as well give chance to Lodamunese people as well foreigners to travel cheaply in safe and comfortable conditions. The project is just an idea, prices and planes still needing to be set and discussed over.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:54 pm

Hosians to work for benefit of the nation
Minister Halter asks Hosians to help boost the economy

Minister of Trade and Industry Renilda Halter has asked Hosians still residing within the borders of Lodamun, to report to the official instances as soon as they can. She wants to give them a chance to work, what wasn't possible after a series of laws passed limiting the rights of that specific group.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs already stated that an important part of the Hosian population has moved abroad. The Ministry took notice of the great amount of help they received from the Badaran government, which accepted to house several thousands of households. But the Ministry also says that there are still far too many Hosians within our borders, and they are getting annoyed.
While the Ministry of Social Services is doing whatever possible to feed these Hosian mouths, the situation clearly needed another solution. And that solution was offered by the Defence Minister, Oliver Stratford. He proposed to enlist able bodied Hosians to assist in the military industry, which lacks a lot of personnel at this stage.
The plan has now risen to spread these people, if necessary in gated communities, near military facilities, strategic industries and other places where help is needed. Some will even be sent to areas where the civil conflict has ruined the villages, in order to help the rebuilding process.
The Ministry of Trade has announced that these Hosians will receive housing and food for their families and a fair pay.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:18 pm

The leading voice of the workers and trade unions across Lodamun
December 4768

Militias stop siege of Providence,
Peace talks fail, measures against terrorism taken

The anarchist militias reformed under the Black Guard plan retreating to the unrecognized, new borders of the Communes

The following years of the civil war of Lodamun had seen a large deescalation, as the belligerents had slowly put away the weapons, and without major events outside small skirmishes and disputes here and there, the war is not over, but is largely finding it's ending soon. Despite failed peace treaty proposals in the Presidium as well the international community losing it's glaring interests on the issue, the anarchists had done a move unexpected by many. The Red Front, the subdivision under the new Black Guard, the official forces of the United Communes, had announced and planned retreating operations from all parts of Lodamun or Providence to the north, keeping some of the northern regions of Providence. This came with strategic and diplomatic purposes, as the anarchist revolutionary fervor is slowly dying out and the new diplomatic approach of the anarchist committees had left their mark on the actions of anarchist militias, which unofficially made a ceasefire and permitted the Lodamese authorities to retake the occupied parts of the capital.

Other reforms were the slow transition from a Socialist Republic way of governing to a fully anarchist, from bottom to up political scheme that would enhance even further the freedoms of the people. The military is suffering a similar transition where the commanders of the Black Guard are chose by assemblies formed of soldiers. This was met with rejoice by the people, who had long waited for this one reform, but they wont stop there, just as the officials from Orean are debating new pieces of legislation to further develop the United Communes. One of the goals is to replace the old Constitution with an anarchist one and get rid of the current system that presents itself with a strong executive (the High Commissar).

Meanwhile, the recent terrorist attack led by Gau Raksha Paltan on local collective anarchist cow farms led to worries over possible escalation. Despite the imminent threat, given the shadowy past of this organization, the officials did not considered authoritarian pro-surveillance state measures as the way, but using a more simple approach: Parts of the Red Guard were drafted to defend cow farms as well run investigations over who could be, the locals being encouraged to denounce any radical group that can put in danger the peaceful nature of Orean.

The anarchists do support vegetarianism and veganism, but they do not condone violence against those who seek to eat cows. Since most of anarchists are disbelievers in any higher deity, many saw this as a religious extremist threat that must be curb stomped and started advocating for serious measures against religious radicalization. The Syndicalists in Lodamun had a past of attacking religious organizations, people, symbols, sculptures and anything related to them. It is yet to be seen how this will develop in the future, as well with the anarchist struggle for national and international recognition of the new Free Territories.

Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: Lodamun

Postby Aquinas » Sat Jun 13, 2020 11:40 pm

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