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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Conser » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:17 pm

The NPP choose a new leader!

The election to choose the new leader of the NPP has been held. Here's the results:

First turn:
Carl Fernandez: 167 102 votes (38%)
Emily Hamilton: 149 472 votes (34%)
Daphne Chang: 123 138 votes (28%)

Second turn:
Emily Hamilton 255 042 votes (58%)
Carl Fernandez 184 670 votes (42%)

That make's Emily Hamilton the new leader of the National Progress Party!

After her victory, Mrs Hamilton has made a speech in front of her millitia. Here's a extract of that speech:

''Thank! Thank you all so much! It is a honor for me to become today the 9th leader of our great party. I know that in the past few month, there has been a lot of division in our party but now, it's time for unity! We must work together and win together! Because this is what our country need. Like the great founder of our party, Tom Bokota, used to say ''The only thing that can make Hutori even greater is a new patriotic/progressive reform of the government'' and this is exactly what we are going to do! A patrioct reform of the government that will make our country stronger and more united.

I sincerely believe that Hutori is the greatest country in the world. But we are getting weak. Throughout the years, we have lost our millitary strenght, we have lost our diplomatic influence and we have lost the power of our economy. We must make Hutori strong again! And if we get the power, if we win this election, believe me that the whole world will learn what country is the best country in Terra!''

Emily Hamilton has always been weel known for being part of the more moderate faction of the National Progess Party so she is probably going to push for a more centrist and a more moderate party. Is she going to succed? No one knows. What is sure is that she is the first leader of the NPP to be Native from Adelia and she is probably going to be a more complaisant leader than than the previous one.
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Totalitarian in Theory, Egalitarian in Practice

Postby TheCollectivist » Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:54 am

June 4260

Since its very founding, the Proletarians have self-identified as "totalitarian", usually in reference to their ideology's extensive restrictions on social liberties. However in a recent speech by Warren Platt, the 69-year-old that has led the party for a whole consecutive 47 years, the Proletarians are not totalitarian, but egalitarian:

Warren Platt wrote:Say I told you we were never a totalitarian party. Say we mistakenly believed we were totalitarian because of the strict nature of our ideology in comparison to contemporary values. Say these words are not semantics, but rather the result of a very long and scrupulous discussion.

First, I must be clear on what I mean by "totalitarian" and what I see as "totalitarianism". Totalitarianism is the ideology of absolute oppression. It is the one that sees no limits to the powers of authority, one that seeks to control every aspect of life. It does not tolerate any dissent. It is in direct opposition to critical thought.

To most people and even ourselves, we fit many aspects of this definition. Our ideology is a way of life. It not only seeks to guide the political life, but also the social, the personal, the cultural - it is all encompassing. Yet, despite our appearance of being a totalitarian movement, we fail to fit the definition of totalitarianism in practice. We have not for example, ever refused checks on power or transparency. We have always been restricted by a very strict constitution.

As I say this, I recognize that I have led this party for nearly five decades. Clearly in most democratic societies, that is not the case. Yes, it is true that not everyone in this party wants me as the leader. Some believe they could do a better job, others disagree with my own views. I know this because they tell me openly, I have discussed with them many times. At the same time, there are many in the party that support my leadership, that have told me that they believe I am doing a good enough job not to warrant replacement.

How have I remained in power for so long? Well, I was never really "in power" in the first place. My "authority" is this: organizing meetings with the top representatives of the party, all of whom have been originally elected by unanimous consensus. If I want to change a policy, I have to go through the process of unanimous consensus just like anyone else here. Regardless, have I imprisoned, harassed, tortured or in any way violated the right of another? No. Don't take my word for it, take the word of surveillance. Every single member of this movement is under surveillance. People know what I am doing, what others are doing and I the same. Surveillance is often thought as a tool for oppression, but here it is the opposite. Surveillance when used right, when nobody, especially the leadership is exempt from it and the results of the surveillance are publicly available, it becomes a tool of accountability.

We do have limits for our surveillance however, very important ones. Firstly, people are never to be under surveillance without their awareness. Secondly, people must be free from surveillance while in their personal quarters or when using the bathroom (with exception to when they use the internet or some other external communication system). Thirdly, the use of surveillance must be documented, those watching and those being watched must be recorded. We do not see surveillance as a one-way mirror, it goes both ways. We don't desire to create a society where one is forced to live inside a glass house, but rather a society where they are ensured that if someone attacks them or treats them unfairly, the action will be recorded, so to aid in the criminal's prosecution.

How does a liberal society that rejects surveillance find the evidence to hold the criminal responsible and protect the innocent? They cite that surveillance leads to a slippery slope, that it will become a tool to shame others and ultimately oppress them. What they fail to realize is that you can also use surveillance on the state, you can also use surveillance to keep those "at the top" in check. Without documentation, accountability cannot exist. How are they going to find the evidence to convict a rapist if there is no evidence that such a crime occurred if there is no hard physical trace? Imagine if whenever there were two people in one room, a camera was watching, not necessarily a person, but just a camera, a means of documentation. The couple would know the camera is there and it would almost always not be watched unless an emergency occurred, in which the couple would be aware someone is watching and who is watching. It is better to know than not to know and having the tools available to record and document liberates people from having to rely on their word alone.

In this sense, two-way surveillance is an egalitarian ideal, but also a libertarian one. You have the liberty, the insurance of having evidence for your existence. If you are to get attacked, you will have evidence such an attack occurred. There is nothing free about a society that is blinded in secrecy, one where the misguided belief of privacy allows criminals to thrive. Without evidence and with the pressure to protect the innocent, society will become corrupted by their need to rely on witness testimony and often very inaccurate recollections of memory.

We are scrupulous in documentation to ensure everybody follows the rules. When someone breaks a rule, we have evidence and thus we have the ability to justly hold those accountable. This is an egalitarian system, not a totalitarian one. Yes, our people cannot reproduce, they must be celibate, they must dress modestly, they must treat each other with compassion, but they have all voluntarily joined this movement and they all have the right to leave whenever they wish. The leadership is forbidden from breaking the rules just like everyone else, we have extensive limits to our authority.

Yes, we have no freedom of speech, you cannot use profane or uncivilized language here, but you are still encouraged to criticize our system. Harsh criticism is a tradition of ours, we view it as a necessity. Criticism is needed for discipline, it keeps the ego in line, it reminds you that you are not perfect and that you can always improve. Surely you can express yourself without using vulgar language? Surely pornography and especially extremely graphic unnecessary violence has no place in civilized entertainment. Surely you can express yourself meaningfully without having to resort to shock material. Surely it is wrong to depict men and women as mere objects of gratification, whether it be sexual or violent?

Yes, we have no freedom to be sexual or reproduce, but you must understand the freedom that comes from celibacy and infertility. The right to abortion liberates a woman because it gives her the ability to reject her forced natural role of a mother, of a carrier of an organism that will feed off and burden her body. Yes, a fetus is a living being, but so is the carrier! The carrier's right to be free from an organism living off its body like a parasite is greater than a parasite's right not to be terminated. If you don't think a fetus is a parasite, then how does a fetus contribute to a person's wellbeing? Abortion can be permanently prevented through sterilization, a humane act that liberates the individual from any possibility of pregnancy and therefore puts women in more equal footing with men. This isn't about absolute equality, but rather about being humane and fair - that is really what we mean by "equality".

It is wrong to terminate an innocent life, but isn't it wrong to forcefully bring one into existence without their consent? Life is not a universal gift. In life, one has the capacity and almost insurance that they will suffer at some point in their life and most likely throughout many portions of their life. The unborn will never suffer from disease, starvation, fear or any other suffering. Those who view life as a sacred state must realize that pain - evil would cease without it. We do not advocate for everyone to just die based on these reasons, but rather to respect one's right to not exist and never assume consent for pain. You wouldn't think it is right to rape a human vegetable because they are incapable of giving consent, then do not think it is right to give birth on the principle that those who do not exist - want to exist.

Lastly, intimacy, sexuality, romance, whatever you may call it, is not a freedom, but rather a great burden and source of instability on society and the individual. With intimacy, brings the high possibility of jealously, of extreme emotional dependence on an inherently irrational relationship. A relationship is irrational when it does not mutually benefit the individual and the society they live in. While friendships may fit this definition in some cases, sexual relationships always fit this definition. They put individuals at risk for sexually transmitted diseases, they further oppress them by means of emotional manipulation and addiction. The only thing a virgin or celibate misses out on from intimacy is that of anguish, regret and shame. It is better to be celibate and respect individuals not for their attractiveness and ability to sexually gratify, but rather for their merits. Celibacy is thus an egalitarian and libertarian practice as it seeks to liberate those from addiction and treat others fairly and compassionately on principles of camaraderie.

I assure you that you will not find a person on this Earth happier than the voluntary sterile celibate who feels no shame and has none of the problems that inherently come with being intimate. You may find a happy intimate person, but they are living an unnecessarily dangerous life. Like a smoker, they put themselves at higher risk of disease and destructive dependence.

I could continue on and on, but I must conclude with the reasons stated, nevermind our firm belief in every society's right to self-determination, for why our ideology is very strange (unorthodox), strict, but egalitarian and libertarian.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Conser » Sat Sep 02, 2017 7:44 am

President Hamilton make a statement about school shooting in Lagard.

Following the school shooting that happened recently in Lagard, the President, Emily Hamilton, has made a statement to address the event. Here the statement she made:

Today, we mourn the death of twelve innocent teenagers who had to die in a horrible and barbaric act of violence. I must offer my most sincere condoleance to the parents and the family of the victims. I will personally ensure that they received all the help that they need, both physically and psychologically, to properly make their grief.

Those teenagers who just died, they had all there life ahead of them. They had their graduation, maybe their wedding, maybe they would had children of their own but all this was taken from them by the madness of a tortured boy. We must realised that those things aren't normal, that these act of extreme violence shouldn't be happening in a civilized country like ours. We cannot allow this to happen again. We must do everything we can in order to stop mass shooting from happening in our schools.

This is why, me and my government have the intention to take a serie of actions that will improve our capacity to prevent and stop mass violence before it even happen. Over the next monts, I will reach to all the other party in Hutori so we could work together into trying to find a non-partisan solution to end terrorism and mass shooting in our homeland.
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Platt Resigns as Leader of the Proletarians

Postby TheCollectivist » Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:18 am

January 4277

Citing increasing fatigue, 85-year-old Warren Platt has resigned as leader of the Hutorian Proletarian Party (HPP). Platt served as leader for 65 consecutive years. In his place, the Hutorian Proletarian Council (HPC) unanimously elected Vinal Parish, a 37-year-old Adelian doctor. According to Parish, during his initial years in medical school he dropped out due to his addiction to drugs. After a member of one the workers' communes came across Parish smoking on a street corner and offered him "tranquility without drugs", Parish became a communal initiate in 4270. There in the commune, he claimed, he received free treatment for his drug addiction and abandoned his former life of "decay and hedonism". Soon after, he returned to his studies and became a doctor, serving the many residents in his commune.

Vinal Parish wrote:I was saved by these people. If it were not for them I would be either dead or worse: injecting some nefarious substance into my veins. The outside world is a dreary place, it offers only temporary and often destructive escape. Here the people truly value you, not for your looks or money, but for your character. Still, I am one of the lucky ones, most cannot escape addiction and it is quite a shame the world seems rather permissive of it.

We need to help fund the construction and legitimization of more of these communes. There are so many people awaiting a better life, of which our model can provide as long as it is made of good people. It has been many decades since a new commune has been constructed, but for good reason: these communities take an enormous amount of capital and planning. We must focus our efforts on improving the lives of people, one person at a time. We cannot wait for the masses to awaken, we must take the initiative ourselves. We have never been about winning elections, but rather building homes.

I know what desperation and hopelessness is. I know the lie of religion. No god is going to save us. Only through science, compassion and self-determination can we hope to improve our lives.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Sep 25, 2017 5:10 pm

Third Woman Chief of Defence Staff Named

In a changing of the guard ceremony newly minted General Bailey "Huntress" Donovan has been named Chief of the Defence Staff of the Hutorian Armed Forces at Joint Forces Base Arianna Woodbury, in eastern Kenai.

Minister of Defence Peter Windsor (right) pinning the 4th Star of General Bailey Donovan (centre) and joined by outgoing Defence Chief General James Steuart

General Donovan is a career special forces soldiers, with her prior appointment being Commander of Hutorian Special Operations Command. Known affectionately by her subordinates as the Huntress, Donovan served most of her career with the Special Parachute Assault Detachment, with Alpha, Bravo and ultimate Echo detachment, and was commander of Joint Task Force Watcher, before her appointment as head of HSOC. She was the first Servicewoman ever appointed to HSOC's highest post and is only the fourth female to hold the position as Chief of the Defence Staff, preceded by General Samantha Carter in the 3920s, General Lindsay Drake in the early 4010s and Admiral Karla MacFarlane from the mid 42nd century. She is also the first appointment that was chosen directly from the current commanding Chiefs of Staff of any of Hutori's service branches since General Noah Steuart, the mythic and longest serving Chief of Defence Staff (at 21 years) in Hutorian history.

General Donovan has promised a new comprehensive defence review, building on the old work of the DeCoste Doctrine and Defence Reforms, to bring the Hutorian Armed Forces back up to stuff and reassert themselces as Terra preeminent Northern military power.
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Proletarians Offer Free Abortion and Euthanasia

Postby TheCollectivist » Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:04 pm

April 4278

Party leader, Vinal Parish, came out today with news that the Hutorian Proletarian Party (HPP) has secured the cooperation of the workers' communes throughout Adelia that they will offer Hutorian citizens free abortions and euthanasia for as long as their resources can handle and until the federal government abolishes the Hutorian National Party's Public Health Act.

Vinal Parish wrote:It is no mystery what the regressives would do once they had the chance. The recent passing of the Public Health Act by the backwards Hutorian National Party and their allies demonstrates this quite clearly. Fortunately, the workers' communes that secured their autonomy back during the creation of the Kingdom of Adelia, have the power to secure the rights of Hutorian citizens. It is a frightening reality that one does not have a right to control their own life and death, or even their own pregnancy. Until the federal government restores these fundamental freedoms, the workers' communes have unanimously agreed to provide abortion and euthanasia services to the best of their abilities to all Hutorian citizens. This service is non-discriminatory and applies to all legal citizens of Hutori.

We understand this solution by no means will adequately replace the services once provided by the government, but at this time there is no better option. Our people in the communes are not only trained and qualified to perform these procedures, but also have the compassionate will to provide them. The current situation in Hutori further proves the essential importance of the rights of local governments to determine their own affairs.

The workers' communes in Adelia were granted autonomy by the Workers' Communal Autonomy Act of October 4243 and as such are currently the only places in Hutori that can legally provide unrestricted access to abortion and legal access to euthanasia.

EDIT: OOC (Somehow I overlooked the fact that abortion policy is actually still determined by local governments, but only the funding has been diminished, my bad on that).
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Platt Euthanized at 96

Postby TheCollectivist » Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:36 pm

April 4287

Warren Platt, the former leader of the Hutorian Proletarian Party (HPP) has been euthanized at age 96 at one of the Proletarians' communes in Adelia. Platt had previously led the party for nearly five decades and was instrumental in securing the autonomy of the 64 "workers' communes" throughout the Kingdom of Adelia. He had previously served as an Hutorian soldier before joining one of the Proletarians' communes and becoming a guard. Following his resignation in January 4277, he worked as a gardener, citing increased fatigue that accompanied his age.

In accordance to Proletarian tradition, Platt's remains have been put to use and have been processed into fertilizer for a small sapling in an underground communal greenhouse.

OOC: Image source

President Vinal Parish wrote:Some may think of death as a somber occasion and in some cases it is, but not if it is done in a dignified manner as chosen by the individual. Platt lived fighting for what he believed and not just that, but for fighting for the rights of our communes. He left us peacefully and deeply convinced that we are heading in the right direction. He was sparred a painful, hopeless and relentless death, something many people unfortunately face. The only thing we must do moving forward is lessening the pain of others - improving their lives, one individual at a time.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Aberdeen » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:06 pm

Michael Palmer steps down as leader of the Hutorian Nationalists

Today, long standing leader of the Hutorian nationalist party and former prime minister, Michael Palmer announced his intention to resign as leader of his party and 'retire from all political activities' as he ends his decades long political career. The announcement comes after his recent resignation as the nations Prime Minister after 11 years in the job and the resignation of all HNP cabinet members who claimed that 'Fresh faces were required to lead our nation'.

I would like to use this opportunity today, to announce my intention to resign as leader of the Hutorian Nationalist Party with immediate effect. The party chairman John Smith will chair the HNP Leadership selection committee, in which 3 HNP Senators will be put forward for a leadership election. This election will take place next month, with a new leader being announced at the upcoming conference.

It has been a great privilege of mine to lead the greatest political party in Hutori, and lead our country in my 11 year tenure as Prime Minister. I would like to thank coalition partners and others who helped us deliver what we set out to do. Thank you very much.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby EdmundS » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:23 am

Progressive Conservative Party founded following conference in Acton
The new party's leader, Joseph Green, speaking at the conference.

Following a conference to discuss the absence of a centrist force in Hutorian politics, the Progressive Conservative Party has been formed, including several prominent local and regional political leaders. Led by Joseph Green, the party supports what it describes as "progressive monarchism", combining progressive fiscal and social policies with support for traditional institutions. From outside the National Senate the party has proposed a living wage, ending wartime conscription, and federally legalising abortion during the first and second trimesters.
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The Communists Who Will Lower Your Taxes

Postby TheCollectivist » Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:18 pm

October 4288

A recent income tax proposal by the longtime council communist party, the Hutorian Proletarian Party (HPP), has proposed to lower taxes on the fourth lowest tax brackets. This proposal is accompanied with a significant decrease in federal spending on health care, a move that has been justified due to the recent fact that health care has been put in the hands of local governments.

President Vinal Parish wrote:These federal tax breaks are just the beginning. We will seek to gradually reduce the federal tax burden for all classes, starting of course with the less wealth-off. It has always been the mission of the Proletarians to liberate our country from centralized control. By decentralizing critical services to local governments, we are giving the individual more voting power. Through local taxation, locals will be able to see their taxes put directly to work in their communities. While we recognize some communities may find the added responsibility of health care a drastic change, them achieving self-sustainability in the longterm is healthier for everyone.
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