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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:12 pm
by lewiselder1
Gluck Proposes First Treaty: Ban on Communist Policies

In a clear and open attempt to stop Communism from taking hold, NP leader Hans Gluck today unveiled the Free Market Protection Treaty (FMPT), consisting of 7 articles banning Communist policies. He called it a "daring and bold step" to "secure freedom from the hands of evil." He also called on nations across Terra to consider the treaty in a world press conference.

OOC: ... atyid=3924

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:55 pm
by Pragma
Who Is Rising PKP Star Helene Eisenstein?

Above: Helene Eisenstein, Minister of Science and Technology, rising PKP star.

Recently making the rounds in debates and the media, Minister of Science and Technology Helen Eisenstein is the rising star for the PKP. She clashed against the communists, arguing for the actions of the last government, however she did stand up to the NP's more extreme proposals. Only picked as MoSaT to appeal to the north, her manner in the chamber and her ability to blast other parties in a pretty controlled way have attracted a lot of attention, not least from the top of the PKP's structure? But who is this minister? What lies in her future?

Eisenstein is a rare Kordusian Pragmatist, only recently being elected in 4291, making her a very junior member of the party. Eisenstein is also from the Church of Dorvik, rather than being a CotS member of a Patriarchalist - the two predominant religions in the south. She went to Haldor University, and was successful in securing a degree in political studies. She was a councillor in the far north of Kordusia, before running for the State Council in her northern home. She is one of only three Pragmatic representatives in Kordusia.

By the end of the term, the party's leadership will have been the same for fourteen years, with the President not running again. This means a rising star is someone to look for when the PKP looks for fresh leadership. Her very precarious position in Kordusia may put people off, but her moderate views on many issues and ability to appeal to northerners is certainly reason enough for the PKP to keep her in mind. Edmond Albrecht is ageing, and Cindy Kirchen is becoming more and more conservative, so don't be surprised if she wins the next leadership contest.

Written by Ada Klaus
Co-Editor at DNS
PKP Correspondent

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 7:31 pm
by lewiselder1
Hans Gluck Dies In Debate: Doctors Say He Was Poisoned

Hans Gluck, the NP Leader who has drawn a great deal of controversy to his far-right policies, died mid-Debate today after being poisoned by an unknown assailant. Anna Strauss was immediately named as his successor, by himself, in his last words.

She will run in his place for the Presidency. Gluck revealed some of his true feelings in his last speech, declaring that he was protecting Dorvik from its enemies. Seemingly believing that he was holding back a swarm of opponents, Gluck has been mourned by a great deal of his most devout supporters.

Anna Strauss has publicly called for a Secret Service inquiry into his death, while also requesting an official state funeral, @open to the public and draped in Nationale Partei and Dorvish flags, as he wanted.”

Two More Nuclear Bombs Developed

The DA4 Gretchen and DA5 Gluck, reportedly the final two nuclear bombs to be developed by this government, capable of being launched from an aircraft, have now been completed.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:05 am
by Phil Piratin
December 4295

Weinreich set to chalk up key legislative victories

Under its new leader, Anton Weinreich, the Dorvish Communist Party is set to score a series of legislative triumphs, reversing policies previously introduced under the right-wing government. These include the introduction of pollution controls, the scrapping of laws requiring citizens to register their race, the legalisation of abortion, the restoration of legal protections for striking workers and the reintroduction of anti-monopoly regulations.

Weinreich has been a busy man in parliament. His predecessor, Friedrich Pfeiffer, was famous for despising and loathing the place, which he avoided us much as possible except for key debates, preferring to spend his time campaigning around the country. He usually refused to even look at non-Communist parliamentarians, let alone engage in conversation with them. Weinreich, by contrast, is a highly sociable man who will sit down and chat with almost anyone, a schmoozer and a wheeler-dealer who is happy to cut deals with politicians from other parties if he thinks it will advance his agenda. Compared to Pfeiffer and some of his other colleagues, he has a down-to-earth, practical approach, far more focussed in getting things done in parliament, and less interested in publicity stunts or theorising about hypothetical utopias.

Those close to him say he is not content with being permanently a part of Opposition politics, and aspires to take the Communist Party into government, so it can effect real change. Rumours are already going around that he is hoping to form a "Popular Front" coalition, with some of the left-wing and centrist parties, in a daring bid to oust the Pragmatists and the National Party from power. It remains to be seen whether other parties will be willing to work with him at that level. Or, indeed, whether his political rivals in his own party will allow him to do so.

Pfeiffer cleared by internal investigation, appointed Deputy General Secretary

Friedrich Pfeiffer, who was ousted from the Communist Party leadership after the election, has been cleared by an internal party investigation of charges that he "assisted and colluded with the forces of capitalism in order to undermine Dorvik's progress towards Communism". His suspension from his position on the Politburo has been lifted, and he has been appointed Deputy General Secretary, in effect making him Weinreich's deputy. The move is thought to be part of an effort to unite the moderate and hardline factions within the party. The two men are thought to get on reasonably okay on a personal level, although they have different ideas about strategy. It is believed a compromise has been reached between them, whereby Weinreich will direct the party's activities in parliament, whereas Weinreich will focus on the party outside of parliament - in effect functioning as a party chairman or organiser.

Communists say "sorry" to SDU for attempting to ban them

On the recommendation of its leader, the Annual Dorvish Communist Party Conference has voted by 602 to 391 to apologise to the Social Democratic Union (SDU) for their attempt to have them banned last year. Weinreich thanked the conference for supporting his motion, adding that "we in the Communist Party regard the Social Democratic Union as partners, not as enemies" and that "it will be impossible for us to achieve our objectives unless we are willing to work with other political parties".

Friedrich Pfeiffer, who was leader at the time the attempt to ban the SDU was made, abstained on the vote. He did not speak out against the motion, but most observers at the conference agree he showed no discernible signs of remorse. However, he did later concede in an interview that "I accept we need to work with other parties of the left".

Weinreich pays tribute to Hans Gluck

Anton Weinreich has paid tribute to the controversial, recently-deceased National Party leader, admitting that he and Gluck "saw most things from a very different point of view", but praising him as "a man who believed in his convictions" and "an extraordinarily hard-working man and a patriot at heart". However, he did add that "in the view of the Communist Party, it would not be appropriate for there to be a state funeral".

Weinreich is believed to be concerned that if a state funeral were to be held, Communist Party activists would go there to protest against it, including some of his own MPs, and that this would damage his efforts to reform his party's image.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:29 pm
by Phil Piratin
March 4296

People's Orchestra voted out of Dorvik's Got Talent
Communist outrage at judge's rude comments
Condemnation motion put before parliament



Last year, the Schlandseruck City Orchestra emerged as the surprise winners of the wildly popular Dorvik's Got Talent television show, where wannabe showbiz superstars compete for the votes of viewers.

Then the orchestra was infiltrated by and taken over by communists. A number of radical changes were made, including renaming it "the People's Orchestra", taking all decisions by a majority vote of the entire orchestra, paying all of the orchestra members the same regardless of their experience or expertise, and abolishing the role of conductor.

There were a lot of arguments within the orchestra, with many of the original orchestra members becoming disillusioned and leaving.

Later on, further problems developed due to the organisers incorporating communist refugees from foreign countries into the orchestra, especially from Dalibor. Unfortunately, it turned out these musicians could not speak Dorvish, which made communication difficult. Worse, it turned out that they could not play musical instruments either, but by the time this was discovered it was too late, since the orchestra's rules make it very difficult to sack members.

Last night, the rebranded "People's Orchestra" entered Dorvik's Got Talent again, hoping to achieve a televisual triumph that would promote communism to a wider audience.

Not everything went to plan, however. The audience repeatedly booed the orchestra during the performance, encouraged by a number of the judges, who kept pulling faces and making dismissive gestures. After the performance, the judges made a number of negative commentats.

Max Sternberg

One judge in particular, Max Sternerg, was especially scathing. When one of the orchestra's members described their music as "radical, innovative and class-consciousness raising", he pulled a face and said their music was "the worst cacophony of terrible noise I have ever heard on this show".

Later that night, viewers at home voted to eject the People's Orchestra from the show. They immediately put out a statement, accusing the judges of "encouraging the audience to interpret our music in a negative way" and "treating us in an unfair and degrading way in the studio".

Communist MPs have reacted furiously, with the Deputy General Secretary, Friedrich Pfeiffer, accusing the show of "gross anti-proletarian and anti-communist bias". He has tabled a motion before parliament, condemning Dorvik's Got Talent for the incident, and also inviting the People's Orchestra to visit parliament and put on a performance at a small concert hall which is part of the parliament building.

The Communist Party General Secretary, Anton Weinreich, is said to be uncomfortable with the fuss Pfeiffer and other party members are making about this, as he is keen to give the Communist Party a more mainstream image, and to focus more on what he feels are the bread-and-butter political issues that matter to the broader Dorvish population.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:26 pm
by Pragma
PKP, Under New Leadership, Attempts To Strike Balance

Above: Helene Eisenstein, one of the PKP's new leaders.

The PKP has shed its two leaders of ten years in favour of new, fresh faces, after a vote at the party's annual conference. Edmond Albrecht retired due to age, and Cindy Kirchen retired out of need to focus more on her ministry. Now, the PKP is led by Minister of Science and Technology Helene Eisenstein and Vice-President Kaspar Kornberg. They won with 51% of the vote against two other tickets, Jessica Bärwald and Patrik Kapsner getting 9% of the vote and Wolfgang Sulzberger and Kristina Pruefer getting 40% of the vote.

Eisenstein is a northern moderate from an urban area, and one of only three PKP representatives in Kordusia. Kornberg is a highly-qualified individual when it comes to law and politics, a Miktar intellectual who mingles with the upper classes more than the average PKP member. They are perhaps the collective antithesis of the PKP's usual membership: southern, working-class and highly religious. Regardless, they strike a balance between conservatism and pragmatism that reinforces their party's name, the Pragmatic Conservative Party.

Beset at its edges by two coalition partners with very little in common, the PKP has attempted to compromise in a way that the left and right can except. With the highly controversial NP bills having been voted down, and the SDU proposing ones the NP will not agree to, it is quickly becoming public knowledge that the coalition is not properly united. Gretchen's red scare may have brought it together, but the coalition needs new initiatives they can all support to keep the coalition alive for four full years to the next elections.

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:07 pm
by sconstantine07
Thomas Scheuermann elected AfD Leader


Former Trade & Industry Secretary, Thomas Scheuermann has been elected as the new leader of the AfD replacing Alice Schönfeld who resigned after the AfD suffered major losses at the general election under her leadership. He pledged to "commit to the core principles and values the AfD was founded to protect," whilst continuing a modernisation plan, set out by deputy leader, Gerd Reiner. He received 54% of the party popular vote, and a majority of support from the much reduced parliamentary party. He identifies as an economic liberalist, who wants to return the AfD to the centre ground of Dorvische politics.

One of his first actions as leader was to sack the current party chair who has, in his view, "restricted opportunities put forward to the country." He has since thanked Konstantin Hohmann for his contributions to the national campaign and the party. Scheuermann has appointed Helga Flügel as the new party chair, with responsibilities for parliamentary party discipline and leading the national electoral campaign.

In her victory speech, Thomas made key commitments to fighting tax increases and returning the nation to greatest again, sending the message of "Dorvik first!"

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:15 pm
by Adithya
Erica Peters:-The Rising star of the Social Democratic Union


The Social Democratic Union already seems to have got its Next Leader in Ms.Erica Peters,She is one of the youngest Ministers in the Cabinet-Being Just 29 Years Old.She Specialises in Paedeatrics,Having Obtained her Doctorate From the Kordusian State University.She Was Elected in the 4295 Elections From The Haldor City Constituency of Neustadt South and was part of Mr.Weingartner"s Strategy to Encourage Young Members within the Party.

She has Found herself frequently at odds with her parties Coalition Partners and has strongly expressed her Criticism of National Party Policies and has Recently Engaged in a Debate with her Partners in the Pragmatic Conservative Party over Adoption Equality and has gained support from Social Media Users,Who are Predominantly young for having come out boldly as Lesbian in a Political Environment generally considered Homophobic by many.She Is From the Left Wing of the SDU and has called herself a "Democratic Socialist"and has consistently stated that the decision to align with the NP was a "mistake".

She,Much to the Criticism of the Party Establishment,has recently Called for the SDU to not be "vehemently anti Communist" and that the party should probably try to "Moderate the Communists and then work with them"and also stated that the Party has much more in common with the Communists than with the National Party.

We will see if this Socialist Firebrand will Lead the Nation's Third Largest Party in the Future

Selma Friedman,
DNS Correspondent

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:54 am
by Phil Piratin
June 4296

Herman Heinz food processing plant leaves Dorvik for Kirlawa
Communists blame AIGAT


The Herman Heinz food manufacturing plant in western Miktar has closed and relocated to Kirlawa, causing a loss of over 1200 jobs. Herman Heinz's CEO, Jakob Neuberger, issued a statement saying he "regrets the inevitable impact this move will have in Miktar", but that...

The food processing market has become more and more competitive, and we were finding that in Dorvik, the cost of wages and supplies were becoming too high. The problems at the western Miktar plant were exacerbated by the trade union being taken over by supporters of the Communist Party, who have adamantly resisted our efforts to introduce more flexible working patterns. We were looking at the prospect of a summer of strikes, and in the end, that was enough, just by itself, to tip us over the edge and force us to have to relocate. Kirlawa is a better fit for us, because labour costs are lower there.

The Herman Heinz plant was once the largest food manufacturing plant in Artania, employing approximately 2000 people, but it has been struggling in recent decades.

Communist Party General Secretary Anton Weinreich condemned the closure, accusing Herman Heinz of "disgraceful behaviour", arguing "Heinz's own figures show the plant was still perfectly economically viable, just they thought they could get cheaper labour over the border in Kirlawa". He called on the government to "review Dorvik's network of trading relationships", arguing "international trade can be a good thing, but it has got to work in the interests of the people, not in the interests of the big corporation". He also urged the government "to leave the Artanian Intergovernmental Association Treaty (AIGAT), as it has effectively become a charter of rights for corporations to do whatever they want, with complete disregard for the impact their decisions have on our society".

Pfeiffer to make official visit to Badara

It has been announced that Friedrich Pfeiffer, the Deputy General Secretary of the Dorvish Communist Party, is to pay an official visit to the People's Republic of Badara, where he will meet the Head of State, Usama Safar, along with other key Badaran leaders. Pfeiffer has said he is "deeply honoured by the invitation" and believes "many, many nations, Dorvik included, could learn a great deal from the amazing things Badara is achieving".

Questions have been asked about why Anton Weinreich, the General Secretary, is not going on the trip himself, as opposed to sending his deputy. Sources close to Weinreich say he is "just relieved for any excuse to get Pfeiffer out of the country for a few days, where he can cause less mischief", and also that he is "concerned about his image in Dorvik, as he is trying to appeal to more moderate voters, and worries being photographed with Badara's communist leaders might scare them off".

Weinreich praises Erica Peters

At a press conference yesterday, Anton Weinreich departed from his script to pay tribute to the Minister of Health, Erica Peters (Social Democratic Union). He called her "the finest Minister of Health this country has had for many years" and "clearly a very capable, very talented young woman", adding "it is a pity she is constrained so much by the right-wing parties in the Cabinet".

Friedrich Pfeiffer, who was sat next to him, looked stony-faced and expressionless as his leader spoke these words. Pfeiffer belongs to the hard-line faction of the Communist Party which regards the Communist Party as the only legitimate organisation for left-wing politics, and sees all other such organisations as "traitorous".

Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:47 am
by Phil Piratin