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Re: Luthori

Postby Hogak25 » Wed Aug 09, 2023 9:20 am

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:07 pm

The Martwick Post
Dominant newspaper in the Duchy of Shipleyriding.
The Berringham site proclaimed as a "zone to defend" by the leader of Extreme Renovation.
January 5345

Berringham, Duchy of Shipleyriding, Luthori - A massive influx of environmental activists at the construction site at Berringham, near Martwick, saw a 'defensive zone' form to prevent the establishment of an Invergn semiconductor factory on the site, which is home to several species of animals. Invergn Industries International announced the establishment of several production facilities for semiconductors and processors in Luthori, environmental associations criticized the company's decision and called for the organization of several demonstrations in "defense of the landscape and of the climate" and with a view to "protesting against the big companies who don't care about the climate", all this comes from the press release of the "Extreme Renovation", a radical environmentalist organization which is known for its radical positions on the subject of the ecological transition, having declared that the Delaune Model "did not go far enough", with these positions, several demonstrations had broken out throughout the country to demonstrate against the construction of several factories for the production of semiconductors and processors in several cities of the country, these demonstrations gathered at best 2,000 people in most of the cities where they were organized. Seeing that this kind of policy of demonstrations was not working and that the work of the factories was advancing rapidly, the Last Renovation announced the establishment of a different policy. This announcement was carried out when a convoy of 13 buses, carrying 1,459 people, arrived at the Berringham site, a city where Invergn announced the establishment of a new semiconductor factory, in these 1,459 people, a man was noticed, because, this one is highly placed in the onnigram of the ecological associations, the president of the Extreme Renovation, John Livergtone, went, himself to the demonstration. He held a critical speech against politicians and companies he blames for the "current ecological crisis", he announced that the Berringham construction site would become "an area to be defended" against "nefarious political interests and companies", he also announced "want to stay until the Invergn reconsiders its decision". The profile of the demonstrators are far left activists, radical feminists, affiliated with the Radical Women of Luthori, in one way or another, are also present on the site, radical environmental activists are also present in this demonstration.

It appears that the Board of Directors of Invergn Industries International and Millford (OOC: Galliford Try) reacted with "some annoyance" for these protesters and have already made contact with the Police and the Ducal Government of Shipleyriding to put in place a sufficient and non-lethal response to make these demonstrators leave. The CEO of Invergn, Matthew Bronstuck, having declared to the LBC that "these protesters are doing counterproductive actions for their fight and delaying the expansion of the industrial park which can give an opportunity to this region which is still unknown", the chief of police at Shipleyriding, Colonel Gustav Inchbrow, announced that the police would "do everything in their power to ensure that the situation can be unblocked and that the workers working on the site can start working again", for the fate workers, Galliford Try has announced that by the time the crisis ends, all workers working on the site will be put on paid leave during the crisis and for one more week after the end of it. The Imperial Government, led by new Prime Minister Emily Harrington, condemned the protesters' actions and called on them to leave the construction site before "the government is forced to resort to less peaceful methods", the call is unlikely to have been listened to by the protesters, because none gave any sign of wanting to withdraw from the site, on the contrary, according to the surveys of the drones, barricades were erected to fight a potential attack by the police forces. The Martwick Post has decided to continue posting any information from this story as it unfolds.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:05 pm

The Martwick Post
Police and anti-ecologist protesters break the ecologist protest in Berringham, 157 arrests and 1 light wounded.
The police ended the occupation of the construction site of the future semiconductor factory in Berringham, Shipleyriding, the Government, which remained officially silent during this crisis, is considered to be "fairly content" with the resolution of this crisis.
27th, January 5345

Berringham, Duchy of Shipleyriding, Luthori - The protests and occupation of the construction site of the future Berringham semiconductor factory ended abruptly when a dispatch from Fort William arrived in the ducal capital of Shipley, the Prime Minister authorized the use of force to dislodge the occupants, after 21 days of occupation, from January 5 to 26, the opponents of the project to set up a semiconductor facility were brutally dislodged by the use of police force with the help of the armed forces of the Axminter barracks, which is occupied by the forces of the 15th armored division, who were called in to reinforce the police, who tried during these 21 days to discuss with the protesters to find an agreement, but were systematically confronted with systemic opposition of the leader of 'Extreme Renovation', John Livergtone, who opposed "any negotiations with the reactionaries as long as the demands of the movement were not accepted", the demands of the organization, recently classified as "terrorist" by the Imperial Security Service, was quite simple, the end of the factory building program at Luthori and the establishment of an ultra-costly program of ecological transition, the government led by Prime Minister Harrington rejected these demands outright the minute they arrived at the office of the Prime Minister, the latter having decreed, after seeing the demands of the demonstrators, the use of police force after the repeated failures of the police to find an understanding friendly with the demonstrators, the plan decided was simple, to request the help of the armed forces, of the 15th armored division based in Axminter, to help the police forces to dislodge, to do this, the police forces operated a strategic withdrawal from the place of the construction site, after they were able to join the men of the armored division to prepare a charge, between January 25 and 26, the police put in place the plan decided by Crown Street, the protesters, upon awakening, celebrated the departure of the police and gave interviews to journalists, John Livingtone gave an interview to the LBC saying "it's quite weird that the police have left their post like this, but for my comrades, it's a victory", I hope this is a sign that the government has accepted our demands." The big problem is that the police force reorganized with the help of the armed forces present and marched to the scene.

The surprise and confusion reigned when a horde of soldiers and police appeared in front of the entrance of the construction site, the demonstrators returned behind their barricades to be able to protect themselves, the scene was filmed by the cameras of the NLB, which could notice that the police had brought batons to be able to defend themselves against any aggressive action on the part of the demonstrators, the ultimatum from the police was clear "surrender or face the consequences", this order was followed by 200 demonstrators who decided to leave the demonstration, escorted by police officers and under the boos of their congeners, and when all these demonstrators were evacuated, the police ordered the charge, during this one about 150 demonstrators were arrested, it must be said that the device of 1,500 police officers mobilized was quite substantial, enough to be able to arrest members at the quarter turn, in these immediate arrests, John Livingtone was also in this list, he was, according to our information, charged with "disrespect of an officer and refusal to cooperate with a person holding public authority", he risks, according to our information, paying a fine of 150,000 pounds and a sentence ranging from 3 years in prison suspended to a sentence of 5 years in prison. The Prime Minister was reported to be "pretty happy that this event is finally over and can move on", the unarrested protesters all fled or, in the case of one protester, were taken to hospital to treat a minor arm injury. Invergn announced "that it was satisfied with this conclusion and thanked all the people who played a major or minor role in unblocking this situation", Millford, the company in charge of the construction, said also announced that she "was grateful to all the people who contributed to this result", which was seen and what could have been in the capitulation of 200 demonstrators, was the massive arrival of several hundred people opposed to the demonstration , armed with eggs and throwing them towards the demonstrators, a vegetable farmer also brought his tractor back and destroyed one of the barricades, showing a real division of public opinion, it seems, only for better or for the worse, this episode is over and the factory under construction in Berringham will be well and truly built in 5346.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:40 am

Press Statement
Harvey Sunny speaks: "This so called 'police' protects this regime which clearly disregards the civil liberties and bulldozes the trees."

15 May 5345

Harvey Sunny, who was the leader of Progressive Liberal Party and is one of the founding members of Course of Freedom, broke his silence and spoke out again. He spoke about the arrests of protesters in Berringham and the conscription, and Course of Freedom released this as a press statement:

Maybe this is my fault as I can never get used to this regime, but I express my lack of trust to this regime. How can I support a regime which bulldozes the trees, builds factories which Luthori does not need, and then cracks down on protesters who want to protect their nation from who bulldozes the trees?

I also express my disappointment with the choice of the so called "police". This so called "police" protects this regime which clearly disregards the civil liberties and bulldozes the trees for awarding money to their supporters. How we fell to a situation like this? I never understood and I hope you can.

And the regime reinforced this by proposing a 18-month conscription. 18 months is too long and this will leave the young men with these capricious commanders and the reactionary regime, me, with the other Members of Imperial Diet for Course of Freedom, voted against this outrageous policy and I hope the Reform Party and National Liberal Party will understand what I say.

This regime also put pressure on the courts to sentence the protesters to 5-year prison under the guise of "disrespect of an officer and refusal to cooperate with a person holding public authority"! And they are also confessing this by clearly writing this. We will not respect the capricious orders of the dictator nor will cooperate with this anti-democratic regime and will continue our unwavering struggle for freedom and civil liberties and we will remove this nonsense so called "law" if we get into government.

Use of police force to "brutal"ly dislodge the occupants? Yes, you confessed this and I will show the news article when you deny it, you So Called Prime Minister In Fact Dictator. And are you pretty happy by this event? Yes, another confession. Ultimatum from police to "surrender or face the consequences"? Oh, then I can show this to the so called "police" if they sue me for this. This is such an outrageous scandal which even the persons that I previously called "dictator" did not contemplate, and I noticed that the persons who I previously called "dictator" were not real dictators, but you are!

We will be the opposition to the regime and its outrageous policies! We will together change Luthori through activism and participation, and apathy only perpetuates status quo. This regime is not virtuous. This regime is not beneficial. This regime is anti-democratic. This regime is hostile to progress. This regime only backs its supporters.

And with support from you, we can end this regime and democratize this nation into a beacon of civil liberties again! Do not forget, this was your choice to elect this regime, and this will be your choice to either re-elect the regime or elect someone who will be the new hope for this nation!

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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:57 am

Course of Freedom dissolved after the resignation of 69 Members of Imperial Diet: Socialist Liberal Party succeeds it.
15 November 5345

The largest republican party of Luthori, Course of Freedom, announced its dissolution in 10 November 5345 because months ago 69 Members of Imperial Diet from the party resigned and the party could not deal with this crisis. Dissolution of Course of Freedom was met with shock, especially from the republican and syndicalist organizations of Luthori.

After dissolution of Course of Freedom, various politicians from it expressed that they were shocked and what would replace it was uncertain. A sense of panic among the voters of CF started, and the voters of CF were waiting for establishment of a similar party which could remplace CF and could re-unite republicanism and progressivism.

Then, it seemed like no political party to replace CF would be established, and many voters of CF started to say that they would vote for the liberal bloc if no party was to be founded to replace their old party, CF. Between 10 and 15 November, the main topic of the Luthorian media was the dissolution of Course of Freedom, as dissolution of a party with more than 25% of popular votes would gain attention.

The Course of Freedom party politician Jasper Staff said these to our reporters: "I was already expecting the dissolution of CF, as the party remained in opposition for a long time, and despite gains, still remained in the main opposition. While the 5344 elections were a hope that the current coalition could lose, no, it did not just lose and it even made gains. "

However, before much panic could happen, Erika Harris announced that she would unite the members of Course of Freedom into a new party: that would be the Socialist Liberal Party. The new SLP is seen as a beacon of hope for the republican movement in Luthori and we will see how it affects the political landscape and overall future of Luthori.

Republican Times
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Re: The

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:01 am

The Imperial Economics
LuthoriRail signs 10-year collaboration deal with Milford over construction of new railway network.
Rail transport firm LuthoriRail has signed a partnership agreement which gives construction firm Milford a juicy contract to build over 500km of high-speed line.
13th, November 5345

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - Private rail passenger firm, LuthoriRail, today announced a plan to lay over 500 km of high-speed rail across the country, to do this , it has signed a cooperation and partnership agreement with the firm Milford, a dominant company in Luthori in the field of construction. The project was set up by Alfred Messing, who proposed the implementation of a renovation of several so-called "classic" lines, where trains passing over them cannot exceed the limit of 124 mp/h (200 km/h ), to transform them into so-called "high-speed" lines, where the trains running on them can go up to the commercial speed of 199 to 218 mp/h (320 to 350 km/h), at the same time this plan will provide for the opening of high-speed lines outside Fort William, seeking to connect the networks of all private operators, who seek to avoid Fort William for their trains going from one end of the country to the other, but also seeks to set up new connections from Fort William to other cities, to shorten the time taken to travel on board a LuthoriRail train. The partnership agreement with Millford was expected, as the two companies already have a history of collaborating on the construction of new rail lines, whether conventional or high-speed, the 10-year collaboration which states that LuthoriRail will call in priority for Millford to set up constructions, but that in exchange, this one pays part of the costs of the cost of the project, between 5 and 10% of the cost of the works, the leaders of Millford accepted this compromise, thanks above all to the efforts of their shareholders who wanted to see the company win a new loyal customer. The project put in place by Messing provides for the installation of 310 miles of high-speed line (500 km) and the completion of 100 miles of so-called "classic" lines (68 km), the first phase of this plan, called " red phase", is going to be the establishment of a direct and faster link between Fort William-St Robert and Alchester, at present the line runs through the city's metropolitan network between Uxford and Nortembridge, a link more direct, which would reduce travel time from Fort William (St Robert Station) to Alchester (Palace Station) by approximately 45 minutes (from 2h19 to 1h44) and would allow connections to the lines that will bypass Fort William at the Milstonbrough station, where all lines not passing through Fort William, will pass through there, setting up a correspondence with the Overground network which passes through this station and a correspondence with the Victory Line, which also passes through there and will be used to set up a direct line to Fort William for passengers who need to go to the capital, another project in collaboration with all private groups and the government is to create a circular network around Fort William so that trains not wishing to pass there for north-south or east-west services, can circumvent it.

Another project is the establishment of a “coastal line”, which would start from Martwick and would serve most of the seaside towns in the north of the Empire. The establishment of a line between Northminster and Martwick, which would replace the current use of the conventional line between the two cities and reduce the journey time, according to project analysts by around 2 hours, from 4:15 to 2:15. And the implementation of several similar projects between several cities in the country, including a connection of the existing line between Fort William and Northminister and the future line between Fort William, with the same objective of bypassing and relieving congestion in the capital and its stations, which are visited by approximately 200 million people each year. The implementation of this project to expand these lines was applauded by all political sides, but worried the direct competitors of LuthoriRail, who are now looking for alternatives, or the implementation of different projects.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:37 pm

The Imperial News
Luthori's largest defence newspaper.
Imperial Diet Passes the AFREL, what does that mean for the Armed Forces?
13th, December 5345

Challenger 2 tank of the 5th Armoured Regiment during a military excercise.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - The Imperial Diet recently passed the "Armed Forces Reorganization and Equipment Law", this bill, put on the table by the Secretary of Defense, Willard Strachan, after a thorough assessment of the capabilities of the Imperial armed forces, talks with the generals to continue digging to find real solutions and finally, surveys within the armed forces themselves, to find out what should be changed within it, for 2 years, the then-defense expert and special envoy of the then-Minister of Defense, Christina Potter, who resigned her position to let new blood bring something new to the Ministry of Defense, for 2 years, he toured the barracks, met the officers and the soldiers to find a common solution to this problem. The solution that emerged was the establishment of more investments within our armed forces, whether in terms of the equipment used by it, which becomes quite obsolete as the years go by, or at the level of the forces present, the Army seeing that many people escape compulsory military service because of a vagueness in the law on conscription, not establishing a clear duration. AFREL implemented an 18-month conscription for men and women between the ages of 18 and 25, anyone born before 5324 had the option of joining the armed forces if they wished, and all persons born in or after 5324 had the obligation to go to register at the nearest recruitment center to begin their military service. The text of the law also set up a vast program of aquaring of military equipment of approximately 5 billion pounds, with the purchase of several thousand equipment for the land armed forces and the purchase of several naval equipment which costs billions of pounds, these purchases are always with a view to the continuation of the policy adopted by the governments where the Tories or the CDU were present, the continuation of the reinforcement of the armed forces, with the eventual establishment of a or two new fleets and the installation of new divisions within the armed forces, thanks to the contribution of material and trained soldiers within this one. The recent reorganization of the naval forces with the separation of the command of the submarine and surface naval forces and the establishment of three fleets which are under the command of several "command zones" which are the eastern, southern and northern zones, do not is only meant to be temporary, as setting up new fleets is in the dial of Naval High Command. It seems that Luthori is regaining his momentum in the arms race, remains to be seen if this will be successful.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Aug 11, 2023 6:57 pm

The Daily Economist
Hexlon Mining debuts mining in Kundrati and Beiteynu.
The imperial megacorporation, Hexlon Imperial, has announced that its mining firm, Hexlon Mining has started operating several mines operating several minerals, including uranium, in Kundrati and Beiteynu. She also announced the establishment of partnerships with private groups on some of the minerals that are found.
2nd, January 5346 (Post-dated)

Aolomon Diamond Mine, Kokun, Beiteynu, exploited by Hexlon Mining.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - The famous firm being considered as one of the oldest megacorporations in the world, Hexlon Imperial, which, over the years, has regained a place of choice in the new government strategy for the development of Luthori's economy, thanks to its many subsidiaries in several areas of the imperial economy, starting with Hexlon Imperial Electric Company, one of the companies dominating the national electricity network, participating in the production of approximately 31% of all the energy produced annually in Luthori, Hexlon Construction, which is also very strong in the field of construction, having been the company which was requested by the construction of the expansion of the Fort William Underground Network, and which succeeded in its mission, with little difficulty , but is, unfortunately for Hexlon, in the shadows compared to its two major competitors, Millford and Services International, which retains a large part of the market share in the construction and civil engineering market. Finally, one of its largest shares is the Hexlon Mining Corporation or Hexlon Mining, and this is what the Daily Economist article will focus on today, indeed, Hexlon Mining is the largest company Imperial and one of the largest companies in the world being in the mining market of several resources, diverse and varied. In this sense, and with a view to wanting to detach from a domestic market which has become a virtual monopoly for Hexlon Mining, with other companies having market shares much lower than that of Hexlon Mining, and to develop in other markets where the competition will be a little weaker, a series of negotiations began about ten years ago with the various governments which succeeded (or not) Kasaema and Yishelem, for the establishment of an official governmental authorization , for the company to be officially authorized by local governments to operate some or all of the mines present in their nations, Hexlon has been negotiating for about 15 years with Kasaema to obtain from them the authorization which would allow Hexlon Mining to exploit the coal mines and more important for Hexlon Mining, of these uranium mines, during the last 15 years, it tried, by all means to convince the Kundrati government of the feasibility of this plan and sought to have the agreement signed by the government, after years of negotiations, it seems that Kundrati accepted the offer from Hexlon Mining, at least we put "it seems" instead of "it is sure", because they accepted within two conditions, that Hexlon pays for the equipment and the infrastructures which will be used in these mines and finally that the use of the extracted uranium will not be used so that Luthori would create a nuclear weapon in the near future, but only for the production of nuclear power at Luthori. This resort came to the Imperial Government to agree, and this was accepted by the Prime Minister, who congratulated Hexlon "for this magnificent arrangement" with Kundrati. For the enrichment of uranium at Luthori, Hexlon Mining has, via the parent company, Hexlon Imperial, reached an agreement with its congeners at the Hexlon Imperial Electric Company for the establishment in the future of three plants uranium enrichments, before it can be used in future nuclear power plants or current plants built with the help of the Dorvish NTVS. Hexlon Mining also announced that it had reached an agreement with Beiteynu for the exploitation of their mining resources, Beiteynu having several natural resources which were considered to be "interesting" for the firm, indeed, Beiteynu possesses within its soil, several resources such as silver, cooper and diamonds, this has made Beiteynu a priority for the firm, which for several years has been negotiating with local authorities to find a friendly agreement for both parties, an agreement would be found before the Olami Trade Administration raises doubts about the competitiveness of Imperial companies and the markets in Yishelem worry about the rapid and "aggressive" expansion on the part of Luthorian companies, resetting all negotiations between the two parties, before arriving at a new agreement with Beiteynu, she had to make efforts to be able to integrate as well as possible into the Beiteynuese system. So, with all the concerns on both sides allayed, an agreement on the exploitation of the rather abandoned mines of Beiteynu was signed between the two parties, Hexlon having even signed a partnership with the luthorian jewelry firm, Pearl of the Orient, so that it has a priority on diamond sales compared to other jewelry companies, which are more of a minority.
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Re: Luthori

Postby jamescfm » Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:00 pm


     National Liberal Party and Reform Party agree to pursue merger
          Fort William | 8 March 5346

Party members of the National Liberal Party and the Reform Party have approved plans proposed by party leaders to pursue an official merger of the two parties. The two liberal parties formed the Union of the Lion political alliance two decades ago. In the period since, they have worked closely together in numerous governments and fielded a joint list in ducal elections. As the Reform Party has shifted its economic policy to the right under Leo Chakarvarti, the policy differences between the two parties have become even smaller.

Ever since the reactivation of the National Liberal Party, there have been suggestions that the two liberal parties could merge. For many years, the idea was dismissed by long-serving Reform Party leader Preston Griffin. Leo Chakarvarti, who succeeded Griffin as leader, has been an advocate for the proposal though. Last year, he held a series of meetings with National Liberal Party leader Claire Dalton-Jones to discuss a potential merger.

The full details of the potential merger have not yet been agreed. According to sources, the agreement is likely to be loose to begin with. Both parties are expected to retain their internal structures and leadership in the short term. The objective is to contest the next general election as a single political party at the national level. With the support of party membership, another set of negotiations led by Chakarvarti and Dalton-Jones are set to be held later this month.

     New Luthori Broadcasting is a Fort William-based media organisation providing news across a variety of topics.          
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Aug 13, 2023 4:11 pm

The Artanian Times
A look into the Luthorian aid to Hobrazia.
The Imperial Government announced the signing of an agreement with Hobrazia, on the reconstruction of their nation, which has an inadequate infrastructure and economy following the recent years of civil war which saw the establishment of a regime qualified as "semi -democratic" by the luthorian democracy indices, even if this regime is considered as "semi-democratic in the process of full democratization" this did not prevent the Prime Minister from meeting with representatives of Hobrazia for the signing of a historic agreement between the two nations, which makes Luthori help Hobrazia in various fields for its reconstruction.
24th, January 5347

Astoria K'alak'i, Capital City of Hobrazia in 5346. Picture from Luthorian photograph James Midland.

Fort William, Duchy of Orange, Luthori - Representatives of the Imperial Government and the Government of Hobrazia met at 10 Crown Street, this meeting headed by Luthori's Prime Minister, Emily Harrington, who represented the Luthori delegation and headed by Nika Iluridze, Hobrazia's Ambassador to Luthori, spoke of several common subjects between the two nations, ranging from the economy to common defence. We, at the Artanian section of the Times, have jointly decided to present this document to you in two points, one point focused on the economy and the future of economic relations between Fort William and Astoria, and on the security field, what future for the military relations between Luthori and Hobrazia.

The future of economic and financial relations between Luthori and Hobrazia.

Economic relations between Fort William and Astoria were for the most part cordial, although a trend has been confirmed in recent years that exports to Hobrazia have declined, this trend was first developed by the Luthorian Trade Bureau, which manages economic affairs relating to trade and exchanges between states and Luthori in particular. He said that Luthori's share of exports to Hobrazia had fallen over the past 50 years by 17.9%, from 21% of Luthori trade going to Hobrazia, to just 3.1% of all exports from Luthori, the Empire having massively diversified its exports during the last years towards other nations. Negotiations did not focus on setting up a new trading relationship between the two nations, although Luthori had that in mind, according to a confidant at Blackhall Palace, negotiations focused on setting up loans from Luthorian banks to the Hobrazian economy to begin to revitalize it. A first loan, in the amount of £20,000,000,000, was negotiated between Hobrazia and the joint representatives of the three banks dominating the financial market at Luthori, National Credit (fr. Baklewood Bank), the Martwick-Alchester Banking Company (MABC) and Ward Financial Holdings, were able to negotiate, with the supervision of the federal government, this loan which will be supported at 50% by the government, via the interference of the Bank of Luthori, which could take over the debt if Hobrazia is unable to repay the loans granted to it by private banks. The Luthorian companies were solicited by Hobrazia for the implementation of the reconstruction programs of Hobrazia, Millford, Services International and Hexlon Construction were able to obtain the authorization of the government of Hobrazia to settle in order to set up the construction of the infrastructures of reconstruction, the loans from Luthori will also be used to finance the efforts of Luthorian construction companies, which in exchange, hire Hobrazians to revitalize the country's economy. Luthori and his companies will also seek to reinvigorate trade between Luthori and Hobrazia, so that the two countries can once again become powerful trading partners.

On a more political and military level. What has been decided between the two countries?

It was announced by the Imperial Security Service that gangs present in Luthori, are aided by the authorization to bear arms to Luthori to order heavy or light weapons to send them across the border to help the insurgents, several raids found around 64,250 weapons that were sent or were waiting to be sent to Hobrazia, to counter this trend the two countries agreed to set up cooperation between the Luthorian Border Security Agency (LBSA) and the Hobrazia external border security body, for the establishment of cooperation on the security of the 324 km long border between Luthori and Hobrazia, who should collaborate to avoid the shipment of weapons to the other side of the border from Luthori gangs to Hobrazian insurgents and securing the passage of goods and people between Luthori and Hobrazia, the Prime Minister spoke with the Director-General of the Imperial Security Service who assured him that "everything will be done, with the authorization of Hobrazia, to counter the threat of the insurgents and their suppliers to Luthori". In the same policy, Luthori announced that it had reached an agreement with Hobrazia to send certain advisers to advise their government agency, the Imperial Government released a statement to respond to the controversies of this announcement and the controversies surrounding this aid, this press release declared:

The Imperial Government of the Holy Luthorian Empire is committed to the continued peace and stability in our neighbours. The conflict in Hobrazia destroys innocent lifes of their citizens and threatens the continental stability and thus also the economic prosperity of this continent. Due to Luthorian gangs aiding the insurgents it is the duty of the Imperial government to step in and aid the Hobruzian government. We are deeply ashamed that a group of thug citizens of ours aid in destabilizing our friend and neighbour. The solution to political questions should always be done through democratic ways, not through violence and rebellion.

The conflict threatens the security of Southern Artania, Luthori feels obligated through its new foreign policy to aid in re-establishing the stability in said region and aid in its rebuilding.

This statement expresses well the desire of the imperial government to "restore order" in the south of the continent, which was considered unstable for years and decades, the first announcement on the dispatch of advisers is the dispatch of several advisers from the Imperial Electoral Integrity Agency (IEIA) who will be dispatched to see the state of the elections and the establishment of a democratic process in Hobrazia. Other advisors will be sent by Luthori's government to help specialize the ministries of Hobrazia, which are quite knowledgeable due to several years of total anarchy. Special envoys from the Home Secretary were sent to the Ministry of the Interior in Hobrazia to implement a restructuring of the police force, officers sent to Hobrazia to assist in the restructuring of the country's armed forces and so other representatives left for advising the various departments that make up the government of Hobrazia, Luthori and Hobrazia hope that this agreement will see the creation of a new diplomatic link between the two nations.

This article was written by Katherine Perring, writer at the Times, Artanian section. If you want to help the newspaper through a donation, please look in the official website of the Times: https/
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