
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Tue Oct 24, 2017 8:59 pm

Lorenz Killer Arrested: Named as David Schwarzkopf

Identified through insiders and DNA, a man believed to be the killer of Wolfhard Lorenz has been arrested and charged with his murder. It is believed he is associated with a large criminal organisation, rumoured to be ran by the “Wichterle” family.

Schwarzkopf will be tried at court.

If it is indeed the Wichterle family, the links to Drumpf become more clear. Drumpf’s business associate and friend is Adam Wichterle, one of the youngest in the family, who runs a string of clubs. This could be how Drumpf has contacted the family and ordered the hit on Lorenz: but the real question is why? What was in his manuscript?

The results of the Secret Service inquiry are still top secret, and, depending on the results of a possible public inquiry, and the will of the President, the details could remain undiscovered for decades.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:27 am

June 4292

Anti-nuclear protests begin at Central Largonia Military Base

Protesters obstructing the roads outside the base, to prevent vehicles entering and leaving

Protesters outside the base, chanting "Protest and Survive", the favourite slogan of the anti-nuclear movement

Protesters forming an "Embrace the base" human chain around the base


Police attempting to remove protesters causing an obstruction at the entrance to the base

In response to the government's accelerating program to build nuclear missiles, peace campaigners have besieged the Central Largonia Military Base, widely believed to be a key site where the weapons are being developed, and also a likely site for where they would be based once they are built. Of the main political parties, it is the Communist Party who have taken the lead in promoting the anti-nuclear cause, and Communists appear to disproportionately dominate the ranks of the protesters, although there are many, many non-Communists as well. In particular, many liberals, socialists, environmentalists, feminists and pagans can be found amongst the ranks of the protesters.

The authorities are coming under pressure to authorise stronger tactics to deal with the protesters, since they are now causing considerable inconvenience, especially in terms of obstructing vehicles and persons from entering and leaving the base. A "peace camp" has developed outside the base, fillled with lots of illegally placed tents and caravans. Police have periodically cleared these away, but they keep coming back. The editorials of several right-wing populist newspapers are calling for the police to deal with the camp in a much more robust way.

Communist Party General Secretary Friedrich Pfeiffer has praised the protesters as "doing us all a favour by working to make Dorvik, Artania and the whole of Terra a safer and more peaceful place". He also accused the police of "heavy-handed tactics, as well as unjustified use of spying and surveillance techniques". Pfeiffer was one of 23 people arrested outside the base during a clash with police last week, although he was later released without charge.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:47 pm

CotS Rumours Flare Again

Above: Jan-Henrik Schwartz, the son of Indra and current leader of CotS.

Old rumours regarding the controversial 'religious movement', which now has about 3 million members, have flared up again as movement leader Jan-Henrik Schwartz - son of Indra - has became deeply unpopular with moderates in CotS. A profoundly conservative and homophobic individual, Schwartz has made statements blaming homosexuals for natural disasters, claiming that AIDS would soon become an epidemic due to 'communist gay propoganda' and saying that young girls 'love it when they got their man assigned to them'.

This last comment seems to almost concern former rumours that the movement/cult forced young girls to marry older men. Reports of CotS members hijacking and then crashing trucks with contraception in, and leaving drivers abandoned in the wilderness, are the most serious of the new accusations. The Governors of Largonia and Miktar are both ordering separate reports into the movement, which was nearly banned three years ago. The President has condemned the actions of Schwartz, who she has a very odd relationship with.

What is often overlooked is that this is the President's brother. People often attribute the fact Sally Gretchen won by a fairly slim margin down to her CotS membership and to the fact that she is the daughter of Indra. This makes her 'the grand-daughter of God' in the eyes of CotS members, who unanimously voted for her in the election - possibly at the threat of excommunication. Gretchen has called for her, admittedly estranged, brother to resign. Gretchen is a more moderate CotS member and prefers her younger sister for CotS leader.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:46 pm

Hans Gluck: Protesters Obstructing Military Affairs

Hans Gluck, NP Leader, Minister for Defence and pro-nuclear figurehead, has today condemned the anti-nuclear protesters for "disrupting the nation's military process." He said he doesn't disagree with the protest itself, just its form: "We cannot protest by force." He also said the protesters represented a minority of people and were forcing their views on the nation, which has democratically supported nuclear arms.

Due to the top-secret nature of the developmental process, he could not confirm or deny whether the base actually did contain any experimental nuclear weapons, but noted multiple new actions:

1 - Civilians on a small amount of road outside the base will be asked to leave and then arrested, as this is now considered base property. Fences, signs and armed guards are to be posted. In two weeks, all protesters are expected to have cleared the road, and any civilians caught there will be considered trespassing on military property and could be arrested or shot.

2 - More guards will be posted nearby.

3 - Protesters who do not move when asked will be immediately arrested.

4 - The police today swept through the "peace camp" and performed a mass evacuation. Those who refused were arrested. Guards will now be posted around on patrol for a one mile radius, and illegal tents and camps immediately removed.

Hans has said to expect "further action" if the protest "does not become peaceful."

DE1 Test Launch Semi-Successful

The first nuclear test from Dorvik has today been launched into the sea off Miktar.

Unarmed, the test ICBM was only launched to test range. The government is aiming for a maximum range of approximately 10,000 kilometers. While the launch was successful, it managed only 3,700 km. Government says it will return to development for further improvements, including the addition of anti-radar and interception device equipment. The official estimate is that the DE3 - DE5 will reach the expected range, and armed tests can take place.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:58 am

December 4292

Muddled bishops release vague, waffly statement about nuclear weapons program


The Dorvish bishops of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church and the Independent Confessional Church have issued a joint statement on the delicate subject of Dorvik's nuclear weapons program. The issue has split Hosian leaders down the middle. Dorvik is famous for its military tradition, and many Dorvish see nuclear weapons as essential both to the nation's security and its future as a great power, but others argue the possession of nuclear weapons is immoral in principle and that this is something Hosians should speak out about.

The joint statement began boldly, with a call for "every government in Terra to work for a safer and more peaceful future" and for "political leaders everywhere to work towards a long-term objective of completely eliminating the existence of weapons of mass destruction". The second paragraph sombrely laid out the potential consequences of nuclear war, and declared "the issue of the sanctity and preciousness of human life cannot be left out of the nuclear weapons debate". However, by the third paragraph the bishops were descending into indecisiveness, urging Dorvik's government "to be conscientious and prayerful about the grave responsibility they hold both for Dorvik's national security and the future of humankind generally", but failing to state whether Dorvik should continue its nuclear weapons program or abandon it. Anti-nuclear peace campaigners were left disappointed; the most they got out of the statement were general platitudes like "as bishops, we are deeply concerned about the role of nuclear weapons in our world" and "we should pray for our political leaders, pray that God will help them to make wise and moral decisions". The statement finished by saying the bishops would "pray reflectively on these difficult and painful problems" and "meet again for further discussions next year".

However, the bishops showed greater resolution with regards to the subject of slavery, rejecting the support the Minister of Defence and the National Party have shown for the compulsory enslavement of prisoners of war. "There can be no place for slavery in today's world, even in war", they pronounced.

Communist Party General Secretary Friedrich Pfeiffer accused the bishops of "a pathetic lack of moral vision", said "religion does not hold relevant answers for people any more" and claimed "Communism offers a moral framework which supercedes and is infinitely superior to that which is offered by Hosianism".

Patchwork quilt protest begins at military base



Anti-nuclear protesters have knitted a gigantic patchwork quilt, known as the "Peace Quilt", which they are now parading around the perimeter of the Central Largonia Military Base. Most observers agree tensions between the military authorities and the protesters have calmed down somewhat since the Minister of Defence ordered a firmer line, but that the situation remains very much a tinderbox, with the possibility of trouble sparking off at any moment.

Sanction Hyperion, demand Communists

The Communist Party have urged the government to support Hutori's recent actions against the controversial Hyperion Corporation, and also seize all of Hyperion's assets based in Dorvik. This would include the troubled Karen Kipping Estate in Hauzenwald, which the Communists want to see returned to the Communist-controlled Kordusian Provincial Authority.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:11 pm

DE2 Unarmed Missile Test Launch Successful as Official Estimate for Success Placed at 4295 - 4296

DE2 launches into the skies

Reaching a distance of 4,600 km and successful deploying anti-interception and detection equipment, the second nuclear test launch in just a handful of months has been so successful that the official estimated year for success has been placed at 4295 - 4296: just three years away at most. The Ministry of Defence has claimed "20 years of preparation with old experimental research to aid us has led us to be immensely successful with only our second launch. Soon enough, we'll be ready to develop a fully functioning nuclear weapon, and we aim to have launched an armed ICBM in a test by 4296."

Anti-Nuclear Protester Who Ran Into Road Shot

As nuclear development rapidly progresses, protests continue to develop also. As counter-protesters in favour of nuclear arms, generally associated with right-wing parties, come to meet the anti-nuclear protesters, the military and the police have expressed concerns for further violent clashes. Hans Gluck, NP Leader and Defence Minister, said that "protests must remain peaceful, or we may have to move people away from the base entirely." Some conspiracy theorists have suggested the pro-nuclear protesters were ordered there by Gluck himself to cause violence to break out, allowing him to justify moving the protesters, but Gluck denies any involvement: "it's just democracy."

Today, Gluck's calls for peace fell on deaf ears as two military guards patrolling the stretch of road leading up to the base were faced with a young woman flailing her arms, running towards the base shouting anti-nuclear slogans. They told her to stop, but she continued anyway. She was pronounced dead one hour later after being shot three times in the chest. An inquiry will judge whether the killing was lawful, and is expected to rule in favour of the guards.

Wolfhard Lorenz Public Inquiry Makes Shocking Discoveries As David Schwarzkopf Gets Life, Wichterle Arrested

As Wolfhard Lorenz's killer is locked away for life, a public inquiry into Lorenz's death and his crimes has made great progress.

"It seems Lorenz was killed because of his knowledge of private affairs, illicit acts which tried to affect democracy and the democratic process," the judge leading the inquiry announced. "Witness testimony from family and inmates close to Lorenz has revealed that he was apparently involved in an attempt, reportedly with former Chancellor Drumpf, to influence the November 4286 general election results. He claimed it was arranged with Andrew Wichterle to remove a number of ballots not in favour of the Republikanische Partei [now the NP] from the count in certain swing seats, giving the party an advantage. While the effect of the fraud seems unclear, if it did indeed happen, Wolfhard was intent on revealing this to the public. This appears to be why he was killed."

"Lorenz also appears likely to have known about and formulated plans with Drumpf to perform other controversial actions, including plans to use physical force to destroy the Children of the Spirit religion. There is no sign this went any further than Drumpf and Lorenz's desk."

"We will continue to investigate the situation."

Andrew Wichterle has been arrested as police came to the same conclusion, and Drumpf is under investigation with an arrest likely.
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:46 pm

Sally Gretchen Calls For End To Abortion

Above: President Gretchen, who will propose a motion today calling for Dorvik to abandon abortion all-together.

Sally Gretchen has made her most controversial step as president to date, calling for an end to abortion in Dorvik. Gretchen said that 'we cannot tell people it is wrong to kill other people when we allow a mother to kill her own child'. While many responded by saying this was action against women, Gretchen asserts that it is pro-child more than it can reasonably be considered anti-mother. Regardless, the issue has cause a lot of controversy in a nation that seems to be drifting towards the extremes - communism and nationalism.

While Cindy Kirchen is now more of a State-Council-warrior for the Pragmatists, despite being the leader of the party, she is now pushing forward her full public weight to support the motion, appearing in Largonia and Miktar to whip up support for the motion amongst the populace. Surprising polls show the majority of Miktar and the plurality of Largonia siding with Gretchen on this issue, despite the current laws being long-standing. Abortion has long been an area where Dorvik is more conservative in, despite general centrism.

This comes as no shock to those with intimate knowledge of the party. The internal rise of former presidential candidate Kristina Pruefer has put the party on the right, despite some party members preferring a more centrist approach. But as all parties go to the extremes, it leaves a wide center open for grabs, and that could lead to electoral upsets in 4295, where Gretchen will run again with the support of the NP - thought internal party sources suggest they are not certain on getting support from the AfD.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:37 pm

May 4293

Pfeiffer in audacious bid for Dorvik's Security Council seat

In a move that has triggered widespread surprise and some anger, Communist Party General Secretary Friedrich Pfeiffer has written a public letter to the World Congress, requesting control of Dorvik's Security Council seat should be removed from the Dorvish government, and handed instead to a 20-member "Dorvish People's Representation Committee" (DPRC) chaired by himself.

The DPRC would comprise of 8 Communist Party representatives, including Pfeiffer, and 13 "independent non-political members". Most of the 13 non-party members are prominent in left wing and trade union circles, and are widely regarded as stooges for Pfeiffer. However, there are a few interesting names amongst them, including Fritz Henninger, a well-respected nuclear scientist who has won renown for his involvement in nuclear energy projects, but is fiercely opposed to building nuclear weapons; Thomas Sternberg, a retired Bishop of the Independent Confessional Church with a reputation for speaking out on social justice issues; Wilma Bischof, a celebrated barrister, well-known for her work in the fields of international law, human rights and the treatment of refugees; and Kurt Heidrich, a former deputy editor of the Dorvish News Service, who has won awards for his features on housing issues, homelessness and drug addiction.

The letter claims the Dorvish government is "no longer morally fit to represent the Dorvish people and the peoples of Terra on the Security Council", whilst arguing the DPRC "consists of highly competent individuals who truly represent the people of Dorvik, and possess a unique understanding of the challenges facing both Dorvik and Terra".

The letter makes a number of complaints against the Dorvik government, including:

- that "the government is charging head-first towards building nuclear weapons and also biological and chemical weapons, "putting the security of Terra in danger, and risking a dangerous global arms race which will result in a further proliferation of weapons of mass destruction".

- that Dorvik's Defence Minister, Hans Gluck, supports the enslavement of prisoners of war, which is "contrary to the values of the World Congress". He also "belongs to the neo-fascist National Party, which is embroiled in political scandal and the world of extreme right-wing politics".

- that the Pragmatismus party is "infested and dominated by" the controversial religious cult known as "Children of the Spirit", and that this is affecting the party's policy decisions, including its recent attempt to impose a complete ban on abortion.

- that the Dorvish government "uses the apparatus of the bourgeois police state to oppress and harass political dissidents, especially members of the Communist Party". In particular, the Dorvish government is accused of "violating the constitution by attempting to undermine the Kordusian Provincial Authority", seizing the largest public housing estate in Artania away from the Kordusian Provincial Authority and handing it on a plate to the international criminals of the Hyperion Corporation and harassing, attacking and murdering peace campaigners whilst denying them their right to protest".

Pfeiffer's letter to the World Congress runs to 284 pages and includes several lengthy quotations from the works of Karlstein Metz and Vladimir Leonid, but the above is just a summary of some of the main highlights.

Pfeiffer purges "bourgeois elements" in party membership, hundreds expelled, thousands leave

At a dramatic press conference in Haldor, Friedrich Pfeiffer announced the immediate expulsion of 403 party members on suspicion of "pro-capitalist bourgeois sympathies and connections to the spies of the oppressive capitalist police state". In the aftermath of the expulsion order, over 5000 members are believed to have resigned their membership, either in frustration or in the belief they were on the verge of being expelled anyway.

Paulus Weingartner, a former member of the Communist Party's Politburo and the most prominent of the members to be expelled, accused Pfeiffer of "running the party like a personal dictatorship", warning that "the Communist Party cannot claim to legitimately represent either the working-classes or the socialist movement when it is so intolerant to dissent". Weingartner, like many of the departing members, argues for a "more imaginative approach to implementing socialism", which would involve the acceptance of a role for a degree of private free enterprise.

A large number of the departing members have headed for the newly-formed Social Democratic Union, which Pfeiffer has already called to be outlawed and branded as "a treacherous, cowardly bunch of class traitors and police spies". Rumours are rife that Weingartner is on the verge of joining the new party, although so far there has been no public announcement.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:49 pm

Gluck Refutes Pfeiffer in Lengthy Improv Speech

Creating a press conference for the express purpose of stacking Pfeiffer’s letter to the World Congress, Gluck assaulted the Communist leader’s statement in totality. Here are the highlights.

He mocks the government while ranting about the people as if we haven’t been repeatedly voted into government, as if they weren’t beaten by the President in the elections by a huge margin, as if that little alternative cabinet of fools he presents for the seat of Dorvik on the security council isn’t just a puppetshow for his own influence.


He thinks he can run a seat on the Council? He thinks he can secure safety? The same man who rails against our police and our army as capitalist tools and criminals, the same man who encourages a Class War and terror and says that the right-leaning working classes are traitors? He would unleash an era of untold chaos upon the planet, spawning from his psychotic Metzist cult mind, his madman’s ramblings. He is a dangerous man, and I will not see him usurp the civil forces of Terra.


He attacks our nuclear program. Every other party voted in favour. The people want it. We want defence and safety, more than he can offer by abolishing our entire infrastructure.


See how he twists the KPA situation, as if if wasn’t his part acting illegally, stealing, abusing the law: as if they should be admonished for their crimes as they are Communists in this imaginary Class War he always speaks of.


The ‘political scandal’ of this party originated many years ago under different leaders in a different age. To claim any connection to us is an insult and a mistruth: the very thing his party lives off, lies.


He wishes to attack us for suggesting individual policy choices given the full democratic process, as if our individual suggestions made up our nation’s identity. This is how Pfeiffer acts, lying and supplying misinformation to control the populace, ranting about war and spouting anarachist populist nonsense while floundering the laws of the nation and wishing to represent 100% of our people alone with only a quarter of the vote (and a loss in a direct presidential race.) They have no mandate. They are anti-democratic criminal liars and they cannot be trusted.

The full speech went on for three hours and attacked every aspect of the party and Pfeiffer’s letter.
Last edited by lewiselder1 on Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:07 am

Paulus Weingartner Elected as SDU Leader

Mr.Weingartner Accepting the Leadership of the SDU:-


Mr.Paulus Weingartner,A Social Democrat who was expelled from the Communist Party for his moderate stances,has been elected as leader of the Social Democratic Union unopposed,In the Parties First Conference held in Haldor,The Party Reinforced its commitment to Social Democracy and stated that the Party intends to develop a economic framework which will ensure the Coexistence of the public and private sectors.The Party has also stated that it will fight against the "Attack on A Woman"s Right to Choose"and has made clear its opposition to the Pragmatismus backed Abortion Proposal.The Party Specifically States that it is not Socialist or Communist but rather a Party of the Moderate Left

The Party has criticized The Communists as a "Bunch of Authoritarian Radicals",Its Membership has also surged to more than 12,000 and has been attracting support from Urban Middle Class Voters and Younger Voters who were hesitant to vote Communist.

Analysts state that the Party will take away a lot of Voters from the Communists as the communists gained due to the absence of a Centre left party in the Last election,"But now"Analysts say,The Emergence of the Social Democratic Union will weaken Communists and their influence.
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