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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:47 am

President's Plans For Purge Revealed

Above: Samantha Reder, leader of Renewal.

Shocking revelations have been made by several Renewal and NP members of the last cabinet, claiming that the President planned to purge - murder, silence, bribe and blackmail - members of the communist party. According to former cabinet members, this would be 'a religious purge. To cleanse Dorvik of all the unfaithful' and the President had 'thought about this for a long time'. Such allegations may seem surreal, but already confirmation of these reports has been given by former ministers Käthe Grunebaum, Erich Scheidel and Klara Thierse.

The irony of this is that the TGP just announced a coalition with the communists. Renewal's leader, Samantha Reder, called them 'ultimate hypocrites'. This is a party that has repeatedly said that other parties will betray their ethics and their base to get power. Now it seems that, objectively, the shoe is on the other foot. Civil servants who handled the meeting minutes and who were involved in the records-keeping for the ministries have resigned to come forwards and further prove this damning story.

Käthe Grunebaum is already discussing impeachment proceedings, saying that the President is 'unfit for duty' and 'a national disgrace and embarrassment'. The NP is set to further support this story, and likely the following impeachment proceedings - as may the Left and possibly even the AfD. It is yet to be known whether or not the DKP believes these allegations, though it seems they have a stunning amount of weight behind them. If all non-TGP cabinet members confirm these reports, could Treitschke be the first President in modern times to be impeached?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Sat Nov 18, 2017 10:51 am

Julia Schroeder Calls the TGP-Communist Coalition Government as an "alliance of opportunism",Praises Käthe Grunebaum

Mrs.Schroeder Speaking To Reporters in Haldor:-


The Leader of the Liberal Conservative Party,Mrs.Julia Schroeder has Criticized the TGP-Communist alliance as one of opportunism and said that it is a "match made not in heaven but in hell"which will "sound the End Of Dorvish Capitalism".She sounded more Skeptical of the Communists Than she was about the TGP and said that "Weinrich and his buddies Erica and Herman are power hungry monsters".She also blasted now Health Minister Erica Peters as to how she has agreed to a coalition government with the TGP when she,as SDU Leader withdrew from its Coalition with the Pragmatic Party and the National Party back in 4297.

She also praised Former Internal Affairs Minister Käthe Grunebaum as a "woman of incredible strength" and that "she is one who stood up to her beliefs unlike the spineless Communists".She also said that her party is "willing to cooperate with the Renewal Movement and Ms.Grunebaum".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:55 pm

September 4304,

The Government of the Republic of Valruzia is highly concerned with the development of the situation in the Dorvish Republic, one of its closest allies. The recent government shutdown and calling of the new cabinet formed by two diametrically different in policies parties is in the eyes of the international community a factor which greatly undermines the credibility of the Dorvish Republic's authorities. No matter how to describe it communist agenda is nowhere near the conservative agenda and saying that a mutual field of cooperation has been found is just over-exaggeration and a justification for the dangerous opportunism. The communists' rise to power is alarming for valruzian entrepreneurs and investors who perform economic activity inside the Dorvish Republic and the government of Valruzia concur with their concerns. Therefore a special legal path has been established for all Valruzian citizens who have concerns about their assets may unilaterally move their companies and enterprises to the Republic of Valruzia.

Robert Kostrzyński,
Ambassador of Valruzia
in the Dorvish Republic.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby 094 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 12:58 pm

Ken Sommer and Sahrah Lisent support the impeachment of the President

Following the scandal involving the President of Dorvik, Die Linke has shown its support for the impeachment of the President and for early elections. It is also believed that Die Linke will withdraw its candidate for President and endorse Renewal's candidate instead.

When asked about the issue, Ken Sommer said the following;

"Die Linke had predicted from the very start that the current government would collapse, and it certainly has. But now we face a bigger issue of the President becoming corrupt and calling for the murder of those who oppose him. Now, I stand together with other parties whom I may not agree with on many things, to impeach the evil which has poisoned our democracy."
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:29 pm

Impeachment Looms

Above: Protests against the President have risen up across Dorvik.

In dramatic new developments, DNS can confirm that the National Party has themselves backed up claims that the President called for a purportedly violent purge of communists and atheists both in administrative positions and possibly within the general populace. Alex Gluck said that he and Grunebaum felt 'threatened' but 'went along' with the President while rejected his ideas, instead trying to 'wean' him off. Gluck paints a less flattering picture on Grunebaum's part than she does herself, but it he nevertheless supports impeachment.

In details released by the office of Mrs Grunebaum, the President is quoted as having said 'We could massacre them... we could round them up. And put them into Hosian readucation camps?'. The LKP's leader reacted with pure horror and shock, as did the entire chamber, and this has lead to five, major, separate protests in Ussendorf, Haldor, Fairfax, Oppenbruck and Zitadelle - as well as up to two dozen smaller ones in other cities and towns across the nation. Former President Sally Gretchen is leading a march in Zitadelle.

In Haldorese streets, CotS members and communists stand hand in hand. Elderly National Party voters, business people from Renewal and college students from The Left talk and march together. It is now up to the communists to either impeach the President, or possibly provoke years of protest and upheaval. Polls suggest a clear majority of Dorvish people support impeachment, including a plurality of southerners and a super-majority of Kordusians. CotS, Patriarchalist, Confessionalists, Thetanists, Ahmadis and Yeudis are calling for the President to resign or be impeached.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:17 pm

Communists Have a Moral Responsibility to Vote in Favour of Impeaching this President:-Julia Schroeder

Mrs.Schroeder Taking Part in the Protests in Haldor:-


The Liberal Conservative Party and it's members are also taking part in the protests calling for the impeachment of President Treitschke,Whose Approval Ratings seem to be heading to a rock bottom if polls are to be believed.While Taking part in the Protests in Haldor,The Leader of the Liberal Conservative Party,Mrs.Julia Schroeder Called for the Communists to vote in favour of Impeaching the President and early elections because "they have a moral responsibility to do so"Here is what she said about the Communist Parties role in the current situation:-

The Communists are the Main Focus of the Dorvish People,They have a Moral Responsibility which is to favour sacking this Undemocratic,Fascist President.The Communists need to remember that this Same Edmund Treitschke called for deporting Atheists and Leftists to concentration camps,That is Radical enough for any party to oppose him.He is probably not mentally stable and deserves to be removed.Therefore,all of us here would like to request the Communist Party to Stand up for Dorvik and it's Democratic Traditions

It is really up to the Communists now,If they risk supporting the president and staying with him,They could face the wrath of their traditional base and could find themselves in a really situation next year,but if they do vote against Mr.Treitschke,They will be praised for standing up to Dorvik"s Democratic Values,We really have to see as to what the Communists do now.

Thelma Neumann,
DNS Haldor City Correspondent
Last edited by Adithya on Sun Nov 19, 2017 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Masionette9 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:27 pm

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby 094 » Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:47 pm

Die Linke united after President steps down

Ken Sommer and Sahrah Lisent left the State Council today in tears citing that they are "the survivors" of a Presidency which many believe could have seen the end of their lives. They held hands as they left, greeting protestors and party members.

Die Linke has also stated that should the Communists stay in government and refuse to call early elections, they will be blacklisted as a possible coalition partner. This comes as Sahrah Lisent said the following;

"The Communists are now sympathisers with a man who stated his intentions to destroy our democracy and many of our lives, and that is an unforgivable crime. If they remain in government and do not call early elections, Die Linke will rid itself of them completely."
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:51 pm

President's Bombshell Resignation; Shock Across Terra

From left to right: Die Linke representative Kurt Helscht, LKP member Josef Gruger, AfD representative Herold von Kurschge, NP representative Garfield Rutz, Renewal representative and Presidential Candidate Käthe Grunebaum - all standing in solidarity to call for new elections.

In some of the most startling events in modern Dorvish history, the President has resigned from office after admitting to having a mental disorder. His successor will be Arnold Sweindrach, the Chairman of the State Council, in accordance with the presidential line of succession set out by the constitution. The government plans to stay on, despite mounting unrest on the left and right, and over 70% of the public supporting early elections. Renewal and presidential hopeful Käthe Grunebaum are leading the charge, with LKP and Leftist support.

President Treitschke admitted in a long and emotional speech that he had been diagnosed with a delusional disorder. This disorder, after a long disappearance, re-appeared around the time of his election, eventually leading to the outrageous remarks he made later to his coalition partners. He says he is undergoing treatment, and feels that he has been 'bullied' out of office by a vengeful Renewal. He also questioned the motives of Renewal. Renewal representatives left the State Council after is was declared that there would be no early election planned.

These revelations have cause massive upheaval across Dorvik. Massive amounts of people stormed the streets after his speech, calling for new elections. Even former TGP supporters in the South burnt their memberships certificates and churches across Miktar prayed for early elections. Fury engulfed the moderates, left and right within minutes, and social media exploded. The issue has been dubbed by political commentators as the 'Treitschke controversy'. A cross-party rally will be held soon to call for early elections.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:33 pm

November 4304

Brauer lashes out at "vast right-wing conspiracy"


Ester Brauer, the Communist Party's Minister of Agriculture, who played a leading role in negotiating the Communist-TGP (Traditional Justice Party) coalition has given a hard-hitting television interview, describing "a vast right-wing conspiracy trying to bring down our government of the left". She went on:

Edmund Treitschke was a decent and honourable man, genuinely working to achieve what he believed was best for the people of Dorvik. As we now know, he was suffering from a mental health issue which led to him making irrational outbursts on certain occasions, but the comments he made during these outbursts did not represent either his real personal views or the views of the TGP.

It is grossly hypocritical for the likes of Käthe Grunebaum to bring up the remarks he made during those outbursts now, now that they are no longer in the Cabinet. If they had believed Edmund Treitschke seriously meant those comments, then they would have raised their objections at the time he made them. They chose not to do that at the time, simply because they knew the comments were not serious. However, they choose to go public about it all now, simply because they see an opportunity to exploit the former President's mental health condition in order to win political capital.

This is disgraceful and hypocritical behaviour, and neither I, nor my colleagues in the Communist Party and the TGP will stand it. Grunebaum can play all the games she wants to play. We all know her agenda here is to try to hijack a personal tragedy in order to prematurely dissolve the Staatsrat and try to get herself elected President.

Let me assure you all, the Communist Party, the TGP and our new Acting President, Arnold Sweindracht, will continue to do our duty and work together to provide Dorvik with stable and effective leadership for the remainder of the parliamentary term.

Communist leader Anton Weinreich, who is now the Internal Affairs Minister, tried to strike a more emollient note, saying:

I do not blame or criticise the people who are upset about the current political situation. I understand why people are concerned, and as it happens, I have spoken to former President Edmund Treitschke and he understands the concerns too. What we are asking people to understand is that the fact the former President had some very difficult, very sad personal problems does not mean the current Communist-TGP coalition is unviable. This is a viable coalition, able to command a majority in the Staatsrat, and we are committed to providing the country with a good government. The loss of the President, although unfortunate, does not mean we have to hold an immediate early election, which at this moment would be unnecessary and destabilising. That is not how the Dorvish constitution works.

Brauer admits bananas don't cause Peyronie's Disease

Under pressure from scientists, doctors and dietary experts, Food and Agriculture Minister Ester Brauer has finally withdrawn her claim that eating bananas can lead to Peyronie's Disease in men.

Farmers have also challenged her over whether she is suitable for the position she holds, because she is a vegetarian. A spokesperson for the National Farmers Union said:

Without wanting to get party political or anti-communist or anything, we feel it is reasonable to point out that somebody who is a self-declared vegetarian and has publicly said she opposes eating meat both on ethical and health grounds, as Brauer has done, is not in the best position to promote Dorvish agricultural produce - and that is meant to be one of the key roles of the Food and Agriculture Ministry.

Pfeiffer tells kids not to sing the national anthem at school assembly

Education Minister Friedrich Pfeiffer visited a school in Haldor today, and had an opportunity to speak to pupils at their school assembly. During his speech, he told them:

I don't mind if you don't sing the national anthem, even though we have a silly law in this country which says schoolchildren are meant to sing it every day. As Education Minister, I'm telling you that if you don't want to sing, or you just want to mime, that's absolutely fine as far as I'm concerned. It is a grave injustice that anybody is forced to sing the national anthem, because it is a symbol of the values of the unfair bourgeois capitalist society we live in.

The school's headmaster later commented:

I have no strong view one way or the other over whether children are required to sing the national anthem at school assembly, but I do feel that given we have a law saying we have to do this, it is not helpful for the Education Minister to tell kids not to join in. It's undermining school discipline and the spirit of the school.

An editorial in a popular newspaper accused Pfeiffer of "having a sulk because the Staatsrat didn't agree to change the national anthem to Hulstro-Mikuni".

Weinreich "not fit to be Internal Affairs Minister", says former Haldor City Police Chief

Ulrich Lehmann, the retired former Chief Police Constable of Haldor City Police Force, has accused Anton Weinreich of being "a disgrace to the police force and not a fit person to be Internal Affairs Minister".

He was referring to the Minister's famously wild youth. Weinreich has a colourful background, having spent 4 years in prison for his role in a failed bank robbery orchestrated by a radical communist group he belonged to called the Revolutionary Workers Front. He was the youngest member of the gang to be jailed, aged just 16 at the time. In his early 20s, he was jailed for 3 months after getting into an ugly fight with a fellow Metzist who argued a different interpretation to him of Karlstein Metz's Labour Theory of Value. In his early 30s, he was sent to jail for another 3 month sentence for his persistent role in organising the takeover of unoccupied private properties by homeless squatters in Trelin, where there was a serious housing shortage at the time.

Weinreich responded to Lehmann's comments by saying:

I do understand and respect his concerns, but as I have said before, I have repented for my past, and I have moved on, and I do believe in having a society which gives people a second chance, as I have been given. I feel my personal experience, including experience of the criminal justice and prison systems, has given me a certain added insight into some of the issues facing the Internal Affairs Ministry. I am very humbled and honoured to be at the head of this ministry, working with a very wide range of highly dedicated and brilliant professionals.
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