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Re: Kazulia

Postby Zanz » Sat Jun 29, 2024 10:16 am

Statement of the WDU suspending Seko's membership
#WDU #Dankuk #Seko #Lourenne #Kazulia #Vorona #Ostland #Dovanian Crisis #Beiteynu
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Re: Kazulia

Postby Zanz » Tue Jul 02, 2024 11:20 am

Nørrehus Nationalt: Kazulian diplomats at work across Dovani to combat rising tide

The Kazulian diplomatic corps is at work more fervently than ever as it responds to a variety of små kriser, "little crises" across the Dovanian continent.

Seko's suspension from the Western Dovanian Union, though orchestrated largely at the initial request of Lourenne, was operationalized directly by Kazulia's Foreign Minister Mads Kolden, whose reservations about the suspension were widely reported in Kazulian press. A stretched-thin FM is torn between competing interests to retain a nuanced policy toward Seko that allows room for reintegration into the Dovanian community for that country, and delegation of policy on the Seko crisis to the WDU to allow for Kazulian focus elsewhere.

Room for focus is certainly in short supply.

In Hanzen, where a controversial autocratic regime was recently overthrown in bloody revolution, high ranking Kazulian diplomats are working to make sense of the chaos and ensure stability and safety for the thousands of Kazulian citizens living and working in the nation.

Talmoria is the focus of deputy FM for Dovani Michelle Ellestad and a cadre of ambassadors who expressed their deep concern at the both the occupation of much of the country by Ahmadist radicals who have proclaimed a breakaway 'Aslistan' and the subsequent hiring of notorious soldiers of fortune by the Mabika government in Sogo. Leaders in Aslistan exchanged reciprocal recognition with separatist elements in Mina who have wrested control of a significant portion of that nation, causing headaches for Skalm over concerns that such recognitions may encourage other fringe separatist groups across an already enflamed Dovani.

Finally, in an indication of just how taxed the Foreign Ministry is, even the Deputy FM for Macon, Ørjan Aasen, has been drafted into Dovanian service. Aasen, with close contacts in Hutori, is tasked by the government with representing the interests of Kazulia in the developing situation in Nsanlosa, where Hutorian forces based in the eastern Dovanian nation represent the only significant foreign presence in the region that has seen an oppressive regime overthrown in a military coup that threatens several private Kazulian enterprises in the country. Rumors abound that Skalm desires that Hutori and Beiteynu should take the lead in ensuring the situation in Nsanlosa does not deteriorate.

As Dovani sits in flame, Kazulia's diplomats approach each situation individually. The key undercurrent established across the continent, however, by the Kolden foreign ministry, is an insistence on a respect for basic human rights, the security of Kazulian citizens and assets, and a return to the stability of years past. Such hopes are regarded by many experts as idealistic to a point verging on foolhardiness, but still the Kazulian diplomats try.
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Re: Kazulia

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Jul 02, 2024 9:30 pm

MOFA seeks to address variety of geopolitical issues
March 5508
The Terran Times
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Re: Kazulia

Postby Zanz » Wed Jul 03, 2024 12:17 pm

#Nsanlosa #Hutori #WDU #Bekeniel #Young Officers #Lourenne #Beiteynu #Narikaton and Darnussia #N&D #Mina #Hanzen
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Re: Kazulia

Postby Zanz » Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:00 pm

#Nsanlosa #Hutori #Lourenne #WDU #Young Officers #Beiteynu #Narikaton and Darnussia #N&D #Smuggling #Shipwrecks #WDUJFN
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