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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Jan 17, 2020 6:10 pm

Giusto Zani has passed away!
The former Minister of Justice and leader of the Populist Movement Giusto Zani has passed away after 12 hours of surgery

At a local hospital in the city of Genevia, the former Minister of Justice and Cademo of the Populist Movement, was operated on for almost 12 hours and 30 minutes after being shot at a public rally held in Genevia. The surgery team came out from the surgical room with the Chief Surgeon announcing the unfortunate news:
Very good men and women has operated on Mr. Zani for now 12 hours and 27 minutes and after many hard trials during the surgery has unfortunately not been able to stop Giusto's passing. He went to the side of God at precisely 04.43am, we pray for his friends and family and for the all of those who had known or followed him. I wish to thank the team for trying their best and hope the that his acquaintances takes their time mourning as much as necessary. Thank you.

Romero Geraci, the Deputy leader of the Populists and Giusto Zani's longest friend has not given a comment, but reports says that he was devastated from the news and that he as gone home, no one has been able to reach him. Augusto Amadeo, the Chairman of the Young Populists have commented on the news:
I... I'm not sure what really to say... this is so hard to take in, I will.... I will make it my personal goal to make sure this never happens to anyone again. Giusto has always been there for me, he was like the father I never really had... I will make sure that his dream of a people's Istalia is achieved... I... I'm sorry, I have to go see the others...

The young politician, as seen by his face has been deeply affected by this tragic event. We will now look into the life of the former Minister of Justice, Member of the National Assembly and Leader of the Movement of the Populists:
Giusto Zani, born Giusto Pedro Michele Alessandro Zani in the city of Genevia in the region of Padagna in the Istalian Empire on the 7th June 4655, he was named Giusto Pedro after his grandfather and father respectively and Michele Alessandro after the Emperors Michele I and Alessandro I. His father Pedro Zani, was a professor in political science and philosophy, his mother was Adriana Schiavi, a lawyer and former small time local politician for the National Alliance for the Empire in the city of Genevia.

As a child, Giusto was very extroverted and usually questioned everything and everyone, however after changing schools a few times in his early teens, he began to show introverted signs and instead limited his friends to a select few. His teacher in middle school told his mother, that "if he stopped dreaming he would be able to achieve quite a lot", as Giusto had proven to be very intelligent at a very young age. At the age of 16, Giusto applied to a prestigious university to study political science and philosophy. There he befriended Romero Geraci, who went on to serve with Zani in the military and help start the Populist Movement. Zani impressed his teachers at the university his deep and complex thinking concerning the sociopolitical and philosophical situation of the istalian state and its future, especially its position in the world. He graduated at the top second at the age of 19 in 4674.

After his graduation, Zani quickly enlisted to the Imperial Army of the istalian military. As by his own philosophical ideas, he believed that the best way to serve your country without repercussion by your beliefs was in the military, which in his mind is an organization whose purpose is to unitedly protect the fatherland no matter what views one had. During his first years there, Zani proved himself to be a highly effective soldier and platoon commander, he skillfully impressed his superiors in his way of gathering intelligence and out maneuver his enemies. This made him rise quickly through the ranks, which lead him to his position of Lieutenant, which he actively held up until his recent death.

Giusto Zani, from when he was a little boy, liked reading about history especially about all different Kings and Presidents of the past and their dynasties and political parties. This made him mature politically at a very young age, it is speculated that he would inevitably go in to politics. Another big reason for this was also his mothers political career as a local politician in the city of Genevia. The final push for Zani to involve himself politically is theorized to be the brutal attack against one of the major political parties in Luthori known as the Imperial Citizens Party, which resulted in their complete obliteration and dissolution. One month later after the attack, Zani decided with his long time friend Geraci to rally the people in a new political party; the Populist Movement. Zani's mother, Adriana Schiavi have stated that Zani was deeply horrified by the attack as he had followed the ICP as a young child and admired the late Imperator Franz Reichert. It has been theorized that because of this attack, Zani started to question human nature and have tried to find a solution to why humans can go so far for their ideological beliefs.

Zani, became a member of the National Assembly on the 16 February 4684, in his first election he ever participated in. In mid 4687, Zani, though being one of the most dedicated and busiest members of the National Assembly, was able to collect his thoughts and ideas in a book called the Grand Principles of Popular Serving of the People. This manifesto, has been confirmed to hold the main principles of the Populist Movement and possible theories they could explore in the future which fundamentally works with the interests of the people. Many of Zani's supporters have given a separate title to the book that being the Zanist Manifesto, which eventually birthed the ideology of Zanism. He also later wrote the book Romulanism: The Survival of a Nation, which has been described by Zani himself to be a political and philosophical idea to evolve Istalia into the nation of Romula, this of course sparked the creation of the ideology of Romulanism.

After the 4692 election, the National Alliance approached Zani with proposition for the Populists to join in a Conservative led government, Zani was first skeptical but said that he would come back and that he would first speak with the Populist High Council. A day after, it was decided that they would join in the now called Gori's Cabinet, and that the Populists would get the ministries of Education and Culture and Justice, with Zani as the Minister of Justice. During Zani's time as Minister of Justice, he successfully pushed through a government bill he had drawn up, this bill made it so that there would be a uniform system of courts across the nation, that all persons accused of crimes are held in jail, thus regulating the system of bail, and giving police officers the right to only carry standard firearms apart from specially trained firearms units. After the 4696 national election, Gori's Cabinet was replaced after the National Assembly approved of a Left Blocist led government. Zani and the Populists entered in to the opposition a second time. And shortly after he suffered an assassination in his home town of Genevia.

It has been confirmed that a public funeral will be held in the city of Genevia. The question everyone is asking now is, who will take the mantle as the new leader of the Populist Movement. It has been speculated that Deputy leader Romero Geraci will lead the movement temporarily but that he has been seen as the most obvious successor to Zani, however an increasing amount of support has grown around the Chairman of the Young Populists, the young Augusto Amadeo who Zani once called "the son I never had". We will have to wait and see for what happens next in the movement of the Populists.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Jan 17, 2020 8:04 pm

Funeral of Zani held and new leader of Populists announced
The funeral of Giusto Zani has now been held in the city of Genevia. With Zani's passing, his long time friend Romero Geraci has been declared the new Cademo


At the funeral, some people cried hysterically, some people looked down in shame for their failure to protect their leader and some were just standing in eternal silence. The newly chosen Leader of the Movement, Romero Geraci spoke at the grand funeral:
We do not mourn the loss of a man beyond us, we mourn a man of us, a man who came from the same backgrounds as the majority of us all, and yet he fought for the rights of the workers, the rights of the poor, the rights of the wealthy, the rights of the soldiers and the rights of the common man, the rights of gay men and women and the rights of does with another skin color than himself, he fought for the rights of all Istalian citizens and all of the people of this planet, he fought for the rights of the animals, he fought for the rights of the young and old, but in turn for this eternal fight he did not and would have never fought for the only person who perhaps needed the support of others the most... himself. Let us remember his unselfish fight and let us learn from it, as Giusto once told me "a man can have anything, as long as he just believes".

After internal maneuvering in the Populists, the two current faces of the movement, Romero Geraci and Augusto Amadeo, who has been the major rivals of the party, has made an agreement. Geraci would become the new Cademo of the Populists, while Amadeo would become the new First Representative of ONUP (National Organization of Populist Unions) thus establishing a two man rule of the party. During Zani's leadership there was a small cult of personality growing around him, wether he was aware or not, it has not been confirmed, however, this cult has grown rapidly in the ranks of the Populists and there has been some calls to implement Zani's political and philosophical ideas in to the party program. One of these ideas that currently has the strongest support is the idea of evolving the Populists from a movement to a parliamentary faction, the justification of this is that Giusto Zani was the flame of the movement and now the flame has gone out, thus the end of the political movement shall end with Zani, however the movement of his ideas shall continue through the creation of a faction of the National Assembly. We can only wait and see what happens next.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:02 pm

The Populist movement becomes a parliamentary faction
Key populist figures has sought to use late leader Zani's political ideas to "evolve" their movement

Members of the Populists voting

Since the death of Giusto Zani, the Populists have embraced his political and philosophical doctrines, especially those of The Zanist Manifesto and at the recent and second party congress of the year Party leader Romero Geraci spoke of the reason to evolve "Zani's movement" into a parliamentary faction as this idea have grown rapidly since the death and exaltation of the late leader. In The Zanist Manifesto (original title: Grand Principles of Popular Serving of the People), Zani speaks of the so-called "parliamentary faction" and its importance for a political movement such as the Populists, here is a part of the text:
The Parliamentary Faction is the next step for your political movement. Once you have reached the legislature you should not evolve immediately but most pass through enough with legislation to show your supporters that your movement is a deliverer. After being part of the legislature, it is time to evolve the movement into a parliamentary faction. What I mean by 'faction' is that your political party should not yet become a party but act as a natural part of the parliament, that your members in the legislature are your supporters true representatives and that your movement is not part of the legislature as a party but as a faction of it and that this faction shall have one goal only, to serve your supporters and those whose interests your movement is concerned of. A party is a organization who is both outside of the legislature and inside of it, this is to serve not only your supporters but also your members "personal interests", which is a fundamentally wrong thing, by integrating your party to the legislature, makes your party - which now is a faction - have one concern only... to serve your supporters interests.

This idea of a parliamentary faction has been unanimously accepted by not only the members of the Populists but also by their supporters around the country and a few hours ago it was officially decided to rename the party to such, the Populist Movement is here on known as the Populist Faction. However it won't change so much with what we call their party as they are almost entirely just known as the Populists...
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:45 pm

Press organ of the Istalian Reformist Party
The National Congress of Reformists
From 13 to 17 January 4698 the Reformist Party held its first congress, where the future of the party and the general settlement of the new party were discussed: the Statute and the Symbol were finally approved. The Congress was also the occasion for Leader De Giuliani to explain to his voters the reason for government with the Left.
De Giuliani speaking at the PRI Congress, he's holding a statuette of the first Istalian Emperor to underline his loyalty to the Empire.
Here's the new party statute, very simply and short:
1) The Istalian Reformist Party is a renewal movement that operates in the principles of freedom. The Party repudiates all political extremism and condemns anti-monarchist acts, while respecting republicans freedom of expression.
2) The Party's decision-making body is the directory, made up of 3 people. The Party leader, the reformist group leader in the Assembly and the national Party's spokesman. The directory may be disheartened by a referendum held by members.
3) If a directory is disheartened, no member who composed it will be able to hold another position in it.
4) The Leader is elected by the simple majority of the voters during a Congress. The position of leader does not have a precise duration but must not exceed 20 years otherwise a Congress to elect the new leader will be convened.
5) The congress is convened by the directory in case of urgent discussions or regularly every 6 years.
6) The Party represents the Istalian people who are neither represented by the left nor by the right. It is a centrist political party that supports capitalist policies, with a particular regard for the weakest of society who should get help, and a progressive social and ethical policy.
7) The Party is open to any type of alliance or coalition as long as it does not undermine the party interests described in articles 1 and 6.
8) The official press organ is "La Libertà" (Liberty), fully funded by the Party and without public contributions. The editor of the newspaper is chosen by the directory, confirmed by Congress.
9) The Party is anti-communist, anti-fascist and anti-Thallerist. Any member with these characteristics, registered with the PRI, will be expelled.
10) The official symbol, registered with the electoral authorities, is:
Signed, Leonardo De Giulani - Milona, 17 january 4698
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:29 am

Rebirth for medium and small businesses while larger corporations continue to expand abroad
The favorable and stable geopolitical situation and the liberal policies of the previous center-right governments have given further impetus to the Istalian economy
FederIndustria usual mid-year conference

24 May 4698

The Istalia's Enterprises Network, the national association of small and medium-sized enterprises, together with Federindustria, the national association of entrepreneurs, released yesterday the first of the usual hal-early report on the economic status of the country and the trand of the recent years has been confirmed: boom for small and middle-size entrprises while the largest corporations continue their expansion abroad.

Istalian enterprises actually benefited by the huge liberal reforms introduced by the previous center-right governments and the liberal position of both Res Publica and Reformist Party, currently into a government with the Left Bloc, gave confidence to the markets about the protection of the previously mentioned liberal reforms.

Among the sector which registred the best performance the one of the luxury articles and clothing and then several start-up on the energy sector which developed in a galaxy of competitors within a liberalized energy market as energy producers and providers.

Remaining within the energy sector, it was instead the recent passage of the bill on the nuclear energy, which now demand for the country most of energy is generated by nuclear plants, which pushed ENIST, the largest national energy company, to announce a new construction campaign which will provide the country within the next 50 years of 21 new nuclear plants which will allow the dismisal of 15 old nuclear facilities and other 18 gas-powered plants. The new facilities, declared ENIST's CEO Gianmarco Morgogna, will increase also the export capabilities of the country, which despite the recent decrease, it was for many time a huge exporter of energy all over east and central Majatra from Jakania to Badara.

The liberalization also of the Postal and TOC sectors saw on the former several private companies expanding at the regional leavels while on the latter sector there was thw establishment of the "Istalian Rail Consortium", heir of the public SNFS, which actually is a confederation of five regional post-public services allied to face the competition at the national level.

Istalian transnational corporations, instead, thanks both to the domestic and international activity of the country, invested hugely on many enterprises abroad, both in Majatra as well as in third continent.
The good and indeed increased relations which Istalia has established with most of world powers and countries gave confidence to the national corporations to expand furthermore and among the nations where most of investments focused there are Deltaria in Majatra and Hulstria and North Dovanian nations abroad.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Woasher » Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:20 pm

Res Publica press conference with party chairman Dino Pozza
Res Publica's party chairman called for a press conference to adress his partys stance on the current situation.

The following is the main part of what was said during that press conference by Dino Pozza
PRI's choice to leave the government came as suddenly for us as for everyone else. Unfortunately we were not informed in advance, this is something we regret. Res Publica has had no problem at all with the reformists but rather the opposite, it has been an open and honest relationship. We do not see that this has created bad blood between our parties, but with that said we have not received any clarity as to why they choose to create this government crisis. I am convinced that internal negotiations could have solved any misunderstandings or differences of opinion, that is the nature of cooperation.

Res Publica shares the Left bloc's view on the snap election, the reforms that are currently being voted on should be allowed to take their time before a new election is announced. The country needs a strong government with a majority in the back, what this government should look like, of course, is up to the citizens. We will therefore not vote for a new election before the legislative proposals on the table have been voted on.

Res Publica will always assume its responsibility for political stability. This is something that citizens can trust. If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask them now.

will this prevent future cooperation with the reformists?
So, as I see it, this will not prevent future collaborations on issues where our parties feel reasonably similar. As mentioned earlier, we have had no problems with the reformists. However, at least initially, there will be some hesitation in sitting in the same government. We in Res Publica do not think that you should act as the reformists have done in this situation, if you want political stability, you negotiate, government crises should always try to be prevented and snap elections should be seen as an emergency solution.

In the event of a snap election, will Res Publica campaign with another party?
No, in that case we will go to elections ourselves. Any cooperation may be renegotiated after the citizens have had their say.

Which parties do you see as potential partners after the election?
It is difficult to know in advance, we are open to negotiations. We currently have a very good cooperation with the left bloc, something that I would like to see in the future as well. But besides that, I should say that the only thing that we absolutely exclude is sitting in government under a head of government that is for imperial rule. It would go directly against our Republican values.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Aethan » Mon Jan 20, 2020 4:23 pm

The rupture of the government leads to an electoral advance
The Left Bloc blames the PRI for not having the political decency to notify the Prime Minister before announcing their resignation

The Prime Minister of Istalia appears before the media after the news of the government break

The electoral joy on the left has been short-lived. After half of the legislature has expired, the government partners of the Left Bloc and the Res Publica, the Istalian Reformist Party, have announced the resignation of their two ministers and therefore have left the national executive in a parliamentary minority.

Searching in "irreconcilable but understandable differences" between the government partners, the PRI has announced that it will ask the National Assembly for an early election call after its departure from the government, something that has not sat well in the Left Bloc.

"The lack of parliamentary ethics and capacity for dialogue in the current parties is becoming worrying,"
said Fiamma Cavalieri, spokeswoman for the Left Bloc.
"Our party has learned of the departure of government ministers at the same time as the rest of the citizenry, as well as the electoral call. The PRI has not even deigned to personally contact the Prime Minister to inform him, as partners government, of the current and future situation. Let each one draw his own conclusions. "

Despite this, the still Prime Minister has said he will not oppose the electoral advance.

"That our citizens have at their disposal a stable government must be the top priority,"
he said in statements following the news of the government's break.
"Obviously, we are disappointed by the attitude of the PRI and above all, by the ways in which they have carried out this rupture of the government, but that is not why we are going to oppose the citizens having a government back at their service. After the elections, the other parties will have to decide if they want to govern with the extreme right of Order, Faith and Family, although looking at the history of many of our nation's parties, which set their ideals apart in order to continue in the government, I would not be surprised to see them there sooner rather than later. And it will be a real shame. But the PRI should know that, in part, it will have been their fault in favoring an unnecessary rupture of this government. We have respected the agreements to which we arrived with them, and they pay us with a televised government breakdown and without prior notice to my person, that I have to find out about the news and the convening of an extraordinary plenary session in the Asambly. Disappointment is little to describe how I feel. "

An eventual electoral advance would leave in the air the investigation into the murder of the former leader of the Populists Mr. Zani, which is currently being carried out by the Ministry of Interior, as well as the new policy of the Romula City Council to receive refugees from Solentia
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:45 pm

Official press organ of the Istalian Reformist Party
Government crisis: ex-minister De Giuliani speaks
The 30 june, former Minister of Transport De Giuliani released at an press conference the following statement:
As you know, we have started a process to request new elections by effectively ending the Carabetta government, which has remained in office for the running of current affairs. Our decision is not attributable to bad relations with the ex-allies, indeed, we found them very helpful and collaborative and for this I still want to thank both parties.
Our decision instead regards the fact that we want to give this country a government with a precise program and a large majority. Unfortunately, the government we were part of had a narrow majority and an unclear program. Of course we could have started a process of internal confrontation between allies to solve these problems, but the legislature has now reached more than half and it would have been like wasting the remaining time. It is also for this reason that we have decided not to inform the Council of Ministers and bring the discussion directly to the Assembly, the home of all Istalians. To speed things up and bring a new government to this country, which has a clear agenda as well as a large majority. You know that ours is a center party and that we are open to any type of coalition that does not undermine the articles of our Party Statute, and we will continue to be so! If after the elections the friends of the BdS and RP wanted to retry this experience, we would say "yes" to a specific condition: first we make the program then we go to govern, conditions that will apply to any party will contact us eventually in the future to form a Government.
I want to emphasize that the previous government was formed because there was no clear majority, neither left nor right, and that it was also put in place to avoid the advance in power of the far right at the helm of a coalition of the center-right - and therefore to the Government. We acted for the interests of the country by forming the Carabetta government, we do it again by ending the experience of this government.
Thanks for your attention

The choice of the PRI has sparked many controversies in the political world, especially in the area on the left that criticizes the timing and methods of De Giuliani's move while appreciating its final purpose. In the center-right there are still no official rumors about the dissolution of the government but the main leaders should make some statements in the days to come.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:04 pm

Tommaso Hassan and Clarissa wed!
Prince and Princess of the Crown leave St Matthias Archbasilica to waves of cheers from crowds before sharing a kiss from the Palace window

18 January 4699

ROMULA - The most eligible bachelor and the most followed woman of the country finally took the big step: after 6 years together, finally Prince Tommaso Hassan and Clarissa Ferrami have been pronounced husband and wife at st Matthias Archbasilica in Romula today, making their vows in front of 1,200 guests and the eyes of the nation and the world.

Despite it was considered as a short-term survival relationship, progressively both souls showed to be ever more meant for each other and after just one year Mrs Ferrami was seen alongside Prince Tommaso Hassan during some officials events.
Actually, as declared Clarissa Ferrami herself durign an interview released with Prince Tommaso Hassan, as the relation became ever more serious, she had to face the difficulty to make cohexist her previous life of well known fashion blogger with her new life close to Tommaso Hassan.
The over 8,2 million followers of her very popular Click's account, months after months saw the most mundane and glamour photos and videos being removed until that it was definitively closed six months ago, when the couple announced their official engagement.

The past Clarissa Ferrami's account on Click

The newly Princess of the Crown had to renounce to her involvement in the fashion, entertainment and advertising industry to embrace her role as future Empress Consort of Istalia.
Despite this, however, the media coverage on the young "Imperial girlfriend" continued skyrocketing while her appareance beside Prince Tommaso Hassan to official events increased.


And obviously, also for her lovielest day, all eyes were on the bride as she made her way towards the Archbasilica. She showed few signs of nerves, smiling and waving at the crowds from her limousine and sat next to her father, Salvatore, a local small businessmen of Nepoli's province producing colorants. The bride opted for a very elegant creation by Agostino Garofano with lace long sleeves and a dropped V in the front and back. It was made up of three different shades of white, crêpe in-silk and Istalian organza. Lace designs featured down the front of the gown and on the train. She also wore a hand-embroidered tulle veil and on the head she wore a tiara with diamonds and emeralds, a gift from her mother-in-law the Empress.According to Quattroregni Palace the dress "epitomises timeless Istalian craftsmanship by drawing together talented and skilled workmanship from across the Nation".

Flanked by her sister and maid of honour, Angela Ferrami, who was wearing a long, cream silk gown, the bride was also accompanied by young bridesmaids Amara El Gazav, Grazia Van Cojsem, HIH Princess Manuela and HIH Princess Federica, and pageboys Marco Van Cojsem and HIH Prince Nicola.

Prince Tommaso Hassan stood next to his cousin, HIH Prince Mattia, and as his fiancé joined him at the altar the heir to the throne broke into a smile. Clarissa's mother, Marzia Mazzuferi in Ferragni, wearing a fitted blue-grey Prati's outfit, looked on with pride.

The wedding ceremony passed without hitch, with the only moment of tension provided as Prince Tommaso Hassan struggled to put the ring, fashioned fromAlarian gold given to Prince Tommaso Hassan by the Empress Mother Annalisa, on his bride's finger.

As the couple left St Matthias Archbasilica the crowds erupted into a fresh wave of cheers as they climbed into state landau carriages for the horse-drawn procession to Quattroregni Palace which actually was a great loop around the city center due to the fact that Palazzo Quattroregni is just at the end of the same square on which the Archbasilica overlooks.
The married couple waved at crowds as they passed the crowds. Despite fears of thundery showers, threatening grey skies produced no rain.


Consistent showed to be the demonstrations organized by anti-monarchists, led and supported by the large parliamentary majority, which however were authorized to gather not too close to the procession path, the Archbasilica or the Palace for security reason and not to trouble the security staff managing both the cheering crowds and festive events and the demonstrations.

The couple joined the Empress who is giving a lunchtime reception at Quattroregni Palace for 350 guests, described by the palace as "a private gathering for guests drawn from the congregation who will represent the couple's official and private lives".

At just before 1.30pm Tommaso Hassan and Clarissa kissed on the window of Quattroregni Palace facing the crowded square. The fleeting embrace sent the already ecstatic crowds wild, and was repeated during a flypast of the Comete Tricolori, the national aerobatic display team, releasing long tricolor trails above the Capital.

After more than five minutes of waving to the crowds, the couple walked hand in hand back through the doors of the palace. Earlier, stepping on to the balcony, Clarissa appeared to gasp "Oh my" as the Imperial couple saw the thousands of well-wishers crowding the square before being joined by members of their families.

The Empress finally gave a private dinner, followed by dancing, for just the very close friends and family.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:28 pm

Roncato on Reformists' move: "Good choice to put an end to this ineffective strange chimera"
National Alliance's leader doesn't hide her hope to work with the Reformits and is ready to contest the elections alongside the traditional ally of PCN praising the previous center-right governments

22 January 4699

ROMULA - Elections are on the sight and finally the leader of the National Alliance for the Empire, Alba Roncato, made her statement about the recent government crisis opened by the Reformists who suddenly left Carabetta's cabinet declaring as finished the current experience of Government.

Alba Roncato declared exiting a conference in Milona:

It was a good choice to put an end to this government which revealed itself to be an ineffective strange chimera between extreme left and centrist liberals, and it's not us to say that but one of the component of the Government.

They did what they have to do and now it is right to go to elections and we thanks also the colleagues of Res Pubblica to having agreed in giving back the choice to the people.

The Coalition for Imperial Cooperation will return to the polls as motivated as never before after the recent reports by FederIndustria and we are sure that after this poor experience of Government they will reward those who already paved the way to the current good performances of the country, those who already understood the right path for the country.

We hope to be able to work with the colleagues of Reformist Party, I can't hide this, but our programs are very close and we feel the Reformists as a natural partner for ANI and PCN, to assure to the country the freedom we need.

Thank you

Before to leave the journalists, Alba Roncato had time also to respond to more mundane questions about Prince of the Crown's marriage:

I wish the new couple the best and I am sure that, despite many worries that have arisen in the past, this marriage will guarantee stability, happiness and continuity for the Crown and the Country.

I hope they hurry up to give us a handsome heir!

Said ANI's Leader finally laughing.
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