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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Wilderberg III » Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:58 pm

Saudek: The DSU should "make up their mind"
Civic Party leader criticizes the DSU for their lack of courage

HALDOR - Theresa Saudek, leader of the recently founded Civic Party, criticized the DSU for their "lack of courage" and "cowardice" when talking about the vote on the motion of no confidence submited by the DSU themselves.
"At first we were optimistic. [...] We didn't think they'd do it, but when they did our joy quickly turned into massive dissapointment." she said "How weak do you have to be to turn against yourself?
They should seriously make up their mind."

Interviewer: "Would you be willing to work with the DSU after the 4313 election?"
Saudek: "Only if they would replace their leadership in it's entirety. Currently they're too unreliable. We know that and the TGP should realise that as well."

Protest in front of DSU Headquarters, eggs thrown at the building
A small protest turned "violent" when a couple of participants brought eggs into the mix.

HALDOR - 3 people were arrested after a couple of protesters were caught throwing eggs at the DSU Headquarters during an anti-government protest in Haldor.
Leader of the "Food Warriors" movement seemed unapologetic as police dragged him into one of their vans. "Next time we'll bring tomatos" he said "It will be a massive food fight like you've never seen before".
The idea is gaining tracktion as thousands of people took it to social media to promote this concept. "Sounds fun" said one teenager when asked about the idea "I'll happily bring some friends along."

Saudek and Schuchard twins?
Many conspiracy theorists belive this to be true.

WEINSEDORF - Southern conspiracy theorist claim that there's a relation between the Civic Party Leader Theresa Saudek and Alorian President Margareta Schuchard.
Despite the lack of any physical evidence and a difference of age many mainly Largonia-based conspiracy groups claim that Theresa Saudek is a long-lost twin sister of Margareta Schuchard.
When asked about this Saudek said "I suppose I can't keep this a secret any longer. I am in fact President Schuchard's twin sister. I've known this since I was 15." she then burst into laughter clearly showing that she was not being serious.
President Schuchard is yet to answer to those theories. However it seems unlikely that she will, because those theories sound ridiculous. Or do they?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Edward123456 » Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:17 pm


After protests by the Burgers throwing eggs, the DSU's Deputy Leader, Benidikt Stromberg said this in an interview.

We actually thank the Burgers for protesting; it's their democratic right, but its gone too far. As we have said many times before, we changed our position due to negotiations with the TGP. We want to work with the Burgers too, we share a number of ideas and we hope they can accept that and start to work with us where we can reach a consensus.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:28 pm

Is The Southern Situation A False Flag?

Above: Former DNS analyst Hanna Kipping has suggested that the situation in the South is 'unrealistic'.

Many have pondered an important question since the HPF turned violent: how can one of the world's most developed countries grow into a domestic-terrorism hot-spot? Hanna Kipping has an idea, and the government will certainly not like it. She's thinks it's fake. It may sound crazy, but listen to what she says. The government was sliding in the polls at the start of their term as new parties formed and new people came to the public spotlight. Members of both parties in the coalition distrusted the members of the other, and the coalition seemed unlikely to survive. But then what happened? The terrorist attack. Kipping says 'from my experience as a journalist, nothing unites people more than a common foe'.

Thus, the great false flag. According to Kipping, it's no wonder that the 'attacks' always occur in the rural areas. Life in urban parts of the South, like Zitadelle and Ussendorf and Weinsedorf is as normal and that's where the people live. In the rural south, dominated by the shady Children of the Spirit, the people are outwardly religious and less likely to use social media. The mountains of Dorvik are meant to be a hotbed for the terrorists. They also don't have many people living in them other than strict religious communities. Kipping calls the idea of abandoned villages 'nonsense' and says that 'the government's false-flag is so unrealistic, like how did these people get these weapons?'.

The question of where a group that was tiny just a while ago, has no major infrastructure, is unrelated to other religious movement, has no connection to the military and was formed recently got the weaponry to fight one of the world's foremost militaries in such a short amount of time seemingly from nowhere is mind-boggling. Though we will no-doubt learn more about this insurrection, its tactics, its leadership and its origins as time goes on, for now people are looking at crack-pot theories like this. Or is it crackpot? Is the government faking the war? All we know is that one of Kipping's tweets got an interesting re-tweeter - the co-leader of One Dorvik, Bianca Heilprin.

Bill To Impeach The President Put To Vote

Above: Leader of One Dorvik Bianca Heilprin has called the President 'unfit to govern'.

In a new twist in the volatile politics of Dorvik, a bill has been put before the State Council that would have the President removed and a new election be called. According to the bill, the President is 'unfit to govern for a litany of reasons'. The bill says the people of Dorvik 'deserve the opportunity, after the destructive path the government has wrought, to either reinforce or abandon the mandate they gave to him.' This kind of language has been echoed by people across the political spectrum as the government becomes divisive. In a nine-party state, was a two-party government ever really going to get off the hook? Even their own members are sometimes hostile to each other.

Many have accused the government of trying to hold onto power for as long as possible. Another line from the bill to impeach says that Aswalt 'has invaded a region of his own nation, using military force and acting out of whim not strategy. He has further isolated the South, treated it like a colony and revoked its sovereignty.' This refering to the controversial military mobolisation in the South. Another line says that the government has 'risked the lives of thousands of Dorvish men and women abroad in order to seem strong on the world stage.' Indeed, these controversial military actions have captured a lot of attention internationally as people seek to take the government down.

The duopolous government soon responded. Aswalt said that he has 'been fighting for this nation my entire life. The people of Dorvik have put their trust in me for a reason. They see me as the man to lead them and in my vision i have done so without question.' Meanwhile, his colleague Benidikt Stromberg - Deputy Leader of the DSU - said that he was 'shocked and appalled at Ein Dorvik's utter ignorance about the democratic process'. The bill is certain to fail, but the controversy it has brought will not be leaving for a long time. Between these and the false-flag rumours, the government has a lot on its plate - and its clear that the small One Dorvik party is bringing all guns to bare.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby TheCollectivist » Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:43 pm

Phil Piratin wrote:December 4311

HFE invites Ataraxian Confederation to set up commune in Dorvik

Ataraxian Colonialism?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby menkiller755 » Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:43 pm

DMIO Director announces intelligence faults

The director of the DMIO (Dorvish Military Intelligence Office) has given a public statement admitting the publications of false intelligence.
Director Hans Opbruck admitted that the DMIO had aquired false information and intelligence on possible hideouts and controlled territory's of the HPF.

While we acknowledge the HPF being active in both Miktar and Largonia we have to admit that DMIO agents have been getting false information and intelligence from their sources resulting in the false claim that the HPF is in control of most of the countryside and its villages. After extensive investigations by military units on the ground we can say with almost 90% assurance that the HPF is located in the mountains of Miktar and in the Miktarese Yuno forrest. This is the same forest that borders the road were the first contact was made. We also found out that small HPF contingents are residing near the beach forests of Largonia. We also want to make public the intelligence concerning the amount of weapons the HPF is believed to have and the way they aquired it. The HPF has aquired around 500 assault rifles and bolt action rifles from the DCS depot raid 2 years ago this is also the location from which 2 RPG's were stolen. One of them was most likely used in the convoy attack in Miktar. The HPF also received and additional 2000 assault rifles from a shipment originating from an unknown source out of Hulstria. This makes the total number of armed fighters at a possible 2500. While the number of unarmed members underground is estimated at 20.000. This narrows down the area's controlled by the HPF to a few contingents. We should however not underestimate their strength as we have seen in Haldor. We apoligize for the false information given. The DMIO takes full responsability for this mistake. We hope to have informed you well enough.

Director Opbruck a week ago at the security summit in Haldor just before the start of military operations

This extensive explanation has taken away some pressure from the government which seemed ill informed by the DMIO and therefor not 100% able to respond to the situation properly.

But we have an exclusive that could turn all sails...
A defected member of the HPF is here tommorow in a exclusive interview with DNS to shed some light on the practices of the HPF. will we hear of their tactics? Will we hear about their numbers and strengths? Read DNS tommorow and witness the story of a former HPF member just released from prison!

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Nazi Dorvik » Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:59 am

Jakob Herreshoff claims the HPF is actually run by Yeudis

At a rally in Miktar, Jakob Herreshoff claims that the HPF is really just a Yeudis conspiracy meant to divide true Hosians.

Dorvish comrades! A day is a short time span, a fraction of a single person's life - barely a second in the life of a whole people. And yet the past day somehow seems longer than the many decades of the past. A very important historical event is contained within this day: The Haldor Central Station attack. Right now the Yeudis are laughing after this attack smirking as now fellow followers in Hosianism are turning on each other! Fighting against each other! when us brothers should be focusing on the real threat the Yeudis! They are what is wrong with this world! Not us! Not our religion! They are the cause of this and now they seek to deceive us and make us fight against each other! Well I say no! I refuse to disown my religion because a Yeudis tells me to! I encourage us fellow brothers in the faith to stand strong together and unite against our common enemy! Hail our people! Hail Hosianism! Hail victory!

Jakob Herreshoff during his speech.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:25 am

June 4312

Communists denounce anti-Yeudism

The annual Dorvish Communist Party conference has almost unanimously passed a motion denouncing "anti-Yeudism in all of its forms" and in particular, criticising the recent comments by Jakob Herreshoff, and the actions of the Selucian government, which the Communists have tabled a parliamentary motion against. Communist leader Anton Weinreich also called on parliament to support the Communist's bill to ban hate speech, arguing "this is the best way to deal with the likes of Jakob Herreshoff".

Weinreich presses again for "intelligence-led approach" to HPF

Following revelations of significant weaknesses in intelligence on the Hosian Preservation Front (HPF), Anton Weinreich has repeated his previous calls for a strategy that focuses more on intelligence-gathering and police work, and less on sending in military boots on the ground. He continued:

The military presence in the South is alienating a lot of people, peaceable people who are by no means terrorists or extremists, but who feel completely alienated by the way the government is treating them. Defeating the HPF means being at the top of the intelligence game, and that means people need to co-operate with the security forces and come forward with information about anything suspicious. My real worry is that the government's current approach is going to make it much more difficult for that to happen. This is counter-productive, and it's wrong. I will repeat again that the military should not be playing such a huge role in this. If they are used at all, it should only be for very specific and limited operations, where they are really needed.

He also criticised the government for "losing the plot" in the recent fiasco where the Democratic Socialist Union withdrew from the coalition and then speedily rejoined it again, after having apparently patched up their differences with the Traditional Justice Party. "At a time like this, when our troops are putting their lives at risk in Dovani, the troops, their loved ones and the whole of the Dorvish people deserve better," he said.

Peters calls for "new constitutional settlement with the South"

Erica Peters, a Politburo Member of the Dorvish Communist Party, has gone to parliament on behalf of her party and proposed what she calls "a new constitutional settlement with the South". She went on to explain:

As we all know, we have a challenging situation in the southern provinces of Largonia and Miktar, where many of our citizens want greater autonomy, and a number are pressing for full independent statehood.

In order to recognise the legitimate aspiration of southerners, and to provide a clear legal and democratic mechanism for southerners to peacefully pursue their goals, I propose the following measures:

1. The merging of the Largonia Provincial Authority and the Miktar Provincial Authority into a single Sudik State Authority, under the authority of an elected Sudik State Parliament. Sudik shall henceforward be known as a "State", rather than a "Province". Also, the chief minister shall go by the title of "Prime Minister".

2. The Sudik State Authority shall hold the same powers as the Provincial Authorities of Dorvan, Kordusia and Westmark, meaning full control over matters the national parliament has devolved to local government. Additionally, it shall have extra powers to vary taxes on property, corporation tax, sales tax and income tax.

3. The Sudik State Parliament will have the power, by a majority vote, to hold a referendum on independence for Sudik from the rest of Dorvik. If a legitimate and fair referendum results in more than half of those registered eligible to vote voting for independence, then independence for Sudik must legally be instituted within a 2 year period.

3. The Dorvan, Kordusian and Westmark Provincial Authorities shall continue to operate as before, but with their chief ministers now going by the title of "Governor".

Dorvish Monarchist League formed


At a packed meeting in Vimisk, attended by nearly 2000 people, a new organisation called the Dorvish Monarchist League (DML) has been formed, with the ambition of replacing the republic with a monarchy, and restoring the House of Faust-Essen to the throne. The DML has not named a specific individual as their officially recognised claimant, although the young Emil Faust-Essen, an army officer who is currently deployed in Hulstria, is widely believed to be their preferred successor. A number of members of the Faust-Essen family were in attendance at the conference.

Herman Faust-Essen, the Communist MP and southern separatist, widely regarded as the black sheep of the family, was not there. He has made no secret of his republicanism and his sense of shame towards much of his family's history, although he is said to have a positive relationship with Emil Faust-Essen on a purely personal level.

Arne Hassell, the DML's chairman, has stated his group is "a campaigning organisation, not a political party" and will welcome members "from all parties and none". In practice, the DML is a fairly conservative-leaning outfit with extremely few supporters on the radical left, although it does include a lot of supporters from the more right-wing and centrist parties. There is speculation that the DML could start to contest elections at a future point, when it has become more organised, although this is an issue the membership are split over. Hassell himself is understood to be firmly in favour of the DML remaining a cross-party pressure group.

In his speech to the organisation's founding conference, Hassell decried the "cancers of southern separatism, communism, fascism and religious extremism that are afflicting our country" and spoke at length about how "the Republic is failing to command the respect, loyalty and affections of the broad mass of the Dorvish people in the same was as a monarchy could". He also spoke with dismay about how "the traditional Dorvish way of life is being undermined" and blamed "busybodying, interfering politicians in Haldor who don't understand us, who don't understand the connection between the land and the people, who don't understand the countryside, who hate our love for and commitment to the armed services and to the traditional ways which have always made us great as a nation".

He made some effort to reach out to the moderate left, talking about wanting to "work to heal the class divide", "bring opportunity and prosperity to all" and "have a monarch with a natural bond with and a profound long-term personal commitment to ordinary people, not a President who just wants to manipulate and mislead them". However, it was fairly obvious to anyone in attendance at the conference that, at least for now, the DML is a a very conservative affair.

[OOC: If anyone is interestied in taking over the Dorvish Monarchist League and turning it into a political party, please feel free to do so)

HFE opens new "Commune of Communism" in Largonia

Following much anticipation, Herman Faust-Essen, known as "HFE", has opened an intentional community called a "Commune of Communism" in his estate in Largonia. For now, the commune has 24 members, although it is expected to grow significantly in the coming months.

HFE thanked the Ataraxian Confederation for "the enormous inspiration and support they have given us", whilst acknowledging that "our Commune of Communism here in Dorvik will remain separate from the Ataraxian Confederation, although nevertheless we retain a keen interest in everything they do and see them as a huge source of inspiration".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:35 pm

Filomina Schwarz Calls the DSU"Pathetic Flipfloppers"

Mrs.Schwarz Speaking to Reporters in Haldor:-


The Leader of the Green Liberal Party,Mrs.Filomina Schwarz has called the DSU "Pathetic Flipfloppers"after they proposed early elections and immediately decided to vote against it as they were stated that Negotiations with the TGP had been successful,When Speaking to Reporters soon after the DSU"s Decision was made public,She Commented on it as follows:-

I mean,For once I thought that the DSU was standing for its ideals and not for power when they proposed the motion of no confidence against the TGP led Government as we all could accept that they were overreacting to the Haldor Attacks by invading a region of our nation based on unreliable information.And the DSU seems to have backtracked and is know stating that it will continue in the Government,They are Pathetic Flipfloppers and they absolutely do not have the right to project themselves as the Proponents of Democratic Socialism when they are in Alliance with the Conservative TGP,I would also like to Announce that there is no scope for cooperation between our party and the TGP when they continue to support the TGP.

Green Liberal Party to Endorse the Civic Party for the Presidency

In a Statement released earlier today,the Green Liberal Party stated that it intends to Endorse the Civic Party for the Presidential Elections,The Press Release further stated that there is a "lot of commonality"between the Parties when it comes to social and economic policy.The Release also praised the Civic Party for sticking to its policies and not allying with the TGP for the "sake of power".

Green Liberal Party Joins Communists in Denouncing Anti Yeudism

Filomina Schwarz,The Leader of the Green Liberal Party and a Yeudi Herself,Has Stated that the NAP does not represent what Dorvik Stands for and said that it "is a deplorable political organization which represents the Darkest Side of Humanity".The Party also endorsed The Communist Parties calls for a ban on hate Speech and stated that the Government "Should Try to Discourage Racism by any means possible"
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Masionette9 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:33 pm

Nowogard, October 4312

Stewardesses of LOT in Nowogard Ignanski Airport in Valruzia.

All stewardesses on LOT Group's planes on routes between Dorvik and Valruzia will from now on wearing hijabs. This is the response from the flag-carrier of Valruzia to the recent vote in the Dorvish State Council which was aimed at strictly limiting religious rights in one of Valruzia's closest allies. The move is seen as a hars nose flick from the LOT Group. The initiative which originated within the stewardesses council gained support of the management of the Szwarzentel Investments, the owner of LOT, and that's how it all began. Szwarzentel Investment orderes new uniforms for all stweradesses and announced that the Dorvish Airways' flights between Dorvik and Valruzia serviced by Valruzian crew will also be included in the protest action, as the Szwarzentel Investments is the owner of 15% of the Dorvish flag carrier.

As for now, nor the Prime Minsiter or any other representative of the Government commented on the matter. But is is said that the action can count on the government's quiet support. The only response of the President was the short entry on her official account on one of the most popular social network in which she wrote "Bravo LOT! #freereligion".

LOT has 26 daily flights destined to Dorvik. The protest action is said to last 3 months, but the representatvie of LOT's stewardesses, Alina Maciborek, said that the council is considering prolongation for another 4 months.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:19 pm

October 4312

Theocracy or Secularism?

Amidst some of the most tumultuous scenes the Staatsrat has seen for years, a controversial bill is set to pass which would introduce Hosianism as the official state religion, compel all citizens to be members of the state religion and compel all schools to be Hosian religious schools, with compulsory Hosian prayers for all pupils. The bill is sponsored by the fascist National Socialist Workers Party, and also supported by the Traditional Justice Party, One Dorvik and the People's Renewal Union.

The Democratic Socialist Union, which currently shares power with the Traditional Justice Party, has opposed the bill and supported an early election motion proposed by the Communists. The motion is expected to pass, forcing a snap election.

Communist leader Anton Weinreich is calling the election "a referendum on whether we are a secular republic, or a theocracy - we're either going to be the one or the other, and the Dorvish people are going to have to think very hard and make a choice".

200,000 sign online petition supporting LOT air stewardesses

An online petition expressing support for the actions of the LOT air stewardesses has received over 200,000 signatures. Judging by the comments posted on the petition site, it would seem a significant number of Communist supporters were amongst the signers, despite the party's policy of opposing the wearing of religious clothing by transport workers.

Communists condemn Xuan Shuren scandal, demand nationalisation of public transport

Anton Weinreich has expressed his "utter horror" at the latest revelations coming out of Indrala, particularly the news that former Grand Chancellor Xuan Shuren put his personal financial interests ahead of safety in the production of the X400 jet, leading to the infamous Indralair Flight 692 crash.

Weinreich responded by proposing the nationalisation of Dorvish railways and airlines, and also the industry surrounding the manufacture of public transport vehicles likes trains, buses and planes, arguing that "profit-motivated private companies cannot be trusted to put safety first when it comes to operating public transport".
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