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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:20 am

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Nisrad urges Badara to ascend to the CMRF's command
November 5453

- Badara's abstention for Seat A is set to mark Luthori's appointment to the Security Council next session


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Following a recommendation by Luthorian-Yeudi MOD Patrick Jacobstone of the newly sworn in Semon Administration, the recently appointed Permanent Representative to the MSCO Yeshua Shavit of the Nisrad has been meeting with high-ranking officials in Bier Qassem in an attempt to handle Deltaria's recent decision not to designate a replacement for Dimitry Petrescu in the post of Admiral Commanding of the CMRF.

Mr. Shavit received backlash for his spat with the Prime Minister of Deltaria after the latter fired back when the microphone picked up a couple of Shavit's demeaning comments about the PM, during a heated debate in the MSCC's chambers in Cachtica.

The MOD, however, has stood firmly behind the positions that Mr. Shavit expressed during the debate, citing how Majatra's modern age under the security leadership of a reinvigorated MSCO requires "outside the box" thinking, such as the demeanour displayed by Badara during both of this century's most devastating conflicts in the region - Kafuristan and Badara; both of which saw the MSCO's heavy involvement and extended cooperation with non-Majatran forces.

Mr. Jacobstone made the following short statement earlier this morning:

While the Homeland State of Beiteynu continues to cast its vote of confidence on Deltarian leadership in the CMRF stemming from the former Admiral Commanding's pristine record thus far, the MSCO has always served as an organisation of equal leadership. Thus, we must look to help other member states ascend.

We share a mutual defence pact with Badara on 2 levels: the MSCO and the Yeudish Neset.

Furthermore, Bier Qassem's marvellous handling of the civil war in Badara not so long ago, their tactical expertise in the region and their unparalleled command of the MSCO's resources, including but not limited to the use of the AllComm, as well as their naval coordination with the Canrillaise and Luthorians in the Sea of Lost Souls during what was one of Majatra's most heated periods in centuries, are all qualities that deserve the MSCO's unquestionable confidence.

Their unique outlook towards eastern Majatra - offering the potential to combine 3 distinct security pillars with the south via Deltaria and the west via Beiteynu - not only seems to seal the deal of ensuring security in our continent, but also creates a unique scenario of replicating the success of JAMS in the west and Artania with a similar initiative in the east with the world of Canrille and Seleya; Deltaria's own initiative with the naval base in Saridan has already paved the way.

Thus, the Semon Administration of the Beiteynuese Government recommends Badara's ascension to the post of Admiral Commanding of the CMRF.

The Nisrad has been hard at work at debriefing Bier Qassem and sharing valuable knowledge and expertise on the CMRF's permanent naval formations, in an attempt to assist Badara in possibly taking up the mantle of naval command in the continent.

At present, there are 2 permanent naval groups, with an unofficial one led by Deltaria in the Majatran Sea. The southwestern naval group (SW-NG) is currently led by a Shahar Fleet patrolling the waters in close proximity of Zardugal and Cobura, while the Migrant's Pass naval group (MP-NG) is the one directly leading the charge on intercontinental cooperation via the JAMS agreement with Artanian ratifiers, from the CMRF's satellite station in Himmelshtern in the northwest of Beiteynu. During the century's crises, the eastern naval group (E-NG) was the one acting as the "connecting bridge" with the Canrillaise naval forces in Alduria, including both the Lourennais carrier strike group currently stationed there as well as the now defunct Zaar Fleet deployment by Beiteynu.

To bring it to full circle, the Beiteynuese Naval Command has forwarded plans on a construction of a permanent naval base in Badara that will house a rumoured stationing of a 4th Shahar Fleet deployment curiously dubbed as the "Imperial CSG", heavily hinted at including Fort William's involvement.

Should the base and fleet become a reality, they will fall under a joint command with Badara itself, according to the BNC's structure of Shahar Fleets.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Luis1p » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:44 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:12 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Navy completes formation of Shahar Fleet in Badara
October 5454


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - "With Deltaria's withdrawal from the CMRF it is imperative we help elevate Badara's tactical capabilities in the region", was the statement of the Head of the Kohav (Military Command) earlier this morning, following the Beiteynuese Naval Command's announcement on the completion of the new Shahar Fleet deployment in Badara. The formation marks the 4th active Beiteynuese carrier fleet after the disbandment of the Mizrahi CSG in Hanzen in 5430.


Dubbed the Kasari (Imperial) CSG and with defence contracts spread across the years since 5447 totalling a hefty 10B LOD in acquisition spending, the fleet is set to include 3 of each; Vanguard-class submarines of Luthorian design, Kotor-class frigates by Kundrati Defense Contractors and Beir Leshet, Horizon-class destroyers by Canrille Defense Enterprise from Lourenne and Whitney-the-Great-class cruisers spearheaded by a consortium of companies led by Apex Military Industries NSC of Baltusia (present also in Luthori), with the Queen-Isabelle-class aircraft carrier by CDE representing the crown jewel of the fleet.

As usual with Shahar Fleets, the carrier air group will be composed of 50+ Kfir jet fighters, while the BNC is set to replace all IBAE-400 multipurpose aircrafts with the MAEW over the next few years, created jointly by Beiteynu and Deltaria under the MSCO's umbrella for Majatran states.

The aircraft carrier has been whimsically designated as the BEINS Malka (Queen), one of the monikers of the Yeudi Monarch.


The 3 primary pillars of the fleet revolve around Badara's leadership in the region as a member state of the MSCO; especially as the Kohav and the BNC continue to coordinate with the Nisrad in preparing Bier Qassem's appointment to the position of Admiral Commanding of the CMRF.

Yeshua Shavit, the Permanent Representative to the MSCO stated the following:

The fleet's purpose is threefold: elevate Badara's naval capabilities, coordinate the CMRF's efforts with the Canrillaise via Alduria and establish a permanent naval group in the eastern region in the Sea of Lost Souls, the body of water between Majatra and Seleya.

Designated under the mandate of the MSCO, the Kasari CSG will fall under Bier Qassem's direct command structure in its operations.

Both states will be bringing aboard officers from the Imperial Navy from Luthori to assist in bridging trilateral relations between Artania, Majatra and Seleya - especially with the Canrillaise in the south via Alduria, Kanjor, [Rildanor] and Lourenne.

It is our hope that Badara connects all 3 worlds, a role that Beiteynu no longer fulfills since the disbandment of the Zaar Fleet in Alduria in 5445.

A delegation from the Medinat Dpt. will be travelling to Bier Qassem to also secure diplomatic and commercial channels with Badara.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:15 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Semon Policy marks Beiteynu's "bowing out" from the world's spotlight
November 5454

- Palace of Moreshet expresses doubts on Meleh Gabriel's capacity and interest in serving the Yeudi People
- Luthorian conglomerate Humperdinck Media Group continues expansions in Beiteynuese markets
- Gem Publishing confirms upcoming release of Book 2 of The Meddling Affairs


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Throughout the decades since the scandalous revelations of the Terran Remediation Agency's mind blowing involvement in more than a dozen countries around the world, subsequent administrations have attempted to "right the wrongs" with a hefty amount of investigations, the TRA's eventual anticlimactic disbandment and merging into the Agafim, and the Yeudish Neset's steady transformation from an endless set of entangled paperwork to a specific 4-tier framework initiated by NRA/5445, with NRA/5455 coming up the Knesset's docket to "seal the deal".

From the spotlight of the world's movements purposefully moving into its background.

The renewed pace came about somewhere between Dorvik's demise in world affairs and the B&L's pivotal "tune setting" recently terminated. A series of diplomatic mistakes and overextensions from the General Assembly, to the MSCO, the JASA summit and back to the Security Council has also helped gradually transition direct Beiteynuese conduct to an indirect approach through intermediaries such as Bannerhafen and Fort William setting the stage for Yishelem.

A notoriously extroverted conduct that produced a variety of vehicles; from the Terran Times and the Equifund to the MSCO, JAMS, AllComm and the Vamaj Network, it has become increasingly evident that these are the tools Yishelem chooses to navigate the world with these days as a "right hand guy".

After 250 years of Yeudish meddling affairs, Beiteynu now seems to "bow out", steadily bringing about the end of its Emergence Era.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:49 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Knesset debates sweeping reforms to BeiGov
January 5455

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Successfully separating governance from politics is arguably one of Terra's historically biggest challenges: the intricacies of politics in full and even flawed democracies continuously pose tremendous risks and vices to the efficiency of states - domestically and abroad. The electoral and media focus usually revolves around the negotiations and debates of political parties who scramble to voice and place their ideology and positions at the top of the ladder.

Extensive reforms and studies from Beiteynu looking inwards and outwards across the latest centuries have identified 2 main hindrances in what the Knesset describes as "proper governance by its clear separation from politics".

First, placing unnecessary importance in the fleeting nature of electoral victories; you may win but you will always lose, with no exceptions.

Secondly, the lack of administrative essence in governance. Regardless of the powers provided to the executive, almost all full and flawed democracies across the world combine an "extensive pestering" in legislative chambers with an absence of clear administrative pillars, as if everything stops at Ministers.

Gridlocking states on a constant scramble of which parties will form a government - when the government was, is and will always be there without them.

The Hoq (Luthorian: Law) is what seeks to solve these hindrances.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:44 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
BREAKING: Massive underground movement registers medium level earthquake
June 5455

Amshinov, Beiteynu - While the story is still developing and we do not have all the details yet, 20 minutes ago Amshinov's Institute of Technology registered a medium level earthquake towards the Desert Bank eastward to Pontesi, a few kilometers south of the Karkaari. The cause or result of it is apparently a large movement underground that early reports indicate as a circular area having "sunk", citing a possible shift in tectonic plates or a localised event altogether.

Thankfully no casualties have been reported thus far, as the region is quite desolate and arid.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:42 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Equifund upgrades digital portal and publishes new history book
June 5455


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - Gem Publishing partnered up with Equifund Hadashot and the Olami Kleneshek Expo in Beiteynu (via Tomasadyn National and Yishel Investment Group) to launch a history book tracing the history of the Equifund since its foundation in 5227. Evidently the notorious publisher decided to "spice up" the release by giving the book the same name as the confirmed Beiteynuese ICBMs (of conventional weaponry, as far as we're aware).

Yishel Investment Group also confirmed that the Equifund's digital catalogue of products and companies has also been upgraded, as more and more equipment gets listed as a result of more entities engaging in partnerships with Equifund companies and choosing to enter the marketplace themselves.

Available on digital and paperback for as low as 4.99 BEI.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:23 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Sato confirms successful launch of Terralift rocket for Project Terraway
July 5455


Amshinov, Beiteynu - Together with Xsampan, Dolgavan, Baltusian and Kundratijan engineers and scientists, Beiteynuese aerospace company Sato provided a sight of splendour from the North Bank yesterday afternoon with the first successful launch of the new small-lift launch vehicle dubbed the Terralift. Based on the technology of the Shavit rocket first introduced in 5378, Terralift's rocket design is a "cost-efficient" upgrade from Shavit's capabilities, intended to provide Project Terraway with a rather low-cost and easy-to-launch small-lift vehicle to carry cargo like tools, electronics and other necessities for construction.

The rocket design has been provided openly to all R&D partners and has been catalogued on the Equifund's list of space hardware with secondary providers from Xsampa, Dolgava, Baltusia and Kundrati to be filled at a later date by designated manufactures and suppliers from each country.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:15 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Book 2 of The Meddling Affairs has police investigators stomped
December 5455


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Decades after the release of the 1st book (The Bloodline), Gem Publishing does it again at creating shockwaves with the release of the 2nd book, which includes a sworn testimony from Nicolas Aristocrat that he killed Baruch Lea Tzafrir with the latter's consent. That's right. We all know that Luthorian national was a scapegoat, what we didn't know was that Cunnington Marit was also a scapegoat, one who paid the price of attempting to thwart a plot.

Evidently entrenched in what The Meddling Affairs has and is about to expose, the House of Elior now scrambles to make sense of one of its own spilling the beans on the fact that both the Aristocrats and the Tzafrirs conspired to stage Baruch Lea Tzafrir's murder to, as the book claims, throw Artania under the bus.

And with Nicolas Aristocrat long deceased, there's no way to confirm whether the book's 2nd claim is true: that Marit gave Hulanevek 1 of the 8 Gems.

Available on paperback and digital, for 27.99 BEI.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:56 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. under siege by the Yeudish Bureau of Investigations
January 5456

Yishelem, Beiteynu - It seems that the 3rd and most fiery round of scandals and investigations is upon us; 1 during the 5280s when the Terran Remediation Agency was caught with its hand in the cookie jar of half a dozen nations. Another involving that same agency in the 5320s when it was discovered that it had fed the initial investigation with false documents and facts. And now that it is no more, the YBI looks at its partner in crime: the Medinat Department.

Just like every time, the Beiteynuese-Kundratijan Alliance is, once again, in the spotlight.

As the recently published Book 2 of The Meddling Affairs - Baruch Assassination - claims, the staging of Baruch Lea Tzafrir's assassination was staged itself and Kundrati was not the intended target to benefit from the shenanigans; Luthori was. Kasaema was the fortunate recipient of Marit's own misgivings.

And as the Kundratijan Government begins to rethink the alliance, yet again, the Beiteynuese Police, the Agafim and the Yeudish Bureau of Investigations all circle down on the Medinat Department, driven by Nicolas Aristocrat's sworn testimony and the loud silence of the House of Elior.

Yet the question remains: does the Hulanevek House have 1 of the 8 Gems of Elior's legend in their possession?
The Terran Times
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