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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 14, 2022 3:12 pm


Sangon: The Junta of Gil Varejão has announced that it will, over the course of this month, nationalize the entire energy sector from extraction to production and distribution. The move will cost the state around 3 billion in upfront payment and will likely mean at least a billion in additional annual costs to maintain and manage the sector. According to Secretary for Energy Dan Cortes this move will "secure a steady and cost effective stream of energy to our population and allow the government to ensure energy production. No longer will the private market have a monopoly on producing and distributing our electricity and gass but will the state be able to keep it low cost and effectively distributed." The plan is deemed "on loose screws" by many analysts, which see it has to costly and who dont have the confidence that the sector will be better managed in government hands, as the sector would likely be distributed amongst state owned companies directed by the National Union, which opens up the way for nepotism and mismanagement. Despite these criticisms it is just the first of many steps that the Varejão Junta seeks to take in moving economic control from the market to the state. Several bussinesses have already been confiscated by authorities for minor violations of tax or civil law and some have even been given to the military to be run. Foreign investment has nearly halted, resulting in a -1.9% growthrate last quarter, the first negative growthrate in decades for the country. Varejão made a public address saying that "the transformation" of the economy might mean a few rough years but will "create a more equall, more substainable economy and public sector in the long run."

The initial funds needed for the buyout will be taken out in a loan, likely to ncrease the debt to GDP ratio to 82% of the GDP (which currently sits at 76%).
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:09 pm


Sangon: The Junta has announced measures that would make it nearly impossible for private individuals and non vetted bussinesses from using the internet. The new plan, which is set to be enacted by the government in the coming days, would bar anyone not a member of the National Union and an active participant in it from accessing the internet. Furthermore private bussinesses not vetted by the government may also no longer use the internet or any service associated with it. Overnight thousands of bussinesses are expected to end up without a digital payment option for customers as their systems rely on wireless internet to work. The initiative came after the Junta had been gathering reports on underground ressistance networks that had been growing through the use of the internet. But with this decision experts believe they will likely not just fail in preventing underground ressistance from forming but also plunge the remnants of the private economy in chaos. Some hundred protestors had already gathered in the Sangon streets, quickly being rounded up by military police units. The decision is likely to spark major outrage in the country and potentially turning former neutral individuals against the military regime. General Varejão has however stated he will continue to push through the reform and has stressed that anyone trying to protest or show their oppossition will be arrested if necessary. Hundreds of officers and military personal have already been seen on the streets in anticipation of potential unrest.

With a economy falling fast and further restrictions to civil liberties in place, will the Junta continue to maintain a hold? Or will a large enough portion of the population stand up?
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 14, 2022 8:11 pm


Sangon: The Junta authorities have put down a civil uprising that saw thousands of Tukaralians taking to the streets to protest recent restrictions put on internet use and the declining economy, which has seen millions either lose their job or fail to make ends meet due to rising prises. The movement grew within days, reaching over 12.000 protestors in 2 days time. But as soon as it flared up it was also put down as the authorities mobilized every agency, from local police to the military, and put in place a nightly curfew combined with strict measures for going out. Anyone in the bigger cities of the country violating the curfew and going out orders were immediately arrested and charged with conspiracy against the state. The Junta even used the situation to crackdown further, completely shutting off internet access and even at some stages electricity access to areas where a lot of protestors were believed to come from. In Sangon, the capital, around 5 people died and another 291 got injured as police fired live rounds into the crowd and heavily armoured vehicles broke up protestors, with one protestor being crushed under the big wheels of one of the vehicles. But the massive and quick mobilization of security forces has seemingly worked, as they were just in time before more protestors joined together to form a uncontrolable movement. Expecting the worst General Varejão has announced that a state of emergency will be in place for the foreseeable future, allowing the military and police forces to search anyone without reason, position themselves accross the country where previously they would not have been allowed to and conduct thorough house searches without warrants, something the Junta was already accused of doing before the state of emergency.

The government has extinguished a flame before it became a fire but ressentment in Tukarali is still high, with many either leaving the country or joining forbidden oppossition groups. Meanwhile the Junta is preparing measures to revive and transform the national economy, hoping that by creating more jobs and a more stable economic environment most of the resentment felt over the past few days can be resolved.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:59 am


Sangon: With a economic situation that is not improving and a political situation categorized by major supression of civil liberties unrest in Tukarali continues to grow. Despite harsh lockdown measures with a imposed curfew and special rights for authorities people are taking to the streets in droves, angered by the lack of economic progress and political repression thousands have already devied authorities and have, sometime violently, let their voices be heard. At the head of this renewed movement is former scholar Joel Cortes who has been garnering support by performing illegal rallies often at the risk of arrest and prosecution. He has advocated for an end to the Junta, calling it the "start of a horrible period for Tukaralians if this dictatorship is to last". Instead he has played into people's concerns by proposing a new system, a federal one, where the government would be divided into different more autonomous layers that check eachothers powers and allow for more local control on certain issues. Furthermore the election of a head of state would be handled in such a way that electors from each state would decide on who elects the president, having to abide by the popular vote in their state. In this way, the electoral system gives more responsibilities to the states and decentralizes the process with many Tukaralians starting to become dissacosiated with a large national government which has, under the Junta, shown to abuse its power. A more decentralized system, as proposed by Cortes, would allow for more checks on federal power, a idea that has become very popular amongst the protest movement.

Thousands have already joined the movement with many thousands entering the streets. The Junta, pressured from outside diplomacy and the renewed movement, is struggling to maintain order with reports of dessertions in its ranks being rampant. Due to restrictions on internet and media it is unclear how the current situation on the ground might evolve.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 17, 2022 8:07 pm


Sangon: Popular unrest and massive pressure from the inside and outside have finally caused the military Junta of general Varejão to collapse. Months of continious protests, underground movement actions and outside diplomatic isolation have finally managed to bring the military regime to its knees as it has basically run out of resources to accomplish anything. In a cowardly move, general Varejão has been reported leaving the country to a unknown destination, leaving a bewildered military leadership to pick up scraps. Unwilling to continue governing, the Revolutionary Council announced that it would transfer power to a civilian council led by former administrator Artur Mendonça. This new council will be tasked with writing a new constitution and, once having done so, organizing democratic elections. The military clearly did not want to continue running the country. The national economy is in shambles, having plummeted in the time the military got power and causing at least 40% of Tukaralians to end up in poverty. Streets of major cities have basically become battlefields as rioters clashed with police and military units on a daily basis and daily desertions from military ranks became a increasing problem for the regime. Now Artur Mendonça will thus take the lead in writing a constitution. Previous calls for federalism in the country are being dismissed by Mendonça who has stated he seeks to create a "just, democratic and steadfast government". He will listen to protestors demands for decentralization he has said, pledging to give any new administrative divisions more responsibilities then the military regime did in the past two years which should allow for a healthier balance of power. He also pledged in his press message that he would do "whatever i can" to guarentee a democratic constitution that "would be acceptable to the entire population."

Protestors have celebrated the imminent end to the military regime which is already seeing some effect, as the military issued a decree shortly after the announcement that once again made internet available to all and ordered military forces to stop actively engaging protestors. Many are now calling for the new to be government to make arresting and putting to trial Varejão a priority, something that isnt a case set in stone as it is unclear where the former Junta leader has fled to.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:33 am


Porto dos Santos: The new democratic constitution creating a unitary parliamentary republic has been formally adopted, resulting in the new president being elected by the constitutional assembly shortly after and a new government being installed. This new government, led by the recently formed Democratic People's Party, will have the task of laying the groundwork for the newly created democratic system and its institutions and prepare for the first truly democratic election to be held on quick notice. President Artur Mendonça, former leader of the civilian council, has already appointed a Prime Minister in the form of Jaime Ramos who will lead the country till the next election at the least. Ramos has already stated that his government will "work to strengthen our institutions and give Tukaralians what they have asked for, a new democratic breath with which to take on our economic and social challenges."

Whether this new democratic government will be able to properly manage the country is a question yet to be answered as its economy is still in shambles thanks to the legacy of the military regime. The population is however open to giving the regime a chance, with protests having dissapated, making the streets of Porto do Santos and other cities safer. The former capital of Sangon will now be the capital of the region of São Miguel with the new constitution designating Porto dos Santos as the new national capital, citing it to be in line with the "new beginning" authorities seek to give Tukarali and its citizens.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 20, 2022 6:57 pm


Porto dos Santos: The government of newly installed Prime Minister Jaime Ramos has announced a massive economic investment and reform package aimed at stabilizing the Tukaralian economy and providing a framework from which the economy might be able to grow in the future. The reforms focus on several key aspects of the economy. The Democratic People's Party of the PM has always ascribed to the concept of state capitalism, believing in a free market with strong state influences. With this ideal in mind Ramos and his government have worked to develop a plan in which this state capitalist ideal is realized. First of all the Junta's nationalizations of the energy sector will largely remain in place, with the Ministry of Economic Affairs noting that, "the energy sector is vital to the survivability of our people, by keeping it in government hands we ensure that prices remain payable for the majority of our population and that the system isnt prone to outside involvement." One small change in the energy policies will be the allowance of small scale private electricity generation, with inidividuals and companies being allowed to generate their own energy locally (through the use of several methods including renewables) meant to allow these entities to better determine what works best for their company.

Another major change is in foreign investment policy. While the PPD is still nationalistic and protectionist it will in this reform relax its grip in foreign investment, lifting the total ban on foreign investment and instead allowing it with the condition that any such investment is approved by the government. This will finally allow much needed foreign investment into the country while also "protecting" it as wished by many PPD officials. Secondly part of the till now nationalized banking sector is to be privatized, with small community banks and possibly foreign banks being allowed to operate and settle in Tukarali for the first time in years. Major banks, such as the Tukaralian People's Bank and the Consumers Bank will remain in state hands, but will partially retreat from regional markets to allow for small scale banks to develop themselves. One major reform many had been waiting for is housing reform with the Ministry of Housing and Urban development adding a plan in the reform to finally allow the state to provide housing to low income individuals. Furthermore the till now unregulated private housing market will be regulated in this reform, with the government obligating organizations representing landlords and tennants to negotiate renting prices, giving tenants more power over their own rent and living conditions. The ministry stated that "this reform will give a first step to our people, affordable housing, which is needed for everything in life from stable work to a stable social environment. With this reform we seek to hand the opportunity for creating such a safe environment to more people which in turn should boost our economic recovery."

Besides many reforms announced to stabilize and improve the economy and once again allow for private enterprise the bill also describes a allocation of nearly 100 billion into a "future development fund" which the ministries of finance and economic affairs will be able to use to invest into private projects with major potential for success as well as diverting more funds to ministries in advance of their own projects. Targets have also been added to the bill, with the government seeking to stabilize the economy within 5 years and set it up for a trajectory of growth in 7 years. With housing reforms and other small scale social reforms added to overall planning the government also hopes to eleviate poverty effect and the effects of low income for many, simultaniously improving living conditions together with the economy.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:44 pm


Porto dos Santos: The government of Prime Minister Jaime Ramos has announced a massive reform package, coinciding with the previously announced economic reforms, that is focussed on reforming the national government administration and adding several mechanics to these institutions to make them more resilient for the future. In the reform the ministries will all get their own secretariat, meant to support ministries further in certain cases outside of their original workspace. The secretariat for the Ministry of Justice for example will help the ministry with administrative and certain financial matters while the secretariat of the ministry of economic affairs will help the ministry in legal matters. This way the basic foundation of these ministries is strengthened, allowing them to operate in a more comprehensive and steadfast manner. Further reforms are aimed at cutting red tape and allowing for better tools for the justice ministry and the judicial apparatus as a whole. The Judicial Board will be able to request government files through a new online system to be named the "National Governing Archive". Only Judicial board and justice ministry officials with certain clearance granted by the heads of these institutions will be able to freely search through all recorded government data and files, allowing these vital institutions to better do their job while also making the functioning of government even more transparant. The last major thing in the reform is the "individual request" clause, allowing normal citizens to request a formal investigation into a matter they deem of importance, whether that be a local or a national problem. The Ministry of Internal Affairs together with its secretariat determine whether or not a problem is officially investigated or not or whether it is moved to a more local authority, making governance more transparant.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:25 am


Porto dos Santos: In a attempt to seemingly aid the government in its objective to revive the national economy the central bank has announced it will lower its interest rates to 4%, down from 8% right now. This comes days after the CIB (Central Information Bureau) announced that inflation is quickly falling, down to 3% compared to 9% two years ago. With this in mind the central bank is thus now lowering its interest rates in order to help the economy to recover, making borrowing less expensive and hoping to encourage more consumer spending. This comes on top of measures announced by the government which aim to stabilize the economy within 5 years and put it on a growth trajectory within 7. Currently growthrate sits at a dissapointing -2% with the government hoping to have it in the + within the next few years. Key to these hopes is the governments plan to strengthen trade ties with regional partners which is likely to boast trade in the foreseeable future. The lowering of interest rates is likely to significantly aid reaching this goal by thus promoting more spending on the domestic market, allowing companies to rack in more profit and hopefully further encourage private investment. The government reported that it had already approved over 8000 foreign investments sinds the national economy had a partial opening up following the recently announced economic reforms, with billions in private investment expected to pour into the country in the coming years as private enterprise is more encouraged then before.
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Re: Tukarali

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 24, 2022 12:16 pm


Porto dos Santos: In a newly slated reform the Ramos government has proposed to make referendums a central part of the nations governing in its efforts to create a transparant, popular and effective democracy. The legislative proposal, named the "Ammendment for a Popular Democracy", will legalize referendums as a binding and proper way of decisionmaking within the country. Both citizens and the government will be able to put forth topics or legislation to be decided upon by referendum. Citizens can do so in two ways. One way is to gather 100.000 unique signatures to launch a referendum on a law not yet implemented but past by parliament. If these signatures are delivered to the Electoral Board in time a referendum on said law will be held. If a majority votes yes or no, the law is either rejected or formally allowed to pass into law. Citizens may also gather signatures of at least half of parliament members to put a law to referendum. Besides putting laws to referendum the people can also put topics to referendum that include a statement, such as "Tukarali shall make defense a priority". These "topic" referendums are advisory to the government while legislative referendums are binding. The government in its turn can put a law to referendum without any signatures for any reason, but these will also be binding just like civil started referenda.

Lastly any constitutional ammendment, attempt to join a supranational organization, ratification of foreign treaties and major legislative proposals/reforms must always be passed by referendum without the possibility of circumventing and such referendums will be binding. Prime Minister Ramos has stated that by enacting this reform his government hopes to create a "active and engaged electorate that has a real say in the governing of the country." Elections and functioning of the national government will remain the same as will the decisionmaking process of parliament, the only difference is the possibility of a referendum for already passed legislation. With this change, to be debated in parliament this week, the nation will likely officially be classified as a semi-direct parliamentary republic, adding one more decisionmaking layer to the country.
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