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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:03 pm

Herman Faust Essen goes down to Defeat

Ursula Eckhardt,The New MP for Zitadelle South:-


In what was Probably the most Important Win for the Green Party In the General Election,The Parties Ursula Eckhardt ousted Incumbent Communist MP and Southern Secessionist Herman Faust Essen by a Comfortable Margin of Around 9,000 Votes.Eckhardt,An Adherent to the Third Way Ideology and a staunch Centrist is just 30 years old and was widely expected to lose to HFE as he is referred to,He had gained much media Attention after his statements in favour Southern Secessionism made him a Prominent Southern Leader.

The Zitadelle South seat which he represented is much wealthier than the Rest of Dorvik and they found themselves alienated by Herman"s Support of Radical Economic Policies and a Resident of the Constituency said that he Had Voted Green just to "teach Herman a Lesson that we will not tolerate his Ludicrous Policies"and that he was quite happy with His Defeat.When we asked him about the possibility of Herman Faust Essen"s Political Career coming to an end with this elections,He Simply Said "Who Cares"?And also said that "Maybe he could just go and settle in his Hippie Commune"

When we Approached Ms.Eckhardt,She said that she was deeply honoured with the trust that her Constituents had placed in her and she said that she will be a voice in favour of Moderate Fiscal and Social Policies and Also made it clear that she results not fall in line with Mrs.Schwarz when it comes to policies and when asked why was it so,"She said that we here in the Southern Wing of the Green Party are much more centrist than our Northern Counterparts and have already been allowed to propose our own policies" .
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:13 pm

One Dorvik Refuse To Take Seats In Protest Of Military Action

Above: Controversial party leader, Bianca Heilprin.

In a new development in the Dorvik Republic's political scene, One Dorvik has chosen to not take its seats in the State Council after a disappointing election where the party lost 11 seats and became a minor party once again. The party failed to keep seats in the South and slipped into low placings in all states. In Largonia, the party won the plurality of its total seats but came middling in the party order. The party's share of the vote and number of votes tumbled heavily and the party would have been one of the smallest parties in the Council if it had chosen to take its seats. The party will not be taking their seats as protest against the government's actions in Hulstria and in the South.

The government won big in the election, holding on to its majority and forming a new government with the help of the Burgerpartei, who One Dorvik endorsed for the Presidency and who narrowly lost the election for President, by less than six points. Aswalt won a second term, which came as a surprise to his political detractors who thought the government would be hurt by recent controversy surrounding their military actions. However, it seems the public widely approved of Aswalt's job performance and the actions in both situations. Aswalt's job approval is 57%, support for Southern intervention is split 50-50 and support for Hulstrian intervention is at a very strong 65%, according to exit polls.

Heilprin, the party leader, will stay on and has chosen to create a new manifesto to be launched before the State Council. While certainly bound to failure, this manifesto contains interesting articles that would, amongst other things: restrict abortions to medical emergencies, create a national curriculum, end the death penalty, allow GM products to be unlisted, ban euthanasia and ban home-schooling. Many of these policies are most interventionist in people's lives than former Pragmatic policies, and so this may symbolise a more big-government shift that the One Dorvik party is using to move to a more electable position. Some in the party are considering getting rid of Heilprin, according to sources.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Masionette9 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:49 pm

Last edited by Masionette9 on Wed Dec 06, 2017 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:58 pm

November 4312

Weinreich hangs on as Communists face humiliating election drubbing

The Politburo of the Dorvish Communist Party has voted by 6 to 3 to ask Anton Weinreich to stay on as General Secretary, despite the party's disastrous election result which saw its tally of seats fall from 114 to just 33. It was the worst election result in the party's history, with them winning only 5.53% of the vote.

Weinreich conceded that "we failed to get our message across to the people in this campaign" but insisted "it was absolutely the right campaign for us to fight, because we needed to stand up to the Traditional Justice Party's attempts to turn Dorvik into a right-wing authoritarian theocratic state".

HFE bows out of national politics

Following the loss of his seat, Herman Faust Essen has announced he intends to "step down from national politics for the time being", and will be dedicating his time to developing his "Commune of Communism" at his landed estate in Largonia. He thanked his constituents "for giving me the privilege of representing you in parliament", and thanked them as well for "having the generosity to boot me out, because this gives me the opportunity to focus full-time on the commune, which I am enormously grateful for, because I was not expecting to have the opportunity to do this". He also paid tribute to Ursula Eckhardt, the Green candidate who took the seat from him. "She fought an outstanding, stunning campaign, and I say that as someone who has had experience of a number of campaigns," he said. "I am sure she has a very bright future ahead of her, and I wish her all the best, although I won't pretend not to be a little jealous, because representing the marvellous citizens of this constituency really is the greatest experience anybody in the world could hope for".

Pfeiffer writes letter of complaint to Dorvish Broadcasting Company

Former Communist leader and current Politburo Member Friedrich Pfeiffer has written to the partially state-subsidised Dorvish Broadcasting Company (DBC), protesting at their decision to replace Super Metz's 6pm Sunday slot on the schedule with a new and rather bizarre Sekowan (OOC: Japanese) programme called Don't Slip On The Stairs, a gameshow about contestants trying to climb up an ice staircase without slipping.

Don't Slip On The Stairs

Pfeiffer wrote that "Super Metz is a highly educative and informative, but also entertaining television show which attracts a large family audience and is absolutely perfect for Sunday evenings" whilst complaining that "Don't Slip On The Stairs is junk television that makes no intellectual demands on the viewer at all - most viewers are just watching the silly scenes of people falling over and can't understand a word of what's being spoken because it's all in Sekowan".

Pfeiffer has also written to Culture Minister and recent Presidential runner-up Theresa Saudek, calling on her to "withdraw or at least reduce the subsidies her department gives to DBC, as they clearly have no sense of cultural taste".
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:13 pm

August 4313

Staatsrat votes for landmark Southern Parliament

The new Sudik State Parliament in Weinsedorf

In a day that will be recorded in history, the Staatsrat has voted for a Constitutional Reform Act which will grant a degree of autonomy to a Sudik State Parliament, also known as "the Southern Parliament", based in the city of Weinsedorf. The new Sudik Parliament, covering the southern states of Largonia and Miktar, will be the legislative body for a new regional tier of government, known as the Sudik State Authority, which will be headed by a Prime Minister.

The move is part of an effort to satisfy southern demands for greater autonomy, whilst heading off demands for full independence.

On the unionist side, some voices can be heard warning that the reform goes too far and will inevitably lead to clashes between the Sudik State Parliament and the central government in Haldor, which will be exploited by separatists. This is especially so given the most controversial aspect of the bill, which gives the new Parliament the authority to call an independence referendum, the result of which must be honoured if over 50% of those eligible to vote choose to vote for separation. The constitutional vocabulary would seem to suggest the new regional government is going to carry serious weight. For example, there will be a "Parliament" instead of an "Assembly", a "Prime Minister" instead of a "Governor", and Sudik will be a "State" instead of a "Province". All of these differences set it apart from the regional administrations for Dorvan, Kordusia and Westmark.

However, critics complain that in practice, the Sudik State Parliament will have very limited powers. Like the other regional administrations, it will only wield authority in the limited areas central government has assigned to it, although it will have extra powers to vary rates of property tax, corporation tax and income tax. It remains to be seen how much, if at all, the new constitutional arrangements will placate the unrest in the South.

The bill's passing marked a personal achievement for Erica Peters, the Dorvish Communist Party Politburo Member, who worked tirelessly to steer it through its difficult passage through parliament. It is already being dubbed "the Peters Plan", although who yet knows if history will record it as a success?

The first elections to the Sudik State Parliament will coincide with the next national elections, which are currently scheduled for November 4316.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby sconstantine07 » Thu Dec 07, 2017 9:06 pm

Former finance Secretary: "The government needs to get a grip of the nation's finances."


Former Finance Secretary and former AfD leader, Alice Schönfeld has called on the government to "take the nation's finances seriously." This comes after the Conservative & Reformist Alliance (minor opposition party) failed to pass a budget this week, which she said would have "provided clarity and stability." She has warned the government "reform or face defeat electorally and politically." She has called for immediate investment in public services, especially in health and education.

Alice Schönfeld last month co-founded the Institute for Fiscal Studies alongside her former deputy Ernst Schmitz. The IFS will provide in-depth analysis on the state of the economy and give regular target and projections for economic growth and statistics including the employment rate. It will aim to give non-bias, non-political advice.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Phil Piratin » Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:33 pm

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Wilderberg III » Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:34 pm

Saudek tries to rally support for her presidtial run; BP Resigns from the cabinet.

HALDOR - Theresa Saudek and her party colleagues have resigned from the government. This decision was announced during a press conference in which Mrs. Saudek announced that the BP has no intentions to support a next TGP-led government, hoping to join forces with "alternative parties" instead. This decision seems to have been expected by many BP members most of whom weren't happy to join the TGP in the first place. A few hours later Theresa Saudek organized a political rally where she announced her second bid for the Presidency. Large crowd of her supporters welcomed this decision warmly and cheerfuly. During the announcement Theresa Saudek called upon other parties to once again support her for the highest office in the country.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby sconstantine07 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:49 pm

Frank-Sigmar Landsberg: "The only way to secure investment is to Vote Conservative"


Leader of the Conservatives has launched his party's manifesto ahead of the snap general election, promising "radical reform." At the manifesto launch in Weinsedorf in Largonia, he announced "the Conservatives are the only credible alternative to the current government," and that his manifesto is "a manifesto to prosperity." The 114-page manifesto outlined key economical and social reforms, pledging to "tackle the divides in society and the problems we face, and not ignore them as previous governments have done." Manifesto promises included:

- An increase in the tax free allowance
- Investing in key public services, in particularly health and education, in order to create a resilient and dynamic economy
- Establish our nation internationally, without need for military intervention
- Withdraw our troops from current conflicts
- Review our current tax system, make work pay
- Commit to improving infrastructure
- Devolve issues to local government

His speech was interrupted by the resignation from the BP from cabinet. Landsberg announced he "welcomed the BPs decision to seek an alternative government."
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:08 pm

Indra's Diary Released To the Public

Above: Indra in her youth.

Founder of the Children of the Spirit movement, Indra - born Alice Schwartz - died over 20 years ago. However, it is only today that her most private diary was published, and the revelations are shocking. In it she displays near-schizophrenic tendencies, including arguing with herself over the creation of the movement. In it she defends the creation, saying she 'had to start it, that was my order, that was the divine mission'. She also reveals how she believed that she was talking to God on a daily basis, and that he had ordered her to do everything she did. In the diary, she seems entirely convinced of her own visions, repeating to herself in red ink that it was 'God's orders'. She also included sketches of crosses.

Many psychologists have said this diary should have been handed to health professionals, rather than being published. 'There is a strong case to be made that these diary entries show a woman sliding into a state of mania', according to one major psychologist. Another argues that it shows her ability to persuade herself, and her arguing from ignorance. It also appears that she had taken LSD during the period of CotS' formation, which many are suggesting gave her these delusions. She also mentions the healthy finances the church was bringing in, leading to suggestions that Indra was not crazy, but highly intelligent and taking advantage of the desperate and impoverished people of the South.

Whatever the case, this controversial woman will go down in history as a figure of both Southern pride and of religious zeal. 'She was a strong, proud, religious woman who empowered and represented the South til her dying day', said one member of the Sudik parliament. Meanwhile, a communist councillor called her a 'disgraceful person'. This back and forth goes further to prove her power. The battleship named after her remains in service, name unchanged. Statues of her fill every southern city, and there are plans to put a new one inside the Sudik Parliament. While this may not happen, the fact that the percentage of southerners who hold a positive opinion of her is 75% says a lot.
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