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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:21 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Apr 13, 2024 5:42 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:16 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Soleimani Industries gets an Equifund boost
May 5469


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - After assisting with the successful reinvigoration of the defence industry of Narikaton & Darnussia it seems that Equifund companies are now eyeing the opportunities on the Badaran horizon, confirming the rumours that Soleimani Industries has long been in talks with Equifund executives.

With just 3 exceptions, the scene of frigates, destroyers and cruisers is one heavily dominated by Lourenne and Kalistan. The exceptions? A Baltusian AMI cruiser and 2 frigates made accessible in the Equifund only by the influence and expertise of Kundrati Defence Contractors and Kundratijan shipyards, renowned globally and representing the go-to platforms for both Beiteynuese military and commercial needs in naval assembly.

Beiteynuese manufacturing expertise is limited to green water equipment; the only endeavour in high-end blue water equipment resulted in eventually passing the torch to the Lourennais, with Tzafrir Defence Industries being acquired by Canrille Defense Enterprise more than a century ago.

As such, Equifund executives from the likes of Shafir Koalit, Beir Leshet and Yishel Investment Group are looking to create a "naval consortium" that will most likely replace the core partnerships the Beiteynuese Government has thus far maintained with Lourennais suppliers. The recent successful reinvigoration of the Narik & Darnussian defence industry provided the necessary confidence boost for executives to set the stage for a trilateral web of partnerships.

First Kundrati, then Narikaton & Darnussia and now, Badara, with demand aided by the country's ascension to Admiral Commanding of the MSCO.

A surge of capital and the introduction of contracts and co-production licenses is set to take place over the course of the next 10 years with Soleimani Industries, Kundrati Defense Contractors, Passschiffe Bau AG, Beir Leshet and Shafir Koalit. Beir Leshet will be extending co-production licenses to Soleimani Industries for the notorious Yeudish patrol and missile boats, with both Beiteynuese companies hoping to create the necessary platform for a joint venture into 1 or 2 newer class corvettes, considering the immense success of the 2 high-end ones developed together with Canrille Defense Enterprise since 5322.

Yishel Investment Group and Yeudish capital in general are also prepared to invest into shipyards and naval assembly lines, anticipating a surge of demand stemming from Badara's ascension in the MSCO and Bannerhafen's own "naval game" in the Migrant's Pass together with the Beiteynuese Naval Command.

Biraero has also jumped into the fray to assist Soleimani Industries in procuring and developing the MSCO-funded MAEW multipurpose aircraft.

The goal? To empower all 3 partners to eventually reach a level of introducing higher-end equipment, including an aircraft carrier.


OOC: @Hex, I've provided money and licenses to help Soleimani get started, as you asked. You are more than welcome to RP as you like moving forward.

@Hyr, @Hex, @Mbites - if you guys are interested in joining forces to RP development of destroyers, cruisers and maybe an aircraft carrier even, consider me onboard as BeiGov is looking to expand its suppliers after the B&L divorce. I mean, technically Kundrati is a beast in shipbuilding and Mbites has also hinted at N&D rising in that sector. So, lead the way and I'll roll with the punches.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:03 am


An Aristocrat-Goldbloom will return leading the MH
After a controversial defeat, Zahava Semon has announced her resignation as MH Leader after 19 years.
May 5469

in other news:
- Patrick Jacobstone becomes first Lobbyist PM, ending centuries of center-left domination.
- The Sholemberg Post retains post as 1st Beiteynuese-owned media.
- Woman misteriously disappears in the desert.

HL Leadership celebrating yesterday's exit polls.

YISHELEM, ENDILD - After an unexpected defeat for the MH, as currently reported here by Beiteynu's election agency, where the party gained a majority of the votes but lost its majority in the Knesset, Leader and former PM Zahava Semon has announced her resignation from office, ending her 19-year-old rule over the party. The MH, in the new Jacobstone Administration, controls all Ministries and retains its spot as the dominant party in Beiteynuese politics, but the task for the new Leader will be how to get back the People's vote instead of backchannelling to obtain positions of power, and that is exactly the intention of the new Leader, selected with a quick Leadership election, David Aristocrat-Goldbloom.
David is a great-grandson to Sharon and Nathaniel Aristocrat-Goldbloom, historic power couple of Beiteynu in the second half of the 5300s, and progenitors of the House of Aristocrat-Goldbloom, a title that David has renounced upon his appointment as Minister. Currently, he's serving as the Minister of Environment and Tourism, but his ambition is to lead the MH to the first place again and eventually become Prime Minister. Will the favorite son of one of the former most powerful Beiteynu families be able to revive the fortunes of his party?
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:32 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Vamaj Network picks up global pace, aided by Aldegarian "supercharge"
May 5469


Sholemberg, Beiteynu - The Vamaj was the Yeudish shipping's solution to 2 crises; both Trigunian and Kafuri situations largely ended up in both of them shooting themselves on their own foot. A new challenge then began rising fuelled by Eroncourt's idealist, humanitarian and eco-friendly policies exerted upon Terra, much to the dislike of petroleum investors such as the likes of notorious tax-evading Hadayim.

Lourenne's influence was so great it even managed to "switch off" the oil and gas industry in Badara.

The network has largely remained Majatran since its foundation by IVO and Hadayim 70 years ago, curiously making Vascania the continent's primary supplier (hence the name "Vamaj") after the Kafuri debacle, Trigunia's pulling out of a distribution deal with Hadayim and Badara's own pivot to other industries.

Eyeing these behaviours as "petroleum idiocy unduly influencing everyone else", Yeudish shipping always had its sights at decentralisation, employing the Beiteynuese Government's deterrence tactics as soon as the energy crisis hit Majatra at the onset of the century.

However, the landscape once again began shifting as Terra entered yet another trade wave by new players: N&D, Badara, Aldegar, Yingdala.

In fact, it is so prominent that even Lourennais companies recently jumped in on the "momentum" train.


So far, the only Seleyan country in the network has been Alduria; an influence paved by the mutual defence pact with Yishelem.

Now, Aldegar's recent moves have opened up opportunities all across the continent, from Aldegar itself to Gaduridos, Valruzia and even Baltusia and Lodamun, with the Medinat Department looking towards Yingdala and Lourenne by their recently boosted associations with Aldegarian markets.

Lourenne's potential entry to the network may help kickstart the extension of trade routes towards Kalistan, Dankuk and even Keris itself via New Endralon and Kizenia, which admittedly has long been dominated by Trigunian supply.

Handily, coupled with Fort William's influence towards Dolgava and Hutori, these may prove just enough to tip the scales in the northern hemisphere, especially as Kirlawa and Kundrati join forces in the northern seas, breaking the dominance of the Dorvish oil and gas monopoly in the process, as well.

Yingdala represents one of the most strategic opportunities for the network; Tian'an's exponential rise in trade and its proximity to Vascania itself may prove to be the final move in making the entire southern hemisphere decentralised, especially if players from Badara enter the network.


OOC: @Svet and @Hex (Badara), one more treaty for ya

@Louis and @liu, I'd think you 2 joining the network may prove to be the cornerstone to thwart the West's monopoly on oil and gas at the moment since you both have massive influence in Aldegar, but I'm not sure if this is going to make Terra even more boring. I leave it up to you, I'll roll with the punches.

@Weim / @Luis / @Doc / @Imperial - you're more than welcome to ratify and leverage the network if you want to RP oil/gas for yourselves however you like; that's the idea literally of it, you don't need to dig/drill yourselves, you just import more and then refine/export it, like the real world works

@Hyr and especially @Nil - you can use the network as well if you want to increase your exports, technically Kundrati is already a part of it
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:09 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Leaked schedule reveals Medinat Dpt. called Lourennais ambassador
February 5470


Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Head of the Medinat Department's schedule from last week was leaked last afternoon by an unknown source in a local media outlet in Yishelem, revealing how Sneakyeth Avodi had called the Lourennais ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a "last minute" meeting.

When asked about what the meeting was about, the Deputy Head - who's currently engaged in the summit in Yingdala - commented:

It is not uncommon for the Beiteynuese Government to have regular meetings with foreign diplomats, especially those from countries of such importance as Lourenne, both to Beiteynu and the world itself.

Despite media inquiries on the "hushed tone" of the meeting, the Medinat Dpt. released the following, rather deflecting, statement:

The agenda included but was not limited to the O3's recent suspension of access to the Beiteynuese satellite network and how the Jacobstone Administration and the Rosh HaMemshala are currently seeking to move forward in terms of intelligence cooperation with Eroncourt.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:02 am

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:17 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Lourennais access to Allink revoked; intelligence cooperation to end
April 5470


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Assumed more as a hit to Beiteynuese intelligence rather than Lourenne itself, the Lavian confirmed earlier this morning that Eroncourt's participation in AllComm and by extension its access to Allink, the Beiteynuese network of satellites, had been revoked. Both countries have long began walking their own independent paths since the termination of the B&L alliance, however, their strong ties in the intelligence community had remained, especially in joint affairs in Seleya; "ground zero" of the, now almost 2 centuries in the making, former mutual B&L interests.

The stage had been set by the Lavian's more recent suspension of access to the Allink by the Lourennais O3 Intelligence Summit, which in practical terms, however, only saw the termination of joint intelligence operations with Lodamun.

Sneakyeth Avodi, the Head of the Medinat Dpt., remarked on the "impromptu meeting" with the Lourennais ambassador:

Correct, the meeting with the Lourennais ambassador in Yishelem earlier this year was about and around the termination of extended relations with Eroncourt, including but not limited to the revocation of access to the Allink; something I'm afraid I can't go into more details about.

Make no mistake: diplomatic and trade relations remain strong and we expect both sides to honour the close ties of the Canrillaise and the Yeudi People.

It is however prudent to recognise that the United Kingdom and the Homeland State have taken different paths.

When pressured to answer questions on the exact nature and context behind the decision to terminate the Beiteynuese Partnership Agreement with Lourenne, the Head of the Medinat Department repeatedly declined to comment on counts of "international security".

Speculations have already began rising on the subtext tracing all the way to the recent royal "scandals" and the death of Meleh Gabriel, the cause of which is still being kept under seal by the Yeudish Bureau of Investigations, 4 years after the fact, stating that the investigation is still underway.

Permanent Representative to the MSCO was also unavailable for comment for his curious "southeastern concerns" comment.


OOC: @Louis - you can withdraw from this and this.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:10 am

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. "speeds up" transition of foreign policy in Seleya
April 5470


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Among other stipulations, the upcoming NRA bill long in the works by the Medinat Department is scheduled to terminate the mutual defence pact with Alduria and the partnership agreements with Kanjor and Kalistan. Experts and high-ranking officials alike have cited the recently increasing tensions between Eroncourt and Yishelem as the primary factor behind the "speeding up" of the Yeudish Neset transition concerning Seleya.

Adding to the "seriousness" of the "pivot", the Office of the Rosh HaMemshala himself released the following statement:

With most of the continent of Seleya already in the Yeudish Neset conducting diplomacy and trade with the Yeudi People and considering the recently extended avenues with Aldegar and Gaduridos on the same pillars, it is rather meaningful that the Homeland State regards commerce at the heart of relations with Seleya.

The termination of the special agreements with Alduria and Kanjor does not equate with the termination of diplomacy and trade.

The termination of the mutual defence pact with Alduria is a rather unsurprising move, considering how military relations have all but concluded after the termination of the B&L alliance itself; one that represented the connecting pillar between Beiteynu, the MSCO and the Canrillaise in the Sea of Lost Souls.

With the Kalistani and Beiteynuese Governments having never seen "eye to eye" in terms of security affairs stemming from the Beiteynuese Framework of Diplomacy & Friendship, it remains unclear on whether the existing enabled trade avenues with Kaliburg will remain or cease to exist entirely.

It is, however, quite clear that the Beiteynuese Government was not entirely happy with the NAM being pursued by Kalistan with Deltaria.


OOC: @Doc - you can withdraw from this, up to you if you want to join this instead.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 16, 2024 4:50 pm

Humperdinck Media Group (Luthori)
הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
BREAKING: Azhara issued to Lourenne; stock market panics
July 5470


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - "It is entirely in our right to proactively defend ourselves against this unexplained and highly provocative decision from the Lourennais Royal Strategic Command to increase their naval presence in Alduria", were the first, very troubling words by the Head of the Kohav (Military Command) from the Ministry of Defense; words which sent the stock market spiralling since the press conference took place 45 minutes ago.

Eroncourt's decision to increase its naval presence in Alduria was accompanied by a "no hesitation to use military force against Beiteynu" memo, according to Lourennais media, which became the underlying cause for the Kohav to immediately respond.

The high-ranking official then immediately moved to confirm the issuance of an Azhara (Warning) to Lourenne to "back off" from the targeted naval enforcement in Alduria and the Sea of Lost Souls, the southeastern Majatran regions that the Permanent Representative to the MSCO had previously heeded security concerns in the MSCC, raising a barrage of questions across Beiteynuese media on the possibility that Yeudish intelligence was aware of the escalating situation beforehand.

Azharas are part of a 3-tier warning system before Beiteynu engages in wartime, introduced as the Gadot Measures back in 5346. Albeit a few hiccups here and there, Azharas have only been used during the Bloody Coup of Kafuristan that rocked the continent at the onset of the century.

As part of the issuance of the warning, 2 Shahar Fleets have now been tasked to the northeastern coasts of Kafuristan and towards the Sea of Lost Souls; one is the Tafsik (Deterring) Carrier Strike Group which had deployed from Himmelshtern last night, and the other is the Kasari (Imperial) CSG permanently stationed in Badara that also includes officers of the Imperial Luthorian Navy.

Naval movements remain as of to-be-determined status, as the Beiteynuese Naval Command wishes to consult with Badaran Admiral Commanding, first.

The latter may prove to complicate things with Badara and Luthori, especially considering how Fort William is in ongoing talks with the United Kingdom; with the summit in Yingdala notwithstanding in terms of the economic impact from this sudden escalation by both sides.

Sneakyeth Avodi of the Medinat Department is scheduled for a press conference to address the remarks issued by the United Kingdom.
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