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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby jadouljonathan » Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:29 pm

Linda Schneider revives the metzisme kommunistische partei

The metzisme kommunistische partei disbanded in 4183, reasons aren't 100% known, but most likely it will be that after the dorexit of the AU that hans füller didn't do enough to go against it, with him proposing to go more to left winged side of.the political spectrum and trying to abandonate the communistic ideology was to.much for the MKP supporters and lost their trust. Linda Schneider is a real comlunist and sees it as her duty to revive the MKP and to bring ideology to the people to show that it is the only way to save dorvik and even the world. She was a proffesor on the university of Dorvik and teach economic science. She has always been active in a political way and was with every manifestiant present. Now, their stands a difficult challenge ahead to gain voters trust back again and bring the MKP back to her glory days.

the MKP organizes a congress

The congress starts in a big hall in Haldor the capital of Dorvik. A 7890 people show up to see what brings this new wind going true the MKP that they all know by learning about it in history and may be of their grand parents.

Linda schneider will adress the people with new believes of the party.
hello dear people and hopefully voters of our party. I am linda schneider, the new pfesident of the metzisme kommunistische partei. I want to start from to begining, how i became a communist. I was young and saw the inequality growing day by day, about how my parent were exploited by their boss, about how hard they worked and still didn't got true the month, how the governement didn't taxe or not enough the rich and big company's, but tax the poor and workers. How can that be fair, instead of only complaining
, i tried to change things and that is how i became a communist. When i was a student i read some works of Jonathan Jadoul, the founder of the MKP, that only reassured me and to his believe and principals their i want to go back. Equality is justice, that will be our moto, ony because it is the truth. Why should we only pay taxes while the 1 % doesn't,where is the justice in that? The governement should regulate everything expectially the economie as the 1% have already shown that they can not be trusted. Capitalisme isn't the future, communisme is! W
It is time we show this not.only to Dorvik, but to the world! We will need youre help and i hope i have convinced you. Thank you for coming and listening, i whish you all a very nice day.

What is next? How will the MKP proceed in their campaign and will they succeed
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby sconstantine07 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 5:37 pm

George Rohrmann: "Give change a chance."
Conservative leader calls for change in government by backing the KRA


Leader of the Conservative and Reformist Alliance has called for the Dorvish people to back change. On a popular political programme, he claimed "The dissolution of the TGP and the divisions of the left, presents us as a party and as a nation with real opportunity." The three time former health and social services secretary made aware his plans to create and develop what he described as a "dynamic economy." He also reiterated his commitment to social reforms, urging the Dorvish people to back his party in order to reduce regional and class inequalities.

George Rohrmann's political career has span 35 years, when he became a member of the State Council as an AfD politician. He served as health secretary during their first term in government, and twice after. He stepped down in 4305 as a MSC but later successfully sought re-election in 4309. Since then he has played a key role in Dorvish politics, in 4312 he became Deputy leader of the KRA, later to succeed disgraced Frank-Sigmar Landsberg in 4316.

Neumann attacks bias DNS

His deputy and party spokesman on Foreign Affairs, Alexandra Neumann claims that Rohrmann is the only person qualified to lead the country into the next era. Speaking to the DNS she said:

The frankly bias DNS need to get around the issue of Rohrmann. He, the three time health secretary, who when in office revolutionised healthcare is the most qualified man for the job. We compare him with the other candidates who frankly lack experience and pragmatism. He can lead us forward, he will lead us forward if the Dorvish people give him and our party that mandate on Thursday.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Thu Dec 21, 2017 6:19 pm

Opportunity For ED, KURA and NW

Above: Elisa Stromberg's One Dorvik could be outshone by the rest of the right, or gain back the religious south.

With the collapse of the massive TGP, the smaller conservative parties of Dorvik have a major opportunity to expand. The Conservative-Reformist Alliance has the ability to appeal to more socially conservative TGP voters, New Way has a chance at gaining among hawkish TGP voters and One Dorvik can now reclaim the religious voters its predecessor lost. Together, there are about 200-seats-worth of conservative votes out there to gain. To add to that, there is a Presidential spot open that looks like it is heading for heavy competition. The DSU are certain to run with left-wing support, while there is the possibility of One Dorvik, the KURA or New Way mounting a serious challenge, perhaps more than one in fact.

New Way has struggled to appeal to voters since its second election, having been viewed as untrustworthy due to their presidential support of the opposition over the government they were in several elections ago. One Dorvik has fallen far from the Pragmatic heights of a party able to control a third of the chamber, displaced by more brash TGP politicians as One Dorvik lost the religious South and found it hard to crawl back up. The KURA have historically done well, but recently have also struggled to compete with the more outgoing TGP in the political scene. Meanwhile, the newly reformed National Party could get a bonus from former supporters who sit on the sidelines now, and can gain from the TGP's collapse.

Dorvish politics is often unpredictable, and the vibrant market of conservatives means no one could really get that magic 300 number alone. However, it also gives a vibrant array of coalitions, depending on the maths of the results. Dorvish politics also often means a number of smaller parties fighting for power against big parties, and it seems likely the the DUKP and SDU will hold firm in the new elections, at least to an extent. The Metzist Communist Party is a real wildcard, likely to gain from the lost communists but historically having not been a major player for a while. Still, they could well be the surprise of the election, as could any one smaller conservative party that could fill the TGP's shoes.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:36 pm

Election Results: NNP Bounce Back, NW And DSU Gain Big

Above: Katerina Schwartz lost the Presidential election, but won a 'conditional seat' in her home state of Miktar.

After the elections, the first scheduled elections to occur for 26 years, the DSU emerged as the biggest party with 173 seats - an increase of 56. Coming second, New Way with 135 seats - a massive surge of 96 seats, well beyond expectations for the party and clearly claiming the majority of former TGP voters. Meanwhile, One Dorvik was able to put up a decent performance, coming third with 79 seats - up 30. The New National Party replicated the party's old success with 73 seats, and the Metzists got 55. The DUKP and KURA were the main losers of the election, only winning 54 and 30 seats respectively - both losing 22 and 20 seats respectively. Ultimately, New Way and the DSU were the big winners of this election.

In the Presidential elections, the Metzists won 10% and fifth place in the first round. The KURA, with NNP support, placed just above at 12% - while One Dorvik and their controversial candidate of Katerina Schwartz got a wholesome 10 million votes, 17% of those cast. The DSU and NW got 21 million votes (34%) and 17 million votes (28%) respectively and progressed to the next round, were New Way won by less than a point, 30,466,374 votes to the DSU's 29,976,732. This means Nikolas Manfreda has defeated Minister of Finance Sissi Rösler to get the presidency, which is mainly ceremonial but has the ability to influence the Assembly and to guide the nation. Manfreda has been his party's co-leader for two decades now.

In terms of coalitions, likely coalitions will either be led by NW or the DSU, likely to have to include One Dorvik and another party or two to work. The DSU can create a coalition combining themselves, One Dorvik and the NNP - or get rid of the NNP and replace them with the DUKP. The Communists are unlikely to enter cabinet, with One Dorvik ruling out working with them. NW can combine combine themselves, One Dorvik, the NNP and KURA. They could use the Presidential elections as leverage, but they stood alone in the second round. An unlikely coalition between the DSU and NW is not unfeasible, as the DSU worked with the TGP as a grand-coalition previously - thought this ended badly and has left a bad taste in the left's mouth.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:03 pm

Sudish Forum For Change Launches Indra Statue Campaign

Above: Alice Schwartz, better known as Indra, in 4148.

The Sudish Forum for Change has began a campaign to place statues of the controversial founder of Children of the Spirit and claimed Sister of Eliyahu, 'Indra', in all government and judicial buildings in Sudik. According to the SFFC's leader, Katerina Schwartz - Indra's great niece, Alice Schwartz represented the 'best of the South, fighting for a religious Dorvik to her dying day'. Indra has been idolised by the religious right in the South as not only a holy matriarch but a symbol of the South's autonomy. While she was despised by the Northern establishment in Haldor, her actions made her popular in the south despite often being either illegal or barely legal. Many have accused her of being a criminal, and brainwashing.

Her achievements, according to supporters, include helping set up charities with Estelle Dietrich to help the poor and the disabled, campaigning for increased investment into Southern agriculture from local councils and fundraising for poverty-stricken children to go to University. On the inverse, her campaigns and religious influence decreased access to abortions and contraception, which are far more controversial. Furthermore, accusations of child brides and physical abuse at the top of the organisation are rife, and even led to attempts to ban the religion, labelled by many as a cult, early in its existence. However, the group now has roughly 11 million followers worldwide, 8 million of those in Sudik.

Apart from 39% of Sudik following the movement, she also has wide endorsements from political leaders and is idolised by the recently resurgent One Dorvik party. Detractors are more numerous, including most of the northern political establishment and the Valruzian government. The SFFC has said that the actions of Alice Schwartz make her a 'southern icon and hero' and thus that her image must be widespread in order to create a 'united Sudik, sure of its identity and culture'. CotS is part of the wide Sudish Revolution that encompassed generations of people in a cultural, political, economic, social, religious and general change in which the South (Sudik) became intrinsically separate from the North.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:20 pm

Stromberg To KURA: Revoke Early Election Support, Or You Will Not Enter Cabinet


The co-leader of One Dorvik, Elisa Stromberg, has made clear today to prospective cabinet allies the KURA that unless they state categorically that they will not support early elections - lest another party disband - then they will not be entering government 'anytime soon'. Stromberg stated that the KURA 'must learnt the lesson of loyalty', and brought up their record of calling early elections. Stromberg also noted that the KURA and AfD had a history of calling elections on their own coalition allies, only for them to go wrong. 'Clearly this lesson is not learnt,' Stromberg continues, 'and therefore we cannot allow them to enter cabinet until they learn'. This ultimatum has driven a wedge into negotiations.

While originally thought to be a foregone conclusion, the silence of the NNP on the DSU-ED-NNP cabinet caused both confusion and stress. Now, the KURA are saying that while they want to be in cabinet, they also want an early election - likely to gain seats after their electoral thrashing. However, such behaviour makes them very hard to ally with, and it has historically limited the party's ability to enter government - although, oddly, the party has never learnt from these incidents and continues to press on with their early elections. 'Dorvik doesn't want any more elections,' Stromberg states, 'and it's high-time that parties stopped calling early elections for selfish reasons and gave the country stable government'.

The DSU and ED have struggled to get a third wheel onto their alliance, as the NNP seemingly faded away and the KURA are increasingly unreliable. This could theoretically be a recipe for a new election, though since the last election three new parties have been formed. The DNVP, yet another nationalistic conservative party; Our Party, a classical liberal party with minority-ethnic appeal; the Liberal Party, a historic Dorvish party that has long been an ally of the Pragmatists, now One Dorvik, and who has existed in many forms. Together, these parties will further split the Dorvish political landscape, already totally water-logged, with parties whose differences begin and end at the colour their podiums are.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby sconstantine07 » Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:11 pm

Riemann: I am the leader, not Neumann
The new leader of the Conservatives, Katarina Riemann sets out plans as leader


Newly elected leader of the Conservative and Reformist Alliance, Katarina Riemann has today stamped out her authority saying "I am the leader, not Neumann." It comes after much speculation that deputy leader Alexandra Neumann is planning a party take over in light of recent election results. Riemann claims that the party is not divided, saying "this is not a party of division, but a party of diverse views."

It also comes after KRA criticism from One Dorvik who claim the KRA "must learn the lesson of loyalty." Riemann has responded saying:
I gave a clear statement saying if no government is formed, the KRA will support an early election. We prefer there to be a government to be formed in preference to an early election however we will always put the national interest first. Now the ED have finally chosen to accept government with us after much delay, we look forward to future cooperation between them and the DSU. We think this government will be a government of all talents, bringing both right and left together in the national interest."
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Roman » Sun Dec 24, 2017 2:02 am

Ada Klossner Launches Political Party - Our Party


Ada Klossner a well known figure in the science field has launched her own political party alongside Berthold Fischer an out spoken activist known for radically progressive views. The party claims to be a big-tent centrist movement, although political experts see it more as centre-left socially progressive grouping, many initially doubted its ability to grab enough spotlight, however it recently received the financial backing of the Wu Family, who have dabbled in Dorvish politics for centuries. The party has begun screening candidates and training them in social media and campaigning, and begun fleshing out in detail it’s policies and beliefs. It has rejected any pacts for the time being and will judge the situation closer to election season. Although many suspect Klossner will likely run for the presidency. Explaining why a new party was needed she said the following;

For some time now Dorvish politics has felt somewhat stale in regards to the centre-left and the left. I can remember growing up and member and campaigner for the Labour Party, I want to see that kind of movement return to Dorvik. Our Party will be about creating unity in this nation, and a home for all who share the values of open and tolerance. Creating a country that is at peace with itself and an economy that can produce strong growth while protecting workers.

Klossner is a former Environmental Engineer and the heiress to Klossner Transport Limited, a successful transport company operating out of Fairfax, although she has made it clear the business will be passed onto her children to avoid any conflict of interest.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Edward123456 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:27 pm


Stromberg at the DSU annual conference

Stromberg is has been elected Chancellor by the State Council after an election giving the first gains to the DSU in a decade. The DSU leader, who already was the Chancellor in a brief caretaker government after the collapse of the TGP, cemented his position by going into a coalition with Ein Dorvik and the Conservatives. Already, the Conservative Minister of Finance has presented a budget which has been praised by Stromberg due to it increasing tax on the wealthy and cutting military funding in order to spend more on health and education. The first DSU led government in 9 years has promised things such as huge government-run infrastructure programs and better civil liberties, but not all of their policies will be accepted by their coalition partners.

Despite this, there is good news for the DSU as the new centre-left parties, the Liberal Party and Our Party have sprung up meaning that the DSU will not be alone in the State Council among the far-left Communists and the right-wing parties.

Finally, in a press conference in Haldor, the Chancellor said this about Sudish separatism.

I think that as Chancellor I need to address the Sudish separatist movement. It simply can't happen. We are one nation, we should be united. Dorvik has given the south a referendum, for which it said no, we have given them more autonomy, but they want independence. This is the truth: it will only end in political, social and economic disaster. And I get the south's anger. The DSU is strongly against too much centralized power, but we must remain strong and we must remain united.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby sconstantine07 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:33 pm

Frank-Sigmar Landsberg dies
Former Foreign Secretary dies suddenly


Former Foreign Secretary and former leader of the Conservative and Reformist Alliance has died suddenly at his home in Weinsedorf of a heart attack. Mr Landsberg who stood down at the last election was foreign secretary between 4315 to 4317. He is most commonly recognised for his intervention in the Hulstrian Civil War, ultimately leading to his downfall.

Friends and former colleagues paid tribute to him and his memory today. Katarina Riemann (current Conservative leader) in a statement said: "Although Frank and I had our differences, he was a truly honourable man and will live in our memories and the memories of many for years to come." Long-time friend, George Rohrmann said "Our loss is heavens gain. Frank was a good politician and a remarkable man. I am so proud to have met him and able to call him my friend."
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