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Re: Yingdala

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:59 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sun Jan 21, 2024 12:24 am

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Re: Yingdala

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jan 21, 2024 1:19 am

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jan 21, 2024 12:15 pm

Ying-Pop Sensation Lei Luli Selected as Yingdala's Entry to FOMAT

Heavenly Dew by Lei Luli

By popular demand and government approval, Lei Luli - the queen of Ying-pop - and her song "Heavenly Dew" have been selected as Yingdala's entry to the Festival of Musical Arts of Terra (FOMAT).

Unlike previous entries which have tended to showcase traditional Yingdalan music, Lei is a pop artist. As such, her music has appealed to people from all walks of life - not just the elite. However, this doesn't mean her song lyrics avoids traditional themes. Many of her songs concern romantic love between husband and wife, the importance of family, and even blessings from Heaven.

Her song, which was chosen for FOMAT, Heavenly Dew, is about a woman who has met the man of her dreams who is sweet as if dew from Heaven. The lyrics are believed to be inspired by the love poems found in the Jienist Classical Texts, which emphasize marital relationships should be based on mutual love.

Besides the upbeat tune and positive message, Lei's voice is truly like Heavenly dew. It fills the heart with joy and is almost like the sound of an old friend. A positive rhythm always follows, with listeners unable to help themselves from swaying to the sweet music.

Yingdalans everywhere wish the queen of Ying-pop luck at FOMAT in Kalistan!
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jan 21, 2024 12:49 pm

Progress Report on Yingdalan Wealth Fund Investments and Government Policies: Steady - But Still Work To Do

In nearly a decade since the restoration of the Jienist state, the central government - led by the Royal Council under His Majesty the Son of Heaven - has made notable progress in ridding Yingdala of the influences of the totalitarian regime and improving the situation for the average person. However, it has not even been ten years. If Tian'an wants to help the people prosper and improve their virtue, the country will need to stay the current course. Let's review.

First up are the notable changes to the education system. Students are now required to attend university or trade schools - with much funding provided by the state. Moreover, everyone, regardless of grade in school, will receive a proper Jienist education - including instruction in ritual, the arts, writing and literature, math and science, and even traditional and modern military methods like archery, horseback riding, shooting, and defensive driving. These subjects are also equally encouraged and funded at the university-level - ensuring Yingdala remains on the path of innovation and scientific progress, while bolstering traditional values, governance, and culture. By 5440, an entire generation will have underwent the new education system. Much progress is to be expected.

On the agriculture and social welfare front, the Royal Council has worked hand-in-hand with the multi-trillion LOD Yingdalan Wealth Fund (YWF) on improving the agriculture sector. Sustaining Yingdalan farms and farmers has been key - both as a matter of food security but also as a matter of tradition. Crop yields are up. Prices are affordable, but allow farmers to profit. Innovations in seed, soil, and biologics science are making agriculture more efficient and producing larger, higher quality yields. Investments in engineering are leading to emerging technologies which - like drone crop dusting, real-time soil monitoring, better weather prediction, and automated, day or night planting and harvesting - are making lives better for farmers and for consumers.

The YWF, with government support, has also made immense strides in refurbishing Yingdala's infrastructure. The country has always valued strong infrastructure and interconnectedness. These boost trade and national unity. Stronger roads and bridges, bigger sea and airports, and more railways have been a priority. But the emphasis is also on smart infrastructure. Censors are being deployed to alert the government on when roads and bridges may be under severe stress, so it can take action sooner. The YWF is funding the deployment of robotics and artificial intelligence at ports to improve shipping and transportation efficiency - which should help lower costs to businesses and consumers. High speed passenger and even cargo railways are underdevelopment.

Urban areas haven't been forgotten. Public transportation is essential to the healthy functioning of cities. New subway lines and electric, driver-less trains are under constructions. Electric buses will be slowly rolled out to replace older gas guzzlers. More pedestrian zones will be created to encourage community and support for local commerce.

Investment in traditional Yingdalan industries will also continue - outside the agriculture sector. Efforts are being made to revitalize and strengthen steel production, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, shipbuilding, luxury goods, and media and culture, while also developing a stronger financial services sector. The arms industry is also a focus - with legacy firms looking back into their archives to rediscover technologies and innovations that greatly contributed to Yingdala's defense.

While much progress has been made, there is still a great deal to accomplish. Under the guiding hand of the Son of Heaven, Yingdala will continue along the path of progress for the people.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jan 21, 2024 1:12 pm

Tian'an Responds to Various International Events

It appears, once again, that Yingadala is returning to be among the central players in Terran world affairs.

After a successful visit from the Kundrati President, Tian'an is set to welcome the Emperor and Empress of Luthori, as well as a government delegation led by the Prime Minister. The agenda is still under discussion - but some details have emerged, including an emphasis on culture and trade, as well as a Yingdalan request for Luthori to remove its military vessels from Dovani.

This latter request - also made to Beiteynu - has caused a diplomatic uproar in the East, with the Hanzen Minister of State effectively declaring a war of words on Yingdala. Forced to respond at an equal level, Counsellor-in-Chief Zhu Xiaoli had the Yingdalan Ambassador to Hanzen file a demarche with Hanzen's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Zhu then held a public press conference and read the demarche for the entire nation to hear.

Dear Hanzen brothers and sisters, we hear your concern over our humble requests for foreign nations to remove their military assets from Dovani, in particular your country. We emphasize humble as we are in no position to demand, nor would or should we do so. All nations are sovereign. This is supported by international law which Yingdala drafted and supported at the World Congress Security Council. As such, each nation may conduct its affairs as it pleases - including making requests of other nations. This does not mean the responding nation must do as asked. Therefore, we firmly believe our request to Beiteynu and Kundrati - which we will also make to Luthori - is firmly aligned with international law and the sovereign rights of nations.

That being said, we fully respect and understand Hanzen's concerns. It is true that at one time Yingdala practiced colonialism in Hanzen. It is also true that it was Yingdala which ended colonialism in Terra. Tian'an led this charge as a way to repent for our sins. Even more so, with respect to Hanzen, we have, in the past, supported its sovereignty - including on defense matters.

Since Hanzen is rightfully concerned for its sovereignty, we are willing, through the Yingdalan Wealth Fund, to support Hanzen's defense policy. Tian'an can provide significant funding through our vehicle so that Hanzen does not need to be forced to rely on others, but can defend itself. This would be the ultimate sign of sovereignty and we are willing to see it through if the people of Hanzen wish it so.

But we also ask for Hanzen to respect and understand - the Kingdom does not have to accept - our concerns for sovereignty. Indeed we were once the leading nation of Dovani, but we share similar experiences with Hanzen. We were once bullied and threatened by foreign nations - particularly those in Artania - and even colonized. We only seek to maximize the soverignty for ourselves and the people of Dovani. This is why we are concerned with non-Dovanian military contingents so close to our country. While certainly they helped Hanzen in its time of need - for which are are grateful - we believe this is no longer needed as stability and peace have returned.

Again, we reiterate our support for Hanzen's sovereignty and are willing to do what we can, as a fraternal nation, to support this. Our familial relationship is why we seek to help and why we are willing to overlook strong rhetoric which may be offending to some in Yingdala. Sometimes this happens in families, but our shared familial bond is stronger than anything. We are committed. Our family comes first.

With such a benevolent and self-effacing statement, it is expected the response from Hanzen will be more cordial than the previous one. However, it remains to be seen. If the Hanzen government doubles down on its stance and issues provocative rhetoric, Tian'an will likely have no choice but to summon Hanzen's ambassador to the Heavenly Palace for a dressing down.

On the other hand, it is rumored His Majesty sent a note to the Vascanian Emperor, thanking him for his government's support in this fateful hour. The diplomacy between the two nations remains quiet. How long it can remain as such will be determined by Terran events.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:52 pm

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Re: Yingdala

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:16 am

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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:15 pm

Successful Luthori State Visit Sets Foundation for New Relationship
(Backdated to 5427)

The announcement of a Luthori state visit to Yingdala caused quite a shock among the government and the people. While the 3000s were long gone, stories of the "Terran Empire" - as Luthori once called itself - are still told in the Yingdalan history books and how the mighty Yingdalan dragon slew the Luthorian lion, forever banishing it to the West. According to the new leadership in Tian'an, 2,000 years is long enough to forgive - though doubtful they will forget.

Their Imperial and Most Excellent Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Luthori's arrival - alongside the Luthorian Prime Minister - was nearly identical to the President of Kundrati's, except His Royal Highness Crown Prince Wu Shinian was on the tarmac to greet the Luthorian delegation. This symbolized an equal, but different level of respect than what was shown to the Kundrati president. Yingdala was according the foreign monarchs a greeting befitting their status.

While much of the Luthori state visit was similar to that of Kundrati, there were notable differences to adjust to level of representation and tastes of the Luthorian sovereigns. Their Imperial Majesties were accorded rooms in the Heavenly Palace adjacent to the Royal Family. More time was spent visiting local museums. The Son of Heaven himself even took his Luthorian counterparts to a nearby village to show them the roots of Yinigdalan culture. Devotion to family, respect for hierarchy, and honoring tradition form the foundation of what makes Yingdalans. One might even say there is a bit of core commonality between Yingdala and Luthori.

Pleasantries and gift exchanges - including an elaborate seal and vestments for the Emperor of Luthori - capstoned the real purpose of the state visit: the establishment of a formal Luthori-Yingdala treaty and foreign policy changes in Dovani. Although the treaty's contents are still to be finalized, a summary released after negotiations between the Luthorian Prime Minister and the Counsellor-in-Chief included provisions on trade and investment and education and culture. But the more immediate announcement was that the Luthorian navy would leave Hanzen.

Tian'an has made reducing non-Dovanian involvement in its near abroad a cornerstone of its foreign policy. While it has rankled some, it has begun to bear fruit for Yingdalan security. And this has been done on the cheap. Yingdala - still in the throes of recovering from decades of totalitarian mismanagement - has only its moral character, cultural prowess, and history to convince others to change their policies.

So far, Yingdala's policy has been a major success. With another state visit completed, who knows where Yingdala's international position will go next?
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:02 pm

Tian'an Celebrates Departure of Western Fleet from Dovani as a Major Foreign Policy Victory for the Sovereignty of the Continent

It is done. The joint-Beitenyu-Luthori-Kundrati fleet has left the continent - all without any threats, conflict, or concessions - just rational, respectful, and benevolent diplomacy. For this is the Yingdalan way.

After many years of talks and just a decade since the overthrow of the totalitarian government, Tian'an was able to achieve an important foreign policy victory - not just for itself - but for the entirety of Dovani. The message has been sent that peace reigns once again and that foreign military forces are no longer needed - the people and states of Dovani are sovereign.

Although this may have upset Hanzen - irrationally so given their actions - Yingdala has no qualms with the country, nor its current benefactor Lourenne. How could it? Both are Dovanian nations and one is a Gao-Showa state - they are deserving of friendship and respect.

In fact, Minister of Rites and Education Yan Xiang is said to be personally leading an effort to set up a meeting with his Lourennais counterpart to discuss their views toward foreign policy. While there are, of course, differences, the similarities could outweigh them. Lourenne's promotion of humanitarianism and justice is not entirely - at a conceptual level - at odds with Yingdala's values of benevolence and righteousness. Joint opportunities may be available.

Time will tell if the Yingdalan way continues to prevail. But based on the recent trend, it is safe to say that it has a high chance of doing so.
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