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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:45 pm

Hutori Celebrates Restoration of the Monarchy

His Royal Majesty Charles I, newly Crowned King of Hutori

After 380 years of Republicanism the Hutorian Monarchist Movement has succeeded in its long sought after goal of restoring the Hutorian Monarchy will the passage of Bill 1. In his final act of government signing it into law, President Timothy Drumf, the three term Royalist President, officially ended the Third Federal Republic and restored the House of Steuart to the throne as the Royal Family of Hutori.

Celebrations erupted in all major cities in Hutori, the largest in Acton and Bekenial, where the effort and the Monarchist Movement was strongest. The newly crowned Monarch, King Charles I, lead a parade through Bekenial from Steuart House, the official residence of the Steuart Family and restored as the home of the Royal Family to the newly renamed House of Parliament, where he officially inducted all 605 Senators as Members of Parliament. His Royal Majesty also took the time to personally thank President Drumf for his efforts and dedication to the Royalist Cause and named him a Knight Officer of the Order of the Golden Lion and appointed him Duke of Johannesburg.

King Charles I was joined at the celebration by his three children, Crown Princess Sarah (19), the Princess of Adelia, Prince Kyle (17), the Duke of Kenai and Prince Thomas (15), the Duke of Lagard, all three currently unmarried.


All Travel Banned Between Hutori and Dovani, Malivia & Istalia Added to Travel Blacklist

Special Containment Officers of the Hutorian Border Security Agency

Following the outbreak of Wolfsheim Disease in Malivia and Istalia, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor Patrick Woodbury has announced that Istalia and Malivia have been added to the Federal Travel Blacklist during the duration of the crisis. Further to that point all travel in and out of the entire Dovani Subcontinent, with Kazullia having a special exemption as no outbreaks of Wolfsheim have been detected, has also be enacted.

Foreign Affairs Minister Woodbury wrote:This is the gravest threat to Hutorian security and safety we have faced since the Great Terran War. These measures are extreme but they are necessary to ensure Hutori remains free of the disease even as our doctors and researchers continue to work to find a cure.

Woodbury took pains to note that Hutori was still willing to work with Istalia and Malivia to find a cure and that researchers, doctors and other experts that could he found to be entirely clean and clear of the Disease would be given special Visas for Travel to Hutori to aid in the effort.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Nov 09, 2017 7:33 pm

Vice Chancellor Issues Statement Urging Calm


Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor Patrick Woodbury issued a short statement on behalf of the government urging calm as more and more nations have confirmed that the Wolfsheim Plague has reached their shores.

I want to assure our citizens Hutori has no cases, confirmed or otherwise, currently in her shores thanks to the quick actions of the government to cut ourselves off from Dovani and ensure no possible victims reach here. I have been in contact with our international allies in Kazullia, Istalia and Malivia and have confirmed that them that despite the travel ban, we are caring for their citizens, and their Embassies will be remaining open to aid any stranded nationals and we are working with our partners to ensure any Hutorian citizens currently visiting those nations have found refugee at the Embassies and Consulates and upon confirmation that they at not infected being returned home. Hutori is strong, and we will weather this storm as we always have.

Minister of Science and Technology Roger Kimball made a further statement confirming the finishing of the construction of Fort Brett Hawkins, north of Bekenial, to centralize and coordinate efforts at researching Wolfsheim and that all Hutorian efforts, including the 100 Billion in Funding, would be focused there. Minister Kimball sent out a second statement for all international partners and allies that wish to pool their efforts in Hutori to come here, upon confirmation that they were not infected, and create a true global effort.

Fort Brett Hawkins is heavily defended by elite forces of the Hutorian Royal Army, including troops of the feared 14th Parachute Infantry Regiment along with specialized quarantine officers of the Federal Police Service.
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The Cost of Utopia

Postby TheCollectivist » Thu Nov 09, 2017 11:29 pm

May 4300

As Hutori, and the world, enters into the next century, people from across the globe wonder what the future will bring. For some, the future will likely be one of the same, nations will fight each other over resources and political ideas. For others, the future looks a bit brighter, with newer technologies promising people better lives. For the Ataraxians in Hutori, the "future" is already here. For more than a century, the Ataraxians (who used to call themselves "Proletarians" under the now succeeded Hutorian Proletarian Party) have lived in underground mini cities in Adelia, 51,200 of them to be exact. In total, there are 64 constructed and operating Ataraxian enclaves in Adelia, which since March 4298, have formed under the new legally recognized Ataraxian Confederation, which effectively acts as the singular enclave to represent them all.

While each commune is structurally the same, they all operate with virtually unlimited political autonomy, enabling them to enact and enforce whatever policies they deem fit. Each commune houses 800 residents, who can reside there for the remainder of their lives if desired. Each commune relies on geothermal energy, utilizing binary cycle power plants (a kind of closed-loop system) to generate their power. These power plants require deep drilling, but do not emit any greenhouse gas emissions.

The construction of these communes was definitely not cheap, costing about $50 million per commune. While they require high capital costs, they have proven to be economically sustainable. According to their financial records, communes generate an average net income of about $2.7 million after taxes. This means that it would take about two decades for a commune to make up its initial investment cost. Since the communes have been around for more than a century, they have long since paid off their capital costs. As a precaution, most communes invest in gold reserves in the event the HLR significantly declines in value. They use the remainder of their net income to invest in future commune development and extra internal projects.

Communes generate income from a combination of food sales, supplementing energy back into Adelia's power infrastructure, furniture, clothing, selling computer server space, electronics and even medical services. Any research and computer programs created internally are shared freely to the world. Since the communes are in remote locations throughout Adelia, import and export can be costly on their budgets however and there has been talk of construction of an underground monorail to improve transportation efficiency. Until then, communes either rely on outside businesses to transport their goods and or make use of a dedicated team of teamsters who help ship supplies.

For Project Ataraxia, a new commune will be built for $10 billion, utilizing cutting-edge technology in hydroponics, geothermal energy production and manufacturing equipment. Ataraxians hope to be able to upgrade the other 64 communes to similar specifications, most importantly, switching over from organic farming to vertical hydroponic farming that maximizes space and does not require soil. This new investment is planned to improve each commune's profitability and increase their living space from 800 residents to 1,000. The Commune of Ataraxia, the $10 billion technological marvel currently in planning stages will serve as the Ataraxian Confederation's central R&D location, along with being the effective capital.

Dr. Vinal Parish, Ambassador of the Ataraxian Confederation wrote:Eventually, we will have enough communes to effectively self-finance the creation of new communes as our combined resources make up a sort-of "economy of scale". Right now, we are still very reliant on outside donations to finance massive projects such as Project Ataraxia. While our communes have proven to be very economically successful considering they are planned economies, they still simply cannot fund a project at a size of $10 billion without making sacrifices to their own internal future projects.

Despite these communes being highly egalitarian in nature, their structure is very different from the more "traditional" communes found in left-wing movements:

1. Ataraxians live like introverts
Each resident has their own living space that is basically a small one room apartment. This living space includes their own bathroom, kitchen and desktop computer. As these communes are underground, their climates are controlled at a constant temperature of 22 degrees Celsius (about 72 degrees Fahrenheit), with temperature variances found in areas requiring differences, such as in food growing facilities. While there are public bathrooms, they can only handle one person at a time and are meant for guests or emergencies. There are no cafeterias, although people are not prohibited from eating outside their rooms.

Vinal Parish wrote:We are council communists, so we share and manage all of our resources collectively. That said, we still want to live comfortably and have our own personal space to relax in. Sharing spaces such as bathrooms and kitchens is unhygienic and therefore uncivilized. Some items are effectively owned by individuals, such as articles of clothing and individual computers. We don't believe in the idea of "communal living" in the sense that we must live constantly around other people, we greatly value the individual and see the importance in giving them space.

We see no shame in living comfortably.

2. Code of conduct is strict and surveillance is universal
Residents are forbidden from engaging in sexual conduct with others, using recreational drugs and even using profane language. Violation of these rules either results in the offender being rehabilitated (imprisonment and torture is forbidden) or deported depending on the situation. Pervasive public surveillance and strict enforcement of internal laws has resulted in a virtually crime free environment. Public bathrooms are even fitted with cameras that remain inactive while the room is in use, when the user leaves, the camera captures the condition of the bathroom, ensuring that hygiene laws are being adhered to. A security force of roughly 32 residents are responsible for external and internal security.

While the death penalty is authorized for offences such as reproduction, torture, murder, aggravated assault and even illegal immigration (or refusal to leave on deportation order), there have been no reported incidences of such events occurring. Given that residents are required to be sterilized, reproduction is essentially impossible. With their fertility rate at zero, the communes rely on outside immigration to continually replenish their numbers.

Vinal Parish wrote:We have hundreds of thousands of potential residents just waiting to join one of our communes. Every resident knows the rules when they join, they can leave at any time and most people are accurately profiled before joining. We have had only a few "defectors" if you will that decided to leave after finding that living in the communes was not working for them in practice.

Our reliance on immigration may seem like a flaw to some, but in actuality, it is tremendously advantageous. We don't have to raise children and can import already educated and experienced people at any age. This allows us to perfectly prevent problems such as an aging population or issues with overpopulation. If the outside world decides to stop reproducing, then we will cease to exist, but we will have no net contribution to any population size. It helps of course that Hutori is a mostly civilized country and as such, there are many good people that surround us.

3. Natural death is virtually extinct
Almost all Ataraxians die from euthanasia (voluntary) at varying ages. Life expectancy can vary significantly from person to person. According to Ataraxian law, once a person has become permanently "unproductive", they must either be euthanized or leave the commune. Those who are permanently and severely disabled to a point where they cannot contribute to Ataraxian society on even a small intellectual basis, are deemed to be economically parasitic. While cancer is present in the elderly, the Ataraxian system does not permit victims to die from it, requiring that patients either leave or opt for euthanasia in advanced terminal cases.

Vinal Parish wrote:The very idea of retirement is both economically and socially unhealthy. People are most happy when engaging in meaningful labour, work that they and their communities directly benefit from. While leisure activities are fine as a means of temporary distraction, they ultimately lead to boredom in the long-term if heavily relied upon.

Most of our people work on average 4-6 hours daily. This may seem less productive than your standard 8-hour workday, but you have to remember that vacations simply don't exist in Ataraxian society. What would you take a vacation from anyway? Our people live in one of the most, if not the most utopian societies existing today. There is simply no need for weekends or vacations. Our people approach tasks one problem at a time, opting for gradual completion rather than trying to push themselves beyond their limits. We hold the view that comfortable workers are productive workers. Better to spread the work out than to concentrate it and cause needless stress.

As for our euthanasia policies, I think you will find most people do not desire to live when disabled to a point when even enjoyment becomes nearly impossible, when even engaging in critical thinking becomes a painful chore. Such a state may still permit one to exist, but to have very minimal positive and or productive experiences. While it is true we require euthanasia in some cases, we do so to both protect the individual from a futile doomed existence and to ensure society remains economically sound.

Lastly, death is viewed differently here than it is in contemporary society. Yes, we view at as a permanent end, but not as something to be feared. After all, you haven't existed for the vast majority of time, such a state caused you no harm nor pain, so why fear it? In comparison, existing opens the opportunity to feel pain, to experience suffering. "Hell" does not exist in death, but rather in life. That said, we still respect the right to life for those who can contribute to it, to work to improve not only their life, but also the lives of their comrades. A human "vegetable" has no such capability, prolonging their existence is futile and cruel, as is allowing someone to die a slow painful death from disease.

We respect the right to a peaceful death on request for all of our people.

Vinal Parish wrote:To put it simply, the cost of utopia is a good economy, system and people. A good economy does not accept going into debt or running deficits, it lives according to its own physical capacity. A good system is one that is designed to serve its people and remove those who cause problems. A good people are compassionate, charitable and civil in their actions.

This is what makes a utopia, if you permit poverty, debt and malignant individuals in your system, you will never have a utopia. Trying to make a society that tolerates everyone is futile, some individuals want to cause harm, some individuals don't want to help society, why tolerate their presence? They can go ahead and make their own dystopian paradise, where hunger, disease and squalor thrives, but we aren't going to tolerate that here.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Nov 12, 2017 1:21 am

Fort Hawkins Confirms Success with Vaccine

Doctor Sophie Avalon

Dr. Sophie Avalon, a leading research at Fort Brett Hawkins has stated that the Wolfsheim Research Unit has, after two years and tens of billions of Lira invested, successfully manufactured a vaccine that appears to be able to inoculate patient against Wolfsheim.

This is a huge step forward in progress and it would not have been possible without help from our partners from both the public and private sector here in Hutori, along with allies researchers and doctors from New Endralon, Kazullia, Istalia and Malivia. We will be moving this vaccine into mass production immediately, and providing it to those nations who need to the most first. We have no cured Wolfsheim yet, but this is the best step thus far of at least containing the further spread of this plague. We will note that the sophistication of this plague means this vaccine may only be a stop gap measure, but this is better then we had prior, and with further help and push we will find a way to end this threat to humanity.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Patrick Woodbury again put an open call out to international partners to pool their resources with Hutori and find a way to contain Wolfsheim Disease. Hutori to this date still has no reported cases of the disease within its border, attributed to the small size of Macon compared to the rest of Terra, the professionalism and ability of the Hutorian Border Security Agency, and the rapid response of Hutori's at sealing its borders from nations and continents where Wolfsheim has been detected.
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Ataraxians Return to Debates

Postby TheCollectivist » Sun Nov 12, 2017 10:48 pm

November 4301

Since the late 4110s, the Hutorian Proletarian Party (HPP), refused to engage in most political debates until certain "bureaucratic procedures" were repealed. This policy was mostly adhered to, with only a few exceptions. After the Proletarians were succeeded by the Ataraxian Confederation in January 4290, many of their policies followed through on the transition, with one of the only major changes being that the party was now under direct control by the communes.

The Ataraxians promote a far less isolationist agenda however, with Vinal Parish, the 62-year-old Ataraxian doctor and ambassador, helping to encourage the confederation to adopt "scientific internationalism":

Vinal Parish wrote:The idea of scientific internationalism is that the world should seek open cooperation towards scientific advancement. It's about sharing research, technology and "brain power" to combine our efforts towards a more advanced world. Basically, it promotes international cooperation for the advancement of science.

It's not about open borders, economic globalization or "humanitarian interventions", but rather approaching scientific problems on an international scale. We believe this to be necessary in order for our species to use the best minds it has to produce the best technology it possibly can. We can still be different from each other, protect our right to self-determination and be economically self-sufficient while sharing our knowledge with the world.

This is partly why we will be returning to debates. We still disagree somewhat with parliamentary procedure, but complete silence is not rational. Communication is a necessity.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:33 pm

Wilson Resigns as Leader

Outgoing RCP Leader Vernon Wilson

In a disappointing election showing that saw the Royal Conservatives lose over 40 seats Royalist Leader Vernon Wilson has announced he will be stepping down as Leader effective immediately. The 75 year old MP from Carter City has spent the last fifty years in the public service, first as a diplomat, later as the World Congress Ambassador for Hutori, before being appointed as President Timothy Drumf's Minister of Foreign Affairs during his first cabinet, then finally as a Senator and leader of the Royalists during the Reformation.

I could not be more proud of our Caucus and the work we've accomplished. We managed to accomplish what Monarchists for almost the last 400 years attempted to accomplish and finally we have a Monarch back on the throne. It is time for the goal of Royal Conservatism to take on a new look for the new generation.

Royal Conservative strategists openly admitted they expected to lose seats in this election, with two new political parties active in Hutorian politics, and the RCP taking a mostly back seat to the Progressive Conservatives following their lead in Cabinet and government, and the RCP having accomplished their chief goal of the final reformation of Hutori from a Federal Republic back into a Monarchy. Minister of Foreign Affairs Patrick Woodbury has already been elected by the caucus as the new Interim Leader of the Royal Conservatives as a new Leadership takes place, expected to end in Febuary of 4303. Carolyn MacKellar, the one time Minister of Trade & Industry and the current Minister of Defence has popped up as a potential name, along with Justice Minister Aaron Graham of Adelia and MP Elizabeth Dawson from Kenai.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:10 pm

Royal Family Donates 50 Million to Project Atarxia

His Royal Majesty King Charles I

A spokesperson for Steuart House has announced the Steuart Foundation, on request of His Majesty King Charles I, has given a donation of 50 Million HLR to Project Atarxia, the Ataraxian Confederation's plan for a massive underground commune in northern Adelia near Glentingham as their "Crown Jewel."

Despite the fact that the Confederation is autonomous enclave within Hutori itself, they are still Hutorian citizens, and in fact are just as important. the Ataraxians, like the Mashacaran First Nations in Falristan, have offered much to Hutori and continue to do so and their plan for a scientific haven for the advancement of humankind resonates with His Royal Majesty and the rest of the Royal Family. The Fifty Million is to be forward to its construction and to medical research that may save more lives.

The Royal Family and the Confederation share an odd companionship. While the Ataraxians themselves do not bow to the Royal Family as their Sovereigns, either when they were merely Monarchs or Adelia and later of all Hutori, the Royalist Party of Adelia have been some of their most ardent supporters since the Enclaves established their autonomy over fifty years ago. Many analysts point out to the Proletarians support for Adelia to chose their own form of government and self determination behind their continued support and support that has never wavered; indeed it was at one of the communes that King Richard I was allowed to be euthanized when he was found to have terminal brain cancer when Adelia's own law forbid the practice.


Mashacaran Tribes Acknowledge King Charles and His Heirs as their Sovereigns

Chief Ronald Silverpaw of the Isa First Nation of Falristan's First Nations

In a showing of mass unity the five Falristan Mashacara tribes, lead by Chieftain Ronald Silverpaw met in Tremaine in a public display and Oath of Allegiance to the Crown. The Five Tribes of the Mashacara in Falristan are all nominal autonomous nations within Hutori and while they acknowledge the Premier as Head of the Province and in the past President as Chief Executive of Hutori both were careful not to ask too much of the Mashacara. This Oath of Allegiance to the Crown reaffirms the Mashacara's long known loyalities to Hutorian Monarchism. The Five Tribes have offered the title of High Chief of the Mashacara to the King, which a spokesperson for His Majesty Charlies I had acknowledge the King will accept.


HIDC To Invest 2.5 Billion HLR in North Dovani Rail


The Hutorian International Development Corporation has announced a new grant for the Commonwealth of North Dovani to construct a new West-East Railline. This grant, a complete forgivable loan is said to be the first in a series of loans and grants aimed by the HIDC at developing the northern Dovani nation's crumbling infrastructure which has come under constant disrepair and constantly battered by the elements in the harsh northern winter.

More as this Situation develops.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Agwand » Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:52 pm

Colonel Hagerstrom Resigns as Leader

Speaking Col. Viggo George Hagerstrom, still as a lieutenant

Col. Hagerstrom was one of the founding members of the National Conservative Party and now, after 9 years he is resigning from his post, because his main objective is career in the Hutorian Army. Reason of his leaving is that active members of the Hutorian Armed Forces are heavily discouraged from having active political office for various reasons. The new leader has become retired Lieutenant David Blix.

Lt. Blix shortly before leaving of the army, as active officer

For the party it doesn't mean any big changes, just the loss of good Party Leader. All members of the party said goodbye and wish good luck to him.
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Ataraxians Appoint New Ambassador

Postby TheCollectivist » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:14 pm

May 4303

Vinal Parish, the 63-year-old doctor who has led the Ataraxian Confederation for the past 13 years (he had previously led the Hutorian Proletarian Party for 12 years) has resigned as ambassador.

Vinal Parish wrote:I've done what I needed to do, now someone better suited for our future endeavors shall take my place. Our fellow comrade Lyn Kopp, a talented architect from Adelia, who recently secured approval for design of the Commune of Ataraxia's residential layer, is better suited than I am for this role. While some have called me a visionary, I am ultimately a general practitioner - not a designer.

Lyn Kopp, a 44-year-old architect from Adelia has succeeded Parish as the Ambassador of the Ataraxian Confederation. Vinal Parish will remain as the Conciliator of the Commune of Lotus and will run as a candidate for Health and Social Services. Lyn Kopp, Conciliator of the Commune of Seira since August 4299 was appointed ambassador by the Council of the Ataraxian Confederation following unanimous consensus.

Ambassador Lyn Kopp wrote:Comrade Parish has done an excellent job at representing the confederation. Now as we move forward with Project Ataraxia, we must be led by those most involved in the project. As our work here will be the model for future communities, we must gather our best minds: dreamers, visionaries and scientists alike must unite for this purpose.

Some say greed is human nature, but I digress. Human nature is curiosity, it is the drive to learn and improve ourselves. To be human is not just merely to survive, but to grow past our natural limits and take control of our own destiny.

Even the most unlikely of allies, a people of old traditions, see the value in this goal as demonstrated by former Benefactor King Richard I, who has graciously donated $50 million to our cause, specifically Project Ataraxia and our medical research budget. Such an action is just one example of the selfless altruism present across humanity.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:10 pm

At the party's recent annual general meeting, party members took part in a vote to decide if they should elect a new leader. The vote ended with an overwhelming result of 92% in favour of Jim Houston remaining leader. Although the party gained seats for the first time, the party has a policy which requires a leadership review vote if the party fails to form government in an election.

We had the largest turnout at our AGM this year than we have ever had in our 5 year history. The people showed up and overwhelmingly voted to keep me as their party leader. I thank all members of the party for their support and I am honored to continue representing them as their leader.

This result is no surprise. Houston is a well known figure around Hutori and is very popular among Centrists. Many say that his greatest accomplishment in parliament so far is gaining support from the largest party, the Progressive Conservatives, on his National Poverty Prevention Act, which would raise the minimum wage to a "living wage" well above the poverty line. The 45 year old believes in a progressive government while remaining fiscally responsible. His supporters say his experience as a chartered accountant and his years of charity work make him the right man to lead Hutori. Early projections show another large gain for Houston in the next election, which is just 2 1/2 years away. Houston knows he must continue to listen to the people and be a voice for them in parliament if he wants to continue growing the party.

Over the next 2 1/2 years, we will tour all around Hutori and listen to the concerns of the people. We want to know exactly what the people want from a good government and act on those concerns. Of course we have already put forward the National Poverty Prevention Act as a response to many Hutorians telling us that they simply cannot get by on their current wages. We are listening and will continue to listen and do what is right for the people of this great country.
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