Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Pragma » Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:40 pm


Uemura Emiya Wins Presidency
20 June 4803


KYEN, GAO-SOTO: Education and Culture Minister Uemura Emiya has won the contest to succeed retiring incumbent President Wakamatsu Noriaki. With 57% of the popular vote, Uemura triumphed over four more moderate opponents and two right-wing, Hulstrian candidates. Her landslide victory in the first round has cemented her status as the cultural figurehead of the 'Popular Movement', with Hulstrians despairing at her victory.

Uemura is a left-wing populist with a history of anti-Hulstrian activity. Deregistering the Hulstrian language and changing the education around the ethnic minority was one part of her agenda during her 10-year-run at the head of the ministry. She won praise and hatred for her role in that position among different communities. She remains highly popular with the Kunihito people, but only time will tell if she can appeal to the many segments of society she has alienated with her outspoken and unapologetic endorsement of 'Gao-Soto for the Kunihito people' politics.

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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby RedReaper » Fri Dec 11, 2020 5:14 pm


NOVEMBER 4839, KIEN - The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Gao-Soto announced this morning that security
forces loyal to them have arrested the leading members of the current Gao-Soto government on grounds of
corruption, criminality, discrimination against Hulstrians and ties to foreign powers and criminal organisations.
"This comes after several decades of government malpractice, the end of elections, and several reports of rampant
criminal activity within the upper echelons of the Kunihito regime
," declared Chief of Staff Silvio Heldt, who has
subsequently been declared interim Commander in Chief with fresh elections planned as soon as possible.
Earlier reports of the execution of Kunihito officers and of shootouts within the Department of Defense
Headquarters have been declared false by the General Staff during the main press conference.

The General Staff has declared themselves to be the "guardians of the nation", and have sworn to carry out
elections to appoint a constitutional assembly which will subsequently serve as the legislative body of the nation
until such a time as democracy can be reestablished. How the events in the capital will play out internationally
remains to be seen. It is to be expected that Sekowo will condemn the end of Kunihito dominance, with several
ex-regime members having already fled to Sekowo after calling the latest anti-corruption crackdown a "coup". The
Military has called on the international community to support the interim government in transitioning the nation
away from dictatorial control towards democracy.

Cheering crowds have been seen outside the Presidential Palace as Hulstrians from throughout the country have
come to celebrate the end to their enslavement, "The folk are with the military", says Heinrich Sholtz,"those
Kuni criminals have ruled us long enough, its time Hulstria returns to its own feet.
" Others shared similar
sentiments. Violence broke out in the Kunihito side of the city as peaceful Hulstrians were attacked by roaming
gangs, leading to the burning of several prominent businesses and the deaths of 2. Other than this minor skirmish,
the streets however remain calm and jubilant.

- VERWOAZ is a Hulstrian nationalist paper with ties to the Hulstrian New Union Movement and to the Hulstrian Military
Last edited by RedReaper on Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Rogue » Fri Dec 11, 2020 8:41 pm

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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby RedReaper » Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:14 am


JANUARY 4860, KIEN - The Interim Government has declared a state of Martial Law to defend the Hulstrian people
following the arrests of 12 more Regime members along the border with Sekowo. The initial violence within the
capital has subsided after the deployment of military personnel to the Kuni district. General Heldt has stated that
the Hulstrian people have nothing to fear from the declaration and has promised that the strengthening of military
power is only a transitional step towards fresh elections by the end of this year, "We must strike swiftly to maintain
law and order and the peace. Criminal gangs are already preparing to take advantage of the transition, they
cannot be allowed to jeopardise the efforts of the Hulstrian people for independence and democracy"

The military has already begun talks with members of the nationalist New Union movement as well as members of
the judiciary to begin election preparations and the reforming of the Constitution. New Union leader Valentin Gering
in a press conference explained, "The constitutional committee's main aims should be to enforce legal protections
for the Hulstrian people and the Luthori and Kuni minorities, as well as establish a stable base for democracy and
economic growth. The New Union stands with the Interim Government's aim for a new Hulstrian state which defends
the Hulstrian Majority from outside influence and strives for a social liberal democracy in Hulstria and Ostland"

The International community has had mixed reactions to the developments within Hulstria. Both Deltaria and Dorvik
have deployed naval forces to the Antonese Sea, while Dorvik has condemned the revolution as an "Ultranationalist
. The Military has refused to comment on the ongoing diplomatic situation, only reiterating the right
of the Hulstrian people to autonomy and internal sovereignty. The Interim Government has established a committee
to draft a declaration to the World Congress calling on the institution to recognise the new government in Kien.
Committee chief Mats Peukert has been a long time International Scholar at the University of Kien, as well as
a prominent member of the New Union. " The legitimacy of the Hulstrian government's claim to recognition
is without question. Ever since the collapse of the Crownlander government, Hulstria has been in a state of
internal turmoil which cannot be remotely considered democratic or representative of the Hulstrian people.
As long as the Interim Government maintains its commitment to democracy in Hulstria, the international
community must recognise its claim for the sake of international norms"
. However, not everyone is so sure
of diplomatic success. Hardliner Silvio Behrendt has called for the Interim government to make plans to counter
international sanctions in the event that the government is not recognised, citing the influence of Dorvik on
the World Congress as well as irrational fears amongst the international community around possible human
rights violations by military governments.

- VERWOAZ is a Hulstrian nationalist paper with ties to the Hulstrian New Union Movement and to the Hulstrian Military
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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Auditorii » Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:29 pm

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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Auditorii » Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:04 am

Kien Newspaper is a center-right, right-wing newspaper that is dedicated to the Hulstrian people.
Hulstrian People's Party reforms; pushes for changes in current government.
October 27 4898

Kien, Hulstria - Protests broke out across the country in the face of lack of government support for the rapidly deteriorating economic crisis in Hulstria and Gao-Soto; at the forefront of the protest were leaders from the big-tent Hulstrian People's Party, which includes members of Hulstria's Gao-Showan population. Recently elected Chairman of the HVP Florian von Walsheim-Wolfsweg spoke before the gathered crowds and discussed how the series of successive "caretaker" governments had failed time and time again to address the dangerous economic situation in Hulstria and Gao-Soto. A notable presence at the protest was that of current pretender to the throne of Hulstria and Gao-Soto, His Imperial and Most Illustrious Luthoran Majesty, Franx XI, the reigning pretender to the throne of Hulstria and Gao-Soto. The Kaiser spoke regarding the need for unity between Hulstrian's and Gao-Showans, the need to be unified to tackle the dangerous economic situation that had developed due to lack of centralized government and failure on politicians to unify its people. The Kaiser was bitter regarding the treatment of both ethnic Hulstrian's and Gao-Showans by the various governments, noting that both groups had their rights suppresed or violated in the face of successive governments. Various HVP leaders talked at the protest in Kien and other cities, many of them cited common political ideas, notably the restoration of basic services, implementation of a more centralized government and reforming the current administrative structure of the country.

The HVP leaders held workshops across the former Imperial Crownlands to discuss the need for strong local government, the need for unity and the development of local networks to support businesses and leadership. In the region of Hulstria; where Hulstria garnered its name, one local leader is a member of the Hosian Alliance faction of the HVP and discussed the role of the church in Hulstrian and Gao-Showan life. The churches throughout Hulstria and Gao-Soto have been instrumental over the past several years and many church leaders find themselves in trusted leadership roles in local communities. The economic devastation throughout the country is not limited to one ethnic group or social class. A report by the independent Imperial Economic Council (Hulstrian: Kaiserlicher Wirtschaftsrat; KWR) noted that a the overall number of citizens classified as "Middle Class" and "Upper Middle Class" had dropped significantly and the number of citizens classified as "Requiring Assistance" and "Requiring Immediate Assistance" increased. Theo Nusplingerin, a leading candidate for the Ministry of Finance and a member of the board of the IEC, has recommended that whomever takes over in the near future should conduct wide-spread assistance to Hulstrian and Gao-Showan citizens.

While the economic situation spirals out of control, crime and security have spiked tremendously. The police forces throughout the nation are underfunded, undermanned and those local politicians wishing to do something have called for the military to step in; something that no government is easy with. Officers from across the political spectrum have called on the lackluster government to permit them to step in and assist local police forces but have continually been rebuked. Some representatives of the Hulstrian People's Party have formed territorial militia's in the north of the country, these formations are known as the Imperial Civil Defense Force (Hulstrian: Kaiserliche Zivilverteidigungstruppe; KZVT), harkening back to the time when Hulstria and Gao-Soto was seeking to re-establish itself in the world. These forces are underneath the command of a former Major General in the Hulstrian and Gao-Showan Army, Maximillian Riemer. Riemer resigned his commission to serve at the head of this paramiitary force which has largely resided in Kien to protect the capital from any incursions of crime.

Members of the Public Health Advisory Board (Hulstrian: Beirat für öffentliche Gesundheit), a non-profit lobbying group comprised of doctors and public health officials condemned the governments inaction on the health care crisis in the country and noted that while the economic crisis was worse, the health crisis could cause long-term effects across the social spectrum of Hulstria and Gao-Soto. Dr. Fujiyama Bussho noted that a drop in water quality had lead to breakouts of waterborne pathogens in several cities and Health and Social Service Ministry officials lacked either resources of competency to handle the situation. A number of free clinics have been opened including some funded by the private wealth of the former Hulstrian nobility, the doctors themselves and the church. Dr. Kita Ayao has been advising HVP Chairman Florian von Walsheim-Wolfsweg on a number of public health matters and insiders speculate that if the HVP enters into government, she will likely get the nod to become the Minister of Health and Social Services.

Riemer, the Commander of the Imperial Civil Defense Force, has been arguing for better quality officers and non-commissioned officers to be promoted according to several security and defense officials close to the HVP leadership. One of the leading candidates for heading up the rebuilding of the armed forces is former Lieutenant General Ludwig von Siezenkreis, the descendant of the former Commander of the Imperial Territorial Army which was iced following the collapse of Greater Hulstria. Sizenkreis has been an active force since his forced resignation from the Armed Forces of Hulstria and Gao-Soto. The former Lieutenant General's report on the dangerously ill-prepared and underfunded armed forces was leaked to the public and the government at the time was not stong enough to afford another black eye so they sacked the officer and cited his report as fiction; the government later collapsed due to the reports nature and the successor government did little to change the armed forces overall.
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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Auditorii » Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:41 am

Kien Newspaper is a center-right, right-wing newspaper that is dedicated to the Hulstrian people.
BREAKING: Hulstrian People's Party storm ad hoc elections across Hulstria and Gao-Soto
6 January 4899

Kien, Hulstria - Ad hoc elections were held in Hulstria and Gao-Soto and saw the Hulstrian People's Party storm to success in the National Assembly. At the forefront of the election dominance was Chairman of the HVP, Florian von Walsheim-Wolfsweg who was appointed Premier and following the swearing in of the new National Assembly on 5 January, 4899 became the interim State Minister of the transitional Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria. The interim Imperial Diet approved a temporary constitution and re-created the Office of the Governor-General, the "head of state" and the State Ministry, the head of government. The new constitution, known formally as the "Constitution of the Imperial Crownlands of Greater Hulstria" formally enshrines His Imperial & Most Illustrious Lutheran Majesty Franz XI as the Kaiser of Hulstria, the formal head of state of the returned Imperial Crownlands. The new Kaiser was coronated in a ceremony at Fliederbrunn Palace, the traditional residence of the of the Hulstrian Kaisers', the ceremony was attended by a number of incoming government officials and returning Hulstrian and Gao-Showan nobility that had fled the country in the wake of instability that had plagued the nation. While the pomp and ceremony of the "Kaiser Restoration" as it has become called, His Imperial & Most Illustrious Lutheran Majesty wasted no time and announced that Florian von Walsheim-Wolfsweg was being appointed as the new Governor-General of the Imperial Crownlands, the "head of state" of the Imperial Crownlands and one of its chief policy drivers and representatives on the international stage. He would be succeeded by Vice State Minister Walter Maÿerin.

While the Imperial Diet debated a number of topics, they quickly passed a number of important provisions such as establishing the Imperial Central Bank and granting authority to the Imperial Central Bank to begin management of macroeconomics of the Hulstrian economy. In his first official act as Governor-General, Florian von Walsheim-Wolfsweg announced that economist and monetary policy strategist Dr. Shima Hitomaro would be the first Governor of the Imperial Central Bank. Hitomaro, who was notified in advance, spoke to reporters outside of the recovered Imperial Central Bank building in Kien where he discussed the need to lower inflation, drive foreign and domestic investment and re-open the Kien Stock Exchange (KSE) and the Luthorian Bay Mercantile Exchange (LBME); he also announced that Miyako would open a developing markets exchange known as the Miyako Developing Markets Exchange (MDME) which would focus on government-backed IPOs to drive investment in a number of sectors. The Imperial Diet also approved the formation of the Imperial Police Service and Minister of the Interior Marco Semmelweis announced that Nathanael Frantz would be assuming the mantle of Commissioner of the Imperial Police Service. The new Commissioner welcomed the assistance of the paramilitary Imperial Civil Defense Force lead by former Major General Maximillian Riemer and noted that the Imperial Civil Defense Force had been instrumental in keeping the capital safe during the previous years of violence. Rumors have been abound that the Imperial Civil Defense Force and its leader will be made an official branch of the government and Ministry of the Interior as a hybridization of the KZVT and the former Imperial Territorial Army; however that is uncertain at this time.
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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Auditorii » Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:51 pm

Kien Newspaper is a center-right, right-wing newspaper that is dedicated to the Hulstrian people.
Imperial Diet approves reform of Imperial Judicial Council and Imperial Customs Administration
19 February 4899

Kien, Hulstria - After several months of delays and years of backlog, the Imperial Tribunal finally has a Chief Magistrate. The Imperial Tribunal, the highest court in the land, saw former Associate Magistrate Baldwin Byderman appointed to the vacant Chief Magistrate position by the Governor-General with the ascent of the Kaiser. It is likely that the Associate Magistrate position will be filled after vetting by the Governor-General, the State Minister and the Imperial Judicial Council which is responsible for the oversight and administration of the Imperial Courts throughout Hulstria and Gao-Soto. The Imperial Judicial Council is made up of a rotating set of judges from across the nation, the Governor-General, the State Minister, the Chief Magistrate and the Minister of Justice. The Kaiser is permitted to sit in on meetings though he is typically busy and trusts the judgement of his Governor-General to make the decisions. The Imperial Judicial Council will have a long, difficult task ahead of itself as it seeks to fill hundreds of vacancies as the Office of the Governor-General, through authority of the Kaiser, sacked dozens of judges accused of corruption, misuse of authority and blatant disregard for the law within the nation.

Minister of the Interior Marco Semmelweis announced today that the Imperial Diet had approved the formation of a unified customs and immigration force known as the Imperial Customs Administration. The Imperial Customs Administration will be responsible for the management of the Hulstrian and Gao-Soto borders, the immigration and emigration of people from Hulstria and Gao-Soto as well as the responsibility for protecting the EEZ and maritime areas of Hulstria and Gao-Soto. Following the approval of the agency, a hybrid civil-law enforcement agency, the Interior Minister announced that Arthur Messerschmid would be assuming control of the agency as the new Commissioner for the Imperial Customs Administration.
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Re: Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Postby Auditorii » Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:54 pm

Dovani Verteidigungsnachrichten
Dovani Defense News is a leading defense and security-based news and information source based in Kien and focuses on Dovani-based security and defense information and news.
Kien Air Force Base undergoes radical transformation
10 September 4899

Kien, Greater Hulstria - Kien Air Force Base (Hulstrian: Luftwaffenstützpunkt "Kien"), the largest air force base in Hulstria and Gao-Soto had undergone a significant renovation according a Ministry of Defense report published by the re-organized Imperial General Staff. Chief of the Imperial General Staff Generaloberst Louis Rottmayr made the announcement that the recent Imperial Budget had provided for an update to Kien Air Force Base as the "epicenter" of the Imperial Air Force. In the announcement Colonel-General Rottmayr noted that the Imperial Air Force was the first of the branches in the Imperial Armed Forces to undergo a "significant" review. Previous governments had made large-scale purchases of equipment from allies such as Dorvik, Hutori and other governments. According to sources within the Imperial Air Force the Hulstrian government has been talks with Artanian Defense Group to sell a number of upgrade packages to the Imperial Air Force from their factories across Artania and Ostland. It is likely that the Imperial Air Force will focus its efforts restoring a number of air force bases across Hulstria and Gao-Soto; notably those closer to the Sea of Carina. The recent Imperial Budget approved by the Imperial Diet has increased defense-related spending and deputies of the Imperial Diet have made the restoration of the Imperial Armed Forces as a focal point of many of their campaigns. The development of Kien Air Force Base includes the development of an "emergency command and control complex", "expansion of runways and hangers" as well as the development of a new, state of the art drone-command center. Included as a rather interesting footnote of the report was the announcement that the government would be expanding a number of radar and intelligence-gathering locations spread throughout Hulstria.
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