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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Sep 05, 2024 5:01 am


FM Recalls Observer in Whale Island
"World Congress Reform is not happening," said Dame DuMont

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
May 1, 5540

Dame Jacqueline DuMont speaking at Kaliburg Polytechnic on WC Reform

The Kalistani Observer to the Bettencourt Conference, Dame Catherine Adams, who serves as personal Secretary to His Imperial Majesty's Foreign Minister, Dame Jacqueline DuMont, has been recalled to Kalistan after it became clear that the conference was not interested in making any real reform to the structure of the International Debating Society. FM DuMont announced the recall in a policy speech at Kaliburg Polytechnic, where she was the invited lecturer to the Spring Research Symposium. The remarks were made during a discussion on the failure of liberal internationalism as a force for peace.

"Kalistan has long stood apart from THE major international deliberative body known as the World Congress since its inception," said Dame DuMont, recounting a bit of history. "And it is not for the reasons most people think: In fact, Kaiistan would like a world body capable of resolving disputes between states, and I actually mean bringing permanent settlement to those disputes, without resort to war. The WC could have been this body, but instead, it developed as a vehicle for great powers to promote their interests under the thin cloak of international legitimacy, through the security council. As long as that body remains in place, remains the nearly exclusive province of the same war making powers as have ever dominated it, and commits the rest of the world through collective security treaties to support great power interests globally, Kalistan can not, will not be a party to it. We had hoped this conference would produce serious reform, but its clear that reform of the World Congress is not happening."

The Foreign Minister pointed out that Kalistan's Observer was invited to comment, and actually made a proposal which would have addressed a number of Kalistan's concerns with the World Congress, while increasing both democracy within the body, and legitimacy of the body's resolutions by balancing the overwhelming power of the large nations of the world with the votes of the General Assembly. "The Proposal was acknowledged by a handful of nations, but was not seriously entertained, as the Convenor declared Security Council reform outside the purview of this conference," said Dame DuMont. At that point, Dame Adams thanked the conference for the opportunity to make Kalistan's views heard, and then acted on orders to report back to the Foreign Ministry in Kaliburg.

"The Principles of Non Alignment and the principles of Global Realism masquerading as liberal internationalism in the World Congress are fundamentally incompatible," said Dame DuMont before moving back to the main topics of the Speech. "You can't say you are non-aligned, and then participate in a body which serves a single purpose, and that is to act as a deliberative body that in practice serves as a vehicle for legitimation of Great Power Interests. If they cared about including the world, they would at least get rid of the veto on the Security Council and have a mechanism that permits GA resolutions to become binding without security council action or the ability to veto them. As it is, all nations except one can decide on a course of action and then one great power sitting on the security Council can veto any effort to bring that measure into the Security Council, and the measure dies. One nation outvotes the world. How could Kalistan ever be a part of such a thing? If we were offered a seat on that council, we would feel dirty accepting it."

Policy analysts admitted that 1) there never was a serious push for genuine reform in the WC, and Kalistan's presence as a representative of the NAM was purely demonstrative, and 2) there was never any serious consideration within Kalistani foreign policy circles of Kalistan changing its position on the World Congress. "Kalistan will never join the WC as long as it remains a collective security organization," said Kalistani policy expert Alice Guerrera. "The fact that it is incapable of maintaining peace when countries, including those sitting on the security council have made up their mind to go to war, merely gives Kalistani critics of the body more ammunition to use against it when criticizing it. The real problem with it is that it can drag minor powers into major powers' wars, but doesn't create the same pressure on major powers. Kalistan will never support something like that, even if the Honorable Foreign Minister hinted that something like that might be being considered."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:35 pm


Kalistani Regular Navy keeps tabs on Baltusian Naval Exercises
Intercepted communications from the Carrier Fleet leave Naval planners "baffled"

Yoshimi Station, Duchy of Suldanor
May 1, 5540

Kalistani Regular Submarines, like KRS 572, seen here running on the Surface, continue patrols south of Southern Limits

The Situation in the central Anantonese Ocean has taken a turn for the strange as Kalistan steps up its naval patrols in the region. Following the conclusion of Baltusia's long awaited naval exercises near Verona, as the fleet was returning to port, Kalistani submarine captains who were monitoring the exercises began reporting eratic behavior from the Baltusian ships. Naval High Command in Kaliburg ordered elements of the Third Regular Navy into a 24 hour alert posture, though held off on full alert as to not directly inflame any developing situation.

As the Baltusian fleet began sailing away from the Xsampan and Ikradonian fleets, following an unanticipated course, the Kalistani submarines were ordered to take a "wait and see" approach to their response, and maintain a safe distance. Meanwhile, Kalistani AWACS flying over the Ocean south of the Limit acquired Baltusian naval movements, and began tracking the fleet. In a rare move, Kalistan made the attempt to contact the Baltusians to help ascertain whether Baltusia had any information about the fleet's activities which Kalistan might need to know. It is unclear whether Baltusians responded to the request for information, but what is known is that His Imperial Majesty arrived at HQ-RNK at Bozo River by helicopter, followed by the Foreign Minister and then the Chancellor of the Empire, where they received highly classified intelligence briefings on the subject.

Over the next several hours, it became clear that the fleet was making no moves toward Kalistan which could be construed as aggressive. The Emperor and the Naval Chief ordered the third Fleet to maintain its 24-hour alert, and maintained surveillance. Soon after day break, messages were broadcast from the Carrier Fleet which seemed to suggest that there had been a mutiny of some sort among the various ships of the Baltusian task force. This shocking news was accompanied by a declaration of loyalty by the Fleet Commander for "the People". Details about further communication remain sparse, but what is apparent is that Baltusia has lost control over their carrier task force.

The Chancellor of the Empire gave a brief statement to reporters shortly after sunrise on the situation. "The Chiefs are monitoring the unfolding, and quite frankly, baffling, affair with His Imperial Majesty. The affair is developing minute by minute. But one thing we have ascertained for sure is that the Baltusian Crisis is contained to Baltusia at the moment. The fleet to its credit has not made any effort to threaten or harm Kalistan, her naval vessels or her citizens in any way. We have the movements of the task force, as well as the movements of Baltusia's partners in this region under strict surveillance, and we have determined that they pose no threat at the moment to Kalistan. We are attempting to remain in contact with the Government of Baltusia, and will share updates as we get them. We are encouraging everyone, especially those in Suldanor, to remain alert but carry on. If the situation escalates in an unfavorable direction, we will immediately notify Kalistani Citizens."

The call to remain calm spurred runs on grocery stores in Yoshimi, Lucid City and Sulari, as residents decided that they suddenly needed to stock up. Security at the Border crossing point in Lucid City was stepped up, and the local Government, led by Lucid's Barron Francisco Hernandez, began setting up processing centers in case there was a refugee movement from Baltusia. "Our goal is to be able to shelter as many people as might potentially come north should Baltusia experience civil disorder in the coming days and weeks," said His Highness Barron Hernandez. "We aren't predicting anything, but we want to be ready to take in our neighbors and friends from across the border if they need a place to visit." Other similar facilities are being set up across the Duchy, and His Majesty Duke Victor Ananto, currently in Gaduridos said "Our Duchy remains ready to help in any way we can." Already, there are some reports of a greater than normal volume of people coming in with the morning commute in Lucid City.

We will continue to monitor developments in Baltusia and report on them if they begin to affect the Empire.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:39 am


ODEN-K Mart to Expand
New addition will more than double the storage capacity of international drug mall

Port Davon, Grand Duchy of Ananto
October 18, 5550

Two employees fill small orders for tourists at ODEN-K's Mart in Port Davon

The famous ODEN-K Mart is about to get a major expansion to facilitate more capacity and sales, said ODEN Director Melanie Walt in Port Davon yesterday. The ₭15.6 million expansion will increase the size of the current facility from 215,000 square feet to more than 450,000 square feet, making it the largest warehouse in all of Kalistan. "We are taking over a significant portion of the older port facilities and renovating them so that the Mart is capable not only of holding a far greater capacity," said Walt, "but also servicing larger transport vehicles to provide international customers with easier access to larger shipments."

Part of the expansion also includes a new dock earmarked specially for small and medium freighters. "We aim to provide container service to up to four small freighters, or two medium freighters at a time," said Walt. "This should speed the loading of larger orders and make things far more convenient for our customers." The expansion of the facility is already underway, and should be completed by next October.

The expansion should provide faster turn around for ODEN products. "Currently, we have had to bottleneck growth because we lack the facilities to store the tons of materials that ODEN K produces and distributes," said Walt. "But we do get customers who come to Kalistan to buy products wholesale, and this also then puts pressure on our inventory. We have a storage warehouse of about 350,000 square feet in Eshar as well, that serves as a storage facility for Mainland products, but it obviously takes a while to bring stuff up from the mainland to fill our larger orders, so having much of that onsite here in Kaliburg will definitely speed things along and allow us to increase and control our inventory a lot more efficiently."

The Mart primarily serves international customers who purchase drugs in Kalistan to service their own domestic demands. "Kalistani product is kept on the Mainland, which fills our dispensaries on a constant basis, but the Mart here is the place where international exporters go to get the things their own countries need and desire." Walt says that international customers buy as many pharmaceuticals in Kalistan as they buy recreational drugs. "We are one of the world's top exporters of therapeutic medicine," said Walt. "We have the knowledge, we have the desire, and we have the infrastructure to supply the world."

As a result, Walt said, many of the customers the Mart gets are also drug tourists who come from countries that either do not or cannot supply the drugs to their own citizens. "Most of the time, it is far cheaper to fly to Kalistan to buy an ODEN product, that you know will be precisely what you need, at almost no out of pocket cost to you, than it will be to stay in your country and purchase less than reliable pharmaceuticals that are packaged abroad. We have such high standards and our pharmaceutical industry makes it a point to keep up on the latest publications in medical research to follow the drugs that are beign designed abroad, so we can make them here and provide them cheaper and easier to access for anyone."

But the largest sales at the International Mart come from individuals and companies who import recreational ODEN drugs into their countries to supply domestic demand. "Most of these people who are here are acting in direct contravention of their own nation's laws," said Walt. "We take no interest in what other nations say is legal or not. We know it is legal to buy the drugs here in Kalistan. Our law is the only law that we pay any attention to." When asked if ODEN supports the black market in illicit drugs, Walt said "We don't support the black market. We don't fund or aid the black market. Everything we sell here is legal, taxed and highly regulated. But what people do with it after it leaves Kalistan, or any other ODEN nation, is up to them. They take risks if they are violating their nation's laws. We have no interest whatsoever, and we ensure that they know that everything they do with those drugs, except sell them in Kalistan, is perfectly legal in Kalistan. Outside of our jurisdiction, it is none of our business. And if people don't want drug entrepreneurs bringing ODEN products into their countries, the best way to avoid that is to join ODEN, because we are, by our charter, forbidden to sell drugs to private or corporate entities from other ODEN countries, because of non-compete clauses. We can only buy directly from their ODEN branches."

The new ODEN-K Mart will also employ another 600 employees, most of whom will work as graders, packagers and pullers in the back of the warehouse. "The ODEN Mart is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week affair. We never close, so we will need to more or less double our workforce when the expansion is done, so that we can more efficiently sell our product to our customers." ODEN is also in talks with Kalistan's various growers syndicates to begin ramping up production in preparation for the expansion. "We are also encouraging the Government to participate in the formation of distillers' syndicates, because Kalistani Rum is growing in popularity internationally, and organizing sugar growers and rum distillers will help guarantee high quality product to meet demand going forward."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:04 am


MoCo begins building in Gaduridos
Plant aims to expand Kalistani Markets and Supplies

Playa del Oriente, Cuernatecas, Gaduridos
March 4, 5541

MoCo's Gaduridos Plant to produce automobiles for international market

The expansion of Kalistani businesses into Gaduridos continues as Kalistani automakers MoCo have concluded arrangements to build a new automobile plant in the city of Oriente in Cuernatecas, near the Trans Seleyan rail line. The plant, which will cost ₭32.5 million to build, will focus primarily on producing electric vehicles for the international market to complement MoCo's domestic sales from cars built in Kalistan.

"MoCo's manufacturing facility in Gaduridos will produce cars that meet international specs primarily," said MoCo Gaduridos' Plant Director Guillermo Olivio. "The benefit to MoCo opening a plant here is that it will mean jobs and new markets for Gaduri raw materials. MoCo is the first company to pay attention to the potential in this nation in a long time. This represents a significant investment in Gaduridos that will have many follow-on benefits for the Gaduri economy for decades to come."

In addition to fabrication and assembly of electric cars and trucks in Gaduridos, MoCo is making additional investment to upgrading infrastructure in the Province to get better access to raw materials from Gaduri sources. "We want to use local resources as often as possible," said Olivio. "Gaduridos has a sadly underutilized industrial supply system which we can leverage to our benefit. We should also note that we have some interest in Kalistan to work with Gaduri financiers to build a new steel manufacturing plant, to turn their iron into a profitable national industry--Currently it appears that they import most of their steel, largely from Kerisian sources."

Kalistan has invested so much money in Gaduridos in the last couple decades that economic fortunes in the tropical nation have remained fairly steady, despite lack of a strong central government. "Duke Victor Ananto-Martin, and now his son, Mark Ananto-Orleans, who is starting to step into the role of head of many of his father's vetures, have taken such a strong interest in Gaduridos and are on such good terms with many of the regional political leaders that you might be excused if you confused him for a Gaduri Nationalist," said Gaduri Affairs Scholar Beatrice Collins, in Yoshimi. "He has used considerable sums from the Ananto fortune, all with his Emperor's blessings, of course, to not only ensure that Gaduridos remains prosperous, but also that it remains oriented toward Kalistan. And the primary beneficiaries are the Gaduri People, who are ensured jobs, marketable skills, and good working conditions all things considered. As he frequently says, 'Que es buena para Gadurida, es beuno para mi.' Kalistani investors and the Kalistani Government supports the Duke of Suldanor in his efforts because it gives then a strong position in the Country, and ensures that Kalistani influence will be felt strongest in the Country."

"The Duke is also paying close attention to what is happening in Baltusia," said Collins. "We cannot guess his position on it, but if he is like anyone in his family, he views that affair with suspicion, and the building of this MoCo plant is likely viewed as a move to tie Gaduridos closer to the Empire, should the contagion of rebellion appear to spread south, rather than being contained specifically in Baltusia. Other moves they are making, to increase Kalistani direct investment in Gaduridos, will follow the same rationale."

The MoCo Plant is expected to begin operation in July of 5543, at which point it will employ more than 4500 employees, and will serve as a major weapon against unemployment both in Gaduridos and in the region. Additional infrastructure may be needed to get the plant operating at maximum efficiency, and Duke Victor Ananto is already working with Kalistani and Gaduri consultants to begin assessing the needs of the mainland regions of the country.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:06 am


Kalistani News in Brief: Dame Ontiveros addressed Baltusian Situation
Medal of Valor authorized; Brad Willis heads to FOMAT

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
October 14, 5541

Dame Lindsay Ontiveros-Maxwell Discusses Baltusia in National Assembly

Dame Ontiveros Addresses Baltusian Rebellion
The Chancellor of the Empire briefed the the National Assembly on the deepening of the Baltusian situation. "His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, is monitoring the situation in Baltusia. He is deeply concerned about the developments in Althosia and beyond as the National Government in the Baltusian Capital and other territories. We join with other nations in condemning the human rights abuses by that Government, and warn the Baltusian state that failure to respect the rights of Baltusian citizens will endanger the tentative steps our two governments have taken toward peace and understanding." The Chancellor did speak out against the rebellion of the workers in Baltusia, and encouraged a peaceful resolution of the workers' grievances. "Order and peace are paramount in this situation," said the Chancellor. "His Imperial Majesty's policy for the region is stability, and open rebellion is as bad for that as police repression." The Chancellor joined calls to release political prisoners, and called the imprisonment of political adversaries "fascistic," in effect setting Kalistan against the brutality of the police. "Supressing rebellion is one thing, and Kalistan would normally support that," said Dame Ontiveros. "But we cannot countenence Baltusia's founding of prison camps near Johnston or anywhere else in the country." Dame Ontiveros proclaimed that Kalistan has recalled its ambassadors and ordered all Kalistani officials out of the country. "We've also been contacting Kalistani Nationals in Baltusia and have been advising them to leave the Country. We have also been seeing a larger number of Baltusians entering Kalistan at Lucid, and the Government of Suldanor has been doing all it can to see these visitors are settled in warm, safe and comfortable accomodations in Suldanor and beyond as they flee from the fascist chaos in Baltusia."

Medal of Valor Authorized by Emperor
His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Fredrick II Ananto has announced today that the National Medal of Valor will be re-authorized for the first time in centuries. The medal traditionally has been awarded to a civilian who has contributed to the Kalistan far and above the normal expectations associated with civic duty. Any citizen or foreign national may be nominated for the Medal. The successful candidate will have contributed in a significant and sustained way to the security and national interests of the Empire of Ananto and Kalistan, will have furthered the cause of world peace, or will have contributed to Kalistani Culture through public or private endeavor. The Emperor, in his proclamation stated,
"It is our desire to provide for a prestigious token of recognition for those who surpass the efforts of their fellows. The Award will be provided for specific actions, which are reflective of a life of public service and dedication to the people and Interests of Kalistan. Any person may make a nomination of any individual in the world for this award, and all nominations will be considered by a select committee convened for consideration of the nomination. The award will be accompanied by a lifetime pension from the award foundation, which our Family has set up for this purpose. It is our desire that the winners of this prestigious medal shall be so honored."
The award is the civilian equivalent to the National Medal of Honor which is awarded to uniformed members of the Regular Force.

Brad Willis prepares to represent Kalistan in Noumonde
FOMAT XXVIII is about to happen in Noumonde, and Kalistan's entry, Brad Willis, is about to head to the country. The singer, who was selected years ago to represent Kalistan at the international music festival, has released 3 studio albums since he was selected for the contest, but has reportedly been working up a new arrangement of the song which should blow the socks off the jury. "I've really tried to make it special in our rehersals," said Willis, last week in Kaliburg. "We've brought in a string quartet, and have got the original studio musicians back together to work as a backing band. It will be the first time any of us have ever been to Noumonde, so it should be a lot of fun. A real adventure." Willis, now in his mid 30s almost didn't make it to the contest. "A couple of years ago, my wife and I lost our son in a drowning accident. It really caused me to have to do some re-evaluation of my priorities." But Willis said it was his wife, Jeanette who encouraged him to return back to music. "Jeanette said that it was time for me to get out of bed, to get back into the studio and to get out the bad blood. It was really cathartic... it helped me move forward, not really move on, but move past the crippling sorrow and sadness. There's a time for that, but she said she didn't want to bury me too, so its now time to keep making music." Willis said he is ready to go represent Kalistan in Noumonde. "And of course Jeanette will be there with me."
Last edited by Doc on Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sun Sep 08, 2024 8:31 pm


Kalistani Regular Forces deploy north along Baltusian Border
Aim to ensure that Baltusian Revolution remains contained

Lucid City Suldanor
February 12, 5542

Elements of the 5th Regiment, Regular Armed Forces settle into permanent positions west of Lucid Morass

Elements of the Kalistani Regular Forces deployed in Suldanor to assist in the developing security situation in Baltusia. "We have ordered forward field units from the Kalistani Regular Force to the border with Baltusia to ensure that rebels do not attempt to make use of territory in Kalistan to assist their revolution," said General Katherine Williams today. "His Imperial Majesty has made it clear that Kalistan will neither help nor hinder the progress of the revolution, and we encourage other nations to allow the Baltusians to work this affair out for themselves without internationalizing the matter."

The General was responding to the deepening revolution that is ongoing in Baltusia. "This is a specifically Baltusian matter," said Dame Jacqueline DuMont, His Imperial Majesty's Foreign Minister. "Not only do we condemn the human rights abuses by the National Government, but we are also prepared to condemn international intervention in the matter. We stand prepared to observe the events, and quite honestly, foreign intervention of any kind will only make matters worse. Nobody benefits from foreigners intervening in domestic conflicts anywhere in the world, least of all in Seleya."

The Kalistani forces consist primarily of the 5th and 6th Artillery Regiment, as well as two tank brigades, and the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division. The three units are supported by Kalistani Regular Air and the Institutional Militia units associated with the Duchy of Suldanor, who are operating ahead of the lines and providing recon services. "We don't anticipate any incursion of the border," said General Williams. "The general staff is characterizing the revolution as a primarily urban affair. But we want to make sure that Baltusian rebels don't end up sneaking over the border where they might view things as somehow safer. The Government of Kalistan is clearly not on the side of the Revolution, but they are also not interested in assisting the Government against the Rebels due to ongoing human rights violations. So the position of Kalistan is to arm the border against both sides."

The Kalistani rules of engagement state that any armed or uniformed Baltusians are to be stopped, detained and disarmed. If there is any resistance, Kalistanis are ordered first to warn, and then if warnings are disobeyed, to fire to injure. If at any point, any militants surrender, they are to be treated well and returned to competent authority in Baltusia as soon as possible. "Our goal here is to help Baltusian civilians get away from the crisis, not to engage the Baltusian military or rebels," said General Williams. "We have adopted rules of engagement that will allow us to maximize our humanitarian mission along the border."

The mobilization on the border complements the naval action at sea which has established a defacto naval cordon off the coast of Althosia, also known as "Santiago State". The cordon is aimed at containment of the crisis and prevention of its internationalization.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:34 pm


Emperor travels to Vintalli
Holds meeting with Duke Victor Ananto and Gaduri Business Interests

Ciudad de Gaduri, Marlingantos, Gaduridos
March 16, 5542

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Fredrick II Ananto arrives in Aeropuerto Oriente in surprise visit

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Fredrick II Ananto made a surprise visit to Gaduridos this week. The visit, which wasn't on the official Imperial Calendar, was said to have been requested by Duke Victor Ananto-Martin, who is overseeing several joint Kalistani-Gaduri operations and advising the caretaker Government in Ciudad de Gaduri. While in country, the Emperor visited various sites feature the health and well being of the Gaduri economy. After meeting with members of the caretaker government in Ciudad de Gaduri, the Emperor gave some brief comments that summarized his short tour of the nation.

"We thank the people of this great nation for their hospitality in welcoming us and continuing to work closely with our Uncle, the Duke of Suldanor, Victor Ananto-Martin. It is the vision of the people and their leaders in this nation to take the opportunity to accept our assistance for this long time. As many here know, our family has adopted the appelation 'Gaduri' in recognition of the modern line's founder's ancestors who arrived in Kalistan from Gaduridos nearly three hundred years ago. As such, and because of our eternal ties of nationality stretching back into the prehistoric era, we are perpetually bound as a single people, and though our histories may have diverged over the centuries, nonetheless we have made a strong effort in Kalistan to restore our Gaduri cultural roots where it exists, and to celebrate it and elevate it to the status of equal in our nation. In fact, in Kalistan, there is no difference between Vrassan, Vintalli and Anantonese cultures--together, the alloy is called Kalistan.

As such, it has been our explicit policy, as it was our late mother's policy, to restore the traditional and historical bonds between our nation, and to contribute where we can economically, politically, and militarily to the continued health and wellbeing of this State. The people of Gaduridos have welcomed the determined efforts of the Duke of Suldanor to secure investment for Gaduridos. The Gaduri Security forces have welcomed and adopted his advice aimed at keeping Gaduridos safe. And the members of the caretaker government have remained in regular consultation with the Duke, as the official representative of the Crown, to keep the nation stable and free of rebellion.

There is now evidence that the Gaduri people are preparing to come out of this long period of caretaker and decentralized governance. We welcome developments to stand the Central Government and the Gaduri economy back up. And we will say that nothing will vindicate the Duke's efforts more than a strong, secure and prosperous Gaduridos. If and when Gaduridos transitions, Kalistan will remain your friend. We shall continue to do all we can to help the rest of the world see Gaduridos as the great Nation that we already know it is. We are committed, not only from fraternal feeling, but out of obligation of our Position as the holder of Crown of Vintalli, the ancient name for Gaduridos. A strong, allied Gaduridos is good for Kalistan. And we will do all we can to ensure that we maintain a healthy and correct relationship with Gaduridos."

The speech was warmly greeted by several Gaduri institutional investors, as well as more than a few Gaduri nationalists who also celebrated the news that Duke Victor Ananto-Martin has secured setup costs to begin building a massive steel mill in Playa del Oriente from KALNAFERCO. The steel mill which will be majority owned by Gaduri investors, is meant to replace a portion of the steel imports that Gaduridos currently makes from Dolgava with domestic production. The Kalsitani interest is meant to act as an insurance policy to ensure the success of the plant and expansion to scale to allow Gaduridos, within ten years, to begin producing steel to meet national demand. "Self sufficiency is important for Gaduridos," said Duke Victor in February. "When Gaduridos is dependent on other nations for essential strategic materials like steel, it is at the mercy of international markets. Making the finished products locally will allow Gaduridos to begin to set its own terms in the international market, rather than being at the mercy of other nations."

The Emperor stayed at Duke Victor's Ciudad de Gaduri's villa for the four days that he was in country. During his time there, the Emperor was hosted at a major private banquet and took a sightseeing tour around the island of Marlingantos.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:07 am


Trade Minister Schmidt calls for a Trade Expo in Kaliburg
Empire to review its trade relations

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
April 19, 5542

Trade Minister Christopher Schmidt aims at a more nationalist economy

Kalistan appears to be heading in a more nationalistic trade orientation in light of increasing consolidation elsewhere in the world. "Recent moves by various of the larger political configurations to increase their access to markets and resources have given Kalistan a push to focus more on development at home," said His Imperial Majesty's Trade Minister Christopher Schmidt. "We can no longer trust that trade will not come with political strings, and these strings are not ones that Kalistan is willing to accept. His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor has proposed a trade exposition in Kalistan, to be set for July 5544 to determine which nations will still be willing to continue to trade with Kalistan on terms that are favorable for our national interests."

The Trade Exposition is considered open to all those who wish to attend. "Kalistan will welcome all nations who wish to trade in Kalistan," said the Trade Minister. "Any nations attending will be given a pavilion of their own and should bring samples of materials they would like to Market in Kalistan. Kalistan will also have a pavilion where we will post those items that we are interested and able to export. We hope that nations will tour various pavilions and make trade deals and etc., but we also wish to use the trade exposition to begin branching out our trade networks beyond what we currently maintain, for the aim of diversifying our trade partnerships."

The Trade Minister was optimistic about participation in the Trade Exposition: "We will of course invite all members of the the Non Aligned Movement, as well as ODEN. We would hope that lots of nations would choose to attend. It seems like an excellent opportunity to show the world what items a country has to trade to the world." And what if nobody attends? "That tells us a lot that we also need to know about where Kalistan stands in the world. If nobody shows up, we assume of course that nations no longer intend to trade with Kalistan, and we will go from there."

Kalistan has recently been re-evaluating its international relationships since before the Emperor was crowned. Particularly concerning to His Imperial Majesty is the growth of larger political organizations. "Kalistan has always stood opposed to the Luthorian Commonwealth, which has now stretched out to include a nation which has no historical ties to Luthori," said Minister Schmidt. "While Kalistan and Luthori built a new relationship at the beginning of the reign of Empress Nicolette II, and Luthori itself rejected the application to join the commonwealth on human rights grounds, other new alignments, many of which feel like powergrabs more than anything reasonable, have brought the topic of international alignments back to the forefront of His Imperial Majesty's foreign policy. This trade exposition is the first step to re-evaluating our relationships internationally-- If we wish to figure out who wish to work with, it makes sense to figure out who wishes to work with us."

The Trade Minister states that the Trade Exposition will happen over the month of July in 5544. To claim a pavilion, the Trade Ministry has built an online registry, where countries should post who will represent their nation, what companies' and products will be represented, and whether they intend to visit the Kalistani Pavilion and/or are interested in negotiating a bi-lateral trade agreement. Following the Exposition, Kalistan will be evaluating its current trade agreements. The Online registry is found at viewtopic.php?f=37&t=9705.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:07 pm


Admiral Kristin Davis named Naval Chief of Staff
"Kalistan should build an Aircraft Carrier," said new Navy Chief

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
July 17, 5542

Rear Admiral Kristin Davis, RNK, gives thoughts on Anantonese Security

"Perhaps it's time that Kalistan builds itself an aircraft carrier," Rear Admiral Kristin Davis, recently appointed Naval Chief of Staff said in an interview last week. "That seems to be the fashionable thing for countries to do these days. Since they are so easy to maintain and are apparently 'in' this season, maybe we should get one or two of them ourselves." The comments came during an interview with the Rear Admiral during a panel discussion about Naval Security in the Northern and Central Anantonese Ocean. She later clarified that she was "being facetious, to demonstrate a rhetorical point."

The issue, said the admiral, is that nations across the world seem to be arming their naval forces with floating airbases. "Why? Who knows, but it seems that aircraft carriers are magically proliferating around the globe like a bad social disease. And there seems to be no rhyme or reason, nor any real security justification, to the madness. So if Baltusia and Vascania can afford to build and maintain one, Kalistan can easily afford at least 6. Do we need them? Of course not-- no more than anyone in the world needs them."

With regard to whether Kalistan will actually pursue the acquisition of an aircraft carrier, the Rear Admiral was a bit more down to earth. "Of course not," Admiral Davis answered. "We aren't insane. The naval doctrine of Kalistan does not require aircraft carriers first and foremost. They are incredibly inefficient, supremely expensive, and draw everyone's attention to everything you are doing. They become liabilities in prolonged warfare, because they make easy targets." Kalistan will, according to the Naval Chief of Staff, stick to its current doctrine. "The Straits and their immediate ocean sectors remain our primary theater of operations," said the Admiral. "In these regions, our aircraft can safely remain on land, free of torpedoes fired by nuclear submarines which many nations also magically have, that apparently, if propaganda is to be believed, move at 14 knots underwater completely undetected. Except by Kalistani subs of course, who know ever square millimeter of the Straits, because our submarines operate under those waves 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Nothing passes the Straits without our knowing about it, as a matter of national security, and if anything has passed through, its because we have allowed it to do so. We will stick to our own front yard, and let others pursue wasteful, vulnerable weapons at their leisure. For status."

The Kalistani Navy is currently in internal discussions about whether to reform into a four fleet system, due to an expanded mission in the Central Anantonese Ocean and increased patrols in the Northern Anantonese. The discussions are part of a recently revealed unofficial plan which includes thinking of the Central Anantonese Ocean between Kalistan and Gaduridos as a more unified security zone. When asked about the plan, the Rear Admiral was candid: "The Central Anantonese Ocean is an area of concern for us, of course, but any unified security arrangements for the region would naturally require buy in from as many as five countries, so we are nowhere near where we need to be for anything solid to begin to precipitate. It is more of a general direction that we would like to go toward than anything fully formulated at this point. There are a LOT of variables at play that could change what that looks like." What is clear however is that Kalistan is inching toward a larger regional role than it has accepted in the past.

"Who knows," said Admiral Davis. "An Aircraft Carrier might be something we decide we need after all. Just like every other country in Terra." After a while, it became difficult to know what comments about aircraft carriers to take seriously and which to chalk up to satire of other nations.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:36 am


Emperor Welcomes Luthori back to Kalistan
Agreements to advise on maglev tech in place

Sulari, Duchy of Suldanor
September 8, 5542

Royal Party travels on original Stretch of RailSul between Sulari and Dana

His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Fredrick II Ananto welcomed the Emperor and Empress to Kalistan in an official state visit. The visit was primarily a social event for the royals, aimed at renewing the relationship established by Empress Nicolette II Ananto. In the course of the visit, the royals. Most of the stay in Ananto was at Wilson House in Kaliburg, but after several days, the party flew to Sulari to take a ride on the Maglev. The party travelled the 85 mile distance in less than 15 minutes.

One of the main reasons for the trip was for the Luthorians to secure technical assistance and investment as they begin to update their infrastructure. "Kalistan has one of Terra's pre-eminent high speed national passenger rail systems," said His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Red Collins. "We are proud to show it off, and Luthori appears that they would like to adopt our model, so we're happy to share it." During the Royal visits, Kalistani Ministers were in talks with their Luthorian counterparts, who secured a multi billion dollar investment and advisement deal to help Luthori improve their rail network using MagLev technology. "We've been able to give them workable estimates," said Collins, "and are happy to give them technical assistance to help them make their rail system the best in Artania!"

Kalistan and Luthori also discussed security matters. "The Defense Ministers are just talking at the moment," said Minister Collins. "To my knowledge, nothing solid has come of the discussions. Luthori seems to be looking for a security Partner in Kalistan, but nothing that interests Kalistan so far has really been put on the table yet." Kalistan said they were most interested in surface to surface missiles and ASW technology to combat international submarines around Kalistan. "As the years go by, people are beginning to lean more heavily on the tactics that Kalistan has long used in defense," said Collins. "The Defense Minister is looking to see if Luthori has better technology to help our crews hunt down and destroy foreign submarines operating in the Anantonese Ocean and ensure Kalistani domination under the seas."

The official visit in the books, Luthori's visit marks the first visit by a foreign head of state to Kalistan since the coronation of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor. "Speaking as a member of His Impeial Majesty's Government," said Minister Collins, "a visit to Kalistan often smooths the road for diplomacy. It makes it far easier for us to do business with them." The preliminary work on Luthori's Rail infrastructure is expected to begin before Fall, with startup funds guaranteed by the Bank of Suldanor in Sulari.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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