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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:54 pm

New President Anna Strauss: We Will Cut Ties With Hulstria, But Not Nuclear Protection

Since being elected, Anna Strauss, the new right-wing Nationale Partei President, has made the following comments in direct response to Istalia’s comments:

We appreciate their concern, but they are mistaken: we are not growing closer to Hulstria. We are not increasing ties: all we have done is say that we will protect them from a likely nuclear strike. We support peace and will not watch them die and burn for the sake of politics. Do we support their actions? No. Will we support embargos, are we looking to cut ties? Yes. Will we withdraw our nuclear protection? Only should they take any direct action against us.
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby menkiller755 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:57 pm

Edmund Treitschke designated president of the DRF!

Edmund Treitschke during a rally just before the murder of Konrad Mauer

Today in the DRF headquarters in westmark the entire DRF leadership consisting out of 20 party officials and MP's had gathered in the HQ. They were there to dismiss the provisional committee and to appoint the next DRF president. After half a day of debating amongst each other they chose Edmund Treitschke as the new party president.

Edmund Treitschke is a 60 year old man, he is a Religious-republican-conservative. He is seen as a charasmatic person often giving great speeches and hitting the problem where it needs to be hit.
Treitschke is different from any other candidate. While most members of the DRF are secular in their core Treitschke is leader of the religious hosian wing of the party. This wing has gotten some traction in recent years and after the death of Mauer they got a lot of popularity within the party. Treitschke wants to push through Religious reform so that in his words "God can watch over us in the ways he was intended to and prevent the grave dangers that stand between us and prosperity"

Many are sceptic with a religious man at the helm but others have hope and above all faith with the new leader.

Edmund Treitschke is expected to give a speech during the memorial session next week just after the session and the speech of the president.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:02 am

November 4297

Popular Front unites the left, but faces defeat at polls

The forging of the "Popular Front" alliance of the left-wing parties, the Communists, the Social Democratic Union (SDU) and Die Linke (DL), was an impressive achievement, and marked the first time in some years that the left in Dorvik had been able to unite. However, it failed to pull off a victory at the polls. In the first round of the presidential election, the candidate they had united around, Erica Peters (SDU) did well, leading the pack with over 41% of the vote. However, in the second round she lost out to Anna Strauss of the National Party. Disappointingly for her, the number of votes she received was actually lower in the second round than in the first round. Many commentators are attributing this to the fierce "Red Scare" tactics used by the Pragmatists after the first round, particularly their success in persuading foreign leaders to warn against the risks of allowing the Communists into power.

The parliamentary elections were a disappointment for the Communists, who saw their number of seats fall from 150 to 85. Taken together, the Popular Front took 257 of the 599 seats, well short of a majority.

After the results were announced, Communist leader Anton Weinreich thanked Erica Peters for her "integrity, courage and passion", and said she "definitely has a very promising future in Dorvish politics". He also congratulated Anna Strauss on her election as President, and wished her the best.

However, he had stern words for the Pragmatists, who he accused of running "a horribly negative and undignified campaign", mentioning in particular Sally Gretchen's description of communists as "Evil".

He also criticised Ada von Hertz, the Dorvish Ambassador to the World Congress, for using a speech in the Security Council to urge foreign governments to intervene in Dorvik's election by making statements critical of the Communist Party, and suggesting the Communists were a threat to "democracy and liberty". Weinreich described von Hertz's speech as "a deliberate misrepresentation of the Communist Party" and "an extremely biased and inappropriate way for a Dorvish Ambassador to be behaving in public". Commenting on Valruzia's intervention in Dorvik's election campaign, Weinreich said he was "disappointed that Valruzia thought fit to intervene in our election in this way", but nevertheless said he understood "why some governments have concerns about the Dorvish Communist Party", said he "hopes to be able to alleviate some of those concerns" and that "the Dorvish Communist Party is committed to a positive relationship between Dorvik and Valruzia, as we showed by supporting the Official Diplomatic Treaty between our nations - so I want to say to Valruzia that you have nothing to fear from us".

KPA leaders jailed

Six Communists who used to be leading figures on the Kordusian Provincial Authority, including former Governor Heiko Herzfeld, have been convicted of a series of offences relating to the KPA's illegal activities. Four former senior civil servants have also been sentenced. The sentences range from 7 years imprisonment (for Herzfeld) to a 1 year suspended sentence for one of the civil servants.

Friedrich Pfeiffer, the deputy Communist leader, called the sentences "an act of injustice" and accused the judge of being "prejudiced". However, Anton Weinreich was quick to distance himself from those comments, saying "I acknowledge the reality of what has happened" and that "the Communist Party has a lot of lessons to learn from this affair, and we are working hard on that".

Many Communist members are believed to be angry at Weinreich for not supporting Herzfeld and the other former Kordusian leaders who were jailed. There is also dismay that he has conducted an investigation into the Kordusian provincial party, and that this has involved a number of members being expelled on the grounds of perceived extremism. One member of the Politburo told us anonymously that "Weinreich has effectively taken control of the Kordusian party, because he doesn't trust them and he sees them as an embarrassment - he's become the party dictator, and it's pissing some of us off".

Weinreich faces criticism from party

Anton Weinreich has been summoned to a meeting of the Politburo, to discuss the disappointing election results and the political direction in which he is leading the party. His critics are arguing his moderate style has both failed to bring the party any closer to power and also betrayed the party's principles. Weinreich is expected to argue that the Popular Front alliance he helped create still did well for its first electoral outing, and that it has a fair chance of winning power next time around.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby 094 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:42 am

Die Linke achieves electoral success after first election

Die Linke has won 128 seats in the State Council, along with 2 state governors and becomes the largest party in the State Council.

After months of campaigning for a united and free Dorvik, Landra Lilli and Ken Sommer have both taken up their seats along with 126 others in their party. Despite their ensdorsed presidential candidate losing in the second round, Die Linke is still celebrating their first seats.

When interviewed, Landra Lilli said the following;

"It has been a very crazy few months, and I'm rather tired, but I couldn't be more happy for Die Linke. We were founded as just a dream but now we've become a reality. However, we are in the middle of the calm before the storm, I am sure of that. I hope that any government which takes power can unite us more than ever. At this point, I am looking past ideology and in to the future."

Die Linke had attempted to form a Unity Cabinet consisting of every party in the State Council, however this failed to pass despite support from the PKP.

"I really did believe that we needed something new. The people of Dorvik are losing faith in all of our parties, whether we like it or not. I believed it was a chance for us all to come together and tackle the problems head on. However, many others did not share my vision, which may have been a blessing in disguise."

The future of Die Linke is uncertain but many party members say they are hoping to keep their voice heard, even if they do not manage to hang on to being the largest party in the State Council.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:47 am

Erica Peters to stay on as Leader

After the SDU Nosedived from 101 seats to 44 Seats,It was expected that Party Leader Erica Peters would face a rebellion and calls to resign,But this result has In fact strengthened her position within the SDU.She also ran unsuccessfully for the Presidency,Eventhough she was able to win 41% of the vote in the first round,The Red Scare Led her 45.5-54.5% Defeat at the hands of Anna Strauss,Despite having massive leads in Westmark and Kordusia,Anna Strauss defeated her in Dorvan,Largonia and Miktar paving the way to her defeat.Speaking to Reporters the next day after her defeat,She Thanked those who supported her presidential run and also thanked the Left Party and the Communists for supporting her all the way.She Also Congratulated Mrs.Strauss on her victory and also expressed the SDU''s Intention to Continue in the Popular Front

She also stated that the results have''Strengthened her Commitment to Work for the betterment of the dorvish people''And stated that she will lead the SDU into the next elections Scheduled for 4301.As i stated earlier,Erica Peters is actually in a stronger position within her party because almost all of the 57 SDU Incumbents who lost their seats were Either Against Her or were from the Moderate Wing of the SDU.This Result has ideologically refined the SDU which is now Firmly Socialist as 42 of the Parties 44 Incumbent Members identify themselves as ''Democratic Socialist or Social Democrat''with Paulus Weingartner and Selina Schmidt being the only third way SDU members.

She has anyway called for a Leadership Review,which is nothing more than a mere formality considering that almost all of the Party MPs are her loyalists.

Thelma Neumann,
DNS Haldor Bureau Chief
Last edited by Adithya on Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:08 pm

Sally Gretchen Interview With Ada Klaus

Above: Sally Gretchen

Recently, I got the opportunity to interview former President Sally Gretchen on her successes, failures and life in general. Gretchen, who chose not to run for a third term, admitted to me that she would've liked being President for two full terms, but said that she was fully behind Anna Strauss and that 'she'll make a great President'. Of course, that led us on to discuss the failures of her presidency, threats, communism, secessionism, fascism. She told me that Dorvik had encountered difficulties due to a growth in international power.

On the not of secessionism, she said that it was growing in support due to the growth of communism in the North. She said that 'people in Haldor weren't united enough' against communism, and that this caused a southern backlash. 30% of people in the south favour secession, and when I asked if she'd give a referendum, she said yes. The PKP lost a fair amount of southern support due to the panic over this issue, but she rightly said that the PKP was still powerful in those regions. Of course, not as powerful, and at a record low for the PKP in the south.

She said, somewhat to my surprise, that the PKP should 'stop playing catch-up to the far-right', and that the current leadership would do that. A major criticism of Gretchen from her more moderate PKP kin was the feeling that they were trying to 'out-right' the NP in order to remain influential in the South. This could signal a shift to the centre on the PKP's party, perhaps to broaden the coalition's base. A northern moderate like Eisenstein may be the woman for the job on that one. The full interview is below:

[K]laus: Hello, Madam President.
[G]retchen: Hi. Great to be here.
[K]: Well is it great to be here, really? You didn't support the early election, do you wish you were still the President?
[G]: To be perfectly honest, I would've liked a full term. But I supported Anna Strauss and she'll make a great President.
[K]: Did you make a great President?
[G]: It's not really for me to say that, honestly.
[K]: Well it was under your Presidency that a number of things happened. A cabinet member was blackmailed, you allied with a fascist dictatorship, you developed nuclear weapons, communism grew, secessionism grew - I mean, it's not a great record, is it?
[G]: Oh, I wouldn't say that. Dorvik did get involved more on the international stage, and yes that comes with issues. I think that most of the issues that happened were down to communism and the fact people in Haldor weren't united enough against it. That's why secessionism grew.
[K]: Speaking of secession, about 30% of the south supports secession. You spent the campaign in Largonia trying to dissuade people. Don't you think you just turned unionists to the Popular Front and secessionists to the NP?
[G]: Well it was a record low for us in the south, because there are a lot more diverse viewpoints today in our country than there were when I was young. But we still have solid numbers in both states and everywhere else we grew. Secession is not the answer.
[K]: Would you give a referendum on secession?
[G]: I'd let the people choose, but I'd campaign with all my heart for the South to stay in Dorvik.
[K]: Will you campaign to move the PKP to the right?
[G]: No, I think the PKP needs to go back to its principles, and stop playing catch-up to the far-right to remain relevant.
[K]: And you have confidence in Eisenstein?
[G]: Helene and Kaspar are the people for the job.
[K]: Thank you, Mrs Gretchen.
[G]: Thanks.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:10 pm

A Portrait of Anna Strauss


The Nationale Partei began many years ago as a runaway success, as the right-wing Republikanische Partei. It was later found that the leaders, Wolfhard Lorenz and Adler Drumpf, were criminals, frauds and tyrants. Amadeus Schmidt rebranded as the NP, pushing an anti-CotS agenda, but found little success.

When Hans Gluck took the stage, he was seen as the saviour of the NP. He rejected Scmidt’s secular stance and forged a long-standing alliance with the PKP. He rejected stubborn beliefs in favour of political game playing, and revitalised the party with a slow shift towards hardline rightist policies and an intense pro-nuclear belief. But just as he was preparing to make a Presidential campaign at the height of his infamy, shifting further right than ever, a still-unidentified assassin ended his life in the middle of a debate. His preferred choice for Leader, Anna Strauss, took up the leadership the same month.

She undoubtedly had a major task ahead of her. She had to moderate the party while refusing to alienate the far-right base of the party’s voters. With the latest election, she has become an immense success, increasing her seat share while taking the Presidency. But how?

Strauss has presented herself as a figure of balance. Her manifesto rejected most of the far-right policies put forward by Gluck, including anti-LGBT rights policies and strict anti-refugee policies, while still keeping the rightist heart of the party alive. She’s rumoured herself to be bisexual, but still supports a heterosexual-couple-only adoption policy.

She’s also balanced her own character: on issues considered vital, she’s stuck to her guns and overridden the Council’s decisions, refusing to remove nuclear protection for Hulstria. But she’s also listened to the people and put forward plans to cut ties with Hulstria in other ways. She’s refused to enter government with the Communists, but has decided to bailout the KPA, now governed by Die Linke.

She has taken the difficult task of balancing the NP, making it more applicable to mainstream tastes, while still being the most successful right-wing party this election and the go-to choice for far-right voters. She is, without doubt, a woman of strong resolve, strategy and a woman devoted to Dorvik. But she’s also a woman willing to work with people and listen to people.

We’ll have to see how long she can keep up this winning streak and how well she can unify Dorvik behind her, but she already seems to be making great progress.
I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Axxell » Sun Nov 05, 2017 1:40 pm

Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:13 pm

Erica Peters Appoints Largonian and Children of the Spirits Member David Neumann As Deputy Leader as part of the Parties "Southern Outreach"Program


Weinsedorf South Representative and CoTS Member David Neumann has been appointed as the Co-Deputy Leader of the SDU and Will serve together with Former Westmark Governor Michelle Hintermeyer.Mr.Neumann is Considered to be Very Close To Peters but is a "Blue Social Democrat"Who are much more Socially Conservative than their Northern Counterparts and are mainly concentrated in the Southern Provinces.He Is Well known and popular in Largonia and Miktar for having broken away from the party line and voting against limiting farm size and Taxing Religious Institutions,He Even Recently Acknowledged that he had voted PKP in the past.More Importantly,He is also A Member of the Children of the Spirits group and is probably the only CoTS Member to have been elected from any party other than the PKP,which still has a Very tight grip on CoTS members and the South as a whole,Thought it seems quite weakened as the PKP Lost Votes in the South and The SDU Lost only 1% of its votes from the previous election in Largonia,Meanwhile it lost more than 10% in The North

Therefore Erica Peters hopes that Neumann's Rise will convince Socially Conservative and Economically Left wing CoTS members and Southern Unionists to vote for the SDU,A Group among whom the Popular Front as a whole made quite substantial gains.We will see if this "Southern Outreach Program"of the SDU Works...

Peter Schneider,
DNS Weinsedorf Correspondent
Last edited by Adithya on Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Memorial Session in the Rat

Postby menkiller755 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:18 pm

Memorial session for Konrad Mauer

Today the memorial session for the murdered leader of the DRF Konrad Mauer took place.

The old parliament building witnessing the memorial session.

After a visibly emotional play of the national anthem in the Rat and the 2 minute silence the Rat was dismissed for the day.
After the session in the Staatsrat President Anna Strauss proceeded her way to the newly made memorial side in the Staatsrat garden together with new DRF leader Edmund Treitschke at her side. Once outside they were met by a massive crowd of over 20.000 people and the press that came to honor the former leader.

The president proceeded to lay flowers on the memorial side and so did Treitschke moments after. The president stood in front of the press on a premade platform and gave a heartfelt speech.

I did not always agree with Konrad. He was very different to myself politically. But he was undeniably dedicated to his ideals, his principles, his beliefs. He was a man dedicated to his work, to Dorvik and you the people. His death was utterly, utterly tragic, a loss of utter depth to Dorvik. My heart goes out to his family, friends and loved ones. Let us never forget Konrad Mauer. Rest in peace.

A well crafted and emotional speech. Many hailed the president for her appeasing and friendly tone.

After the speech Treitschke took the president's place to make his speech.

This day is a day of mixed emotions. We lost one of the most dedicated people i have ever known, someone that truly gave everything for what he believed was right. But while we lost one of the good souls of our great nation we have gained something in return. Unity. We stand here together, all the sons, children,
fathers, mothers, Brothers and sisters of god. We stand together as one people. One nation. A nation that has had its demons its enemy's and its challenges.
But let this day mark the day of unity. The day from which our people will help eachother once again. The day that neighbors will not only think of themselves but will help each other in the times they need it most! I am sure. Our beloved Konrad which now resides with our dear lord would have been proud of us all. The people that stand in this crowd. The people that watch at home and pray for our lost soul we may all be different in our ideology, religion or principles but we have one thing in common. We are all dorvish. And we are all here to honor another Dorvish citizen. Because this is and will always be the day we stood together. in our darkest hour.

Treitschke during his speech

After the speech the thousands of people in the crowd cheered and applauded Treitschke which brought a glimpse of hope for the future in these dark times.

This was a report on the memorial session of the Rat in honor of Konrad Mauer.
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